HomeMy WebLinkAbout2020-07-16; Clean Energy Alliance JPA; ; Clean Energy Alliance Bid Evaluation Criteria and Scoring SystemClean Energy Alliance
Staff Report
DATE: July 16, 2020
TO: Clean Energy Alliance Board of Directors
FROM: Barbara Boswell, Interim Chief Executive Officer
ITEM 7: Clean Energy Alliance Bid Evaluation Criteria and Scoring System
Review two alternative Bid Evaluation Criteria & Scoring Systems, provide input and select a preferred
At its May 7, 2020 special meeting, the Clean Energy Alliance (CEA) Board requested the subject of
implementing a Bid Evaluation Criteria and Scoring System be scheduled on a Board agenda for
discussion. On June 1, 2020 the CEA Board received an email from IBEW 569 (Attachment A) that
included a letter from Sierra Club and sample bid evaluation criteria and scoring systems (Criteria) from
East Bay Community Energy (EBCE) and Clean Power Alliance (CPA) requesting the Board consider
adopting a similar criteria.
EBCE Bid Evaluation
EBCE's Bid Evaluation is included in the EBCE Administrative Procurement Policy and provides bonus
percentages/points in competitive solicitations for certain categories, up to a maximum bonus of 10%.
• 5% or 5 points out of a 100-point scoring system for responses with offices located within
Alameda County (East Bay's local county) and minimum 25% employees from Alameda
• 2.5% or 2.5 points out of a 100-point scoring system for responses who use union labor
and/or unionized contractors;
• 2.5% or 2.5 points out of a 100-point scoring system for responses from businesses owned
and operated by a person representing one or more women, minority, disabled veteran, and
lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender categories.
CPA Bid Evaluation Criteria
CPA's bid evaluation uses a High-Medium-Low ranking system based on six priority criteria:
• $ Value
• Environmental Stewardship — project demonstrates multiple benefits beyond climate and
GHG reduction
• Workforce Development — evaluates target-hire, union labor, or multi-trade project labor
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CEA Bid Evaluation and
Scoring System
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• Development Risk — composite rank based on factors impacting project risk including site
control; interconnection status; environmental screens; land use and permits; project
financing; and developer experience
• Project Location — ranked based on location with CPA service counties, other counties within
California or out of state
• Benefits to Disadvantaged Communities (DAC) — ranked based on location with a DAC and
demonstrates DAC workforce and community development benefits
In contemplating implementing a Bid Evaluation Criteria and Scoring System, the CEA Joint Powers
Authority (JPA) Agreement recital 6(f) should be taken into consideration, which states:
"Pursue the procurement of local generation of renewable power developed by or within
member jurisdictions with an emphasis on local jobs, where appropriate, without limiting fair and open
competition for projects or programs implemented by the Authority."
There is no fiscal impact by this action, however, scoring systems that provide bonus points for criteria
may result in increased project costs for Clean Energy Alliance.
Attachment A — Email and Sample Criteria from IBEW 569
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Attachment A
From: Gretchen Newsom gnewsom@ibew569.org a
Subject: IBEW 569 & Sierra Club on CEA Long-Term Renewable Energy Procurement
Date: June 1, 2020 at 12:03 PM
To: cori.schumacher@carlsbadca.gov, ehaviland@delmar.ca.us, kbecker@cosb.org
Cc: ceo@thecleanenergyalliance.org, secretary@thecleanenergyalliance.org, Micah Mitrosky mmitrosky@ibew569.org,
richard.miller@sierraclub.org, Luis Amezcua (luis.amezcua@sierraclub.org) luis.amezcua@sierraclub.org, Karl Aldinger
karl.aldinger@sierraclub.org, Paige DeGino pdecino@hotmail.com, Mike McMahon 2mmcmahon@gmail.com
Dear Chair Schumacher and Fellow CEA Board Members:
Please see the attached letter and related materials from IBEW 569 and Sierra
Club outlining our recommendations regarding your Long-Term Renewable Energy
With kind regards,
Gretchen Newsom
Political Director / Organizer
IBEW 569
4545 Viewridge Avenue, Ste 100
San Diego, CA 92123
858-569-8900 office
619-208-4853 cell
IBEW569-Sierra Clean Power East Bay
Club C...20.pdf Allianc...ria.pdf Admini...licy.pdf
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June 1, 2020
Clean Energy Alliance
Via Email
Re: Long-Term Renewable Procurement Recommendations
Dear Chair Schumacher and CEA Board Members:
Congratulations on the exciting progress of Clean Energy Alliance (CEA). As you begin to craft the
Long-Term Renewable Procurement Request for Proposals (REP) document and plan the solicitation
process, we urge you to incorporate the following to help ensure proposals align with CEA priorities
and community values:
1. Align the Solicitation with CEA Inclusive and Sustainable Workforce Policy: Prior to releasing a
Long-Term Renewable Procurement solicitation document, we recommend finalizing the Inclusive
and Sustainable Workforce Policy and ensure the language in the solicitation aligns with this
policy. The Inclusive and Sustainable Workforce Policy should be included as an Attachment to
any solicitation/RFP package so project respondents can plan their project execution, delivery and
workforce needs accordingly.
