HomeMy WebLinkAbout2020-08-18; City Council; ; COVID-19 Actions and Expenditures ReportCA Review CKM Meeting Date: Aug. 18, 2020 To: Mayor and City Council From: Scott Chadwick, City Manager Staff Contact: Geoff Patnoe, Assistant City Manager Geoff.patnoe@carlsbadca.gov, 760-434-2820 Subject: COVID-19 Actions and Expenditures Report Recommended Action Receive a report on recent actions and expenditures related to the city’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic and provide direction as appropriate. Executive Summary/Discussion At the April 7, 2020, City Council meeting, the City Council voted unanimously to direct staff to return to the City Council with financial expenditure reports relating to the city’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The city manager further committed to provide a bi-weekly update to the City Council on recent actions and expenditures related to the city’s response to the pandemic. For these updates, staff from the following major service areas will provide verbal reports on current statistics, data, programming and relevant communications: •City Manager’s Office •Emergency Operations •Community Services •Police •Fire •Economic Revitalization and Recovery •Administrative Services Fiscal Analysis None. Next Steps Staff will continue to provide the reports bi-weekly until the end of the emergency. Environmental Evaluation (CEQA) This action does not constitute a “project” within the meaning of the California Environmental Quality Act under California Public Resources Code Section 21065 in that it has no potential to cause either a direct physical change in the environment or a reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment and therefore does not require environmental review. Aug. 18, 2020 Item #6 Page 1 of 2 Public Notification Public notice of this item was posted in keeping with the Ralph M. Brown Act and it was available for public viewing and review at least 72 hours before the scheduled meeting date. Exhibits None Aug. 18, 2020 Item #6 Page 2 of 2 All Receive -Agend. lt~m # ltJ For the Information of the~ CITY COUNCIL Date ~ CA 1 CC ¥J CM ~ACM _.Y!__ DCM (3})0 Council Memorandum Aug. 18,2020 To: From: Via: Honorable Mayor Hall and Members of the City Council Laura Rocha, Deputy City Manager, A~-i~strative Services Geoff Patnoe, Assistant City Manage~ {city of Carlsbad Re: Additional Materials Related to Staff Report Item No. 6 -COVID-19 Actions and Expenditures Report This memorandum provides a breakdown of the costs of the city's extensive emergency response efforts by department and type of cost as of Aug. 18, 2020. These expenses are being tracked to understand the financial impact of COVID-19 on the city and to request state and federal government reimbursement for eligible expenses. The next update will be provided on Sept. 1, 2020. Department ITt ! Description of Item or Service Purchase Order Amount 1.:r l Remaining ,_8_. C_i_ty_M_a_n_ag_e_r _______ i ~~_e~!)i!)g supplies 8 Communicati_o_n & Engagement I Pr~tective ge~r : Public notification ----- 1-------------~[~a~~ 1-B_C_o_m_m_u_n_it~y_D_e_v_e_lo~p_m_e_n_t __ ~! Clea nin~ sup pH es C-:::IEnvironlTlE!nt~I Managelll_e.nt Cleaning supplies E=.-J Facilities ; CIE:<!_nin~ services I Cleaning supplies !Me~,;-~~d meal supplies . . - 39,696 411 124,260 13,346 36,422 Public notification Signage ,_t:J __ -Fi-re __________ __,lcl;aning services 35,470 Administrative Services Branch Cleaning supplie~ ____________________ _ ; Me~~ and meal supe_lj es_ Protective gear Public notification 1635 Faraday Avenue I Carlsbad, CA 92008 I 760-602-2415 _ Expenditures Committed to Date Funds 198 1,876 75,510 3,049 5 198 ' 1,876 , 115,206 ---·--·-··------ 3,049 411 5 118 118 56,740 . _39,787 205 9,225 181,000 ---~--44,133 : 205 45,646 ' --·----------··------- 26 . 26 ---- 303 303 12,593 48,062 i 5,448 5,448 1 ------~--------.. •-•-·-«---. 24,537 -24,537 33,980 33,980 65 65 Honorable Mayor Hall and Members of the City Council Aug. 18,2020 Page 2 Department !.t! Description of Item or Service 1-c_··1 _Fl_e_et __________ -+-C.!