HomeMy WebLinkAbout2019-10-08; City Council; ; Request to Appoint Community Member to Fill the Upcoming City Council Vacancy and for Preparation of an Ordinance Amending Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 2.04.030CA Review .cf;2..__ ~ CITY COUNCIL ~ Staff Report Meeting Date: To: From: Staff Contact: Subject: Oct. 8, 2019 Mayor and City Council Celia A. Brewer, City Attorney Celia A. Brewer, City Attorney Cindie K. McMahon, Assistant City Attorney Celia.Brewer@carlsbadca.gov or 760-434-2891 Request to Appoint Community Member to Fill the Upcoming City Council Vacancy and for Preparation of an Ordinance Amending Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 2.04.030 Recommended Action Consider Council Member Hamilton's request to fill the upcoming City Council vacancy (Gov. Code, §36512, subd. (e)) and for preparation of an ordinance amending Carlsbad Municipal Code (CMC) Section 2.04.030 to give the City Council the ability to fill a City Council vacancy by. both appointing an interim replacement and calling for a special election. Executive Summary Under CMC Section 1.20.060((), a City Council member may place an item on the City Council's agenda for the City Council's consideration. Council Member Hamilton has requested an item be placed on the City Council's Oct. 8, 2019 agenda for the City Council to have a discussion about filling the upcoming City Council vacancy and to consider the preparation of an ordinance amending CMC Section 2.04.030 to give the City Council the ability to fill a City Council vacancy by both appointing an interim replacement and calling for a special election (Exhibit 1). Discussion As explained in the City Council Vacancy Questions and Answers prepared by the City Attorney's Office (Exhibit 2), CMC Section 2.04.030 (Exhibit 3) currently permits the City Council to fill a City Council vacancy either by making an appointment or by calling a special election, but not by both actions. Council Member Hamilton would like the City Council to discuss the appointment of a community member to fill the upcoming City Council vacancy. She would also like the City Council to consider the preparation of an ordinance amending CMC Section 2.04.030 to give the City Council the ability to fill a City Council vacancy by both appointing an interim replacement and calling for a special election (Exhibit 1). Oct. 8, 2019 Item #8 Page 1 of 5 Fiscal Analysis Staff does not anticipate any fiscal impact from the discussion of filling the upcoming City Council vacancy or from the preparation, introduction, and adoption of an ordinance amending CMC Section 2.04.030. Next Steps If the City Council directs staff to prepare an ordinance amending CMC Section 2.04.030, staff will prepare the ordinance for the City Council's consideration and introduction at a subsequent meeting. If the ordinance is considered and introduced at the City Council's meeting on Oct. 15, 2019 and adopted at the City Council's meeting on Oct. 22, 2019, the ordinance would take effect on Nov. 21, 2019. Environmental Evaluation (CEQA) Pursuant to Public Resources Code Section 21065, this action does not constitute a "project" within the meaning of CEQA in that it has no potential to cause either.a direct physical change in the environment, or a reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment, and therefore does not require environmental review. Public Notification and Outreach This.item was noticed in accordance with the Ralph M. Brown Act and was available for public viewing and review at least 72 hours prior to scheduled meeting date. Exhibits 1. Email from Council Member Hamilton Requesting Agenda Item 2. Excerpt (first page) from City Council Vacancy Questions and Answers 3. CMC section 2.04.030 Oct. 8, 2019 Item #8 Page 2 of 5 Cindie McMahon From: Celia Brewer Sent: To: Monday, September 30, 2019 9:50 AM Cindie McMahon Subject: FW: Agenda item From: Barbara Hamilton Sent: Monday, September 30, 2019 9:33 AM To: Scott Chadwick <Scott.Chadwick@carlsbadca.gov> Cc: Celia Brewer <Celia.Brewer@carlsbadca.gov> Subject: Agenda item Scott, Per our discussion this morning I would like to docket an agenda item for the October 8 agenda, per my rights as a sitting Council Member. I believe it is my responsibility to help to facilitate a smooth transition with temporary, but continued representation for District 1---and at the same time, to set the stage to have the most transparent and democratic process for permanently filling the seat for the remainder of my term. Please help me to correctly word the agenda item in order to achieve two outcomes at th.is Oct 8 meeting: 1. Make council member nominations to fill the District 1 seat until a special election in March 2020. 