2. Develop CEA Bid Evaluation Scoring Criteria and Incorporate into the Solicitation Process: Bid
evaluation scoring criteria will send a signal to the market about the types of projects CEA would
like to see proposed. For example, criteria can incentivize projects that are local, sited responsibly
and create good, middle-class jobs and skilled training opportunities. Similar to the workforce
policy, a Bid Evaluation Scoring Criteria policy needs to be finalized and adopted prior to releasing
a solicitation so it can be incorporated into the REP package and the solicitation process. We
recommend a Bid Evaluation Scoring Criteria framework similar to those used by Clean Power
Alliance and East Bay Community Energy (see attachments).
3. Solicit Category 1 Resources: CEA has discussed an interest in prioritizing Category 1 resources.
We strongly support this approach as the best avenue to maximize greenhouse gas reductions
and job creation and recommend releasing the solicitation as a Request for Proposals for
California Renewable Energy. Here is sample language:
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"For the purposes of the RFP, renewable energy generation facilities mean any energy sources
that meet the standards required under the California Energy Commission's definitions to be
an eligible Portfolio Content Category 1 Eligible Renewable Resource ("PCC1"). CEA will only
consider purchasing power from projects that are physically located within the geographic
boundaries of California and must have arrangements to deliver the power to the CAISO grid."
Thank you in advance for your consideration. We believe these recommendations will be valuable
components of the Long-Term Renewable Procurement solicitation process to help ensure the kinds
of projects and outcomes desired by the community and CEA ratepayers.
Mike McMahon
MyGen Team Carlsbad
Sierra Club
Jeremy Abrams
Business Manager
IBEW Local 569
CC: Barbara Boswell, Interim CEO
Attachments: Clean Power Alliance Bid Evaluation Criteria
East Bay Administrative Procurement Policy
July 16, 2020
Attachment A
Item #7 Page 5 of 23
-44111N ENERGY
Staff Report Item 13
TO: East Bay Community Energy Board of Directors
FROM: Annie Henderson, Vice President, Marketing Et Account Services
SUBJECT: Second Amended and Restated Administrative Procurement Policy
DATE: March 20, 2019
Adopt a resolution to approve the Second Amended and Restated Administrative Procurement
Background and Discussion
On January 17, 2018, the Board approved an Administrative Procurement Policy that (1)
delegated certain authority to the Chief Executive Officer ("CEO") to enter into professional
service agreements and vendor contracts; (2) authorized the award of professional service
agreements; (3) mandated issuance of Request for Proposals ("RFPs") for non-professional
service contracts; (4) contained criteria for evaluation of bids and proposals, namely
preferences for local and union labor and ethical vendor standards; and (5) contained
reporting obligations and provided for public access to contracts.
On July 18, 2018, the Administrative Procurement Policy was amended and restated by
approval of the Board. Amendments included:
• Provides for competitive solicitations for goods or services in excess of $100,000 in
value, informal written proposal from at least three providers for contracts valued
between $50,000 and $100,000, and informal verbal proposals from at least three
providers for contracts valued between $10,000 and $50,000. Certain limited
exceptions were also approved.
• Prohibits staff from accepting certain gifts, does not require acceptance of lowest
responsible bidder, requires contracts be approved as to form and content by General
Counsel, and certain contracts are subject to Public Records Act.
