HomeMy WebLinkAbout2019-12-17; City Council; ; Appoint Five Members to the Housing Element Advisory Committee@ S~~fi R~port
Meeting Date:
Staff Contact:
Dec. 17,2019
Mayor and City Council
Scott Chadwick, City Manager
Tammy McMinn, Deputy City Clerk
Tammy.McMinn@carlsbadca.gov or 760-434-2953
CA Review _/?!{__
Subject: Appoint Five Members to the Housing Element Advisory Committee
Recommended Action
Adopt resolutions appointing five members to the Housing Element Advisory Committee (Advisory
Committee), four representing the northwest, northeast, southwest and southeast quadrants of the
city and one at-large member.
Executive Summary
The Carlsbad City Council established the nine-member Advisory Committee by Resolution No. 2019-
170 on Sept. 10, 2019. The Advisory Committee's mission is to participate in and provide guidance to
the Housing Element update by promoting balanced consideration of a range of perspectives on
issues affecting Carlsbad, encouraging broad community participation, and providing continuity of
participation throughout the entire update project.
This Advisory Committee is to include the following members:
• One NW quadrant resident representative
• One NE quadrant resident representative
• One SW quadrant resident representative
• One SE quadrant resident representative
• One at-large (citywide) resident representative
• One member each from the Planning Commission, Housing Commission, Senior Commission
and Traffic & Mobility Commission, of which the individual commissions choose the member.
The following residents submitted applications to serve on the Advisory Committee:
• David Barnet -NW Quadrant
• Sarah Benson -NE Quadrant
• Mark Forster -SE Quadrant
• William Kamenjarin -NE Quadrant
• John Nguyen-Cleary-SE Quadrant (currently on Housing Commission)
• Terri Novak -SE Quadrant
• Diane Proulx -NE Quadrant
• Lance Schulte -SW Quadrant
• Joseph Stine -SE Quadrant (currently on Planning Commission)
• Carl Streicher -NW Quadrant
• Marcia Venegas-Garcia -NE Quadrant
• Daniel Weis -SW Quadrant
Dec. 17, 2019 Item #23 Page 1 of 40
Per the Housing Element Advisory Committee charter, the Advisory Committee shall consist of one
representative each from the Housing Commission, Planning Commission, Senior Commission, and
Traffic and Mobility Commission; one resident each from the northwest, northeast, southwest and
southeast quadrants of the city; and one at-large (citywide) representative. Each City Council
member will recommend a resident from an assigned quadrant to be determined when the agenda
item is first introduced. The mayor will recommend an at-large representative. All committee
members must be approved by a majority vote of the City Council. The Advisory Committee
members must be residents of Carlsbad and be registered voters in the quadrant they represent. The
Advisory Committee is expected to convene in early 2020 and meet several times over approximately
a 12 to 18-month period.
Other members of the Advisory Committee are:
Commission Member Commission
Joy Evans Housing Commission
Carolyn Luna Planning Commission
Sheri Sachs Senior Commission
Brandon Perez Traffic & Mobility Commission
Members of the Advisory Committee are subject to the provisions of the Political Reform Act, and
must file a Statement of Economic Interest.
Fiscal Analysis
Next Steps
Following the appointment of the five members to the Advisory Committee, the City Clerk's Office
will update the Committee roster, coordinate the Oath of Office, filing of the appointee's Statement
of Economic Interest and Ethics Training Certificate.
Environmental Evaluation (CEQA)
Pursuant to Public Resources Code Section 21065, this action does not constitute a "project" within
the meaning of CEQA in that it has no potential to cause either a direct physical change in the
environment, or a reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment, and therefore
does not require environmental review.
Public Notification
This item was noticed in accordance with the Ralph M. Brown Act and was available for public
viewing and review at least 72 hours prior to the scheduled meeting date.
1. City Council Resolution.
2. City Council Resolution.
3. City Council Resolution.
4. City Council Resolution.
5. City Council Resolution.
6. Applications received from residents wishing to serve on the Housing Element Advisory
Dec. 17, 2019 Item #23 Page 2 of 40
WHEREAS, on Sept. 10, 2019 the City Council established the nine-member Housing Element
Advisory Committee by adoption of Resolution No. 2019-170; and
WHEREAS, the City Council determined that the composition of the Committee shall be:
•One Northwest Quadrant resident representative
•One Northeast Quadrant resident representative
•One Southwest Quadrant resident representative
•One Southeast Quadrant resident representative
•One At-Large (citywide) resident representative
•One Housing Commissioner
•One Planning Commissioner
•One Senior Commissioner
•One Traffic & Mobility Commissioner
WHEREAS, a vacancy in the At-Large (citywide) category currently exists.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as
1.That the above recitations are true and correct.
2.That the following Carlsbad resident is hereby appointed to serve in the At-Large
(citywide) category on the Housing Element Advisory Committee for a term ending in
December 2020.
Carl Streicher
PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of
Carlsbad on the 17th day of December 2019, by the following vote, to wit:
AYES: Hall, Blackburn, Bhat-Patel, Schumacher.
NAYS: None.
