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2020-04-14; City Council; ; Report on a Potential Off-leash Dog Area at the Village H South Property
� CITY COUNCIL � Staff Report Meeting Date: To: From: Staff Contact: CA Review c)L'tJ'. Subject: April 14, 2020 Mayor and City Council Scott Chadwick, City Manager Kyle Lancaster, Parks & Recreation Director kyle.lancaster@carlsbadca.gov, or 760-434-2941 Report on a Potential Off-leash Dog Area at the Village H South Property Recommended Action Receive a report on a potential off-leash dog area at the Village H South property, and direct staff to either (a) not pursue an off-leash dog area, (b) pursue the Staff Option concept plan for an off-leash dog area, or (c) pursue the Staff & Preserve Calavera Option concept plan for an off-leash dog area. Executive Summary On Dec. 10, 2019, staff presented a report to the City Council on the results of the public outreach and involvement process for a potential off-leash dog area within the Village H South property. The report advised the City Council of the opportunities and constraints of the conceptual plans drafted in association with that process and requested direction on any next steps to be taken in relation to the property [Exhibit 1]. In response, the City Council directed staff to narrow consideration of the concept plans to the 'Staff Option' [Exhibit 2], to meet with Preserve Calavera members to hear their option and then find a hybrid of the two options within two months and return to the City Council. The following discussion provides the present status of the Village H South property and details staff's follow-up to the City Council's Dec. 10, 2019 direction. Discussion Background On Nov. 25, 2013, Preserve Calavera, Quarry Creek Investors, LLC, and the City of Carlsbad entered into a legal settlement agreement that ultimately led to the transfer of the deed for the Village H property to the city on May 7, 2019. Section 4.b of the Agreement states "Upon the transfer of Village H to the city, the city shall assume responsibility for ownership of Village• H and shall promptly allow public access to the historic public use trail through Village H." Present Status of Village H South Property On Aug. 4, 2019, upon completion of the remedial work within the Village H South property, staff complied with Section 4.b of the Agreement, by promptly allowing the public access to the trail. The balance of the southern section of the property remains a combination of preserve area and open space -i.e., 9.9 acres of habitat preserve area and 12.6 acres of open space. April 14, 2020 Item #10 Page 1 of 43 Dogs are not permitted within city parks, preserves or other open space, except for in designated dog parks and on city trails. Dogs may be on city trails, provided they are attached to a maximum six-foot leash, in the owners' control. The related regulations are included in the San Diego County Code of Regulatory Ordinances and the Carlsbad Municipal Code, with further guidance contained in the 1989 Report of the Citizens Committee on the City of Carlsbad Open Space Plan and Programs. Therefore, only leashed do.gs are currently allowed on the Village H trails. No dogs are allowed on the balance of the Village H property. Staff Follow-Up to the Dec. 10, 2019 City Council Direction On Dec. 10, 2019, staff presented a report to the City Council on the results of the public outreach and involvement process for a potential off-leash dog area within the Village H South property. The report advised the City Council of the opportunities and constraints of the conceptual plans drafted in associ.ation with that process and requested direction on any next stepsto be taken in relation to the property. At the conclusion of staff's presentation, seven people provided public comments on the item. After a brief discussion, the City Council, on a minute motion by Council Member Blackburn, seconded by Council Member Schumacher, directed staff to narrow consideration of the concept plans to the "Staff Option," to meet with Preserve Calavera members to hear their option and then find a hybrid of the options within two months and return to the City Council. On Dec. 11, 2019, Ms. Diane Nygaard, on behalf of Preserve Calavera, sent an email message to the Mayor and the City Council, providing a correction to a statement of support attributed to her regarding the reasonable time frame for collecting essential wildlife movement [Exhibit 3]. On Dec. 11, 2019, Ms. Nygaard also sent an email to staff, indicating Preserve Calavera members would let staff know when they were ready to work on modifying the subject options. On Jan. 21, 2020, Ms. Nygaard sent an email to staff with "Preserve Calavera's proposal in response to City Council direction on this issue" [Exhibit 4]. Ms. Nygaard indicated Preserve Calavera's "preference is to leave things as they are as that is the least damaging alternative." The message also included attachments of a hand-marked concept plan titled 'Preserve Calavera Alternative' and a list of 17 items titled 'Modifications Required to Allow Off Leash Dogs in Wildlife Corridor at Village H -Jan. 21, 2020.' Staff subsequently vetted the concept plan and modifications list, then contacted Ms. Nygaard to schedule a meeting with Preserve Calavera members. On Feb. 4, 2020, staff met with Preserve Calavera members to discuss the plan and list. Based on staff's comments at that meeting, Preserve Calavera members indicated they would try to prepare a revised response to City Council direction on this issue within a week. On Feb. 12, 2020, Ms. Nygaard left a voice mail message for staff, advising she needed additional time to complete a revised response. On Feb. 16, 2020, Ms. Nygaard sent an email to staff with a "revised Preserve Calavera proposal in response to discussion at ... meeting on Feb. 4, 2020" [Exhibit S]. Ms. Nygaard again indicated Preserve Calavera's "preference is to leave things as they are as that is the least damaging alternative." Additionally, she indicated Preserve Calavera believed its proposal greatly reduced the impacts on wildlife from the Staff Option, which it did not find acceptable. The message also included attachments of a revised hand-marked concept plan titled 'Preserve Calavera Alternative' and a revised list of 17 items titled "Modifications Required to allow Off Leash Dogs April 14, 2020 Item #10 Page 2 of 43 in Wildlife Corridor at Village H -Feb. 16, 2020." Staff subsequently vetted the documents internally, then created a new Staff & Preserve Calavera Option concept plan [Exhibit 6] and prepared responses to the revised modifications list [Exhibit 7]. The new plan and the responses were emailed to Ms. Nygaard on March 3 and March 5, 2019, respectively. A narrative summary of the Staff Option concept plan is provided in Exhibit 1 and Exhibit 2. A narrative summary of the Staff & Preserve Calavera Option concept plan is provided in Exhibit 6 and below. Staff & Preserve Calavera Option (Off-leash dog area approximately 1.0 acre/min. width 35'} Opportunities: 1. Modification to alignment of Village H South trail accepted by Preserve Calavera 2. Location of off-leash dog area accepted by Preserve Calavera 3. Complies with the settlement agreement to provide public access to the historic trail, partly in the form of a city trail and partly in the form of an off-leash dog area 4. Expanded opportunity for wildlife movement from north to south 5. No direct impact to approximately four acres of non-sensitive habitat 6. No direct impact to sensitive habitat to the east 7. Provides for a small on-site parking lot of approximately 20 spaces 8. Off-leash dog area is fenced in with a single access gate 9. Daily maintenance of off-leash dog area 10. Accommodates dogs both on-and off-leash 11. No conflicts with the trail segment connecting to Tamarack Avenue Constraints: 1. Impacts to water quality due to dog waste 2. Parking lot run off (oils, etc.) 3. City code requires an electric vehicle charging station 4. Greater stormwater runoff 5. Increased dog waste and noise due to designated off-leash dog area 6. Increased disturbance of wildlife 7. Need for enforcement and maintenance 8. Smaller off-leash dog area than prior options 9. Requires update to the Calavera Hills Master Plan because of change in planned use On March 6, 2020, staff met with Preserve Calavera members to further review the Staff & Preserve Calavera Option concept plan and staff's responses to the revised modifications list. Ms. Nygaard raised questions over the size/type of the proposed parking lot and restroom facility. Ms. Nygaard also expressed concerns over the city's maintenance and possible alteration of the open space to the east of the off-leash dog area if it is not added to habitat preserve area. She surmised that wildlife movement would improve as a result of that change. On January 14, 2020, staff met with representatives of the California Depar,tment of Fish and Wildlife and United States Fish and Wildlife Service, regarding wildlife movement through the Village H property and the potential for an off-leash dog area. Those representatives conveyed April 14, 2020 Item #10 Page 3 of 43 general support for the Staff Option concept plan. In addition, consultants and volunteers have continued to perform wildlife movement and dog waste studies on the Village H property. On February 14, 2020, staff prepared a memorandum summarizing the status of these studies [Exhibit 8], which was presented in the Carlsbad Habitat Management Program Annual Report. Staff is requesting the City Council provide direction on the Village H South property to either: a. not pursue an off-leash dog area b. pursue the Staff Option concept plan for an off-leash dog area c. pursue the Staff & Preserve Calavera Option concept plan for an off-leash dog area. Fiscal Analysis There is no direct fiscal impact associated with the receipt of this staff report. Should the City Council provide direction (b) or (c) above, staff would include a request for the establishment of a project charter and appropriation of project funding in the FY 2020-21 Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Budget. In the interim, staff would prepare and process a request for proposals for a design firm to address the environmental studies, master plan amendments, resource agency approvals and other permits needed to prepare the construction documents and plans/specifications for an off-leash dog area. The professional services agreement with the design firm would not be executed until after the adoption ofthe FY 2020-21 CIP Budget. Next Steps Staff will implement the direction provided by the City Council on the Village H South property. Should the City Council provide direction (b) or (c) above, staff would include a CIP project for an off-leash dog area at the Village H South property within its existing scope of active CIP projects related to parks and trails. The following is a partial listing of such active CIP projects: Veterans Memorial Park Master Plan, Poinsettia Community Park Dog Park, Calavera Hills Community Park Gateway, Stagecoach Community Park Synthetic Turf Replacement, Aviara and Hidden Canyon Community Parks Playground Safety Resurfacing, Multi-Community Parks Lighting Retrofit, South Shore Agua Hedionda Lagoon (Hub Park) Trail, Lake Calavera Trails Master Plan, and Trail Connectivity to Carlsbad State Beach. Environmental Evaluation (CEQA) The activities associated with receiving this staff report, a presentation and providing direction to staff will not involve or result in any disturbance to the environment and is categorically exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). CEQA Section 15306 describes the following activities as being exempt from environmental review: " ... basic data collection, research, experimental management, and resource evaluation activities which do not result in a serious or major disturbance to an environmental resource. These may be strictly for information gathering purposes, or as part of a study leading to an action which a public agency has not yet approved, adopted or funded." Public Notification and Outreach This item was noticed in accordance with the Ralph M. Brown Act and was available for public April 14, 2020 Item #10 Page 4 of 43 viewing and review at least 72 hours prior to the scheduled meeting date. On March 12, 2020, this staff report was posted to the city's website. At approximately the same time, an email notification of the website posting was sent to all Village H South property off-leash dog area workshop and online survey participants who had expressed an interest in being kept abreast of the public outreach and involvement process. Exhibits 1. Dec. 10, 2019 City Council staff report (without exhibits) on Village H South 2. Dec. 10, 2019 Village H South 'Staff Option' concept plan 3. Dec. 11, 2019 email from Ms. Nygaard to the Mayor and Council 4. Jan. 21, 2020 email message from Ms. Nygaard to staff 5. Feb. 16, 2020 email message from Ms. Nygaard to staff 6. March 3, 2020 Village H South 'Staff & Preserve Calavera Option' concept plan 7. March 5, 2020 staff responses to Preserve Calavera's revised modifications list 8. Feb. 14, 2020 staff memorandum on Village H Wildlife Movement and Dog Waste Studies April 14, 2020 Item #10 Page 5 of 43 following: coor~inate with the Center for Natural Lands Management to assume ongolng rnanagement responsibility of two preserve areas within the southern section_ of the property, and execute and administer contracts with trade firms to perform remedial work needed to addr-ess the city's preserves, open space and trails standards. On Marth 8-, 2019, the City Council received a _memorandumfrom staff providing an update on the status of the Village H property transfer. The memorandum indicated the transfer of the deed and subsequent recordation had been delayed due to the terms of a restrictive conservation easement over the no-rthern section of the property, which required that 1) the property owner, Presidio, provide the conservation easement deed holder, The Center for Natural Lands Management {CNLM), a 45-day notice of the property