• Delegation of authority to execute professional services agreements and vendor
• Authorizes any Director-level or above executive staff member to sign Nondisclosure
Agreements and the COO-level or above to sign Banking and Treasury Administration
• Provides for bid evaluation criteria that are identical to the criteria set out in the
original Administrative Procurement Policy
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• Provides authority to the CEO, the COO and the Director of Power Resources to enter
into agreements for the purchase of power and energy attributes
Since the Administrative Procurement Policy was first adopted, East Bay Community Energy
("EBCE") has launched service to commercial, municipal, and residential customers, the staff
has increased in size and is continuing to increase in size, and the workload and scope of
activities have likewise increased, necessitating a more detailed Administrative Procurement
Policy containing additional authorization to enter into vendor contracts.
EBCE conducts extensive outreach activities through participation in community events. In the
course of scheduling outreach events, we are occasionally presented with an application that
requests that the EBCE release liability. Below is example language that we could encounter
in EBCE's role as a "Vendor":
• Vendor agrees to indemnify, defend, with counsel selected by City, and hold harmless
the Released Parties from any and all claims, demands, actions, judgments, damages,
liabilities, and costs of any kind, including attorneys' fees, (collectively "Liabilities")
arising out of or in any manner related to Vendor's participation in the Event, except
to the extent that such Liabilities are caused by the sole negligence or willful
misconduct of the Released Parties.
• The person signing this Agreement represents and warrants that he or she is duly
authorized and has the legal capacity to execute and deliver this Agreement on the
behalf of the Vendor.
The current policy does not grant authority to any staff for release of liability. Staff proposes
a revision to section 4h to include the third authorization as follows:
h. In addition, the following authorities shall apply, after review and approval of
such Agreements by the General Counsel, or his/her designee and except
where in conflict with the Joint Powers Agreement, state or federal law:
i. Non-Disclosure Agreements - Director level and above;
Banking and Treasury Administration - COO level and above; and,
Release of Liability and Indemnification - Director level and above.
Fiscal Impact
There should be no additional fiscal impact.
Not a project
A. Resolution to Adopt a Second Amended and Restated Administrative Procurement
B. Second Amended and Restated Administrative Procurement Policy
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Section 1. The East Bay Community Energy Authority ("EBCE") was formed on
December 1, 2016, under the Joint Exercise of Power Act, California Government Code
sections 6500 et seq., among the County of Alameda, and the Cities of Albany, Berkeley,
Dublin, Emeryville, Fremont, Hayward, Livermore, Piedmont, Oakland, San Leandro, and
Union City to study, promote, develop, conduct, operate, and manage energy and energy-
related climate change programs in all of the member jurisdictions.
Section 2. On January 17, 2018, the EBCE Board of Directors ("Board") adopted an
Administrative Procurement Policy that (1) delegated certain authority to the Chief Executive
Officer to enter into professional service agreements and vendor contracts; (2) authorized the
award of professional service agreements; (3) mandated issuance of Requests for Proposals
for non-professional service contracts; (4) contained criteria for evaluation of bids and
proposals, namely preferences for local and union labor and ethical vendor standards; and (5)
contained reporting obligations and provided for public access to contracts.
Section 3. On July 18, 2018, the Board adopted an Amended and Restated
Administrative Procurement Policy that detailed the requirements for competitive
solicitations, detailed criteria for evaluation of bids and proposals, authorized various EBCE
executive staff to execute professional services agreements and vendor contracts related to
their administrative areas, required public access to said agreements, required legal review
of all contracts and agreements prior to their execution, and provided specific authorizations
for procurement of power and energy attributes.
Section 4. EBCE staff has increased in size and focus, consequently increasing the
need for EBCE to enter agreements with broader liability and indemnification coverage. These
new needs require additional procurement practices and authorizations to ensure staff can
execute these agreements and others efficiently. Therefore, the Board hereby further amends
the Amended and Restated Administrative Procurement Policy adopted on July 18, 2018.
Section 5. The Board hereby adopts the Second Amended and Restated Administrative
Procurement Policy attached as Exhibit A and listed as Policy # authorizing directors and
above to sign agreements for which EBCE must release another party from liability and or
indemnify that party, after review and approval of such agreements by the General Counsel
or his/her designee and except where in conflict with the Joint Powers Agreement, state or
federal law.
ADOPTED AND APPROVED this 20th day of March 2019.
Scott Haggerty, Chair
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Stephanie Cabrera, Clerk of the Board
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SECOND AMENDED AND RESTATED Administrative Procurement Policy
Policy No. 2019-
March 20, 2019
It is in the interest of East Bay Community Energy ("EBCE") to establish administrative
procurement practices that facilitate efficient business operations and provide fair
compensation and local workforce opportunities whenever possible within a framework of
high quality, competitive service offerings.
