HomeMy WebLinkAbout2019-07-09; City Council; ; Report on the 2019 Carlsbad Biennial Business Survey~ CITY COUNC IL ~ Staff Report Meeting Date: To: From: Staff Contact: Subject: July 9, 2019 Mayor and City Council Scott Chadwick, City Manager Joseph Stewart, Management Analyst joe.stewart@carlsbadca.gov or 760-602-4620 Report on the 2019 Carlsbad Biennial Business Survey Recommended Action CAReview l;VV Receive a report on the results of the Carlsbad Biennial Business Survey and an update on the city's major industry clusters. Executive Summary The City of Carlsbad Economic Development Division, in collaboration with BW Research Partnership, conducted the Carlsbad Biennial Business Survey in March 2019. The survey measures Carlsbad's business climate, determines barriers to growth and provides up-to-date information on what Carlsbad businesses need to thrive. The survey also captures the size and growth of Carlsbad's five major industry clusters: Information & Communication Technologies, Life Sciences, Action Sports Manufacturing, Clean Technology, and Hospitality & Tourism. Staff, in collaboration with BW Research Partnership will provide the City Council an overview of the results of the 2019 sruvey. Discussion In January 2019, Economic Development staff commissioned BW Research Partnership to conduct the 2019 Carlsbad Biennial Business Survey. After two months of preparation, survey design, and sampling method development, data collection was conducted from March 5 to March 29, 2019. BW Research Partnership sent letters out to all businesses with an active business license making them aware of the survey and Economic Development Division staff promoted the survey via social media channels to encourage participation. A telephone and web survey of 444 Carlsbad employers was conducted as part of this study. Of the 444 surveyed, 394 respondents completed the entire survey. The results of the data collection and industry cluster analysis are outlined in the 2019 Carlsbad Business Report (Exhibit 1). Highlights from the 2019 Carlsbad Business Report include: • Eighty-one percent of survey respondents identified Carlsbad as an excellent or good place to do business, a slight improvement over the 2017 report. • Twenty-two percent of respondents stated their most significant challenge in finding qualified job applicants was the high cost of housing and living in the area. July 9, 2019 Item #13 Page 1 of 66 • A higher portion of respondents (8.9%} expressed that Carlsbad's proximity to high skilled talent was a primary factor for locating in the city compared to the 2017 report (6.7%), especially among export-oriented and innovation firms. • About one-third (34%) of surveyed firms have been in Carlsbad for less than five years compared to 19.7% in 2016, suggesting health, vitality and growth in Carlsbad's entrepreneurial ecosystem. • Smaller, younger firms (less than five years old) are more likely to have a positive perception of the business climate in Carlsbad. Older firms, (over 10 years) are more likely to have a negative perception of the business climate. • Over 65% of respondents expressed confidence in the City of Carlsbad to positively affect the local business climate. • Access to clients and customers, quality of local roads and streets, and the ability to get products to and from the. business location received the highest levels of satisfaction from surveyed firms when asked about Carlsbad's business climate. • Quality of life considerations remain an overwhelming reason why firms choose to locate in Carlsbad. • Information & Communication Technologies (ICT) continues to be a key industry cluster in Carlsbad with employment increasing by 8.5% from 2016-2018. • While Action Sports Manufacturing has seen a 7.5% decrease in employment from 2016- 2018 consistent with macroeconomic trends, employment in Carlsbad is still 37.4 times the national average. Fiscal Analysis There is no fiscal impact from receiving the report. Next Steps Economic Development Division staff will look at current and past results to see if any new services or programs could address issues brought up through the survey effort. Staff will continue to survey businesses every two years. Survey questions will be adapted with new questions to get relevant feedback from the business community while preserving some baseline questions for comparison purposes. BW Research Partnership will conduct the next survey in 2021, and provide an industry cluster update in 2020. Environmental Evaluation (CEQA) Pursuant to Public Resources Code Section 21065, this action does not constitute a "project" within the meaning of CEQA in that, it has no potential to cause either a direct physical change in the environment, or a re~sonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment, and therefore, does not require environmental review. Public Notification and Outreach This item was noticed in accordance with the Ralph M. Brown Act and was available for public viewing and review at least 72 hours prior to the scheduled meeting date. Exhibits 1. City of Carlsbad Business Report 2019. July 9, 2019 Item #13 Page 2 of 66 TABLE OF CONTENTS City of Carlsbad Business Report April 2019 Table of Contents ...................................................................................................................... ii List of Figures ........................................................................................................................... iii List of Tables ............................................................................................................................ iv Executive Summary ................................................................................................................. 1 Overall Indicators for the Business Community .................................................................... 4 Opportunity & Assessment in Carlsbad's Business Community ........................................ 10 Industry Clusters .................................................................................................................... 30 Action Sports Manufacturing ............................................................................................ 32 Life Sciences ....................................................................................................................... 34 Cleantech ............................................................................................................................ 36 Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) .................................................... 38 Hospitality and Tourism .................................................................................................... 40 Appendix A: Secondary Data on Universe of Carlsbad Businesses .................................... 42 Appendix B: Survey Methodology ........................................................................................ 