HomeMy WebLinkAbout2019-11-12; City Council; ; Presentation of the City of Carlsbad's Internship Program~ CITY COUNCIL ~ Staff Report Meeting Date: To: From: Staff Contact: Subject: Nov. 12, 2019 Mayor and City Council Scott Chadwick, City Manager Judy von Kalinowski, Human Resources Director Judy.vonKalinowski@carlsbadca.gov or 760-473-4670 Paul Ho, Senior Program Manager Paul.Ho@carlsbadca.gov or 760-602-2442 Presentation of the City of Carlsbad's Internship Program Recommended Action Receive an informational presentation on the city's new Internship Program. Executive Summary CA Review l})[__ A new Internship (Program) has been implemented by the City of Carlsbad. The partnership between interns and the city results in the city having additional support to accomplish goals and projects, and benefits the intern by providing an opportunity to gain relevant knowledge, skills and experience in a public-service environment. Discussion Interns have a positive impact by assisting the city's workforce to enhance services to the public. Best practice for an internship program includes a specific learni~g objective. This Program defines how an internship program will function in the city, the application process for interested students, and the roles and responsibilities of the mentor/supervisor. Human Resources staff works collaboratively with department managers to ensure the needs of the department are consistent with the objective of the intern's academic program. A guide for supervisors has been created as a reference for departments interested in hiring an intern and is located on the intranet (Exhibit 1). The Internship Program informational page is located on the city's webpage in the Human Resources section. Fiscal Analysis There will be no financial impact for unpaid interns in fiscal year 2019-20. Costs associated with paid internships were incorporated into departmental budgets as part of the fiscal year 2019-20 budget process. Funding for paid internships that occur in the future will be included in subsequent adopted budgets. Human Resources staff will post and process all paid internships. Unpaid internships will be processed through the Volunteer Program. Nov. 12, 2019 Item #9 Page 1 of 6 Next Steps The Human Resources Department will post new internship opportunities on the city's employment website and maintain a database of interested candidates to refer to hiring departments. Environmental Evaluation (CEQA) Pursuant to Public Resources Code section 21065, this action does not constitute a "project" within the meaning of CEQA in that it has no potential to cause either a direct physical change in the environment, or a reasonable foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment; and therefore, does not require environmental review. Public Notification and Outreach This item was noticed in accordance with the Ralph M. Brown Act and was available for public viewing and review at least 72 hours prior to the scheduled meeting date. Exhibits 1. Guide for Supervisors Internship Program Nov. 12, 2019 Item #9 Page 2 of 6 What's the difference? Interns vs Part-time Employees Interns are individuals working in professional settings under the supervision and monitoring of practicing professionals. Internships with the City of Carlsbad are paid. They can be for school credit or not for school credit. A common question that comes up with internships is: "What differentiates an intern from a part-time employee or volunteer?" Ultimately, there is one primary factor that distinguishes an internship from all other types of employment. An internship must have a specific learning objective. In other words, the intern is engaged in work that enhances knowledge, proficiency and further exposure to an area of interest for their career development. The intern acquires this knowledge from on-the-job experiential learning. So, what does this mean for supervisors? Work with your intern to identify learning objectives. Once learning objectives have been identified and documented on the internship agreement form, then this document should serve as a tool for ongoing conversations. These check-in conversations will serve as a guide and motivator for the intern. It also allows for the supervisor to ensure that the intern is on the right path to meet their goals. The supervisor must provide ongoing guidance, evaluation and feedback to accomplish the learning objective. The intern will pursue the learning objectives throughout the duration of the internship. Easy Steps to Get Started! Step 1: Fill out intern department request form • Provides a way for you to clearly communicate to Human Resources that you would like an intern • Allows you to communicate to Human Resources if you already have a candidate in mind • Requires you to designate the supervisor Step 2: Fill out internship agreement form with your intern • Requires the intern and the supervisor to establish the learning objective together Evaluation Forms • To be filled at midpoint and final meeting • Quick and easy to fill out • Provide a concrete way to track the intern's progress in the learning objective, and answer the question: "Was this internship successful?" Nov. 12, 2019 Item #9 Page 4 of 6 l ,.