1. Public Bidding Requirements:
a. EBCE shall issue a Request for Proposals or a Request for Qualifications for the
purchase of goods or services in excess of $100,000 in any given contract year or
term. EBCE will run competitive solicitations through the issuance of requests for
proposals ("RFPs") or similar instruments for all non-professional service contracts
with a contract value in excess of $100,000 in any given contract year. These
contracts are subject to Board approval before final execution.
b. For contracts valued between $50,000 and $99,999.99, staff shall solicit informal
written proposals from at least three providers, if feasible. An informal written
proposal consists of a written proposal that includes the provider's name, address,
phone number, professional license number, if applicable, the work to be
performed and the amount of the bid. A written proposal may be in an electronic
mail format.
c. For contracts valued between $10,000 and $49,999.99, staff shall solicit informal
verbal proposals from at least three providers. Staff shall note the three verbal
bids by including the providers' name, address, phone number and amount of the
verbal proposal in EBCE's records.
d. For contracts valued at less than $10,000, no formal or informal bids shall be
required, but EBCE staff is directed to seek the lowest cost supplies and the
highest quality services available.
e. When procuring goods and services utilizing federal funds (e.g., grant funds), EBCE
shall comply with all federal project requirements in securing any goods or services
f. The Chief Executive Officer ("CEO"), at his/her discretion, may direct that EBCE
solicit competitive solicitations through the RFP process for contracts under
g. EBCE shall not be required to award a contract to purchase goods or services from
the lowest responsible bidder, unless required by California law.
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h. No EBCE employee, official, or director shall split purchases into more than one
purchase in order to avoid the competitive solicitation requirements in this policy.
Splitting purchases does not allow for a competitive marketplace, increases
administrative workflow, and may create ethical issues.
Exceptions to competitive solicitation requirements:
Sole source purchasing is authorized when the goods or services
contemplated are capable of being performed by a sole provider, such as
the holder of an exclusive patent or franchise, for purchase of unique or
innovative goods or services including but not limited to computer software
and technology, or for purchases of goods or services when there is a
demonstrated need for compatibility with an existing item or service. A sole
source may be designated when it is apparent that a needed product or
service is uniquely available from the source, or for all practical purposes,
it is justifiably in the best interest of EBCE. Under some circumstances,
EBCE competitive solicitation requirements may be dispensed with when
the goods or services are only available from one source either because the
brand or trade name article, goods, or product or proprietary service is the
only one which will properly meet the needs of the EBCE or the item or
service is unique and available only from a sole source.
Sole source purchasing shall be an exception to the normal solicitation
process and requires a detailed explanation. The following factors shall not
apply to sole source requests and shall not be included in the sole source
justification: personal preference for product or vendor; cost, vendor
performance, and local service (this may be considered an award factor in
competitive bidding); features that exceed the minimum requirements for
the goods or services; explanation for the actual need and basic use for the
equipment, unless the information relates to a request for unique factors.
No competitive solicitation, formal or informal bids shall be required for
goods or services valued at less than $10,000 in any one contract term or
contract year.
No competitive solicitation shall be required to rent or lease equipment.
iv. Competitive or informal solicitations shall not be required when the
contract, the goods or the services will be provided by another
governmental agency. EBCE can rely on the competitive solicitation process
provided by another governmental agency providing that that agency's
procurement is in compliance with California law.
v. In the event of an emergency, the CEO may suspend the normal purchasing
and procurement requirements for goods and services related to abatement
of the impacts or effects of the emergency.
j• No EBCE employee, officer, or Director shall accept, directly or indirectly, any
gift, rebate, money or anything else of value from any person or entity if such gift,
rebate, money or anything of value is intended to reward or be an inducement for
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conducting business, placing orders with, or otherwise using the employee's
position to secure an agreement with EBCE.
2. Procurement of Supplies:
EBCE shall procure supplies in compliance with the Competitive Solicitation Requirements
in Section 1, above. While, EBCE shall not be required to award to lowest responsible
bidder, EBCE staff shall seek to purchase supplies at the lowest costs. EBCE is encouraged
to jointly procure supplies with other governmental agencies to obtain the lowest cost
when possible. In the event one or more EBCE employees are designated as purchasing
agents, those individuals shall be included in EBCE's conflict of interest code as persons
who must file an annual statement of economic interest.