_eaning supplie~ _ 1-2_,_H_o_u_si_n=g-----------+~~_R~S F_unding i3HR S_leaning suppl~es IT equipme_nt Purchase Order Amount 1-1 R · · :~•, emammg t-------------....,' Protective gear 23,609 1-E_i _ln_fo_r_m_a_t_io_n_T_e_c_h_no_l_o=gy=----~ IT_ equipment 32,705 I . . I g office of Innovation Economic Revitalization 4,750,000 , Expenditures Committed to Date Funds 695 695 255,680 . -. --· 1,208 1,208 . 150 150 11,224 34,833 129,697 162,402 4,750,000 1---------------·-·••-'••--•-•···•·· .. ··----.. ···· .... -"··---------------·-·----····--·······-·---+----·--··-··--·""""·--······ 3 Parks & Recreation Sle_a_ning ~ervices Cleaning supplies ___ ME:_~ls and mea! sue_p~es ,Other ,Protective gear Public notification -·---- 3,584 41,147 50,250 50,250 7,612 11,196 123,431 164,578 1,341 1,341 --------- 2,043 2,043 .... ·····------.. _. 17,129 17,129 , Signa&I:_ __ _ _____________________________ 11,108 11,108 1 ·11:ssg ____ -6s,_~00 1 · 8 Police ------··········· -···- !Cleaning services l ~l~aning _suppli~s -~-! Protective gear __ _ 'Public notification 1-------------~Si~nage __ 10vertime _ l Parttime salaries ,salaries 1-------------~---,---·--·-·-·-···-·--···---·----- B Transportation ______ -~l~_aning sue_pli~s _ 1 Meals and meal supplies l Protectivegea; --·· · t----------------i IC!e~ning supplies 3 Utilities Grand Total Methodology ______ IT equipment Prot~ctjve ~e_ar . Public notification 47,111 , 7,945 ! -12:883 : 1,518 4,410 l2,354 10,266 23,149 , --------------------·· ··-·-·-·-----·- 126 126 482 2,000 . 426,632 -----· - 437,596 5,717,759 1,506 173 33,432 426,632 437,596 5,717,759 1,506 173 33,432 314 314 ___ _j. ________ 3_5l_ _______ 352 1 . 11,625 11,625 : 688 688 i 5,425,787 7,273,802 12,699,590 The amounts above were compiled using data from the city's accounting system and inputs, estimates and data from department management analysts. Definitions -Cleaning supplies include disinfecting wipes, hand sanitizers, etc. Honorable Mayor Hall and Members of the City Council Aug. 18,2020 Page 3 -Meals and meal supplies consist of senior meal program and meals at the emergency operations center. -Protective gear includes, masks, gloves and other protective wear. -IT equipment includes laptops, earbuds, adapters, etc. -Salaries and wages represent staff hours worked on COVID-19 activities. Salaries and wages The chart below includes actual COVID-19 labor cost, by department. Labor costs below include regular and overtime hours. City of Carlsbad COVID Labor Hours through July 26, 2020 By Department PARKS AND RECREATION, 13% $879,852 HUMAN RESOURCES, 5% $316,372 LIBRARY AND CULTURAL ARTS, 6% $371,630 POLICY /LEADERSHIP GROUP, 9% $629,532 Funding expected FIRE,5% $311,580 OTHER, 7% $455,876 POLICE, 55% $3,617,144 The City of Carlsbad has applied for and received funds which are outlined by category in the analysis below. Funds may be restricted to certain uses which are generally costs to prevent, prepare for, and respond to COVID-19. The City of Carlsbad received the following CARES payments in July and August: • $235,548 from the State of California which is equivalent to one sixth of the CARES Coronavirus Relief Fund Allocations for Cities and Counties grant. • $137,610 from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for second round of funding. Honorable Mayor Hall and Members of the City Council Aug. 18,2020 Page 4 Fund category COVID CONTINGENCY GENERAL FUND CARES ECONOMIC CONTINGENCY BUDGETED SALARIES GENERAL FUND SUBTOTAL HUD COVID-19 CARES ACT CDBG COVID-19 CARES ACT TOTAL COVID-19 Costs and Funding Sources As of August 18, 2020 Expected Cost plus amount of estimate [1] funding $ 1,538,555 $ 4,211,612 $ 3,643,757 $ 3,643,757 $ 4,750,000 $ 5,000,000 $ 2,511,597 $ 6,155,355 $ 12,443,910 $ 19,010,724 $ 255,680 $ 255,680 $ -$ 315,666 $ 12,699,590 $ 19,582,070 Less: contingency funds Surplus/(deficit) excluding contingency Surplus or (deficit) $ 2,673,057 $ (0) $ 250,000 $ 3,643,757 $ 6,566,814 $ - $ 315,666 $ 6,882,480 $ (3,250,000) $ 3,632,480 [1] Costs plus