2. Amend the CMC to allow Council flexibility to both appoint a Councilmember to fill a vacancy, as well as to call for a special election. Once we agree to the wording for the agenda item I would ask that you inform the full Council so that they are not taken by surprise. Barbara Hamilton 760-717-6627 When we try to pick out anything by itself, we find it hitched to everything else in the Universe. John Muir 1 Oct. 8, 2019 Item #8 Page 3 of 5 Exhibit 1 CITY COUNCIL VACANCY QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS OCCURRENCE OF A VACANCY When does a City Council vacancy by resignation occur? A City Council vacancy by resignation occurs when a City Council member delivers a written letter of resignation to the city clerk. (Gov. Code,§§ 1750, subd. (f), 1770, subd. (c)(2).) The letter of resignation may specify the resignation's effective date. (Gov. Code,§ 1770, subd. (c)(2).) The vacancy begins on the effective date of the resignation. The City Council does not need to accept the resignation for the resignation to be effective. (Meeker v. Reed, City Clerk (1924) 70 Cal.App. 119, 123.) When is the effective date of Council Member Hamilton's resignation? Council Member Hamilton's resignation states it "will be effective October 315\ 2019, or before if a successful appointment to fill the District 1 seat is made by Council." FILLING A VACANCY How may a City Council vacancy be filled? A City Council vacancy may be filled by a City Council appointment or by a special election called by the City Council. If, however, the city clerk receives petitions bearing verified signatures of 10% of the registered voters in the affected City Council district, the City Council must call a special election. (Gov. Code,§ 36512, subd. (b), (c)(2); Carlsbad Municipal Code (CMC), § 2.04.030(A), (B).) How will the City Council make its decision whether to fill the vacancy by appointment or special election? The City Council will make its decision to fill the vacancy by appointment or special election by a majority vote at an open, noticed meeting. May the City Council fill a vacancy by making an interim appointment and calling a special election? CMC 2.04.030(A) currently perm its the City Council to fill a vacancy either by making an appointment or by calling a special election, but not by both actions. The City Council has the authority to amend CM C 2.04.030 to permit both actions. (See Cal. Const., art. XI,§ 5, subd. (b)(3) [authority of charter cities]; see also Gov. Code,§ 36512, subd. (c)(3) [permitting a city to adopt an ordinance requiring the city council to immediately call a special election and providing that a person appointed to fill a vacancy holds office only until the date of the special election].) When may the City Council act to fill a vacancy? The City Council may act to fill a vacancy upon the effective date of the vacancy. (Gov. Code, § 36512, subd. (b); CMC, § 2.04.030(A).) If the City Council acts to fill the vacancy by appointment under Oct. 8, 2019 Item #8 Page 4 of 5 Exhibit 2 Sheila Cobian From: Sent: To: Subject: -----Original Message----- Council Internet Email Monday, October 07, 2019 4:59 PM Sheila Cobian FW: Appointment District 1 Representative From: simon angel Sent: Sunday, October 6, 2019 9:11 PM To: Council Internet Email <CityCouncil@carlsbadca.gov> Subject: Appointment District 1 Representative Greetings ladies and gentlemen, /\II Receive -Agenda Item# B For the Information of the: CITY COUNCIL Date IC,~ CA ✓cc ~ CM ~ i---DCM (3) ~ I am contacting you for the purpose of submitting myself for your consideration regarding the appointment to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of council member Barbara Hamilton. This request is not made lightly and I have spent much time over the past couple of days discussing this with family, friends and neighbors. While I recognize that the odds may be against me, I care deeply