WHEREAS, on Sept. 10, 2019 the City Council established the nine-member Housing Element
Advisory Committee by adoption of Resolution No. 2019-170; and
WHEREAS, the City Council determined that the composition of the Committee shall be:
• One Northwest Quadrant resident representative
• One Northeast Quadrant resident representative
• One Southwest Quadrant resident representative
• One Southeast Quadrant resident representative
• One At-Large (citywide) resident representative
• One Housing Commissioner
• One Planning Commissioner
• One Senior Commissioner
• One Traffic & Mobility Commissioner
WHEREAS, a vacancy in the Northeast Quadrant resident category currently exists.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as
1. That the above recitations are true and correct.
2. That the following Carlsbad resident is hereby appointed to serve on the Housing
Element Advisory Committee to represent the Northeast Quadrant for a term ending in
December 2020.
Diane Proulx
PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of
Carlsbad on the 17th day of December 2019, by the following vote, to wit:
AYES: Hall, Blackburn, Bhat-Patel, Schumacher.
NAYS: None.
WHEREAS, on Sept. 10, 2019 the City Council established the nine-member Housing Element
Advisory Committee by adoption of Resolution No. 2019-170; and
WHEREAS, the City Council determined that the composition of the Committee shall be:
• One Northwest Quadrant resident representative
• One Northeast Quadrant resident representative
• One Southwest Quadrant resident representative
• One Southeast Quadrant resident representative
• One At-Large (citywide) resident representative
• One Housing Commissioner
• One Planning Commissioner
• One Senior Commissioner
• One Traffic & Mobility Commissioner
WHEREAS, a vacancy in the Northwest Quadrant resident category currently exists.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as
That the above recitations are true and correct.
That the following Carlsbad resident is hereby appointed to serve on the Housing
Element Advisory Committee to represent the Northwest Quadrant for a term ending in
December 2020.
David Barnett
PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of
Carlsbad on the 17th day of December 2019, by the following vote, to wit:
AYES: Hall, Blackburn, Bhat-Patel, Schumacher.
NAYS: None.
WHEREAS, on Sept. 10, 2019 the City Council established the nine-member Housing Element
Advisory Committee by adoption of Resolution No. 2019-170; and
WHEREAS, the City Council determined that the composition of the Committee shall be:
• One Northwest Quadrant resident representative
• One Northeast Quadrant resident representative
• One Southwest Quadrant resident representative
• One Southeast Quadrant resident representative
• One At-Large (citywide) resident representative
• One Housing Commissioner
• One Planning Commissioner
• One Senior Commissioner
• One Traffic & Mobility Commissioner
WHEREAS, a vacancy in the Southeast Quadrant resident category currently exists.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as
1. That the above recitations are true and correct.
2. That the following Carlsbad resident is hereby appointed to serve on the Housing
Element Advisory Committee to represent the Southeast Quadrant for a term ending in
December 2020.
Terri Novak
PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of
Carlsbad on the 17th day of December 2019, by the following vote, to wit:
AYES: Hall, Blackburn, Bhat-Patel, Schumacher.
NAYS: None.
WHEREAS, on Sept. 10, 2019 the City Council established the nine-member Housing Element
Advisory Committee by adoption of Resolution No. 2019-170; and
WHEREAS, the City Council determined that the composition of the Committee shall be:
• One Northwest Quadrant resident representative
• One Northeast Quadrant resident representative
• One Southwest Quadrant resident representative
• One Southeast Quadrant resident representative
• One At-Large (citywide) resident representative
• One Housing Commissioner
• One Planning Commissioner
• One Senior Commissioner
• One Traffic & Mobility Commissioner
WHEREAS, a vacancy in the Southwest Quadrant resident category currently exists.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as
1. That the above recitations are true and correct.
2. That the following Carlsbad resident is hereby appointed to serve on the Housing
Element Advisory Committee to represent the Southwest Quadrant for a term ending in
December 2020.
Daniel Weis
PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of
Carlsbad on the 17th day of December 2019, by the following vote, to wit:
AYES: Hall, Blackburn, Bhat-Patel, Schumacher.
NAYS: None.
I was previously employed a$ a Recreation Leader for the City of Carlsbad at Calavera
Hills Community Park.
Please describe your educational background
I earned my Master of Arts in Public Policy and Administration from Northwestern University. Prior to my
graduate studies, I earned my Bachelor of Arts in Political Science from California State University San
Marcos. I also served as Vice President of the Political Science Club and Treasurer of the National
Political Science Honors Society.
