HomeMy WebLinkAbout2019-03-26; City Council; ; Nominate one City of Carlsbad Resident and One Alternate Nominee for Appointment to the Palomar Airport Advisory Committee~ CITY COUNCIL ~ Staff Report Meeting Date: To: From: Staff Contact: March 26, 2019 Mayor and City Council Scott Chadwick, City Manager Sheila Cobian, City Clerk Services Manager Sheila.cobian@carlsbadca.gov 760-434-2917 CA Review 11.)t, Subject: Nominate one City of Carlsbad Resident and One Alternate Nominee for Appointment to the Palomar Airport Advisory Committee Recommended Action Adopt a Resolution nominating one City of Carlsbad resident and an alternate nominee for appointment to the Palomar Airport Advisory Committee (PAAC). Executive Summary On February 1, 2019, City Council members received a copy of a letter from San Diego County Board of Supervisors Fifth District Supervisor Jim Desmond. The letter, dated January 28, 2019, stated that if the city wishes to identify a resident for possible appointment to the PAAC, to please notify the Supervisor's office in writing 30 days from the date of the letter. Following receipt of the letter, City Manager Scott Chadwick contact_ed the County Board of Supervisors and requested an extension of time to allow the City of Carlsbad to properly notice and invite residents to apply for nomination to the PAAC. The County Board of Supervisors granted the request, therefore the City Council has until March 28, 2019 to submit its nomination. The County Board of Supervisors received applications from the following City of Carlsbad residents wishing to be nominated for appointment to the PAAC (Exhibit 2): • Shirley Anderson • Charles Collins • Winthrop Cramer • Daniel Frazee • Chuck Hunter • Ronald Lovick • John O'Reilly • Jim Swain Discussion The County Board of Supervisors adopted Ordinance No. 10589 (Exhibit 3) on January 9, 2019 relating to the composition of the Palomar Airport Advisory Committee. The Ordinance states "The Committee shall consist of nine members. The nine members shall be nominated by the Supervisor from the Fifth Supervisorial District and appointed by the Board of Supervisors. Of these nine members, one each must reside in the cities of Carlsbad, Vista, San Marcos and Oceanside and these cities may each identify one resident from their city as a candidate for the Fifth Supervisorial District to consider for nomination to the Board of Supervisors. If any city fails to identify a resident as a candidate for consideration or the candidate is determined by the Fifth Supervisorial District to be unacceptable, the Fifth Supervisorial District may nominate March 26, 2019 Item #8 Page 1 of 32 a member of its own choice from the city. Five members shall be from the general public who reside within the Fifth Supervisorial District. No member shall be nominated or appointed who is a member of the governing body or planning commission or an employee of the County of San Diego, City of Carlsbad, City of Vista, City of San Marcos, or City of Oceanside. If a member of the Palomar Airport Advisory Committee becomes a member of the governing body or planning commission or an employee of the County of San Diego, City of Carlsbad, City of Vista, City of San Marcos, or City of Oceanside during their term of office, they shall be removed from the Committee and their position shall be declared vacant. No more than three members of the committee shall be financially interested in any business having a leasehold interest in Palomar Airport." City Council members received a letter dated January 28, 2019 from San Diego County Board of Supervisors Fifth District Supervisor Jim Desmond stating that if the city wishes to ident.ify a resident for possible appointment to the PAAC, to notify his office in writing 30 days from the date of the letter. In an effort to allow the City of Carlsbad to notice the nomination opportunity adequately, Supervisor Desmond granted an extension oftime for the Carlsbad City Council to make its nomination. On February 8, 2019 City staff posted a notice on the City website, at the City libraries, at City Hall and issued a news release inviting City of Carlsbad residents to apply to be nominated to serve on the (PAAC). The County Board of Supervisors received applications from eight Carlsbad residents wishing to be nominated to serve on the Committee. Following the posting of the notice inviting residents to apply to be nominated for appointment to the PAAC, staff developed a "draft" process to facilitate future appointments to Boards, Commissions and Committees. In a memo dated February 26, 2019, staff recommended that in the event more than five applications were received for a given position, the nominating City Council Member would select up to five applicants to advance in the process by being invited to attend the City Council meeting where they would be interviewed by the entire City Council. In this case, there is no identified nominating City Council member. Therefore all eight applicants have been invited to interview with and be evaluated by the full City Council. Fiscal Analysis None. Next Steps Following the nomination of a City of Carlsbad resident to be appointed the PAAC, staff will transmit the Resolution identifying the nominee and alternate nominee to the County Board of Supervisors Clerk of the Board no later than Thursday, March 28, 2019. Environmental Evaluation (CEQA) Pursuant to Public Resources Code Section 21065, this action does not constitute a "project" within the meaning of CEQA in that it has no potential to cause either a direct physical change in the environment, or a reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment, and therefore does not require environmental review. March 26, 2019 Item #8 Page 2 of 32 Public Notification This item was noticed in accordance with the Ralph M. Brown Act and was available for public viewing and review at least 72 hours prior to the scheduled meeting date. Exhibits 1. City Council Resolution. 2. Applications from residents wishing to be nominated for appointment to the Palomar Airport Advisory Committee. 3. County Board of Supervisors Ordinance No. 10589. March 26, 2019 Item #8 Page 3 of 32 RESOLUTION NO. 2019-044 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, NOMINATING ONE CITY OF CARLSBAD RESIDENT AND AN ALTERNATE NOMINEE FOR APPOINTMENT TO THE PALOMAR AIRPORT ADVISORY COMMITTEE (PAAC) Exhibit 1 WHEREAS, on January 9, 2019 the County Board of Supervisors adopted Ordinance No. 10589 relating to the composition of the Palomar Airport Advisory Committee (PAAC); and WHEREAS, County Board of Supervisors Ordinance No. 10589 states that "The Committee shall consist of nine members. The nine members shall be nominated by the Supervisor from the Fifth Supervisorial District and appointed by the Board of Supervisors. Of these nine members, one each must reside in the cities of Carlsbad, Vista, San Marcos and Oceanside and these cities may each identify one resident from their city as a candidate for the Fifth Supervisorial District to consider for nomination to the Board of Supervisors."; and WHEREAS, the term of the nominee should he or she be appointed will run concurrent with the Supervisor making the nomination (January 2, 2023); WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad shall nominate one City of Carlsbad resident and an alternate nominee for appointment to the PAAC. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the following City of Carlsbad residents are hereby nominated for appointment to the Palomar Airport Advisory Committee, for a term ending January 2, 2023. Winthrop Cramer ____ S"""'h"""i"'"'rl-=ey-'-'-A"""'n""'d"""e'-"'rs=o..;...;n _____ (Alternate Norn inee) PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad on the 26th day of March 2019, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Hall, Blackburn, Bhat-Patel, Schumacher, Hamilton. None. None. ~\\\\\\llllffl/1////l #~o~''f CA~~~ !~/··•··,.,~~\ y =-:~\:::; §Oi ~! = = . i : :::; \ ·:-, I ~ *-i ~ \ ~ _,,... •. /~ / (SEAL) ~ "◄ ··~ ........ •·~,'r ~ ~,,,,l (/FO~ ~,,,,,$' i,,,,,,,,,,111111111~ March 26, 2019 Item #8 Page 4 of 32 CONTACT INFORMATION Note: Personal information may be withheld from public view as allowed by Jaw. Hunter Chuck last Name First Name Palomar Airport Advisory Committee Name of Board, Commillee, or Co111111issio11 I<> Which >'ou are App(vingfor Alembership Carlsbad Home Street Address City Mailing Address (if different than home address) City Rm::inA!;!; Street Address City HnmRPhone# Business Phone # Mobile Phone # Fax# E-Mail Address ragd of3 5 Supervisorial District rm, live In CA 92009 State Zip State Zip State Zip March 26, 2019 Item #8 Page 20 of 32 CONT ACT INFORMATION Nore: Personal informa1io11 1i1ay be witltheld.fi·om public view as allowed bl' [ml'. Lovick Ronald u1.<t r\'111111! First N11111L' PALOMAR AIRPORT ADVISORY COMMITTEE 5th N1111w n.f 13nard. Cn111mill<'<'. or CnmniiHinn 10 Whit'li Yn11 are .-lpp~l'inyjor Memh1•r.1h1p Carlsbad Home Street Address City Mailina Address {if different than home address I Cilv Business Street Address City Home Phone# Business Phone # Mobile Phone # -----------Fax# E-Mail Address !',,.).'...: ! ... 1-; Su pen isorial D/1'/nLI }n11 Li1·r /IJ CA 92101 State Zip CA 92008 Faie°Zip CA 92008 State Zip March 26, 2019 Item #8 Page 23 of 32 Exhibit 3 Meeting Date: 01/09/2019 (04) ORDINANCE NO. 10589 (New Series) AN ORDINANCE TO.AMEND SECTION 731, ARTICLE XL, OF TI-{E ADMINISTRATIVE CODE REGARDING MEMBERSHIP AND SELECTION OF THE SAN DIEGO COUNTY PALOMAR AIRPORT ADVISORY COMMITTEE The Board of Supervisors of the County of San Diego ordains as follows: Section 1. The Board of Supervisors finds and determines that it is in the public interest to amend Section 731 of the Administrative Code regarding Membership and Selection of the San Diego County Palomar Airport Advisory Committee. The amendment made by this Ordinance adds the provision that the cities of Carlsbad, Vista, San Marcos and Oceanside may each propose one candidate for a seat on the Palomar Airport Advisory Committee. This Amendment will enable the cities to have a greater voice on who is appointed and representing the cities on the P AAC and for the committee to continue to provide its expertise and guidance on matters related to McClellan-Palomar Airport. Additionally, it is proposed to clarify and define that no members of the governing body or planning commission or an employee of the County of San Diego, City of Carlsbad, City of Vista, City of San Marcos or City of Oceanside shall be appointed to the P AAC, and that if any P AAC member becomes a full-time employee or member of a governing body during their term, they shall be removed from the PAAC. Section 2. Amend Section 731 of the San Diego County Administrative Code to read as follows: The Committee shall consist of nine members. The nine members shall be nominated by the Supervisor from the Fifth Supervisorial District and appointed by the Board of Supervisors. Of these nine members, one each must reside in the cities of Carlsbad, Vista, San Marcos and Oceanside and these cities may each identify one resident from their city as a candidate for the Fifth Supervisorial District to consider for nomination to the Board of Supervisors. If any city fails to identify a resident as a candidate for consideration or the candidate is determined by the Fifth Supervisorial District to be unacceptable, the Fifth Supervisorial District may nominate a member of its own choice from the city. Five members shall be from the general public who reside within the Fifth Supervisorial District. No member shall be nominated or appointed who is a member of the governing body or planning commission or an employee of the County of San Diego, City of Carlsbad, City of Vista, City of San Marcos, or City of Oceanside. If a member of the Palomar Airport Advisory Committee becomes a member of the governing body or planning commission or an employee of the County of San Diego, City of Carlsbad, City of Vista, City of San Marcos, or City of Oceanside during their term of office, they shall be removed from the Committee and their position shall be declared vacant. No more than three members of the committee shall be financially interested in any business having a leasehold interest in Palomar Airport. Section 3. The amended Ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days after the date of its passage, and before the expiration of fifteen (15) days after its passage, a summary shall be published once with the names of the members voting for and against it in the Daily Transcript, a newspaper of general circulation published in the County of San Diego. March 26, 2019 Item #8 Page 30 of 32 Meeting Date: 01/09/2019 (04) APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY COUNTY COUNSEL By _____________ _ Thomas L. Bosworth, S en i or Deputy County Counsel March 26, 2019 Item #8 Page 31 of 32 To the members of the: CIT)' COUNCIL j ACM_✓_ CA__l_ cc_ bate .3{~i.,/,q_cM_Lcoo / March 26, 2019 To: From: Via: Council Memorandum · {cityof Carlsbad Re: Honorable Mayor Hall an Elaine Lukey, Chief Oper Scott Chadwick, City Ma a Responses to Questions March 25, 2018 City Council Briefings Agenda Item No. 1-Acquisition of 6218 Liberty Place, an Affordable Housing Resale Unit Question: What are the specifications for this unit? Answer: This unit is 879 square feet, 2 bedrooms, 1 bath. Agenda Item No. 3 -Revision to Existing Full Time Job Classification and Amending the Part- Time Salary Schedule Question: Can you provide the job specification for the Open Water Lifeguard II position? Answer: The job classification for Open Water Lifeguard 1/11 is attached (Attachment 1) and is summarized below: Open Water Lifeguard I: Safeguards an assigned area of the beach and provides preventive actions such as giving safety warnings and monitoring for safety hazards; performs safety interventions and effects rescues. in surf, open ocean, river/streams; harbor and boating areas and roadways; administers first aid and CPR when necessary; participates in drills and training courses; operates and maintains lifeguarding and rescue equipment, vehicles and watercraft; checks