-, (vEs) .. --.... i (NO .. ,. 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(National Assn. of Colleges & Employers) THE ORGANIZATION What’s in it for us? Cultivate leadership skills in current employees Generate awareness of our organization for future hires Create enthusiasm among other potential interns/employees Promote public engagement Increase partnerships with local schools / universities Increase productivity Enhance perspective Find potential future employees 01. 02. 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. THE INTERN Build skills College or coursework credit Strengthen resume Exposure to government sector/public service Cultivate civic engagement and participation Apply academic work to hands on practical/real world experience Having a supervisor/mentor Begin to develop professional network and overall professional growth expectations the department the intern What would be expected of all parties involved? the intern Enrolled in academic /trade program Fill out application Submit resume, cover letter, & proof of enrollment Sign agreement form • the department Fill out the department request Designate a supervisor Sign and approve the agreement Choose learning objective Adhere to external requirements Complete evaluation Midpoint Final • Intern Position Request Form 5E IOI~ 1 Department Reque.stor Name ... , lntMn nde I Requf!stor I Titte (Inside Carlsbad ••• $17.50 Please initi.al to confirm that your dep.illrtment's budcet I hiH the funding for this position Proposed 5urt0ate Who will be the intern's supervisor? Approx. j End Date What tasks or projects ue you wanting to ilGComplish? SECTION 2 Candidate Phone Number Candidate Email <;1 TIOf\l j · ~ . ,.,..!:!r.!"'""-'!ii _,,., '-'I~ Oescriptkm of position Minimum Qualifications Daily Tasks SIGNATURES/ACKNOWUDGMENTS I odmowJedge rt.at thif intern1;hip i:s not taking the wort of o clouififli posiriort. DEPT. DIRECTOR DATE SUPERVtSOR HUMAN RESOURCES DAlt DAlt l Internship Agreement Form This form 1s to be filled out by the Intern with ass1aned superv.sor l(ll!I: I!.' Iii Oep.illrtment Supervisor N~m• SupeM50r Tide UVES- What Khool/p,01Rm ue u •Arolled lftt ~ I Proposed St"'1 IMte I ~Of O .. (Inside Carlsbad menu for your_,..._ ,one dficle•~ ~ 1hroulfl vour ntrm,h int Ev•tuatlon. Ple•1e INTtltN e<ailllp (-t you I DAlt MID FINALInternship Supervisor Evaluation Form MIDPOINT DAU I Iii [ \Nhlt WH th• SpecifK. LNfninc Obi@ctive Htlbhshed at the ~Mine of this in1..-n,Np fo, the lnttKTI? (Inside Carlsbad J How u ttw lntem'1 procruuon With th■ir LHmlng objact:in? I Nnch lmprOYtiTIOnt 0 DflTmk 0 Eacollont D Thi purpose of tNJ Midpo,nt ev1h,1tlon 1, to tsr,'I • conversation with '(Our lntem about their procrt-1> w,th tho 1stabli1hed t.1m,n1 ObjKtiw.. I haft di:ro.rs..sed the information above with my intern: 51GNATURE5/MJCNOWlB>GMl!Nn SUPERVISOR DATE INTERN DATE Internship Supervisor Evaluation Form ~-. Dlportmont Completion D.lte I -I'.lllo ~ f.1: WhiltWiH th■ S~ific Lumm,: Ob,-ctiva a.!ibblt1h■d ~t th■ MJPM1n&of thu int«mhip fOf thl lnt«n? o;d they occomplish this ltimtnc objortiw 1 vu □ NO □ comments: -!'.'~~ -;;,re:.:., °"""II p1rtormonc1 D Exc■Uant D Good D commun,cation s1o11, D f>c1llen1 D Cltaond co,,clse D Rf!l•DOnl wrth ottwn D fxceptional tl!&m player D worn w.1I wrttl ottwrs D Dlpondibdlty D Excallant D Dlpendibl1 D Quality ofworl< D l!XC1-ll1nt D A'-'era,■ D SIGNATURE DATE (inside Carlsbad ·- - UnHtisf.ic.torv Nff<ls Improvement NMds lmpl"OVf!m@nt Not dopendiblo unuti1factorv what’s next Online resources Application Guide for supervisors • ('city of Carlsbad Ca liforni a Cilfffl'IIOptnlligs, loll~$ c.o-.pons;:i11on Dl~T,tylouom!'ll~M ... Related Topics Firdirfit•r l«'lbng Minion, 'fflion & Vo!I.W$ CityOrgChoort CityS..Vitff Sthool, in Ufflb.ld Ema!I Stibsc OS 1111 ■■1111 Internship Program Interested in becoming an intern for the City of Carlsbad? ttrre Is what )IOti l'ieed to ta<M_ lllllftM v.,th the C,ty o! C..rtstlld support II full•$ffWCI Qty, v,,ith 0-3,.200 ,mployN:i YAlo SINI: 115,000 r.!idents, n••ll no lhtirir.g b.Hilll05$ communitythllt-.Judncor~t.ociquartws few INding t.clmology, fife ,c.iln°"', and octionspo,b(l)ll!~/110 . Tht City ofC«hbld', il'ltem~ p,-ogto1m lisclt,agned to~ 1ndJ\tid~, 11'1111511kloak 11t 1111 CiityofCarlsbad ,mp1oymient opportvn,'-' and 1nh1mued11c..monat 9=1111'1. The goal ul thii$ int1rn1llipp109f<lffl h toi.lp indwiduats d«Wlop skills., 9oi11 hooncb on npenonu, IIWll:f: pr-...-.,1 oont1Cbons, strengtt.n thlfir r1w1M¥1d ;,o:complrsh, ,ipKific 1__,..ng ob,-::tmt. Moiat ,rMf~hip, .v, offuN n p,,.idpo!itiol'IS to <uffffll: .$llldent-i, 11111! tll.y ar, 11!,o ptowdtt credit COUIWS tlllS/01 ptognims l~u,ndidilllbn need tos11bm1t on~ olorig ..... t ~•MM! p-oof ol Post·S.tondwy coursework. WHY CARLSBAD? Q&A ,,. Benefits of Participating in an Internship Program Build ,kiband tngagt in work~ that i,....._ b:lurttr Uftllobonund W'lt:fffl"b Earn colkNJt 01 U11.1n.wort credit Str,ngthtn rfl11mt Cu!tmite o.-: •ngagem,nt ard pwticip,bon &gm to II-Iopa p1o!fisiOtM1I n,twori!. .