Please describe relevant experience
I hav• 5 years. ol commatclal real HI.Ill o,cperflnce. I am I Research M1n1g1, fOf' Co!'p01'1111 Sotutlon• Ind 1n\egra\ed Por1foHo S1r..rca1 ll JonH Ling LaS11l1 (JLL), OM oflhe l1rgHI oomm1rtcal real Htlll cotnpanl11 ln Iha world. I adviH t.clfllOl"III cll1nts on ~h!~~fu•:,1ar:;1t:!~~~!'t,~:!YO:~ ~~~ ~~un~==~~ 'n!~'. er.:~~~: l~~~~:~ 8::ti!"o~~:.•:;:~:,-:~~~."'JLJU"!I~. 11'::!U:!~.':~~'J:~::u:~::n•:~t~n1~~~f:,ai: :.:~=~ developmeN, Indus~ 1tend1, end
Prior to JLL, I worked H I ReHan:h Allllllnt at the llllno\1 Conlortlum on Drug PoUcy II Roosevelt Untvetwlty In CNeago, 11/lnoll. OUrtHm rue arched and ev1!\Jted addldlon \l"Hlmlnt, harm reduction proQflllma, Ind 1r111m1nt cap1dty tor IUbtlanca Ulffl, I
co-wrote IWo publlcatrcn1 during m1 um, lhort, which we111 cl1ed by the Chlca110 Tribune and Huffln;ton Post.
I also WOfktd u • pollcy ln!am •t lhe NallQf\81 unmrsil)' Systtm 1n,lltu1a for Polley RetNl'Ch In Stn Diego, Callfoml•. I asstst.d In ruul'UI and onalytl1 on die regional economic Impact ct die aal\ brewing lndu11ty.
Please describe your current or past community involvement
During my time at the Illinois Consortium on Drug Policy, I worked with community leaders and other nonprofits to build a consensus for harm reduction programs and
treatment capacity for substance users. THls work required me to help organize conferences and forums with a varltey of community stakeholders and govemment officials.
I also served as an Associate Boardmember at Urban Gateways In Chicago, Illinois. The non-profit Increases youth axporsura to arts and music via performances,
workshops, or lessons. It has served over 80,000 youth at no cosL
I also volunteered for Pacific Cancer Wellness In North County, San Diego In 2014 and helped with their marketing and fundralslng efforts.
Please list all service on boards, commissions or committees, private or public agencies,
(including non-profit organizations}
Associate Boardmember of Urban Gateways in Chicago, Illinois.
Additional information or comments
After growing up In Carlsbad for nearly 15 years, I moved to Chicago to pursue graduate studies. After braving 4 winters, I retumed to Carlsbad this year. But, I gained a fresh
perspective on the community I love ·and the community I am proud to call home. I noticed new restaurants and shops In the village and new developments throughout
Carlsbad. I also notice the challenges the city faces when II comes to housing and keeping In compliance the General Plan Housing Element I believe I can .use my
professional expertise In commercial real estate to guide the update. My experience in working with and presenting to constituents and community leaders also prepares me
to ensure broad community engagement In the housing update.
Submittal Information
Please select the submit button below to electronically submit application. If you prefer to print, please select "print
form" button, sign and mail to:
City of Carlsbad
City Clerk's Office
1200 Carlsbad Village Drive
Carlsbad, CA 92008.
Signature _____________ Date 11/5/2019
• Only required to sign if submitting paper form; if submitting electronically your submittal via e-mail is considered
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Dec. 17, 2019 Item #23 Page 9 of 40
Mia De Marzo
FW: Housing Element Advisory Committee Vacancy Application
Barnett Voter Registration Receipt.pdf
From: David Barnett <d >
Sent: Tuesday, November 5, 2019 2:35 PM
To: City Clerk <Clerk@ carlsbadca.gov>
Subject: Re: Housing Element Advisory Committee Vacancy Application
I am following up and attaching the receipt of m·y voter registration.
Please let me know if you need any other information.
Thank you,
David Barnett
From: David Barnett
Sent: Tuesday, November 5, 2019 2:17 PM
To: clerk@carlsbadca.gov <clerk@carlsbadca.gov>
Subject: Housing Element Advisory Committee Vacancy Application
My name is David Barnett and I am applying to serve on the Housing Element Advisory Com_mittee.
Please see attached for my application.
Let me know if you need anything else. I look forward to hearing from you.
Thank you,
David Barnett
1 Dec. 17, 2019 Item #23 Page 10 of 40
I have lived and raised a family in Carlsbad for nearly 15 years and I am passionate
about maintaining the quality of life we love in this community!
Please describe your educational background
I possess a BA in Communications from the University of California, San Diego. I have
also obtained a certificate in Non-Profit Management from Chapman University.
Please describe relevant experience
I have more than twenty years of professional communications, marketing, consulting and non-profit
leadership experience. My past employment includes work with the North County Transit District,
UCSD, a chamber of commerce and several local non-profits focusing on human services.
Please describe your current or past community involvement
I recently participated in Carlsbad's Citizens' Academy and am motivated to stay engaged with community commissions or through
other volunteer opportunities. In April 2018, I worked with partners at the Carlsbad Senior Center to run a Senior Emergency
Preparedness event that provided older adults with emergency preparedness skills and a free emergency go bag starter kit. I have
been active in Carlsbad USD PTAs, and have served as the communications chair and in event planning roles.
Please list all service on boards, commissions or committees, private or public agencies,
(including non-profit organizations)
I currently am the Communications Coordinator on the Carlsbad Unified Council of PT As (term 2019-2021 ). I am an
Auxiliary Board Member with Carlsbad Community Theatre, a local non-profit that offers performing arts opportunities
to our citizens. In my role as Executive Director of The Foundation for Senior Wellbeing, I work work to support seniors
(older adults) in North County San Diego.
