HomeMy WebLinkAbout2020-07-16; Clean Energy Alliance JPA; ; Clean Energy Alliance Community Advisory Committee Policy & TimelineClean Energy Alliance
Staff Report
DATE: July 16, 2020
TO: Clean Energy Alliance Board of Directors
FROM: Barbara Boswell, Interim Chief Executive Officer
ITEM 5: Clean Energy Alliance Community Advisory Committee Policy & Timeline
Approve Clean Energy Alliance (CEA) Community Advisory Committee (CAC) Policy and provide input
and approve timeline for the CAC activation.
At its regular meeting on June 18, 2020 the CEA Board reviewed the draft Citizen Advisory Committee
Policy and provided edits to be incorporated into the final draft for approval. Those edits included:
• Change name from Citizen Advisory Committee to Community Advisory
• Add two (2) year term limit
• Revise background/expertise criteria
• Clarify attendance requirements
• Revise CAC Purpose & Objectives
The attached updated CAC Policy and application reflect the direction provided by the Board.
The CAC timeline below provides ability for CAC to participate in the customer outreach and
education process. The timeline can be adjusted should the Board decide to have the CAC
activated closer to the launch of CEA in May 2021.
Open Application Process August 3, 2020
CEA Board Approve Initial CAC Workplan & Meeting Schedule August 20, 2020
Applications due to CEA Board Secretary August 28, 2020
Applications distributed to CEA Board Member September 4, 2020
CEA Board Member Application Review & Evaluation September 7 — October 2
CEA Board Meeting Review Recommendations & Approve
October 15, 2020
First Meeting of CAC November/December 2020
The estimated administrative cost for each CAC meeting is $2,500 per meeting. Funding is to be
identified in the FY 20/21 Budget.
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Attachment A - Clean Energy Alliance Community Advisory Committee Policy
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Clean Energy Alliance Attachment A
Community Advisory Committee (CAC) Authorization
Section 5.9 of the Clean Energy Alliance (CEA) Joint Powers Authority (JPA) Agreement provides
the authority for the CEA Board to establish an advisory committee to assist the Board in
implementing and operating its CCA program. Pursuant to the JPA Agreement, the committee
should have equal representation from the member agencies. The Board may establish criteria
to qualify for appointment to the committee, and establish rules, regulations, policies or
procedures to govern the committee.
CAC Membership Criteria
• The CAC membership shall consist of two (2) appointees from each CEA member agency
and 1 Board Alternate. CAC committee members shall serve staggered three (3) year
terms with a two-term limit. In the inaugural year, one appointee seat from each
member agency shall serve two (2) years.
• Committee members serve at the pleasure of the Board.
• CAC members will be subject to all applicable conflict of interest laws and may be
required to disclose potential conflicts by filing a Form 700. (Information about conflicts
of interest and Form 700 can be found here: http://www.fppc.ca.gov/Form700.html.
• Members shall be residents (property owners or renters) or business owners within the
service territory of CEA.
• CAC membership will be considered for those that have a relevant background in or
expertise related to one or more of the following fields: electricity, community outreach
or engagement, or policy advocacy.
• Applicants must be committed to serving on the CAC and attending regular committee
meetings, and occasional CEA Board meetings. Committee meetings will be held
quarterly unless additional meetings are directed by the Board. Members are expected
to maintain a good attendance record. A committee member will be removed from the
CAC if the member has two consecutive unexcused absences from CAC meetings or has
unexcused absences from more than 25% of the CAC meetings in a calendar year.
City of Carlsbad I City of Del Mar I City of Solana Beach
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• The CAC is subject to Brown Act and all meetings will be publicly noticed and held in
public settings pursuant to requirements of the Brown Act.
• CAC meetings, times and location will be determined by the CEA Board.
• The CAC will elect a Chair who will facilitate meetings and provide reports to the Board
as needed.
CAC Purpose & Objectives
The purpose of the CAC is to advise the CEA Board of Directors on those matters concerning the
operation of its Community Choice Aggregation (CCA) program as directed by the Board of
Directors in an annual workplan for the CAC that is adopted by the Board The objectives of the
CAC are to provide feedback to the Board, act as a liaison between the Board and the
community and serve as a forum for community input on those matters assigned to the CAC in
the annual workplan. The CAC shall not have any decision-making authority but will serve as an
advisory body to the Board of Directors.
CAC Member Selection Process
Applicants must complete and submit the Clean Energy Alliance Community Advisory
Committee Application (Attachment A). Board Members will nominate two applicants from
their respective communities to the full Board for approval. In addition, the full Board will
select one Board Alternate to participate on the CAC.
Clean Energy Alliance CAC
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Attachment A
Clean Energy Alliance
Community Advisory Committee Application
CAC Purpose & Objectives
The purpose of the CAC is to advise the CEA Board of Directors on those matters concerning the
operation of its Community Choice Aggregation (CCA) program as directed by the Board of
Directors in an annual workplan for the CAC that is adopted by the Board The objectives of the
CAC are to provide feedback to the Board, act as a liaison between the Board and the
community and serve as a forum for community input on those matters assigned to the CAC in
the annual workplan. The CAC shall not have any decision-making authority but will serve as an
advisory body to the Board of Directors.
Are you a resident/business owner of one of the CEA member cities?
If yes, which city:
Please attach a current resume and respond to the following questions. Please attach a
separate sheet if additional space is needed.
What experience/perspective will you bring to the committee?
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Describe any relevant background in or expertise related to one or more of the following fields:
electricity, community outreach or engagement, or policy advocacy.
Do you have any interests or associations that might present a conflict of interest? If yes, please
What do you hope to accomplish as a member of the Clean Energy Alliance Community Advisory
Please provide three references
NAME Phone Number Relationship
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By signing below I acknowledge that I have sufficient time to actively participate in the Clean
Energy Alliance Community Advisory Committee for the benefit of the program and the
communities it serves. I understand that committee members are subject to conflict of interest
laws and required to disclose potential conflicts by filing Form 700.
Completed applications should be emailed to: Secretary@TheCleanEnergyAlliance.org
Clean Energy Alliance CAC
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