HomeMy WebLinkAbout2019-03-12; City Council; ; Mid-Year Adjustment to the Fiscal Year 2019 Budget to Increase Operational Efficiency, Transparency and Public EngagementCA Review we.... (i CITY COUNC IL Staff Report Meeting Date: To: From: Staff Contact: Subject: Recommended Action March 12, 2019 Mayor and City Council Scott Chadwick, City Manager Kristina Ray, Communications Manager kristina.ray@carlsbadca.gov or 760-434-2957 Mid-Year Adjustment to the Fiscal Year 2019 Budget to Increase Operational Efficiency, Transparency and Public Engagement Adopt a Resolution approving changes to a classified job specification and adding resources to the fiscal year (FY) 2019 operating budget to meet increasing needs for City Council inquiry responses, community engagement, City Council admfnistrative support and public information. Executive Summary· Increasing demand and needed enhancements to City Council inquiries, community engagement, City Council administrative support and public information have been identified and require additional resources. • At the Jan. 15, 2019, City Council Meeting, the city manager presented data showing the number of City Council member inquiries has increased significantly since 2015. At that meeting the city manager committed to returning to the City Council with a resourcing strategy. • At its Jan. 29, 2019, meeting the City Council approved a new approach to goal setting that included more robust and ongoing community engagement. • Administrative support needs for City Council members currently exceed the capacity of the staff assigned to this role. • City Council Meeting staff reports and other information provided to the City Council and the public could benefit from enhanced quality control and writing support to make them more accessible to the public. The city manager proposes a resourcing strategy to meet these new needs. This strategy includes process improvements and efficiencies, two new on line applications, updating one job classification and adding four full time staff positions to the city workforce. March 12, 2019 Item #11 Page 1 of 17 Discussion The city manager is requesting approval of a Resolution to change a classified job specification and add resources to the fiscal year 2019 operating budget to meet increasing demand for City Council inquiry responses, community engagement, City Council administrative support and public information. The request is based on the following: Carlsbad Municipal Code 2.12.110 states, "any council member may, as an individual, request pertinent information on municipal affairs and citizen complaints from the city manager and from department heads through the city manager. These requests will be answered promptly." A City Council motion approved Jan. 29, 2019, directed staff to change the city's approach to City Council goal setting. With the new approach, goal setting will occur every two years and will be supported by an expanded community engagement program. Carlsbad Municipal Code section 2.44.020 gives the City Council authority to add and modify classified job specifications. Resolution No. 2018-093, adopted June 12, 2018, states "The City Council must authorize any increase in the number of authorized permanent personnel positions above the level identified in Exhibit 3-C." The Resolution further states, "Budgets may not legally be exceeded at the fund level without appropriate authorization by the City Council." The action before you today is consistent with authority granted by previous City Council actions and the Carlsbad Municipal Code. It will improve responsiveness to the public, increase transparency and enhance civic engagement. Background City employees are committed to providing exceptional service, including responding promptly and thoroughly to City Council questions, creating meaningful opportunities for community members to participate in city decision making, providing needed administrative support, and producing accurate and accessible reports and other communication. After careful evaluation of various service delivery options and optimizing existing resources, the city manager recommends purchasing two new online applications, updating a classified job specification and adding four full time positions to achieve the following outcomes: • Manage and respond promptly to the increasing number of City Council inquiries as required by Carlsbad Municipal Code 2.12.110. • Implement a more robust, year-round community engagement program. • Provide additional administrative support for City Council members,to meet growing demand. • Improve the accessibility of staff reports to the City Council and public as well as enhance quality control. 2 March 12, 2019 Item #11 Page 2 of 17 • Establish a Council inquiry standard turnaround time to ensure prompt replies, provide capacity to meet the standard and regularly evaluate demand data to ensure resources to meet the standard are consistently provided. Community Engagement In recent years, city staff have sought public input on a program, initiative or project by project basis. Decisions about how and when to engage the public in city decisions has not been consistent with a citywide community engagement approach. The city manager recently issued Administrative Order No. 80 to centralize communication functions and community engagement planning with community outreach and engagement staff, who have training and expertise in these areas. Staff in this department have established best practices and policies for effective community engagement and have begun to work with department staff to improve the quality of the city's engagement efforts. Additionally, one of the five areas of focus for the new chief innovation officer is civic engagement which aims to establish ongoing authentic relationships with residents, non-profits and businesses to improve decision-making and create better outcomes for the public. On Jan. 29, 2019, the City Council received a report recommending a change to the City Council goal setting process, including implementing an ongoing community engagement program that would help inform not just City Council goal setting but other city decisions. This ongoing program would complement, not replace, the need for meaningful engagement on individual city projects and initiatives. The City Council approved a motion to proceed with a new approach to City Council goal setting which included a shift to a new community engagement effort to solicit robust public input. The city manager is making three recommendations to support the increasing need for community engagement. 1. Update the library media and graphics supervisor classification to remove department- specific references, making this job classification available for citywide functions. 2. Add this position to the community outreach and engagement team within the City Manager's Office, to create additional capacity to support an enhanced, year-round community engagement program. o Per the Personnel Rules, the city has met and conferred with the Carlsbad City Employees' Association concerning the updated job classification. o The CCEA Salary Schedule will be revised accordingly (Exhibit 3). 3. Add $7,000 to the FY 2019 budget to fund a new community engagement on line application. Ongoing maintenance costs for future years will be requested during the annual budget process. Benefits and Outcomes • Provide for a more coordinated and consistent approach to community engagement. 