HomeMy WebLinkAbout2020-02-25; City Council; ; Approve traffic calming plans for Amargosa Drive, Hillside Drive, Avenida Diestro, Estrella De Mar Road and Cadencia Street.~ CITY COUNCIL ~ Staff Report Meeting Date: To: From: Staff Contact: Feb.25,2020 Mayor and City Council Scott Chadwick, City Manager John Kim, City Traffic Engineer John.kim@carlsbadca.gov, 760-602-2757 CA Review gv(__ Subject: Approve traffic calming plans for Amargosa Drive, Hillside Drive, Avenida Diestro, Estrella De Mar Road and Cadencia Street. Recommended Action Adopt a resolution approving the traffic calming plans for Amargosa Drive, Hillside Drive, Avenida Diestro, Estrella De Mar Road and Cadencia Street, Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Project No. 6070 (Project), per the Carlsbad Residential Traffic Management Program (CRTMP). Executive Summary Carlsbad utilizes the CRTMP to address speeding concerns on residential streets. The CRTMP was approved in 2001 with adoption of Resolution No. 2001-139 and was amended in 2011 with adoption of Resolution No. 2011-115. Amargosa Drive, Hillside Drive, Avenida Diestro, Estrella De Mar Road and Cadencia Street have completed the collaborative process outlined in the CRTMP and have met the criteria for neighborhood support for their respective traffic calming plans. In accordance with the CRTMP project approval process, staff is requesting that the City Council approve the Project as presented. Page nine of the CRTMP states that, "a duly noticed public meeting will be held by the City Council to receive the recommendations of the Traffic Safety Commission for Phase II implementation." The Traffic Safety Commission has recently been renamed as the Traffic and Mobility Commission. Discussion The CRTMP program is a three-phase process, which offer solutions at increasing levels of cost and complexity. The first phase is initiated when a concerned resident contacts the City. Phase I focuses on education and enforcement solutions and utilizes measures such as installation of speed limit signs and pavement legends, deployment of portable speed feedback signs, conducting speed measurements and working with the police department to provide enforcement based on available resources. If the measured critical speed, otherwise known as the 85th percentile speed, is found to be 32 miles per hour (mph) or higher, the street can be considered for Phase II improvements. Phase II utilizes cost-effective traffic management devices such as speed cushions and traffic circles to help reduce speeds on neighborhood streets. A public input process is used to establish community support before a proposed Phase II plan can be implemented. This process includes neighborhood meetings to hear resident concerns and to help staff formulate specific traffic calming plans tailored for each Feb. 25, 2020 Item #8 Page 1 of 23 neighborhood. Once a preferred concept plan is identified, a mail survey is sent to all residents and non-resident owners in the project area and is used to measure neighborhood support. In response to speeding concerns received by staff, Phase I of the CRTM P was initiated on Amargosa Drive, Hillside Drive, Avenida Diestro, Estrella De Mar Road and Cadencia Street (see Exhibit 2), which included speed measurements. The measured speeds for each of these streets are summarized in Table 1. Table 1: Measured Critical Speeds STREET STREET LIMITS CRITICAL SPEED Amargosa Drive Los Pinos Circle to Olivenhain Road 33 mph Hillside Drive Kelly Drive to Neblina Drive 32 mph Avenida Diestro Circulo Sequoia to Sitio Baya 33 mph Cadencia Street La Costa Avenue to Del Rey Avenue 37 mph Estrella De Mar Road Poinsettia Lane to approximately 600' south of Olivine Court 30 mph The critical speeds measured on four of the five streets met the required 32 mph criteria and were found to be eligible for Phase II of the CRTMP. The critical speed measured on Estrella De Mar Road was below the threshold for Phase II. However, the Traffic and Mobility Commission granted an exception for Estrella De Mar Road to be considered for Phase II at its meeting on Dec. 5, 2016 as allowed by the CRTMP. Per the CRTMP Phase II process, staff invited residents