HomeMy WebLinkAbout2020-07-14; City Council; ; COVID-19 Actions and Expenditures ReportCA Review CKM  Meeting Date: July 14, 2020  To: Mayor and City Council  From: Scott Chadwick, City Manager   Staff Contact: Geoff Patnoe, Assistant City Manager  Geoff.patnoe@carlsbadca.gov, 760‐434‐2820  Subject: COVID‐19 Actions and Expenditures Report  Recommended Action  Receive a report on recent actions and expenditures related to the city’s response to the  COVID‐19 pandemic and provide direction as appropriate.   Executive Summary/Discussion  At the April 7, 2020, City Council meeting, the City Council voted unanimously to direct staff to  return to the City Council with financial expenditure reports relating to the city’s response to  the COVID‐19 pandemic. The city manager further committed to provide a bi‐weekly update to  the City Council on recent actions and expenditures related to the city’s response to the  pandemic. Staff from the following major service areas will provide a verbal report relating to  current statistics, data, programming and relevant communications:  City Manager’s Office Emergency Operations Community Services Police Fire Economic Revitalization and Recovery Administrative Services Fiscal Analysis  None.  Next Steps  Staff will continue to provide the reports bi‐weekly until the end of the emergency.  Environmental Evaluation (CEQA)  Pursuant to Public Resources Code Section 21065, this action does not constitute a “project”  within the meaning of CEQA in that it has no potential to cause either a direct physical change  in the environment, or a reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment,  and therefore does not require environmental review.  July 14, 2020 Item #15 Page 1 of 2   Public Notification   This item was noticed in accordance with the Ralph M. Brown Act and was available for public  viewing and review at least 72 hours prior to scheduled meeting date.    Exhibits  None  July 14, 2020 Item #15 Page 2 of 2 All Receive -Agencja Item # J5 For the Information of the: 5)/JTY,[OUNCIL Date CA ...,,-cc ~ CM ✓ ACM ✓ocM (3) ✓ July 14, 2020 To: From: Via: Council Memorandum · {cityof Carlsbad Re: Honorable Mayor Hall and Members of the City Council Laura Rocha, Deputy City Manager, A~'nistrative Services Geoff Patnoe, Assistant City Manager Additional Materials Related to Staff eport Item No. 15 -COVID-19 Actions and Expenditures Report This memorandum provides a breakdown of the costs of the city's extensive emergency response efforts by department and type of cost as of July 10, 2020. These expenses are being tracked to understand the financial impact of COVID-19 on the city and to request state and federal government reimbursement for eligible expenses. The next update will be provided on July 28, 2020. Purchase Description of Order Expenditures Committed Department Item or Service Amount to Date Funds 1,. ti !YTI Remaining g City Manager 1Cleanin~supplies 198 198 8 Commun!~ation & E!:"ga~ement Prot~c~ve ~_ea_~ 1,254 · 1,254 : Public notification 39,696 54,939 94,635 - Si~~~~e 3,049 3,049 ' r::J Community Development 1~1eaning supplies 411 1 -I 411 l::l Environmental Management ;cleaning supplies 5 5 ----~ -- I IT equipment 118 118 .::1 Facilities Cleaning services 140,085 40,915 181,000 ' 1Cle~ning supplies 13,346 28,210 41,556 _ ry,e~ls and_ meal supplies 205 205 I P~<?!ective gear 5,258 449 36,699 Public notification 26 26 ----- 1Signage 303 303 9 Fire !Cl~aning services 35,470 12,530 48ppo . Jcleaning supplies 4,580 4,580 : 1 Meals and meal supplies 24,299 24,299 I -I Pr~tecti".'~ gear 33,414 33,414 1 Public notification 65 65 Administrative Services Branch 1635 Faraday Avenue I Carlsbad, CA 92008 I 760-602-2415 Honorable Mayor Hall and Members of the City Council July 14, 2020 Page 2 Department ~ Description of Item or Service Purchase Order Amount l.::!:.i Remaining · El Fleet B HR :cleaning supplies 1CleaniRg supplies _ ll!