HomeMy WebLinkAbout2019-09-10; City Council; ; Presentation from the San Diego Association of Governments regarding the Carlsbad Village and Barrio Railroad Trench Alternatives.~ CITY COUNCIL ~ Staff Report Meeting Date: To: From: Staff Contact: Sept. 10, 2019 Mayor and City Council Scott Chadwick, City Manager Hossein Ajideh, Engineering Manager hossein .ajideh@carlsbadca.gov or 760-602-2756 CA Review lh.-Gr Subject: Presentation from the San Diego Association of Governments regarding the Carlsbad Village and Barrio Railroad Trench Alternatives. Recommended Action Receive a presentation from the San Diego Association of Governments (SAN DAG) regarding the short trench and long trench alternatives of putting the railroad tracks in a trench in the city's Village and Barrio areas. Executive Summary The City of Carlsbad, SAN DAG and North County Transit District (NCTD) are developing an alternatives analysis for a future railroad trench in the downtown railroad corridor. Two alternatives, long trench and short trench, are under evaluation along the coastal railroad corridor from the Buena Vista Lagoon in the City of Oceanside to just north of the Agua Hedionda lagoon in the City of Carlsbad. The project would place two railroad tracks in a trench below grade, facilitating grade-separated crossings at various locations in the downtown area. The primary difference between the two alternatives is that Tamarack Avenue is a grade- separated crossing in the long trench alternative, but it is an at-grade crossing in the short trench alternative. SAN DAG will provide an overview of the project and the trench alternatives study expected to be completed in spring 2020. Discussion Amtrak's Pacific Surfliner rail corridor is the nation's second busiest, serving six counties and 351 miles along the southern California coastline. This rail corridor, also known as the Los Angeles-San Diego-San Luis Obispo (LOSSAN) rail corridor, where the project area lies, is shared between Amtrak's Pacific Surfliner intercity passenger rail, Metrolink and COASTER commuter rail services and BNSF Railway freight services. Capacity improvements along the railroad corridor are an important component of guiding planning documents at the regional, corridor and statewide levels. For example, San Diego Forward: The Regional Plan, the 2050 Regional Transportation Plan for San Diego, produced by SAN DAG, identifies an improved LOSSAN Rail Corridor as a major transportation goal. This plan calls for double tracking, bridge replacements and station improvements such as additional track that will be needed to provide additional passenger and freight rail service as an alternative to the busy Interstate 5 .. Sept. 10, 2019 Item #10 Page 1 of 5 The Carlsbad Village and Barrio double-track project would construct a second railroad track from Cassidy Street in Oceanside south to and/or through Tamarack Avenue in Carlsbad . The two alternatives would include grade separation of the railroad tracks (existing track and new second track) by constructing them in a trench, beneath the existing street elevations. The first alternative, known as the short trench alternative, would constructthe double-track railroad lowered in a trench passing under vehicular overpasses at Grand Avenue, Carlsbad Village Drive and Oak Avenue, with pedestrian overpasses at Beech Avenue/Carlsbad Village Station and Chestnut Avenue. The second alternative is the long trench alternative, which would construct a railroad trench passing under vehicular overpasses at Grand Avenue, Carlsbad Village Drive, Oak Avenue, Chestnut Avenue and Tamarack Avenue, with a pedestrian overpass at Beech Avenue/Carlsbad Village Station. Both trench alternatives would require replacement of the Carlsbad Boulevard overcrossing with a new bridge spanning the tracks. The short trench and long trench alternatives are shown in Exhibit 1. Current conditions include only four locations for pedestrians and vehicles to cross the railroad tracks in the 1.8 miles between the Buena Vista and Agua Hedionda Lagoons, one grade- separated and three at-grade. The planned