HomeMy WebLinkAbout2019-04-09; City Council; ; The purchase of a Skywatch mobile surveillance tower through FLIR Detection, Inc. in an amount not to exceed $262,023CA Review IJ->V (i) S~~fi R~port Meeting Date: To: From: Staff Contact: Subject: 4/9/19 Mayor and City Council Scott Chadwick, City Manager Cindy Anderson cindy.anderson@carlsbadca.gov or 760-931-2170 The purchase of a Skywatch mobile surveillance tower through FLIR Detection, Inc. in an amount not to exceed $262,023. Recommended Action Adopt a Resolution approving the purchase of a Skywatch mobile surveillance tower through FLIR Detection, inc. in an amount not to exceed $262,023. Executive Summary The police department has identified a need to purchase a Skywatch mobile surveillance tower for use at major events such as the bi-annual Village Faire, Carlsbad Marathon, and Carlsbad 5000/Junior 5000. These events bring thousands of people into the city, and an elevated surveillance tower is needed to enhance security. The police department currently borrows San Diego Police Department's Skywatch tower, which is also shared among other agencies in the county and is not always available for the city's use. The total cost of the Skywatch tower is $262,023, which includes the mobile tower, one pan/tilt/zoom (PTZ) camera, three stationary cameras, a Public Address (PA) System, mounted roof spotlights, wireless capability, a service plan, training, and shipping and insurance. The city will exercise the right to utilize the piggy-back clause of the competitively bid solicitation made available by the General Services Administration (GSA). There are sufficient funds in the Police Department's operating budget to cover the cost of the purchase. The city's purchasing procedure requires City Council approval on all purchases exceeding $100,000. Discussion The Carlsbad Police Department is always looking for ways to protect the public. At large events, one way is to provide the police with an elevated view of the event. An elevated view will provide the police with a larger and less obstructed view of the event. The Skywatch mobile surveillance tower is the device that can provide the police with an elevated view. The Skywatch mobile surveillance tower provides safety personnel with an elevated view of the surrounding area, allowing them to see more and respond faster from higher ground. It rises over two stories, can withstand 60 mph winds, and only requires one person to operate and deploy. The unit has an arched ascent and a dual hydraulic pump lifting April 9, 2019 Item #4 Page 1 of 10 system, which has proven to be much safer for use than a scissor lift. It is equipped with cameras made by FUR, which are proprietarily configured and integrated into the Skywatch tower. In addition to the planned major events during the year, the Skywatch tower can also be deployed in high crime areas as a deterrence and to capture evidence of crimes committed, as well as in retail centers during the holiday shopping season. The police department currently borrows a surveillance tower from the San Diego Police Department for the bi-annual Village Faire however, because it has not been upgraded in quite some time, it is limited in capability and does not allow for wireless streaming of the surveillance video. It is also used by other agencies in the county and its availability is limited. The selected model includes a two-person standard cab with diesel generator, which can run for four to five days, one thermal infrared PTZ camera with 100mm lens including an eight- channel DVR, monitor, joystick, and integration, three additional FUR Infrared staring cameras, a PA system, roof-mounted spotlights, and a wireless capability system that allows safety personnel to access surveillance footage on any iPad, smart phone, or computer. Additionally, the selected options include the Silver Service Plan, which includes preventative maintenance and travel expenses for service technicians, and training for safety personnel. Shipping and insurance are also included in the total cost. The Skywatch tower will be stored at the Safety Training Center and the police department will work in conjunction with the Fire Department and/or Public Works to deploy the unit when necessary. FUR