4 March 12, 2019 Item #11 Page 4 of 17 • Improve the quality of the city's community engagement efforts by centralizing the responsibility for engagement strategy with the community outreach and engagement team, which includes staff with experience and certifications from the International Association of Public Participation. • Improve accessibility to on line community engagement for those unable to attend public meetings by using digital tools. • Improve transparency in the community engagement process by allowing community members to see and respond to each other's input online. City Council Member Administrative Support The City Council receives dedicated support from the secretary to the City Council. The job specification was established in 1999 though the practice of providing dedicated . administrative support to the City Council had long been established prior to the creation of the position. Responsibilities include preparing materials like memos, correspondence, resolutions, proclamations, certificates of appreciation and responses to questionnaires. Additional duties include assisting members of the public with inquiries, performing research, gathering information, and preparing presentation materials. Acting as the first point of contact for the City Council, coordinating meetings, maintaining daily' calendars, arranging special events and coordinating recognition programs constitutes regular work of the position. Over the past 20 years the city has grown by approximately 35,000 residents and as the population has increased so have the number of City Council requests and complexity of public engagement. In the continuing evolution of promoting more open government, practices like open office hours place a demand on administrative resources. The current staffing level is inadequate to meet the demand which has resulted in a narrower focus on a few core services that are the highest priority. This approach does not achieve the goals of the position nor the needs of the public. The city manager recommends adding a senior office specialist position, reporting to the secretary to the City Council. This position will help with administrative tasks for City Council, including but not limited to scheduling meetings with constituents, coordinating constituent visits during open office hours, and managing requests made in person, by phone and by email. Benefits and Outcomes • Improve customer service to the public for requests of City Council members. • Improve management of City Council open office hours. • Increase availability of the secretary to the City Council to fulfill the responsibilities of the position. Improved Quality and Accessibility of Reports and other Written Materials The city manager has recognized two needs related to City Council staff reports and other written materials provided to the City Council and the public. The first is the need to take highly technical information and present it in a way that is accessible to people who are not experts in 5 March 12, 2019 Item #11 Page 5 of 17 municipal government financing, infrastructure management and other technical topics. A second need is to improve overall quality control and standardize reports for improved consistency of communication. The city manager is recommending adding a communications coordinator, reporting to community outreach ahd engagement department, to support these needs. This full-time professional writer will assist is preparing staff reports, responses to City Council inquiries and other written information to improve accessibility to the public. Benefits and Outcomes • Enhance the accessibility of city information and reports by presenting them in a clear, concise and consistent format. • Improve the accuracy of city information and reports by establishing a more thorough quality control process. • Reduce the need for other staff to spend time writing and editing. Fiscal Analysis The following chart shows the projected immediate and ongoing costs to meet the new needs that have been identified. New Expenditures FY 2019 One-Ongoing Annual Time Cost* Cost** Deputy City Clerk {CCEA) salary and benefits $8,659 $103,911 Senior Office Specialist {CCEA) salary and benefits $6,327 $78,918 Media and Graphics Supervisor (CCEA) salary and benefits $8,659 $103,911 Communication Coordinator (MGT) salary and benefits $8,272 $99,266 Computers and software, phones $8,630 $2,250 Professional training and development $0 $4,000 Publicinput.com on line community engagement app $6,667 $20,000 GovQA online constituent correspondence app $26,000 $10,000 TOTAL $73,214.00 $422,256.00 * March-June 2019 **Tobe requested through the FY2020 budget process This action would authorize the administrative services director to appropriate $73,214 from the unassigned General Fund balance to fund FY 2019 expenses related to the increased need for City Council administrative support and community engagement. Next Steps If approved, city staff would take the following next steps: • Begin recruitment for the new staff positions with the goal of having them in place by June 2019. 6 March 12, 2019 Item #11 Page 6 of 17 • Expand the use of the new community engagement on line platform, which was launched in January 2019 as a pilot program. • Purchase, configure, test and train staff on the use of the new Online constituent correspondence platform so it is available by fall 2019. Full implementation of this resourcing strategy is expected to be completed by September of 2019 with all positions filled and digital tools procured. Environmental Evaluation (CEQA) Pursuant to Public Resources Code section 21065, this action does not constitute a "project" within the meaning of CEQA in that it has no potential to cause either a direct physical change in the environment, or a reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment, and therefore, does not require environmental review. Public Notification The item was noticed in accordance with the Ralph M. Brown Act and was available for public viewing at least 72 hours prior to the scheduled meeting date. Exhibits 1. City Council Resolution 2. Revised media and graphics supervisor job specification, strike-out version 3. Revised CCEA Salary Schedule, strike-out version 7 March 12, 2019 Item #11 Page 7 of 17 RESOLUTION NO. 2019-030 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING CHANGES TO A CLASSIFIED JOB SPECIFICATION AND ADDING RESOURCES TO THE FISCAL YEAR 2019 OPERATING BUDGET TO MEET INCREASING NEEDS FOR CITY COUNCIL INQUIRY RESPONSES, COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT, CITY COUNCIL ADMINISTRATIVE SUPPORT AND PUBLIC INFORMATION Exhibit 1 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California has determined that the City Manager presented data showing the number of City Council member inquiries has increased significantly since 2015; and WHEREAS, at its Jan. 29, 2019 meeting, the City Council approved a new approach to goal setting based on a model of ongoing community engagement; and WHEREAS, Administrative support needs for City Council members currently exceed the capacity of the staff assigned to this role; and WHEREAS, City Council meeting staff reports and other information provided to the City Council and the public are in need of improved quality control and writing that is more accessible to those without in depth technical knowledge and expertise; and WHEREAS, the City Manager has developed a resourcing strategy to meet the above referenced needs by the addition of the following positions: deputy city clerk, senior office specialist, media and graphics supervisor and communications coordinator. WHEREAS, for fiscal year 2019 the total cost for the additional positions will be $67,214. WHEREAS, funding to cover the additional fiscal year 2019 expenses of $67,214 related to the increased needs for City Council administrative support and community engagement will be appropriated from the unassigned General Fund balance. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That an additional deputy city clerk position is authorized for the City Clerk's office to align similar work within the same work area. 3. That a senior office specialist position is authorized for the City Manager's Office to assist the secretary to the City Council with clerical needs. March 12, 2019 Item #11 Page 8 of 17 4. That the library media and graphics supervisor classification is updated to remove department-specific references, making the job classification available for citywide functions. 5. That a media and graphics supervisor position is added to the Community Outreach & Engagement team within the City Manager's office, to create additional capacity to support an enhanced, year-round community engagement program. 6. That the job classification of media and graphics supervisor, attached hereto as Attachment A, is approved. 7. That the Carlsbad City Employees' Association Salary Schedule, attached hereto as Attachment B, is amended to reflect the job classification media and graphics supervisor. 8. That a communications coordinator position is authorized to be added to the Community Outreach & Engagement team to enhance the accessibility of city information and reports by presenting them in a clear, concise and consistent format. 9. That the administrative services director is authorized to appropriate $67,214 for the unassigned General Fund balance to cover fiscal year 2019 expenses related to the increased needs for City Council administrative support and community engagement. