HomeMy WebLinkAbout2019-07-09; City Council; ; City Council Leadership and Goal Setting Process Workshop(B S~~ff R~port Meeting Date: To: From: Staff Contact: Subject: July 9, 2019 Mayor and City Council Scott Chadwick, City Manager Jason Haber, Assistant to the City Manager jason.haber@carlsbadca.gov or 760-434-2958 City Council Leadership and Goal Setting Process Workshop Recommended Action CA Review l}.V Participate in a facilitated discussion about City Council leadership and the 2019 City Council goal setting process. Executive Summary On February 20, 2019, the City Council participated in a leadership workshop facilitated by Danell Scarborough, EdD, which included discussion of the following topics: • Councilmember and City Council Values • Understanding and Respecting Our Leadership Styles • Complex and Constructive Conversations in Public, and with the Public • Working in Partnership with City Manager and Staff • Planning for the Goal Setting Process This item is to revisit and expand upon those discussions. Discussion Meeting notes from the February 20 City Council Leadership Workshop are attached as Exhibit 1. The Carlsbad City Council Leadership Workshop Workbook (Exhibit 2) provides a framework to guide the July 9 workshop facilitation and presents concepts and questions for the City Council to consider in preparing for the workshop. Fiscal Analysis No city funding is being requested. Next Steps Staff will incorporate City Council input in designing and conducting the 2019 City Council goal setting process. Environmental Evaluation (CEQA) Participating in a City Council leadership workshop does not qualify as a "project" under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) per State CEQA Guidelines Section 15378, as it does not result in a direct or reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment. July 9, 2019 Item #1 Page 1 of 17 Public Notification This item was noticed in accordance with the Ralph M. Brown Act and was available for public viewing and review at least 72 hours prior to scheduled meeting date. Exhibits 1. Carlsbad City Council Leadership Workshop Meeting Notes -February 20, 2019 2. Carlsbad City Council Leadership Workshop Workbook-July 9, 2019 July 9, 2019 Item #1 Page 2 of 17 CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL LEADERSHIP WORKSHOP Meeting Notes February 20, 2019 Faraday Administration Center Carlsbad, California Exhibit 1 July 9, 2019 Item #1 Page 3 of 17 COUNCILMEMBER MOTIVATIONS TO SERVE AND CORE VALUES What is the reason you ran for City Council/Mayor? Why do you engage in public service and civic leadership? • Family history of service • Really care about community • Voice of the community • Motivated to get involved after 9-11 • How can it be better? • To draw in the public • . Want to redefine policies and political spaces • Giving back to the community • Want to see our team succeed • Watched changes happen and wanted to be involved in decision- making • Fell in love with Carlsbad; deep roots here • Enjoy interacting with people • Want to give back and to give forward to those who follow What are your core values as a Councilmember/Mayor? • Transparency • Honest motivations • Direct and honest communication • Ownership • Integrity • Community • Accountability • Inclusion • Equity and social justice • Diverse perspectives • Competency • Lead by example • Compassion • Collaborative leadership • Fairness • Being a good listener • Character • Commitment • Good intentions • Respect COMPLEX AND CONSTRUCTIVE CONVERSATIONS IN PUBLIC, AND WITH THE PUBLIC What do you believe is most important for effective governance in Carlsbad? • Remember our common goal is serving the community. • A process in place for working through big issues with respect. • Listening carefully to each other's perspective to see what is in common. • If you hear a disagreement, ask questions for clarity. Ask questions in the midst of the conversation in order to bridge gaps. • Use flexibility and a willingness to do things differently or the same. • Use transparency and dialogue, have a full and robust conversation about the issue so the public learns too, and they see Council using a thorough and thoughtful decision-making process. 