Additional information or comments
At The Foundation for Senior Wellbeing, I work to counsel and support seniors in need. More than half the seniors we
work with in North County are struggling to find affordable housing. I would like to serve on Carlsbad's Housing
Element Committee to raise awareness about the need for affordable housing for our aging and underserved
Submittal Information
Please select the submit button below to electronically submit application. If you prefer to print, please select "print
form" button, sign and mail to:
City of Carlsbad
City Clerk's Office
1200 Carlsbad Village Drive
Carlsbad, CA 92008.
Sarah Ben Son Digitally signed by Sarah Benson
S. Date: 2019.10.04 11 :23:45 -07'00' Date 1gnature ________ _
* Only required to sign if submitting paper form; if submitting electronically your submittal via e-mail is considered
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Dec. 17, 2019 Item #23 Page 13 of 40
While I never directly contracted with the city, I was Marketing Director for 12 years for Dudek, an Encinitas-based
Please describe your educational background
Please describe relevant experience
Please describe your current or past community involvement
Please list all service on boards, commissions or committees, private or public agencies,
(including non-profit organizations)
Chaired Dudek's operating committee 2014-2017
Additional information or comments
My wife and I have been residents and homeowners in Carlsbad for 34 years. I am semi-retired and very interested
in how I can apply . my business experiences to contribute to the city we love. In particular, I saw the notice regarding
the Ho.using Element Advisory Committee. As a senior homeowner, a rental property owner, and a parent of a 31-
year-old child trying to break into home ownership, I have thought a lot about our region's housing challenges and
• ' L ' --...I LL" '
Submittal Information
Please select the submit button below to electronically submit application. If you prefer to print, please select "print
form" button, sign and mail to:
City of Carlsbad
City Clerk's Office
1200 Carlsbad Village Drive
Carlsbad, CA 92008.
Signature ________ Date 10/7/2019
* Only required to sign if submitting paper form ; if submitting electronically your submittal via e-mail is considered
Clear form I Print form Submit form
Dec. 17, 2019 Item #23 Page 15 of 40
I believe in stewardship and our responsibility to maintain and provide a better future for our
community. If helpful, I would be willing to speak with our city council members regarding the
value and importance of our city's park and recreation system. ·
Please describe your educational background
BA -Duke University
Juris Doctor -Southern Methodist University School of Law
Please describe relevant experience
Former county parks and recreation employee while in school
Life long belief and support of stewardship of parks, recreation facilities and preserves.
Please describe your current or past community involvement
Past chair and member, Carlsbad Library Board of Trustees
Mediator -City and County Mediation programs
Volunteer-library sales and community clean up
Sunday school teacher, member Board of Trustees, Christian Education, Planned Giving and Fellowship -local church
Please list all service on boards, commissions or committees, private or public agencies,
(including non-profit organizations)
Past president, director, assorted committees' chair -bar association
Officer, executive committee, founding member• American Inns of Court chapter
Member of Superior Court Mediation, Arbitration and Settlement panels
State of California & Federal Hearing Officer
Chair and speaker• Alternative Dispute Resolution • MCLE section
Editor, contributor, and editorial commltae member-monthly bar magazine
Additional information or comments
Parks and recreation facilities provide proven social, environmental, health, learning and economic benefits to our city,
its residents, and our visitors. They are truly land banks for our city's economic and physical health and well being. We
are the stewards for the ongoing and future health and wealth of our city.
Parks and recreations facilities make lives better -in multiple ways -for all! .
Submittal Information
Please select the submit button below to electronically submit application. If you prefer to print, please select "print
form" button, sign and mail to:
City of Carlsbad
City Clerk's Office
1200 Carlsbad Village Drive
Carlsbad, CA 92008.
Signature ______________ Date 1 Q/16/19
* Only required to sign if submitting paper form; if submitting electronically your submittal via e-mail is considered
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Dec. 17, 2019 Item #23 Page 17 of 40
Mia De Marzo
Bill Kamenjarin
Thursday, November 7, 2019 5:52 PM
City Clerk; Tammy Cloud-McMinn
Application for City of Carlsbad Element Advisory Committee
Parks and Rec Commission Application.pdf
I am applying for a position on the City of Carlsbad Element Advisory Committee -for either
a) the Northeast Quadrant Resident representative, or
b) the At Large Representative.
For your use, I am attaching the common city application I previously filed for Parks and Recreation.
I am using this common application as the application now for the City of Carlsbad Element Advisory Committee, as I
could not find any specific application for the City of Carlsbad Element Advisory Committee.
As a long term Carlsbad resident, I am familiar with the issues facing the City of Carlsbad Element Advisory Committee.
Please acknowledge receipt of this application, and let me know if you need anything else.
Thank you
Bill Kamenjarin
1 Dec. 17, 2019 Item #23 Page 18 of 40
Regarding employment, I work remotely for a university in New York and have a great
deal of flexibility with my time/scheduling.
Please describe your educational background
I studied International Relations at the University of Southern California.