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad on the 12th day of March 2019, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Blackburn, Bhat-Patel, Schumacher, Hamilton. Hall. None. March 12, 2019 Item #11 Page 9 of 17 JOB TITLE: DEPARTMENT: BASIC FUNCTION: CITY OF CARLSBAD CLASS SPECIFICATION MEDIA AND GRAPHICS SUPERVISOR COMMUNITY OUTREACH & ENGAGEMENT ATTACHMENT A Under general direction, assist with communication program coordination for the City of Carlsbad. DISTINGUISHING CHARACTERISTICS: Performs paraprofessional level administrative, supervisory and public relations related duties. This position reports to the Community Relations Manager. KEY RESPONSIBILITIES: Assist with planning, promoting and overseeing programs and special events. Supervise and evaluate regular and hourly staff. · Coordinate staff schedules. Prepare contracts and professional services agreement documents. Assist with payment of vendors and budget monitoring. Assist with public outreach for city programs and services. Represent the city in events and meetings with the public, citizen groups and other agencies. Maintain archives of print materials, digital photos and media coverage. Maintain in-house displays of events, posters, fliers and other media materials. Maintain internet, intranet, and social media content. Assist with internal communication such as newsletters and event calendars. Perform a variety of administrative tasks in support of the Community Outreach & Engagement Department QUALIFICATIONS: To perform a job in this classification, an individual must be able to perform the essential duties as generally described in the specification. Reasonable accommodations may be made to enable individuals with disabilities to perform the essential duties in a specific job. The requirements listed below are representative of the knowledge, skill and/or ability required. March 12, 2019 Item #11 Page 10 of 17 ATTACHMENT A Knowledge of: • Principles and practices of outreach, public relations and marketing. • Philosophy, principles and practices of public meetings and special events. • Supervisory principles and practices, including training and evaluation of employees. • Principles and practices of organization, administration and budgeting. • Website content management systems. Ability to: • Plan, create and implement communication programs, events and activities. • Supervise, train and evaluate staff. • Communicate clearly and effectively, both orally and in writing. • Establish and maintain effective working relationships with a variety of customers, staff, volunteers and community groups contacted during the course of work. • Carry out multiple responsibilities and meet deadlines. • Work well with others in a team and in an independent environment. EXPERIENCE AND EDUCATION: Any combination equivalent to the experience and education that could likely provide the required knowledge and abilities is qualifying. A typical way to obtain the knowledge and abilities would be: Equivalent to the completion of the twelfth grade, supplemented by college level coursework in public relations or a related field Two years of related professional experience involving the administration and supervision of programming and communications related functions. PHYSICAL/MENTAL DEMANDS AND ENVIRONMENTAL SETTING: While performing the duties of this class, an employee is regularly required to communicate in person and by telephone, and utilize office equipment. An employee is also required to assimilate written materials relevant to the position. In addition, while performing the duties, employees of this class are regularly required to engage communication skills; interpret financial and statistical data, information and documents; analyze and solve problems; use math and apply mathematical reasoning and abstract statistical concepts; observe and interpret people and situations; work independently after open hours; learn and apply new information or skills; perform highly detailed work on multiple, concurrent tasks; work under intensive deadlines; and intera.ct with staff, elected officials and others encountered in the course of work. Ability to work in a standard office environment with exposure to the outdoors; ability to travel to different sites and locations; attend evening and weekend events and meetings; work under pressure and potentially stressful situations. DATE APPROVED: March 12, 2019 March 12, 2019 Item #11 Page 11 of 17 Attachment B SALARY SCHEDULE -CARLSBAD CITY EMPLOYEES' ASSOCIATION March 27, 2018 CLASSIFICATION RANGE ACCOUNT CLERK I 1 7 ACCOUNT CLERK II 2 8 ACCOUNTANT 68 ACCOUNTING SUPERVISOR 55 ACCOUNTING TECHNICIAN 45 ADMINISTRATIVE SECRETARY 42 APPLICATIONS ANALYST 94 APPLICATIONS ASSOCIATE ANALYST 75 AQUATICS SPECIALIST 50 ASSISTANT ENGINEER 82 ASSISTANT PLANNER 64 ASSISTANT TO THE TREASURER 74 ASSOCIATE CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR 52 ASSOCIATE ENGINEER 98 ASSOCIATE PLANNER 7 8 BUILDING INSPECTOR I 55 BUILDING INSPECTOR II 70 BUILDING MAINTENANCE WORKER I 29 BUILDING MAINTENANCE WORKER II 41 BUILDING TECHNICIAN II 50 BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE ANALYST 94 BUSINESS SYSTEMS ASSOCIATE 70 BUSINESS SYSTEMS SPECIALIST 84 BUSINESS SYS'rEMS SPECIALIST Y-RATED*84Y BUYER/CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR 63 CLIENT SYSTEMS ADMINISTRATOR 88 CLIENT SYSTEMS ASSOC. ADMINISTRATOR 52 CIRCULATION SUPERVISOR 37 CODE Enforcement Officer I 43 CODE Enforcement Officer II 58 COMMUNITY OUTREACH SUPERVISOR 58 CRIME PREVENTION SPECIALIST 44 CROSS CONNECTION CONTROL TECHNICIAN 67 CUSTODIAN 6 CUSTODIAN II 16 DEPUTY CITY CLERK 58 ELECTRICIAN 62 ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN I 45 ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN II 60 ENVIRONMENTAL SPECIALIST I 53 ENVIRONMENTAL SPECIALIST II EQUIPMENT SERVICE WORKER EQUIPMENT TECHNICIAN I EQUIPMENT TECHNICIAN II FIRE PERMIT TECHNICIAN I FIRE PERMIT TECHNICIAN II GIS ADMINISTRATOR GIS ANALYST GIS ASSOCIATE ANALYST GIS TECHNICIAN GRAPHIC ARTIST HOUSING ASSISTANT HOUSING SPECIALIST I HOUSING SPECIALIST II HUMAN RESOURCES TECHNICIAN 70 21 43 51 35 52 109 84 70 60 49 22 48 63 42 CLASSIFICATION RANGE INSPECTOR I 57 INSPECTOR II 70 JUNIOR ENGINEER 68 JUNIOR PLANNER 50 JUVENILE JUSTICE PROGRAM COORD. 58 LEAD EQUIPMENT TECHNICIAN 61 LEAD LIBRARIAN 63 LEGAL ASSISTANT 56 LEGAL TECHNICIAN 80 LEGAL SECRETARY 49 LIBRARIAN 55 LIBRARIAN Y-RATED* 55Y LIBRARY ASSISTANT I 26 LIBRARY ASSISTANT II 37 LIBRARY CLERK I 3 LIBRARY CLERK II 6 MEDIA&GRAPHICS SUPERVISOR 58 MAINTENANCE AIDE 13 MAINTENANCE WORKER I 17 MAIL CLERK/MESSENGER 1 METER SERVICES WORKER I 11 METER SERVICES WORKER II 33 METER SERVICES WORKER III 46 NETWORK ASSOCIATE 71 NETWORK ENGINEER 88 OFFICE SPECIALIST I 5 OFFICE SPECIALIST II 12 OPERATIONS/MAINTENANCE STOREKEEPER 47 PARK MAINTENANCE SPECIALIST 41 PARK MAINTENANCE WORKER II 28 PARK MAINTENANCE WORKER III 46 PARK PLANNER 85 PLANNING TECHNICIAN I 37 PLANNING TECHNICIAN II 50 POLICE RECORDS SPECIALIST I 17 POLICE RECORDS SPECIALIST II 22 PRODUCTION TECHNICIAN 43 RECORDS SUPERVISOR 65 RECREATION ASSISTANT 10 RECREATION SPECIALIST 30 RECREATION SUPERVISOR 54 RISK TECHNICIAN 53 SANITATION SYSTEMS OPERATOR I 56 SANITATION SYSTEMS OPERATOR II 65 SANITATION SYSTEMS OPERATOR III 80 SCADA TECHNICIAN 92 SECRETARY 34 SENIOR APPLICATIONS ANALYST 109 SENIOR BUILDING INSPECTOR 85 SENIOR BUILDING MAINTENANCE WORKER 53 SENIOR BUSINESS SYSTEMS SPECIALIST 99 SENIOR CIRCULATION SUPERVISOR 50 SENIOR CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER 78 SENIOR CONSTRUCTION INSPECTOR 85 SENIOR CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR 80 *Employees in the Librarian Classification as of 6/18/13 who were hired prior to 1/1/10 have salaries that are y- rated in the salaiy range 55Y. *Employee in the Business Systems Specialist Classification transferred as a result of 9/1/2014 CCEA side letter March 12, 2019 Item #11 Page 12 of 17 CLASSIFICATION RANGE SENIOR CROSS CONN. CONTROL TECH. 77 SENIOR DATABASE ADMINISTRATOR 114 SENIOR HUMAN RESOURCES TECHNICIAN 52 SENIOR ELECTRICIAN 72 SENIOR ENVIRONMENTAL SPECIALIST 85 SENIOR LIBRARIAN 73 SENIOR NETWORK ENGINEER 114 SENIOR OFFICE SPECIALIST 23 SENIOR PLANNER 95 SENIOR STORM DRAIN MAINT . WORKER 58 SENIOR WEB ENGINEER 114 STOREKEEPER 22 STORM DRAIN MAINTENANCE WORKER 44 STREET MAINTENANCE WORKER II 33 STREET MAINTENANCE WORKER III 46 TECHNICIAN I 35 TRAFFIC SYSTEMS OPS SPECIALIST 80 TRAINING COORDINATOR 49 TREE TRIMMER I 25 TREE TRIMMER II 36 TREE TRIMMER LEADWORKER 51 UTILITY MAINTENANCE WORKER III 54 UTILITY WORKER I 40 UTILITY WORKER II 52 UTILITY WORKER III 63 VALVE MAINTENANCE WORKER 54 WASTE WATER UTILITY WORKER I 41 WASTE WATER UTILITY WORKER II 52 WASTE WATER UTILITY WORKER III 67 WAREHOUSE TECHNICIAN 43 WATER CONSERVATION SPECIALIST 41 WATER CONSERVATION