transfer, and 2) Presidio pay CNLM a transfer fee assessed at $10,000. Presidio formally provided notice to CNLM of the property transfer on Jan. 16, 2019, fulfHling the first requirement. However, Presidio took exception to the second requirement on payment of the transfer fee. Jn response to Presidio's exception, the City Attorney's Office prepared a concurrency demand letter. Presidio subsequently agreed to pay CNLM a transfer fee negotiated by the City Attorney's Office. Once that fee was paid, staff intended to record the deed to accept the Village H property, consistent with the City Council's previous action. On March 12, 2019, the City Council, on a minute motion by Council Member Hamilton, seconqed by Cot.Jncil Member Schumacher, directed staff to retumto City Council within 45 dayswith an agenda item to discuss the public outreach process and restrictions on the Village H trail. Staff understood this direction to be specific to the existing informal trail within the _southern section of the Village H property. The southern section of this property contains 9.9 acres of habitat preserve area and 12.6 acres of open space. On AprU 22:, 2-0191 Presidio informed the City Attorney's Office. that the negotiated transfer fee had been paid, On April 23, 2019, staff returned to the City Council with the requested Staff Report: (Exhibit 1). At the conclusion of staff's presentation of the Staff Report, the City Council, on a minute motion by Council Member Schumacher, seconded by Mayor Pro Tern Bhat-Patel, directed staff to initiate public outreach to engage residents in the development of a plan to integrate an off-leash dog run as part of the Village H property. Specifically, staff was directed to commence the public outreach (once the deed had been recorded) over the subsequent 90 days and to include public noticing within 600 feet of the Village H property. Council Member Sd1umacher further requested staff engage and incorporate resident input about how best to integrate an off-leash dog run, not simply offer staff prepared options for residents to select from. Staff was directed to return to the City Co_uncil in the fall of 2019 with public and staff recommehd_ations for consideration. PubJkOutreach and Involvement The goal of the public outreach process was to identify the community's needs, values and priorities related to the potential use of the southern section of the Village H property. Some of these identified to date include: • The social connection experienced bycommunity members who have used the informal trail, with and without dogs. Dec. 10, 2019 Item #20 Page 2 of196 April 14, 2020 Item #10 Page 7 of 43 • Access to outdoorrecr~ation; such asiwalking and jogging, for dogs and people1 in a natural setting. • Prptetfion of sensitive habitat. • Enhancement of wildlife corridors (land where animals can move freely from one area of open space to another, unobstructed by fences and other barriers). • Privacy, pec1ce and quiet, and safety of the residents immediately adjacent to property. Many stakeholders had alre{ldyshared their vi.ews about the future µse ofthis property with the city. Tb ensure the city considered input frqm a broad range of stakeholders, staff conducted the following activities, all within 90 days-of the recording of the propertis deed: • Posted signage at the site aboutthe change in ownership ofth.e property; the closure of the;southern sediori for remedial work; and, the pending op~hing of the trail to the public-.::. subject to the existing regulations for citywide trails, including dogs on leash. • Posted signage at the site inviting community members to a public meeting and to share inputvia an online survey. • Senta dfreqmailin~t.o residents and property owners·in the area surrounding the property, with the same invitation. . ' • Held a public Workshop on June 29, 2019, at Calavera Hills .Commun1tyCenterthat provided an,opportunity for community members to share their needs, values and priorities related to the potential use of the site. The workshop was attended by approximately 100 community members. • Administered an online survey from July 5 through July 28, 2019, whkh sought public inpllt in a similar manner to that of the public workshop. The on line survey received over 500 respondents. At the public Workshop, community membets were invited to brainstorm Ideas, identify potential constraints and niock up possible design concepts. City staff provided a brief history ofthe sifo; along with an overview of the present opportunities and constraints atthe site, induding se:ttlernent agreement requirements and designated Habitat Management Plan (HMP) preserve areas. Following the introduction, staff posed questions for small group discussion to identify a long~termpta-n for potential off leash dog area options at the southern section of the Village H property. Each group then mocked-up aerial images of the section for possible design. The onJine survey provid~d an opportunitY,for members ofthe public to provide input at a time convenient to them, Topic areas identified at the public workshop helped inform the questions on the online survey. Of significant note were the responses to Question 3, whereby respondents were asked to rank several statements about Village H in order of importance. Those rankings were as follows: • 83% • 77% • 57% • 53% • 49% Dec. 10, 2019 {254 Respondents) (235 Respondents) (175Respondents) (i63 Respondents) (150 Respondents) Experiehte and enjoy nature Protecti.oh of wildlife Socialize With neighbors Exercise wlth my dog on a leash Exerdse with my dog off leash Item #20 Page 3 of 196 April 14, 2020 Item #10 Page 8 of 43 I " 48% ·(147 R~spondeots) ,. Exercise/socialize my dog off leash The results of the public workshop and the on line survey were combined into the Viflage H South Public Input Report and Appendices {Exhibit 2 and Exhibit 3). Participants Qf the pi.Jbllcworkshop mo(::ked i.JP a total of 12 aerial images of the property -i.e., one per stn"Jl group. AH 12 of the images are included within the public input report. Staff subsequently reviewed the images for commonalities or consistencies. Staff was ableto decipherfou.rthemes from those images,which were transposed onto four conceptual plans, labeled 'PubHc Input Options 1 through 4' (Exhibit 4). Public Input Options 1 through 4 were posted to the city's website as options that wou-ld be presented for City Council consideration. Each of these options and a Staff Option, discussed ft1rther below, are consistent with the Open Space General Plan Land Use designation, which are allowable uses per the restrictive covenants applicable to the Site (Exhibit 7). However, as part of the city s ongoing revi~w, the City Attqrn:ey's Office determined that Public Input Options .1 through 3 are legally infeasible. based on requirements of the current settlement agreement (Exhibit 8) (city's obligations to provide public access to the historic public use trail and use best efforts to implement the Trails Master Plan) and are inconsistent with the city's HMP. Pursuing Options 1 through 3 would require amending the settlement agreement and would also require: amending the city's HMP. Amending the settlement agreement does not appear possible as Preserve Calavera opposes these options. Amending the city's HMP is additionally s.ubjecttoreview and approval by the wildlife agencies. Public Input Option 4 does not violate the settlement a.greem,ent or infringe into HMP preserve areas, however lt is antidpated to block wildiife movement through the entire parcel. Further study would be necess,ary to fully assess the impacts of this option on wildlife movement. Staff also drafted a conceptual plah, which attempted to maximize the opportunities and minimize the constraints on the site, labeled 'Staff Option' (Exhibit 5). A listing of each option's opportunities and constraints is reflected in the exhibits and is additionally reflected below for Public lnpUtOption 4 and the Staff Option. Pl.iblic lnputOptkm 4 (Off leash dog area approxitnately4.4 acre/min. width 70') Opportunities:· 1. Historic trail with dogs on leash per the Settlement Agreement 2. Adds approximately three acres of habitat-to the city's preserve system 3. Large off leash dog area 4; Off leash dog area is fenced in 5.; Daily maintenance of off leash dog area 6. Consistent with use regulations per Carlsbad Municipal Code Constraints: 1. Wildlife movement blocked through the entire parcel Dec. 10, 2019 Item #20 Page 4 of 196 · April 14, 2020 Item #10 Page 9 of 43 2. Entity granted distretlonary rights to enfottethe restrictive covenants is opposed 3, linpt:icts to water quality due to dog waste 4. Decreased habitat area to the east s; Greatetstotmwater runoff 6.. No parking lot/suggested location was not part of project area 7. Increased dog waste and noise due to designated off leash dog area 8a Increased disturbance of wildlife 9; Need for enforcement and maintenance greater than other options 10. Requires update to the Calavera Hills Master Plan StaffOption (Offf eash dog area approximately 2.7 acre/min. width 75') Opportunities: 1. Historic trail with dogs on leash per the Settlement Agreement 2. Adds approx;imatejy four and a haff acres of habitat to the city's preserve system 3. Greater opportunity for wildlife movement 4. Pf~serve acreage ofhabitat to the· east 5. off street parking provided 6. Off leash dog area is fenced in 7, Dally maintenance of off leash dog area 8. Accomrrrodates dogs on leashes and off 9. No conflicts with trail segment connecting to Tamarack Ave. Constraints: 1. Impacts to water quality due to dog waste 2. Entity granted discretionary rights to enforce•the restridive covenants is opposed 3. Parking lot run off (oils, etc.) 4. City law requires an EV charging station 5. Greater stormwater runoff 6, Increased dog waste and noise due to designated off leash dog area 7. N_eed for enforcement and maintenance greater than other options 8. Smaller off leash dog area 9. Requires update to the Calavera Hills MastEfr Plan On Oct. 3'1; 2019, staff metwith board members of Preserve Calavera, which was a party to the legal settlement agreement that ultimately led to the transfer of the deed for theVHlage H Property, and which remains as the entlty that was granted discretionary rights to enforce the restrictive covenants on the Village H Property. Staff provided an overview of the public input report and appendices, and briefly discussed each of the conceptuai plan options, along with their respective opportunities and constraints. The board members expressed concerns regarding ea<::h of the conceptual plans' potential impacts to the wildlife movement within the arec1. In response, staff advised that shortly after the transfer of the deed for the Village H Property, a consultant environmental firm was engaged by the city to conduct a wildlife movement study of the property (Exhibit 6). Staff further advised that monitoring of the wildlife movemei1t is continuing, and further environmental studies would be required as part Dec. 10, 2019 Item #20 Page 5 of 196 April 14, 2020 Item #10 Page 10 of 43 of the planning and permitting prncess associated wrtb an off leash dog: area within the southern section of the property-should the City Council direct staff to pursue it. I On Nov. 13; 2019, the pubJic input report and appendices, and the conceptual plan Options - with their opportunities and constraints, were pos_Jed to the city's Village H webpage. dn Nov. 14; 2019, email notification of the web page postings was sent to all workshop and on line survey participants who had expressed an interest in being kept abreast of the public outreach and involvement process. Subsequently, the referenced wildlife movement study was also posted to the city's Village H webpage. CurrentStatus of the Village H South Property On Aug; 4r 2019, upon completion of the remedial work within the Village H South property, staff complied with Section 4.b of the Agreement, by promptly allowing the public access to the trail. The balance of the southe-rn section of the property remains a combination of preserve area and open space -i.e., 9.9 acres of habitat preserve area, and 12.6 acres of open space. Dogs are not permitted within city parks, preserves or other open space, except for designated d:og parks and city trails. Dogs may be on city trails, provided they are attached to a maximum · six'."foot leash, in the owners' control. The related regulations are included in the San Diego County Code of Regulatory Ordinances and the Carlsbad Municipal Code, with further guidance contained in the 1989 Report of the Citizens Committee on the City of Carlsbad Open Space Plan and Programs. Therefore, currently leashed dogs are allowed on the Village H property's trails. Dogs are not currently allowed in any fashion on the balance of the Village H property. Staff is requesting the City Council receive the results of the public outreach and involvement process for a potential off leash dog area within the Village H South property and direct staff on any next steps to be taken in relation to this property. Fiscal Analysis There is no direct fiscal impact associated with the receipt of this Staff Report. Based on the direction provided by the City Council, staff may return at a later date to request the appropriation of funding for a Capital Improvement Program project or other anticipated expenditures. Next Steps The City Council may provide direction to staff on next steps to be taken in relation to this prop,erty. As noted above, further environmental studies -including wildlife movement monitqring-would be required as part of the planning and permitting process assodated with · ah off leash dog area within the southern section of the property. Should the City Council dired: staff to pursue Public Input Option 4 or the Staff Option, staff would return to the City Council in _early 2020 with a request for approval of a Capital Improvement Program Project Charter and an appropriation of funds for the associated project activities. Theptoposed dog i:iark at Poinsettia Community P~rrk .offers a recent example of an off leash dog park planning and permitting