Please describe relevant experience
I currently serve as Vice Chair of Carlsbad's Housing Commission, which has responsibility for regular review of our city's Housing Element.
When I previously lived in the City of Fremont, CA (pop: ~230K), I served for four years as both a member and Chair of the city's Human
Relations Commission which overlapped In responsibilities with Carlsbad's Housing Element Advisory Committee. During that time I worked on
development of Fremont's Housing Element in response to RHNA goals, and subsequent city housing policy and zoning. I led community
outreach and engagement efforts, including presenting on the Housing Element and housing policy at community organization meetings.
Please describe your current or past community involvement
I currently serve as Vice Chair of Carlsbad's Housing Commission. We are members of (and I am a Den Leader In) local Cub Scout Pack
731 at La Costa Meadows Elementary, which our son attends. Previously in the City of Fremont, in addition to serving on the city's Human
Relations Commission, I served on the Board of Directors of Tri-City Health Center (our local federally-qualified healthcare center) and was
involved with our Episcopal Church, with the city's Family Resource Center, and with local Democratic Clubs.
Please list all service on boards, commissions or committees, private or public agencies,
(including non-profit organizations)
In addition to currently serving on Carlsbad's Housing Commission, I have significant history of board service. Following Is the most recent six years:
Tri-City Health Center (Federally Qualified Healthcare Center for South Alameda County): Oct, 2015 -Dec, 2018
Board of Directors; Vice-Chair, Personnel Committee; Member, Finance Committee
City of Fremont, CA, Human Relations Commission: Chair, 2015-2017; Member, 2013 -2017
California Democratic Party: Co-Chair, Voter Services Committee and Co-Chair, LGBT Caucus (2013 -2016); Executive Board (2006 -2018)
Additional information or comments
I was happy to support for the Housing Commission liaison our only continuing (not newly-appointed) commissioner, who Is also a senior and
recipient of public housing assistance. These are vital perspectives to have within the HEAC, and I testified to Council in September advocating
for a HEAC position to be set aside for a current recipient of housing assistance. I also have direct experience and expertlse with the Housing
Element process that would be very beneficial to the HEAC. Since it Is an ad-hoc committee with a term of just a year, I hope that I may hold
both positions simultaneously. If not, I am willing to resign my Housing Commission appointment if necessary.
Submittal Information
Please select the submit button below to electronically submit application. If you prefer to print, please select "print
form" button, sign and mail to:
City of Carlsbad
City Clerk's Office
1200 Carlsbad Village Drive
Carlsbad, CA 92008.
Digitally signed by John Nguyen-Cleary
John Nguyen Cleary DN:cn=JohnNguyen-Cleary,o,ou, 11/8/2019 • -email=john.m.cleary@gmall.com, c=US Date . Signature ______________ oa_1._, 2_0_1s_.1_1_.oa_1_0_:s3_,2_a_-0_a_·oo_· ___ _
* Only required to sign if submitting paper form; if submitting electronically your submittal via e-mail is considered
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Dec. 17, 2019 Item #23 Page 20 of 40
I have submitted an application to participate in the Citizens Academy Program in
March of 2020.
Please describe your educational background
I have an Associate Degree in Health Care Management, a Bachelor of Science in
Human Resource Management and a Masters in Business Administration.
Please describe relevant experience
My experience includes over 25 years in residential housing, guiding the strategy to develop and manage senior
housing communities and services. I was responsible for the operations of 3500 units in seven states. In this
capacity, I worked with state and federal licensing agencies, served on public policy committees, and enjoyed the
positive outcomes that can be achieved through open communication and collaboration with local stakeholders.
Please describe your current or past community involvement
I have been involved with Friends of the Carlsbad Library for several years. Due to the exensive travel
requirements in my former position as COO of a multi-state company, I had limited opportunity to be
involved in community activities. I look forward to being engaged and contributing now.
Please list all service on boards, commissions or committee~, private or public agencies,
(including non-profit organizations)
I currently serve as a Board Member for K4Connect, a technology company providing a platform for
those with disabilities as well as seniors. I have served in the following: California Assisted Living
Associate (GALA) board member; LeadingAge Kansas board member; Kansas Adult Care Executives
(KACE) President; Public Policy committee of CALA; and Education Committee of CALA.
Additional information or comments
I was one of four founders who established Vitalocity, a non-profit intiative that provided a roadmap for a
community to follow in development of livable cities. This was a global initiative focused on health,
wellbeing, social, economic and environmental advantages.
Submittal Information
Please select the submit button below to electronically submit application. If you prefer to print, please select "print
form" button, sign and mail to:
City of Carlsbad
City Clerk's Office
1200 Carlsbad Village Drive
. Carlsbad, CA 92008.
Signature _----,-___________ Date 11 /06/19
* Only required to sign if submitting paper form; if submitting electronically your submittal via e-mail is considered
acknowledgement. · ·
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Dec. 17, 2019 Item #23 Page 22 of 40
I was employed by the City of Carlsbad in mid-late 1980s, before accepting a promotion at new City of Dana
Point. I prepared/managed 3 of the City's first Local Facility Management Plans, served as redevelopment
planner, and manged multiple development proposals including Commercial-library-PO center in La Costa.