services over 190 law enforcement agencies, including the San Diego Police Department, San Diego Sheriff's Office, El Cajon Police Department, Santa Monica Police Department, and Riverside County Sheriff's Department. Since 2002, there have been over 900 Skywatch towers deployed nationwide. Fiscal Analysis The total cost of the Skywatch tower is $262,023. The police department has sufficient funds in its operating budget for the purchase. Annual maintenance and training costs will be requested in future budget processes. Next Steps A purchase order will be opened to begin the purchasing process with the vendor in an amount not to exceed $262,023. It is expected that the Skywatch Tower will be purchased and available for deployment within six months after the purchase order is opened. Environmental Evaluation (CEQA) Pursuant to Public Resources Code section 21065, this action does not constitute a "project" within the meaning of CEQA in that it has no potential to cause either a direct physical change in the environment, or a reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment, and therefore does not require environmental review. April 9, 2019 Item #4 Page 2 of 10 Public Notification This item was noticed in accordance with the Ralph M. Brown Act and was available for public review at least 72 hours prior to the scheduled meeting date. Exhibits 1. City Council Resolution April 9, 2019 Item #4 Page 3 of 10 RESOLUTION NO. 2019-047 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE PURCHASE OF A SKYWATCH MOBILE SURVEILLANCE TOWER THROUGH FUR DETECTIONS, INC. IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $262,023. Exhibit 1 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California has determined that it is in the public interest to authorize the Police Department to purchase a Skywatch surveillance tower through FUR Detections, Inc.; and WHEREAS, the total cost of the purchase includes the mobile tower, pan/tilt/zoom cameras, monitor, wireless capability, service plan, training, and shipping and insurance; and WHEREAS, the city will exercise the right to use the piggy-back clause of the competitively bid solicitation made available by the General Services Administration (GSA); and WHEREAS, the Police Department has sufficient funds in its operating budget for the purchase; the purchase price shall not exceed $262,023. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the City Council hereby authorizes the purchase of a Skywatch mobile surveillance tower through FUR Detections, Inc. 3. The amount of the purchase will not exceed $262,023 (Attachment A). The Police Department will use available funds from its operating budget to make the purchase. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad on the 9th day of April 2019, by the following vote to wit: AYES: Blackburn, Bhat-Patel, Schumacher, Hamilton. NOES: None. ABSENT: Hall. ,,,1111111111,,,,,, ~,,,,,~ CAb}'l/1/. ~ 0·"' ~,.~ ~~ .. •·~···\Id\~ ('s(ffl.·, ~ . ···· .... )~l ~ ·.~~ ::~, 0: ~ .... ~~-~ % ~--....... ,t,, ....... ...-I ¾. '-:.,.1..·· .......... ·~,..,_~--,,,,,,, I FOV. ,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,1,,11111111\ PRIYA BHAT-PATEL, Mayor Pro Tern April 9, 2019 Item #4 Page 4 of 10 Attachment A Date: Attn: End User: Phone E-Ma il: Quote# Subject: FUR Detection, Inc. -Quotation January 31, 2019 Ms. Cin dy Anderson Car !sbad Police Department 760-931-2170 Cindy.Anderson@carlsbadca.gov 18-1102 SkyWatch™ Mobile Surveillance Towers This documentation contains proprietary information to FUR Systems, Inc. This information must be maintained in confidence and used only in a manner consistent with the documentation and any executed Non-Disclosure Agreement and may not be disclosed to any third parties without FL/R's written consent. GSA Part# in Yellow all others are Open Market Items Item Qty , Part Number Description , Price Extended 1 1 7005195ELK-01 FUR SkyWatch 2P-SD: Standalone mobile surveillance $149,500.00 $149,500.00 tower. Two person standard cab with diesel generator; GSA Color: White. 