oxygen tanks, first aid kits and rescue tubes; performs preventive maintenance and repairs; utilizes proper resources to ensure personal and public safety. Open Water Lifeguard II: In addition to all the duties of an Open Water Lifeguard I, the Open Water Lifeguard II serves as tower dispatcher by dispatching and leading a group of seasonal lifeguards engaged in lifesaving activities; requests resources as needed for rescues, medical aids, enforcement action and public service via radio; communicates and coordinates with other Public Safety resources including responding fire departments, law enforcement, adjacent lifeguard agencies and State Parks; operates the lifeguard vehicle safely and per policy in crowded beach environments; inspects equipment vehicles for serviceability and makes appropriate contacts for replacement resources; oversees removal of hazards and debris from beaches and ocean; implements beach closures per policy; advises the general public of laws, rules, regulations, and safety practices governing beach use. City Manager's Office City Hall 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive I Carlsbad, CA 92008 I 760-434-4820 t Honorable Mayor Hall and Members of the City Council March 26, 2019 Page 2 By adding the classification of Open Water Lifeguard II, the city will be able to provide some depth in the ability to supervise the beach or lagoon on an immediate need in the event our full-time staff is away at other calls, or if they are unavailable (breaks, lunch). The Open Water Lifeguard II will have no supervisory responsibilities, but will be able to respond, direct, and take immediate action to calls at the beach or lagoons since they are required to be certified as Emergency Medical Technicians (EMT's), a higher-level certification than required for the Open Water Lifeguard I. Agenda Item No. 4 -Award an Agreement for Parks Maintenance Services to Terra care Associates, LLC. Question: What information about the best value bid process can you provide? Answer: Please see Attachment 2. Agenda Item No. 6-Advertise for Bids for Street Lighting Replacement Program Phase 1, CIP Project No. 6062 Question: What is the 15% energy savings estimated worth in dollars? Answer: Approximately $8,000 annually. Agenda Item No. 7 -Advertise for Bids for Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons, CIP Project No. 6070 Question 1: Can we add in flashing lights to the pavement along the crosswalks? Answer 1: The City does not currently use in-pavement lights at crosswalks. However, we can revisit their performance and effectiveness as compared to Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons (RRFB's) and if appropriate, supplement the improvements in the future. As of now we can report that nationwide results and effectiveness of using in-pavement lights as an added safety measure at crosswalks have been mixed. Question 2: When did requests for crosswalks at Armada Drive come in, and from where? How do we prioritize crosswalk requests? Is prioritization related to funding? Answer 2: The City has been receiving input from the public over the past seven years regarding pedestrian access across Armada Drive. Among the requesters have been a resident of Carlsbad that walks and drives on Armada Drive in the vicinity of the Grand Pacific Resort and Legoland and an employee at the National Association of Music Merchants who has difficulty crossing Armada Drive at Fleet Street North, Fleet Street South and the Grand Pacific Resort driveway. Based on these and other past pedestrian requests, staff analyzed marked uncontrolled crosswalks throughout the city in 2015 to determine which locations would benefit from the implementation of a Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacon system. Staff looked at factors such as vehicle speed and volumes, proximity to schools, distance to closest controlled crossing, roadway width and number of lanes, pedestrian activity and collision Honorable Mayor Hall and Members of the City Council March 26, 2019 Page 3 history. Based on the results of this analysis, the crosswalks on Armada Drive at Fleet Street North, Fleet Street South and the Grand Pacific Resort driveway were identified as excellent candidates for RRFB enhancements. We are currently able to pursue improvements based on the results of the engineering analysis rather than having to rank them against one another due to constraints related to funding availability. Agenda Item No. 8 -Nominate a Carlsbad Resident and One Alternate for Appointment to the Palomar Airport Advisory Committee Question: As of March 12, 2019, some Carlsbad residents have already applied and been appointed to the PAAC. Please provide this information. Answer: The County of San Diego recently made the following appointments to the PAAC: • Charles Collins • Jim Swain • Dan Frazee • John O'Reilly Based on those appointments, the following individuals have not been appointed: • Ronald Lovick • Shirley Anderson • Chuck Hunter • Winthrop Cramer /\ttacl=ime11ts. Attl!lchn1e11t 1 Job Classifieetiof't for Open Water bifesuard JI Attachment 2 -Par ks Mai11ter 1a11ce Service Bia Proce55 information cc: Celia Brewer, City Attorney Gary Barberio, Deputy City Manager Paz Gomez, Deputy City Manager Julie Clark, Human Resources Director Debbie Fountain, Community & Economic Development Director Chris Hazeltine, Parks & Recreation Director Marshall Plantz, Transportation Director COUNCIL MEMBER Mayor Hall Council Member Blackburn Mayor Pro Tern Bhat-Patel Council Member Schumacher Council Member Hamilton TOTALS PAAC NOMINATIONS SCORING SHEET SHIRLEY ANDERSON v' WINTHROP CRAMER ✓ DISTRICT3 DISTRICT2 ' /-ta 0 ~1 5 CHUCK HUNTER V RONALD LOVICK / DISTRICT 2 DISTRICT2 3t.\ 0 :J-(J 1 y of Carlsbad {city of Carlsbad Interview for Board/Commission/Committee Vacancy City Council Member: ohcrr,,.-.Po..cte I Date: _M_a_r_ch_2_6_,_2_0_19 __ Applicant: Shirley Anderson Board, Commission or Committee: PAAC ----------------- QUESTIONS: 1. How long have you lived in Carlsbad? 2. What do you hope to contribute by serving on this Board, Commission or Committee? lJl?OVli lL~ 3. What makes you uniquely qualified to serve on this Board, Commission or Committee? S ;~o~a~il! w~~!~tes~nd l~cian~he ~eetin 's? ~:s y~he:!~1~~' i•i• flexibility so that you can attend all of the regularly scheduled meetings? 