Please describe your educational background
Executive Master of Business Administration, SDSU
Master of Urban and Regional Planning, U. of Hawaii
BA Geography, SDSU
Please describe relevant experience
several decades as a professional urban planner for cities, major institutions, and the private sector. Received multiple
professional awards, Supervised at lease 4 State Certified Housing l;:lements, along with managing preparation of
award winning General Plan and major Specific Plans. Managed adoption of an innovative City affordable housing
program for major development in the Coastal Zone.
Please describe your current or past community involvement
involved in Ponto Beachfront Park 501 c3, and People for Ponto citizen groups; San
Pacifico Community Association landscape and architectural review committees;
volunteer in past years on several City of Carlsbad Parks and Trails events.
Please list all service on boards, commissions or committees, private or public agencies,
(including non-profit organizations)
Elected positions: Board member, Batiquitos Lagoon Foundation
Past international/national Commissioner of the American Institute of Certified Planners, VP for American Planning
Association California Chapter, Board President for American Planning Association San Diego and Imperial Counties
Additional information or comments
Submittal Information
Please select the submit button below to electronically submit application. If you prefer to print, please select "print
form" button, sign and mail to:
City of Carlsbad
City Clerk's Office
1200 Carlsbad Village Drive
Carlsbad, CA 92008.
10-3-19 Signature _____________________ Date ________ _
* Only required to sign if submitting paper form; if submitting electronically your submittal via e-mail is considered
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Dec. 17, 2019 Item #23 Page 26 of 40
Relevant Experience
Real estate / land use attorney, North County private law practice, 2000-
City Attorney legal adviser, Oceanside Planning Commission, 1993-1998
Mediator, civil litigation, San Diego Superior Court, 1995-
Trustee, San Dieguito Union High School District, 2003-2004
Temporary judge (volunteer assignment), San Diego Superior Court, 2005-2017
Disability claims hearing officer, LA County Employees Retirement Assn., 2010-
Disability claims hearing officer, Orange Co. Employees Retirement System, 2011-
Parking citation/ code enforcement hearing officer, City of El Cajon, 2007-2014
Residential real estate dispute mediator, California Association of Realtors, 2015-
Civil litigation settlement officer, San Diego Superior Court, 2000-2015
Community Involvement (Volunteer Service)
Planning Commissioner, City of Carlsbad, 2019-
Attorney counseling homeowners in crisis, Community Housing Works, 2008-2009
Mediator / Board Member, San Diego Mediator Center, 1993-1994
Board member, Seaside Church (Encinitas), 1996-1997
Bench / Bar ADR Program Committee, San Diego Superior Court, 1995-2003
Youth basketball coach, City of Carlsbad, 2000-2003
Board member, La Costa Valley Master Association, 2005-2008
Attorney, free legal clinics, Bar Assn. of Northern San Diego County, 2000-
Middle school adviser, Youth in Court program, San Diego Superior Court, 2000-
Board member, Bar Assn. ofNorthern San Diego County, 1998-2000, 2013-2016
Executive committee member, Amer. Inns of Court, North County Chapter, 2005-
Additional Information
I was raised and educated in coastal North County after my family moved here in
1957. My father owned a plumbing shop in Leucadia. (Interstate 5 was constructed
through North County in the late '60s and provided me a safe, uncrowded roadway
on which to learn to drive.) I have witnessed dramatic changes in what were then
small seaside bedroom communities connected to San Diego by Highway 101 to
mid-sized incorporated cities with their own retail and commercial centers.
In Oct. 1999, my wife and I purchased our southern Carlsbad family home where
we raised our two daughters. It is part of the 1,000 home La Costa Valley master
planned community. I served on the Board of our community's homeowners
association in implementing CC&R private property restrictions and managing our
sizable common area properties.
Dec. 17, 2019 Item #23 Page 30 of 40
In addition, I have been heavily involved in many other types of community
service. Most of them have been connected to local governments, school districts,
nonprofit entities, professional organizations, or the courts. These involvements
have a distinct North County focus. North County is where I was raised, raised my
family, served as an assistant city attorney, and run a private law / mediation /
hearing officer practice.
With respect to Carlsbad, I have lived in what is now District 4 for twenty years,
maintain a professional office in District 2, and own commercial property in The
Village area of District 1. I shop at the Carlsbad Premium Outlets, Costco, and The
Forum Carlsbad, have bought three cars in Carlsbad Car Country, eat at Carlsbad
restaurants, and attend the TGIF Concerts in the Parks. I graduated from the
Citizens Academy in May 2018. I am a Carlsbad homeowner and residential
landlord who is keenly aware of the affordable housing crisis in San Diego County.
Housing Element Advisory Committee needs people who can work collaboratively
with committee colleagues, listen respectfully to community input regarding
housing element revisions, and are able to develop creative, intelligent proposals
for meeting the RHNA mandates within the legal parameters of the growth
management ordinance. I am such a person and would welcome an opportunity to
use my talents, knowledge, and experience as the member at large or Southeast
Quadrant representative on this task force committee.