_E:_guipme_nt . I . i Protective gear _ ---------------+- ~8_1 n_fo_r_m_a_t_i o_n_T e_c_h_n_o_l o~g~y __ ----ii IT _equipment 8 Parks & Recreation Cleaning supplie~ Meals and meal stJpplies Other P~otecti\,1e gear Public notification lsi~nage .----------------, ____ [Cleaning services 8 Police 1Cleaning suppl(es _i Protective gear Public notification Signage ------------~ '.overtime Parttime salaries --- Salaries ------------~ 'Cleaning suppli~ __ !V'eals and meal supplies Protective gear _E:_l _U-ti-lit-ie_s _________ 1Clea~ing supplies !! equipment , Protective gear ·: Publi~-n~ti-fic~ti~n Grand Total Methodology 15,797 ! 32,105 I _ 3,584_[ 38,791 ; 47,111 --\ 7,945 I 12,883 ------, --- 1,518 394,600 Expenditures to Date 695 Committed Funds. 695 i . ---~---·· ---I 1,_208 ; 150 i 9,036 i 129,697 T 5,947 I 94,004 I 1,341 1 1,509 . !5,360 J 1,208 I 150 I 24,833 I 162,40? I 9,531 138,578 I 1,341 1 1 ,509 I ----~ 15,360 , 11,108 : 11,108 · 17,889__,__1 __ 6_5,00.Q_ 4,410 ; 12,354 10,266 23,149 126 126 482 2,000 j ------ 406,806 ' 406,806 ! 383,143 383,143 l 4,918,106 I 4,918,106 [ I 1,506 1,506 I 173 I 173 11,057 I 314 ! 352 i --+- 10,125 ! 688 I I 6,240,053 . --1io~7 J 314 1 352 I 10,125 i -688 1 I 6,671,430 The amounts above were compiled using data from the city's accounting system and inputs, estimates and data from department management analysts. Definitions -Cleaning supplies include disinfecting wipes, hand sanitizers, etc. -Meals and meal supplies consist of senior meal program and meals at the emergency operations center. -Protective gear includes, masks, gloves and other protective wear. -IT equipment includes laptops, earbuds, adapters, etc. -Salaries and wages represent staff hours worked on COVID-19 activities. Honorable Mayor Hall and Members of the City Council July 14, 2020 Page 3 Funding expected-$1,728,956 Total Carlsbad applied for Coronavirus Relief Fund Allocations for Cities and Counties from the State of California on July 2, 2020 for $1,413,290 of CARES Act funding. This allocation supports activities and expenses that promote public health and safety in response to the COVID-19 emergency. Allocations are expected to be made in installments with the first allocation being one-sixth of the total allocation or $235,548. The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) notified the City of Carlsbad on April 2, 2020 that the city is authorized $315,666 of CARES Act funding. This allocation is to be used to prevent, prepare for, and respond to COVID-19. HUD is developing a notice that will further describe the CARES Act's provisions and other resources to enable implementation of the grant. Funding received -$2,234,142 Total On June 18, 2020 Carlsbad received $2,065,728 from a subgrant agreement with San Diego · County for COVID-19 CARES Act funds. The agreement and a draft expenditure plan identifying how the funds would be used were previously provided to San Diego County. Funds are restricted to eligible CARES Act expenses: those used to prevent, prepare for, and respond to COVID-19. Subsequent reporting, including an updated expenditure plan, is due to the county by Sept. 30, 2020. On May 7, 2020 Carlsbad received $118,070 from the CARES Act Award of Housing Voucher program funds from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). The payment was automatically distributed by HUD for COVID-19 response and is restricted to Section 8 administrative expenses. On April 17, 2020 Carlsbad received $50,344 from the CARES Act Provider Relief Fund. The payment was automatic for hospitals and other healthcare providers on the front lines of the coronavirus response, including the city's first responders. The distributed amount is based on the city's share of 2019 Medicare fees for service reimbursements that the city receives for ambulance bills. The funding received will offset future COVID-19 reimbursement claims. cc: Scott Chadwick, City Manager Celia Brewer, City Attorney