43 Secondary Research ........................................................................................................... 43 Primary Research ............................................................................................................... 48 Appendix C: Survey Toplines (n = 394) ................................................................................. 49 [bw] RESEARCH PARTNERSHIP ii July 9, 2019 Item #13 Page 4 of 66 LIST OF FIGURES City of Carlsbad Business Report April 2019 Figure 1. How respondents rated Carlsbad as a place to do business ................................. 4 Figure 2. Respondents' perceptions of changes of business climate .................................. 5 Figure 3. Respondents' perceptions of change in business climate by firm age ................ 6 Figure 4. Opinion of Carlsbad's Business Climate by Firm Size ............................................ 6 Figure 5. Opinion of Carlsbad as a Place to do Business by Employment Change in Past Three Years .............................................................................................................................. 7 Figure 6. Confidence in the City of Carlsbad to positively affect local business climate .... 8 Figure 7. Confidence in the City of Carlsbad to positively affect local business climate by firm age .................................................................................................................................... 9 Figure 8. Firm sizes of respondents ...................................................................................... 10 Figure 9. Number of years companies have had a location in Carlsbad ............................ 11 Figure 10. Primary Focus of Business ................................................................................... 12 Figure 11. Main industries represented by surveyed companies ...................................... 13 Figure 12. Eight most-common industries by firm age ....................................................... 14 Figure 13. Reasons for Carlsbad business locations ............................................................ 15 Figure 14. Reasons for Carlsbad Locations by Industry .................. , ................................... 16 Figure 15. Reasons for Carlsbad business locations by age of firm ................................... 17 Figure 16. Firms' expectations for number of employees 12 months from taking the survey ..................................................................................................................................... 18 Figure 17. Firms' growth expectations by number of employees ...................................... 19 Figure 18. Change in employment expectations over the next 12 months by industry grouping ................................................................................................................................. 20 Figure 19. Types of expected hires by industry .................................................................. 20 Figure 20. Hiring difficulty by industry ................................................................................. 21 Figure 21. Satisfaction with attributes of Carlsbad's business climate ............................... 22 Figure 22. Satisfaction rates for business climate aspects by industry ............................. 23 Figure 23. Dissatisfaction rates for business climate aspects by industry ......................... 24 Figure 24. Satisfaction with Business Climate Aspects of Carlsbad by Length of Residency ················································································································································ 25 Figure 25. Dissatisfaction with Business Climate Aspects of Carlsbad by Length of Residency ............................................................................................................................... 26 Figure 26. Issues respondents would like to see the City of Carlsbad address -open ended response ..................................................................................................................... 27 Figure 27. Geographic locations of suppliers and customers ............................................. 28 [bw] RESEARCH PARTNERSHIP iii July 9, 2019 Item #13 Page 5 of 66 City of Carlsbad Business Report April 2019 Figure 28. Geographic location of suppliers and vendors by firm age .............................. 29 Figure 29: City of Carlsbad Industry Clusters by Growth, Annual Wages, and Overall Employment* ......................................................................................................................... 31 Figure 30: Action Sports Manufacturing Employment% Change Over Time .................... 33 Figure 31: Life Sciences Employment% Change Over Time ............................................... 35 Figure 32: Cleantech Employment% Change Over Time ................................................... 37 Figure 33: ICT Employment% Change Over Time ............................................................... 39 Figure 34: Hospitality and Tourism Employment% Change Over Time ............................ 41 Figure 35. Secondary Data -City of Carlsbad Size of Businesses ....................................... 42 LIST OF TABLES Table 1: Overview of Project Methodology ......................................................................... 43 Table 2. Industry Cluster Definitions (2017 NAICS) ............................................................. 44 [bw] RESEARCH PARTNERSHIP iv July 9, 2019 Item #13 Page 6 of 66 City of Carlsbad Business Report April 2019 talent". The survey results also show a higher portion of survey respondents indicating proximity to skilled workers and talent (8.9% in 2019 vs. 6.7% in 2017) as the primary reason for locating in Carlsbad. These results indicate that access to talent and a skilled workforce are both a challenge, an opportunity, and likely an issue of increasing importance to Carlsbad's business community. Entrepreneurial Activity in Carlsbad The 2019 business survey results indicated an overall increase in entrepreneurial activity. In 2017, 4% of responding firms had at least one location in Carlsbad for fewer than three years. In 2019, 15% of responding firms had at least one location in Carlsbad for fewer than three years. The current survey results also showed that these same firms that have had a location in Carlsbad for fewer than three years are considerably more likely to be optimistic about the direction of Carlsbad's business climate compared to firms that have been located in Carlsbad for more than 10 years. These indicators provide an initial, but limited, measure of the health and vitality of entrepreneurial activity in Carlsbad. Moving forward, the City of Carlsbad could consider developing an annual or biennial analysis of entrepreneurial activity in the city. This