SPECIALIST-CMWD 42 WATER SYSTEMS OPERATOR I WATER SYSTEMS OPERATOR II WATER SYSTEMS OPERATOR III 67 77 87 Attachment B March 12, 2019 Item #11 Page 13 of 17 Exhibit 2 CITY OF CARLSBAD CLASS SPECIFICATION JOB TITLE: LIBRARY MEDIA AND GRAPHICS SUPERVISOR DEPARTMENT: LIBRARY AND CULTURAL ARTSCOMMUNITY OUTREACH & ENGAGEMENT BASIC FUNCTION: Under general direction, assist with communication program coordination for the City of Carlsbad, media relations, and day to day operations of the Carlsbad City Library Community Relations Division. DISTINGUISHING CHARACTERISTICS: Performs paraprofessional level administrative, supervisory and public relations related duties. This positions reports to the Carlsbad City Library Community Relations Manager .. KEY RESPONSIBILITIES: Assist with planning, promoting and overseeing programs and special events. Supervise and evaluate regular and hourly staff. Coordinate staff schedules. Prepare contracts and professional services agreement documents. As,sist with payment of vendors and budget monitoring. Assist with media relationspublic outreach for Library city programs and services. Represent the library city in events and meetings with the public, citizen groups and other agencies. Maintain archives of print materials, digital photos and media coverage. Maintain in-house displays of events, posters, fliers_, bookmarks, and other media materials. Maintain internet, intranet, and social media content. Assistwith internal communication such as newsletters and event calendars. Perform a variety of administrative tasks in support of the Community Relations DivisionCommunity Outreach & Engagement Department ~QUALIFICATIONS: To perform a job in this classification, an individual must be able to perform the essential duties as generally described in the specification. Reasonable accommodations may be made to enable individuals with disabilities to perform the essential duties in a specific job. The requirements listed below are representative of the knowledge, skill and/or ability required. Knowledge of: • • Principles and practices of outreach, public relations and marketing. • • • Philosophy, principles and practices of public meetings and adult programming and special events. • • Supervisory principles and practices, including training and evaluation of employees. • • Principles and practices of organization, administration and budgeting. March 12, 2019 Item #11 Page 14 of 17 --• Principles of program and special event administration. • • Website content management systems. Ability to: • • Plan, create and implement library communication programs, events and activities. • • Supervise, train and evaluate staff. • • Communicate clearly and effectively, both orally and in writing. • • Establish and maintain effective working relationships with a variety of customers, staff, volunteers and community groups contacted during the course of work. • • Carry ouf multiple responsibilities and meet deadlines. • • Work well with others in a team and in an ·independent environment. EXPERIENCE AND EDUCATION: Any combination equivalent to the experience and education that could likely provide the required knowledge and abilities is qualifying. A typical way to obtain the knowledge and abilities would be: Equivalent to the completion of the twelfth grade, supplemented by college level coursework in public relations or a related field Two years of related professional experience involving the administration and supervision of programming and communications related functions. PHYSICAUMENTAL DEMANDS AND ENVIRONMENTAL SETTING: While performing the duties of this class, an employee is regularly required to communicate in person and by telephone, and utilize office equipment. An employee is also required to assimilate written materials relevant to the position. In addition, while performing the duties, employees of this class are regularly required to engage communication skills; interpret financial and statistical data, information and documents; analyze and solve problems; use math and apply mathematical reasoning and abstract statistical concepts; observe and interpret people and situations; work independently after open hours; learn and apply new information or skills; perform highly detailed work on multiple, concurrent tasks; work under intensive deadlines; and interact with staff, elected officials and others encountered in the course of work. Ability to work in a standard office environment with exposure to the outdoors; ability to travel to different sites and locations; attend evening and weekend events and meetings; work under pressure and potentially stressful situations. · DATE APPROVED: June 22, 201 0March 12, 2019 March 12, 2019 Item #11 Page 15 of 17 Exhibit 3 SALARY SCHEDULE -CARLSBAD CITY EMPLOYEES' ASSOCIATION March 27, 2018 CLASSIFICATION RANGE ACCOUNT CLERK I l 7 ACCOUNT CLERK II 2 8 ACCOUNTANT 68 ACCOUNTING SUPERVISOR 55 ACCOUNTING TECHNICIAN 45 ADMINISTRATIVE SECRETARY 42 APPLICATIONS ANALYST 94 APPLICATIONS ASSOCIATE ANALYST 75 AQUATICS SPECIALIST 50 ASSISTANT ENGINEER 82 ASSISTANT PLANNER 64 ASSISTANT TO THE TREASURER 74 ASSOCIATE CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR 52 ASSOCIATE ENGINEER 98 ASSOCIATE PLANNER 7 8 BUILDING INSPECTOR I 55 BUILDING_ INSPECTOR II BUILDING MAINTENANCE WORKER I BUILDING MAINTENANCE WORKER II BUILDING TECHNICIAN II BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE ANALYST BUSINESS SYSTEMS ASSOCIATE BUSINESS SYSTEMS SPECIALIST 70 29 41 50 94 70 84 BUSINESS SYSTEMS SPECIALIST Y-RATED*84Y BUYER/CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR 63 CLIENT SYSTEMS ADMINISTRATOR 88 CLIENT SYSTEMS ASSOC. ADMINISTRATOR 52 CIRCULATION SUPERVISOR CODE Enforcement Officer I CODE Enforcement Officer II COMMUNITY OUTREACH SUPERVISOR CRIME PREVENTION SPECIALIST 37 43 58 58 44 CROSS CONNECTION CONTROL TECHNICIAN 67 CUSTODIAN 6 CUSTODIAN II 16 DEPUTY CITY CLERK 58 ELECTRICIAN 62 ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN I 45 ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN II 60 ENVIRONMENTAL SPECIALIST I 53 ENVIRONMENTAL SPECIALIST II 70 EQUIPMENT SERVICE WORKER 21 EQUIPMENT TECHNICIAN I 43 EQUIPMENT TECHNICIAN II 51 FIRE PERMIT TECHNICIAN I 35 FIRE PERMIT TECHNICIAN II 52 GIS ADMINISTRATOR 109 GIS ANALYST 84 GIS ASSOCIATE ANALYST 70 GIS TECHNICIAN 60 GRAPHIC ARTIST 49 HOUSING ASSISTANT 22 HOUSING SPECIALIST I 48 HOUSING SPECIALIST II 63 HUMAN RESOURCES TECHNICIAN 42 CLASSIFICATION RANGE INSPECTOR I 57 INSPECTOR II 70 JUNIOR ENGINEER 68 JUNIOR PLANNER 50 JUVENILE JUSTICE PROGRAM COORD. 58 LEAD EQUIPMENT TECHNICIAN 61 LEAD LIBRARIAN 63 LEGAL ASSISTANT 56 LEGAL TECHNICIAN 80 LEGAL SECRETARY 49 LIBRARIAN 55 LIBRARIAN Y-RATED* 55Y LIBRARY ASSISTANT I 26 LIBRARY ASSISTANT II 37 LIBRARY CLERK I 3 LIBRARY CLERK II 6 LIBRARY MEDIA&GRAPHICS SUPERVISOR 58 MAINTENANCE AIDE 13 MAINTENANCE WORKER I 17 MAIL CLERK/MESSENGER 1 METER SERVICES WORKER I 11 METER SERVICES WORKER II 33 METER SERVICES WORKER III 46 NETWORK ASSOCIATE 71 NETWORK ENGINEER 88 OFFICE SPECIALIST I 5 OFFICE SPECIALIST II 12 OPERATIONS/MAINTENANCE STOREKEEPER 47 PARK MAINTENANCE SPECIALIST 41 PARK MAINTENANCE WORKER II 28 PARK MAINTENANCE WORKER III 46 PARK PLANNER 85 PLANNING TECHNICIAN I 37 PLANNING TECHNICIAN II 50 POLICE RECORDS SPECIALIST I 17 POLICE RECORDS SPECIALIST II 22 PRODUCTION TECHNICIAN 43 RECORDS SUPERVISOR 65 RECREATION ASSISTANT 10 RECREATION SPECIALIST 30 RECREATION SUPERVISOR 54 RISK TECHNICIAN 53 SANITATION SYSTEMS OPERATOR I 56 SANITATION SYSTEMS OPERATOR II 65 SANITATION SYSTEMS OPERATOR III 80 SCADA TECHNICIAN . 92 SECRETARY 34 SENIOR APPLICATIONS ANALYST 109 SENIOR BUILDING INSPECTOR 85 SENIOR BUILDING MAINTENANCE WORKER 53 SENIOR BUSINESS SYSTEMS SPECIALIST 99 SENIOR CIRCULATION SUPERVISOR 50 SENIOR CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER 78 SENIOR CONSTRUCTION INSPECTOR 85 SENIOR CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR 80 *Employees in the Librarian Classification as of 6/18/13 who were hired prior to 1/1/10 have salaries that are y- rated in the salary range 55Y. *Employee in the Business Systems Specialist Classification transferred as a result of9/1/2014 CCEA sideletter March 12, 2019 Item #11 Page 16 of 17 CLASSIFICATION RANGE SENIOR CROSS CONN. CONTROL TECH . 