effort. Oh Sept. 12, 2017,the City Council directed staff to explore locating an off leash dog park at the segment of Poinsettia Community .Park which was initially envisioned for a multigenerational recreation center. On Dec. 10, 2019, staff will Dec. 10,2019 Item #20 Page 6 of 196 April 14, 2020 Item #10 Page 11 of 43 present a report on that effort to date, and request approval of an amendment to the Poinsettia Community Park Master Plan to relocate a proposed off leash dog park and add an adjacent parking lot and restroom. Presuming approval of that amendment, staff will work with a design firm to prepare the construction documents and plans/specifications for the Poinsettia Community Park dog park project (including the adjacent parking lot and restroom). Staff anticipates returning to the City Council by the end of Spring 2020 for approval of the plans/specifications and authorization for public bidding. Upon completion of the public bidding process, staff will request that the City Council award of a construction contract. Staff will then arrange for the contractor to proceed with construction of the Poinsettia Community Park dog park project, which is expected to take approximately six months to complete. Environmental Evaluation (CEQA) The activities associated with receiving this Staff Report, a presentation and providing direction to staff will not involve or result in any disturbance to the environment and is categorically exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). CEQA Section 15306 describes the following activities as being exempt from environmental review: 11 ... basic data collection, research, experimental management, and resource evaluation activities which do not result in a serious or major disturbance to an environmental resource. These may be strictly for information gathering purposes, or as part of a study leading to an action which a public agency has not yet approved, adopted or funded." Public Notification and Outreach · This item was noticed in accordance with the Ralph M. Brown Act and was available for public viewing and review at least 72 hours prior to the scheduled meeting date. Exhibits 1. City Council Staff Report of April 23, 2019 2. Village H South Public Input Report 3. Village H South Public Input Appendices to Public Input Report 4. Village H South Conceptual Plans -Public Input Options 5. Village H South Conceptual Plan -Staff Option 6. Village H Wildlife Movement Study, Environmental Science Associates 7. Restrictive Covenants for Village H Site 8. Settlement Agreement -City of Carlsbad, Quarry Creek Investors, LLC and Preserve Calavera Dec. 10,2019 Item #20 Page 7 of 196 April 14, 2020 Item #10 Page 12 of 43 VILLAGE H SOUTH -STAFF OPTION e .. ·. ·,:.-G~ •. .. • J.: ~-~_::c·t ut·1· · ~-I y 11 Propert ~ Half-mile historic use trail that must be opened for public use as a city trail under the terms of a legal settlement agreement. City trails do not allow dogs off leash. CJ D CJ Sensitive habitat outside preserve area Habitat preserve area with restricted use Additional habitat preserve with restricted use Off leash dog area Parking lot April 14, 2020 Item #10 Page 14 of 43 Staff Option Off leash dog area approximately 2.7 acre/ min width 75' Opportunities: 1. Historic trail with dogs on leash per the Settlement Agreement 2. Adds approximately 4.5 acres of habitat to the city's preserve system 3. Opportunity for more wildlife movement 4. Preserve acreage of habitat to the east 5. Off street parking provided 6. Off leash dog area is fenced in 7. Daily maintenance of off leash dog area 8. Accommodates dogs on leashes and off 9. No conflicts with trail segment connecting to Tamarack Ave. Constraints: 1. Impacts to water quality due to dog waste 2. Parking lot run off (oils, etc.) 3. City law requires an EV charging station 4. Greater stormwater runoff 5. Increased dog waste and noise due to designated off leash dog area 6. Need for enforcement and maintenance greater than other options 7. Smaller off leash dog area 8. Requires update to the Calavera Hills Master Plan April 14, 2020 Item #10 Page 15 of 43 Kyle Lancaster From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Follow Up Flag: Flag Status: Honorable Mayor and Council Diane Nygaard Wednesday, December 11, 2019 2:16 PM Council Internet Email Kyle Lancaster Village H-next Steps . Follow up Flagged EXHIBIT 3 My apologies I was not able to attend the meeting last night-but the concerns of Preserve Calavera were well represented by Board members Paige DeCino and Karen Merrill. Perhaps it was the lateness of the meeting., but Council Member Blackburn was mistaken when he said I supported 2 months as a reasonable time frame for collecting essential wildlife movement data. Our written talking points, my verbal discussion at meeting with the Council Member, and repeated at the meeting last night all said one year. Wildlife have both seasonal and life cycle changes in movement patterns. One year provides sufficient time to assess those patterns-and not just a "snapshot" which is what we have now. That said-we heard the Council direction and will do our best to find a reasonable compromise in the next two months. Diane Nygaard On behalf of Preserve Calavera 1 April 14, 2020 Item #10 Page 16 of 43 Kyle Lancaster From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: Follow Up Flag: Flag Status: Mr. Lancaster Diane Nygaard Tuesday, January 21, 2020 11 :39 AM Kyle Lancaster Karen Merrill; Paige DeCino Proposal to Accommodate Off leash Dogs at Village H EXHIBIT 4 Village H Wildlife Corridor Modifications Required to Allow Off Leash Dogs Jan 21.docx; img196.pdf; img197.pdf Follow up Flagged Attached is Preserve Calavera's proposal in response to City Council direction on this issue. Of course our preference is to leave things as they are as that is the least damaging alternative. But we committed to a good faith effort to consider this and that is what we have done. Our first priority is to improve the function of the wildlife movement corridor. That is the reason we worked for 16 years to try to get this parcel acquired. So our proposal looks at how we can do that, and minimize the adverse impacts that are associated with dogs, on or off leash, in this already highly constrained area. Our proposal has also tried to ba lance the concerns staff raised as well as the co~munity members who have been advocating for off-leash. And we have also tried to balance the community's desire as expressed in the survey-with slightly more wanting on leash use. We also note that throughout north county we see increasing pressure on our remaining natura.I lands. Population increases so more people want access to these lands. But there is less land available. That makes it harder for all of us to achieve the community's goals for preserving these lands while supporting a healthy outdoor lifestyle. Please let us know if you would like to discuss this further. Diane Nygaard On behalf of Preserve Calavera I CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content! lis safe.I . 1 April 14, 2020 Item #10 Page 17 of 43 Modifications Required to Allow Off Leash Dogs in Wildlife Corridor at Village H . D-Design modifications to Staff Option D -1 Eliminate parking lot Jan 21,2020 This is intended as a neighborhood amenity-not one to accommodate city wide/regional use D -2 Modify gate on northeast corner to be secure from pedestrian/dog access The revised plan assumes wildlife will continue to move along eastern side of site. Currently there is illegal access from that corner with high volume of dog waste. Current gate is often unlocked and even when closed and locked people just walk under it with their dogs. D -3 Move off leash area to western edge Buffers impacts of off leash dogs by placing pedestrian/ on-leash trail between them and area for wildlife. {Current design has off leash area next to wildlife corridor) D -4 Modify boundary of dog related security fencing So it does not restrict wildlife movement in the area planned for wildlife D -5 Expand area for hard line open space Corridor width is already compromised to less than what is allowed for a "pinchpoint" D -6 Keep trail surface, .for both off leash and on leash areas per existing IE dirt surface with wood chip mulch along edges D -7 Modify standard dog park fencing to be less obstrusive Limit height to 4' so site lines are not through the fence, use low visual impact material(not chain link) O -Offsite changes to improve function/mitigate for impacts to the wildlife movement corridor 0-1 Establish inspection program to ensure wildlife undercrossing of Tamarack remains open and functional. 0 -2 Add 2 small openings ( 12 "high x 12 "wide ) under existing fencing along Tamarack This was recommended by Dudek wildlife movement study in April 2010 0-3 Add "Caution-wildlife crossing" signs to each side of Tamarack to mark crossing area This was a condition in Robertson Ranch settlement agreement that has been ignored. 0-4 Maintain culverts/access to culverts to facilitate wildlife movement from the south 0-5 Explore options to reduce wildlife barriers associated with city utility property 0-6 Commit staff time and needed resources to develop a real plan to address the wildlife corridor pinch point issues identified in Pinch point study-city wide April 14, 2020 Item #10 Page 19 of 43 M -Management actions M-1 Daily Ranger patrols to monitor leash compliance and that fencing/gate are intact These can be adjusted over time as conditions warrant M-2 Regular dog waste removal-to include pick-up along outside of fence along CBV Dr · M-3 Restrict all night time use between 10 pm and 6 am Studies show use impacts patterns of movement and there needs to be some restricted times in this narrow space that already fails to .meet minimum requirements. M-4 Continue to monitor wildlife movement across CBV and Tamarack. Consider wildlife crossing signs on CBV if warranted. April 14, 2020 Item #10 Page 20 of 43 Modifications Required to Allow Off Leash Dogs in Wildlife Corridor at Village H Feb 16,2020 D-Design Modifications to Staff Option D - 1 Hold construction of parking lot until justified by use This is intended as a neighborhood amenity-not one to accommodate city wide/regional use. The area proposed for parking includes slope along Victoria which increases the area of impact for no real benefit. This is of particular concern because of documented wildlife movement across Carlsbad Village Drive that would be severely impacted by the combination of parking lot and off-leash dogs in this constrained area. Future construction would be dependent upon on actual analysis of parking demand demonstrating impact on adjacent neighborhood. D -2 Modify gate on northeast corner to be secure from pedestrian/dog access The revised plan assumes wildlife will continue to move along eastern side of site. Currently there is illegal access from that corner with high volume of dog waste. Current gate is often unlocked and even when closed and locked people just walk under it with their dogs. D - 3 Move off leash area to western edge Buffers impacts of off leash dogs by placing pedestrian/ on-leash trail between them and area for wildlife. (Current design has off leash area next to wildlife corridor) D - 4 Modify boundary of dog related security fencing So it does not restrict wildlife movement in the area planned for wildlife D - 5 Expand area for hard line open space Corridor width is already compromised to less than what is allowed for a "pinch point". Entire area not restricted for off-leash dog use should be added to the HMP hardline preserve. D - 6 Keep trail surface, for both off leash and on leash areas per existing IE dirt surface with wood chip mulch along edges D -7 Modify standard dog park fencing to be less obtrusive 0 -Offsite Changes to Improve Function/mitigate for Impacts to the Wildlife Movement Corridor 0-1 Establish inspection program to ensure wildlife undercrossing of Tamarack remains open and functional. Thank you for opening this major barrier to wildlife movement! 0-2 Add "Caution-wildlife crossing" signs to each side of Tamarack to mark crossing area This was a condition in Robertson Ranch settlement agreement that has been ignored. 0-3 Maintain culverts/access to culverts to facilitate wildlife movement from the south 0-4 Maintain browditches that facilitate wildlife movement in this segment of the corridor April 14, 2020 Item #10 Page 22 of 43 Recent wildlife movement studies indicate these are important corridor connections that are facilitating wildlife movement. See att. map for browditch locations 0-5 Maintain vegetation on slope above city utility property This area is now being used for wildlife movement. Consider adding this to the HMP hard line to ensure vegetation is maintained in a way that supports continued wildlife movement. {Note-existing browditches extend into this area). 