w ithin the study area to neighborhood meetings to hear traffic calming strategies and to provide feedback on concept plans staff developed to address the speeding concerns. Details of the neighborhood meetings on the five subject streets are summarized in Table 2. Table 2: Neighborhood Meetings STREET Meeting Date Meeting Location No. of Attendees Amargosa Drive April 11, 2019 Stagecoach Community Park 17 Hillside Drive April 25, 2019 Pine Avenue Community Center 33 Avenida Diestro July 11, 2019 City Library (Dove) 29 Cadencia Street Oct. 24, 2019 Faraday Center 6 Estrella De Mar Road Aug. 1,2019 Faraday Center 9 A preferred traffic calming plan was selected by meeting attendees for each of the five neighborhoods. After the neighborhood meetings, letters were sent to residents and property Feb. 25, 2020 Item #8 Page 2 of 23 owners with proposed traffic calming features directly in front of their homes. Based on any feedback received, the traffic calming plan was adjusted and then finalized. The final traffic calming plans for each street are attached as Exhibits 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7. The CRTMP requires that a majority of residents and property owners within the study area must support the plan as determined by a mailed survey. The survey is considered valid if 50% or more of the residents and non-resident owners return the completed survey. Positive support for the plan is indicated by 67% or more of the returned surveys in support of the proposed plan. The survey results for each of these streets are summarized in Table 3. Table 3: Survey Results Total No. of Total No. of Return Total No. Support Met STREET Surveys Surveys of Support Sent Returned Rate Support Rate Criteria? Amargosa Drive 38 29 76% 22 76% Yes Hillside Drive 53 42 79% 34 81% Yes Avenida Diestro 63 43 68% 34 79% Yes Cadencia Street 10 7 70% 7 100% Yes Estrella De Mar Road 77 53 69% so 94% Yes. On Aug. 5, 2019, staff presented results of the traffic calming process for Amargosa Drive and Hillside Drive to the Traffic and Mobility Commission. After hearing staff's presentation and public comments, the Traffic and Mobility Commission voted unanimously in support of the Amargosa Drive traffic calming plan as presented. The Traffic and Mobility Commission voted unanimously in support of a revision to the traffic calming plan on Hillside Drive, contingent upon neighborhood support. This was due to a resident's late request to replace a proposed traffic circle with a speed cushion on Hillside Drive (see Exhibit 8). Exhibit 9 includes the minutes of the Traffic and Mobility Commission meeting. Table 4 summarizes the results of the second survey which was conducted on Hillside Drive. Table 4: Hillside Drive Second Survey Results Total No. of Total No. of Return Total No. Support Met STREET Surveys Surveys of Support Sent Returned Rate Support Rate Criteria? Hillside Drive 53 38 72% 35 92% Yes On Jan . 6, 2020, staff presented results of the traffic calming process for Avenida Diestro, Estrella De Mar Road and Cadencia Street to the Traffic and Mobility Commission. The Traffic and Mobility Commission voted unanimously in support of the traffic calming plans for these three streets as presented. Exhibit 10 includes the minutes of the Traffic and Mobility Commission meeting. Feb. 25, 2020 Item #8 Page 3 of 23 Based on the results of the support surveys for the traffic calming plans on Amargosa Drive, Hillside Drive, Avenida Diestro, Estrella De Mar Road and Cadencia Street and the requirements found in the CRTMP, staff recommends City Council approval of the Project, which includes five streets. Fiscal Analysis There are sufficient Gas Tax funds currently available in the Residential Traffic Improvement Program, CIP Project No. 6070, to complete the Project. The available funds and estimated construction costs for the Project are shown in the table below: RESIDENTIAL TRAFFIC IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM, CIP PROJECT NO. 6070 Current Appropriation -Residential Traffic Improvement Program, CIP Project No. 6070 $1,400,000 Current Year Expenditures/Encumbrances -Residential Traffic Improvement Program, CIP Project No. 6070 $839,353 TOTAL AVAILABLE RESIDENTIAL TRAFFIC IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM, CIP PROJECT NO. 6070 $560,647 RESIDENTIAL TRAFFIC CALMING ON FIVE STREETS PROJECT, CIP PROJECT NO. 6070 Design (estimated) $24,000 Construction Contract (estimated) $120,000 Construction Contingency (estimated) $12,000 Construction Management, Inspection and Material Testing (estimated) $12,000 TOTAL ESTIMATED DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION COSTS '.,, $168,000 " '"' ,, REMAINING BALANCE AFTER CIP PROJECT NO. 6070 $392,647 " ADDITIONAL APPROPRIATION NEEDED ' ,, $0 Next Steps Staff will work with a consultant to develop construction plans for the proposed traffic calming features on Amargosa Drive, Hillside Drive, Avenida Diestro, Estrella De Mar Road and Cadencia Street. The estimated cost to construct these improvements is less than $200,000 and, therefore, the construction contract will be executed by the city manager or designee. Environmental Evaluation {CEQA) The Project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) per State CEQA Guidelines Section 15301(c) -minor alteration of existing facilities including streets, sidewalks, gutters and similar facilities involving negligible or no expansion. Public Notification This item was noticed in accordance with the Ralph M. Brown Act and was available for public viewing and review at least 72 hours prior to the scheduled meeting date. Prior to start of construction, the public will be notified using media methods such as signage, email, website and other city communication channels. Feb. 25, 2020 Item #8 Page 4 of 23 Exhibits 1.City Council Resolution 2.Location Map 3.Traffic Calming Plan for Amargosa Drive 4. Traffic Calming Plan for Hillside Drive 5.Traffic Calming Plan for Avenida Diestro 6.Traffic Calming Plan for Estrella De Mar Road 7.Traffic Calming Plan for Cadencia Street 8.Traffic Calming Plan for Hillside Drive (Revised) 9.Minutes from Aug. 5, 2019 Traffic and Mobility Commission Meeting 10.Minutes from Jan. 6, 2020 Traffic and Mobility Commission Meeting Feb. 25, 2020 Item #8 Page 5 of 23 RESOLUTION NO. 2020-042 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE TRAFFIC CALMING PLANS FOR AMARGOSA DRIVE, HILLSIDE DRIVE, AVENIDA DIESTRO, ESTRELLA DE MAR ROAD AND CADENCIA STREET, CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM (CIP) PROJECT NO. 6070 (PROJECT), PER THE CARLSBAD RESIDENTIAL TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT PROGRAM (CRTMP). WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California has determined it necessary, desirable, and in the public interest to construct the Project; and WHEREAS, on May 8, 2001, the City Council adopted Resolution No. 2001-139 approving the CRTMP to provide the policies and guidelines for traffic management on residential public streets; and WHEREAS, on May 24, 2011, the City Council adopted Resolution No. 2011-115 amending the CRTMP; and WHEREAS, the CRTMP requires City Council to hold a "duly noticed public meeting ... to receive recommendations of the Traffic Safety Commission for Phase II implementation" and the Traffic Safety Commission has been recently renamed as the Traffic and Mobility Commission; and WHEREAS, on Aug. 5, 2019 and Jan. 6, 2020, the Traffic and Mobility Commission recommended approval of the Project; and WHEREAS, the public input process and mail support survey conducted for the Amargosa Drive traffic calming plan has satisfied the requirements ofthe CRTMP; and WHEREAS, the public input process and mail support survey conducted for the Hillside Drive traffic calming plan has satisfied the requirements ofthe CRTMP; and WHEREAS, the public input process and mail support survey conducted for the Avenida Diestro traffic calming plan has satisfied the requirements of the CRTMP; and WHEREAS, the public input process and mail support survey conducted for the Estrella De Mar Road traffic calming plan has satisfied the requirements of the CRTMP; and WHEREAS, the public input process and mail support survey conducted for the Cadencia Street traffic calming plan has satisfied the requirements of the CRTMP; and WHEREAS, there are sufficient Residential Traffic Improvement Program funds available in the Gas Tax Fund to complete the Project. Feb. 25, 2020 Item #8 Page 6 of 23 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the City Council approves the traffic calming plans for Amargosa Drive, Hillside Drive, Avenida Diestro, Estrella De Mar Road and Cadencia Street, CIP Project No. 6070, per the CRTMP. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad on the 25th day of February 2020, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Hall, Blackburn, Bhat-Patel, Schumacher. NAYS: None. ABSENT: None. MA LL, Mayor ~11/eclfr /'i-,;mt z I Dep,//j {or BARBARA ENGLESo'N, City Clerk Cf_!} Clet.4 (SEAL) Feb. 25, 2020 Item #8 Page 7 of 23 13 "O EXHIBIT 3 I d I . 2 I .i L 508 _J 2507 _J ""(,, �\ ""( ....J ,r-----1\. ·,/ ', / 797J I '•\ PROPERTY LINE TRA[filC CIRCLE ' CROSSWALK I j�"-....:_, I 7967 . -�.-...... ·' . ,"',. \.. -(isoJ ._..., ....._ ,c·· \ ---,-.... -· - ..• ' ," ' ', ---r---:--r--:;;-"""1 ·---------JI --..., _ 7964 ') .... � 1 . ,, . .. ' • ' •.-.____ lY ' °' ·, ' ' J. 982 ' 79BO' 7978' ''-... '-.._ / \ 250Jf 25 / � 2602 l 17986 l 7984 ! . 7 •• i . -. /· _ I 7976/ 7974 �� � '\ . l5()5 ';-..i.Y_ / 2502 \'' ,., '',. '"-,, ' -� l:aj ,,, , �. I I / 79721 A ''\..._,. --... ;------7'. <--, ..• , ___ _, , / ,, � - I _L_:-,,---;-"" ,;._ � -.r'-.-< 1. 797_ 9�:y'-', 2504 I r . . . . ', , ' , ', 11 ,' : \ ::Cr::1-\:; 1'>e '-,,-, _.. '<-._ / 7968 • r-_ · '_, � _/.. 'v '• °""--"' --�• . � 2506. y . A· ,, .... �, r� . , ',, ., ,-. ' -J , < . / I" ' . 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Pu blic Comment: Bill Loomis, a Carlsbad resident, spoke in support of the traffic calming project on Amargosa Drive. Motion by Commissioner Hunter, seconded by Commissioner Fowler, to approve Amargosa Drive traffic calming plan. Motion carried 6/0/1 (Gocan-Absent). 2. HILLSIDE DRIVE TRAFFIC CALMING PLAN -(Staff contact: Lindy Pham, Public Works) Staff Recommendation: Approval of the Hillside Drive traffic calm plan. Power Point presentation is on file with the office of the City Clerk. ° Commissioner Perez inquired about the type of material that would be used on a traffic circle, and if there was a parking drop-off zone on Hillside Drive next to Kelly "Elementary school. □ Associate Engineer Pham answered that the traffic circles will use concrete curbing with stamped concrete on top. 0 Acting City Traffic Engineer Kim said that Hillside Drive may be used as a parking drop-off/pick- up zone for the Kelly Elementary school. □ Commissioner Linke inquired about the public objection to Traffic Circle# 3 if it was due to parking restrictions only. □ Associate Engineer Pham answered yes. □ Commissioner Fowler inquired about the effectiveness of the traffic circle and speed calming. 0 Acting City Traffic Engineer Kim answered that when done correctly, traffic circles are very effective but in the case of traffic circle# 3 we would not be able to provide the correct deflection if parking was maintained . . □ Commissioner Penseyres inquired if the survey sent out to the residents included the traffic circle# 3. □ Acting City Traffic Engineer Kim answered that it did include traffic circle #3 and that they will send another survey s~owing the removal of traffic circle# 3 and ask residents to vote again on the new plan with the added speed cushion replacing traffic circle #3. □ Commissioner Hunter inquired about the critical speed on Hillside Drive. □ Associate Engineer Pham answered that the critical speed limit is 32mph. 0 Acting Chair Johnson inquired staff if the City of Carlsbad has a list of requirements, conditions to apply before deciding if a traffic circle would be effective. □ Acting City Traffic Engineer Kim answered yes. Page 2 ofS Feb. 25, 2020 Item #8 Page 16 of 23 Public Comment: Roni Mayben, a Carlsbad resident, spoke against Traffic Circle# 3, Hillside Drive intersection with Valencia Avenue. It is a blind corner and it will create significant traffic hazard . She agreed with the proposed speed cushion but requested it to be located away from her bedroom window, if possible. She requested to move the speed cushion between address 4866 and 4803 on Hillside Drive. 