grade-separated crossings will eliminate delays to traffic and emergency responders caused by at-grade crossing gate arms that remain down as trains approach and pass by. In 2014, the City Council decided to pursue lowering the railroad tracks through the Village and Barrio areas due to concerns about the impacts of the increased train traffic and second set of tracks in these two neighborhoods. In 2014, the City of Carlsbad, SAN DAG and the NCTD initiated a feasibility study to double-track the railroad tracks in the city's downtown Village area in a railroad trench below grade. The Carlsbad Village Double Track -Railroad Trench Alternative Economic Analysis and Feasibility Study was completed in 2017 and identified that a tre11ch would be feasible in the downtown Village area and would accommodate additional double-tracking that is necessary along the corridor, as identified in San Diego "Forward: The Regional Plan. Two trench alternatives were studied at the preliminary level, and total costs ranged from a low of $215 million for the short trench to a high of $350 million for the long trench. The alternatives study and preliminary engineering are expected to be finalized in spring 2020. Depending on funding availability and the selected trench alternative, the project would be expected to be completed by 2035. Fiscal Analysis This item has no fiscal impact. Next Steps The alternatives study and preliminary engineering for Carlsbad Village and Barrio railroad trench are expected to be completed in spring 2020. In addition, the City of Carlsbad and SAN DAG will coordinate implementation of the public outreach and involvement plan and public workshops to support this study in fall 2019. Sept. 10, 2019 Item #10 Page 2 of 5 Environmental Evaluation (CEQA) Receiving a presentation does not qualify as a "project" under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) per State CEQA Guidelines Section 15378, as it does not result in a direct or reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment. Public Notification This item was noticed in accordance with the Ralph M. Brown Act (California Government Code Section 54950 et seq.), published and distributed at least 72 hours prior to the meeting date and time. Exhibit 1. . Location Map -Carlsbad Village and Barrio Railroad Trench Alternatives. Sept. 10, 2019 Item #10 Page 3 of 5 TYLININTERNATIONAL enginoor~ I planner:; I sc1en1i:;ts SANDAG (city of Carlsbad (\ '~ ~'t> .. ~ N C T D aTY MAMENANCE YAIO Exhibit 1 LEGEND= PROPOSED TRENCH LIMITS --- ---EXISTING RIGHT-OF-WAY ;;:::=:::::::;::::::;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ PEDESTRIAN OVERCROSSING VEHICLE OVERCROSSING COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS SCHOOL ===== f · -J · .. ·.] CARLSBAD VILLAGE STATION 1, '• CITY MAINTENANCE YARD --------- j f r: ~ I Exhibit 1Sept. 10, 2019 Item #10 Page 4 of 5 TYLININTERNATIONAL engir1eer~ j planner:: ! x 1e111isls· SANDAG {city of Carlsbad .. ~ N C T D CITY MAMeW«::E YAlt:> LEGEND= PROPOSED TRENCH LIMITS ------EXISTING RIGHT-OF-WAY PEDESTRIAN OVERCROSSING VEHICLE OVERCROSSING ~::::::::::::~ I I COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS SCHOOL CARLSBAD VILLAGE STATION ~::::;::=:;::::;::::;::::;,: CITY MAINTENANCE YARD ----.:..._ --'-- !I! ' !I! -I I I I I l '---------- AOOA. l-£DIOIC)A. 0 Sept. 10, 2019 Item #10 Page 5 of 5 Carlsbad Village and Barrio Railroad Trench Alternatives Carlsbad City Council | Item #10 | September 10, 2019 ~ ~~ NORTH COUNTY -..:-i!iiiiiiiij ,,....... TRANSIT DISTRICT - LOSSAN Coastal Rail Corridor ---~ • {city of Carlsbad Ca l iforn i a KeepSanDiegoMoving.com LOSSAN –San Diego Progress Report 2019 Program 2 Funding: •Total amount funded: $805M •Total funds required: $1.6B •Current schedule projected through 2025 33 Total Projects:•14 open to public •4 funded through construction •8 funded through design •2 funded through prelim. engineering •5 projects in planning •3 projects currently in construction SANDAG NORTH COUNff -.._ ZCllllli TRANSIT DISTRICT - If San Mateo Creek Bridge San Onofre Creek Double Track ~ Camp Pendleton San Onofre Bridge Replacements Mag~;/0rps North Green Beach -~fl, San Onofre to Pulgas Double Track P1 -----c-.