HomeMy WebLinkAbout2019-10-15; City Council; ; Report on enhancing security citywide.(i CITY COUNCIL Staff Report Meeting Date: To: From: Staff Contact: Subject: Oct. 15, 2019 Mayor and City Council Scott Chadwick, City Manager Cindy Anderson, Senior Management Analyst Cindy.Anderson@carlsbadca.gov or 760-931-2170 Report on enhancing security citywide. Recommended Action Receive a report on enhancing security citywide. Executive Summary CA Review ,..,u C... The Police Department is consistently working on ways to increase the security and safety of all residents and employees throughout the city. Staff recently reevaluated the city's current level of security and worked collaboratively with city departments to enhance and implement new infrastructure to maintain a safe environment during times of changing social dynamics and contemporary needs. This report is to update City Council on staff's progress with security enhancements. There is no City Council action requested at this time. Discussion The Police Department has been working closely with other departments in the city to develop innovative ways to improve the safety of all employees, residents, and visitors. Qne of the current projects includes a Request for Proposal (RFP) for citywide roaming security guard services in such areas as the three city libraries, City Hall and the Community Gardens, high­ traffic areas within the Village, and city-sponsored events. The contract will be flexible and allow for expansion as needed by the city. The RFP is expected to be completed by the end of November 2019, and staff will be returning to the City Council to request approval of the contract. The city has had a contract for security guard services at the Senior-Center since April 2018 to provide visible security and deter unlawful activities. It has been met with great acceptance by the patrons and employees at the Senior Center, and the services will be continued with the security contract expansion. In addition to the security services, the city has a practice of considering the installation of public safety cameras in new facilities to protect the public and our employees. Operation of a public safety camera system is governed by Police Department Policy No. 378 which became effective January 1, 2017. This policy is currently posted on the city's website under the Police Oct. 15, 2019 Item #10 Page 1 of 6 Department policies and is attached as Exhibit 1. A public safety camera system improves security around high value and high threat areas including assisting in criminal investi$ations. It al.so provides employees and the public with a greater sense of safety at city facilities. All public areas protected by a camera system are required to be marked with appropriate signage to inform the people that there are public safety cameras in use. The policy prohibits invasion of individual privacy, view of private areas and areas where the reasonable expectation of privacy exists. Current facilities that have public safety cameras include Alga Norte Park, Faraday Center, Pine Park Community Center, the Safety Center, and the Safety Training Center. Improvements underway at Aviara and Poinsettia Community Parks include the installation of public safety cameras. To ensure a more consistent level of security across city facilities and in response to recent incidents the city will be retrofitting locations, including City Hall, Cole Library, Dove Library and the Library Learning Center. Staff is also enhancing the coverage of existing public safety cameras at the Safety Training Center and the Pine Park Community Center and Senior Center. The on-going operation of a public safety camera system, with strong policy protections, provides the public and our employees assurance that their security at city facilities is a top priority and it equips us with the ability to respond appropriately when an incident occurs. The Police Department has also provided services and training to city employees, such as conducting site surveys by the SWAT Lieutenant, providing run/hide/fight training to city employees, and Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) reviews. The Police Department has also provided staff safety training at the library and assisted with drafting the library's Code of Conduct. Additionally, the Fire Department is working on stocking all public buildings with trauma kits and providing training on how to use them. All ofthese measures help city employees prepare for emergencies and major cat astrophes. Fiscal Analysis At this time, there is no fiscal impact. Staff will return to City Council to request appropriation of funds or to obtain authorization to award a contract as needed. Next Steps The Police Department will complete a formal RFP for security guard services and will return to City Council for approval of the contract by January 2020. Environmental Evaluation (CEQA) Pursuant to Public Resources Code section 21065, this action does not constitute a "project" within the meaning of CEQA in that it has no potential to cause either a direct physical change in the