5. Have you ever attended any of the meetings of the Board, Commission or Committee for which you are applying to be appointed? Points Citizens Academy graduate (O if No;15 if yes) MIi/ Resides in preferred district (0 if No;15 if yes) ,~ Applicant has education relevant to position (15 pts.) / Experience relevant to Board, Commission or Committee for which applying (15 pts.) L (" Prior experience serving on a Board, Commission or Committee (15 pts.) \ 5" Interview (Maximum 25 pts.) ?,,> TOTAL (Maximum 100 pts.) 10 City of Carlsbad {city of Carlsbad Interview for Board/Commission/Committee Vacancy Date: March 26, 2019 City Council Member: _s __ c_h_J_~--~-·-- Applicant: Shirley Anderson Board, Commission or Committee: PAAC ----------------- QUESTIONS: 1. How long have you lived in Carlsbad? sf',..,-(-<.. zoo~ 2. What do you hope to contribute by serving on this Board, Commission or Committee? )~ tit V-C)t ; ( -O./"....., ~c_A-,·o,.., +o CD•"" v--'---"", '-<r 3. What makes you uniquely qualified to serve on this Board, Commission or Committee? -c:""-k'~·e,,c<? + ,r~ 4. Are you familiar with the dates, times and locations of the meetings? Does your schedule allow flexibility so that you can attend all of the regularly scheduled meetings? ~ 5. Have you ever attended any of the meetings of the Board, Commission or Committee for which you are applying to be appointed? Notes: c , ·,, ·"'?.. e,., r- Points Citizens Academy graduate (0 if No;15 if yes) Resides in preferred district (0 if No;15 if yes) (5 Applicant has education relevant to position (15 pts.) ~ Experience relevant to Board, Commission or Committee for which applying (15 pts.) LS Prior experience serving on a Board, Commission or Committee (15 pts.) 1s Interview (Maximum 25 pts.) -~ TOTAL (Maximum 1~+s.) ?--o City of Carlsbad Interview for Board/Commission/Committee Vacancy {cityof Carlsbad l!-,J.,( Date: March 26, 2019 City Council Member:---~----- Applicant: Shirley Anderson Board, Commission or Committee: PAAC ----------------- QUESTIONS: 1. How long have you lived in Carlsbad? 2. What do you hope to contribute by serving on this Board, Commission or Committee? 3. What makes you uniquely qualified to serve on this Board, Commission or Committee? 4. Are you familiar with the dates, times and locations of the meetings? Does your schedule allow flexibility so that you can attend all of the regularly scheduled meetings? 5. Have you ever attended any of the meetings of the Board, Commission or Committee for which you are applying to be appointed? Notes: Points Citizens Academy graduate (0 if No;15 if yes) Resides in preferred district (0 if No;15 if yes) Applicant has education relevant to position (15 pts.) Experience relevant to Board, Commission or Committee for which applying (15 pts.) Prior experience serving on a Board, Commission or Committee (15 pts.) /"\ Interview (Maximum 25 pts.) t ) TOTAL (Maximum 100 pts.) I'--' \ City of Carlsbad Interview for Board/Commission/Committee Vacancy Date: _M_a_r_ch_2_6,_2_0_1_9 __ City Council Member: ~ Applicant: Shirley Anderson Board, Commission or Committee: PMC ----------------- QUESTIONS: 1. How long have you lived in Carlsbad? {cityof Carlsbad lb t-/atv-1 Jk 2. What do you hope to contribute by serving on this Board, Commission or Committee. 3. 4. Are you familiar with the dates, times and locations of the meetings? Does your schedule allow flexibility so that you can attend all of the regularly scheduled meetings? 5. Have you ever attended any of the meetings of the Board, Commission or Committee for which you are applying to be appointed? Points Citizens Academy graduate (O if No;15 if yes) Resides in preferred district (O if No;15 if yes) L c; Applicant has education relevant to position (15 pts.) t t; Experience relevant to Board, Commission or Committee for which applying (15 pts.) ~'1 Prior experience serving on a Board, Commission or Committee (15 pts.) I'? Interview (Maximum 25 pts.) 'l._C, TOTAL (Maximum 100 pts.) ~\ (_/ cityof City of Carlsbad Carlsbad Interview for Board/Commission/Committee Vacancy VI\ J\,-t\,r- Date: March 26, 2019 City Council Member: ---tf~------ Applicant: Shirley Anderson Board, Commission or Committee: PAAC ----------------- QUESTIONS: 1. How long have you lived in Carlsbad? 2. What do you hope to contribute by serving on this Board, Commission or Committee? 3. What makes you uniquely qualified to serve on this Board, Commission or Committee? 4. Are you familiar with the dates, times and locations of the meetings? Does your schedule allow flexibility so that you can attend all of the regularly scheduled meetings? 5. Have you ever attended any of the meetings of the Board, Commission or Committee for which you are applying to be appointed? I ~ ~Vts-rf-. Cc17 "1.,tN\. (1t h(( ~ ' I I ' J ({Jfpthl Notes: -=: U 21MJ. - Resides in preferred district (O if No;15 if yes) Applicant has education relevant to position (15 pts.) Experience relevant to Board, Commission or Committee for which applying (15 pts.) Prior experience serving on a Board, Commission or Committee (15 pts.) Interview (Maximum 25 pts.) TOTAL (Maximum 100 pts.) City of Carlsbad Interview for Board/Commission/Committee Vacancy Date: _M_a_rc_h_2_6_,_2_0_19 __ City Council Member: Applicant: Winthrop Cramer Board, Commission or Committee: PAAC ----------------- QUESTIONS: 1. How long have you lived in Carlsbad? {city of Carlsbad b~+--fatlel 2. to contribute by serving on this Board, Commission or Committee? 3. What makes you uniquely qualified to serve on this Board, Commission or Committee? 4. Are you familiar with the dates, times and locati ns of the meetings? Does your sched flexibility so that you can attend all of the regularly scheduled meetings? e 5. Have you ever attended any of the meetings of the Board, Commission or Committee for which you are applying to be appointed? · Notes: Resides in preferred district (O if No;15 if yes) Applicant has education relevant to position (15 pts.) Experience relevant to Board, Commission or Committee for which applying (15 pts.) Prior experience serving on a Board, Commission or Committee (15 pts.) Interview (Maximum 25 pts.} TOTAL (Maximum 100 pts.) City of Carlsbad {city of Carlsbad Interview for Board/Commission/Committee Vacancy Date: March 26, 2019 City Council Member: 5~ UfV\A--c:... L Applicant: Winthrop Cramer Board, Commission or Committee: PAAC ----------------- QUESTIONS: 1. How long have you lived in Carlsbad? ZD I I 2. What do you hope to contribute by serving on this Board, Commission or Committee? --~ Jw~ ~-J t,-~ lo z.. . /4d\l occ: +.:,-.J < slR- 3. What makes you uniquely qualified to serve ~n this Board, ebmmission or Committee? J ,--~ C--<1/v, vvt --« ' 'T ( C)<~~c-e ~ 605,:,...,~ 4. Are you familiar with the dates, times and locations of the meetings? Does your schedule allow flexibility so that you can attend all of the regularly scheduled meetings? ye S 5. Have you ever attended any of the meetings of the Board, Commission or Committee for which you are applying to be appointed? ✓o Notes: (1 Points Citizens Academy graduate (O if No;15 if yes) ~ Resides in preferred district (O if No;15 if yes) \S- Applicant has education relevant to position (15 pts.) -----Experience relevant to Board, Commission or Committee for which applying (15 pts.) () Prior experience serving on a Board, Commission or Committee (15 pts.) \~ Interview (Maximum 25 pts.) -Z.5 TOTAL (Maximum :1"v~y>,~•i - City of Carlsbad {city of Carlsbad Interview for Board/Commission/Committee Vacancy Date: _M_a_r_ch_26_,_2_0_19 __ City Council Member: &~~ /' Applicant: Winthrop Cramer Board, Commission or Committee: PAAC ----------------- QUESTIONS: 1. How long have you lived in Carlsbad? 2. What do you hope to contribute by serving on this Board, Commission or Committee? 