•~- San Onofre to Pulgas Double Track P2 ,.,.,,,--0 Santa Margarita River Bridge Eastbrook to Shell Double Track -=:-=:+ ~ Oceanside Through Track ➔•♦. 0 -d Carlsbad Village Trench _ ~, oean;~ e Carlsbad Village Double Track -~ Carlsbad Double Track ---'\Carl bad •01 se "SI 101 pro11er er s -~~ Batrquitos Lagoon Double Track _ \\ La Costa to Encinitas Double Track ~~-' Q;7 El Portal Pedestrian Crossing _ ---~Encinitas /0 Santa Fe Pedestrran Crossing --'t~ '----, San Elijo Lagoon Double Track --~\S-olana Beach Chesterfield Drive Crossing Improvements ~\ \ Del Ma0 San D1egu1to Double Track a_nd Platform A "'~ 1 Del Mar BluffsS_tab1hzat1on Ill ~•~ Miramar Del Mar Bluffs Stabrhzat1on IV & V · • .,. Los Penasquitos Lagoon Bridges Sorrento Valley Double Track • Sorrento to Miramar I Sorrento to Miramar 11 Rose Canyon Bridge Replacements Br. 257.2 Replacement E a to orena DDl ble T ac Tecolote/Washington St. Crossovers Sa Diego r· eI B 1c' Je Project in Planning • Project in Design e Project in Construction e Open to Public • ClosedOut LOSSAN Programmatic Environmental Impact Report/Environmental Impact Study (2009) •Programmatic look at corridor between Los Angeles and San Diego •Lead Agencies: Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) and Caltrans •Includes both at-grade and trench double track alternatives in City of Carlsbad •Both are to be carried forward in project-level analysis prior to making alignment decision 3(SANgAG NORTH COUNTY -.,. ~ TRANSIT DISTRICT - U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Rall road Administration Record of Decision Los Angeles to San Diego, California (LOSSAN) Proposed Rail Corridor Improvements This Reccrd of Decisioo (RO D) reccrds the decisfon of the Federal Railroad Administratioo (FRA), an operating administration of the U.S. Department of Transpcrtation. with regard to the Los M geles to San Diego (LOSSA.N; Proposed Rail CorridCf Improvements proposed by the California Department of Transpcrtation (Oepartmenti. at 1he initial programmatic phase of environmental review. In making thi'S decision, FRA considered the infamation and analysis contained in the Draft and Final Program Environmental Impact Repcrt/Environmental Impact Statement (EIRIEISJ le, LOSSAN rail corridor improvements, as well as public and agency comments. This ROD tie.s been drafted In accordance wtth the Council on Environmental Quality's {CEO) regulations implementing the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) (40 CFR § 1505.2) and FRA Environmental Procedures (64 Fed. Reg. 28545, May 26, 1999). Specifically, this ROD: States FRA's decisicn on the proposed LOSSAN rail ccnidor impr0vement opticns. Provides background on the pioposed LOSSAN rail carida inprovements and the NEPA tiering process. Describes FRA'-s role il the LOSSAN rail corridor improvements program. Dosetlbes Ille fact«s e<:xi sldered by the FRA In making this decision, Identifies the alternatives coosidered by the FRA Summarizes environmental benefits and adverse impacts. Su1nmarizes the comments received oo the Final Program EIR/EIS. Olscuss~s m~a.sures to mfnlmlze environmental harm. Describes compiance with other federal regulatioos. Desetlbes some Initial noxt steps In the tiered onvlronmentaJ re\iewprocess, 1. Decision The LOSSAN Program EIRAEIS is the first programmatic phase of a tiered environmental re\liew process and the FRA, i'l cooperatioo wlh the Department. Is making initial and broad decisions on the prcposed LOSSAN c~rido-improvements. The Department is the agency of Califo-nitt state g0vemment se™ng as the Sate lead agency in compliance ,.,..;th the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) (Cal PRC § 21000 et seq.). As Federal co-lead agency fa the Program At-Grade Double Track Project Carlsbad Village Double Track Project (At-Grade Option) Improvements: •Adds one mile of double track •Enhances station platform •Constructs pedestrian underpass and new Buena Vista Lagoon bridge •All improvements within railroad right of way Project Cost: •$62 million ($5.7m funded) 5(SANgAG NORTH COUNTY -.,. ~ TRANSIT DISTRICT - Carlsbad Village Double Track Project (At-Grade Option) Status: •Per agreement with FRA and Caltrans, SANDAG completed preliminary engineering (30%) / environmental •Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) finalized by FRA in July 2019 •No additional funding identified beyond current phase 6(SANgAG NORTH COUNTY -.,. ~ TRANSIT DISTRICT - Double Track Railroad Trench Alternatives Two Trench Alternatives •Short Trench: 6,000 feet; 6 new overpasses •Long Trench: 8,400 feet; 7 new overpasses; requires property acquisition •Both: •Construct two railroad tracks and at least one temporary (shoofly) track at grade •Depth between 25 and 30 feet below grade •Require width of 55 feet across •Replace railroad bridge across Buena Vista Lagoon •Require reconstruction of Carlsbad Blvd overpass 8(SANgAG NORTH COUNTY -.,. ~ TRANSIT DISTRICT - Short Trench Alternative Short Trench Alternative ------___ _-. (SANgAG NORTH COUNTY -.,. ~ TRANSIT DISTRICT - LEGEND= PROPOSED TRENCH LIMITS --- ---EXISTING RIGHT-OF-WAY PEDESTRIAN OVERCROSSING VEHICLE OVERCROSSING ~===:..... COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS SCHOOL CARLSBAD VILLAGE STATION ~pz=z=z=z:;::z::;:::z;::::J CITY MAINTENANCE YARD f I Long Trench Alternative (SANgAG NORTH COUNTY -.,. ~ TRANSIT DISTRICT - LEGEND= PROPOSED TRENCH LIMITS ____ EXISTING RIGHT-OF-WAY PEDESTRIAN OVERCROSSING VEHICLE OVERCROSSING ::====:.......,) COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS I SCHOOL ~!!!!!!!!!!~=~ CARLSBAD VILLAGE STATION tz?2222j CITY MAINTENANCE YARD 100' RIW ~----------- t I Typical Trench Section (Looking North) 11 EXISTING GROUND DESIGN GROUNDWATER ELEV 10· VAR (22' MAX) SECANT PILE WALL NORTH COUNTY -.;,, ZCCillij TRANSIT DISTRICT - --------55.0' ------- 15.0' 1 10.0' ACCESS 15,0•---- ROAD PERMANEN1 STRUTS- N 1---2 ll. 0 Cl'. ll. RECTANGULAR CHANNEL WITH GRATED COVER (EACH SIDE) INVERT SLAB ;:: :::; ll. 0 Cl'. ll. 15.0' 125' MIN 12.o·r 15.5 ~ ll. () 2< w Cl'. I-I- 12.4' 16.9' - 84'' STORM DRAIN Trench Structure: Constraints •Proximity of existing utilities •High groundwater table •At least one temporary shoofly track during construction •Vertical clearance under overpass structures •Available right-of-way •Dense soils at relatively shallow depths 12(SANgAG NORTH COUNTY -.,. ~ TRANSIT DISTRICT - Constructability •Construction would be phased to maintain ongoing railroad operations •Required temporary track and station platforms result in loss of parking •On-street traffic would be maintained •Trench would remove 400,000-600,000 cubic yards of earth over 8-12 months •Overall construction duration of 4 years 13(SANgAG NORTH COUNTY -.,. ~ TRANSIT DISTRICT - Project Benefits •Roadway circulation and beach access •Public safety and first response •Railroad operations •Environmental benefits •Economic benefits 14(SANgAG NORTH COUNTY -.,. ~ TRANSIT DISTRICT - Project Cost Estimates •Estimates based on 26 feet of vertical clearance standard: •Per NCTD, 24 feet of vertical clearance may be possible: 15 Alternative 2016 $s Short Trench $215 -$235 million Long Trench $320 -$350 million Alternative Construction Cost Savings (2016 $s) Short Trench $8 million Long Trench $14 million (SANgAG NORTH COUNTY -.,. ~ TRANSIT DISTRICT - Existing Condition 16NORTH COUNTY -.,. ~ TRANSIT DISTRICT - Future Condition 17NORTH COUNTY -.,. ~ TRANSIT DISTRICT - Existing Condition 18 .... ... , NORTH COUNTY -.,. ~ TRANSIT DISTRICT - Future Condition 19NORTH COUNTY -.,. ~ TRANSIT DISTRICT - Carlsbad Village Trench Alternatives Analysis •March 2019 kick-off •Funded by city, managed by SANDAG •Project working group •Public involvement plan •10% level of design (utilities, railroad signals, rail engineering, drainage, groundwater study) •Environmental compliance approach •Spring 2020 completion 20(SANgAG NORTH COUNTY -.,. ~ TRANSIT DISTRICT - LOSSAN Coastal Rail Corridor QUESTIONS Project Info: KeepSanDiegoMoving.com/LOSSAN 21 Linda Culp, Principal Planner SANDAG. Email lcu@sandag.org or Ph 619 699 6957 (SANgAG NORTH COUNTY -.,. ~ TRANSIT DISTRICT -