estimate is total cost incurred to date (including salaries) plus residual PO amounts. Future estimated salaries are not included. Note [a] [b] [c] [d] [e] [f] [g] [a] Represents costs expected to be eligible under FEMA from $3M City Council approved contingency for COVID related costs not considered in budget. Funding from FEMA is limited to 75% of expenses. An additional 5% of expenses are allowed to cover administrative costs. FEMA funding request is not yet submitted or approved. [b] Total funding from CARES of $3.6M of which $2.4M from the county and federal government, has been received in the general fund, and $1.3M is pending receipt from the state. CARES funding allowed to cover all safety salary expenses (regular time for police and fire). [c] Economic revitalization funding approved by City Council totaling: $SM. The total costs are net of $250K of council contingency. [d] This category is funded by $5. 7M budgeted salaries, however the costs are split between two categories. The $3.3M safety salaries are included in the cost for category GF CARES. The $2.4M are non-safety salaries that remain in the cost category budgeted salaries. [e] HUD funding of $256K was received, $118K of funds available have an associated cost in the housing budget. [f] CDBG funding of $316K is available but not yet received, all funds are restricted to CDBG COVID- 19 costs. [g] Contingency funds include $3M COVID City Council approved contingency and $250K in economic revitalization contingency. cc: Scott Chadwick, City Manager Celia Brewer, City Attorney Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Marla Payea < mlnathans@gmail.com > Saturday, August 15, 2020 9:31 AM City Clerk Agenda item 6-covid response Dear Mr. Chadwick and members of the City Council, All Receive -Agf!nda Item # 1£ For the Information of the: ·~ C)~ COUNCIL . Date&~ CA V--CC ~ CM V-ACM ~DCM (3) ✓ First and foremost, thank you for spending the time to send the residents of Carlsbad detailed updates in regards to the virus. I imagine this is no easy task and I appreciate the amount of thought and time you put into drafting these updates. After reading today's update, I must tell you I am very upset in regards to the closing of the outdoor basketball courts at our city's parks. Yes, people have certainly violated the 6 feet rule on the court. Yes, there have been people playing pick-up games with zero masks on. I've seen it multiple times myself. However, isn't there a better solution than to apply a blanket rule here and close all of the public courts? Call me crazy, but if there are people who still think they are invincible and clearly do not care about adhering to the rules necessary to keep our residents safe, then these same people will continue to break the rules when/if the courts open back up. And then what? Will we keep seeing a pattern of the courts being opened then closed, opened then closed? Aside from these violators, I have seen many people following the rules. I've seen families shooting hoops and putting a mask on when they get too close to someone outside their household. Basketball happens to be my son's outlet. It's how he stays healthy, off the couch, off his electronics. We have been very careful to follow the city's rules so that he can continue to have this outlet, and now it's being taken away because there are some selfish people out there. Well, these same people will probably choose to be selfish again when given the opportunity to play at the outdoor courts, so why are you punishing the rest of us? The rate of depression is skyrocketing. Exercise is necessary to helping people feel good, to feel positive-which is important now more than ever. Please tell me why we have to pay the price for other's mistakes? I wish the city had a plan to enforce these rules better, because simply shutting everything down as a "solution" will only punish the rule-followers, and delay the inevitable for those who don't care. Thank you, Marla Payea Sent from my iPhone CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 1