HomeMy WebLinkAbout2019-10-15; City Council; ; Designate Coast Waste Management, Inc., as an Approved Collector of Electronic Waste for the City of Carlsbad~ CITY COUNCIL ~ Staff Report Meeting Date: To: From: Staff Contact: Oct. 15, 2019 Mayor and City Council Scott Chadwick, City Manager James Wood, Environmental Manager James.wood@carlsbadca.gov or 760-602-7584 CA Review ,rt &- Subject: Designate Coast Waste Management, Inc., as an Approved Collector of Electronic Waste for the City of Carlsbad. Recommended Action Adopt a Resolution authorizing execution and submittal of a Proof of Designation letter (POD), Form 184, to the California Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery (CalRecycle), to designate Coast Waste Management, Inc. (WM), as an approved collector of electronic waste (e-waste) for the City of Carlsbad. Executive Summary Within the City of Carlsbad, WM collects, stores and ships e-waste to E-Recycling. These activities are consistent with requirements of the Solid Waste Hauler Franchise Agreement between the city and WM (Agreement), and prior city-approved PODs submitted to CalRecycle. In order for WM to continue collecting e-waste for the city, a new POD must be authorized by the city and submitted to Cal Recycle. Discussion Local governments are required by the State of California to have programs to manage e-waste to help facilitate proper e-waste recycling and disposal. According to State Code 14 CCR sec. 18660.49, if a private waste hauler provides e-waste services on behalf of a local government, the local government must submit a POD to Cal Recycle describing and authorizing the hauler's activities. WM has operated as the city's designated e-waste collector under prior city PODs. Under section 4.06 of the Agreement, WM must provide on-call electronic waste collection services to all single-family and multi-family customers in Carlsbad. If the City Council continues to approve WM as a designated collector of e-waste on behalf of the city, residents will only need to show proof of residency for their material to be collected at the WM drop-off location at PalomarTransfer Station, and will not be required to complete any Oct. 15, 2019 Item #3 Page 1 of 6 information for curbside pickup. This approval will speed up thee-waste drop-off collection experience and reduce wait times for city residents. According to State Code 14 CCR sec. 18660.49(b)(4), the city's POD signatory must be "a representative of the Local Gover'nment that is duly authorized and empowered to execute agreements or contracts related to waste management on behalf of the jurisdiction." Under City Charter·section 402, the City Council approves solid waste hauling franchises that operate on city streets, highways or other rights-of-way. Therefore, a City Council Resolution may authorize the mayor to sign the POD. Cal Recycle allows the option of submitting a new POD for the length of the Agreement. Staff recommends submitting the new POD to align with the Agreement expiring on June 30, 2022. Fiscal Analysis This item has no fiscal impact. Next Steps 30 days following the city's authorization and submittal of POD, Form 184, WM will continue collection of e-waste within the city. Environmental Evaluation (CEQA) The proposed action does not qualify as a "project" under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) per State CEQA Guidelines Section 15378, as it does not result in a direct or reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment. Public Notification and Outreach This item was noticed in accordance with the Ralph M. Brown Act and was available for public viewing and review at least 72 hours prior to scheduied meeting date. Exhibits 1. City Council Resolution. Oct. 15, 2019 Item #3 Page 2 of 6 RESOLUTION NO. 2019-205 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA AUTHORIZING EXECUTION AND SUBMITTAL OF A PROOF OF DESIGNATION LETTER (POD), FORM 184, TO THE CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF RESOURCES RECYCLING AND RECOVERY (CALRECYCLE) TO DESIGNATE COAST WASTE MANAGEMENT, INC. (WM) AS AN APPROVED COLLECTOR OF ELECTRONIC WASTE (E-WASTE) FOR THE CITY OF CARLSBAD. WHEREAS, California Code of Regulations Title 14, Division 7, Chapter 9, Article 6.3 mandates every local jurisdiction to have programs to capture household hazardous waste to prevent disposal to the landfills, including e-waste; and WHEREAS, if a private waste hauler provides e-waste services on behalf of a local government, the local government must submit a POD to CalRecycle describing and authorizing the hauler's activities; and WHEREAS WM provides e-waste services within the City of Carlsbad, consistent with the , requirements of the Solid Waste Hauler Franchise Agreement between the city and WM, and prior city- approved PODs submitted to CalRecycle; and WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad does not have city-operated drop-off or collection facilities for e-waste, and designating WM as an e-waste collector within the city will ensure that city residents continue to receive e-waste curbside and drop-off services; and WHEREAS, under 14 California Code of Regulations section 18660.49(b)(4), the POD must be signed by "a representative of the Local Government that is duly authorized and empowered to execute agreements or contracts related to waste management on behalf of the jurisdiction," and the City Council approves solid waste hauling franchises under City Charter section 402; and WHEREAS, the city may submit a new POD for the remaining length of the Agreement that expires on June 30, 2022. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the mayor is authorized and directed to execute a Proof of Designation letter, Form 184, attached hereto as Attachment A, designating Coast Waste Management, Inc. as an approved collector of electronic waste on behalf of the City of Carlsbad through June 30, 2022. 