for my community and the residents of District 1 and those matters that may impact them. There has never been a resident of the Barrio that has ever been appointed or elected to serve on the city council. My hope is to change that and to be deliberate in addressing matters coming before the city council. I do not minimize the challenges or difficulties in this endeavor but I will do my best. I intend to listen and be considerate of public input and give it the value that it deserves. I know how difficult and intimidating it can be to address the city council. I tan only hope to be as diligent in advocating on behalf of all the residents of District 1 as Barbara Hamilton has demonstrated. The inner workings of municipal government will be a challenge and I will rely on the indulgence and patience of other council members and staff in order to rise to the level of being a good steward and public servant. I thank you for your consideration in this matter. Simon Angel 1 Sheila Cobian From: Sent: To: Subject: Council Internet Email Monday, October 07, 2019 4:58 PM Sheila Cobian FW: Carlsbad District 1 -Appoinment or Election Option From: Patricia Amador Sent: Monday, October 7, 2019 4:50 PM To: Council Internet Email <CityCouncil@carlsbadca.gov>; Cori Schumacher <Cori.Schumacher@CarlsbadCA.gov> Cc: Matthew Hall <Matt.Hall@carlsbadca.gov>; Scott Chadwick <Scott.Chadwick@carlsbadca.gov>; Celia Brewer <Celia.Brewer@carlsbadca.gov> Subject: Carlsbad District 1 -Appoinment or Election Option Greetings As a resident and voter in Carlsbad D-1, I would like to state my opinion to have an election to fill the vacancy created by Hie departure of Ms. Hamilton. City Council seats are critical in t he "management/oversight" of City business and development, as well as preserving the locality for its' residents. D-1 is experiencing ongoing redevelopment and building with much needed improvement to the traffic and circulation through D-1, the coastal road, and access to fire and safety services. An election will bring forward candidates that can then offer their suggestions/ideas for the management of current and future development in the District. D-1 is more than the coastal area or the Village or Barrio. We must remember that development, services, roads, etc., are impacted by the City as a whole. Please allow we citizens to have our say by a public election. Thank you Patricia Amador 92008 1 Mia De Marzo From: Council Internet Email Sent: To: Tuesday, October 8, 2019 7:56 AM City Clerk Subject: FW: Endorsement of Simon Angel for Impending District 1 Council Seat Vacancy Regarding Agenda Item #8. From: Keith Hunter Sent: Monday, October 7, 2019 5:00 PM To: City Clerk <Clerk@carlsbadca.gov>; Council Internet Email <CityCouncil@carlsbadca.gov>; keithblackburn@carlsbadca.gov; matthall@carlsbadca.gov; corischumacher@carlsbadca.gov; barbarahamilton@carlsbadca.gov; priyabhatpatel@carlsbadca.gov Subject: Endorsement of Simon Angel for Impending District 1 Council Seat Vacancy Dear Council Members, Based on information received recently, it seems that Barbara Hamilton may be resigning from her City Council position representing District 1. If this is truly the case, I support Simon Angel as her replacement. He seems to hold similar values to Barbara. She's the one I voted for to represent my district, so if she's leaving, her replacement should represent a similar platform. Please add this to the public record. Thank you, Keith Hunter 1 Mia De Marzo From: Council Internet Email Sent: To: Tuesday, October 8, 2019 7:55 AM City Clerk Subject: FW: A citizen letter in support of appointing Simon Angel to fill District 1 vacancy Regarding Agenda Item #8. -----Original Message----- From: Robin Hansen Sent: Monday, October 7, 2019 5:05 PM To: Council Internet Email <CityCouncil@carlsbadca.gov> Subject: A citizen letter in support of appointing Simon Angel to fill District 1 vacancy Dear Council member/representative/interested party: This is to express my unequivocal, enthusiastic support in requesting your consideration in appointing Simon Angel to fill the vacancy in District One created by Barbara Hamilton's resignation . To all who know Simon and have worked alongside him in his tireless efforts on behalf of our city, he has been an exemplar in his thoughtful and thorough approaches to the