analysis would provide a more robust assessment of the size, industry, and economic activity of new firms in Carlsbad. This analysis could also include a measure of business birth and death rates over time and by industry, as well as examining the flow of early investments, innovations, and related activity in the entrepreneurial space. The Diversity of Carlsbad's Business Ecosystem There are numerous ways of segmenting Carlsbad's business community, whether by looking at industry clusters, a firm's customer base, the size of the firm, or how long they have been located in Carlsbad. What is worth noting, is that Carlsbad's business community is relatively diverse among most of these different segmentations. For example; • Almost one in five (19%) business respondents indicated that their primary customers are international and outside the United States, about one-third (35%) indicated their primary customers are in the US, but outside California, and about half (53%) indicated their primary customers are local within Carlsbad or North County.1 • Over one-quarter (28%) of businesses are focused on serving other businesses, 42% are focused on serving consumers directly, and another 29% indicated they serve both consumers and businesses. 1 It is worth noting that this question in the survey allowed respondents to provide more than one response, so total responses added up to over 100%. [bw] RESEARCH PARTNERSHIP 2 July 9, 2019 Item #13 Page 8 of 66 City of Carlsbad Business Report April 2019 • Of the respondent firms, 28% are in export-oriented and innovative industries, 15% are in tourism and hospitality, and 60% are population and local business serving industries (ranging from healthcare to construction to professional and business services).2 This is important to note because economic development strategies in Carlsbad need to account for this diversity and also recognize that what may be effective for certain segments of Carlsbad's business community will not likely have a consistent impact, positive or negative, across the business ecosystem. The business diversity in Carlsbad could also provide a valuable hedge against an industry-specific downturn and increases overall economic resiliency. Quality of Life Remains a Foundational Advantage for Carlsbad's Business Community One of the first questions in the survey asked respondents to identify the main reasons their company is located in Carlsbad. The top three responses were; 1. Founders lived here (43%) 2. Proximity to customers, collaborators, and vendors (35%) 3. Quality of life in Carlsbad (33%) These three responses were selected three times more often than any other response categories. Of the primary three, one states directly it is about quality of life. Another, "Founders lived here" is at least indirectly built upon a high quality of life and the ability to draw business entrepreneurs and founders to want to live in the area. Lastly, even proximity to customers, collaborators, and vendors likely has some indirect relationship with the Carlsbad's quality of life. Quality of life in Carlsbad is a driving factor for why firms are in the city. Export-oriented and innovative firms have higher percentages of respondents saying their reason is because founders lived here and proximity to skilled workers/workforce. Firms in tourism and hospitality are more likely to indicate they spun-off another company that was already here, but ultimately the quality of life in and around the city played a key role in why many businesses decided Carlsbad would be their home. 2 For industry group definitions, please see page 15. [bw] RESEARCH PARTNERSHIP 3 July 9, 2019 Item #13 Page 9 of 66 City of Carlsbad Business Report April 2019 numbers differ from the 2017 survey, where only 20% of firms that responded have been in business in Carlsbad for five years or fewer. Figure 9. Number of years companies have had a location in Carlsbad. 0.0% Oto 1 Year More than 1 year, up to 2 years More t han 2, up to 5 years More t han 5 years, up to 10 years More than 10 years, up to 20 years More than 20 years [bw] RESEARCH PARTNERSHIP 5.0% 10.0% 15.0% 6.5% 8.1% 20.0% 25.0% 30.0% 19.4% 20.7% 24.9% 20.5% 11 July 9, 2019 Item #13 Page 17 of 66 City of Carlsbad Business Report April 2019 Not surprisingly, the three largest industries represented in the survey are Professional or Business Services, Retail or Wholesale Trade, and Healthcare. These three industries accounted for more than half (51%) of all respondent firms (Figure 11). Relative to the 2017 survey, the 2019 survey set represents minor increases in the percentage of Technologies or JCT, Research and Development, Manufacturing, and Hospitality firms surveyed. Figure 11. Main industries represented by surveyed companies Professional or Business Services Retail or Wholesale Trade Healthcare Finance, Insurance, Real Estate, or Property Management [bw] RESEARCH PARTNERSHIP Hospitality Technologies or ICT Manufacturing Research and Development Construction or Building and Design Life Sciences Tourism Cleantech Public Sector or Education Action Sports Manufacturing Energy or Utilities Other 0.0% 5.0% 10.0% 15.0% 20.0% 16.0% 13.0% 12.6% 11.4%' 10.9% 9.1% 6.3% 5.3% 4.2% 3.3% 1.9% 1.9% 1.4% 0.5% 14.7% 25.0% 22.1% 13 July 9, 2019 Item #13 Page 19 of 66 City of Carlsbad Business Report April 2019 Reasons for Firm Location in Carlsbad As was the case in the 2017 business survey results, quality of life-related reasons were among the most popular for why a company was located in Carlsbad. Almost three-quarters (73%) of respondents said their location was due to either founders living in Carlsbad and/or the quality of life in Carlsbad (Figure 13). Figure 13. Reasons for Ca rlsbad business locations8 0.0% 10.0% 20.0% 30.0% 40.0% Founders lived here _____________ 41.0% Proximity to customers, collaborators, and vendors ____________ 33.2% Quality of life in Carlsbad ----~~-----~ ______ 31.8% Spun-off another company that was already here 9.8% Proximity to skills workers/workforce 8.5% General location (proximity to SD, ocean, 1-5) 4.8% Office space availability/pricing 3.7% Connection or proximity to university or related ... · 1.6% Other (please specify) 11.9% Don't know/ Refused 4.6% 50.0% Throughout this report, some findings across industries are reported in industry groups. The major industries identified in the survey were grouped based on their broader markets and customers. There are four groups; I Tourism and Hospitality (consisting ofTourism and Hospitality firms), Export-oriented and Innovative Firms (includes Technologies or ICT, Manufacturing, Research and Development, Life Sciences, Action Sports Manufacturing, and Cleantech), Population Serving (includes Professional or Business Services, Retail or Wholesale Trade, Finance, Insurance, Real Estate, or Property Management, and Construction or Building and Design), and Healthcare and Municipal (includes Healthcare, Public Sector or Education, and Energy or Utilities). 