environment, or a reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment, and therefore does not require environmental review. Public Notification This item was noticed in accordance with the Ralph M. Brown Act and was avai lab le for public review at least 72 hours prior to the scheduled meeting date. Oct. 15, 2019 Item #10 Page 2 of 6 Exhibits 1. Police Department Policy No. 378 Oct. 15, 2019 Item #10 Page 3 of 6 Policy Carlsbad Police Department 378 Carlsbad PD Policy Manual Public Safety Camera System 378.1 PURPOSE AND SCOPE The City of Carlsbad operates a public safety camera system for the purpose of creating a safer environment for all those who live, work and visit the City. This policy explains the purpose of the cameras and provides guidelines for their operation and for the storage of captured images. 378.2 POLICY Cameras may be placed in strategic locations throughout the City at the direction or with the approval of the Chief of Police. These cameras can be used for detecting and deterring crime, to help safeguard against potential threats to the public, to help manage emergency response situations during natural and man-made disasters and to assist City officials in providing services to the community. 378.3 PROCEDURE The following procedures have been established for the effective operation of the public safety camera system. 378.3.1 MONITORING Images from each camera will be recorded on a 24-hour basis every day of the week. These images will be transmitted to monitors installed in the Watch Commander's Office and the Communications Center. When activity warranting further investigation is reported or detected at any camera location, the dispatcher may selectively view the appropriate camera and relay any available information to responding units. The Watch Commander or the Communications Center personnel are authorized to adjust the cameras to more effectively view a particular area for any legitimate public safety purpose. The Chief of Police may authorize video feeds from the public safety camera system to be set up at a location other than the Communications Center for monitoring by other than police personnel when the provision of such access is in furtherance of this policy. The cameras only record irnages and do not record sound. Recorded images may be used for a . variety of purposes, including criminal investigations and monitoring of activity around high value or high threat areas. In addition, the public safety camera system may be useful for the following purposes: (a) To assist in identifying, apprehending and prosecuting offenders. (b) To assist in gathering evidence for criminal and civil court actions. (c) To help emergency services personnel maintain public order. (d) To monitor pedestrian and vehicle traffic activity. (e) · To help improve the general environment on the public streets. Copyright Lexipol, LLC 2019/01/03, All Rights Reserved. Published with permission by Carlsbad Police Department Public Safety Camera System -1 Exhibit 1 Oct. 15, 2019 Item #10 Page 4 of 6 Carlsbad Police Department Carlsbad PD Policy Manual Public Safety Camera System (f) To assist in providing effective public services. 378.3.2 TRAINING Personnel involved in video monitoring will be appropriately trained and supervised. 378.3.3 PROHIBITED ACTIVITY Video monitoring will be conducted in a professional, ethical and legal manner. The public safety camera system will not be used to invade the privacy of individuals, to look into private areas or areas where the reasonable expectation of privacy exists. All reasonable efforts will be taken to protect these rights. Video monitoring shall not be used to harass, intimidate or discriminate against any individual or group. 378.3.4 CAMERA MARKINGS Except fn the case of covert operations or confidential investigations, all public areas that are monitored by public safety cameras shall be marked in a conspicuous manner with appropriate signs to inform the public that the area is under police surveillance. Signs shall be well lit to ensure visibility. 378.4 MEDIA STORAGE All media will be stored in a secure area with access restricted to authorized persons. Recordings not otherwise needed for official reasons shall be retained for a period of not less than one year and thereafter should be erased with the written consent of the City Attorney. Any recordings needed as evidence in a criminal or civil proceeding shall be copied to a suitable medium and booked into evidence in accordance with current evidence procedures (Government Code § 34090.6). 378.5 REVIEW OR RELEASE OR OF VIDEO IMAGES The review or the release of video images shall be done only with the authorization of the Chief of Police or his/her designee and only with a properly completed written request. Video images needed for a criminal investigation or other official reason shall be collected and booked in accordance with current departmental evidence procedures. 