HomeMy WebLinkAbout2020-04-07; City Council; ; Authorize Deputy City Manager, Public Works, or designee to submit necessary forms and manage all California Department of Resources, Recycling and Recovery grants.CAReview r2v( ~ CITY COUNCIL '1i1:1 Staff Report Meeting Date: April 7, 2020 To: Mayor and City Council From: Scott Chadwick, City Manager Staff Contact: Avecita Jones, Senior Program Manager Avecita.Jones@carlsbadca.gov, 760-602-7542 Subject: Authorize Deputy City Manager, Public Works, or designee to submit necessary forms and manage all California Department of Resources, Recycling and Recovery grants. Recommended Action Adopt a resolution authorizing the Deputy City Manager, Public Works, or designee to submit necessary forms and manage all California Department of Resources, Recycling and Recovery (CalRecycle) grants for which the City of Carlsbad is eligible. Executive Summary Cal Recycle sets aside funds for local goverments in the form of competitive and non- competitive grants to assist in managing various waste streams. These grants are used for creation and enhancement of recycling and waste reduction programs aimed at specific waste stream types. Discussion CalRecycle offers funding opportunities authorized by legislation to assist public and private entities in the safe and effective management of the waste stream. Some of the grants CalRecycle has available include (from CalRecycle's website): Beverage Container Recycling Grants: provide funding to assist organizations with establishing convenient beverage container recycling and litter abatement projects, and to encourage market development and expansion activities for beverage container materials. · Greenhouse Gas Reduction Grants: provide funding to promote infrastructure development for recycling manufacturing, composting, and anaerobic digestion facilities in California that divert more materials from landfills and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Grant funds also available for food rescue and food waste prevention projects that benefit disadvantaged communities. Household Hazardous Waste {HHW} Grants: provide local government funding for programs to expand or initially implement HHW programs such as collection programs, educational programs, and load checking programs, and programs emphasizing waste reduction, source reduction, reuse or recycling of HHW. April 7, 2020 Item #6 Page 1 of 5 Local Conservation Corps Grant Program : provide opportunities for the Local Conservation Co rp s to provide recycling services and implement litter abatement projects related to the collection and recovery of beverage containers, used oil, electronic waste, and waste tires. Tire Recycling, Cleanup, and Enforcement Grants: provide funding for several different grants programs available to local governments for the purpose of diverting tires from landfill disposal by promoting markets of recycled-content products, as well as for enforcement and cleanup. Solid Waste Disposal and Site Cleanup Grants: allow CalRecycle to expend funds directly for cleanup or emergency actions, provide loans to responsible parties who demonstrate the ability to repay state funds, or provide matching grants to local governments to assist in remediation of illegal disposal sites and legacy solid waste disposal sites that predate current regulations. Used Oil Recycling Grants: provide assistance to local governments, nonprofit entities, and other parties for activities that encourage appropriate disposal and recycling of used oil. Cal Recycle is required to establish procedures governing application, awarding and management of the grants. Their procedures require an applicant's governing body to declare by resolution certain authorizations related to administration of the grants. If appropriate and feasible, with City Council's authorization, the Deputy City Manager, Public Works, or designee will be authorized and empowered to execute in the name of the City of Carlsbad all grant documents including, but not limited to, applications, agreements, amendments and requests for payment necessary to secure grant funds and implement the approved grant project, through Cal Recycle for a period of five years from the date of resolution adoption. Funding will be used on qualified expenditures in an effort to increase awareness through education and outreach to the community, increase availabilty of recycling opportunities, and enhance existing recycling and trash programs. Fiscal Analysis Cal Recycle grants require that the funds be expended within the 24-month term of the program. Additionally, all grant-related expenditures will be fully reimbursed under the grant program. Environmental Evaluation (CEQA) Pursuant to Public Resources Code Section 21065, this action does not constitute a "project" within the meaning of California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) in that it has no potential to cause either a direct physical change in the environment, or a reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment, and therefore does not require environmental review. April 7, 2020 Item #6 Page 2 of 5 Public Notification and Outreach This item was noticed in accordance with the Ralph M . Brown Act and was ava ilable for public viewing and review at least 72 hours prior to scheduled meeting date. Exhibits 1. City Council Resolution April 7, 2020 Item #6 Page 3 of 5 RESOLUTION NO. 2020-055 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY 'cOUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE DEPUTY CITY MANAGER, PUBLIC WORKS, OR DESIGN EE TO SUBMIT NECESSARY FORMS AND MANAGE ALL CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF RESOURCES, RECYCLING AND RECOVERY GRANTS FOR WHICH THE CITY OF CARLSBAD IS ELIGIBLE. EXHIBIT 1 WHEREAS, Public Resources Code Sections 48000 et seq. authorize the Department of Resources, Recycling and Recovery (CalRecycle) to administer various grant programs (grants) in furtherance of the State of California's (state) efforts to reduce, recycle and reuse solid waste generated in the state thereby preserving landfill capacity and protecting public health and safety and the environment; and WHEREAS, in furtherance of this authority, CalRecycle is required to establish procedures governing the application, awarding, and management of the grants; and WHEREAS, Cal Recycle grant application procedures require, among other things, an applicant's governing body to declare by resolution certain authorizations related to the administration of CalRecycle grants. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. The Deputy City Manager, Public Works or designee, is hereby authorized and empowered to execute in the name of the City of Carlsbad all grant documents, including but not limited to, applications, agreements, amendments and requests for payment, necessary to secure grant funds and implement the approved grant project. 3. That these authorizations are effective for five years from the date of adoption of this resolution. April 7, 2020 Item #6 Page 4 of 5 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad on the 7th day of April, 2020, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: Hall, Blackburn, Bhat-Patel, Schumacher. None. None. MATT HALL, Mayor ~~~BARBAENGLESON, City Clerk (SEAL) April 7, 2020 Item #6 Page 5 of 5