8 Respondents could select multiple responses, so values sum to more than 100% [bw] RESEARCH PARTNERSHIP 15 July 9, 2019 Item #13 Page 21 of 66 City of Carlsbad Business Report April 2019 When reasons for locating in Carlsbad are examined by industry group, a couple patterns emerge. Export-oriented and Innovative industries reported relatively high percentages affirms that located in Carlsbad because of its "proximity to skilled workers" and because the "founders lived in [Carlsbad]". This suggests that Carlsbad and the surrounding communities have been able to successfully attract high skill workers and entrepreneurs necessary for these industries. It is also notable that Tourism and Hospitality firms have a relatively high proportion of firms that are spun-off from another company that was already here (Figure 14}. Many of these "spin-offs" are food and beverage establishments. Figure 14. Reasons for Carlsbad Locations by Industry 0.0% 10.0% 20.0% 30.0% 40.0% 50.0% 60.0% Founders lived here Proximity to customers, collaborators, and vendors Quality of life in Carlsbad Spun-off another company that was already here Proximity to skilled workers/workforce 18.9% 11.0% 8.8% 12.7% 7.5% 18.0% 10.2% 12.7% 41.5%. 52.0% 44.9% 39.7% 37.7% 32.0% 34.7% 37.7% 31.0% 36.6% 38.1% •49.2% Tourism and Hospitality ■ Export/Innovative ■ Population Serving Healthcare and Municipal [bw] RESEARCH 16 PARTNERSHIP July 9, 2019 Item #13 Page 22 of 66 INDUSTRY CLUSTERS City of Carlsbad Business Report April 2019 SAN DAG focused on 13 industry clusters in its March 2016 report. Among those, six clusters17 were identified as the most relevant to the City of Carlsbad as they either already have a relatively high concentration of employment within Carlsbad or there is a potential to see considerable growth within the next three to ten years. The industry clusters relevant to the City of Carlsbad, include; 1. Action Sports Manufacturing cluster includes firms that are engaged in the design and production of golf clubs, surfboards, diving equipment, and other recreational goods as well as the apparel and accessories that are closely tied to these products. 2. Life Sciences cluster combines two of SANDAG's industry clusters, Biomedical Devices and Products which includes the research, design, and production of medical devices and Biotechnology and Pharmaceuticals which includes research and development related to biological technologies as well as the manufacturing of medicinal and diagnostic substances. 3. Cleantech cluster includes firms that are engaged in renewable energy (wind power, solar power, biomass, hydropower, biofuels), green transportation, electric motors, green chemistry, lighting, greywater, and many other appliances that are now more energy efficient. 4. Hospitality & Tourism cluster {SANDAG's Entertainment & Hospitality) includes hotels, transportation services, and restaurants, as well as entertainment attractions such as theme parks (LEGOLAND), golf courses, and country clubs. 5. Information, Communications, & Technologies (ICT) cluster includes cyber security, software and video game design, satellite communication, electronic device development, radio and wireless communication, and robotics. It should be noted that each of the industry cluster definitions are generally consistent with SAN DAG; a few minor revisions and additions were made after reviewing the database of employers with the City of Carlsbad. In addition, some NAICS are included in multiple industry clusters with proportions implemented to avoid double or triple job counting. 17 Life Sciences cluster combines two of SANDAG's industry clusters Biomedical Devices & Products and Biotechnology & Pharmaceuticals [bw] RESEARCH PARTNERSHIP 30 July 9, 2019 Item #13 Page 36 of 66 City of Carlsbad Business Report April 2019 ACTION SPORTS MANUFACTURING There are 16 Action Sports Manufacturing (ASM) firms19 in Carlsbad that employ about 1,888 individuals. Despite a 7.5% decline in ASM jobs between 2016-2018, the industry cluster is still very concentrated in the area-about 37 times greater than the national average. The industry also generated over $736 million in sales in 2018, 98% of which were exports from Carlsbad. This demonstrates that the industry still plays a substantial role in bringing revenue and employment into Carlsbad. Action Sports Manufacturing This cluster includes firms that are engaged in the design and production of recreational equipment, from golf clubs to surfboards, as well as the apparel and accessories that are closely tied to these products. 2018 Employment: Current Establishments: Change over the Last 2 Years: Average Annual Earnings: Industry Concentration: 19 City of Carlsbad Business License List. [bw] RESEARCH PARTNERSHIP 1,888 16 A 7.5% employment decline from 2016 through 2018 $107,481 Employment in Carlsbad is 37.44 times the national average 32 July 9, 2019 Item #13 Page 38 of 66 LIFE SC IE NCES City of Carlsbad Business Report April 2019 For our purposes, two of SANDAG's clusters-Biomedical Devices and Products & Biotechnology and Pharmaceuticals -have been combined into one industry cluster-Life Sciences-in Carlsbad. Carlsbad has increasingly become an appealing option for small and large Life Sciences firms alike; there are now 111 life science firms in Carlsbad-nearly half of which employ between one and nine individuals. This suggests that Carlsbad has been successful in attracting life science-related startups and small companies as well as large, established firms. The industry is also 13 times more concentrated in Carlsbad than the national average. The industry also generated nearly $3 billion in sales and offered average earnings of $130,258 per year in 2018. Life Sciences This cluster combines two of SANDAG's industry clusters, Biomedical Devices and Products which includes the research, design, and production of medical devices and Biotechnology and Pharmaceuticals which includes research and development related to oiological technologies as we ll as the manufacturing of medicinal and diagnostic substances. 2018 Employment: Current Establishments: Change over the Last 2 Years: Average Annual Earnings: [bw] RESEARCH PARTNERSHIP Industry Concentration: 6,366 111 A 2.4% increase in employment from 2016 to 2018 $130,258 Employment in Carlsbad is 13.6 times the national average 34 July 9, 2019 Item #13 Page 40 of 66 CLEANTECH City of Carlsbad Business Report April 2019 Twenty Cleantech firms22 in Carlsbad employed about 659 people in 2018. Employees in this industry cluster earned an average of $118,827 per year and the industry generated more than $168 million in sales in 2018, 85% of which were exported sales. Cleantech is also relatively abundant in Carlsbad; there are about 3.57 times more Cleantech employees in Carlsbad than the national average for a region of the same size. Between 2016-2018, Cleantech employment in Carlsbad increased a slight 0.6%. Cleantech This cluster includes firms that are engaged in renewable energy, energy efficiency, and energy storage. 