77 SENIOR DATABASE ADMINISTRATOR 114 SENIOR HUMAN RESOURCES TECHNICIAN 52 SENIOR ELECTRICIAN 72 SENIOR ENVIRONMENTAL SPECIALIST 85 SENIOR LIBRARIAN 73 SENIOR NETWORK ENGINEER 114 SENIOR OFFICE SPECIALIST 23 SENIOR PLANNER 95 SENIOR STORM DRAIN MAINT. WORKER 58 SENIOR WEB ENGINEER 114 STOREKEEPER 22 STORM DRAIN MAINTENANCE WORKER 44 STREET MAINTENANCE WORKER II 33 STREET MAINTENANCE WORKER III 46 TECHNICIAN I 35 TRAFFIC SYSTEMS OPS SPECIALIST 80 TRAINING COORDINATOR 49 TREE TRIMMER I 25 TREE TRIMMER II 36 TREE TRIMMER LEADWORKER 51 UTILITY MAINTENANCE WORKER III 54 UTILITY WORKER I 40 UTILITY WORKER II 52 UTILITY WORKER III 63 VALVE MAINTENANCE WORKER 54 WASTE WATER UTILITY WORKER I 41 WASTE WATER UTILITY WORKER II 52 WASTE WATER UTILITY WORKER III 67 WAREHOUSE TECHNICIAN 43 WATER CONSERVATION SPECIALIST 41 WATER CONSERVATION SPECIALIST-CMWD 42 WATER SYSTEMS OPERATOR I WATER SYSTEMS OPERATOR II WATER SYSTEMS OPERATOR III 67 77 87 Exhibit 3 March 12, 2019 Item #11 Page 17 of 17 Memorandum March 11, 2019 To: From: Via Re: Mayor and City Council Members Kristina Ray, Communications Manager Scott Chadwick, City Manager Additional Material/Information Regarding Staff Report Item #11 C cicyof Carlsbad Mid-Year Adjustment to the Fiscal Year 2019 Budget to Increase Operational Efficiency, Transparency and Public Engagement On page four of staff report item #11, Mid-Year Adjustment to the Fiscal Year 2019 Budget to Increase Operational Efficiency, Transparency and Public Engagement, the number of the administrative order referenced on page four was incorrectly list ed as 80. Administrative Order No. 82 centralizes city communication functions and co mmunity engagement planning. C: City Attorney City Clerk Services Manager To the members of the: . . trr.y~oUtKIL ✓ .. , A~ ..:/-_CA ✓ CC ✓ ·lJ~te~cM -'{coo _ March 12, 2019 Council Memorandum To: From: Via: Honorable Mayor Hall and Members of the City Council Gary T. Barberio, Assistant Oty Manager~ Scott Chadwick, City Manager {city of Carlsbad Re: Responses to Questions from March 11 City Council Briefings Agenda Item No. 5 -Authorize Bids for Lake Liner Replacement Project at The Crossings Municipal Golf Course Question 1: When was the lake liner issue first notfced? Answer: JC Resorts noticed increased water utility costs in June 201-8. After investigating potential causes for the higher utility bills, JC Resorts noticed the lake liner was floating in several sections. To fix the floating liner, JC Resorts lowered the lake level in August and subsequently noticed the tears. JC Resorts staff then advised city staff of its findings, and scheduled a joint meeting at the site on Sept. 12, 2018, to review t he matter and develop an action plan. To understand how the tears could be affecting the utility bills, JC Resorts analyzed the recycled water bills from July to December 2017 to establish a baseline. This base line was then compared to the sanie time period in 2018. Based on this analysis, the estimated cost of water loss resulting from the tears was approximately $45,000. Question 2: What were the conditions from the Coastal Commission for the CDP? Answer: Attached is the email received from the Coastal Comm ission staff in response to city staffs request for authorization to proceed with The Crossings Municipal Golf Course Lake Liner Refurbishment Project. The comments are essentially a reminder of the existing golf course CDP conditions for such work, and a request for advisement of when the work begins, and when the work is completed. Question 3: What are the long-term obligations for infrastructure and other CIP at The Crossings, and what is the city responsible for vs. JC Resorts? Answer: JC Resorts and staff have been having ongoing discussions regarding the aging infrastructure at The Crossings Golf Course. Both parties agreed that a condition assessment would be valuable for the long range financial planning of the golf course. JC Resorts offered to use their industry expertise and compile a list of ca pital projects we could anticipate over the next 10 years. This information will be presented to staff during the budget process for Fiscal Year 2019-20. Per the management agreement, JC Resorts is responsible for. preparing a Capital Plan annually. All capital projects are managed base d on the legal requirements governing the proj~ct. For example, the lake liner project is being led by the city given the type of project. City Manager's Office City Hall 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive I Carlsbad, CA 92008 I 760-434-2820 t 1 Honorable Mayor Hall and Members of the City Councit March 12, 2019 Page 2 However, the financial obl_igations for all capital projects are funded from available golf course funds. This may include funds generated through operations or from fund balance. Should operations or existing fund balance be insufficient to fund the capital projects, the city's General Fund might need to assist in funding the capital projects. Agenda Item No. 11-Mid-Year Adjustment to the FY 2019 Budget to Increase Operational Efficiency, Transparency and Public Engagement Question i: What are the job specifications related to this item that are not changing? Answer: Job specifications related to this item that are not changing are the Secretary to the City Council, Sr. Office Specialist, and Com(llunications Coordinator (see attached). These, and all other approved job specifications, are posted on the city's website. ' Attachments: email from Californi~ Coastal Co1n1iiissiu11 dated Feb. 1, 2:019 Class Specification -Secretary to the City Council Class Specification -Senior Office Specialist Class Specification -Communications Coordinator cc: Celia Brewer, City Attorney Elaine Lu key, Chief Operations Officer JOB TITLE: DEPARTMENT: BASIC FUNCTION: CITY OF CARLSBAD CLASS SPECIFICATION SECRETARY TO THE CITY COUNCIL CITY COUNCIL Under functional direction, to perform responsible and confidential secretarial and staff assistance duties for the Mayor, City Council members and City Manager's office; and to do related work as assigned. KEY RESPONSIBILITIES: Prepare a variety of materials for the City Council, including composing memos and correspondence, responses to questionnaires, resolutions, proclamations, certificates of appreciation and other documents. Assist members of the public with inquiries regarding the city and other public agencies, both in person and on the telephone, utilizing considerable independent judgment disseminating information. Perform research and gather information for City Council members in order to prepare responses to constituent inquiries. Create presentation materials in graphics and written formats. Coordinate meetings and maintain daily calendar of events for the Mayor and members of the City Council. Act as the first point of contact for the Mayor and City Council, interfacing with all levels of the elected officials, city departments and regional agencies. Coordinate award and recognition programs for city Boards and Commission groups, citizen volunteers and community organizations. Arrange a variety of special events, including dedications, annual meetings and training events. Prepare annual budget, including analyzing and collecting necessary data and monitoring on- going accounts for the City Council office. Make travel and meeting arrangements for the Mayor and City Council. Maintain a filing and recall system for the City Council and staff. Supervise, train and evaluate staff as assigned. Perform other related duties as assigned. Secretary to the City Council Page 1 of 3 QUALIFICATIONS: To perform a job in this classification, an individual must be able to perform the essential duties as generally described in the specification. Reasonable accommodations may be made to enable individuals with disabilities to perform the essential duties in a specific job. The requirements listed below are representative of the knowledge, skill and/or ability required. Knowledge of: • Functions and organization of municipal government, including the roles and responsibilities in the organization. • City of Carlsbad internal organization, services, staff and activities. • Modern office practices and procedures including business correspondence, filing and standard office equipment operation. • Correct English usage, spelling and punctuation. • Software applications, e.g., word processing1 spreadsheet, presentation graphics or database programs on microcomputer systems as required. Skill to: • Type accurately at a net corrected speed of 60 words per minute. Ability to: • Perform difficult and responsible secretarial and staff work. • Exercise good judgment and make sound decisions in accordance with established procedures and policies. • Establish and maintain cooperative relationships with those contacted in the course of work. • Plan, organize and coordinate special events and programs. • Take notes at meetings and conferences or otherwise