2 Dec. 17, 2019 Item #23 Page 31 of 40
Please describe your educational background
I graduated in '85 from Fallbrook Union School while my father served aboard Camp
Pendleton. Upon graduation, I was accepted at UCDavis, later transfered to UCSB
where I graduated in '89 with a BS in Business Economics.
Please describe relevant experience
I have worked in the finance industry for over 30 years. I have had a distinguished career in the Home Loan Industry. From
assisting home buyers on a one on one basis, to leading regions and divisions for some of the largest banks and mortgage banks,
I have been responsible directly or indirectly for over 10,000 home loans. I have a keen understanding of Real Estate, property
values, and lending guidelines. It has been my passion to assist homeowners by providing a higher level of education and
transparency to help individuals make solid financial decisions.
Please describe your current or past community involvement
I am an active member of the Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce. I have served in numerous ministries
with St. Patricks Catholic Church. I have been involved as a coach through the Carlsbad Parks and
Recreation Department when my childeren were in elementry school. Both my wife and I were hyper
active in voulenteering at Carlsbad Highschool.
Please list all service on boards, commissions or committees, private or public agencies,
(including non-profit organizations)
Mira Costa Academic Advisory Committee
Caliber Cares Foundation
Ambassador Committee Member of the Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce
Additional information or comments
It would be my sincere privilege to be a part of Housing Element Advisory Committee. To offer my professional experience and
expertise, as well as my passion to assist others, I view this as an opportunity to contribute to the City of Carlsbad for the benefit
of others.
Copy of my resume is availabe upon reqeust.
Submittal Information
Please select the submit button below to electronically submit application. If you prefer to print, please select "print
form" button, sign and mail to:
City of Carlsbad
City Clerk's Office
1200 Carlsbad Village Drive
Carlsbad, CA 92008.
Signature , £4/Z Date / 0 / t;/201 '7 ' ~
• Only required to sign tt ~ubmitling :::;.ubmitling electrunically your submlttal via e-mail is considered
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Dec. 17, 2019 Item #23 Page 33 of 40
Carlsbad, CA 92008
Proven leader with strong sales management and financial services background. A winner with a passion for leadership.
Proven ability to build, transform, and motivate individuals through teamwork and "win-win" relationships. Responsible for profit
and expense management up through the Regional and Divisional level. Delivered significant results in new business
development and customer satisfaction through innovation, communication, negotiation and relationship building acumen.
Visionary leader With extensive expertise in problem solving, process improvement, program and customer satisfaction.
Involved in charitable, civic and philanthropic activities.
New Business Development
Client Acquisition & Growth
Team Building & Leadership .
• • •
Technology Implementations
Quality Control
Top Line/ Bottom Line Growth
• ..
Strategic Marketing
Recruiting ,
P&L Management
------------------rofessional Experience-------------------
Area Producing Manager
• Originate forward and reverse mortgages, two-time close construction loans and HELOCs
• • Partner with Realtors, Financial Planners, and CPAs to drive reciprocal business growth
• Continue to develop personal brand awareness in the local community
• Leverage home loan technology; LoanSoft, BombBomb, SalesForce, RatePlug, AgentTarget and Mortgage Coach
California Regional Vice President
• Responsible for California Retail Sales team existing platform of 15 offices
• Reviewed and managed profitability and performance metrics for te·am
• Opened 2 new cost centers for retail production, Central Valley and Inland Empire
• Actively recruited within existing branch network and proposed offices
• Evaluated 203K Direct to Consumer campaign and submitted proposal to improve profitability and execution
Divisional Vice President
• Increased volume of division from $469.9MM in January 2014 to over $28 as of October 2017
• Drove profitability in the division from a ($4.49M) 16.8 bps loss to positive revenue of 8.75M 43bps profit in 2016
• Increased production headcount in January 2014 of 63 to a net producer headcount of 164 by 10/30/2017
• Developed and managed purchase strategy for retail sales team to execute above plan expectations 3 years in a row
• Maintained Board Position on the Caliber Cares Foundation
Sr. Vice President / Western Divisional Leader
• Grow retail sales presence in the Western United States
• Recruit, mentor and train leadership team and top producers
• Deliver on company goals of profitable home loan originations while maintaining fundamental structure
• Delevope and manage purchase strategy for retail sales team to execute
Sr. Vice President/ Regional Sales Executive February 2012 -October 2013
• Created a winning culture that balances risk management and productive growth and development
• Strategic responsibilities include product pricing, strategic marketing, customer experience and capture, as well as
the development of targeted business partnerships to support core sales objectives
• Managed all aspects of home loan sales in AZ, NV, NM and CO
• Increased Home Loan Manager head count from 4 to 10 in first year
• Successful in net associate growth from 84 associates to 172
• Recognized for top regional performance in application quality and compliance Dec. 17, 2019 Item #23 Page 34 of 40
• Responsible for P&L management for Regain and individual home loan offices
• Managed home loan office consolidaton as well as expansion
Sr. Vice President/ Divisional Sales Performance Executive August 2009 -February 2012
• lndentified performance gaps and opportunities and implemented strategies to address deficiencies in performance