2 1 OPT 121 SkyWatch Ranger MS-UC DefendlR PTZ Camera kit with 100mm lens $ 45,973.39 $ 45,973.39 including 8 channel DVR, Monitor, Joystick and Integration. OPEN MARKET ITEM 3 1 7005961ELK 3 Additional FLIR Day/lR Staring Cameras including integration (Has to $ 9,124.05 $ 9,124.05 be combined with any PTZ camera selection). OPEN MARKET ITEM 4 1 OPT 322 Public Address System. OPEN MARKET ITEM $ 6,992.16 $ 6,992.16 5 1 OPT 377 Spot Lights Roof Mounted (Pair) OPEN MARKET ITEM $ 3,838.64 $ 3,838.64 6 1 MISC SkyWatch Basic Wireiess System: Connects to I PAD, Smartphone $ 10,421.25 $ 10,421.25 and Laptops al lowing live streaming of video a long with remote camera control. (Note this is a stand alone system subject to change should other parts or additional integration be necessary). OPEN MARKET ITEM 7 1 swo 1022 Si lver Service Plan (Travel and Expenses for technician included). $ 5,066.00 $ 5,066.00 OPEN MARKET ITEM 8 1 SWO 1023 SkyWatch Training (Travel and Expenses for technician included). $ 4,354.00 $ 4,354.00 OPEN MARKET ITEM 9 1 Shipping Shipping and Insurance: From Elkridge, MD to Carlsbad, CA. $ 9,814.00 $ 9,814.00 OPEN MARKET ITEM Carlsbad PD SkyWatch Quote 18-1102 Updated 01-08-2019 April 9, 2019 Item #4 Page 5 of 10 #FLIR Project Notes: 1. Terms and Conditions: This offer is subject to FLIR Detection's GSA Contract #GS-07F-0486V Terms (See below) 2. Points of Contact. 0 Questions regarding this quotation should be directed to Howard Schemer, tel. (M) +1 770-335-4892 Email: Howard.Schemer@flir.com . c After contract award all questions regarding project execution should be directed to Tamara Sierra +1 (M) 443- 280-7879 (0) 443-459-3111. Email : tamara.sierra@flir.com 3. Payment Terms: Net 30 subject to Credit Approval. Page 2 cf 1 ·~014L1/-'.. Qr:_ QUT Ter:1p!atE S\/•J i-ev /.\ This document is subject to the restrictions and pro"leciions detailed on the cover page. PROPRI ETARY AND COMPETiTiOi\! SENSiTiVE -The FUR Systems, Inc., information contained herein shall not be ctupiicated, used, or disciosed -in who!e or in part -beyond this point without the e:(pressed written consent of FL!R Systems, Inc. Copyright FUR Systems, Inc., al! rights reserved. April 9, 2019 Item #4 Page 6 of 10 CFLIR Schedule Contract . FUR Detection, Inc. 1024 S. Innovation Way Stillwater, OK 74074 USA 1 405.372.9535 phone 1 405.372.9537 fax www.flir.com *** * * ** * ***** ** * * * * * * * * * ** ** * * *** * * *** ** * * * *** * * ** * ** * *** * * ** ** * * * ** * * * ** * *** * * * * * * *** ** ***** ***** * * * * * * **** *** * * ** *** * ** * * * GENERAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION FEDERAL SUPPLY SERVICE AUTHORIZED FEDERAL SUPPLY SCHEDULE PRICE LIST On-line access to contract ordering information, terms and conditions, up-to-date pricing, and the option to create an electronic delivery order are available through GSA Advantage!™, a menu driven database system. The INTERNET address for GSA Advantage!™ is: http://www.qsaadvantaqe.gov. Federal Supply Schedule 084-Total Solutions for Law Enforcement, Security, Facility Management Systems, Fire, Rescue, Special Purpose Clothing, Marine Craft and Emergency/Disaster Response; Group 84 -Law Enforcement and Security Equipment CONTRACT NUMBER GS-07F-0486V CONTRACT PERIOD AUGUST 26, 2009 THROUGH AUGUST 25, 2019 For more information on ordering from Federal Supply Schedules, click on the Purchasing Programs tab at http://www.qsa.gov. CONTRACTOR FUR Detection, Inc. 1024 S. Innovation Way Stillwater, OK 74074 Phone 405-533-6618 Fax 405-372-9537 Email: qovernment-contracts@flir.com www.flir.com DUNS: 804632318 CAGE: 4ZCA0 Tax ID 77-0619113 Business Size: Large ADMINISTRATOR: Chelsea Pardue Email: qovernment-contracts@flir.com THE FOLLOWING REFLECTS TERMS AND CONDITIONS ACC EPTED AT THE TIME OF AWARD "' Shipping costs are not included in purchase price and wi ll be added to invoice. o Trave l costs will be charged to the Government in accordance with FAR 31.205-46 as an open market item. o Time of delivery based on availability, order quantity, and regulatory requ irements (e.g. DPAS Priority Ratings). Consult with the contractor for specific delivery requirements. April 9, 2019 Item #4 Page 7 of 10 0FLIR 1a. Awarded Special Item Number(s): 1 b. 1 C. 2. 426-4E 426-4-F 426-4K .. 