3. What ma es you uniquely qualified to serve on this Board, Commission or Committee? 4. Are you familiar with the dates, times and I cations of the meetings? Do s your schedule allow flexibility so that you can attend all of the regularly scheduled meetings? 5. Have you ever attended any of the meetings of the Board, Commission or Committee for which you are applying to be appointed? Notes: ~ C.f1~ ~ ~ r Points Citizens Academy graduate (O if No;15 if yes) Resides in preferred district (O if No;15 if yes) I S Applicant has education relevant to position (15 pts.) \, s Experience relevant to Board, Commission or Committee for which applying (15 pts.) I~ Prior experience serving on a Board, Commission or Committee (15 pts.) 10 Interview (Maximum 25 pts.) ')...t, TOTAL (Maximum 100 pts.) ul I ,? C cityof City of Carlsbad Carlsbad Interview for Board/Commission/Committee Vacancy , \ _ /) 0 Date: March 26, 2019 City Council Member: --~'11--10'-_____ _ Applicant: Winthrop Cramer Board, Commission or Committee: PAAC ----------------- QUESTIONS: 1. How long have you lived in Carlsbad? 2. What do you hope to contribute by serving on this Board, Commission or Committee? 3. What makes you uniquely qualified to serve on this Board, Commission or Committee? 4. Are you familiar with the dates, times and locations of the meetings? Does your schedule allow flexibility so that you can attend all of the regularly scheduled meetings? 5. Have you ever attended any of the meetings of the Board, Commission or Committee for which you are applying to be appointed? / 1'1 Notes: f\y f/ / V "'\I ' Points Citizens Academy graduate (0 if No;15 if yes) Resides in preferred district (0 if No;15 if yes) Applicant has education relevant to position (15 pts.) / Experience relevant to Board, Commission or Committee for which applying (15 pts.) I' Prior experience serving on a Board, Commission or Committee (15 pts.) ✓, .,/ Interview (Maximum 25 pts.) TOTAL (Maximum 100 pts.) City of Carlsbad {city of Carlsbad Interview for Board/Commission/Committee Vacancy Date: March 26, 2019 City Council Member: __ \[--'--~----- Applicant: Winthrop Cramer Board, Commission or Committee: PAAC ----------------- QUESTIONS: 1. arlsbad? 2. What do you hope to contribute by serving on this Board, Commission or Committee? 3. What makes you uniquely qualified to serve on this Board, Commission or Committee? 4. Are you familiar with the dates, times and locations of the meetings? Does your schedule allow flexibility so that you can attend all of the regularly scheduled meetings? 5. Have you ever attended any of the meetings of the Board, Commission or Committee for which you are applying to be appointed? Notes: Points Citizens Academy graduate (O if No;15 if yes) Resides in preferred district (O if No;15 if yes) Applicant has education relevant to position (15 pts.) Experience relevant to Board, Commission or Committee for which applyi Prior experience serving on a Board, Commission or Committee (15 pts. Interview (Maximum 25 pts.) TOTAL (Maximum 100 pts.) City of Carlsbad {city of Carlsbad Date: March 26, 2019 Interview for Board/Commission/Committee Vacancy City Council Member: \:)\.cat...---~ct-\e \ Applicant: Chuck Hunter Board, Commission or Committee: PAAC ----------------- QUESTIONS: 1. How long have you lived in Carlsbad? 3. Board, Commission or Committee? f-------------------L---~'--1------==:L~-o..l/ 4. Are you familiar with the dates, times and locations of the meetings? Does your schedule allow ~~'d. flexibility so that you can attend all of the regularly scheduled meetings? 5. Have you ever attended any of the meetings of the Board, Commission or Committee for which you are applying to be appointed? Points Citizens Academy graduate (O if No;15 if yes) Resides in preferred district (O if No;15 if yes) ( Applicant has education relevant to position (15 pts.) Experience relevant to Board, Commission or Committee for which applying (15 pts.) Prior experience serving on a Board, Commission or Committee (15 pts.) Interview (Maximum 25 pts.) TOTAL (Maximum 100 pts.) City of Carlsbad {city of Carlsbad Interview for Board/Commission/Committee Vacancy Date: March 26, 2019 City Council Member: S~v~'--'2----<._ Applicant: Chuck Hunter Board, Commission or Committee: PAAC ----------------- QUESTIONS: 1. How long have you lived in Carlsbad? 2. What do you hope to contribute by serving on this Board, Commission or Committee? 3. What makes you ul'liquely qualified to serve on this Board, Commission or Committee? 4. Are you tam· iar with the dates, times and locations of the meeti ? Doe flexibility so that you can attend all of the regularly scheduled meetings? 5. Have you ever attended any of the meetings of the Board, Commission or Committee for which you are applying to be appointed? Notes: Points_ Citizens Academy graduate (0 if No;15 if yes) Resides in preferred district (0 if No;15 if yes) IS Applicant has education relevant to position (15 pts.) -----Experience relevant to Board, Commission or Committee for which applying (15 pts.) \':\ Prior experience serving on a Board, Commission or Committee (15 pts.) 15 Interview (Maximum 25 pts.) 2-0 TOTAL (Maximum :_;;_;;.) ~ City of Carlsbad {city of Carlsbad Interview for Board/Commission/Committee Vacancy Date: March 26, 2019 City Council Member: ____,lf;'---'---'a,=------..,/ / ____ _ Applicant: Chuck Hunter Board, Commission or Committee: PAAC ----------------- QUESTIONS: 1. How long have you lived in Carlsbad? 2. What do you hope to contribute by serving on this Board, Commission or Committee? 3. What makes you uniquely qualified to serve on this Board, Commission or Committee? 4. Are you familiar with the dates, times and locations of the meetings? Does your schedule allow flexibility so that you can attend all of the regularly scheduled meetings? 5. Have you ever attended any of the meetings of the Board, Commission or Committee for which you are applying to be appointed? ,}J ), Notes: ;;J· / ' .xl' ~ /\ ~J\ //' '¥\ \I\ ./'- I -.,;• Points Citizens Academy graduate (0 if No;15 if yes) // Resides in preferred district (O if No;15 if yes) / I Applicant has education relevant to position (15 pts.) I Experience relevant to Board, Commission or Committee for which applying (15 pts.) I Prior experience serving on a Board, Commission or Committee (15 pts.) I Interview (Maximum 25 pts.) I\ ( n TOTAL (Maximum 100 pts.) I l)V City of Carlsbad {cityof Carlsbad Interview for Board/Commission/Committee Vacancy Date: March 26, 2019 City Council Member: ~ ~cXh urn Applicant: Chuck Hunter Board, Commission or Committee: PMC ----------------- QUESTIONS: 1. How long have you lived in Carlsbad? Card\a 7fl0 f 2. What do you hope to contribute by serving on this Board, Commission or Committee? 3. What makes you uniquely qualified to serve on this Board, Commission or Committee? 4. Are you familiar with the dates, times and locations of the meetings? Does your schedule allow flexibility so that you can attend all of the regularly scheduled meetings? 