0 Acting City Traffic Engineer Kim explained that there are features to consider before making the move of the speed cushion (i.e., manholes, driveways, valve covers). If it can be relocated, staff will relocate but it needs to be evaluated. 0 Deputy City Attorney Guy asked commissioners to clarify if they are specifying support of the alternate plan if staff is able to move the speed cushion currently located under Ms. Mayben's window. ° Commissioner Hunter said yes . 0 Deputy City Attorney Guy interpreted the motion as follow: staff to study the feasibility of moving the speed cushion that is currently located in front of a resident window. If it is feasible, staff will relocate the speed cushion and then go out to a vote of the neighborhood. If the neighborhood votes in favor of the alternative plan per CRTMP guidelines then the TSC has approved the CRTMP project, otherwise staff will go back to the drawing board. Motion by Commissioner Penseyres, seconded by Commissioner Hunter, to approve the alternative plan contingent to the public survey results meeting the requirements of CRTMP guidelines and if ,possible, to move the speed cushion away from the bedroom window of a resident. Motion carried 6/0/1 (Gocan-Absent) 3. POLICE MONTHLY REPORT-(Staff contact: Lieutenant Christie Calderwood, Police Department) Lt. Calderwood talked about the six agencies that came to the City of Carlsbad with a total of 26 motorcycles saturating the city during the month of July, this is a partnership among the cities. She emphasized the bicycle rodeo promoted by the Police Department in collaboration with the Fire Department. Power Point presentation is on file with the office of the City Clerk. Staff's Recommendation: Information only 4. STATUS REPORT ON TSC REQUESTS -(Staff contact: Doug Bilse, Public Works). Power Point presentation is on file with the office of the City Clerk. a Commissioner Perez inquired if there were any actions on the Grand Promenade. a Senior Engineer Bilse explained that a vision of the Village Master Plan was brought to the TSC but it is not a Capital Improvement Program yet. 0 Acting Chair Johnson inquired if the TSC work plan is for the years 2019-2020. 0 Senior Engineer Bilse answered that once the work plan is established and approved it should be for a 12-month period. ° Commissioner Linke agreed that education items on the list should have low priority. Perhaps, it could be informational or accessed online. 0 Acting Chair Johnson inquired about item# 19 Staff's Recommendation: Information only Commissioners took a five minutes break to set up for the Work Plan workshop. Page 3 of 5 Feb. 25, 2020 Item #8 Page 17 of 23 Traffic Safety Commission was called back to order at 6:32 p.m. 5. WORK PLAN VALUE SETTING WORKSHOP -{Staff contact: Doug Bilse and David Graham, Public Works and City Manager Office) Chief Innovation Officer Graham facilitated the workshop helping the commissioner to craft the · Value of the Traffic Safety Commission. Below is the result of the workshop: TIER1: • Enhancing Safe Mobility • Government Transparency • Data Driven Decision Making • Done the right way TIER2: • Commitment to the City of Carlsbad and the residents • Forward looking 6. SEPTEMBER AND NOVEMBER TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION SPECIAL MEETING SCHEDULE - (Staff contact: Doug Bilse, Public Works) 0 Senior Engineer Bilse proposed to have September 9, 2019, Special Meeting at 163_5 Faraday Avenue Room 173A at 5:00 p.m. 0 On November 4, 2019, staff recommends a Special TSC Meeting at 1635 Faraday Avenue Room 173A at 4:00 p.m. Motion made by Commissioner Hunter, seconded by Commissioner Penseyres, to have the Special TSC Meeting on Sept. 9, at the Faraday location at 5:00 p.m. and to have the Special TSC Meeting on Nov. 4, at the Faraday location at 4:00 p.m. Motion carried 6/0/1 CITY TRAFFIC ENGINEER COMMENTS: Acting City Traffic Engineer Kim highlighted some of the projects that will go to City Council in a near future: Aug. 27 -Update on Village Barrio Traffic and Barrio Street Lighting Project Sept. 24 -Update on three corridors of interest, Carlsbad Boulevard, Tamarack Avenue and College Boulevard with emphasis on traffic calming. Acting City Traffic Engineer Kim will bring the information as an update to the commissioners at a later date. ° Commissioner Perez requested an email with the above updates. 