0-6 Commit staff time and needed resources to develop a real plan to address the wildlife corridor pinch point issues identified in Pinch point study -city wide This is just one of many pinchpoint/constrained areas for wildlife movement. There needs to be an on-going long-term effort to ensure the wildlife movement corridors assumed to be functional in the HMP are adequate. M -Management actions M-1 Regular Ranger patrols to monitor leash compliance and that fencing/gate are intact These can be adjusted over time as conditions warrant M-2 Regular dog waste removal-to include pick-up along outside of fence along CBV Dr This will become a key area for wildlife movement and dog waste is a deterrent to use by wildlife. Currently there is a high volume of dog waste along this fence. M-3 Restrict all night time use between 10 pm and 6 am ' Studies show use impacts patterns of movement and there needs to be some restricted times in this narrow space that already fails to meet minimum requirements for a wildlife movement corridor. This will also make the addition of off-leash dogs less onerous for adjacent residents. M-4 Continue to monitor wildlife movement across CBV and Tamarack. Consider wildlife crossing signs on CBV if warranted. April 14, 2020 Item #10 Page 23 of 43 Kyle Lancaster From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: Mr. Lancaster Diane Nygaard Sunday, February 16, 2020 1 :39 PM Kyle Lancaster Tim Selke; Rosanne Humphrey; Paige DeCino; Karen Merrill Revised Village H Proposal to Allow Off-leash Dogs EXHIBIT 5 Village H Wildlife Corridor Modifications Required to Allow Off Leash Dogs Feb 16,21.docx; img203.pdf; Village H South Browditch Map -with possible animal crossing.pdf Attached is revised Preserve Calavera proposal in response to discussion at our meeting on February 4,2020. Of course our preference is to leave things as they are as that is the least damaging alternative. We also believe our proposal has greatly reduced the impacts on wildlife from the Village H South-Staff Option proposal. We do not find that proposal acceptable. We committed to a good faith effort to consider an option that allows off leash dogs and that is what we have done. Our first priority is to improve the function of the wildlife movement corridor. That is the reason w·e worked for 16 years to try to get this parcel acquired. So our proposal looks at how we can do that, and minimize the adverse impacts that are associated with dogs, on or off leash; in this already highly constrained area. Our proposal has also tried to balance the concerns staff raised as well as the community members who have been advocating for off-leash. And we have also tried to balance the community's desire as expressed in the survey-with slightly more wanting on leash use. We also note that throughout north county we see increasing pressure on our remaining natural lands. Population increases so more people want access to these lands. But there is less natural land available. The result is that we are loving these lands to death. That makes it harder for all of us to achieve the community's goals for preserving these · lands while still providing community access to them. Our mission is to preserve, protect and enhance the natural resources of coastal north San Diego County. Adding off leash dogs to a constrained section of the regional wildlife movement corridor cannot be done without adversely impacting our local native plants and wildlife. Minimizing those impacts is our primary concern. Please let us know if you would like to discuss this further. Diane Nygaard On behalf of Preserve Calavera CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 1 April 14, 2020 Item #10 Page 24 of 43 Page intentionally left blank April 14, 2020 Item #10 Page 26 of 43 Staff & Preserve Calavera Option Off leash dog area approximately 1.0 acre/ min width 35'/ length 750' Opportunities: 1. Modification to alignment of Village H South trail accepted by Preserve Calavera 2. Location of off-leash dog area accepted by Preserve Calavera 3. Complies with the settlement agreement to provide public access to the historic trail, partly in the form of a city trail and pa~tly in the form of an off-leash dog area 4. Expanded opportunity for wildlife movement from north to south 5. No direct impact to approximately four acres of non-sensitive habitat 6. · No direct impact to sensitive habitat to the east 7. Provides for a small on-site parking lot of approximately 20 spaces 8. Off-leash dog area is fenced in with a single access gate 9. Daily maintenance of off-leash dog area 10. Accommodates dogs both on-and off-leash 11. No conflicts with the trail segment connecting to Tamarack Avenue Constraints: 1. Impacts to water quality due to dog waste 2. Parking lot run off (oils, etc.) 3. City code requires an electric vehicle charging station 4. Greater stormwater runoff 5. Increased dog waste and noise due to designated off-leash dog area 6. Increased disturbance of wildlife 7. Need for enforcement and maintenance 8. Smaller off-leash dog area than prior options 9. Requires update to the Calavera Hills Master Plan because of change in planned use April 14, 2020 Item #10 Page 28 of 43 Modifications Required to Allow Off Leash Dogs in Wildlife Corridor at Village H A City of Carlsbad staff response is in italicized font below each modification D-Design Modifications to Staff Option D -1 Hold construction of parking lot until justified by use Feb 16,2020 Mar. 5, 2020 This is intended as a neighborhood amenity-not one to accommodate city wide/regional use. The area proposed for parking includes slope along Victoria which increases the area of impact for no real benefit. This is of particular concern because of documented wildlife movement across Carlsbad Village Drive that would be severely impacted by the combination of parking lot and off-leash dogs in this constrained area. Future construction would be dependent upon on actual analysis of parking demand demonstrating impact on adjacent neighborhood. This modification is not anticipated to be addressed with the implementation of project for an off leash dog area. Staff is confident an onsite parking lot would be needed for such an amenity, to reduce the potential of off leash dog area patrons using street parking in adjacent neighborhood. D -2 Modify gate on northeast corner to be secure from pedestrian/dog access The revised plan assumes wildlife will continue to move along eastern side of site. Currently there is illegal access from that corner with high volume of dog waste. Current gate is often unlocked and even when closed and locked people just walk under it with their dogs. This modification can be addressed upon implementation of a project for an off leash dog area. D - 3 Move off leash area to western edge ~ , Buffers impacts of off leash dogs by placing pedestrian/ on-leash trail between them and area for wildlife. (Current design has off leash area next to wildlife corridor) This modification is addressed in the latest concept plan, titled 'Village H South -Staff & Preserve Calavera Option.' D - 4 Modify boundary of dog related security fencing So it/does not restrict wildlife movement in the area planned for wildlife This modification is addressed in the latest concept plan, titled 'Village H South -Staff & Preserve Calavera Option.' D - 5 Expand area for hard line open space Corridor width is already compromised to less than what is allowed for a "pinch point". Entire area not restricted for off-leash dog use should be added to the HMP hard line preserve. This modification is.not anticipated to be addressed. Tire area not restricted for off leash dog use is anticipated to be a combination of preserve, sensitive habitat open space and non-sensitive habitat open space. · Exhibit 7 April 14, 2020 Item #10 Page 29 of 43 D - 6 Keep trail surface, for bqth off leash and on leash areas per existing IE dirt surface with wood chip mulch along edges This modification can be addressed upon implementation of a project for an off leash dog area. D -7 Modify standard dog park fencing to be less obtrusive This modification can be addressed upon implementation of a project for an off leash dog area. 0 -Offsite Changes to Improve Function/mitigate for Impacts to the Wildlife Movement Corridor 0-1 Establish inspection program to ensure wildlife undercrossing of Tamarack remains open and functional. Thank you for opening this major barrier to wildlife movement! This modification is currently being addressed. 0-2 Add "Caution-wildlife crossing,, signs to each side of Tamarack to mark crossing area This was a condition in Robertson Ranch settlement agreement that has been ignored. This modification is currently being addressed. 0-.3 Maintain culverts/access to culverts to facilitate wildlife movement from the south This modification is currently being addressed. 0-4 Maintain brow ditches that facilitate wildlife movement in this segment of the corridor Recent wildlife movement studies indicate these are important corridor connections that are facilitating wildlife movement. See att. map for brow ditch locations This modification is currently being addressed. 0-5 Maintain vegetation on slope above city utility property This area is now being used for wildlife movement. Consider adding this to the HMP hard line to ensure vegetation is maintained in a way that supports continued wildlife movement. (Note-existing brow ditches extend into this area). This modification is currently being addressed. The subject area is already within the HMP hardline, and under monitoring and management by the contractor for city-owned preserves (Center for Natural Lands Management). 0-6 Commit staff time and needed resources to develop a real plan to address the wildlife corridor pinch point issues identified in Pinch point study-city wide This is just one of many pinch point/constrained areas for wildlife movement. There needs to be an on-going long-term effort to ensure the wildlife movement corridors assumed to be functional in the HMP are adequate. This modification is currently being addressed. April 14, 2020 Item #10 Page 30 of 43 M -Management actions M-1 Regular Ranger patrols to monitor leash compliance and that fencing/gate are intact These can be adjusted over time as conditions warrant This modification can be addressed upon implementation of a project for an off leash dog area. M-2 Regular dog waste removal-to include pick-up along outside of fence along CBV Dr This will become a key area for wildlife movement and dog waste is a deterrent to use by wildlife. Currently there is a high volume of dog waste along this fence. This modification is currently being addressed. M-3 Restrict all night time use between 10 pm and 6 am Studies show use impacts patterns of movement and there needs to be some restricted times in this narrow space that already fails to meet minimum requirements for a wildlife movement corridor. This will also make the addition of off-leash dogs less onerous for adjacent residents. This modification can be partially addressed upon completion of a project for an off leash dog area. Staff can recommend imposing open hours of 8am to sunset for the off leash dog area. The gates to the off leash dog area would then be locked each night and unlocked each morning. Staff cannot recommend imposing hour restrictions on trail use adjacent to the off leash area. M-4 Continue to monitor wildlife movement across CBV and Tamarack. Consider wildlife crossing signs on CBV if warranted. This modification is currently being addressed. April 14, 2020 Item #10 Page 31 of 43 Memorandum _February 14, 2020 Re: Update on Village H Wildlife Movement and Dog Waste Studies EXHIBIT 8 {cityof Carlsbad This memo summarizes the status of the wildlife movement and dog waste studies being conducted by city staff, volunteers and Environmental Science Associates, which was presented in the 15th HMP Annual Report. Wildlife Movement Studies Wildlife movement across the landscape is an important component of a healthy ecosystem. In an urbanized preserve system, wildlife corridprs can connect fragmented patches of habitat, allowing migration, dispersal, and gene flow of wildlife species. However, wildlife movement can become restricted when wildlife corridors are blocked by development such as houses or roads. The presence of people and dogs, such as along heavily used trails, can also restrict or deter wildlife movement through avoidance of an area or behavioral changes, including limiting movement to nighttime hours. The city's wildlife movement program, implemented through a partnership with HMP staff, preserve steward, preserve managers and volunteers, evaluates wildlife movement at selected locations throughout the city. Village H Preserve and Open Space The Village H property, which consists of HMP. hardline and non-hardline open space, is being considered for the installation of an off-leash dog park. To understand how wildlife is using this property and how an off-leash dog area might affect wildlife movement, three studies were initiated shortly after the property came under the city's ownership. Wildlife Cameras Wildlife cameras with motion detectors were installed at various locations throughout the property to determine the presence or absence of native wildlife, humans, dogs on-leash and dogs off-leash (Figure 1). The cameras were set to take 10-second videos each time they were triggered. By moving the cameras around to many different locations and collecting data for up to a year, this study will provide information about what species are using this property, and which locations are most heavily used by each species. Th is information, in turn, will allow us to infer how wildlife may be moving across the site and if the presence of humans and dogs may be deterring use by wildlife in some areas. Bobcats and coyotes were the focus of this analysis because they have larger home ranges than the other species. Environmental Management I Habitat Management. Division j 1635 Faraday Ave I Carlsbad, CA 92008 I 760-602-4689 April 14, 2020 Item #10 Page 32 of 43 February 14, 2020 Page 4 Table 1. Summary of Wildlife Camera Data (No. Hits/No. Camera Days) June 25, 2019 -Jan. 17, 2020 (Cityof Carlsbad --.I~~•-, •■•T•lr,Wt-' r..t,. ,,_.., ...... tTcl Location 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Species TOTALS #Cam Days 136 42 44 11 177 99 174 198 106 14 98 20 112 112 112 49 16 49 34 1,603 Day 0.7 2.4 4.5 0.0 0.0 7.1 8.6 0.5 7.5 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.8 0.0 0.0 2.0 5.9 42.1 Coyote Night 8.8 54.8 9.1 9.1 1.1 0.0 80.5 5.1 ''71,,7 7.1 ,11._5.3 5.0 3,6 0.0 13.4 42.9 37.5 12,2 0.0 477.1 Day 47.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.7 1.5 0.9 0.0 -2.0 0.0 2.7 1.8 4.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 63.2 Bobcat Night 206.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 9.1 4.0 4.0 12.3 0,0 19.4 0.0 19.6 17.0 8.0 o.o 6.3 0.0 0.0 306.3 --- Day 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 . 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Skunk Night 8.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.1 9.2 1.0 1.9 0.0 3.1 0.0 70.5 75.9 14.3 0.0 6.3 0.0 0.0 197.3 Rodents, Rabbits, Day 11.8 11.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 4.1 0.0 3.6 1.8 1.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 42.0 Raccoons Night 3.7 19.0 0.0 0.0 1.1 4.0 2.9 23 .7 0.0 0.0 17.3 0.0 27.7 33.9 29.5 0.0 0.0 10.2 0.0 173.1 Day 20.6 0.0 2.3 0.0 0.0 3.0 1.1 5.1 3.8 7.1 21.4 0.0 8.0 6.