-.d owraU pcolu'ltOnll 91ov.th NEOGOV C9'ft1CCM7 'V.........,CII[ ,,.., r:r1ton«z1 1,16 HEEi e Guide for Supervisors Internship Program ntb A St =>(. • n g an intern? Here is what you need to know ... Internships are a great way to get projects done by enthusiastic individuals ready to prove themselves, but interns are not just free wortc:ers or indWiduals purposed to compfete busy wort. The City of Car1sbad's Internship Program is designed to be a valuable learning experience for both the intern and the department. SUpervisors are required to perform midpoint and final evaluations. Interns who may be conducting their internship in conjunction with their academic program wiU need to uphold the same performance level expettations. as referenced in the internship agreement form. What's the difference? Interns vs Part-time Emplovees Interns are individuals working in professional settings under the supervision and monitoring of practicing professionals. Internships with the City of cartsbad are paid. They can be for school crecfrt or not for school credit. A common question that comes up with internships is: -What differentiates an intern from a part-time employee or volunteerr' Ultimatefy., there is one primary factor that distinguishes an internship from an other types. of employment. An intern.ship must have a spedfic learning objective. In other words. the intern is engaged in wort:: that enhances knowledge, proficiency and further expo-sure to an area of interest for their career development. The intern acquires this knowledge from on-the-job experiential learning. So, what aoes this mean for supervisors? Work with your intern to identity teaming objectives. Once learning objectives have been identified and documented on the internship agreement form. then this document should serve as a tool for ongoing conversations. These ehe<k.in conversations will serve as a guide and motivator for the intern. It also allows for the supervisor to ensure that the intern is on the right path to meet their goals. The supervisor must provide ongoing guidance,. evaluation and feedback: to accomplish the learning objeaive. The intern will pursue the learning objectives throughout the duration of the internship. S eps o Get Started! Step 1: Fill out intern position request form Provides a way for you to dearty communicate to Human Re.sources that you would like an intern • Allows you to communicate to Human Resources if you already have a candidate in mind • Requires you to designate the supervisor Step 2: Fill out internship agreement form with your intern Requires the intern and the supervisor to establish the learning objective together Evaluation Forms • To be filled at midpoint and final me-eting Quick and easy to fill out • Provide a concrete way to track the intem•s progress in the learning objective, and answer the question: ""Was this internship successfulr' Compme lntem position IIJ·_ request form Sect1on, 1 and 2 SUBMIT tntem pos111on ~ request form l;;ff"' TOHR c c eom,,i.telRtl!m posatia,l n>que<tlorm Sectiofts 1 ....d 3 SUIIMITTO HR Ii 88 ] ] FI.LOUT FINAL EVALUATION FORM Q&A tf you would like to hire an intern; you must fill out the intern department request form You must designate a supervisor for your il'ltem You must obtain signature approvals from the assigned supervisor., department manager and department head Human Resources wiD then review your intern department request form., and take the next steps to appoint an intern for your department Please indicate your preferred candidate on the intern department re-quest form You must property supervise the intern and maintain a consistent workflow and learning experience The intem-'s supervisor is expeaed to fill out and sign the internship agreement form with the intern The intern-'s supervisor is required to adhere to any external expectations present if the intern is doing this inte-ms·hip for an academic course Establish a specific teaming objective with the intern on the internship agreement form The intem•s supervisor is expected to guide the intern in accomplishing their learning objectives throughout the internship • The intem's supervisor is required to fill out a midpoint evaluation form and final evaluation form • The purpose of the evaluation forms is to ensure that the intern is working towards accomplishing their learning objective It also provides a means of measuring whether or not the internship was successful • Yes. interns may not exceed 980 hours in the fiscal year Interns must be currently enrolled in a post-secondary academic course/program or technical/trade school • Yes. all interns are paid atan hourly rate of $17 . .50 If you are interested in hiring an unpaid intern, the candidate will be processed through our city's voluntee:r program The duration of your intem•s appointment wm be determined by you and the depanment • The intem•s appointment cannot exceed 980 hours in one fiscal year final takeaways Benefits all parties involved Increases civic / community / employee engagement Cultivates leadership skills in current employees Increases department productivity Head start on recruitment efforts • THANKS FOR WATCHING!