concerns of the citizens of this city and especially those of District One. There could not be a more perfect solution to the district's vacancy and I hope you feel the same way. Very Sincerely, Robin Hansen 1 Mia De Marzo Subject: FW: Simon Angel for District 1 From: Council Internet Email Sent: Tuesday, October 8, 2019 7:54 AM To: City Clerk <Clerk@carlsbadca.gov> Subject: FW: Simon Angel for District 1 Regarding Agenda Item# 8. I also sent Shelia two other emails yesterday regarding #8. From: Diane Rivera Sent: Tuesday, October 8, 2019 5:38 AM To: Matthew Hall <Matt.Hall@carlsbadca.gov>; Priya Bhat-Patel <Priya.Bhat-Patel@CarlsbadCA.gov>; Keith Blackburn <Keith.Blackburn@carlsbadca.gov>; Barbara Hamilton <Barbara.Hamilton@CarlsbadCA.gov>; Cori Schumacher <Cori.Schumacher@CarlsbadCA.gov>; Council Internet Email <CityCouncil@carlsbadca.gov> Subject: Simon Angel for District 1 Mayor Matt Hall, Mayor Pro Tern Priya Bhat Patel, Keith Blackbum Barbara Hamilton Cory Schumacher, City Clerk Dear Mayor, Mayor Pro Tern and Council Members, I would like to nominate Simon Angel to fill the open Council Chair to be vacated by Ms. Barbara Hamilton on October 31, 2019. I concur with members pf the Barrio Community Advocates as written below. With the impending leaving of council member Barbara Hamilton our awareness regarding Barrio Carlsbad issues has been heightened. We are more aware now of the possible consequences. Among these issues are the addressing of CIP projects and changes to the Village and Barrio Master Plan to address the disparate treatment between Village and Barrio districts. I Our opinion is that if the District 1 representative position is left unfilled while the special election process takes place the addressing of Barrio issues and concerns could be adversely impacted because these issues and concerns will require further action by the city council. A 4 person city council provides no assurance or guarantee of action during the interim period of 4 months. More importantly it denies the residents of District 1 representation during this time. We urge the city council to appoint a representative for District 1 and provide for an election in March of 2020 so the voters can have a say regarding their representative. Thank you, Diane Rivera District 1 KG6QLX A THOUGHT FOR TODAY: If you don't turn your life into a story, you just become a part of someone else's story. -Terry Pratchett, novelist (28 Apr 1948-2015) 1 Mia De Marzo From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Tanya Griffiths Tuesday, October 8, 2019 9:05 AM Priya Bhat-Patel; Keith Blackburn; Barbara Hamilton; Matthew Hall; Cori Schumacher City Clerk; Council Internet Email Simon Angel All Receive -A~enda Item # _j_ For the Inform.it ion of the: Dear Mayor and Council Members, CITY COUNCIL Date ~ CA 1 CC ~ CM ~coo _:£_ DCM (3) ~ I would like to express my support and ask for your support in appointing Simon Angel to fill the vacancy left by council member Hamilton. He is a long time Carlsbad resident and has deep respect for our community. Simon has the knowledge, integrity and collaborative spirit to serve Carlsbad well. Sincerely, Tanya Griffiths Carlsbad, CA 92008 1 Sheila Cobian To: Sheila Cobian Subject: FW: Appointing new Council Member for District 1 From: Council Internet Email Sent: Friday, October 4, 2019 11:25 AM To: City Clerk <Clerk@carlsbadca.gov> /\II Receive -Agenda Item# 0 "1: cc.:'' For the Information of th;--1 1'1 1 CITY COUNCIL Date ~)_I.}_ CA ~ CC.'.::::::: CM -1eCOO ...=::::. DCM (3) l--- Subject: FW : Appointing new Council Member for District 1 Email regarding agenda item #8 -----Original Message----- From: Shawn Vandenkolk Sent: Friday, October 4, 2019 9:42 AM To : Council Internet Email <CityCouncil@carlsbadca.gov> Subject: Appointing new Council Member for District 1 Dear Mayor Hall and Council Members, As a concerned Carlsbad resident I am very concerned about the division I see with City Council that may take away from the on going issues and concerns regarding the Village and Barrio, and District 1 in general!! I believe it needs immediate representation when Barbara Hamilton leaves her position at the end of the month. As a citizen of Carlsbad I will be extremely upset if you waste our tax dollars by holding a special election. We had a very very close