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 78.7 Bird Night 4.4 0.0 2.3 0.0 0.6 1.0 a.a 0.0 6.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.8 2.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 18.7 Day 80.l 14.3 · 6.8 0.0 0.0 18.2 11.5 7.1 12.3 7.1 28.6 0.0 14.3 9.8 8.0 0.0 0.0 2.0 5.9 226.0 TOTAL WILDLIFE Night 231.6 73.8 11.4 9.1 2.8 21.2 96.6 33.8 92.5 7.1 155.1 5.0 121.4 126.8 67.0 44.9 50.0 22.4 0.0 1,172.5 Human Day 208.8 350.0 1434.1 2563.6 0.6 1.0 0.6 20.2 98.1 35.7 64.3 0.0 5.4 8.9 13.4 1838.8 75.0 44.9 0.0 6,763.4 Night 2.9 9.5 13.6 81.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 6.6 o.o 0.0 1.0 0.0 2.7 0.0 0.0 71.4 0.0 o.o 0.0 189.6 Day 19.1 73.8 288.6 763.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 5.7 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 628.6 6.3 2.0 0.0 1,788.7 On-Leash Dog Night 0.0 4.8 9.1 27.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 32.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 73.8 Da_y 299.3 171.4 600.0 954.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 150.9 14.3 174.5 5.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 542.9 50.0 34.7 2.9 3,000.4 Off-Leash Dog Night 7.4 9.5 2.3 54.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.5 0.0 0.0 5.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 36.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 116.0 TOTAL HUMANS+ Day 527.2 595.2 2322.7 4281.8 0.6 1.0 0.6 20.2 254.7 50.0 239.8 5.0 5.4 8.9 13.4 13010.2 131.3 81.6 2.9 11,552.6 DOGS Night 10.3 23.8 25.0 163.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.1 0.0 0.0 6.1 0.0 2.7 0.0 0.0 140.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 379.4 *Cameras 11 and 12 were stolen, so there is no data for these cameras. Environmental Management \ Habitat Management Program \ 1635 Faraday Ave I Carlsbad, CA 92008 I 760-602-4689 I I I I I I I 1 I " ' I April 14, 2020 Item #10 Page 34 of 43 February 14; 2020 Page 3 {cityof Carlsbad Note that this is not a statically rigorous study; the purpose of this study is to get a general idea of how animals are using the site. It was not designed to make a definitive statement about how wildlife move through the site or how many individuals use the site. It is not possible to identify individual non-domestic species, and several cameras are likely to be triggered by the same individuals as they move through the site. The purpose is to get an understanding of the relative amount of activity of native wildlife vs. domestic dogs or people at each location and determine what time of day or night these areas are being used . We can then use this information to inform management decisions and compare changes in activity patterns that may occur with changes to land use on the site. Figure 1 shows the 21 camera locations that have been used from June 2019 through February 2020. Sample photos taken during the study are included in Attachment 1. Because each camera has been in operation for a different number of days, the number of each species at each camera is given by the total number of "hits" divided by the total number of active camera days. If it is likely that a camera is picking up the same individual a few minutes apart, those individuals are only counted once. For example, bobcat cubs playing in front of the came ra may show up in 4 videos severa l minutes apart. If a single video shows a maximum of two bobcats at a time, then these 4 videos would be counted as a total of two 11hits." 11Camera day" is defined as a 24-hour period of active camera time at a specific location. Table 1 summarizes the camera data from June 25, 2019 through January 17, 2020. Graphs of the rel.ative numbers of species at each camera location are provided in Attachment 2. Bobcats, the species known to be the most sensitive to urbanization and habitat fragmentation, were most frequently observed at locations 1, 9, 13, 15 and 16, suggesting east-west movement along the northern side of Village H. Regular observations were also made at locations 8, 17 and 19 showing that they may also be moving north-south across the site. Coyotes and other mammals commonly seen on site are much more adapted to urbanization and the presence of people. For the most part, coyotes are more active in areas with less human activity (off the trail) although they have been observed at locations 2, 9, 13, and 18, which also show use by humans and dogs: Surprisingly, coyotes have not been observed using the undercrossings at locations 15/16 and 8. One of the most obvious patterns that emerges from the data is that people and dogs are clearly most active during the day (defined as when it is light outside), whereas wildlife are most active during the night (Figure 2). In a natural setting, coyotes and bobcats tend to be more active during the day and at dawn and dusk (Tremore et al. 2017). It is likely that coyotes and bobcats have changed their natural activity pattern to be more nocturnal to avoid contact with people and dogs. It is well-documented that recreational use (hiking, biking, dog walking) negatively affects wildlife by causing them to avoid or restrict their movements or to become less active during the day in areas of high use by people and dogs (George and Crooks 2006, Jennings and Lewison 2013, Ruell et al 2002). Environmental Management I Habitat Management Division I 1635 Faraday Ave I Carlsbad, CA 92008 I 760-602-4689 April 14, 2020 Item #10 Page 35 of 43 Sheila Cobian Subject: FW: Village H Off Leash Trail Use -----Original Message----- From: Julie Less Sent: Tuesday, April 14, 2020 9:36 AM To: City Clerk <Clerk@carlsbadca.gov> Subject: Village H Off Leash Trail Use Dear Mayor and Council Members, All Receive -Agenda Item # JO For the Information of the: COUNCIL Date '-'\CA V CC V' CM _iLl M L.---'D CM ( 3) ~ Our family is one of hundreds who have waited patiently for the past year to have the Village H trailed restored to its historic use for our Off leash dogs and our families. Please take the reqlJired steps to keep this project moving forward, including implementation of the proposals submitted separately by Dr. Tom Watson. Sincerely, Julie & Geoff Less Carlsbad Voter CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 1 Sheila Cobian Subject: FW: Village H Off leash Trail Use From: John Davis < Sent: Tuesday, April 14, 2020 9:50 AM To: City Clerk <Clerk@carlsbadca.gov> Subject: Village H Off leash Trail Use Dear Carlsbad City Clerk, Please read this message into the record at the City Council meeting: Dear Mayor and Council Members, Our family is one of hundreds who have waited patiently for the past year to have the Village H trailed restored to its historic use for our Off leash dogs and our families. Please take the required steps to keep this project moving forward, including implementation of the proposals submitted separately by Dr. Tom Watson. Sincerely, John Randall Davis Carlsbad voter CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 1 Sheila Cobian Subject: FW: VillageH Off-Leash Trail Use From: Kristin Johnson Sent: Tuesday, April 14, 2020 12:55 PM To: City Clerk <Clerk@carlsbadca .gov> Subject: VillageH Off-Leash Trail Use Please read this message into the record at the City Council meeting: Dear Mayor and Council Members, Over a year ago, I was beyond excited to move in to the neighborhood, down the street from the off-leash trail. I moved to the area one year prior and enjoyed being able to bring my 2 dogs and my then 2 year old and let them all run free and explore. I tried the dog park on Carlsbad Village Drive and it wasn't safe for either my dogs nor my son. I had to hold my son (I'm a single mom so I don't have the option of not bringing him) the entire time, plus my dogs got in fights because the quarters are too close and they got many slivers of wood from the bark caught in their toes. It was a miserable experience for all of us. To have this trail taken away from us has been devastating. My son, now 3 constantly asks to go to the trail, but it's not the same. I have to keep my dogs leashed up which doesn't give any of us the freedom we once had. In over a year at the former trail, I met wonderful people, dogs and children all enjoying the dog path. Now, I drive by and rarely see a person enjoying what once was. It's sad to see what was once a vibrant trail now barely used. ' Our family is one of hundreds who have waited patiently for the past year to have the Village H trailed restored to its historic use for our off-leash dogs and ourfamilies. Please take the required steps to keep this project moving forward, including implementation of the proposals submitted separately by Dr. Tom Watson. Sincerely, Kristin Johnson Carlsbad Voter CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 1 II Sheila Cobian Subject: FW: Village H Off leash Trail Use From: Robin Kimball Sent: Tuesday, April 14, 2020 1:21 PM To: City Clerk <Clerk@carlsbadca.gov> Subject: Village H Off leash Trail Use Please read this message into the record at the City Council meeting: Dear Mayor and Council Members, Our family is one of hundreds who have waited patiently for the past year to have the Village H trailed restored to its historic use for our Off leash dogs and our families. Please take the required steps to keep this project moving forward, including implementation of the proposals submitted separately by Dr. Tom Watson. Sincerely, Robin Kimball Carlsbad Voter Get Outlook for iOS CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 1 Sheila Cobian Subject: FW: Village H Off-leash Trail Use From: Lisa Beveridge Sent: Tuesday, April 14, 2020 2:10 PM To: City Clerk <Clerk@carlsbadca.gov> Subject: Village H Off-leash Trail Use Please read this message into the record at the City Council meeting: Dear Mayor and Council Members, All Receive . Agenda Item # I 0, For the Information of the: CITY COUNCIL Date jj[JiI_ CA V CC ~ c M ~ M c:...--8C M ( 3 }-: Our family is one of hundreds who have waited patiently for the past year to have the Village H trailed restored to its historic use for our Off leash dogs and our families. Please take the required steps to keep this project moving forward, including implementation of the proposals submitted separately by Dr. Tom Watson. Sincerely, Lisa Beveridge Carlsbad Voter Background Information: Since the last council meeting on this topic, Lonnie Smith who has been the leader of otJr group, became unable to continue in this role due to a family health emergency. At that time, he requested that Tom Watson assume this role on a temporary basis until he is able to continue. Since that time Tom has been following the city's progress in planning for this project, including a detailed review of the staff report and several meetings with Diane Nygaard of Preserve Calavera. (Preserve Calavera has a legal right to approve any planned use of the property). The staff report (available for review on the city Village H website) includes 2 potential design options: 1) The "Staff Option"; 2) The "Staff and Preserve Calavera Option." It requests that the council give guidance on which option to pursue. The "Staff Option" is .not sensible, won't be accepted by Preserve Calavera, and won't be pursued. The "Staff and Preserve Calavera Option" restores the Off leash trail use to the trail (yeah!), but with several caveats: -The Off leash use only extends to about the midway point of the trail, because the land beyond that is designated as "wilderness" and therefore it is not legal to use this land for anything other than a city trail -The Off leash use only includes the "upper trail segment", since the "lower trail segment" is proposed to remain a city trail, where only on-leash dogs will be allowed. -The plan includes a parking lot, restroom, and EV-charging station -Preserve Calavera has included a list of 17 "required modifications" to the plan. The great majority of these modifications are favorable to our group, including elimination of the parking lot, restroom and EV-charging station Based on the plan review, Dr. Watson has developed a comprehensive proposal that will be submitted to the council prior to Tuesday's meeting. Highlights include: 1. A point by point response to the 17 proposed modifications by Preserve Calavera (substantially supporting the requests from Preserve Calavera) 2. A proposal to initiate a city action to change the land designation of the remaining portion of the trail from "wilderness" to something else that would allow for eventual Off leash use. Although this effort would probably take considerable time, it is important to initiate since the trail is clearly not a "wilderness" area and this step will be required to secure eventual Off leash use of the entire trail 3. A proposal to include in the design phase consideration of a "shared use" mode of operation in which use days and hours would be established for On leash and Off leash use. The advantage of this approach is that would allow for all trail users to enjoy the entire trail in a loop configuration, and wouldn't require construction on a barrier t_o separate the loop segments. 4. A proposal to form an ad-hoc committee to oversee the design phase, including representation of Village H user community If you have questions about this request or any of the contents of this message, please feel free to email Tom Watson (Tomsatrojan@gmail.com<mailto:Tomsatrojan@gmail.com>) and he will attempt to answer all inquiries as soon as possible. Stay Safe and Healthy. 1 ,t Sheila Cobian Subject: FW: 4/14/20 council meeting comments From: Paige DeCino Sent: Sunday, April 12, 2020 6:34 PM To: City Clerk <Clerk@carlsbad ca.gov> Cc: Paige DeCino Subject: 4/14/20 council meeting comments t-& Receive -Agenda Item # J12_ For the Information of the: • f lTY_COUNCIJ,. .· Date ~ CA ✓-cc ~ . CM £ACM~ DCM (3) __._.