426-4R 426-4S Bomb Disposal and Hazardous Material Protective and Detective Equipment Emergency Preparedness and First Responder Equipment, Training and Services -Includes but not limited to Continuance of Operations Plann ing (COOP) services, decontamination kits and showers, mass casualty containment trailers, survival/disaster and rapid deployment kits, hazard ous material detection equipment and clothing, and emergency res ponse training. Metal and Bomb Detection Equipment -Includes Airport Security, also ancillary services such as installatiori , training, etc . Radiation/Nuclear Material Detection Equipment Surveillance Systems: Includes CCTV, Vehicular Video, Mirrors and Binoculars, Observation Towers, Covert Systems and Ancillary Services such as Installation, Training , etc. Lowest Priced Item and Price for each SIN: SIN Description 426-4E FLI R Verification Pens, pack of 6 (G824) 426-4F Fluorescent additive for hand held Agentase C2 Disclosure Spray (Nerve Agent Disclosure and Training version s). Additive to standard Handheld Agentase C2 which enhances the visual response of the disclosure spray under challenging lighting conditions or on challenging surfaces when used with a UV flashliqht 426-4K Samplinq Swipes (box of 50) for Fido XT, XTi, NXT 426-4R identiFINDER R200-G -1 Year Extension to Factory Warranty. Total 2 Years of Enhanced Warranty Coverage. Extended warranty pricing is ONLY applicable to new products. If you are interested in purchasing an enhanced warranty package for an instrument already fielded, please contact the factory. 426-4S FLI R SkyWatch SG: Standalone mobile surveillance tower. Single standard cab with gas qenerator. HOURLY RATES: Not applicable. MAXIMUM ORDER: 426-4E: $200,000 426-4F: $200,000 426-4K: $850,000 426-4R: $500,000 426-4S: $200,000 Part No. Net GSA Price 241 -005-0062 $20.10 KD3000-010 $61.26 FS-01 -E $27.76 EWS-R200-1 $272.04 7004887ELK-01 $121,500.00 (-02 & -03) 3. MINIMUM ORDER LIMITATION: $1 00.00 4. GEOGRAPHIC COVERAGE: Domestic: 50 states, Washington, DC, Puerto Rico, US Territories, and to a CON US port of consolidation point for orders received from overseas activities . Page 2 of 4 FLI R Detection, Inc. GSA Schedule Contract No. GS-07F-0486V April 9, 2019 Item #4 Page 8 of 10 CFLIR 5. PRODUCTION POINT: SIN Points of Production 426 4E Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, PA West Lafayette, Tippecanoe County, IN Stillwater, Payne County, OK 426 4F Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, PA Stillwater, Payne County, OK 426 4K Stillwate1·, Payne County, OK 426 4R Oakridge, Anderson County, TN 426 4S Elkridqe, Howard County, MD 6. BASIC DISCOUNT: 0% to 5% off MSRP. The awarded price list for the GSA Multiple Award Schedule (MAS) Contract is the FLIRDetection, Inc. Commercial Price List, Effective 0i/0i/20i5 with a negotiated basic discount of 0% to 5% (see price list for details). For calculation of the GSA Schedule price (price paid by customers ordering from the GSA Schedule), the contractor should deduct the basic discount from the rntail price and add the prevailing I FF rate to the negotiated discount price (Net GSA price). Currently the IFF rate is 0.75%. 7. QUANTITY DISCOUNTS: None 8. PROMPT PJWMENT TERMS: 0%, Net 30 9. GOVERNMENT PURCHASE CARDS: Yes 10. FOREIGN ITEMS: Yes; See Price List ii a. TIME OF DELIVERY: 120 -i80 days ARO for SkyVVatch and Radiation R400/500 LG and LGH Products; 30 -90 days ARO for all other orders. 11 b. EXPEDITED DELIVERY: Consult with Contractor 11 c. OVERNIGHT DELIVERY: Consult with Contractor 11 d. URGENT REQUIREMENTS: Consult with Contractor 12. FOB POINT: Origin 13a. ORDERING ADDRESS: Same as Contractor 'i3b . OR.DERING PROCEDURES: For Supplies and Services, the ordering procedures, and information on Blanket Purchase.Agreements (BPA's) are found in Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) 8.405-3 and www.qsa.gov .· 14. PAYMENT ADDRESS: Same as Contractor 15. WARRANTY PROVISIONS: Standard Commercial Warranty (SCW); full text provided below. 