21 Pa g e July 9, 2019 Item #1 Page 4 of 17 • Provide an inclusive, humanity-based government focused on the well-being of its constituents. • All ideas have been explored, decisions are made considering the entirety -data- driven and people centered. • Be succinct. • Ask and listen to fellow Councilmembers opinions. • Be honest about where you stand on an issue. What is your expected "Decorum on the Dais"? • Respect looks like: o Asking questions to understand o Positive tone of voice o Listening to other perspectives, valuing other experiences and walks of life o Listening to community speakers o Containing outward expressions of disagreement • Set aside ego. • Vote your belief (5-0 is not the goal for every vote). • Communicate if you feel disrespected. • Each person is responsible for being self-aware; reflect on my own biases. • Find and appreciate common points. What increases respect and trust in working relationships? • A culture of respect starting during campaigns. • Explaining reasons for a different vote. • Concentrating on commonalities. • Assuming everyone brings an enriching role. • Analyzing issues as opportunities rather than weaknesses. What decreases respect and trust in working relationships? • Speaking negatively about each other. WORKING IN PARTNERSHP WITH CITY MANAGER AND STAFF What guiding principles do Councilmembers/Mayor expect to see from the City Manager and Staff? • City Council sets the vision -City Manager and staff implement the vision. • Directness, honesty, candor • Hard work • Be a leader -into the future; lead by example. • Create an inclusive work environment. • Discretion 3I Pa ge July 9, 2019 Item #1 Page 5 of 17 • Humor • Out of the box thinking; forward thinking; willingness to adjust. • Provide objective pros and cons; thorough discovery of all the facts; all the data to allow Council to make effective decisions. • Responsiveness • Honest assessment; be proactive in letting Council know what needs to be addressed regarding resources; help us know what staffing levels are required for goals and operations. • Remember we are a team and have co-equal responsibility to our residents and, we are an oversight board as well. • Briefings are appreciated; "no surprises" means informing us of "need to know" information, and thorough preparation on issues. It is ok to ask questions during public hearing. • Assist with setting realistic timelines to respond to requests taking into consideration our non-negotiable responsibilities. • Trust • Remember -change is the only constant. What guiding principles do City Manager/Staff expect from Councilmembers and Mayor? - • Give me your top priorities. • My answer will be yes. I will bring forward a resource strategy, timeline discussion, or request for prioritization as needed. • Prioritization is the lifeblood of the organization. • Remember City operations deliver services 24/7. • I will keep you constantly informed. • Suggestions are appreciated. • I respect our respective roles and responsibilities. • Remember there are always two sides to a story; ask for both to understand the complete situation. What guiding principles does City Attorney expect from Councilmembers and Mayor? • Please let me know of any legal concerns you may have as I want to be fully prepared to answer and support your work before, during and after the meeting. • Know I want to be responsive to your priorities and, my office juggles many projects and externally driven time requirements. 41 Pa g e July 9, 2019 Item #1 Page 6 of 17 PLANNING FOR THE GOAL SETTING PROCESS In the next six months, what are priorities we need to address? • Start a conversation about our community vision. What do we want our city to be in 10 -20 years? (1 dot) • Develop a legislative strategy. (1 dot) • Start work on the Growth Management Plan 2.0 and RHNA. (5 dots) • Develop a plan for community engagement. (5 dots) • Update/optimize the website. • Update the Municipal Code. (3 dots) • Revisit Village & Barrio Master Plan. • Review/Update Olde Carlsbad Street Ordinance. • CIP Prioritization; analyze what is and isn't essential, off-load as needed. ( 4 dots) • Process improvement for Boards, Commissions, and Committees. (1 dot) • Awareness campaign regarding domestic violence in our community. • Resource staffing plan. (4 dots) • Remember we are a team. (1 dot) ACTION AND BIKE RACK ITEMS • Organize effective governance and decorum notes into manner we can use for a while and then re-assess. • Post Carlsbad version of NCRC's Code of Civil Discourse in Chambers. • Discuss daily processes for implementing community involvement, input, and engagement. Discuss where the information lives and how it gets incorporated in an on-going way. Develop a method for on-going conversation with community. Keep in mind the impact this will have on full Council agendas. • Explore methods for how we communicate in a conflict situation while respecting parameters of the Brown Act. Can we meet 1-1 to resolve? Would a pinch card work? Can we have a non-issue-focused conversation about feelings and how we handled the situation? • Look at the plaque in Chambers to ensure the words reflect our current values. • Discuss how we define goals -policy, infrastructure, process, etc. ·····--· ., __ ................ ---····· SI Pa g e July 9, 2019 Item #1 Page 7 of 17 CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL LEADERSHIP and GOAL SETTING PROCESS WORKSHOP Agenda and Workbook July 9, 2019 Faraday Administration Center Carlsbad, California Exhibit 2 July 9, 2019 Item #1 Page 8 of 17 12:00 CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL LEADERSHIP AND GOAL SETTING PROCESS WORKSHOP July 9, 2019 12:00 -3:00 p.m. Faraday Administration Center, Room 173A SCHEDULE Welcome Opening Comments -City Manager Agenda Overview -Facilitator Opening Comments -Mayor and Councilmembers Non-Agenda Public Comment Leadership Workshop Agreements: Check-in Effective Governance Decorum, Respect & Trust Lunch Leadership Workshop Agreements: Check-in ( continued) Working in Partnership with City Manager and Staff Council Priorities & Action Items Preparing for Goal Setting Overview Design Principles Public Input Process Goal Setting Process Review Agreements and Actions Closing Comments 3:00 Adjourn 21 Page July 9, 2019 Item #1 Page 9 of 17 LEADERSHIP WORKSHOP AGREEMENTS: CHECK-IN On February 20, 2019, the City Council participated in a leadership workshop which included discussions and agreements regarding effective working relationships and governance. Today's objective is to review agreements from that day, to assess implementation, and revitalize our commitment. Effective Governance Review agreements: • Remember our common goal is serving the community. • Utilize a process for working through big issues with respect. • Listen carefully to each other's perspective to see what is in common. • Ask questions for clarity if you hear a disagreement. Ask questions in the midst of the conversation in order to bridge gaps. • Use flexibility and a willingness to do things both differently or the same. • Use transparency and dialogue. • Have a full and robust conversation about the issue so the public learns too, and they see Council using a thorough and thoughtful decision-making process • Provide an inclusive, humanity-based government focused on the well-being of its constituents. • Explore all ideas and options so decisions are made considering the entirety of the issue and are data-driven and people centered. • Be succinct. • Ask and listen to fellow Councilmembers opinions. • Be honest about where you stand on an issue. Assess: • How would you rate yourself and the City Council on use of these effective governance commitments over the last 4 months? Poor 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 Excellent Revitalize: • Which one of the agreements above or the techniques below will you personally volunteer to lead/utilize during challenging policy discussions? Additional non-adversarial problem-solving techniques to consider: 1. Parse complex issues into smaller chunks where agreements and headway can be made. 2. Partner with staff to gather data and develop options prior to discussion 3. Legitimize differences by summarizing competing points of view in good faith and neutrality to enable understanding of perspectives. 3I Page July 9, 2019 Item #1 Page 10 of 17 Decorum, Respect & Trust Review agreements: • Demonstrate respect by: o Asking questions to understand o Using positive tone of voice o Listening to other perspectives, valuing other experiences and walks of life o Listening to community speakers o Containing outward expressions of disagreement • Set aside ego. • Vote based on your own independent analysis (5-0 is not the goal for every vote). • Communicate if you feel disrespected. • Reflect on your own biases: each person is responsible for being self-aware. • Find and appreciate common points. • Explaining reasons for a different vote. • Concentrating on commonalities. • Assuming everyone brings an enriching role. • Analyzing issues as opportunities rather than weaknesses. Assess: • How would you rate yourself and the Councilmembers in treating each other with respect and civility on the dais? Poor 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 Excellent Revitalize: • Which one of the agreements above will you personally commit to proactively and consistently demonstrate in your relationships going forward? 41 Page July 9, 2019 Item #1 Page 11 of 17 Working in Partnership with City Manager and Staff Activity: Take a minute and think about the partnership. Then draw a line across the model indicating your belief /expectation about the division between the elected officials' and the appointed official's spheres of activity. Elected Officials' Sphere Mission Policy Administration Management Appointed Official's Sphere Compare your drawing with the model shown below. Is there a big difference? If yes, what do you think accounts for it? On the basis of your drawing, do you think you might consider making any changes in how you perform your job? SI Page July 9, 2019 Item #1 Page 12 of 17 Council Priorities & Action Items Review: Six Month Priorities • Develop a plan for community engagement. (5 dots) • Start work on the Growth Management Plan 2.0 and RHNA. (5 dots) • Update the Municipal Code. (3 dots) • Prioritize CIP; analyze what is and isn't essential, off-load as needed. (4 dots) • Develop resource staffing plan. ( 4 dots) • Start a conversation about our community vision. What do we want our city to be in 10 -20 years? (1 