- I would like to having the following read as part of public comments for Item #10 (Village H) on Tuesday: "My name is Paige DeCino representing Preserve Calavera. Carlsbad has been a regional leader when it comes to protecting habitat, being the only one of its neighbors to have a Habitat Management Plan or HMP. The HMP design is a combination of large core areas with wildlife corridor linkages between them. Those corridors are critical for the health of the wildlife populations. Village H has been one of the designated corridors since the adoption of the HMP. Adding the trail and off leash dog area puts further constraints on this corridor but at least the_ current proposal is less intrusive into the wildlife corridor than the previous staff option. Designating the land outside of that area as hard line HMP ensures that at least that narrow strip is protected for wildlife. We believe that is critical to off set the impacts of the off leash area and to honor the promise of the HMP to protect the wildlife movement corridor. Included within the HMP are areas defined as "sensitive habitat outside preserve area" and also, "non- sensitive habitat open space" which cover part of the Village H south parcel under discussion. We are hoping that you'll honor the intent of the HMP to protect as much natural open space for wildlife as possible, as you directed staff to do when planning for Village H South improvements. Furthermore, this parcel tied for 2nd place in the ranking of 16 parcels recommended for acquisition by the Citizen's Open Space Committee and ADOPTED by the City Council in 2009. Given the greater demands on our open space, the permanent protection of Village H as natural open space is even more important now than it was in 2009. Obviously, the land now is not high-quality native habitat. But neither of the proposed designations ensure this area will be managed to protect the core biological function -that is, part of the regional wildlife movement corridor. Changing its designation to "sensitive habitat with restrictive use", i.e., HMP hard line preserve, will provide that protection and is consistent with years of planning to protect the natural lands of Carlsbad." Thank you. Paige DeCino 1 Sheila Cobian Subject: Attachments: FW: Village H Offleash Trail Use (Please confirm receipt) Response to Staff and Preserve Calavera Proposal.docx From: Tom Watson < Sent: Monday, April 13, 2020 9:59 AM To: City Clerk <Clerk@carlsbadca.gov> Subject: Village H Offleash Trail Use (Please confirm receipt) Please read this message into the record at the City Council meeting Dear Mayor and Council Members, All Receive -Agenda Item # _il} For the Information of the: CITY COUNCIi,., ..,,..,,,,,., Date l//1 ~ CA V CC CM-~-CM ..__.ecM (3) ............-- First, I want to mention that Lonnie Smith, the defacto leader of this community, it not able to participate in this effort currently due to a family health emergency. He has asked me to assume this role on an interim basis until he can resume. Also, other members of our user community have been stricken by the current health situation. For them and all other members of our community who have been impacted this situation, we want to give best wishes for the best and fastest possible recoveries. Second, as I have been stepping into this role, I want to give a personal thanks to Diane Nygaard of Preserve Calavera, who has been very generous with her time and knowledge, meeting at her home and also at the trail to ensure that our group had all the relevant information with which to evaluate the staff report. After reviewing the staff report and consulting with Ms. Nygaard we have developed the proposal below, which is described in greater detail in the attachment. All elements of this proposal are consistent with the area footprint already agreed between staff and Preserve Calavera: 1) Council formation of an ad hoc committee to oversee the design phase. It is critical in this phase that User Group membership be presented in this committee. (other members being city council member TBD, parks and rec, and Preserve Calavera). Council membership is suggested to serve as arbitror and also for executive sponsorship support. 2) A council directive to initiate a city action to change the area land designation to apply the HMP restrictions more sensibly to avoid the entire existing eucalyptus grove/trail and to extend to the areas proposed by Preserve Calavera. Such a modification would enable a later council action to restore the historical Offleash trail use over the entire length of the trail. 3) A directive to staff to include in the design phase consideration of a "shared use" mode of operation in which use days and hours would be established for on leash and Offleash use. The advantage of this approach is that would allow for all trail users to enjoy the entire trail in a loop configuration, and wouldn't require construction of a barrier to separate the loop segments, which also offers some risk of confrontation between proximate onleash and Offleash animals. 1 4) A directive to staff to eliminate the parking lot, restroom and EV charging station. These are amenities that have no justification and add significant construction and maintenance costs, while also reducing the usefu l trail space. 5) A directive to staff to consider as design input the 17 proposed modifications by Preserve Calavera, and corresponding User Group inputs on each point. (see attachment). Thank you for your attention. Tom Watson Oceanside, CA 92056 CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 2 Village H Community User Group Response to Staff & Preserve Calavera Option April 14, 2020 Introduction As this project moves past the current phase and into further stages of design, we are proposing incorporation of the following elements in the overall plan, all of which are consistent with the area footprint already agreed between staff and Preserve Calavera: , 1) Council formation of an adhoc committee to oversee the design phase. It is critical in this phase that User Group membership be presented in this committee. (other members being city council member TBD, parks and rec, and Preserve Calavera}. Council membership is suggested.to serve as arbitror and also for executive sponsorship support. 2} A council directive to initiate a city action to change the area land designation to apply the HMP restrictions more sensibly to avoid the entire existing eucalyptus grove/trail and to extend to the areas proposed by Preserve Calavera. Such a modification would enable a later council action to restore the historical Offleash trail use over the entire · length of the trail. 3} A directive to staff to include in the design phase consideration of a "shared use" mode of operation in which use days and hours would be established for onleash and Offleash use. The advantage of this approach is that would allow for all trail users to enjoy the entire trail in a loop configuration, and wouldn't require construction of a barrier to separate the loop segments, which also offers some risk of confrontation between proximate onleash and Offleash animals. 4} A directive to staff to eliminate the parking lot, restroom and EV charging station. These are amenities that have no justification and add significant construction and maintenance costs, while also reducing the useful trail space. 5} A directive to staff to consider as design input the 17 proposed modifications by Preserve Calavera, and corresponding User Group inputs on each point. (see below}. I .·· t ivrai:ch llt2020~: VILLAGE H SOUTH -STAF'F & PRESERVE CALAVERA OPTION ,';1':;._m, ,.._\i.!IJ,tii,-l C;li,~;J./;N,;t.\&• ~ ;,ff ll,,;11' D ~~~----ll<!"!'#MW.* 0 #ii1i.lJ&V-~-,..,;,,.,tj;t,rk:41iW N.-.w,,ffl'ctlk'<i ~~~;;,., 'lil- £-;<f\>!4111 ~,W.i t'l:tk~;,~ -;1,,,~,;,df~{l:<'i''-l"U,~\l;V;.,~•R<'l<ci!\ !, _,, • ~ ii ~ .. ~ ~,:i>tf Exhibit 7 MoctrftQSktttt ltq\lut'di ~ N:low Off t•,dt ~ n W[td ... • ~,,. at Vtfbc,4l ff A (Jry ~f (Wl}b(ld 1:afl r~~ t1· trt ~it dfont b,dow· #«ft triQtJ[/J(Jft~ o,~ Ot• Modl ·.•~ tl> $~ 'f 0pt · ti 0,.. l t~.d: ©'IMtll(f"' of ire klt ~I~~ •bl, "-M ,.,~&!Wll,lf hood mtmrr not. OM to ~ma,v Widt/~~-·~ .1t1<,, titl:)Ptlffld f!'r rt ludt 1 !lo11t ~ Vi(tr>n Mikh me ~, thu ,~i, t>Hml).J(H'~ no r~,i btrtf it th~ ft~ ~ftitu! 1 <~m ~ ..... ()( ~~fit~ jf, ~~·Ml<»\~ V:~~~ Ott\'at tN't "'.I,')"~ ~ ~~ ~t• t,r t~ mmw-~, ~lt1fti lot,~ off tt Sih•<mt.i 1~ t.h1i ~ii"itl'~~ i#,fH, f'IJtUtl «mnt\ilttkl!) v~J w d~m: ti~ (tt\ .JftWl if!A~J {..lf "' '"' {lf(}~fflf ll fflO'l'lttrillID:C itJl · t1 On . J,K,nt t'lf.' ~.bfflMOd, ~ n'l«JJvt.~ if ~ o,;1~#.d tfli H Mdt#J.ffd wfttl tM it~~tatiM d ~ k;f .'111 t41· #t~}h ~. f)fff, ''"' iJ rOl'f/idtt1t ..,,,. ~, i.ng Jot· ~ bf MdN Jq; SU<:h M 1'ffltm1y, ft, fl!<lu<e t~ ~vr_~{ffl of 1JJ,·. hh-<rtta l«fM. ~ Mfftf prw~ it1· f;ld]«rnt ff · ht»f~ 0 ·1 Modify.~~·-~ 't:~4$ «t~t to~ k''¢'ijt ftOf!\ '"~-~$~ n.. f~lM ft ~fM$ wildltft wi mntiJ'D (:O mc,,t , flil'tffl _ I), Sl.t • Cuttf'l'lffy t~t 11 ii-it "us.s. from that t~r wit~ n~ ·.~ Qf ~ 'Wlftt. t:u:1r~ttt plf it ofte tii,~km.t A,.f'td t~~ w~n<kl14~ • •n:,d' pti-rpit ,~11t.wa ~r It wmi ~1~1, m«i{tct1~ ~ bt· ~amd 11~, m~tctDt ,;;/, ~*t fc, <tn rJ/f I~.~ ~c,. 0 .. ) ~ tiff i.M ,r f:tl, W'l''.Stc<n ~·. ~~ imfl(tJ.()f IQff -•-tw ~-ittW~•ffl~ trtl brttwffftthtm IM l.ffJ tot 'tftfdff , (Cliff, ,. d~ ioffit~ iltl 1 t,c, i tl .. mt~) thii t'jf«iift(Ot.l<M!I .S: .~t/Ut!U ff! f~ ~t~t' ¢~.t ~ ~itil ·"VJ~· ff S<:Ntit ~ $.ftlJ,f/;, }"fft!~F'ii!.P CmtM'N,~JM. ~ 0 ... 4 MN;f'f ~~1' ot Bl ~tt,;Uttt;tjff ftNetna ')Q. ,i dct.t flOt r~l.tritt wtfd1• • ~~t: itHhi! · r,.-•~ f()fWlffi'.fi rtxtS ~;{Kawr;; tJ ~imt £4'.t tM ~r. t~ ,_, fit~ 'V~ H $<Nth-$tcJf' P'f~·~~a~· 0 ,;. 13 bp.\M ..UH ff)( l\4tdh Opi8tt \. t:~ l·t>nffl~ d1hU\~ c.cm~ti-to·1~n tia."I ~t ila~ tot t "pinch pomt♦ £1t1.t1'4> ~r(IJ ~Cttftdt{fd mtoi,,•~t$h dq ".~ ·~ tbl ~·,~~~ ~S.t1'Vf, i'h!is:·~ts~ l, ·n« ont~ttd tc •~* ~ orH nm t'1trictH JC1f fl.ff£~ d.~ ~, ii 4nt.k'Jpif>l.td '1 ~er,~.,~ i?f' -t:$/tt.M; U!'Mithlt' ,,.tm ~· ~'t!'<mdtl0l<SM~£ri½:1!' h<ti.t.i'ttl.t ~ ,,-~, Marth 11. 2020 Item ttl Page 29of 43 0 ,. 6 ~ ~p tr• A sun .. tor f>oth <,lf lf,Jm oo 04\ ltl\ll ttH~ ~t tJ., · I dirt v.,tf :t rith wood th.t.p l'l'!V~ •~I · t 'f"li4 ~Kifk;at~ i~i. oddtft~d vPIJllm ,~l'tat~ f;f tJ•pro;«tfw on t:lf km.fl •tJcr '1t~f1. o .1 ~1ry t.til'll.'W'd ooc · • ,~t't(t)it ll) bf: •n ot>vu ~· mt i'f)Q(lifi«Jt>,(Jlt mn Cf.~~ u~ M, :!ttlffltatiOO tJ/ a fjtr,Jett {Q!I Oft oJI {lilt d:oJ (l!f!O (> ... Off,ite (~to~~ ft.ul<UW:m fott tw •· -'' totMWildt1ft .M~ttt ~r 0 l ftt~ttbtn · t0n Of'OI'~ to ~rtMf wild · • ~n>U.lnf M ~•~r.K r ,ffl mi o~n: •N.J tum:t,c>Nt r~r\t 'f'Qti 1°' {)Vf!'~ltll t~ m♦i(» wrdtr iil ~ld1il t ~t't\d Tbn rr,cd/f;t~tb't It cw1t"!'ttlf M-(1{JIJ1e1,SH O· 2 Md "(i,i.Ul~Wifd1,. ®Ult.~ s,aM 10-~.tll ..wt offit:Utld ,~ ~lk CfO~UI lf~I l~;l W~f ,1 ~liOJ'J ~rt$00 :f\{ttldl U-tt ffl Th~ ~tiC!l b t".utm~ ~ lt#tffl.ffl. O· l M.tlnttltt t~ti/41t(fi lfi>. (UN'~rt.t t.~1 f«itl t wldlf ~flt r,om u~ ~h 'nm' rn«tiJJmtiM lt t.1Jltt1ttlf ~· ~t s.~d. O, 4 M.aml.$ltf\ bmw dl'tw . t ftoit.o:t~ ~!ft~.~· in thlt ~m:~~t ohtw t:Qff'm' lt<:t~t \\1tdli, ~ftttttt srYid~s i~lt' ~·•t• ~ttlmt<-Om@t to~i\ttt~r.i lhit 1,1 f.tdlilaltt11 ~1Wl,t't mor;r~!\t SH Jtt. m1p t k ·· di1dt ~.OOffl ffi#$ .~.· Wf~ tf-€1.iffffflft~··~ffi#, 0.$ M.:t~t!lin w · kJfiM ~ 4~' ($I¥ u thry ,,_..ty nii ttH ti~' btl"f UMd for ~u~ fl''i'~fil. Cmrwt-r *• t~, t.u u. HMP h.lmti~ to . tniu~ W-itl,1lton ,, ~i1'••" itt: a, ~ th11 ~,u ,ootift~ wtW.lif'e.•. •~erfltnt.. {JiO'ltHrt.iiting brQo'W d1t.dt~s ,oi~tid itd'I th~ in,i,., rM, Jffl:>$f>emi«t u Olltti$l/r·~:nf ~-rttt •"~ mt~~ d"'1Y~ th n~.P ~ti~~. oml ~rtnmitor/NJ ~ ~nt IN tM ~tttxttr(fa<ttry-t1m1ttf 1>1~ {C~~t~t fo, . · wot IM<h !.~;mlJ, 0· 6 Commit st~f •~~ tiftdtd r~~ to ~fo.P-4 ~ ~ttUI M.Ur · J\ t~ w~if('f <''1ff~t pt•\Ctt f,vtnt .rt~~1 idfriti· ~ tn P♦n¢b point tl(!dy-Uly ~ n1t~ l~ .11-nt ·ON of mi~ .~ ~tntJ~mtral'!ld ~~,. lt$t wMri~ ~mt:nt 'fhtffl t~ ~ in Ofi·g~~ ~" lttrn ~.Uu.rt ti>tfMf/j IM wldft:f~•~m..tflt ~f~f'S-~tO: M)' fttfid:j/;)f'~I j!'I t~. HM? ir · a:•~w, fhi'l• ll'..OO.if1<.atim 1'l <u«~ntl', IRmt ~d March 17, 2020 ltem#l Page30of 43 M ,.... M•Ncement .«iolU M· 1 ~gvur bm er, ttors to moo:1tor.lrNnh corrtptlancc imd' that ft!ntin8/eJtc ;u ,ntict Thi~ tan b<i> adMttd ovttr time ~~ canditl¢nl ,vam,nt 'this m.od'ifitJJti•>fl am l,(r oddrttuta u,xm lmpi m1mu1tf()!l t,f <t ptojJtt:t /<Jt on off 1,t~1h ti~ tJ~~u. f· · l ~,u~t do was~ ft!.mova.l, to include pick•UP along •Outsidt? of fnnm ,Jong CB\i OJ ™' wil ~ a key artdor wUdHft mov m nt and dog w'aste is i dtttrrent:to trse by w•iduhL Cut ntf)i the~ is a hi h velum~ of do; WHU? akmg this fence. 'nils mad1ficofit1n is Q)'frentfy btif!Q t;ddrl!$.Sftd, M• l IMttitt tU ri!Jht Hme utt tmtwee,n 10 pm, and ,i;, ~m Stud~ ~w ~ hn~tts ~1.nt~ms QI' mo\•tment 11nd thcr~ ~·ttdi tQ b!sl)Mt t~stnet~ till't1!'1 m this lhlttow .s~Ke th at frcidy fa1!.s to meet minimum r(?q\tlrrtrm,nts for a WildlJfc mov merit cu ttidor, lli.1.$ ffll •lw f'N~ ti iLkm uf aff~te1:~h doss t •u Qtwtous for Jtdjaceot r.:sh:tttnu, Tim mt>dlj:Jcatiott can bttportialfy midtt!J$td upon awpletimi ()j a fJMktt ftN c11cfl l~h ~ ortrt1. Sz:cff c<m r~tt>ml'Mmti~lflg o,ett h-Ourt vf &m, to s.u.f'IJCt/or the <if· tt1h q fJ.rto" Th,, gMr:s 1't1 lire ~t/feuJ,h d~ area ,voutd t1tcfJJ H Jocked t:otlt rn(lhf 11ml unJ«ktd t«h n,orni~, Stoff awnot tff«trrrmnd impm11tt1 hour rctstrlct1oris m trail u:se tu1J<1cclttr u, th~ <>ff temlt uriu¥ M· 4 ~~tinut to monitor wildlift mt.tv.tm(?rtt acrctu cav and lam.1ua"~ (;Qf\Wi'f dht~ troit!llS ll!JM <m (IV u war:rant~d., this modi{it.llfitm it t:Ulff'lifiy bllng a<Jdt~Hd. Marth 11, 2:020 ltem #l Modification List Analysis The table below summarizes User Group feedback on the plan "Modification List" developed by Preserve Calavera. In summary, we are in substantial agreement with these modification proposals. Category Paragraph Subject User Group Response D-Design D-1 Parking Lot We support the modification by Preserve Calavera. A parking lot should be deferred to a later phase, and based upon actual usage since there is no basis for forecasting actual usage for a facility like this, other than the use prior 2018 facility closure, in which availability of nearby parking was never a cause for concern. The same comment applies to the idea of a restroom. Area visitors rarely if ever stay for more than an hour, and there are no other area amenities which would change that behavior. Moreover, we propose that the area currently allocated for a parking lot be used to enhance the offleash user experience through addition of a congregation area that can serve the function of the current meadow area, and also offset the loss of offleash trail area due to the habitat hard line area at the trail mid-point. I{ D-2 Gate Agree; if city staff or other contractors require access for maintenance or emergencies, a lock can be added D-3 Off-leash area Agree; as mentioned above, to offset the loss of the meadow area for offleash area, we favor the development of improved offleash amenities in the area currently allocated for a parking lot D-4 Fencing Boundary Agree D-5 Open Space We favor this idea, but request strongly that it should be employed not just to expand the existing open space, but to change it to sensibly remove the existing trail from the HMP restricted area and to add other areas to it. If the timeline for such changes is long, it can be launched soon and when implemented a Phase 2 offleash trail extension project can be launched. D-6 Trail Surface Agree D-7 Off-leash Fencing Agree in principal; this should be finalized in design phase . However no fencing modifications along the main trail are believed to be required in the "shared use" operation mode proposed for consideration. 