16. EXPORT PACKAGING CHARGES: N/A 17. TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF GOVERNMENT PURCHASE CARD ACCEPTANCE: N/A 18. TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF RENTAL: N/A 19. TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF INSTALLATION: N/A Page 3 of 4 FLIR Detection, Inc. GSA Schedule Contract No. GS-07F-0486V April 9, 2019 Item #4 Page 9 of 10 ~FLIR 20. TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF REPAIR PARTS: I\J/A 20a. TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR ANY OTHER SERVICES: N/A 21. LIST OF SERVICE AND DISTRIBUTION POINTS: N/A 22. UST OF PARTiCIPAT!NG DEALERS: Consult with Contractor 23. PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE: N/A 24a. SPECIAL ATTRIBUTES: N/A 24b. SECTION 508: N/A 25 . DATA UNIVERSAL NUMBER SYSTEM (DUNS) NUMBER: 804632318 26. NOTIFICATION REGARDING REGISTRATION IN SYSTEM FOR AWARD MANAGEIViEi'JT (SAM) DATABASE: Registration currently valid. STANDARD COMMERCIAL WARRANTY L!M!TED WARRANTY, EXCLUSIONS AND DiSCLAIMERS A. Limited Warranty. Unless superseded by individual Product warranty terms set forth in the Specifications, a warranty section of FLIR's website at www.FLIR.com , or in this Agreement, SELLER WARRANTS THAT FROM THE DATE OF DELIVERY AND FOR A PERIOD OF ONE YEAR, THE PRODUCTS WILL CONFORM IN ALL MATERIAL RESPECTS TO ITS SPECIFICATIONS AT THE TIME OF SALE AND BE FREE FROM MATERIAL DEFECTS UNDER PROPER USE AN D SERVICE IN ACCORDANCE WITH TH E SPECIFICATIONS. "Specifications" means the specifications delivered to Buyer with or in the Product and/or published on FLIR's website fo r the applicable version of the Product. Buyer agrees that Specifications and other warranty information may be supplied only in the Engl ish language, unless otherwise required by local law with out the possibility of contractual waiver or lim itation. This limited wa1-ranty extends only to Buyer and is not transferable to any other party and any transfer made in violation of this provision shall be void. The warranty applies only to the unmodified portion of the Products. Buyer is responsible for the results obtained from the use of the Products. Buyer's sole remedy, and Se ller's sole liability, for any breach of the foregoing warranty shall be to replace or repair any part or parts (or redeliver services) which were delivered in breach of the foregoing warranty. B. Warranty Exclusions and Disclaimers. SELLER MAKES NO OTHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTI ES, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE (EVEN IF BUYER HAS NOTIFIED SELLER OF ITS INTENDED USE FOR THE PRODUCTS) OR NON- iNFRINGEMENT SELLER FURTHER EXPRESSLY DiSCLAIMS ANY WARRANTY OF THE PRODUCTS WHERE THE ALLEGED NONCONFORMITY IS DUE TO NORMAL WEAR AND TEAR, ALTERATION, MODIFICATION, REPAIR, ATTEMPTED REPAIR, IMPROPER USE OR STORAGE, IMPROPER MAINTENANCE, NEGLECT, ABUSE, FAILURE TO FOLLOW ANY PRODUCT INSTRUCTIONS, DAMAGE (WHETHER CAUSED BY ACCIDEI\JT OR OTHERWISE), VARIABLES OUTSIDE THE CONTROL OF FLIR, OR ANY OTHER IMPROPER CARE OR HANDING OF THE PRODUCTS CAUSED BY ANYONE OTHER THAN SELLER SOME JURISDICTIONS DO NOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSION OF EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, SO THE ABOVE EXCLUSION MAY NOT APPLY TO BUYER. IN THAT EVENT, SUCH WARRANTIES ARE LIMITED IN DURATION TO THE WARRANTY PERIOD . BUYER MAY ALSO HAVE OTHER RIGHTS THAT VARY FROM JURISDICTION TO JURISDICTION. "Variables" include operator skills, non-FLIR equipment used with the Products, and environmental and climatic cond itions. Page 4 of 4 FLIR Detection, Inc. GSA Schedule Contract No. GS-07F-0486V April 9, 2019 Item #4 Page 10 of 10 Skywatch Tower Chief Neil Gallucci Cindy Anderson April 9, 2019 Skywatch Tower Mobile tower for use at major events, e.g. Village Faire Carlsbad Marathon Carlsbad 5K/Junior 5K And high crime areas Skywatch Tower •Rises over two stories –1 thermal infrared pan/tilt/zoom camera –3 stationary cameras –DVR, monitor and wireless capability •Requires 1 person to operate •Diesel generator will run for four to five days •Carlsbad Police Department currently borrows San Diego Police Department’s Skywatch tower, a shared resource among other agencies Skywatch Tower Cost Skywatch Tower $ 149,500.00 Cameras, PA System, Roof Lights $ 65,928.24 Wireless Capability System $ 10,421.25 Service Plan $ 5,066.00 Training $ 4,354.00 Shipping & Insurance $ 9,814.00 Taxes $ 16,938.71 TOTAL $ 262,022.20 Staff Recommendation Approve the purchase of a Skywatch mobile surveillance tower through FLIR Detection, Inc. in an amount not to exceed $262,023.