5. Have you ever attended any of the meetings of the Board, Commission or Committee for which you are applying to be appointed? ~ Notes: Av(o. ttoY\ Da.ck {'ql;J Points Citizens Academy graduate (O if No;15 if yes) Resides in preferred district (O if No;15 if yes) tg· Applicant has education relevant to position (15 pts.) r Experience relevant to Board, Commission or Committee for which applying (15 pts.) 10 Prior experience serving on a Board, Commission or Committee (15 pts.) ,A:. /6 Interview (Maximum 25 pts.) lo TOTAL (Maximum 100 pts.) t./,f) { City of Carlsbad {cityof Carlsbad Interview for Board/Commission/Committee Vacancy Date: --------March 26, 2019 City Council Member: 6 ~ /h--- Applicant: Chuck Hunter Board, Commission or Committee: PAAC ----------------- QUESTIONS: 1. How long have you lived in Carlsbad? I 2. What do you hope to contribute by erving on this Board, Commission or Committee? 3. What makes you uniquely qualified to serve on this Board, Commission or Committee? 4. Are you familiar with the dates, times and locations of the meetings? Does your schedule allow flexibility so that you can attend all of the regularly scheduled meetings? 5. Have you ever attended any of the meetings of the Board, Commission or Committee for which you are applying to be appointed? Notes: b.;:a::: , ,,... C) ~ Pro.,.,L,,!-C,1) ~~ Points Citizens Academy graduate (O if No;15 if yes) 0 Resides in preferred district (O if No;15 if yes) l c; Applicant has education relevant to position (15 pts.) p; Experience relevant to Board, Commission or Committee for which applying (15 pts.) \ i; Prior experience serving on a Board, Commission or Committee (15 pts.) \? Interview (Maximum 25 pts.) ,o TOTAL (Maximum 100 pts.) '111 I/ ~I City of Carlsbad Interview for Board/Commission/Committee Vacancy {city of Carlsbad Date: March 26, 2019 City Council Member: )S V\C{"(-fa.kl Applicant: Ronald Lovick Board, Commission or Committee: PAAC ---------------- QUESTIONS: 1. rlsbad? 2. What do you hope to contribute by serving on this Board, Commission or Committee? 3. What makes you uniquely qualified to serve on this Board, Commission or Committee? 4. Are you familiar with the dates, times and locations of the meetings? Does your schedule allow flexibility so that you can attend all of the regularly scheduled meetings? ears, 5. Have you e er attended any of the meetings of the Board Commission or Committee or which you are applying to be appointed? __, Points Citizens Academy graduate (O if No;15 if yes) ,/ Resides in preferred district (O if No;15 if yes) 1~ Applicant has education relevant to position (15 pts.) / Experience relevant to Board, Commission or Committee for which applying (15 pts.) LS Prior experience serving on a Board, Commission or Committee (15 pts.) ,s Interview (Maximum 25 pts.) Z..D TOTAL (Maximum 100 pts.) (,n ') - City of Carlsbad Interview for Board/Commission/Committee Vacancy {city of Carlsbad Date: March 26, 2019 City Council Member: f <A-t v 1\.,0, ~ ~ Applicant: Ronald Lovick Board, Commission or Committee: PAAC ----------------- QUESTIONS: 1. How long have you lived in Carlsbad? \I,..) ( ~ ,~go 2. What do you hope to contribute by serving on this Board, Commission or Committee? r~·~J /4 LL I\J~c.h 5b ~\~,J. 3. What makes you uniquely qualified to serve on this Board, Commission or Committee? i CJ"l (j I-L. SJ r,'.tv-<,-I 4,ty(/v -'c::--, C-<..___ / \) Lj,JC,_.,_j,.,___~ 4. Are you familiar with the dates, times and locations of the meetings? Does your schedule allow flexibility so that you can attend all of the regularly scheduled meetings? --'(ej·· 5. Have you ever attended any of the meetings of the Board, Commission or Committee for which you are applying to be appointed? ku~. Notes: { :Z Jo ,,.,~ C ' -r, -i ,:_,,v;- Points Citizens Academy graduate (O if No;15 if yes) ,-~ - Resides in preferred district (O if No;15 if yes) 15 Applicant has education relevant to position (15 pts.) _____ ___,,, Experience relevant to Board, Commission or Committee for which applying (15 pts.) 15 Prior experience serving on a Board, Commission or Committee (15 pts.) 15 Interview (Maximum 25 pts.) f§ TOTAL (Maximum 1""~"'.) City of Carlsbad Interview for Board/Comn;iission/Committee Vacancy Date: March 26, 2019 City Council Member: Applicant: Ronald Lovick Board, Commission or Committee: PAAC ----------------- QUESTIONS: 1. How long have you lived in Carlsbad? {city of Carlsbad P> Hamil~ 2. What do you ope to contribute by serving on this Board, Commission or Committee? 3. What makes you uniquely qualified to serve on this Board, Commission or Committee? 4. Are you familiar with the dates, times and locations of the meetings? Does your schedule a ow flexibility so that you can attend all of the regularly scheduled meetings? 5. Have you ever attended any of the meetings of the Board, Commission or Committee for which you are applying to be appointed? Notes: Points Citizens Academy graduate (O if No;15 if yes) 0 Resides in preferred district (O if No;15 if yes) IS Applicant has education relevant to position (15 pts.) l C, Experience relevant to Board, Commission or Committee for which applying {15 pts.) I C:, Prior experience serving on a Board, Commission or Committee (15 pts.) 11, Interview (Maximum 25 pts.) tO TOTAL (Maximum 100 pts.) "'.1.-f) I y City of Carlsbad Interview for Board/Commission/Committee Vacancy {city of Carlsbad Date: March 26, 2019 \~._]1 City Council Member: _ __. _____ _ Applicant: Ronald Lovick Board, Commission or Committee: PAAC ----------------- QUESTIONS: 1. How long have you lived in Carlsbad? 0M; T,~ ~·"~ (q~O 2. What do you hope to contribute by serving on this Board, Commission or Committee? 3. What makes you uniquely qualified to serve on this Board, Commission or Committee? 4. Are you familiar with the dates, times and locations of the meetings? Does your schedule allow /~/ flexibility so that you can attend all of the regularly scheduled meetings? 5. Have you ever attended any of the meetings of the Board, Commission or Committee for which you are applying to be appointed? Notes: I \ n,A..+" 1.l()lAI LLl\r\ V -.. ' . ,~ ~ -,- ~ Points ~-1-C_i_ti_ze_n_s_A_c_a_d_e_m~y~g_ra_d_u_a_te_(O_i_f _N_o_;1_5_i_f _ye_s_) _----:::-----------------i---:::-----1 Resides in preferred district (O if No;15 if yes) -0 tO Applicant has education relevant to position (15 pts.) Experience relevant to Board, Commission or Committee for which applying (15 pts.) Prior experience serving on a Board, Commission or Committee (15 pts.) Interview (Maximum 25 pts.) {city of City of Carlsbad Carlsbad Interview for Board/Commission/Committee Vacancy 1 \ _ l £ Date: March 26, 2019 City Council Member: __ __._tTfc ____ _ Applicant: Ronald Lovick Board, Commission or Committee: PAAC ----------------- QUESTIONS: 1. How long have you lived in Carlsbad? 2. What do you hope to contribute by serving on this Board, Commission or Committee? 3. What makes you uniquely qualified to serve on this Board, Commission or Committee? 4. Are you familiar with the dates, times and locations of the meetings? Does your schedule allow flexibility so that you can attend all of the regularly scheduled meetings? 