dot) • Develop a legislative strategy. (1 dot) • Remember we are a team. (1 dot) • Begin process improvements for Boards, Commissions, and Committees. (1 dot) • Update/optimize the website. • Revisit Village & Barrio Master Plan. • Review/Update Olde Carlsbad Street Ordinance. • Conduct awareness campaign regarding domestic violence in our community. Action Items and Bike Rack Items • Organize effective governance and decorum notes into manner we can use for a while and then re-assess. • Post Carlsbad version of NCRC's Code of Civil Discourse in Chambers. • Discuss daily processes for implementing community involvement, input, and engagement. Discuss where the information lives and how it gets incorporated in an on-going way. Develop a method for on-going conversation with community. Keep in mind the impact this will have on full Council agendas. • Explore methods for how we communicate in a conflict situation while respecting parameters of the Brown Act. Can we meet 1-1 to resolve? Would a pinch card work? Can we have a non-issue-focused conversation about feelings and how we handled the situation? • Look at the plaque in Chambers to ensure the words reflect our current values. • Discuss how we define goals -policy, infrastructure, process, etc. Assess: • How would you rate the overall progress made on the six month priorities and action items listed above? Poor 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 Excellent Revitalize: • Which of these items do you feel is most critical for City Council and Staff's attention? 71 Page July 9, 2019 Item #1 Page 14 of 17 PREPARING FOR GOAL SETTING Overview Review of comprehensive approach to Council goal setting, community engagement, budget process integration, work plan development and timeline outlined in City Council Staff Report. Design Principles Discussion of general principles that will guide the goal-setting process. Possible design principles for discussion and adoption: -Guided by Carlsbad Community Vision and nine core values -Proactive community engagement -Two-year outlook -Transparent process -Balancing aspiration and organizational capacity -Honoring roles and responsibilities (swim lanes) -Areas of focus -public safety, community services, administrative operations, public works, innovation, and community outreach and engagement Level of focus -policy, infrastructure, process, specific capital projects, broad initiatives, city services, programs, events, etc. -Scope of focus -district, city-wide, regional, organization level -Decision criteria for prioritizing Public Input Process Overview of public input city staff recommend gathering to help inform City Council goal setting. Questions and discussion will provide direction to staff. Carlsbad Community Vision City staff will be meeting with community members and seeking input on line over the summer to discuss the following: • What do the nine core values mean to the community today? • What measures does the community look to in evaluating how well the city is living up to the values? • What are the community's priorities among the nine values? Bl Page July 9, 2019 Item #1 Page 15 of 17 Questions for City Council • Do these questions capture what the City Council would like to know about the Community Vision today? • If not, what else would be helpful to the City Council? Resident Satisfaction City staff will conduct a resident satisfaction survey using a telephone and email data collection methodology that results in an overall margin of error of plus or minus 3 percentage points. Questions for City Council • What are the highest priority areas for this year's survey? • What other topics, if any, would the City Council like included? Focus Groups The city conducts focus groups from time to time to gain a more in-depth understanding of community issues and opinions. Focus groups are not currently included in the project budget but could be added through the City Council contingency budget. Focus groups could help gain insight into survey findings or to identify issues to be explored in the survey. Questions for City Council • What topics, if any, would the City Council like to explore through focus groups in advance of the resident survey? o Could these be explored during the Community Vision public engagement process instead of via focus groups (for time)? o Once the survey results are available, City Council can direct staff to explore the findings through focus groups at that time (although this would likely be after goal setting) Business Community City staff will present the results of a business survey at the July 9 City Council meeting. Members of the business community will be invited to participate in the Community Vision engagement over the summer. No additional outreach is planned at this time. Questions for City Council • Would the City Council like any additional input from the business community to assist in goal setting? 