HomeMy WebLinkAbout2019-01-14; Historic Preservation Commission; ; 3RD GRADE ART PRESENTATION FOR 2019H I STORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION
Meeting Dat e: January 14, 2019
To: Historic Preservation Commission
From: Suzanne Smithson, Deputy Library Director
Staff Contact: Dianna Galindo
Subject: 3rd grade art presentation for 2019
Recommended Action:
Approve draft letter to distribute to third grade teachers in Carlsbad schools.
Executive Summary:
Annually, the Historic Preservation Commission works with third grade classes in Carlsbad schools to
encourage students' learning about historic sites in the city. Commissioners will discuss the 2019 annual
presentation and review a draft letter for distribution.
Exhibits :
1. Draft letter to 3rd grade teachers
February xx, 2019
Dear Third Grade Teachers,
The City of Carlsbad Historic Preservation Commission is once again sponsoring their annual art contest
entitled Drawing on Carlsbad's Past for all Carlsbad third grade students. This fun and creative activity
gives students an opportunity to explore their local heritage through art and through visits to many of
Carlsbad's historic sites.
As in past years, we will acknowledge all winners at a presentation at the Carlsbad City Council Meeting
set for Tuesday, June xx, at 5:45 pm. The presentation by the Mayor and City Council Members will be
followed by an informal reception on the lawn east of the Council Gharnbers. Family, teachers, and
principals are encouraged to attend and congratulate their stu.de;(lts.'
Details of the art contest are as follows:
• Submitted art work must be an artistic repres~~~~tion of a Carlsb~~ historic site.
Artwork should be on 8 ½ x 11 inch paper n'lQunted on 9 x 12 inch black construction paper. An
identification label should be attached to W~-.. reverse side of the work (master sheet enclosed).
Watercolor, tempera paint, colored pencil, peri•ar:1d ink, ct:rarGoal, crayon, o.r-~ny combination of
media may be used. Artwork shoµld be original l~~ges;::no photocopying of pr~printed designs
or coloring book pages, please.-,-.
ln years past we have enclosed ttie· pamphlet, Historic Cbi(Sbad, a self-guided tour. In the spirit
of saving paper and postage, wear~ rjpw ;~itthig that en.tlos.ure. We hope you have copies
retained from years past_. ,Additionally, V.9u may r~q.u~st copies:ang we will send them . . .. . . ,. . .. , . ' -. ~. . Information on the-historic sites is also included ·on ·our website at
https://ccmaps .. ~arlsbadca.g~~/historicciasbadifndex.httnl :: Additional resources are the
booklets Beckett;i Walk throug/i CarlsbaiHis'f:ory and Beckett Explores Carlsbad's Past to assist
you in your work wfrfr:your st@ents. The bo'okle.ts are available through your school library, at
the_.CarlSQil'd CiW Libra'r.y,:pri~t nli'n~ at-the Carbba.d Historical Society website linked under
Sch9'oi Tours. . . .-. :._. . · _.
. ~~
• Th~ ('.:ity of Carlsbad.H)storic Pre:servation Commission asks that each participating school judge
the'ir O\t-Jfl art. Each sch66l may decitle.who should judge the artwork and what criteria should
be used: _Please deliver t,he three (3) Winning pieces from your school to Deputy Library
Director SUi.clnne Smithson:a_t the Georgina Cole Library by Tuesday, May xx, 2019.
As a partnering organi2afo;in with thitHistoric Preservation Commission, the Carlsbad Historical Society
supports this art project Wit.~.c!~~S·fours available year round at the historic Shipley-Magee House to
bring your curriculum alive. Please contact the Carlsbad Historical Society a few weeks in advance at
cbadhistory@gmail.com to schedule a tour. You may also contact Susan Gutierrez directly at 760-822-
8035. The Shipley-Magee House is also open to the public on Fridays, Saturday, and Sundays 11-3 for
individual visits. More informat1on is available on the Society website at
https://www .ca rlsbadh istorica I society .com/
After the Council presentation on June xx, all winning artwork will be on display at the Cole Library
through the summer. Artwork will be returned to each school at the beginning of the 2010-20 school
year unless the parent and student have already picked it up at the Library.
We look forward to sharing your students' talents,
Suzanne Smithson
Deputy Library Director & City Staff Liaison to Historic Preservation Commission
(760) 434-2876