election less than a year ago. I would hope the Council is wise enough and responsible enough to fill the position with the runner-up Tracy Carmichael. Tracy Carmichael has remained active and has proven she knows our community, wants the best for our community and listens to both sides of all issues. When Tracy lost the election, she did not go have a pity · party for herself .... she became even more active!! This shows her true character and her motives to make this the best community possible! I do not feel the need to list off all she has done for the City of Carlsbad, because you all are well aware of her involvement. However, please note I will be an extremely disappointed resident if you chose to hold a special election wasting the city's money. I hereby request that the City Council use its authority to appoint Tracy Carmichael to complete the term of the seat being vacated by Ms. Hamilton. And thank you to Ms. Hamilton for serving our community. I know it is a very difficult job. Respectfully, Shawn Vandenkolk 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: lisa mckethan Tuesday, October 8, 2019 1 :53 PM All Receive -Agenda Item#~ For the Information of the: CITY COUNCIL Date~ CA V ee ✓ CM ✓coo ~CM (3~ To: City Clerk; Matthew Hall; Keith Blackburn; Cori Schumacher; priya.bahtpatal@carlsbadca.gov; Barbara Hamilton Subject: district 1 appointment Greetings from Forest Ave, Thank you for your time, service and dedication to our community. I would like to share my thoughts about the upcoming council opening. 1. It is very important to me that the elected council member from district 1, be a part of the process-in which a new member is selected. I was very disappointed that my elected council member was prevented from participating in the goals setting process last month. · 2. It is also important to me that our district have representation now. 3. It appears to me that the consultant did not address the fact that we ar:e discussing a district council member replacement and not replacing an at large council member. Our municipal code needs to be updated. 4. An appointment it should be done in a timely manner which would include the council member that is leaving having a vote in that decision. I would enthusiastically support Simon Angel for the appointment in District 1. He has been an integral part of the community since Carlsbad's early days. Simon has been a thoughtful and measured voice throughout the years on a variety of issues. Most recently, he spoke with thousands of folks in our community about local concerns, while encouraging new voters to register. Simon almost single handedly doubled the voter turn out in the Barrio. He also spoke with folks throughout district 1 and district 3. Simon would be an excellent addition to the council and is aligned with the council member who was duly elected. Thank you for your time and consideration with this matter. Best Regards, Lisa McKethan 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Andrea Dykes Tuesday, October 8, 2019 1 :48 PM City Clerk FW: Barbara Hamilton seat vacancy For distribution regarding agenda item #8. From: Priya Bhat-Patel Sent: Tuesday, October 8, 2019 1:29 PM To: Andrea Dykes <Andrea.Dykes@carlsbadca.gov> Subject: Fwd: Barbara Hamilton seat vacancy Hi Andi, Can you please send this to everyone else as well? Thanks, Priya Bhat-Patel Mayor Pro Tern Council Member, District 3 City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Dr. Carlsbad, CA 92008 www.carlsbadca.gov 760-434-2830 (o) I 760-473-8726 (c) priya.bhat-patel@carlsbadca.gov Begin forwarded message: From: Deanie Bopp Date: October 8, 2019 at 12:55:18 PM PDT To: cori.schumacher@carlsbadca.gov, priya.bhat-patel@carlsbadca.gov Subject: Barbara Hamilton seat vacancy RE: Barbara Hamilton vacated council seat All Receive -Agenda Item It For the Information of th;- C[Y COUNCIL Date to/'61/Ct CA Vee .,,,.-- CM_ VCOO V0CM(3~ I am writing about the vacated council seat in district one .. I am opposed to the council 'replacing' this seat via appointment by the other council members. This seat is in play until 2022 and a replacement of anyone other than someone voted on by the district seems undemocratic. The emails on this topic state that a cost of $300k would be incurred to hold an election. We are already having an election for two other districts in 2020. I believe the seat should remain open, sans a council member until one can be voted in by the residents. 