3. Procurement of Professional Services:
EBCE may contract for professional services, including but not limited to consultant, legal,
or design services, in its sole discretion. EBCE shall endeavor to secure the highest quality
professional services available. While EBCE shall secure such services in compliance with
the Competitive Solicitation Requirements in Section 1, above, awarding a contract for
services need not be awarded to the lowest responsible bidder.
4. Executive Management Signing Authority:
a. The CEO is authorized to enter into contracts of $100,000 or less without prior
Board approval with the stipulation that all new contracts must be reported at the
next scheduled Board meeting. This contract limit does not include power supply
or wholesale energy services and shall remain in place unless and until amended by
the EBCE Board of Directors.
b. Notwithstanding other express authority in this Administrative Procurement Policy,
a member of the EBCE executive level staff consisting of the Chief Operating
Officer ("COO"), the General Counsel or a Vice President, at the discretion and
approval of the CEO, is authorized to sign professional service agreements and
vendor contracts up to $100,000 as an authorized designee of the CEO, subject to
Board reporting requirements outlined above.
c. The COO is authorized to sign professional service agreements or vendor contracts
whose object or purpose is related to the activities or functions of the Office of
the COO, up to $25,000 in total compensation, subject to Board reporting
requirements outlined in Subsection a, above.
d. Any staff Senior Director or Vice President is authorized to sign professional service
agreements or vendor contracts whose object or purpose is related to the activities
or functions of that Senior Director or Vice President up to $10,000 in total
compensation, subject to Board reporting requirements outlined in Subsection a,
e. Any staff level Director is authorized to sign professional service agreements or
vendor contracts whose object or purpose is related to the activities or functions
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of that Director up to $5,000 in total compensation, subject to Board reporting
requirements outlined in Subsection a, above.
f. The General Counsel, or his/her designee, is authorized to sign professional service
agreements or vendor contracts whose object or purpose is related to the activities
or functions of the Office of the General Counsel up to $50,000 in total
compensation, subject to Board reporting requirements outlined in Subsection a,
above. All Legal Services Agreements must be issued through the General
Counsel's Office.
g. Prior to signing any professional services agreement or vendor contract, the
individual signing shall ensure 1) that the contract compensation has been
budgeted for in the current EBCE budget 2) that adequate funds have been
appropriated by the Board 3) that such funds are unexpended and unencumbered
sufficient to pay the expense of the contract, and 4) that the Contract or
Professional Services Agreement has been approved as to form and content by the
General Counsel or his/her designee.
h. In addition, the following authorities shall apply, after review and approval of such
Agreements by the General Counsel, or his/her designee and except where in
conflict with the Joint Powers Agreement, state or federal law:
i. Non-Disclosure Agreements - Director level and above;
Banking and Treasury Administration - COO level and above; and,
Release of Liability and Indemnification - Director level and above.
Invoices and vendor payments shall be approved by the contract signee, his/her
executive level manager or the COO prior to payment.
j• Contract amendments including changes in timeframe, scope, and value shall be
subject to Board approval and signing authorities outlined in this Section 4.
k. EBCE shall report on all new contracts, regardless of scope or contract value, at
each Board meeting. Unless subject to the attorney client privilege or some other
legal protection, as a public agency, EBCE shall release all public records,
including contracts as applicable, as required by the Public Records Act.
5. Bid Evaluation:
a. Bids and proposals received through a competitive solicitation shall be subject to a
set of criteria and a scoring system, reviewed and evaluated by relevant EBCE staff
and an evaluation committee selected by the CEO, COO or General Counsel, or at
the discretion of the Board, members of a designated Board subcommittee or the
Community Advisory Committee. Bids for contracts received through formal or
informal solicitation shall be evaluated based on competency to perform the scope
of work, best fit, price competitiveness and compliance with subsections i (Special
Procurement Preferences), ii (Alameda County Preference), iii (Union Labor
Preference), and iv (Other Preferences) below.
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EBCE seeks to support companies and contractors that reflect its values,
and has identified three vendor/contractor categories that shall be given
special consideration during bid evaluation and selection. In competitive
solicitations, these categories shall receive bonus percentages/points
ranging from 2.5% - 5% for a maximum bonus total of 10% in a bid scoring
EBCE desires to support Alameda County businesses where possible.