2018 Employment: Current Establishments: Change over the Last 2 Years: Average Annual Earnings: Industry Concentration: 22 City of Carlsbad Business License List. [bw] RESEARCH PARTNERSHIP 659 20 A 0.6% increase in employment from 2016 to 2018 $118,827 Employment in Carlsbad is 3.57 times the national average 36 July 9, 2019 Item #13 Page 42 of 66 City of Carlsbad Business Report April 2019 INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATIONS TECHNO LOGIES (ICT) The Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) cluster represents a key industry cluster in Carlsbad with 258 firms24 and 8,862 jobs in Carlsbad. ICT is also more than nine times more concentrated in Carlsbad than the national average. Despite its substantial size, ICT employment increased by a robust 8.5% between 2016-2018. This industry cluster also brings substantial economic activity to Carlsbad; in 2018, ICT firms generated over $4.2 billion in sales and the average ICT employee earned $132,250 per year. Information & Communications Technologies This cluster includes communications, computer and electronics, and software industries. 2018 Employment: Current Establishments: Change over the Last 2 Years: Average Annual Earnings: Industry Concentration: 8,862 258 8.5% increase in employment from 2016 to 2018 $132,250 Employment in Carlsbad is 9.18 times the national average 24 Data source: City of Carlsbad Business License List. [bw] RESEARCH PARTNERSHIP 38 July 9, 2019 Item #13 Page 44 of 66 City of Carlsbad Business Report April 2019 APPENDIX B: SURVEY METHODOLOGY Data compiled for this report were drawn from both primary and secondary data sources. The table below provides a brief overview of the methodology utilized for the project. Table 1: Overview of Project Methodology Method A mailed letter followed by a Telephone and Online Survey of Carlsbad Businesses Number of Survey 394 Firms in Carlsbad Completed a Web or Telephone Survey Participants Survey Field Dates March 5 to 29, 2019 Survey Universe 4,758 Firms in the Carlsbad Survey Margin of The margin of error for questions answered by all 394 respondents was+/- Error 4.73% at the 95% level of confidence. SE CO N DARY RESEARCH For this study, industry clusters were defined using the North American Industry Classification System {NAICS), the system to classify establishments by type of economic activity. Table 2 displays the complete list of NAICS28 used for this study for each industry cluster. If a percentage is provided next to the NAICS description, this means that not all jobs in the particular NAICS were assigned to the specific industry cluster; only the stated percentage of jobs was accounted for. All secondary data used in this study were compiled from either Database USA.com or the Economic Modeling Specialists Inc. (Emsi) 2019.1 QCEW and Non-QCEW dataset for Carlsbad. Emsi updates their data quarterly, which includes revisions to past years of data . The data used in this report is an updated version of the dataset utilized in the 2017 Carlsbad Business Report and may therefore differ in values from figures presented in the 2017 report. The EMSI Class of Worker dataset includes Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (QCEW) employment and non-QCEW Employment provided by state and federal level data sources including the U.S. 28 NAICS-the structure that SAN DAG and other comparable organizations use to define their regional industry clusters. [bw] RESEARCH PARTNERSHIP 43 July 9, 2019 Item #13 Page 49 of 66 City of Carlsbad Business Report April 2019 Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the U.S. Census Bureau, and the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA). Table 2. Industry Cluster Definit ions (2017 NAICS) Industry Cluster Action Sports Manufacturing CleanTech Entertainment and Hospitality [bw] RESEARCH PARTN ERSHIP NAICS Code 339920 339999 423910 334413 334513 334514 335314 541380 541420 541620 541690 541715 114111 481111 481211 481212 481219 487210 532292 711110 711120 711130 711190 711211 711212 711219 NAICS Description Sporting and Athletic Goods Mfg. All Other Miscellaneous Manufacturing (20%) Sporting and Recreational Goods and Supplies Merchant Wholesalers Semiconductor and Related Device Mfg. (25%) Instruments and Related Products Mfg. for Measuring, Displaying, and Controlling Industrial Process Var. Totalizing Fluid Meter and Counting Device Mfg. Relay and Industrial Control Mfg. Testing Laboratories (10%) Industrial Design Services (10%) Environmental Consulting Services Other Scientific and Technical Consulting Services (25%) Research and Development in the Physical, Engineering, and Life Sciences (except Nanotechnology Biotech) (5%) Finfish Fishing Scheduled Passenger Air Transportation Nonscheduled Chartered Passenger Air Transportation Nonscheduled Chartered Freight Air Transportation Other Nonscheduled Air Transportation Scenic and Sightseeing Transportation, Water Recreational Goods Rental Theater Companies and Dinner Theaters Dance Companies Musical Groups and Artists Other Performing Arts Companies Sports Teams and Clubs Racetracks Other Spectator Sports 44 July 9, 2019 Item #13 Page 50 of 66 Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) [bw] RESEARCH PARTNERSHIP ' 711310 711320 711410 711510 712130 713110 713120 713290 713910 713930 713990 721110 722310 722320 722330 722410 722511 722513 722514 722515 323120 334111 334112 334118 - 334210 334220 334290 334310 334412 334413 334417 City of Carlsbad Business Report April 2019 Promoters of Performing Arts, Sports, and Similar Events with Facilities Promoters of Performing Arts, Sports, and Similar Events without Facilities Agents and Managers for Artists, Athletes, Entertainers, and Other Public Figures Independent Artists, Writers, and Performers Zoos and Botanical Gardens Amusement and Theme Parks Amusement Arcades Other Gambling Industries Golf Courses and Country Clubs Marinas All Other Amusement and Recreation Industries Hotels (except Casino Hotels) and Motels Food Service Contractors Caterers Mobile Food Services Drinking Places (Alcoholic Beverages) ' Full-Service Restaurants Limited-Service Restaurants Cafeterias, Grill Buffets, and Buffets Snack and Nonalcoholic Beverage Bars Support Activities for Printing . Electronic Computer Manufacturing Computer Storage Device Manufacturing Computer Terminal and Other Computer Peripheral Equipment Manufacturing Telephone Apparatus Manufacturing Radio and Television Broadcasting and Wireless Communications Equipment Manufacturing Other Communications Equipment Manufacturing Audio and Video Equipment Manufacturing Bare Printed Circuit Board Manufacturing Semiconductor and Related Device Manufacturing (75%) Electronic Connector Manufacturing 45 July 9, 2019 Item #13 Page 51 of 66 Life Sciences [bw] RESEARCH