provide for the recording of proceedings and prepare clear and concise reports. • Prepare reports and compose correspondence independently. • Communicate clearly and concisely, orally and in writing. • Transcribe from notes or tape recordings. • Maintain confidentiality of sensitive materials as necessary. • Supervise, train and evaluate staff as assigned. EDUCATION AND EXPERIENCE: Any combination equivalent to the education and experience that could likely provide the required knowledge and abilities is qualifying. A typical background would include: Equivalent to completion of the twelfth grade, including or supplemented by specialized secretarial or business training, and five years of increasingly responsible clerical and executive level secretarial experience, involving frequent contact with the public. Secretary to the City Council Page 2 of 3 PHYSICAUMENTAL DEMANDS AND ENVIRONMENTAL SETTING: While performing the duties of this class, an employee is regularly required to sit; talk or hear, in person and by telephone; use hands to finger, handle, feel or operate standard office equipment; and reach with hands and arms. An employee is frequently required to walk and stand. Specific vision abilities required by this job include close vision and the ability to adjust focus to read and operate office equipment as necessary during the course of the work assignments. While performing the duties, employees of this class are regularly required to use written and oral communication skills; read and interpret financial and statistical data, information and documents; analyze and solve problems; use math and apply mathematical reasoning and abstract statistical concepts; observe and interpret people and situations; learn and apply new information or skills; perform highly detailed work on multiple, concurrent tasks; work under intensive deadlines; and interact with staff, Council members and others encountered in the course of work. The employee works under typical office conditions and the noise level is usually quiet. Attendance at periodic evening meetings or travel within city boundaries to attend meetings may be required. This is an at-will management/confidential classification. DATE APPROVED: Mar. 15, 1999 Secretary to the City Council Page 3 of 3 JOB TITLE: DEPARTMENT: BASIC FUNCTION: CITY OF CARLSBAD CLASS SPECIFICATION OFFICE SPECIALIST I (ENTRY) OFFICE SPECIALIST II (JOURNEY) SENIOR OFFICE SPECIALIST (SPECIALIZED) VARIOUS Under general supervision, performs a variety of typing, data entry, record keeping and general clerical work. Performs other related responsibilities as required. DISTINGUISHING CHARACTERISTICS: Office Specialist I is the entry-level class for clerical positions requiring basic skills, but no previous clerical experience. Employees in this class normally work under close and continuous supervision performing repetitive, specific or limited duties according to established routine procedures. While a variety of tasks may be assigned, each step usually fits a pattern that has been established and explained before work is started. Generally, work is reviewed both during the incumbent's performance and upon completion. Changes in procedures or exceptions to rules are explained in detail as they arise or referred to a higher level for resolution. This level requires a basic knowledge of department procedures and skill level. Office Specialist II is the journey level class, which may be filled by advancement from the lower class of Office Specialist I, or when filled from the outside, requires prior clerical experience and advanced skills. This level works under general supervision and, within a framework of established procedures, is expected to perform a wide variety of general clerical duties with only occasional instruction or assistance. Incumbents require a general knowledge of departmental procedures and precedents, and the ability to choose among alternatives in solving problems. Employees in this class often have contact with the public, answering a variety of questions requiring knowledge of related departmental policies and procedures. Work is normally reviewed only on completion and for overall results. Depending upon assignment, may provide instruction or assistance to lower level staff in the absence of the immediate supervisor or manager, or as requested. Senior Office Specialist is the specialized class requiring in-depth knowledge of a skill level, e.g., word processing, spreadsheet program; or knowledge of a technical area; or broader scope of clerical/secretarial responsibilities, e.g., entry level secretarial in a small or limited program area. Generally, this level requires more formal training or a longer period of exposure to the department operations in order to learn the more technical or detailed procedures. Incumbents work independently under broad guidelines and are expected to handle a wide variety of situations with review of overall resylts. Depending upon assignment, may provide instruction or assistance to lower level staff in a lead capacity. Office Specialist Series Page 1 of 4 KEY RESPONSIBILITIES: (These are representative duties and the emphasis on certain duties will vary depending on the job assignment.) Prepare a variety of documents in draft and final form, such as, correspondence, standard forms, charts, and reports using a computer or typewriter; perform data entry; type from written, recorded, or printed sources and/or oral instructions; proofread materials for correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation. Prepare, validate, process, and/or check a variety of documents and records, such as invoices, requisitions, application forms, and public notices for completeness, accuracy, and submission standards; compile and record fiscal transactions or payroll records according to established procedures; may keep petty cash. Receive the public/staff to answer questions and calls; determine how incoming calls should be routed; direct people to appropriate offices; answer routine questions; explain established procedures, processes, or departmental activities; distribute and explain forms, such as applications; schedules appointments, training, or examinations; obtain information to create or update files. Maintain records by transferring data, calculating totals and subtotals; or process technical records reviewing documents for completeness and consistency; complete standard forms; maintain cross reference files by assigning or checking filing codes to items based upon material/document content; maintain logs of processed materials. Operate and maintain automated and manual data systems in this record keeping function. Compile reports by extracting and/or tabulating information from a variety of sources, such as files, correspondence, meeting notes, logs, previous reports, and/or oral instructions. Sort and/or file materials, such as, correspondence, applications, documents, employee records; time stamp and distribute mail; prepare mailings; maintain cross reference files or indexes; purge filing system and destroy or archive purged records. Operate a variety of office equipment, such as photocopiers, computers and peripheral equipment; may perform equipment/system maintenance checks; may receive and transmit messages by two-way radio. Collect fees and payments and prepare deposits. Provide instruction and/or assistance to others in the performance of related tasks. Perform other related duties as assigned. QUALIFICATIONS: To perform a job in this classification, an individual must be able to perform the essential duties as generally described in the specification. Reasonable accommodations may be made to enable individuals with disabilities to perform the essential duties in a specific job. The requirements listed below are representative of the knowledge, skill and/or ability required. Office Specialist Job Family Page 2 of4 Knowledge of: • Modern office equipment, methods and procedures. • Proper English usage, punctuation, grammar and spelling. Office Specialist II: • Working knowledge of policies, procedures, and rules of the assigned work unit as related to position responsibilities. • Software applications, e.g., word processing, spreadsheet or database management, as it relates to the assigned work. Senior Office Specialist: • Thorough knowledge of department policies, procedures, and rules as it relates to the assigned work. • Thorough knowledge of software applications, e.g., word processing, spreadsheet or database management, as it relates to the assigned work. Skill in: Office Specialist I: • Utilizing computers and