378.5.1 PUBLIC AND OTHER AGENCY REQUESTS Requests for recorded video images from other government agencies or by the submission of a court order or subpoena shall be promptly submitted to the Records Manger, who will promptly research the request and submit the results of such search through the Chief of Police to the City Attorney's office for further handling. Every reasonable effort should be made to preserve the data requested until the request has been fully processed by the City Attorney's office. Video images captured by public safety cameras that are requested by the public or media will be made available only to the extent required by law. Except as required by a valid court order or other lawful process, video images requested under the Public Records Act will generally not be Copyright Lexipol, LLC 2019/01/03, All Rights Reserved. Published with permission by Carlsbad Police Department Public Safety Camera System - 2 Oct. 15, 2019 Item #10 Page 5 of 6 Carlsbad Police Department Carlsbad PD Policy Manual Public Safety Camera System disclosed to the public when such video images are evidence in an ongoing criminal investigation in which a disposition has not been reached. 378.6 ANNUAL REVIEW OF THE PUBLIC SAFETY CAMERA SYSTEM The Chief of Police or his/her designee will conduct an annual review of the public safety camera system. The annual review will include an inventory of video monitoring installations, date of installation, summary of the purpose, adherence to this policy and any proposed policy changes. The results of each review will be documented and maintained by the Chief of Police or his/her designee and other applicable advisory bodies. Any concerns or deviations from this policy will be addressed promptly and effectively. Copyright Lexipol, LLC 2019/01/03, All Rights Reserved. Published with permission by Carlsbad Police Department Public Safety Camera System -3 Oct. 15, 2019 Item #10 Page 6 of 6 Neil Gallucci, Chief of Police David Graham, Chief Innovation Officer October 15, 2019 Enhancing Security Citywide Purpose •Provide an informational update to City Council on citywide security enhancements to proactively increase security and safety at city facilities and public places for our residents and employees Proactive Security Enhancement •Incidents at city facilities have led to the development of security enhancement measures including innovative approaches •Proactively adopting a more consistent approach to security at city facilities is important for our residents and employees Security Guards Police Department are working on a procurement for security guards at: •City Hall/Community Gardens/ Cole Library •Village Area •Senior Center* •Pine Ave Community Center •Holiday Park/Library Learning Center •Alga Norte Park* •Dove Library •Open space *security services currently exist a t ? , O,nn, .. Co•lil (;oHClllb Public Safety Camera System •Police Department Policy No. 378 governs operations of the system since January of 2017 •Selective installation in high value or high threat areas based on security site survey •Installation requires approval by the Chief of Police •Policy protects privacy of individuals, private areas and areas where there is a reasonable expectation of privacy •Camera locations require conspicuous signage to inform the public of their use {city of Carlsbad Images _are being recorded tor thll:' purpuw.,, of crime Prevention ;,nd publi< .,,alety . This Closed Circuit Televiiion "'Vstem is controlled by the Police Department For further Information call 760·93i.2,,H ... ".) ... ~ CARLSSAO , ...... ,., Images are being recorded for public safety purposes. This closed circuit television system is overseen by the City of Carlsbad Police Department. Forfl.Wtherlllform.1tion, ull760-931-2197 (ci1yof Carlsbad Public Safety Camera System •Public Safety Camera Systems are currently installed at Alga Norte Park, Faraday Center, Pine Park Community Center, the Safety Center, and the Safety Training Center •Installation is part of improvements at Aviara and Poinsettia Community Parks •Installing Public Safety Cameras in new facilities is current practice Public Safety Camera System •Site surveys have made PSCS recommendations for city facilities •City Hall, Cole Library, Dove Library and the Library Learning Center are scheduled for retrofitting •Upgrading technology at STC to ensure systemwide integration •Goal is to install at all site survey recommended facilities Training •Staff has received run/hide/fight training from the police department which teaches practices such as having an escape route, hiding in an area out of view, and fighting when their lives are in imminent danger Safety Enhancements •Site surveys have been conducted by the SWAT team to assess threats at city buildings •Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) reviews conducted at city buildings •Code of Conduct developed for library staff •Fire Department stocking all public buildings with trauma kits Other Examples •Roadway barricades for special events –360 perimeter at Spring Street Faire •Mobile Command Post •Mobile camera trailer now in service •Sky Watch Tower enhances security at special events Recommendations •Receive report on enhancing security citywide