• Led sales initiatives across the West Division ranking #1 on a consistent basis across variety of metrics
• Collaborated with key partners including marketing, fulfillment, compliance, and national sales performance teams
• Hired, managed, and developed the Division Sales Performance Manager and Division Banking Center Performance
• Influential in representing Retail Sales in FNMA Open Audit
• Selected to participate in ideation meetings including REO Strategies and REG X and REG Z change development
Vice President / Branch Manager 2002 -2009
• Responsible for profit and loss for Standard Home Loan Production Branch
• Consistent recognition for top branch performance by both BofA and Countrywide Home Loans
• Personal Production annualized in 2009 at 320 units and over $125 MM closed volume
• Conducted monthly Sales Training and Mortgage Market intelligence seminars establishing a professional front line
Sales operation with an industry leading financial services knowledge base
• Accountable for both fulfillment and sales activity
Branch Manager
• "Business owner" providing superior service and expertise iri financial services to both personal and professional
• Pipeline management of thirty plus purchase and refinance home loans on a monthly basis
• Responsible for recruiting, training, and driving productive home loan originators
• Migrated from sales only office to full-service home loan office, including operations team of 12 associates
Net Branch Partner and Branch Manager
• One of four partners in a six-person origination platform
• Originated Agency and Government loans as well as community down payment assistance programs
• Drove personal production and shared in profitability among partners based on performance acheivements
Home American Mortgage/ Richmond American Homes 1995-1997
Southern California Builder Sales Manager
• Developed and nurtured strategic partnerships through internal sales force
• Recruited, trained, and managed an experienced sales team through transition from Northern to Southern California
Medallion Mortgage I Accubanc Mortgage 1991-1995
Home Loan Officer/ Builder Account Manager
• Responsible for home loan originations to support builder relationships and to deliver financial solutions for customers
seeking financing from new home communities
• Developed and maintained builder relationships
• Delivered consistent communication and pipeline status reports to sales and marketing teams
• Partnered with builder sales management teams to increase loan capturer rates to 82% of financed properties
Home Loan Officer/ Retail Sales
• Consistently performed in the top 5% of the-sales force, maintaining 150% of quota
• Originated and managed purchase and refinance production
Lincoln Savings and Loan / Great Western Bank
Management Training Program
University of California, Santa Barbara
B.A. Business Economics 1989
Dec. 17, 2019 Item #23 Page 35 of 40
· Explanations
Please describe your educational background
B. A. Liberal Studies; Multiple Subjects Teaching Credential w/Supplemental
Authorization to teach English; M. Ed. Curriculum & Instruction; Studied Abroad in
Mexico, Cuba & Peru; Ph. D. Leadership Studies
Please describe relevant experience
I was a K-12 teacher in San Diego Unified School District; SDUSD District Resource
Teacher; Coordinator, UCSD Professional Development; Director, San Diego Area
Writing Project; Lecturer/Supervisor, UCSD Teacher Education Program; Lecturer,
Women's Studies, CSUSM.
Please describe your current or past community involvement
o unteer, Solana Center for nnovation and ustainability; Tutor, Carls ad earning
Center; Tutor, Universidad Popular, Vista.
Please list all service on boards, commissions or committees, private or public agencies,
(including non-profit organizations)
5AWP(501 c3) at UCSD -initiated Young Writers amp
Additional information or comments
In many ways teaching and related occupations have been of service to the
Submittal Information
Please select the submit button below to electronically submit application. If you prefer to print, please select "print
form" button, sign and mail to:
City of Carlsbad
City Clerk's Office
1200 Carlsbad Village Drive · /1
Carlsbad, CA 9~~8. / ;,/ ~ / ... //, .F' / October 7, 2019
Signature #~ P~u~ Date _______ _
* Only required to sign if submitting paper f::zmitting electronically your submittal via e-mail is considered
Clear form 1 · Print form Submit form
Dec. 17, 2019 Item #23 Page 37 of 40
Relevant Experience:
Over twenty years of professional experience and achievement in the environmental
and public health consulting fields. Successful completion of environmental projects for
a wide range of clientele including, but not limited to educational institutions, developers
· (affordable housing and market rate), Federal, State and local government entities,
lending institutions, life insurance companies, conservancies, commercial/industrial real
estate owners/managers, insurance companies, and wireless telecommunication
carriers. Worked on well over 100 affordable housing projects throughout the State of
California. Vast understanding of a multitude of environmental laws pertaining to
affordable housing projects. Strong understanding of the challenges pertaining to needs
and constraints assessments, financing and incentives as they pertain to housing
projects. Extensive experience in the completion of assessment, construction and
remediation quality assurance during the completion of urban redevelopment/brownfield
and public works projects, many of which have been located in the downtown and
adjoining communities of San Diego, Los Angeles, Oakl'and, San Francisco, and other.
urban communities throughout the State of California, including Carlsbad Village.
Project locations are of a myriad of demographics and in many cases required value
engineering to meet project specific goals. Similar experience in the public
participation/stakeholder process for such projects. Member of the San Diego Housing
Dec. 17, 2019 Item #23 Page 40 of 40