Businesses with office(s) located in Alameda County and include at least
25% Alameda County residents under their employment shall receive a
bonus equal to 5% or 5 points out of a 100-point scoring system in
competitive solicitations.
EBCE desires to support the use of union labor where possible. EBCE shall
make its best effort to work with unionized contractors and subcontractors
in the provision of goods and services to EBCE. Businesses who use union
labor and/or unionized contractors shall receive a bonus equal to 2.5% or
2.5 points out of a 100-point scoring system in competitive solicitations.
iv. EBCE desires to support diversity among its contractors and vendors by
working with women, minority, disabled veteran, and lesbian, gay,
bisexual, and transgender-owned businesses. Businesses owned and
operated by a person representing one or more of these categories shall
receive a bonus equal to 2.5% or 2.5 points out of a 100-point scoring
system in competitive solicitations.
b. EBCE is committed to the highest standards of responsible behavior and integrity in
all of its business relationships. EBCE will consider a company's business practices,
environmental track record, and commitment to fair employment practices and
compensation in its procurement decisions.
6. Procurement of Power and Energy Attributes:
EBCE must secure sufficient power resources and energy attributes to serve its customers,
comply with State law and meet EBCE's and its member agencies' goals. The Board shall
approve the form of all master power purchase agreements. The signing authority in
Section 4 shall not apply to power and energy attribute procurement. The following EBCE
staff shall be authorized to enter into power purchase agreements and other agreements
to secure power and energy attributes providing such agreements are in substantially the
same form as the Board-approved master power purchase agreements, and that all
transactions and agreements are in strict compliance with EBCE's Risk Management Policy:
a. The CEO is authorized to enter into agreements in accordance to the approved Risk
Management Policy.
b. The COO is authorized to enter into agreements in accordance to the approved
Risk Management Policy provided that transactions shall not be over two years in
duration and $10,000,000 in total compensation.
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c. The Director of Power Resources is authorized to enter into agreements in
accordance to the approved Risk Management Policy provided that transactions
shall not be over one year in duration and not be over $2,000,000 in compensation.
d. With dual signatures, the COO and Director of Power Resources are authorized to
enter into agreements with equivalent authority as the CEO in accordance with the
approved Risk Management Policy.
7. All Professional Service Agreements, vendor contracts and power procurement
agreements must be approved as to the form and content by the General Counsel or
his/her designee prior to signature by any authorized individual.
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Locally powered energy innovation.
Request for Offers (RFO)
Evaluation Criteria
Attachment A
Evaluation Criteria
1:s1 CPA evaluates projects based on six criteria:
0 0
Attachment A
0 —h
Development Risk Score
Projects will be ranked from high (good) to low (bad)
• The development risk metric is a composite rank based on a
number of factors impacting project risk:
o Site control
o Interconnection status
o Environmental screens
o Land use and permits
o Project financing
o Developer experience
Attachment A
NJ 0
Environmental Stewardship
t Projects are ranked high, medium, neutral, and low based on
,p) the following prioritization:
• Demonstrates multiple benefits (provides additional societal,
health, economic, water saving, or environmental benefits beyond
the climate and GHG reduction benefits of renewable energy)
• Located in an area designated as a preferred renewable energy
zone and received required land use entitlement permits
• Project is located in a high conflict area
Attachment A
Workforce Development
Projects will be ranked high, medium, and low based on the
E) following prioritization:
• The project will use targeted-hire, union labor, or multi-trade
project labor agreements (including requirements for state-
apprenticeship graduates)
• The project does not have a labor agreement, but can
demonstrate prevailing wage, union labor, and targeted hire
• The project does not demonstrate prevailing wage, union labor,
and targeted hire commitments
Attachment A
Benefits to Disadvantaged Communities (DACs)
Projects will be ranked high, medium, and low based on the
-a' following prioritization:
0 • Located within a DAC and demonstrates DAC workforce and
community development benefits
• Project not located within a DAC but can demonstrate DAC
benefits and has completed community outreach CD 3
• Project does not demonstrate DAC benefits
Attachment A
4:t ....1
-0 DJ Ot1 m
0 -1-,
Project Location
PIN, Projects will be ranked high, medium, and low based on the
rg, following prioritization:
• In Los Angeles and Ventura counties
• Other counties within California
• Out of state projects
Attachment A
Attachment A