performing basic data entry. Office Specialist II and Senior: • Keyboarding at 40 wpm net corrected speed from clear copy. Ability to: • Demonstrate excellent customer service. • Use correct English grammar, punctuation, and spelling. • Maintain electronic records and manual data systems. • Alphabetize or numerically/chronologically sort materials. • Communicate effectively in oral and written form. • Develop and maintain effective working relationships. • Learn the policies and procedures of the assigned department unit as related to position responsibilities. • Understand and carry out oral and written directions. Office Specialist II and Senior Office Specialist: • Apply and explain policies and procedures related to the job assignment within the standard guidelines. • Work independently. • Maintain records and perform assigned program activities in accordance with established practices and general instructions. Office Specialist Job Family Page 3 of 4 Senior Office Specialist: • Apply and exercise discretion and judgment in resolving problems. EXPERIENCE AND EDUCATION: Any combination equivalent to experience and education that could likely provide the required knowledge, skills, and abilities is qualifying. A typical way to obtain the required knowledge, skills, and abilities would be: Equivalent to completion of the twelfth grade, including or supplemented by specialized training in the clerical occupation field. Office Specialist II: One year of clerical experience performing varied clerical duties. Senior Office Specialist: Two years progressively responsible experience including one year in a specialized capacity.* *One year of specialized experience may be substituted with a combination of applied coursework • or demonstrated competencies of knowledge and abilities through a proficiency program. PHYSICAUMENTAL DEMANDS AND ENVIRONMENTAL SETTING: While performing the duties of this class, an employee is regularly required to sit; talk or hear, in person and by telephone; use hands to finger, handle, feel or operate standard office equipment; and reach with hands and arms. An employee is frequently required to walk and stand. Specific vision abilities required by this job include close vision and the ability to adjust focus to read and operate office and computer equipment as necessary during the course of the work assignments. While performing the duties, employees of this class are regularly required to use written and oral communication skills; observe and interpret people and situations; learn and apply new information or skills; and interact with staff and others encountered in the course of work. Incumbents may occasionally need to travel to various city locations or to off-site locations as necessary and as the assignment demands. Depending on the assignment, there may be special environmental or additional physical or mental requirements, which will be detailed at the time of recruitment. DATE APPROVED: June 5, 2001 Office Specialist Job Family Page 4 of4 JOB TITLE: DEPARTMENT: BASIC FUNCTION: CITY OF CARLSBAD CLASS SPECIFICATION COMMUNITY ARTS COORDINATOR COMMUNICATIONS COORDINATOR COMMUNITY VOLUNTEER COORDINATOR VARIOUS Under general direction provides access to community arts, services and programs, initiatives and/or a broad variety of city and community communications in order to enrich the community and make it more desirable. DISTINGUISHING CHARACTERISTICS: This is a management position with a wide scope of responsibilities and considerable discretion. Incumbents may be solely responsible for deliverables in their assigned areas. This position reports to varying levels of department management. KEY RESPONSIBILITIES: Provides opportunities and encourages the public to understand and participate in city and community programs and events. Promotes city and community education and opportunities through various forms of public outreach including print media and social networking. Provides access to information and programs. Surveys, collects and evaluates community participation, attendance and satisfaction and overall results of specific measures and goals. Serves on and/or chair committees or commissions as appropriate to support initiatives and programs. Makes public presentations before community and professional groups. Coordinates assigned aspects of community participation programs. Develops partnerships and coordinates information with outside agencies to foster and develop community services, education and information. Researches and applies for grants and administers the distribution of funds. Develops and administers division or program budgets and monitors expenditures. Administers budgets or other funds derived from grants, corporate sponsorships, local foundations and non-profit organizations. Community/Communications Coordinator Job Family Page 1 of 4 Manages agreements for contract services. Recruits, trains and supervises employees and volunteers. COMMUNITY ARTS COORDINATOR Fosters awareness, expression and appreciation for the cultural arts amongst a diverse audience. Engages volunteer artists in providing services to the public. Determines and contracts for public arts in conjunction with municipal capital projects. Applies, obtains and administers community art grants to provide funds to local arts and service organizations, arts education, artists, exhibits and ongoing programs that advance the arts in the community. Collaborates with and promotes the inclusion of arts education in local schools. Provides administrative or operational support to the Cultural Arts Manager. COMMUNITY VOLUNTEER COORDINATOR Develops a comprehensive plan and coordinates strategy on matching volunteers and community partners to the areas of need. Coordinates volunteer opportunities for the community and in conjunction with city services, events, programs and department operations. Recruits and processes volunteers including qualification processes, back grounding and professional reference checks. Maintains electronic or paper records of volunteer files and complies with destruction of records requirements. Provides orientation and city training to volunteers. Identifies and assigns volunteers or makes referrals to various city volunteer activities. Handles volunteer relations issues, policy violations and dismissals. Provides volunteer recognition events and opportunities. Provides opportunities for volunteers to share their experiences and feedback on the volunteer program. Community/Communications Coordinator Job Family Page 2 of 4 COMMUNICATIONS COORDINATOR Performs public relations functions to support routine city issues and services. Writes, edits, prepares and distributes informational materials, articles and presentations to inform the community and the organization of city issues, services, programs and events. Prepares and delivers presentations to internal and external audiences. Represents the city and/or departments at community group meetings. Writes and oversees video productions. May serve as a liaison to the media and a city spokesperson for routine city issues and services. Conducts tours of city facilities or projects under development. Administers website content and social media on behalf of the city. QUALIFICATIONS Knowledge of: • Principles and practices of community service and program planning. • Vendors and contracts available to provide needed services. • Community survey and research techniques and methods. • Various computer programs including but not limited to some or all Microsoft Office Suite applications and other publishing applications. • Digital communication (website communication and social media). Ability to: • Speak clearly, concisely and accurately both orally and in-writing. • Organize and deliver overall requirements of ongoing community programs. • Identify and anticipate communication needs of the organization and determine effective methods for carrying out communication of programs. • Establish and maintain effective working relationships with those contacted in the course of work including city officials, government offices and other agencies. • Ability to work with multiple stakeholders with differing viewpoints in a team based and collaborative work environment. • Supervise volunteers and/or employees. EDUCATION AND EXPERIENCE Any combination equivalent to the education and experience that provides the required knowledge and abilities is qualifying. A typical background may include: Equivalent to a bachelor's degree in Business or Public Administration or field of study related to specific assignment i.e. Journalism, Communications