0 Acting City Traffic Engineer Kim agreed to send the commissioners the email. 0 Senior Engineer Bilse presented the letter that commissioner Linke prepared and requested to be included in the public records. Page 4 of 5 Feb. 25, 2020 Item #8 Page 18 of 23 0 Tim and Niki Bryant, a Carlsbad resident, spoke in favor ofthe Speed Cushion on Estrella De Mar but requested, if possible, to change the location of speed cushion# 3. 0 Dr. Mehdi Sarram, a Carlsbad resident, spoke in favor of the Speed Cushion on Estrella De Mar. Motion by Commission Penseyres, seconded by Commissioner Perez, to approve staff recommendation of Speed Cushion on Avenida Diestro, Estrella De Mar Road and Cadencia Street. Motion approved: 4/0/1/2 (Abstained: Linke -Absent: Gocan and Hunter) 3. UPDATE ON CARLSBAD BOULEVARD AND TAMARACK AVENUE TRAFFIC CALMING ENHANCEMENT-(Staff Contact: John Kim, Public Works) -Informational item City Traffic Engineer Kim presented potential approaches for the Traffic Calming on a Non- residential Streets based on recommendations in the General Plan Mobility Element ° Commissioner Penseyres inquired about the proposed green paint in the bike lane on Carlsbad Boulevard at the intersection with Cherry Avenue. He was concerned that the green paint could incorrectly promote drivers to avoid the bike lane to make a right turn and make the turn from the travel lane. City Traffic Engineer Kim proposed to double check with California Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) ifthey have any recommendations of using green paint on conflicted areas. ° Commissioner Penseyres had questions about trails that lead up to College Boulevard and the ability to use trails as alternative facilities for pedestrians/bicyclists. ° City Traffic Engineer Kim proposed to look at the possibility of the multi-use trails with Commissioner Penseyres. 4. AWARD TRAFFIC SIGNALS ON POINSETTIA LANE AND CASSIA ROAD, POINSETTIA LANE AND ORIOLE COURT/SKIMMER COURT-(Staff Contact: Jonathan Schauble, Public Works) Staff Recommendation: Informational item Senior Engineer Schauble reviewed the status of the signalized intersections proposed to be installed along the new section of Poinsettia Lane. 0 Vice-Chair inquired about the "minor error" that staff will be asking City Council to waive. 0 Senior Engineer Schauble explained that was a line missing a total of the bidding amount, but the same total was shown on the bottom of the page, it is consider a minor error that can be waived because it did not change the final bid amounts. 5. SEMI-ANNUAL TRANSPORTATION REPORT-(Staff Contact: John Kim, Public Works) Staff Recommendation: Receive report and adopt Commission comments City Traffic Engineer Kim explained that the focus of this report is the update oftraffic calming projects and that Senior Engineer Bilse will present how traffic signals work and the status of traffic signal program. 0 Dr. Mehdi Sarram, a Carlsbad resident, talked to staff about the traffic issues and his interest to help staff. ° Commissioner Perez inquired about the You Tube videos on outreach meetings that City Traffic Engineer Kim mentioned on his presentation and if he could watch the YouTube videos. Page 2 of 4 Public Works Transportation 1635 Faraday Avenue I Carlsbad, CA 92008 I 760-434-2730 t Feb. 25, 2020 Item #8 Page 21 of 23 City Traffic Engineer Kim explained that he will provide a lin k to commiss ioners to see the videos. ° Commissioner Linke inquired about traffic calming with the 32mph threshold ° City Traffic Engineer answered that the 32mph threshold was determined based on a collaboration between traffic engineers and the police department. ° Commissioner Penseyres inquired about the feasibility of lowering the speed measure threshold less than 32mph. City Traffic Engineer Kim answered that it could be co nsidered. ° Commiss ioner Penseyres asked if we consider roundabouts seriously before considering traffic lights. City Traffic Engineer answered yes, with the appropriate situation. ° Commissioner Linke prepa red the memorandum on Regional Traffic Calming Practices, requested by City Council at the Nov. 19, 2019 meeting. 