9I Page July 9, 2019 Item #1 Page 16 of 17 Goal Setting Process Discussion to develop and finalize the activities that will encompass the City Council's goal setting process. Possible series of steps and a timeline for discussion and adoption: -Public engagement process (Summer 2019) -Study session(s) (Late Summer 2019) o Input from departments regarding carry forward and new projects o Assess context including community and societal trends, economic climate, citizen needs, technology factors, political factors, and uncertainties o Analyze data to develop knowledge for decision-making -City Council goal setting session (September 2019) o Ascertain Councilmembers' goals and aspirations o Develop consensus on Council policy goals and priorities -City Manager creates strategies, work plan, and budget based on goals and priorities (Fall 2019) Closing Comments Adjourn 10 I Page July 9, 2019 Item #1 Page 17 of 17 Integrating Public Input, Goal Setting, Budget 2019 -2020 June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar April May Public Input City Decision Making Budget ► Process Integrating Public Input, Goal Setting, Budget 2020 -2021 June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar April May Budget ► Process City Decision Making 7/11/2019 1 Integrating Public Input, Goal Setting, Budget 2021 -2022 June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar April May Public Input City Decision Making Budget ► Process Integrating Public Input, Goal Setting, Budget 2022 -2023 June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar April May Budget ► Process City Decision Making 7/11/2019 2 Public Input for City Council Goal Setting Resident Satisfaction Survey City staff will conduct a resident satisfaction survey using a telephone and email data collection methodology that results in an overall margin of error of plus or minus 3 percentage points. Topics of previous surveys have included. • Satisfaction with and importance of city services overall and by service area o Manage residential growth and development o Repairing & maintaining local streets & roads o Managing traffic congestion on city streets o Supporting a healthy business climate in Carlsbad o Providing parks that offer what you want at a convenient location o Providing high quality parks that offer the appropriate amenities and facilities o Providing recreation programs (combined and broken out by kids and adults) o Providing arts and cultural programs o Providing library services o Providing trails and paths for hiking and running o Providing local police and law enforcement services o Providing local fire protection and emergency medical services o Providing safe and convenient ways to get around by bicycle o Supporting environmental sustainability o Provide information about city issues, services, programs and events o Protect water quality in the city's creeks, lagoons, and the ocean o Trash collection o Provide sewer service o Recycling o Maintaining city parks o Provide water service • Confidence in city government • Quality of life • Feeling safe in your neighborhood • Sense of community o Provide street sweeping service o Provide hazardous waste disposal • Community values (importance and how well the city is achieving them) • Specific projects/initiatives: o Village (how often people visit and their experience) o Environmental sustainability behaviors and opportunities for change • City spending (are residents getting value for tax dollars) • Demographics o Age o Neighborhood o Length of time living in Carlsbad o Children living at home o Ethnicity o Type of home (apartment, single family, etc.) o Own or rent Potential New Areas for Survey • Traffic safety in neighborhoods • Homelessness • Affordable housing • Community engagement in city decision-making • Smart city initiatives, priorities To keep the survey under 20 minutes, which is the maximum length recommended, the questionnaire can include: • Importance and satisfaction levels for 10 service areas • Importance of and satisfaction with nine core values • 10 additional questions • 1 open ended question • Demographics Focus Groups The city conducts focus groups from time to time to gain. a more in-depth understanding of community issues and opinions. Examples over the past several years include: • Coastal improvements: What's important about Carlsbad's coastline and what needs to be improved? • Mobility: What do residents think_ about current options to get around town and what are the perceived barriers and benefits of alternatives to single vehicle occupancy trips? • Railroad trench: How can the city best explain this project so residents understand what it is (quickly)? What is the range of opinions about the idea? Focus groups are not currently included in the project budget, but could be added through the City Council contingency budget. Focus groups could help gain insight into survey findings or to identify issues to be explored in the survey.