PARTNERSHIP 334418 334510 334515 334516 334517 334519 334614 335311 335999 511210 512110 512191 517311 517312 517410 517911 517919 541330 541380 541511 541515 423430 443142 541512 541513 112000 325120 325411 325412 City of Carlsbad Business Report April 2019 Printed Circuit Assembly (Electronic Assembly) Manufacturing Electromedical and Electrotherapeutic Apparatus Manufacturing Instrument Manufacturing for Measuring and Testing Electricity and Electrical Signals Analytical Laboratory Instrument Manufacturing Irradiation Apparatus Manufacturing Other Measuring and Controlling Device Manufacturing Software and Other Prerecorded Compact Disc, Tape, and Record Reproducing Power, Distribution, and Specialty Transformer Manufacturing All Other Miscellaneous Electrical Equipment and Component Manufacturing Software Publishers Motion Picture and Video Production Teleproduction and Other Postproduction Services Wired Telecommunications Carriers Wireless Telecommunications Carriers (except Satellite) Satellite Telecommunications Telecommunications Resellers All Other Telecommunications Engineering Services Testing Laboratories (35%) Custom Computer Programming Services Research and Development in Physical, Engineering, and Life Sciences (except Nanotechnology and Biotechnology) (20%) Computer and Computer Peripheral Equipment and Software Merchant Wholesalers Electronics Stores Computer Systems Design Services Computer Facilities Management Services Animal Production Industrial Gas Mfg. Medicinal and Botanical Mfg Pharmaceutical Preparation Mfg 46 July 9, 2019 Item #13 Page 52 of 66 [bw] RESEARCH PARTNERSHIP 325413 325414 333314 339112 339113 339114 339115 339116 423450 541380 541714 541715 621511 339999 811219 City of Carlsbad Business Report April 2019 In-Vitro Diagnostic Substance Mfg. Biological Product (except Diagnostic) Mfg. Optical Instrument and Lens Mfg. Surgical and Medical Instrument Mfg. Surgical Appliance and Supplies Mfg. Dental Equipment and Supplies Mfg. Ophthalmic Goods Mfg. Dental Laboratories Medical, Dental, and Hospital Equipment Supplies Merchant Wholesalers Laboratories Testing Laboratories (20%) Research and Development in Biotechnology (except Nanotechnology) Research and Development in the Physical, Engineering, and Life Sciences (except Biotech and Nanotechnology) (35%) Medical Laboratories All Other Miscellaneous Manufacturing (30%) Other Electronic and Precision Equipment Repair and Maintenance 47 July 9, 2019 Item #13 Page 53 of 66 PR IMARY RESEARCH City of Carlsbad Business Report April 2019 A telephone and web survey of 444 Carlsbad business stakeholders was conducted as part of this study. Of the 444 surveyed, 394 respondents completed the entire survey. Survey Design Through an iterative process, BW Research worked closely with the City of Carlsbad's Economic Development Division to develop a survey instrument that met all the research objectives of the study. In developing the survey instrument, BW Research utilized techniques to overcome known biases in survey research and minimize potential sources of measurement error within the survey. Sampling Method A database of 4,758 Carlsbad firms was developed from.SalesGenie (lnfoUSA} and a previous database of Carlsbad businesses. That database was then supplemented with firms and contact information provided by the City of Carlsbad and finally reviewed and refined to ensure it incorporated Carlsbad employers, stratified by size and industry. The sampling plan was based on a stratified universe of businesses based on size and industry within the city. Data Collection Prior to beginning data collection, BW Research conducted interviewer training and pre-tested the survey instrument to ensure that all words and questions were easily understood by the respondents. Telephone interviews were generally conducted from 9:00am to 4:30pm Monday through Friday. The data collection period was March 5 to March 29, 2019. A web version of the survey was also developed and businesses with an email address within the city were sent an on line invitation. Carlsbad businesses that were called over the telephone and indicated a preference to complete the survey online, were also sent an on line invitation to the survey. Approximately 1,000 Carlsbad employers were also mailed a letter, making them aware of the survey and providing an URL to complete the survey on the web, before being called. A Note about Margin of Error and Analysis of Sub-Groups The overall margin of error for the survey, at the 95 % level of confidence, is+/-4.73 % for questions answered by all 394 respondents. It is important to note that questions asked of smaller groups of respondents (such as questions that were only asked to firms based of their previous responses) as well as results presented separately for industry clusters will have a margin of error greater than+/-4.73 %, with the exact margin of error dependent on the number of respondents in each sub-group. [bw] RESEARCH PARTNERSHIP 48 July 9, 2019 Item #13 Page 54 of 66 City of Carlsbad Business Report April 2019 3. What were the main reasons your company located in Carlsbad? [CHECK ALL THAT APPLY -DO NOT READ OPTIONS] 42.9% ! Founders lived here -------·-·--· ·--------1 I _I 34.8% : Proximity to customers, collaborators, and vendors 33 .3% j Quality of life in Carlsbad i---t·-----·-- 10.3% 1 Spun-off another company that was already here 1 i 8.9% ] Proximity to skills workers/workforce ' , __ · •.. ------------- 5.0% 1 General location (proximity to SD, ocean, 1-5) 3.8% i Office space availability/pricing ··--··----··-----, ·····-·---·-----···-·-··--····-· ----- 1.7% Connection or proximity to university or related i i institutions [.--12 ___ 5_%_! Other (ple~;~~pe-c-if_y_) __ ------·····-·--·-------- 4. What industry or industries best describes the work that your firm is involved in and connected to? [DO NOT READ -ALLOW MORE THAN ONE RESPONSE] i I ; 1 . ~!:~: ! :~~:~Is:i::~il~:ai~~!~!~rvices ________ _ ·i , 13.0% I Healthcare ~ ---------···----··-i 12.6% Finance, Insu rance, Real Estate, or Property ' I Management ,------+ i 1 11.4% Hospitality -· -··-----· 10.9% Technologies or ICT ! 9.1% Manufacturing =-~! : !: -,-~;~;i;:~;i:nd ~e;:;'l~~n::nntd DesigO :~--_ -- I 4.2% Life Sciences f------t--~~--------··--·- l!-3_._3_%_-+-T_o_u_r_is_m____________ _ _______ J i 1.9% Cleantech 1 i 1.9% Public Sector or Education =------=1 :------------------------·----- 1.4!o j Action Sports Manufacturing _ ___ ___ _ __ 0.5% I Energy or Utilities , -· :-------------·•--·••··-----•-·••--·------; 14.7% l Other (.el_e~se ~p~_~ft) _____ .__ _ _____ _j [IF Q4 = 7 -10, SKIP Q5] 5. Is your firm involved in work related to Life Sciences, Cleantech or Clean Technologies, Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) or Action Sports? (ADD DEFINITIONS IF NEEDED) [ALLOW MORE THAN ONE RESPONSE] i 13.0% i Yes, lnf~~~~ti~~-and Communicati~-;:;-+~~h nologies --7 [bw] RESEARCH 51 PARTNERSHIP July 9, 2019 Item #13 Page 57 of 66 City of Carlsbad Business Report April 2019 Next, I would like to ask specifically about local government and the City of Carlsbad. 