0 Deputy City Attorney Guy explained that the T&MC could choose to bring the memorandum to the City Council at a future date, or it could be part of the talkin g points on the Semiannual Transportation presentation to the City Council. ° Commissioner Linke recommended to bring the memorandum to the City Council as part of the talking points on the Sem iannual Transportation Repo rt. 0 Vice-Chair Johnson asked Commissioner Linke about the last bullet point on page 2 under the Carlsbad Residential Traffic and Mobility Program (CRTMP). Motion by Vice-Chai r Johnson, seconded by Commissioner Penseyres, to strike out the sentence on page 2 that reads: Based on State guidance, staff proposes removing stop signs from the program. Motion approved: 3/2/0/2 (No: Linke and Penseyres -Absent: Gocan and Hunter) Motion by Commissioner Linke, seconded by Commissioner Penseyres, to approve the revised memorandum. Mot ion approved: 5/0/0/2 (Absent: Gocan and Hunter) Commission Semiannual Transportation Report Comments: 1. Submit the Memorandum on Regional Traffic Calming Practices for consideration, in response to City Council request on Nov. 19, 2019. 2. Work Plan items should focus in actions and other items that were brought to the T&MC, such as providing public input on documents and programs. 3. Staff should provide a t imeline to the T&MC for upcoming agenda items that will need the commissioners input such as the work plan and the semiannual transportation report. 4. Staff should provide adequate time for T&MC to review upcoming agenda items, specially the review of large technical documents. Motion by Commissioner Linke, seconded by Commissioner Perez, to submit the revised T&M C Sem iannual Transportation Report Comments including the Memorandum on Regional Traffic Calming Practices. Motion approved: 5/0/0/2 (Absent: Gocan and Hunter) Motion by Vice-Chai r Johnson, seconded by Commissioner Perez, to elect Commissioner Linke to present the Semiannual Transportation Report Comments on Jan. 28, 2020, Council meeting. Motion approved: 5/0/0/2 (Absent: Gocan and Hunter) Page 3 of 4 Public Works Transportation 1635 Fa raday Avenue I Ca rlsbad, CA 92008 I 760-434-2730 t Feb. 25, 2020 Item #8 Page 22 of 23 6. ELECT A NEW TRAFFIC & MOBILITY COMMISSION CHAIR AND VICE-CHAIR -(Staff Contact: Doug Bilse, Public works) Staff Recommendation: Elect Chair and Vice-Chair for T&MC Motion by Commissioner Perez, seconded by Commissioner Linke, to postpone item# 6 to Feb. 3, 2020 meeting. Motion approved: 4/1/0/2 (No: Johnson -Absent: Gocan and Hunter) CITY TRAFFIC ENGINEER COMMENTS: City Traffic Engineer Report -Attachment A City Traffic Engineer Kim announced that the commissioners will be sent an invitation to a special joint City Council meeting on Jan. 21, 2020, with the Planning Commission, Housing Commission, Traffic & Mobility Commission and Housing Element Advisory Committee on the SB 330, New Laws & Impacts on the City of Carlsbad. City Traffic Engineer Kim introduced the new Transportation Director Tom Frank TRAFFIC & MOBILITY COMMISSION COMMENTS: Commissioner Fowler inquired about a presentation on traffic stop at Tamarack Avenue and College Boulevard. City Traffic Engineer Kim will bring this presentation in conjunction with the Col lege Boulevard traffic calming. The project extents for this project have been extended to include this intersection. Commissioner Penseyres inquired about the Multi Modal Level of Services (MM LOS) and its criteria. He would like to get an educational presentation from staff. Senior Engineer Bilse and Transportation Planning & Mobility Manager Schmidt committed to making a future presentation to the commissioners to explain MM LOS. Commissioner Linke reminded that Traffic Impact Analysis is part of the approved work plan and includes an item on the MM LOS. ADJOURNMENT: Vice-Cha ir Johnson adjourned the Traffic & Mobility Commission Meeting on Jan. 6, 2020, at 8:25 p.m. Eliane Paiva, Minutes Clerk Page 4 of 4 Public Works Transportation 1635 Faraday Avenue I Carlsbad, CA 92008 I 760-434-2730 t Feb. 25, 2020 Item #8 Page 23 of 23