1 That said, I am curious as to your feelings on this subject. I will be attending tonight's meeting and would like speak with each of you on this matter. Thank you for your insights, advice Best Nadine Bopp Resident, district one 2 Mia De Marzo Subject: FW: Carlsbad District 1 -Appoinment or Election Option From: Council Internet Email Sent: Tuesday, October 8, 2019 3:12 PM To: City Clerk <Clerk@carlsbadca.gov> Subject: FW: Carlsbad District 1 -Appoinment or Election Option From: Patricia Amador Sent: Tuesday, October 8, 2019 2:41 PM All Receive -Agenda Item # ii_ For the Information of the: • Jl.!YJ.OUNCIL Date ~CA :I}_ CC 'f' CM "'9coo :::f_ DCM (3)'P To: Council Internet Email <CityCouncil@carlsbadca.gov>; Cori Schumacher <Cori.Schumacher@CarlsbadCA.gov> Cc: Matthew Hall <Matt.Hall@carlsbadca.gov>; Scott Chadwick <Scott.Chadwick@carlsbadca.gov>; Celia Brewer <Celia.Brewer@carlsbadca.gov> Subject: Re: Carlsbad District 1 -Appoinment or Election Option Post script: In the event I'm unable to speak at tonight's meeting, if the Council elects to appoint a person to the seat, I trust that the person is also versed in working with the Coastal Commission and Sandag. Coastal erosion due to sea level rise is critical on Carlsbad's coastal areas and we must be forward-thinking in how to coordinate effort with the State of California and local agencies to manage this threat. Sandag: traffic amelioration and future regional traffic highway projects are in a critical state and the D-1 is an important part of the City and State discussions. Thank you for your attention to my request. Regards Pat On Mon, Oct 7, 2019, 4:49 PM Patricia Amador wrote: Greetings As a resident and voter in Carlsbad D-1, I would like to state my opinion to have an election to fill the vacancy created by the departure of Ms. Hamilton. City Council seats are critical in the "management/oversight" of City business and development, as well as preserving the locality for its' residents. D-1 is experiencing ongoing redevelopment and building with much needed improvement to the traffic and circulation through D-1, the coastal road, and access to fire and safety services. An election will bring forward candidates that can then offer their suggestions/ideas for the management of current and future development in the District. 1 D-1 is more than the coastal area or the Village or Barrio. We must remember that development, services, roads, etc., are impacted by the City as a whole. Please allow we citizens to have our say by a public election. Thank you Patricia Amador 92008 2 Mia De Marzo From: Sent: To: Subject: -----Original Message----- From: Lizzee Council Internet Email Tuesday, October 8, 2019 3:10 PM City Clerk FW: Dist 1 Councilmember Sent: Tuesday, October 8, 2019 2:16 PM To: Council Internet Email <CityCouncil@carlsbadca.gov> Subject: Dist 1 Councilmember Dear City Councilmembers, It is very important that district 1 has a representative that can give their complete attention to all the new zoning, building & humanitarian issues, which are diverse & complicated. Simon Angel has been an active & informed resident activist for years. His activism in many issues have resulted in positive outcomes for our district. I am happy that he has made the decision to be considered for Carlsbad City Councilmember for District 1 ensuring that we have a voice & advocate to protect our village & neighborhoods. I have spoken to my relatives & neighbors & they agree with me that he is a good candidate. He is good at explaining issues & listening to concerns. I hope you consider Mr Simon Angel for District 1 City Council Elizabeth Banks Sent from my iPhone 1 Mia De Marzo From: Sent: To: Subject: Hello, City Clerk Tuesday, October 8, 2019 5:03 PM Tammy Cloud-McMinn; Sheila Cobian; Mia De Marzo FW: Matt Hall -D1 Property Please see the below Council Correspondence. Thank you, C:ityof Carlsbad Hector Gomez Deputy City Clerk City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008-1949 www.carlsbadca.gov 760-434-5021 I hector.gomez@carlsbadca.gov From: Robin Nuschy On Behalf Of Attorney Sent: Tuesday, October 8, 2019 4:55 PM To: City Clerk <Clerk@carlsbadca.gov>; Sheila Cobian <Sheila.Cobian@carlsbadca.gov> Subject: FW: Matt Hall -Dl Property From: Patricia Amador Sent: Tuesday, October 08, 2019 3:36 PM To: Attorney <attorney@CarlsbadCA.gov> All Receive -Agenda Item # ~ For the Information of the: CITY COUNCIL Date~'t:A.12_cc~ CM ..:j;;i.06--B>cM (3) ¥2 Cc: Council Internet Email <CityCouncil@carlsbadca.gov>; Matthew Hall <Matt.Hall@carlsbadca.gov>; Patricia Amador <amadorap@gmail.com> Subject: Matt Hall -D1 Property I request that due to conflict of interest, Matt Hall recuse himself from discussion and vote regarding Carlsbad Dl appoinment or election. Thank you Pat Amador 1 Hector Gomez From: Sent: To: Council Internet Email Tuesday, October 8, 2019 5:13 PM City Clerk Subject: FW: Recommendation for Appointee for District One Vacancy -----Origina I Message----- From: Sent: Tuesday, October 8, 2019 3:28 PM To: Council Internet Email <CityCouncil@carlsbadca.gov> Subject: Recommendation for Appointee for District One Vacancy Dear Mayor Hall and Councilmembers, /\II Receive -Agenda Item # 8 For the Information of the-;-- CITY COUNCIL Date JJ1jJ/!_1cA cc CM_ COO_ DCM (3) _ I am writing to recommend that you seriously consider Mr. Simon Angel when you appoint a citizen of District One to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of Councilmember Barbara Hamilton. Mr. Angel has excellent communication skills. He listens when you speak to him so that he can respond appropriately. This is an important skill for anyone on the dais. Mr. Angel has been a longtime asset to the Carlsbad Barrio which is located in District One. He has worked tirelessly on many issues to help the community that he loves so much. He has also proved his love for Carlsbad with supporting causes outside the Barrio. He always makes himself available to answer questions of others. As a property owner in the Barrio he cares a lot about the history of the Barrio as well as the future of the Village & Barrio as we move forward with the Master Plan for the Village & Barrio. Thank you for your time & consideration of such a worthy appointee. Sincerely, Casandra Tompkins Carlsbad, CA 92009 Sent from my iPhone 1 TO: Carlsbad City Council DATE: September 2019 Dear Members of the Oty Council: Given the issues, projects, and concerns taking place in District 1, especially with regard to the Village and the Barrio, and the need for representation, we the undersigned, residents of District 1, believe the following: -A Special Election is not necessary. We had an election less than a year ago. -The logical person to fill the position is runner-up Tracy Carmichael. Tracy Carmichael is a proven and active leader in our community who understands all of the issues. She has strong ties to District 1, deep roots in Carlsbad, and attends all council meetings to stay on top of all the projects, developments, and concerns that District 1 residents and businesses have before the council. We hereby request that the City Council use its authority to appoint Tracy Carmichael to complete the term of the seat being vacated by Ms. Hamilton. Respectfully. Signature: :Jilf111~ ;~--;Rt4<~{J.~ ~~ ;},~ IJ vr ~r~ ~',l<e/4 /;~1:;? oywr~ Address: l/ 66 C )t-{?51/4Jv I live-. b "3c-) {!/4 Q.£JIJaT Jue 9 ~Cb'J0 b V<> s-(_ ~ ~DY-~ 9 --Y-0-.> ~ ~g-fCJ /~~I '5 fr O /I/ ;t> 1 5 c v :> c/,<.c1-o/'~dr 'J,l (/o/' '-lb& Uu.~f-~ 33C/D Dt>r,r,w .[Jr Cbd 7J{)o<Y -3~~~ ~a,z..:; --/~II r~-~ 7'.2_e:;JC ~ ~9:;tJoJl TO: Carlsbad City Council DATE:September2019 Dear Members ofthe City Council: Given the issues, projects, and concerns taking place in District 1, especially with regard to the Village and the Barrio, and the need for representation, we the undersigned, residents of District 1, believe the following: -A Special Election is not necessary. We had an election less than a year ago. -The logical person to fill the position is runner-up Tracy Carmichael. Tracy Carmichael is a proven and active leader in our community who understands all of the issues. She has strong ties to District 1, deep roots in Carlsbad, and attends all council meetings to stay on top of all the projects, developments, and concerns that District 1 residents and businesses have before the council. We hereby request that the City Council use its authority to appoint Tracy Carmichael to complete the term of the seat being vacated by