15. Overall, how confident are you in the Carlsbad city government to make decisions that positively affect the local business climate? 15.5% I Very confident 49.8% Somewhat confident 1------~---I 12.4% S~-~~yv~at unconfident l 6.1% _ Very unc~~~dent _______ 1 i 16.3% I Don't know/ Refused ---~----_____ J 18.6% I Very confident 59.4% Somewhat confident 14.8% Somewhat unconfident 7.2% , Very unconfident 16. Please tell me how satisfied your company is with the following issues and attributes regarding Carlsbad's business climate. Is your company satisfied, dissatisfied, or neither satisfied nor dissatisfied with Carlsbad's? (GET ANSWER AND THEN ASK:) Would that be very (satisfied/dissatisfied) or somewhat (satisfied/dissatisfied)? I Access to capital i Very Somewhat Neither ! satisfied satisfied satisfied nor I ______ dissatisfied """"'•-·- 15.9% 21.4% 27.5% Quality of local streets and i 35.0% 39 .3% 10.3% i ---- I Somewhat dissatisfied i 4.0% 7.3% Very I dissatisfi 2.0% ! 4.3% i Don't ed know/ Refused 29.2% 3.8% I roads ' I -------------------- J Ability to get employees to I 24.7% , and from work •-------·---- I ! Ability to get product to and 36.8% from your Carlsbad business I location I ---·-······----·------- Reliability of dc;1ta services I 15.9% I Access to clients and j 35 .0% customers ; ·------------·--·---·------···-·---·--··----·-·---··-·· ------ I Ability to recruit high skill 18.1 % I talent I Ability to find qualified entry · 15.9% L!.c:?._mid-level employees [bw] RESEARCH PARTNERSHIP 32.2% 25.9% 26.4% 36.3% -·-··----·-·-· : 29.2% ; : 32.5% 19.9% r 6% 2.8% ··--I 16.1% 1.8% 1.5% -·-··---·----····-··-·--·-·-····· . ·---------·-- 111.8% I ! l ~~-r:: 23.7% 4.3% 2.3% 27.s% I . -· ...................... --------··• .. ·····-·····•-·•·- 15.6% 3.5% 1.0% 8.6% I i I ~-----··-·--·- 25.9% ! 5.8% 2.0% 18.9% ! 22.9% ! ~------,-------- 1 9.6% 3.3% 15.9% 55 July 9, 2019 Item #13 Page 61 of 66 City of Carlsbad Business Report April 2019 , Access to relevant vendors 28.5% I 37.8% 18.9% l 1.5% 0.5% i 12.8% i .~:~u:u~:~i:;: se~lcjs _____________ I 14.~% l 26.4% ____ ;-2-7-.5-o/c_o_ ~! 3-_-3-%---,-i {~%--~_l 2_?-0~-~ Regulatory climate, including 14.6% 24.9% 19.9% 15.9% 7.8% i 16.9% zoning, permitting, local , regulations, and related issues , Very Somewhat · 1-Neither ! Somewhat l Very I dissatisfied I i satisfied : satisfied satisfied nor i; dissatisfied -diss .. atisfied _L -J , Access to capital 22.4% 30.2% 38.8% 5.7% 2.8% I ! ~~~~ty of local streets and ~1-3-6-.4-o/c-o~~,:-~4-0-.8-o/c_o_~i-1_0 ___ 7_o/c_o ---;-7-.6-o/c--o--i-14 ___ 5 __ % ___ 1 Ability to get employees to 28.0% 36.6% 22.6% 9.7% 3.1% and from work ------------·----- Ability to get product to J 44.8% , 31.6% 19.6% 2 lo/c l 1 8o/c and from your Carlsbad I_ . 0 . 0 b~~n~ss location ____ ,_ __ _ __ _ I Reliability of data __ services _______ ,_2_1_._9_% __ .,....3_6_._5_% _____ 3_2_.6_o/c_o _______ .?.:~~--------1-~l_o/c_o. __ _ i Access to clients and 38.3% '. 39.7% 117.1% : customers ! 1 I ---- -----------I_ ------ , 3.9% 1 1.1% I Ability to recruit high skill 22.4% 36.0% 32.0% 7.1% 2.5% 1 talent r--~~~ ------ Ability to find qualified entry to mid-level employees I Ac;cesst o relevant vendors I 32.7% [ 18.9% : 38.6% 43.4% [272% : 21.7% i 114% _ I 3 :% - 1.7% : 0.6% i and suppliers ; Value of data services Regulatory climate, l 19.3% J --I 36.2% i 37.6% I --~·-•---- ;-4-.5-o/c_o ___ i 2-_-4_% _____ 1 19.1% -9.4_% ___ ! i including zoning, l permitting, local I i regulations, and related i issues ~-----------·--·- [bw] RESEARCH PARTNERSHIP 17.6% 30.0% 23.9% --···-·-------·--------· ·-·-··--·~-~ _j 56 July 9, 2019 Item #13 Page 62 of 66 City of Carlsbad Business Report April 2019 To wrap things up, please answer the following questions. A. In what year were you born? 19 __ (What age are you) I 2.7% I 75+ years or older I 10.1% 65-74 years old , 30.0% 55-64 years old i I 27.0% 45-54 years old 1 19.0% 1 35-44 years old 10.4% 25-34 years old i_o_.9_o/c_o_ I 2~-y~ars_old o~_y_o_u_n_g_e_r __ -_-_-___ -_--------------, B. What City do you res ide in? r·---,- 1 41.3% l Carlsb_ad ________ , 1 11.5% Oceanside ------~ · 8.2% ; San Diego ! 7.9% Vista ! 6.1% I Encinitas i 5.6% i San Marcos ! 3.8% I Escondido I ·--~ I ! 2.0% Solana Beach ~-0-.5-%--i Fallbroo_k _ ·------------------l i 9.9% Other (specify) I 3 .1 % l o~n 't kn o~w-/~R~e-fu_s_e_d-----J C. Would you be willing to participate in follow-up research, focused on better understanding the needs of Carlsbad's business community? 39.8% I Yes ,------------< 50.0% No --·-------------------· -i 10.~ i Don't know/ Refused 1-~~-~~--__I '!_~s ________________________ , l 55.7% No ------------~----" D. Lastly, do we have your permission to provide your contact information to the City of Carlsbad, so that they may follow up on any issues or requests brought up during this survey? i 48.2% I· ---! 48.5% , Yes No [bw] RESEARCH PARTNERSHIP 59 July 9, 2019 Item #13 Page 65 of 66 ----~--•"···•··- 13.3% Don't know/ Refused I would like to verify your contact information. E. Name of Respondent ___________ _ F. Relevant Contact Information Phone ________________ _ Email ----------------- G. Position ---------------- Those are all of the questions I have for you. Thank you very much for participating! H. Company Name I. Company location J. Date and time of Interview K. Name of Interviewer L. Industry cluster M. Gender {VOICE) 51.4% I Male ! ------------------------~---------- Female ! 43.7% ;------,----~-~---·------; i 4.9% 1 Don't know/ Refused 1 [bw] RESEARCH PARTNERSHIP City of Carlsbad Business Report April 2019 60 July 9, 2019 Item #13 Page 66 of 66 Report on the 2019 Carlsbad Biennial Business Survey Joseph Stewart, Management Analyst Josh Williams, President, BW Research Partnership July 9, 2019 Background •City staff partnered with BW Research to conduct the 2019 Carlsbad Biennial Business Survey •Survey measures city’s business climate, determines barriers to growth, and provides up-to-date information on what Carlsbad businesses need to thrive •Survey also captures the size and growth of Carlsbad’s five major industry clusters: Information & Communication Technologies, Life Sciences, Action Sports Manufacturing, Clean Technology and Hospitality & Tourism The City of CarlsbadBusiness Climate Survey [bw] RESEARCH PARTNERSHIP Introduction and Research Objectives Indicators for the Business Community Key Industry Clusters Key Findings 1 Agenda 2 3 4 Introduction and Research Objectives1 Introduction and Research QuestionsKey Research Questions The purpose of this of the research was to evaluate Carlsbad’s 1.Business climate, including perceptions, and plans for doing business in Carlsbad 2.Satisfaction with the city’s efforts to provide a variety of business-related services and programs 3.Industry clusters