5. Have you ever attended any of the meetings of the Board, Commission or Committee for which you are applying to be appointed? Notes: Points Citizens Academy graduate (O if No;15 if yes) /, Resides in preferred district (O if No;15 if yes) / Applicant has education relevant to position (15 pts.) I Experience relevant to Board, Commission or Committee for which applying (15 pts.) I Prior experience serving on a Board, Commission or Committee (15 pts.) I Interview (Maximum 25 pts.) • /1 TOTAL (Maximum 100 pts.) C/ 3/26/20197 -Carlsbad nomination to the PAAC 2019 Hope Nelson, 19 year Carlsbad resident Mayor, City Council Members and staff, I want to complement staff on the staff report being addressed -the nomination of representation to the Palomar Airport Advisory Committee. As an interested resident of Carlsbad and the Executive Director of the non-profit citizens group Citizens for a Friendly Airport, I have been watching how the 3 other cities with the same opportunity to nominate have handled it. You have made Carlsbad, to my knowledge, the only city to bring this to a public City Council meeting and I thank you! I am going to be brief. I am going to walk you through a few items that are not included in the staff report, most likely due to lack of knowledge. There are 8 names I isted on the staff report. These names were submitted in Supervisor Jim Desmond's letter of Jan 28, referenced in the staff report. Subsequently, on March 12, Supervisor Desmond submitted 7 candidates to the County BOS for appointment to the Palomar Airport Advisory Committee (PAAC). Interesting that of those 7, 4 are also on the list of applicants forwarded to Carlsbad for appointment. It doesn't appear those candidates have been rescinded from the list for Carlsbad's seat at the table. Maybe they are yet to rescind their own application? Why would someone already appointed want move from an at-large seat to simply represent Carlsbad? Additionally, 3 of these candidates have Board Policy A-7 4 waived by Supervisor Desmond. Among other items in A-74 d.3. it says "Membership on a County citizen committee shall be limited to two consecutive terms." Terms are 4 years. Then there is the makeup of the PAAC. One of the rules you will see on the document titled "Palomar Airport Advisory Committee" is under "Membership Composition". It says "no more than three members of the committee shall be financially interested in any business having a leasehold interest in Palomar Airport. Nowhere in their packets do 2 of these candidates mention that their business is run from offices on Airport property. Nor do 2 of these candidates mention they are business partners. Nor does one of the candidates mention he once worked as a contractor at Palomar Airport as the Environmental Sound Manager. All I ask is that you be aware of what might be happening here and do your best so that we can say that the PAAC in 2019 has at least one candidate that just might be representative of the residents not just the business interests of the community. Thank you. • JIM DESMOND IUPDVIIO"-mTM DIITIICT MICOltGOClOQtTY aQAUOFIUIUVtaOU AOENDAITBM DATE: Mardi 12, 2019 TO: 8olrd of Supcrviaors SUBJECT V AIUOUS APPOINTMINTS (DISTRICT, 5) RECOMMENDAffON(S) SUPDVISOR JIM DESMOND "OUMTY OF SAN OIEf,• 2019 ff AR -Lt AN II: It& ;LERK OF TH€ l,'OAhl.. OF SUPERVISORS 1. RHppolnt Sheffy Ludwig to the STATIJS OF WOMEN AND OlR.LS, COMMISSION ON 'llfEt Seat No. 9 for a term to expire Jaruwy 2, 2023. 2. Re-eppolnt Oontoo A. 'Nabln to the PALOMAR AIR.PORT ADVISO.RY COMMrrrEE. Seat No. I for a term to expire January 2, 2023. 3. Waive Board Policy A· 74, "CitiJ.en Particlpttion In County Bolrds, Commialona and Committees," and fHPJ)Oint Charles Collins to the PALOMAR AI.RPORT ADVISORY COMMrrrBB. Seat No. 2 for a term 10 expire Januay 2. 2023, 4. Appoint'Jim Swain to die PALOMAR AIRPORT ADVISORY COMMITTEE, Seat No. 4 for a term to expire January 2. 2023. S, Appoint Kevin Karpe to the PALOMAR AIRPORT ADVISORY COMMITTEE. Scat No. S for a tmn to expire Jll'luuy 2. 2023. 6. Re-appolm Dan Fruee to the PALOMAR AlRPORT ADVISORY COMMlTTBE. Stal No. 6 for• IC'lm to expire January 2, 2023. Waive Board Policy A-7~, "Citizen Puticipatkm in County Board,. Commiaions and CommittNS," and re.-ppoint John O'ReiJly to U. PALOMAR. AIRPORT ADVISORY COMMJTT2.B. Scat No. 7 for• ra,n to expire January 2. 2023. 8. Waive Board Policy A-74, "Citiz.lm Participation In County Douds. CommilllOJ11 and Committea." and l'HJ)point Thomat Rlcotta to the PALOMAR AJJlPORT ADVISORY COMMJTTEE. Scat No. 8 t'or 11fflTI lo expire January 2. 2023. Lept.arvl,0 1 SUBJECT: VARIOUS APPOINTMENTS (DISTRICT: S) 9. RHppolnt Clifford K.a1ICf to the PALOMAR AlRPORT ADVISORY COMMITTEE, Seal No. 9 for a term to explre January 2, 2023. 10. Appoint Lynne T. Malinowlkl to the RAINBOW COMMUNITY PLANNINO OROUP, Sc.at No. 2 for a term to expire J1nuary 2, 2023. BACKGROUND ..a- Kevino/ Dan Frazee -Thomas Ricotta Cllfford K.aim - ATTACHMENT(S) NIA Respeelfully submitted, +~ JIMDESMOND Supervisor, Fifth District 2 NAME: LEGAL AUTHORITY: MEMBERS APPOINTED BY: MEMBERSHIP COMPOSITION: TERMS: PALOMAR AIRPORT ADVISORY COMMITTEE Ordinance No. 8212 (NS), adopted 3/2/93, amending County Administrative Code, Article XL, Section 731 et seq.; Ordinance No. 9468 (NS) as adopted 6/11/02 (24); Ordinance No. 10042 (NS), adopted 3/3/20 l O (8); Ordinance No. 10589 (NS), adopted 01/09/19 ( 4) Nominated by the Supervisor from the Fifth Supervisorial District and appointed by the Board of Supervisors The Committee shall consist of nine members. o Of these nine members, one each must reside in the cities of Carlsbad, Vista, San Marcos, and Oceanside and these cities may each identify one resident from their city as a candidate for the Fifth Supervisorial District to consider for nomination to the Board of Supervisors. If any city fails to identify a resident as a candidate for consideration or the candidate is determined by the Fifth Supervisorial District to be unacceptable, the Fifth Supervisorial District may nominate a member of its own choice from the city. o Five members shall be from the general public who reside within the Fifth Supervisorial District. o No member shall be nominated or appointed who is a member of the governing body or planning commission or an employee of the County of San Diego, City of Carlsbad, City of Vista, City of San Marcos or City of Oceanside. If a member of the Palomar Airport Advisory Committee becomes a member of the governing body or planning commission or an employee of the County of San Diego, City of Carlsbad, City of Vista, City of San Marcos, or City of Oceanside during their term of office, they shall be removed from the Committee and their position shall be declared vacant. o No more than three members of the committee shall be financially interested in any business having a leasehold interest in Palomar Airport. Each member of the Committee shall serve a term which shall run concurrently with the term of the Supervisor who nominated them to the committee. The term shall expire on the date of expiration of the term of the nominating