or Fine Arts'; and Two years of experience and/or a combination of education and experience. Community/Communications Coordinator Job Family Page 3 of 4 CITY COMMUNICATIONS COORDINATOR Principles and practices of media relations, digital media (web and social media), public involvement, journalism (news and feature writing), video production, photography, effective public speaking. PHYSICAL REQUIREMENTS AND ENVIRONMENTAL SETTING: While performing the duties of this class, an employee is regularly required to communicate, in person and by telephone; utilize office equipment; and reach with hands and arms. An employee is also required to assimilate written materials relevant to the position. In addition, while performing the duties, employees of this class are regularly required to engage communication skills; interpret financial and statistical data, information and documents; analyze and solve problems; use math and apply mathematical reasoning and abstract statistical concepts; observe and interpret people and situations; learn and apply new information or skills; perform highly detailed work on multiple, concurrent tasks; work under intensive deadlines; and interact with staff, Council members and others encountered in the course of work. Ability to work in a standard office environment with some exposure to the outdoors; ability to travel to different sites and locations; attend evening meetings; work under pressure and potentially stressful situations. This is an at-will management classification. DATE APPROVED: June 21, 2011 Community/Communications Coordinator Job Family Page 4 of 4 Scott Chadwick, City Manager Kristina Ray, Communication Manager March 12, 2019 Mid-Year Adjustment to FY 2019 Budget to Increase Operational Efficiency, Transparency and Public Engagement Happy Sunshine Week March 10 –16, 2019 American Society of News Editors and Reporters .J...\ J / am~ e SUNSHINf WEEK Recommended Action Adopt a Resolution: •Approving changes to a classified job specification •Adding resources to the fiscal year 2019 operating budget to meet increasing needs for: •City Council inquiry responses •Community engagement •City Council administrative support •Public information Background •Presented increasing needs for City Council inquiry response (Jan. 15, 2019) •City Council approved new approach to goal setting, ongoing community engagement (Jan. 29, 2019) •Other needs related to information accessibility, transparency, efficiency Resourcing Strategy •Streamline process •Right resources, right tasks •Use technology •Leverage resources to address multiple needs Resourcing Plan •4 new full time positions –Deputy city clerk –Communication coordinator –Media & graphics supervisor –Senior office specialist •2 new online platforms City Council Inquiries •Deputy city clerk + online tool •Carlsbad Municipal Code 2.12.110 •Inquiries re. pertinent information on municipal affairs and citizen complaints •These requests will be answered promptly 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 City Council Inquiries 59 2/28 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 2016 2017 2018 2019 Public Records Requests 112 3/11 Process Improvements + Resourcing {city of Carlsbad C a lifo r n ia How can we help' ■ Low Graphics Select Language D C m ® @ 11 ■■11 ■11 Request for Public Records Home » .. » City Clerk » City Records » Request for Public Records Public Records Home About Public Records Search for Records Request a Record Online Track Requests See Previous Requests City Clerk Home Welcome to our online records request portal. If you'd like your record immediately, try searching our online ~ or view other ll!:Q.P.le's reg~. To make a request, fill out our online reg~. Need help? Just give us a call during business hours at 760-434-2808 or email us at clerk@carlsbadca.gQY. Request a public record. Q Find your record now in our online database. ~ See requests made by other people. ■-: = Track request status, and download your records. ■- .&Export As: y Request Create Summary Request Details Number Date Status 3/8/2019 I hereby request copies of all building permits and Full ~ R000687•030819 2:39:00 certificates of occupancy for the following address: Site: Release e PM 1964 Kellogg Avenue Carlsbad, CA 3nt2019 I need ALL permits for my property at 7117 Obelisco ~ 10:21:00 Circle in Carlsbad (dating back to when it was built in Full R000683-030719 around 1979). Also any building plans or plans for Release e PM additions (if there are any). 3/4/2019 All contracts between the City of Carlsbad and CPM Ltd .. Full ~ R000680-030419 4:10:00 Inc. d/b/a Manpower of San Diego from from September Release e PM 12, 2005 to the present. I am requesting the opportunity to inspect or obtain 3/1/2019 copies of public records regarding the Incident on Full ~ R000679-030119 4:19:00 November 27, 2018 at Carlsbad State Beach · Boat on Release e PM shore. Captain Kevin Seaman. Date range from 11/26/18 to 11/30/18. 2/27/2019 All documents, records, audio recordings. video ~ R000676-022719 12:22:00 recordings, radio communications, etc., relating to a Full PM "911" call and ambulance transport on Saturday, Release e February 9, 2019, from 3251 CELINDA DRIVE. I would like to request a copy of the most recent recordkeeping contract between the City of Carlsbad, CA and the city's defined contribution/deferred compensation retirement plan provider(s). Please 2/27/2019 provide a copy of the investment lineup for these plans, ~ R000675-022719 6:59:00 including any fees that are being charged. Also, please Full AM provide the submitted proposals the city received from Release e prospective recordkeepers as part of your last retirement plan request for proposal, if applicable. If not applicable, please indicate when the county anticipates completing its next fiduciary review of the program to ensure employees are not overpaying plan fees. Gov .. O\ Community Engagement •Media & graphics supervisor + online tool •Centralize planning •More consistent, coordinated approach •Common principles –Meet people where they are –Value community member experience –Get input on the right things at the right time –Show how input influenced the decisions ---~-· ,._...~ ~ • ' ' 1 · zr ;, i Cit}(of ~~111$,bad I i4: ,vt;:;-.' . ~ , ( { . _,_. . -. , ~ r ·. . -:. . ; . \. -;_ , Welcome to our new public involvement app. Please take a look around, weigh in' on''to'pics . .. . :'.' that interest you, and encourage your friends and neighbors to give it a try too. -~ ,, . SK 945 RESPONSES PARTICIPANTS Current Initiatives Fiscal Year 2019-20 Budget Tell the City of Carlsbad what your ideas and priorities are for next year's budget. If you'd like to watch a quick video about the city budget first, cltck on this ltnk. ~ 203 0 114 C9 Stage: Preliminary Budget Presented tn litv lnunril l#liiHii ~,•, . . ·. ·1 ~ •• , ~ • -• 4':-. •• . . ~ ,, 'ii.-~ ~ ~ ~-. .. \ . ! . -. _'J r· •-_ .... ~ 'A -·: --~ ... . . ,'J , -.-::"""' , ,,.~ .. . . ! ~--,.,.--• . :. . . , .. ·.-..... -. \ '\ 403 SUBSCRIBERS Updates S Via email Your email OR 00Tratts1.ile- ~ • Fiscal Year 2019-20 Budget Te-II thit C ty of CArlsbcld v.n,it you, 1de-as and prux1t1@s are for l'l@,:l year's budget. II you'd I ~e towc1tc.h a qutek Yideo About thi! city budget first, dtrk oo this hok First. help us get lo know you by telling us your favorile thing about Carlsbad. Choose from the list below (some of the responses shared at our public meeung) or add something else. SmllltO'M'lf~I Parks¥ldr«reauon 0 (" (9 0 "" '"' '"' -Firsr. help us tet to k ~ '""°'•<• th,na a::O°"' )'Ou by <•lh"f us r hoos• from "'• ht be ut C•rlsoad. •'P0nsossha,Od low Isom, of th °' ctdd SOrneth at our Publ,c tnee,•-e 'llB•lso •"f) r,.., •Communication coordinator •Staff reports, inquiry responses, memos •Technical topics, highly detailed •Need for: –Enhanced accessibility –Standardized QC process, format Accessibility of Information Administrative Support •Senior office specialist •Officially established 20 years ago •Since that time: –Population increased by 35,000 –Increased volume, complexity of needs •Reassigned, reorganized •Additional resources needed Fiscal Impact •Staffing and software •$73,214 in FY 2019 budget •$422,256 ongoing Next Steps •Procure, deploy online apps •Recruit, train staff •Full implementation by September 2019 Recommended Action Adopt a Resolution: •Approving changes to a classified job specification •Adding resources to the fiscal year 2019 operating budget to meet increasing needs for: •City Council inquiry responses •Community engagement •City Council administrative support •Public information