and their impact on employment in Carlsbad Survey Methodology Method Mailed letter followed by a Telephone and Online Survey of Carlsbad Businesses Number of Survey Participants 394 Firms in Carlsbad Completed a Web or Telephone Survey Survey Field Dates March 5 to 29, 2019 Survey Universe 4,758 Firms in the City of Carlsbad (with at least 1 employee) Survey Margin of Error The margin of error for questions answered by all 394 respondents was +/-4.73% at the 95% level of confidence. Key Indicators for the Business Community2 Indicators for the Business CommunityCarlsbad as a Place to do Business 2.7% 0.9% 1.8% 8.1% 47.5% 39.0% 2.9% 1.1% 2.1% 9.5% 39.9% 44.5% 3.4% 1.6% 3.4% 12.7% 47.2% 31.6% 1.9% 1.0% 2.9% 13.0% 47.1% 34.1% 0.0%20.0%40.0%60.0% DK/NA Very poor Poor Fair Good Excellent 2019 2017 2014 2012 - ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Indicators for the Business CommunityChange in Carlsbad’s Business Climate by Length of Time in Carlsbad 40.8% 36.4% 28.9% 4.1% 7.9% 14.5% 55.1%55.6%56.6% 0.0% 10.0% 20.0% 30.0% 40.0% 50.0% 60.0% Fewer than 3 Years 3-10 Years More than 10 Years Getting better Getting worse Staying about the same - ■ ■ ■ Indicators for the Business CommunityConfidence in the City of Carlsbad to Positively Affect Local Business Climate 14.8% 2.2% 8.1% 50.2% 24.7% 15.2% 4.2% 8.0% 47.6% 24.9% 13.3% 9.3% 13.3% 47.9% 16.2% 16.3% 6.1% 12.4% 49.8% 15.5% 0.0%10.0%20.0%30.0%40.0%50.0%60.0% Not sure or DK/NA Very unconfident Somewhat unconfident Somewhat confident Very confident 2019 2017 2014 2012 I I I I -I I ·- I I l LJ -I I I ■ ■ ■ ■ Indicators for the Business CommunitySatisfaction with Attributes of the Business Climate •Access to clients (78.0% very or somewhat satisfied vs. 5.0% very or somewhat unsatisfied) •Quality of streets and roads (77.2% vs. 12.0%) •Ability to get product to and from your Carlsbad location (76.4% vs. 4.0%) •Ability to get employees to and from work (55.5% vs. 12.9%) •Ability to find qualified entry to mid-level employees (52.6% vs. 15.3%) •Regulatory climate (47.6% vs. 28.5%) Indicators for the Business CommunityExpected Number of Employees in 12 Months More, 27.7% Fewer, 3.6%Same number of employees, 58.2% DK/ Refused, 10.5% More 21.8% Same number of employees 67.4% Fewer 1.9% DK/NA 8.9% 2019 2017 Key Industry Clusters3 Key Industry ClustersRecent Changes in Carlsbad’s Industry Clusters Action Sports Manufacturing Life Sciences Cleantech Hospitality and Tourism ICT $0 $20,000 $40,000 $60,000 $80,000 $100,000 $120,000 $140,000 $160,000 (10%) (8%) (6%) (4%) (2%)0%2%4%6%8%10%Avg. Annual Earnings (2018)Employment Growth 2016-2018 - Key Industry ClustersAction Sports Manufacturing -19.5% -16.4% -13.3% -25.0% -20.0% -15.0% -10.0% -5.0% 0.0% 5.0% 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Carlsbad San Diego County California 2018 Employment:1,888 Current Establishments:16 Change over the Last 2 Years: A 7.5% employment decline from 2016 through 2018 Average Annual Earnings: $107,481 Industry Concentration: Employment in Carlsbad is 37.44 times the national average Key Industry ClustersLife Sciences 29.5% 44.5% 16.6% -5.0% 0.0% 5.0% 10.0% 15.0% 20.0% 25.0% 30.0% 35.0% 40.0% 45.0% 50.0% 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Carlsbad San Diego County California 2018 Employment: 6,366 Current Establishments: 111 Change over the Last 2 Years: A 2.4% increase in employment from 2016 to 2018 Average Annual Earnings: $130,258 Industry Concentration: Employment in Carlsbad is 13.6 times the national average Key Industry ClustersClean Technology -16.1% -9.3%-7.3% -20.0% -15.0% -10.0% -5.0% 0.0% 5.0% 10.0% 15.0% 20.0% 25.0% 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Carlsbad San Diego County California 2018 Employment:659 Current Establishments:20 Change over the Last 2 Years: A 0.6% increase in employment from 2016 to 2018 Average Annual Earnings: $118,827 Industry Concentration: Employment in Carlsbad is 3.57 times the national average Key Industry ClustersInformation and Communications Technology 8.2% -4.7% 5.1% -20.0% -15.0% -10.0% -5.0% 0.0% 5.0% 10.0% 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Carlsbad San Diego County California 2018 Employment:8,862 Current Establishments:258 Change over the Last 2 Years: 8.5% increase in employment from 2016 to 2018 Average Annual Earnings: $132,250 Industry Concentration: Employment in Carlsbad is 9.18 times the national average / ------...7 - Key Industry ClustersHospitality and Tourism 14.3% 20.5% 25.4% -10.0% -5.0% 0.0% 5.0% 10.0% 15.0% 20.0% 25.0% 30.0% 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Carlsbad San Diego County California 2018 Employment:13,840 Current Establishments:378 Change over the Last 2 Years: 0.0% increase in employment from 2016 to 2018 Average Annual Earnings: $32,391 Industry Concentration: Employment in Carlsbad is 1.95 times the national average Key Findings4 Key Finding #1Four out of five respondents indicated Carlsbad was an “Excellent” or “Good” Place to do Business 34.1% 47.1% 13.0% 2.9%1.0%1.9% Excellent Good Fair Poor Very Poor Don't know/ Refused ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Key Finding #2Talent is both a competitive advantage and a challenge for Carlsbad Businesses 1.“Ability to find qualified entry to mid-level employees” received the second highest level of dissatisfaction of (behind regulatory climate) the 11 business climate components tested 2.Proximity to skilled workers/workforce increased by 33% as a primary reason businesses location in Carlsbad 3.Industry clusters, like Life Sciences and ICT, with specific and demanding talent requirements continue to grow in Carlsbad Key Finding #3Entrepreneurial Activity in Carlsbad 25.0% 18.4%16.7% 61.4%61.8%58.0% 9.1% 14.7%15.4% 4.5%5.1% 9.9% 0.0% 10.0% 20.0% 30.0% 40.0% 50.0% 60.0% 70.0% Fewer than 3 Years 3-10 Years More than 10 Years Very confident Somewhat confident Somewhat unconfident Very unconfident■ ■ ■ ■ Key Finding #4The Diversity of Carlsbad’s Business Ecosystem 27.5% 41.5% 28.8% 2.3% Primary other businesses Primary consumers directly A combination of both businesses and consumersDon't know/ Refused 52.7% 26.5% 15.5% 34.9% 18.6% 1.0% 33.7% 30.4% 16.3% 42.3% 14.0% 6.9% 0.0%20.0%40.0%60.0% Local -- Carlsbad & North County Regional -- Within Southern California Statewide -- Within California National -- Within the United States International -- Outside the United States Don't know/ Refused Customers Suppliers & Vendors ■ ■ ■ ■ - ■ ■ Key Finding #5Quality of Life Remains a Foundational Advantage for Carlsbad’s Business Community 41.0% 33.2% 31.8% 9.8% 8.5% 0.0%10.0%20.0%30.0%40.0%50.0% Founders lived here Proximity to customers, collaborators, and vendors Quality of life in Carlsbad Spun-off another company that was already here Proximity to skills workers/workforce Questions [bw] RESEARCH PARTNERSHIP Thank you! [bw] RESEARCH PARTNERSHIP The City of CarlsbadBusiness Climate Survey [bw] RESEARCH PARTNERSHIP