Supervisor, or at such time as he or she ceases to hold office, whichever first occurs. The reelection of the nominating Supervisor for a succeeding term shall not automatically extend the term of any Committee member. VACANCIES: DUTIES: MEETING DA TE AND LOCATION: COMPENSATION: CONTACT PERSON: A vacancy shall occur on the happening of any of the following events before the expiration of the term: ( 1) The death of the incumbent. (2) The resignation of the incumbent. (3) Absences from more than one-third of the regularly scheduled meetings in any 12-month period or three consecutive regularly scheduled meetings. (4) Or for any reason specified in Government Code Section 1770. When a vacancy occurs as the result of missing one-third of the regularly scheduled meetings in one 12-month period or three consecutive regularly scheduled meetings, both the member and the nominating authority shall be notified by the Committee Chairperson. Vacancies shall be filled in the same manner as the initial appointment when a vacancy occurs. If a vacancy occurs, a new appointee shall serve for the unexpired term of the member being replaced. The Committee shall have the following duties and responsibilities: (1) To review and make recommendations on issues pertaining to noise control at Palomar Airport. (2) To review and make recommendations regarding land use within the Airport influence area. (3) To review and make recommendations regarding issues pertaining to the development and operations of Palomar Airport. (4) To provide an open forum between the Communities and the County on matters pertaining to Palomar Airport. (5) Any other items as may be assigned to the Committee by the Board of Supervisors. Third Thursday, 7:00 p.m. 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Members of the Committee shall serve without compensation and shall not be reimbursed for expenses incurred in performing their duties under this Article. Laura Estrada Mail Stop: N -137 760-966-3281 Fax# 760-931-5713 Revised: February 10, 2019 All Receive-AgendaJtem •--i For the Information of the: CllYCOUNCIL A~.,~ -i CA ✓ CC }L Date~ CM . ✓ COO ./ • . JIMDESMOND $lJ¥.f.:&VlaOR. Ji'll'TN ll'liTIUCT Sl\l!C OiEGQ COUNTY .iliO,l;W 01." SIJPDVmoa& AGEN"'DA 1IBM DATE: TO; Board of Supervi:rors SUBJECT V.ARIOUSAP'.POINl'fl,.iEN'fS (DISTRICT! S) RECOMMENDATION(S} SUPERVJSORJIM DESMOND \OU1-HY Of SAHD!f:i:• . 2mrnAR -L1 ~t.1 H: 4i .:U:RK OF THE DiJt,.1,i, OF SUPERVIS@S , L Re-~ppoint Sheu}' L!Jdwig to the STATUS OF WOMEN AND GIRLS, COMMISSION ON THE,, Seat No. 9 iior a term :to expire 1fflluary 2, 2023. 2. ~-a,p,poim Gordon.A. Nesbitt m the PALOMAR AIRPORT ADVISORY~ Seat No. l fo. a term to expire i11nuary 2.. 2023, 3. Waive Boaro Policy A~74, "Citizi:n Paiiici~tion in C.0Wlt)' BOti'ds, Comm:issfo:r.s imd Committees," and re-a.ppointCh!irles C.Ollim 1o die PALOMAR AlRPORT ADVISORY COMMITfEE, Seat No. 2 fm-a lcnn to expire Jimt11ll)' 2, 2023-1 4_ A{lpoint Jim S.wain to the PALOMAR AIRPORT ADVISORY COMMITTEE., Se.Ill No. 4 for a. term to -expire. Jlll:IIJl!IY 2., 2023. 5. A.PJ)[illi.t K,;;--vfo K.a."'7)u to thi:.PALffi,/..AR AIRPORT ADVISORY WMMITIEE, Seat No. 5 fur a term to expire liil:lol!fY 2. 2013. 6. Re-appoint Dan Frazee lo the PALOMAR AIRPORT ADVISORY COMMITTEE, Si:at No. 6 for a term to cxpin: January 2, 2023. 1. Waive Boud Policy A-74, ''Citizen Pamciipatioo. in Cowity Boards, Commis!ions and Committees,." and! fe-appoint John O'Reilly to the PALOri.iAR AIRPORT ADVISORY COMMITTEE, Seat No. 7 fo;:a term to expue:Jaramy 2, 2023. 8-Wwve RoiUd Policy A-74, "-Cit~ Partic:i:!)!l'tion in County B-0wls., Commissions ~d Commi~:· mi.d re-appoint Tnolllli:S Ricotta to th~ PALOMAR AIRPORT ADV1SORY COMMTITEE, Seat No. & for a term to expi:re January 2. 2023. Leglsarvl.O . 1 '·-' .· _ .. ·-;" ··.·---'. ·-...• .. . -.. ·······-·-···-····--·-··~---· ·-.··.:· ..... -..... ·.:._.:.,.---~·..:.-~.:. ... :· ~ ·- SUBJECT: VARlOUS. APPOINTMENTS {D!S'Jl'RICT: 5} 9. Re-appoint Clifford. Kaiser to t.~e PALOMAR AIRPORT ADV}SORY COMMITTEE. Seet No. 9 fur a term to expire Jam.wy 2, 2023. ] 0 .• "\µpoint Lynne T. Malinowski to the RAINBOW COMMUNffY PLANNING GROUP. Seat No. 2 fur a term to expire January 2, 2023. BACKGROUND - S~rry Ludwif ■ t Goro.on A. Nesbitt Charles Collins Ke.'vinKmpe i.' --___ ' . --. :'.; John O'R.dllv Thomas Ricotta. AT!ACHMENT(S) NIA R.es~ctfolly su,bmitted, cf-~ JG\1DESMOND Supervisor, Fifill Distric, .. ---~:-:-:'-••· 2 -~ ........ ' SUBJECT: APPOINTMENTS: VARIOUS (DISTRICTS: ALL) OVERVIEW These appointments are in accordance with applicable Board Policy'A-74, "Citizen Participation in County Boards, Commissions and Committees," Board Policy 1-1, "Planning and Sponsor Group Policies and Procedures," and Board Policy A-77, "Appointments to Fill Vacancies and Cancellation of Election where Insufficient Nominations Filed '' Prior to Uniform District Seat No. 5, for a term to expire January 2, 2023. SUPERVISOR JIM DESMOND Re-appoint Gordon A. Nesbitt to the PALOMAR AIRPORT ADVISORY COMMITTEE, Seat No. 1, for a term to expire January 2, 2023. Waive Board Policy A-74, "Citizen Participation in County Boards, Commissions and Committees," and re-appoint Charles G. Collins to the PALOMAR AIRPORT ADVISORY COMMITTEE, Seat No. 2, for a term to expire January 2, 2023. Appoint Jim Swain to the PALOMAR AIRPORT ADVISORY COMMITTEE; Seat No. 4, for a term to expire January 2, 2023. Appoint Kevin Karpe to the PALOMAR AIRPORT ADVISORY COMMITTEE, Seat No. 5, for a term to expire January 2, 2023. Re-appoint Dan Frazee to the PALOIY[AR AIRPORT ADVISORY COMMITTEE, Seat No. 6, fora term to expire January 2, 2023. Waive Board Policy A-7 4, "Citizen Participation in County Boards, Commissions and Committees," and re-appoint John J. O'Reilly to the PALOMAR AIRPORT ADVISORY COMMITTEE, Seat No. 7, for a term to expire January 2, 2023. Waive Board Policy A-7 4, "Citizen Participation in County Boards, Commissions and Committees," and re-appoint Thomas Ricotta to the PALOMAR AIRPORT ADVISORY COMMITTEE, Seat No. 8, for a term to expire January 2, 2023. Re-appoint Clifford Kaiser to the PALOMAR AIRPORT ADVISORY COMMITTEE, Seat No. 9, for a term to expire January 2, 2023. · · PAAC appointments already confirmed by Jim Desmond, District 5, San Diego Supervisor · Gordon Nesbitt -Oceanside -Re-appointment -1st appointment 10/27 /15 ( served 4 years) Thomas Ricotta -Vista -Re-appointment -1st appointment 1989 (served 30 years) Kevin Karpe -San Marcos -New Appointment -selected by Desmond ????????? -Carlsbad -Only published opening and voted on by a City Council Charles Collins -Re-appointment -Desmond -1st appointment 2003 (served 15 years) Dan Frazee -Re-appointment-Desmond -1st appointment 11/15/16 (served 3 years) John O'Reilly -Re-appointment-Desmond -1$t appointment 8/5/2008 (served 11. years) Clifford Kaiser-Re-appointment-Desmond -1st appointment 9/17/2013 (served 6 years) jim Swain -New appointment -Desmond -Former Staff at Palomar Airport "County of San Diego, California BOS Policy A-7 4, appointments limited to two consecutive terms.'' Which would be 8 year terms.