Ms. Hamilton. Respectfully. s-,natun,,Jftlt4_ J /~ ~~~ -c~ '- TO: Carlsbad City Council DATE: September 2019 Dear Members of the City Council: Given the issues, projects, and concerns taking place in District 1, especially with regard to the Village and the Barrio, and the need for representation, we the undersigned, residents of District 1, believe the following: - A Special Election is not necessary. We had an election less than a year ago. -The logical person to fill the position is runner-up Tracy Carmichael. Tracy Carmichael is a proven and active leader in our community who understands all of the issues. She has strong ties to District 1, deep roots in Carlsbad, and attends all council meetings to stay on top of all the projects, developments, and concerns that District 1 residents and businesses have before the council. We hereby request that the City Council use its authority to appoint Tracy Carmichael to complete the term of the seat being vacated by Ms. Hamilton. Respectfully. ( TO: Carlsbad City Council DATE: September 2019 Dear Members of the City Council: Given the issues, projects, and concerns taking place in District 1, especially with regard to the Village and the Barrio, and the need for representation, we the undersigned, residents of District 1, believe the following: -A Special Election is not necessary. We had an election less than a year ago. -The logical person to fill the position is runner-up Tracy Carmichael. Tracy Carmichael is a proven and active leader in our community who understands all of the issues. She has strong ties to District 1, deep roots in Carlsbad, and attends all council meetings to stay on top of all the projects, developments, and concerns that District 1 residents and businesses have before the council. We hereby request that the City Council use its authority to appoint Tracy Carmichael to complete the term of the seat being vacated by Ms. Hamilton. Respectfully. Signature: TO: Carlsbad City Council DATE: September 2019 Dear Members of the City Council: Given the issues, projects, and concerns taking place in District 1, especially with regard to the Village and the Barrio, and the need for representation, we the undersigned, residents of District 1, believe the following: -A Special Election is not necessary. We had an election less than a year ago. -The logical person to fill the position is runner-up Tracy Carmichael. Tracy Carmichael is a proven and active leader in our community who understands all of the issues. She has strong ties to District 1, deep roots in Carlsbad, and attends all council meetings to stay on top of all the projects, developments, and concerns that District 1 residents and businesses have before the council. We hereby request that the City Council use its authority to appoint Tracy Carmichael to complete the term of the seat being vacated by Ms. Hamilton. Respectfully. Signature: < ~~A-P~tf (~)1 ~~,t"_.,n N ~0-"W lu~.:J~~CL<.__$)- ~~ Address: ~ ...;-o \ lJ_g..c( h' \.C.Q L ~_fl__--c___ c1 (}... 00 p ~ J 2,111 lN'lsb,~4 ~\vA tµ\\.\-301, 92.008' l--(7 '-\1 (\(\ C~~ Y1 ~ '\~ ( \ \\)~:,HJ q 2 CO~ ..:3,S.;21 A-~ Sr 9.;2068" 11,s ,a.rnal'llc~ ~~ Ca.,.l.rbtco( 't200&> 3 L}-(,, ~ .Db t1 ~ u f),; VIL dr:lt2LS iJH b 9;;;.tJ JO TO: Carlsbad City Council DATE:September2019 Dear Members of the City Council: Given the issues, projects, and concerns taking place in District 1, especially with regard to the Village and the Barrio, and the need for representation, we the undersigned, residents of District 1, believe the following: - A Special Election is not necessary. We had an election less than a year ago. -The logical person to fill the position is runner-up Tracy Carmichael. Tracy Carmichael is a proven and active leader in our community who understands all of the issues. She has strong ties to District 1, deep roots in Carlsbad, and attends all council meetings to stay on top of all the projects, developments, and concerns that District 1 residents and businesses have before the council. We hereby request that the City Council use its authority to appoint Tracy Carmichael to complete the term of the seat being vacated by Ms. Hamilton. Respectfully. 4335 flA-p~CL~aJu_ fh, C '£Yi cl c7 ~o,o .:_YJ I I 1/~ClW{) :X i Q~lt:-1 9 ;X} ID Jp J 7 DOd JJ~ gt-o 11P, JJ 1 ;;LO I 0 ?J t/} }-1J d If rJ!81tt G1J ')>RJ , /I I/ I '