0-0ffsite 0-1 Tamarack Undercrossing Agree 0-2 Wildlife Signage Agree 0-3 Culverts Agree 0-4 Ditches Agree 0-5 Vegetation Agree 0-6 Pinch Points Agree M-Management M-1 Ranger Patrol Agree, most likely a weekly check should be sufficient to identify any required maintenance M-2 Waste Removal Agree; dog waste on CBV is not related to the area under discussion but is important for wildlife M-3 Use Restriction Agree in principal, but suggest a simple implementation of signage for the offleash area : "0ffleash area open during daylight hours only." Nobody is going to visit this area when it's dark, so it would be a waste of staff resources to have someone with the responsibility to lock and unlock gates on a daily basis. If a timed lock system can be implemented at reasonable cost, which can be programmed and does not require daily staff interaction that could be a practical implementation. M-4 Wildlife Movement Agree Sheila Cobian Subject: FW: Off Leash Area for Dogs at Village H -----Original Message----- From: Pamela Walls Sent: Monday, April 13, 2020 2:48 PM To: City Clerk <Clerk@carlsbadca.gov> Subject: Off Leash Area for Dogs at Village H Heard this item is on the agenda and would just like to support having an off-leash area for dogs at Village H. There are a large number of residents in the neighborhood that would also support this. Please let me know if it would be helpful to have them email the City Council as well. Thank you, Pamela Walls Carlsbad, CA 92010 CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 1 Sheila Cobian From: Sent: To: Subject: Tiffany Fairchild Tuesday, April 14, 2020 4:33 PM City Clerk Village H Off leash Trail Use Please read this message into the record at the City Council meeting: Dear Mayor and Council Members, All Receive -Agenda Item# J_q For the Information of the: -1 ! , COUNCIL ---- Date CA c.,/ CC ~ CM_ M ~CM(3)_ Our family is one of hundreds who have waited patiently fort.he past year to have the Village H trailed restored to its historic use for our Off leash dogs and our families . Please take the required steps to keep this project moving forward, including implementation of the proposals submitted separately by Dr. Tom Watson. Sent from my iPhone CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 1 1 Sheila Cobian Subject:FW: Village H Off Lease Trail Use From: Sherri - icanhike < Sent: Tuesday, April 14, 2020 5:24 PM To: City Clerk <Clerk@carlsbadca.gov> Cc: Sherri - icanhike <icanhike@hotmail.com> Subject: Village H Off Lease Trail Use Please read this message into the record at the City Council Meeting: Dear Mayor and Council Members, I am one of many who are waiting patiently for the Village H trail to be restored to historic use of off-leash dogs and family recreation. Please take the required steps to keep this project moving forward, including implementation of the proposals submitted separately by Dr. Tom Watson, and taking in to consideration my comments below. I have reviewed the Staff and Preserve Calavera option in the City Council Meeting packet and am very disappointed. This option would limit off leash use of the area to an very small portion of the trail, with no open area use. Preserve Calavera comments and submittals are focused on wildlife corridors, which are very important and valued by all. But the data show that wildlife is continuing to use the area after more than 30 years of off-lease dog use, and that fact is not being represented by their preferred option, which excludes dogs from even the disturbed area adjacent to Carlsbad Village Drive. The wildlife studies are flawed, in that camera traps can only show presence, not abundance and persistence; additionally, the study fails to factor in changes in activity during and after breeding season, comparing the non-dog activity period during breeding season to the dog activity period during non-breeding season. This makes it appears that there is more activity when dogs are not present, but in fact, the data is likely more influenced by natural changes in animal patterns throughout the year. But the camera studies do tell us is that there is presence of mesocarnivores, birds, and small mammals in the space that has been used by families and dogs for decades. Last year the Mayor and City Council seemed to enthusiastically support the community in our effort to continue using the Village H space in a manner consistent with historic use. Many of us spoke at the council meeting, the Park Dept was tasked with coming up with solutions, and the City held a community outreach meeting to get our input. I am respectfully requesting that you don't lose sight of that moment and our mutual goals to preserve this golden treasure, so unique to this community. Sometimes goals are difficult, and require thinking outside the box and rolling up our sleeves. We are willing to do this, we would like your support. Respectfully, Sherri Sullivan Crest of Calavera Resident, 14 years 2 Responsible Dog Owner Wildlife Biologist CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 1 Sheila Cobian Subject:FW: : Village H Off leash Trail Use From: Sent: Tuesday, April 14, 2020 7:41 PM To: City Clerk <Clerk@carlsbadca.gov> Subject: : Village H Off leash Trail Use Please read this message into the record at the City Council meeting: Dear Mayor and Council Members, Our family is one of hundreds who have waited patiently for the past year to have the Village H trailed restored to its historic use for our Off leash dogs and our families. Please take the required steps to keep this project moving forward, including implementation of the proposals submitted separately by Dr. Tom Watson. Sincerely, Timothy and Cristina Hanks Carlsbad Voters CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Sheila Cobian From: Sent: To: Subject: Hal Doan Tuesday, April 14, 2020 10:36 AM City Clerk Village H Off leash Trail Use Please read this message into the record at the City Council meeting: Dear Mayor and Council Members, All Receive -Agenda Item # JQ. For the Information of the: TYCOUNCIL ~ Da cA / cc_ CM ~M (3) -6,,,--- Our family is one of hundreds who have waited patiently for the past year to have the Village H trailed restored to its historic use for our Off leash dogs and our families. Please take the required steps to keep this project moving forward, including implementation of the proposals submitted separately by Dr. Tom Watson. Best, Hal CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 1 Sheila Cobian From: Sent: To: Subject: Peg Selover Tuesday, April 14, 2020 9:14 AM City Clerk Village H Off Leash Trail Use Please read this message into the record at the City Council meeting: Dear Mayor and Council Members, All Receive -Agenda Item # la For the Information of the: · 1 fl~ f OUNCly Date·~CA v CC ~ CM ~CM ____i,_..9CM(3)~ Our family is one of hundreds who have waited patiently for the past year to have the Village H trailed restored to its historic use for our Off leash dogs and our families. Please take the required steps to keep this project moving forward, including implementation of the proposals submitted separately by Dr. Tom Watson. Sincerely, Peq Selover Carlsbad, CA 92011 (Carlsbad Voter) Don It let an thin". dull your s arklel!l CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 1 Sheila Cobian From: Sent: To: Subject: Megan Woolsey Tuesday, April 14, 2020 9:15 AM City Clerk Village H Off leash Trail Use Please read this message into the record at the City Council meeting: Dear Mayor and Council Members, All Receive -Agenda Item # 10 For the Information of the: CITYCOUNCIL .._,,,/" Date4 ' 1Ll CA /cc CM ✓~c _ DCM (3)---- Our family is one of hundreds who have waited patiently for the past year to have the Village H trailed restored to its historic use for our Off leash dogs and our families. Please take the required steps to keep this project moving forward, including implementation of the proposals submitted separately by Dr. Tom Watson. Sincerely, Megan Woolsey Carlsbad Voter CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 1 Sheila Cobian From: Sent: To: Subject: Melissa Furioli Tuesday, April 14, 2020 9:16 AM City Clerk Village H Off-Leash Trail Use Please read this message into the record at the City Council meeting: Dear Mayor and Council Members, All Receive -Agenda Item# jQ For the Information of the: COUNCIL Date CA J.L(:C v CM __\.L'.'.' ~DCM (3} .--· My family of four (plus our dog!) is one of hundreds who have waited patiently for the past year to have the Village H trailed restored to its historic use for our Off leash dogs and our families. Please take the required steps to keep this project moving forward, including implementation of the proposals submitted separately by Dr. Tom Watson. Thank you so much, Melissa Furioli CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 1 Sheila Cobian From: Sent: To: Subject: Donald Howard Tuesday, April 14, 2020 9:16 AM City Clerk Village H Off leash Trail Use Please read this message into the record at the City Council meeting: Dear Mayor and Council Members, All Receive -Agenda Item # Jt. For the Information of the: -qi:: ,coUNCIL Date .b:LJ.tl CA ✓CC ~ CM _dAC~ DCM (3) £ Our family is one of hundreds who have waited patiently for the past year to have the Village H trailed restored to its historic use for our Off leash dogs and our families. Please take the required steps to keep this project moving forward, including implementation of the proposals submitted separately by Dr. Tom Watson. Thank you for your attention and consideration. We miss our walks there with our dog. -Don Howard CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 1 Sheila Cobian From: Sent: To: Subject: susan scheirman Tuesday, April 14, 2020 9:19 AM City Clerk Proper Village H Use Dear Mayor and Council Members, Our family is one of hundreds who have waited patiently for the past year to have the Village H trailed . I restored to its historic use for our Off leash dogs and our families. Please take the required steps to keep this project moving forward, including implementation of the proposals submitted separately by Dr. Tom Watson. Sincerely, David and Susan Scheirman, Carlsbad voters CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 1 Sheila Cobian From: Sent: To: Subject: susan scheirman Tuesday, April 14, 2020 9:25 AM City Clerk Village H All Receive -Agenda Item # IO For the Information of the: . S:lTY ,COUNCJL Date ~ CA✓-CC ~ CM ..lL'.'."A CM ...-DCM (3) ---- I would like my comments read at the meeting today. See previous email. Susan Scheirman CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 1 Sheila Cobian From: Sent: To: Subject: City Clerk, Karen Merrill . Tuesday, April 14, 2020 9:29 AM City Clerk AB#10-Village H Off leash dogs-Preserve Calavera Please read these comments below into the record for# 10 on April 14,2020. I will speak on items 2-3 of Preserve Calavera's handout. Thank you, Karen Merrill Preserve Calavera All Receive -Agenda Item # ~ For the Information of the: ' ~\TY f OUNCIL ✓ Date ~ CA \/'cc_ CM \.,/ACM--/" DCM (3) .