3. That the deputy city manager of the Public Works Branch, or designee, is authorized and directed to submit the Proof of Designation letter designating Coast Waste Management, Inc., as a city approved collector of electronic waste, to the California Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery. Oct. 15, 2019 Item #3 Page 3 of 6 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad on the 15th day of October 2019, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Hall, Blackburn, Bhat-Patel, Schumacher. NAYS: None. ABSENT: None. ~, Hector 6omez. /Jef"'1, ~AL ENGLESON, City Clerk / & i(j (SEAL) C Je1 Jf Oct. 15, 2019 Item #3 Page 4 of 6 Stale of California CelRecyde 184 !Rev. 3/19) PROOF OF DESIGNATION ATTACHMENT A This ronn may be U&ed aa a Proof of Deagnation under THI• 14 of the California Coda of Ragulatlona (CCR)§ 18660.49 when laaued by a Callromla Local Government. It muat be. completed by representatives aulhorlmd lo act on behalr of that Local Gavemment and the Deeignated Approved Collector. A copy of the completed designation musl be transmitted to CalRecycla bl' the Loc•I G011Vmment at least 30 days prior lo use by the Designated Approved Collector. naUng l.acal Oovemmenl CITY OF CARLSBAD 09ograptllCANedSetvlce COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, CARLSBAD, CA Loc:atlon(•) rA • ""'"' ..,. as Chetek II affachmed{sl -prov ~source llldWMllllt limlflllionl mai ✓ _Drop-off _ Nlegal Olaposal Clean-up _ Special Events _ Other (lpecify): of Aulhollzed ALL ITEMS ACCEPTED Nameof Na CERTIFICATION STATEMENT as required under Title 14 CCR§ 18860.49(b)(5): I am a Local Government representative authorized CO execute agreements or contracts related to waste management on behalf of the Local Government. I have read and understand all applicable laws and regulations governing the Electronlc Waste Recovery end Recycling Program. I agree that the Local Government ahaU operate In compliance with those appllcable laws and regulations. I certify that the Proof of Design ti i e and corracl Information to the beat of my knowledge. lo TIiie Phone E-Ma~ Name of ed Approved Ccllectar Signatory Tllla STELLA LOPEZ OPERATIONS SUPERVISOR Phone E-Mal 760-802-4002 slopez2@wm.com CERTIFICATION STATEMENT as required under Title 14 CCR§ 18660.49(b)(8): I am an authorized signatory listed in the application for approval, and my organization agrees to operate In compliance with the requirements of the Eleclronlc Wasta Recova and Rec I P m and all appUcabla lawa ahd regulations. V T11111amlttad By Dale Transmhtlld Date elglbla for Use RecalvadBy □Mall OElettnlnlc Mell "'911012 Oct. 15, 2019 Item #3 Page 5 of 6 State ol Calllomia CIIRacycle 184 (Rev. 3119) INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETING CALRECYCLE 184 COVERED ELECTRONIC WASTE (CEW) RECYCLING PA~MENT CLAIM FORM :com.-1Jni t:aiiii il4 A California Local Govemment issues designations to Approved Colledors. The Local Government may use Form 184 (Proof of Designation) to specify and dmcribe lhe scope of the Designation. The local Government must transmit a COfJY of the Proof of Designation lo CatRecycle at least 30 days in advance of Its use. Designating Local Government Name of Ille designating Catlfomia city, county, city and county, Joint powers authority, or public service district responsible for househOld hazardous was1e or residential waste management planning or services. Designated Approved Collector/ CEWID # Name of the Designated Approved Collector and ils associated covered eledronlc waste Identification number (CEWID #). Dulgnatlon Begin/End Dates The Designation begin date Is lhe date the Designation Is issued by the Local Government The Oeslgna11on begin date must be at . least 30 days prior to any CEW colecllon activity conducted under the Designation. The Designation end date Is the prerogative or the Local Government; however, a Designation may remain valid only while an Approved Collector maintains active standing In the CEW program. Geographic ANa of Service Description of the g80gfllphlc area to be served by the Designation Approved Collector under lhe Designation. Typ1CSDy, 1h19 1s lrmiled to those amas under which a Local Government exerts jurisdictional authority and may be further limited as warranted. Locatlon4•) of Authorized Collection ActlYIUH Specific localion(s) of CEW collection activities conducted under the Designation. Please attach addlllonal documents es necessary to account for authorized CEW 0011ection locatlOns. M•thod of CollacUon Acllvitlea Indicate Iha method of CEW collectlon authorized under the Designation by initialing each authorized method ( e.g. drop-off, an-bslde, illegal disposal clean-up. special events, etc.). Note that CEW collection of five or more devices from a non-residential source may not be conducted within the scope of a Designation and Is subject to fuU source documentation under 14 CCR 18660.200X1 XC)J Description Of Authorized Collectlon(a) Describe the CEW oollaction activities to be provided by the Designated Approved Collector. Please attach additional dowments as necessary to account for aulhortzed cew coltectlon actMUes. Note that CEW collection of five or more devices from a non-residential soun:e may not be conducted within the scopa of a Designation and Is subject to fuR source documentation under 14 CCR 18660.20(j)(1 )(C)) Dnlgnatlng Authority Raprnantatlve/Celtificatlon The name and contact Information of the Local Government representative authorized to issue the Designation. including a signed and dated certification. Other Local Gawrnmenl Contact The name and contact information for a Local Gowmmant authorized to be a contact person, If different from the previous contact. Onlgnatad Approvad Collector Contact/Certlflc:atlon The name and contact Information of the Designated Approved Coledor representative iiatad In the Approved Collector's cew program appllcallon pursuant to 14 CCR 18880.11, including a signed and dated certification. Completed Fonn 184 must be trantmltted by lhe Local Government either by mall: CaJRecycle Electronic Waste Recyding Program, Participant Management, MS #9 1001 I Street, P.O. Box 4025 Sacramento. CA 95812-4025 Or email at: ewaste@calrecycle ca gov Oct. 15, 2019 Item #3 Page 6 of 6