-,,, Subject:# 10 Village H-Off-leash Hybrid Proposal-Carlsbad City Council-April 14, 2020 Honorable Mayor and Council members, 'Please read my comments into the record as the 2nd of 3 speakers on behalf of Preserve Calavera. I am addressing items # 2 and 3 on our Preserve Calavera handout. We see no reason to construct a parking lot for what is intended to be a neighborhood amenity. The intent is to accommodate the area residents, not invite visitors from some distance to drive there. We are supposed to be reducing auto trips and the air quality and GHG impacts that result from unnecessary driving. This project is a one-of-a-kind effort and should not be required to provide the same amenities as a formal dog park. Save the tax payer's money and remove the parking lot from this project. We believe there is justification for restricted nighttime use at Village H South as well. We know this corridor is already below minimum width requirements. Studies show wildlife adjust to human presence by shifting to nighttime travel. We know that wildlife use this corridor and your HMP manager provided a February 2020 Update on Village H Wildlife Movement and Dog Waste Studies and I quote: "The presence of people and dogs, such as along heavily used trails, can ,also restrict or deter wildlife movement through avoidance of an area or behavioral changes, including limiting movement to nighttime hours." There is ample justification for use restrictions here. Staff can recommend use hours for the gated off-leash dog area and council should impose nighttime restrictions for the remainder of the trails at Village H South. Karen Merrill On Behalf of Preserve Calavera 1 Sheila Cobian Subject: FW: Village H comments -----Original Message----- From: Jasanna Maher < Sent: Monday, April 13, 2020 7:49 PM To: City Clerk <Clerk@carlsbadca.gov> Subject: Village H comments We would like this read into record for the City Council Meeting on 4/14/20 Hello City Council, The staff report includes a 20 car parking lot and restrooms for Village H. This will attract people from other cities and it will no longer be a small local use area. The locals will be courteous and respect the park but ' people from other areas might not. We live next to the park and have never seen more than 4 or 5 cars parked there and do not see the need for a parking lot. We agree with Preserve Calavera's report. As Village H is our backyard it is of great concern to us that there will be a chain link fence and a dog park just several feet from our backyard. A dog park means a lot of dogs barking all day long. We request that before any decision is made the staff and city council come to our home and view the potential dog park from our perspective and the other residents who will be affected. Sincerely, Walt Meier Jasanna Maher CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 1 Sheila Cobian Subject: Attachments: FW: AB# 10-Village Hoff Leash Dogs by Preserve Calavera village h tweaks mar 2020 (1) (1).docx From: Diane Nygaard Sent: Monday, April 13, 2020 11:43 PM To: City Clerk <Clerk@ ca rl sbadta.gov> Subject: AB# 10-Village Hoff Leash Dogs by Preserve Calavera City Clerk Please read these comments below into the record for# 10 on April 14,2020. All Receive -Agenda Item# J.o For the Information of the: ,s'°f:, soUNCI~ D.ite ~CA_V_CCC ~ CM ~CM ~CM {3) ~ If possible we would ~ppreciate it if the three commenters for Preserve Calavera could be heard in order# 1-Paige deCino (sent on April 8th),# 2 Karen Merrill (to be sent shortly) and# 3 Diane Nygaard. Attached is also a handout that goes with these three comments. It is my understanding that you will distribute the handout to the Mayor and Council prior to this item being considered. Thank you. Diane Honorable Mayor and Council It has been so heartwarming to see the images from the wildlife study at Village H these last few months! Opening up the undercrossing of Tamarack and reducing the number of offleash dogs has already made such a difference. Its like someone put up a sign-" here is your wildlife corridor" -and they have all read it. Please-we cannot go backwards. If off leash dogs are added back into the mix it needs to be done very carefully, while monitoring the results and reporting back on what has been happening. We worked for so many years to fix this pinchpoint in the regional wildlife movement corridor. Now we are asking for your help to make sure those gains are not lost. If you think it is better to ignore the science and allow off leash dogs- please add the 4 conditions in our handout to make sure the damage is minimized : designate the remainder of the site as hard line open space, put the parking lot on hold until conditions justify it, restrict people and dog use at night, and monitor and report on results. With these important changes we can all hope the wildlife will still be able to read the signs and know that they are welcome here. [)iane Nygaard On behalf of Preserve Calavera CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 1 Preserve Calavera Concerns with Village H Off Leash Dog Proposal Revised 3/12/2020 If the City Council decides to move forward with this pilot project for off-leash dogs at Village H we all want to make sure this is done in a way that protects the function of the wildlife movement corridor, allows multiple users of this public space, and is considerate of nearby neighbors and costs. We propose the following modifications to make sure that the wildlife corridor function is protected, while other stakeholder concerns are also considered: 1. Formally designate the land used for, and critical for wildlife movement as HMP hardline open space. Part of the area used by wildlife is shown as "Sensitive habitat outside preserve area" and part is "Non- sensitive habitat open space ." · Neither of these designations ensure the area adequately protects wildlife movement through this compromised link between two core areas of the Habitat Management Plan. This parcel tied for 2nd place in ranking of 16 parcels recommended for acquisition by the Citizen's Open Space Committee and adopted by the City Council in 2009. Its permanent protection as natural open space is even more important today than it was then. Of course, today the land is not all high- quality native habitat. But neither of these proposed designations ensure this area will be managed to protect the core biological function: the connection of the regional wildlife movement corridor. Changing its designation to "Sensitive habitat with restrictive use (ie HMP hardline preserve) "will provide that protection and is consistent with years of planning to protect the natural lands of Carlsbad. · 2. Put parking lot on hold We have never seen more than 4-5 cars parked -even when extensive on-line efforts were being used to call attention to this as an off-leash dog area. The adjacent street can accommodate that number, without adding any parking. Today, as we all work to reduce auto trips, we need to stop incentivizing cars by providing "free" parking everywhere-that we all pay for. Taxpayers will pay to build and maintain it, and we all get the air quality and GHG impacts .. Or we can continue the short-sighted practices of the past and "pave paradise to put up a parking lot." 3. Restrict nighttime use of entire site. Hours of use are a discretionary determination by the city. If ever a place justified nighttime use restrictions-this one does. Wildlife studies already show wildlife are altering their behavior to use the area at night. Numerous studies show how important nighttime restrictions are for wildlife-and the adjacent neighbors will appreciate it too. Options are dawn to dusk use, or just restrictions from 10 pm to 6 am as is done with other city parks. 4. Establish monitoring procedure to make sure this works as planned. This is a new concept. It will be important to monitor how it works-for wildlife, dog owners, and nearby residents. It should be implemented slowly, in phases, while monitoring impacts and adjusting as needed. The initial approvals could be for the entire project. We propose ho,lding the parking lot to Phase 2-and only building it if warranted. Monitoring should be established to assess things like: Are the rules being followed? What level of enforcement is needed to protect the wildlife, users, and adjacent neighbors? Are there adverse impacts on the wildlife? and most importantly-What actions need to be taken to address any problems that are identified? ,.;r ··~·-• .. I OS l"ropel'1l' N•mt Commlltf.e or Staff Bllnl!ln1 I Quarry.Cr..ck 2 Shennan Propeny (treil usmonts) 2 Cabwcm Village H 4 S111fflyCruk Properties (ll) 4 $. Aslltl HedJ,mt/11 PrtJP£rlle's (6) 6 Co. Airport Property (OS easement) PROPOS.ITION COPEN SPACE AND TRAILS COMMITIEE PROPERT\' ANAL \'SIS (AS OF JANUARY 28, 2008 -new itiformation in lti:./lcs) Acr,ap Addi Ope1 Spa~ Be11,ftt1HMP Addi Tnll1 to City · .Land U1t Confllcll Mlliaatlon (11pproi1J1111te) taCll7Sy,1t111 SyMlem c,-.c111 10011<!1'<!$ Yes Yes Yes Yet -portion of silo is l'oteotlal subject dl!sign,ted for toAaenoy resl<!ential land uses approval. 134 acres, nail No -propert)I is No -property js Yes No -trails wo~(d not No -propcny is acreage •lready conserved. already conserved. confllcl with land UIC 1h-esdy unknown. .dcslsnation,. conHcrvcd. 60 m:res Potentially, iftbe Potentially, if3.2 No -City lrllil Yes-a3.2t10rc No 3 .2 acre CF aite i, acre CF site 11 already exists on portion of s!ie is dosisnaled OS. conserved and property desigtlalCd Commu~ity replanted. Facilities 143,86/ICUS Ya-llobl11111111d r,s-oddltlonQ/ Y&J-J11111re CIJJ, trail Yu-~tJ/tll11 Pote11li/ll INbje,;t flO<Hlphli• IIH<fl hoblt41 pra,rvalj11n ,,_,_ ,,,, propenta "'" toAr,ncy fllt ol/#ld,tof 11nd wnlands · ptQft!rtl,1. 4ulJ11md/l!" /11111111 npproyal. exlstu,g o,,.n bll/1erbl1 u po11/ble. re14/4nlllJ/ Sp;1~. lf,vdapme,it. 321111.'rn Yu-onto/the Yes -i;on111,-.11tioll Yn-J11tl/rt1 Cl!y trllll ru-oi!eoftlte Potentltd 1"'1)«J prapertitt1 l1 COllld p,11•/de lra~n•I t/111 prtJfUrtln Is toArency ~111111tedfor re,,qetal/on """ p"'f'trtla. ,fulg11111J1d for fut11re approval. ,,,,_ qdd/ll114fll_ b11/fer, ,VJ_IPI dtve/t,ptnlnl, d1v,!t1pll#nJ, 204 acres No -property is No -proper,y is Yes -portion of No -propotly is No aJn,,ady conserved within County proJ)l)rty is designated aln:ady .conserved MHCP. fof City ttail. c<'; Willing Seller Stat~• No Yes Yes V11rkd1kdm . Unk11own No Please read this email at the City Council meeting. Thank you Dear Mayor and Council Members, Our family is one of hundreds who have waited patiently for the past year to have the Village H trailed restored to its historic use for our Off leash dogs and our families. Please take the required steps to keep this project moving forward, including implementation of the proposals submitted separately by Dr. Tom Watson. Sincerely, Marta Rounsville Carlsbad Voter CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 2 Hector Gomez From: Sent: To: Subject: Jake Nyberg Wednesday, April 15, 2020 12:30 PM City Clerk Village H Off leash Trail Use All Receive -Agenda Item ff W,_ For the Information of the: CITY COUNCIL Date ~1,s/2-• CA x__ cc~ x CM ..)(:ACM£_ DCM {3) Please read this message into the record at the City Council meeting scheduled on Tuesday, April 14th. Honorable Mayor Hall, Mayor Pro Tern Blackburn and Esteemed City Council Members, for the record, my name is Jake Nyberg, a proud Carlsbad voter. Our family is one of hundreds who have waited patiently the past year to have the Village H trail restored to its historic use for our off leash dogs and families. I support and taking the required steps to keep this project moving forward, including implementation of the proposals submitted separately by Dr. Tom Watson. Sincerely, Jake Nyberg Carlsbad Voter CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 1 Potential Off-Leash Dog Area at the Village H South Property Kyle Lancaster, Parks & Recreation Director April 14, 2020 Background •Nov. 25, 2013 -Preserve Calavera, Quarry Creek Investors, and city entered into a legal settlement agreement that led to transfer of deed for Village H property to the city in 2019 –Section 4.b of agreement states city “…shall promptly allow public access to the historic public use trail…” 2 Present Status •Aug. 4, 2019 -Upon completion of remedial work, staff complied with Section 4.b of agreement related to the trail –The balance of the southern section of the property remains a combination of preserve area and open space –Dogs allowed on-leash on trail; not in other open space 3 Council Direction •Dec. 10, 2019, staff presented a report to City Council on the public outreach for a potential off-leash dog area –Report advised City Council of the opportunities and constraints of conceptual plans and requested direction 4 Council Direction •City Council directed staff to narrow consideration of the concept plans to the Staff Option, to meet with Preserve Calavera members to hear their option and then find a hybrid of the options within two months and return 5 Staff Option -VILLAGE H MAP ~ Half-mile historic use trail that must be opened for public use as a city trail under the terms of a legal settlement agreement. City trails do not allow dogs off leash. D Sensitive habitat outside preserve area D Habitat preserve area with restricted use Additional habitat preserve with restricted use D Off leash dog area -Parking lot Communication with Preserve Calavera •Dec. 11, 2019 to March 6, 2020 -staff exchanged emails and met with Preserve Calavera members to find a hybrid –Preserve Calavera’s “preference is to leave things as they are as that is the least damaging alternative.” 7 Fish and Wildlife Service Review •Jan. 14, 2020 -staff met with CA Fish and Wildlife and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service reps, regarding wildlife movement through property and potential for an off-leash dog area –Agency reps conveyed general support for Staff Option 8 Wildlife Movement Studies •Consultants and volunteers have continued to perform wildlife movement and dog waste studies on the property –Feb. 14, 2020, staff prepared a memo summarizing the status of studies, which was presented in HMP Report 9 Staff & Preserve Calavera Option ,., ~ Historic use trail. City trails do not allow dogs off leash D D D - Sensitive habitat outside preserve area Habitat preserve area with restricted use Non sensitive habitat open space Off leash dog area Parking lot Proposed trail connection to Tamarack Avenue Village H South property boundary Preserve Calavera Concerns •March 6, 2020 -Preserve Calavera expressed concerns: –Size/type of proposed parking lot and restroom facility –Maintenance and possible alteration of open space to the east if it is not added to habitat preserve area 11 Both Staff Option and Hybrid Option •Meet requirements of current settlement agreement –Provide public access to historic public use trail and use best efforts to implement the Trails Master Plan •Are consistent with the Habitat Management Plan –Off leash dog area does not encroach upon preserve Recommended Action Receive a report on a potential off-leash dog area at the Village H South property, and direct staff to either (a) not pursue an off-leash dog area, (b) pursue the Staff Option concept plan for an off-leash dog area, or (c) pursue the Staff & Preserve Calavera Option concept plan for an off-leash dog area 13 Fiscal Analysis •No direct fiscal impact associated with receipt of report •Should City Council provide direction (b) or (c), staff will include a request for establishment of a project charter and appropriation of funding in FY 2020-21 CIP Budget –Inclusion of trail connection would be recommended Next Steps •Staff will implement direction provided by City Council •Should City Council provide direction (b) or (c), staff will include the new project within its existing workload of active CIP projects related to parks and trails –A partial listing of those projects is included in report Comments and Questions