HomeMy WebLinkAbout2019-11-14; Housing Commission; ; CARLSBAD PUBLIC HOUSING AGENCY 5-YEAR PLANMeeting Date:
Staff Contact:
November 14, 2019
Housing Commissioners
Dave de Cordova, Principal Planner
Bobbi Nunn, Housing Program Manager
Bobbi.Nun n@carlsbadca.gov, 760-434-2816
Recommended Action
No action is required at this time. The 5-Year Plan is being introduced for discussion and
Executive Summary
Housing & Neighborhood Services administers the federally funded Section 8 Rental Assistance
Program for the Public Housing Authority in Carlsbad, which is more specifically known as the
Carlsbad Housing Agency. Pursuant to code of federal regulations (CFR) 24 Part 903, a Public
Housing Authority (PHA) is required to submit a 5-Year and Annual Plan. The 5-Year and Annual
PHA Plan provide a basic guide to PHA policies, rules, and requirements concerning the PHA's
operations, programs, and services. In addition, the Plan advises HUD and members of the public
the PHA's mission and strategies for serving the needs of low-income and very low-income famili es
for the next five years.
The purpose of the 5-Year PHA Plan is to identify goals and objectives to serve the needs of low-
income (under 80% of the area median income -AMI), very low-income (under 50% ofthe AMI),
and extremely low-income (under 30% of the AMI) families for the next five years.
The goals that are addressed are:
1. Expand the supply of assisted housing;
2. Improve the quality of assisted housing;
3. Increase assisted housing choices;
4. Promote self-sufficiency and asset development of families and individuals;
5. Ensure equal opportunity and affirmatively further fair housing; and
6. Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) Goals
Attached is the FY 2015-2019 PHA 5-Year Plan for the Housing Commission's information and
background. The Housing Agency is seeking input for the next 5-Year Plan (FY 2020-2025), to
determine if there are any changes in the priorities or needs of the community.
Next Steps
The PHA 5-Year Plan is required to be available for public review and comment prior to a Public ·
Hearing and adoption by the City Council who acts as the Community Development Commission
for this process. The public review period is 45 days and the 5-Year Plan is due to the Housing and
Urban Development Department (HUD) prior to April 17, 2020. In addition, a Public Hearing will
be scheduled when the Community Development Commission hears this item. All public
comments received on the PHA 5-Year Plan will be addressed and included in the final documents
that will be submitted to HUD.
The draft PHA 5-Year Plan will be presented to the Housing Commission during the public review
and comment period for recommendation to the Community Development Commission.
Environmental Review
Pursuant to Public Resources Code section 21065, this action does not constitute a "project"
within the meaning of CEQA in that it has no potential to cause either a direct physical change
in the environment, or a reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment,
and therefore does not require environmental review.
1. FY 2015 -2019 PHA 5-Year Plan
{'city of
5 Year Plan for Fiscal Year 2015 -
Annual Plan for Fiscal Year 2015
Page I of 9 form HUD-50075 (4/2008)
PHA 5-Y ear and U.S. Department of Housing and Urban 0MB No. 2577-0226
Annual Plan Development Expires 4/30/2011
Office of Public and Indian Housinf
1.0 PHA Information
PHA Type: □Small 181 High Perfonning □ Standard 181 HCV (Section 8)
PHA Fiscal Year Beginning: (MM/YYYY): 07/2015
2.0 Inventory (based on ACC units at time of FY beginning in 1.0 above)
Number of PH units: n/a Number of HCV units: 703 baseline
3.0 Submission Type
[81 5-Year and Annual Plan 0 Annual Plan Only D 5-Year Plan Only
4.0 PHA Consortia D PHA Consortia: (Check box if submitting ajoint Plan and complete table below.) N/A
PHA Program(s) Included in the Programs Not in the No. of Units in Each
Participating PHAs Program Code Consortia Consortia PH HCV
5.0 5-Year Plan. Complete items 5. I and 5 .2 only at 5-Year Plan update.
5.1 Mission. State the PHA's Mission for serving the needs of low-income, very low-income, and extremely low·
income families in the PHA 's jurisdiction for the next five years:
The PHA's Mission is to promote adequate and affordable housing, based on the needs of low-
income, very low-income, and extremely low-income families within the City of Carlsbad.
In addition, the PHA's Mission is to support the Housing & Neighborhood Services' (HNS)
Mission to work in partnership with the community to create opportunities that promote and
sustain vibrant, thriving neighborhoods. The goal is to improve or enhance the quality of life
and sense of community for those who live and/or work in Carlsbad by providing connections
to City information and services and through focused program development and
implementation, community engagement and outreach services and provision of affordable
housing opportunities.
Page 2 of9 form HUD-50075 ( 4/2008)
5.2 Goals and Objectives. Identify the PHA 's quantifiable goals and objectives that will enable the PHA to serve the
needs of low-income and very low-income, and extremely low-income families for the next five years. Include a
report on the progress the PHA has made in meeting the goals and objectives described in the previous 5-Year Plan.
1. Expand the supply of assisted housing --Objectives:
• PHA will respond and apply for additional funding, when available
• Leverage private or other public funds to create affordable housing opportunities:
o Utilizing Housing Trust Funds through Carlsbad's lnclusionary Housing Ordinance
o Utilizing CDBG funds
• Acquire or build units or developments
• Seek opportunities to collaborate with private developers and non-profit agencies in an
effort to expand affordable housing opportunities
2. Improve the quality of assisted housing --Objectives:
• Improve Voucher Management by continuing to be recognized as a High-Performer in
accordance with HUD's SEMAP performance evaluation
• Increase customer satisfaction by providing excellent customer service
• Improve management functions by streamlining functions and technical initiatives
•. Fully utilize and maintain HAP costs within HUD funded allocations
3. Increase assisted housing choices --Objectives:
• Conduct outreach efforts to potential rental property owners
• Maintain voucher payment standards to expand assisted housing choices
• Expand the supply of assisted housing
4. Promote self-sufficiency and asset development of families and individuals --Objectives:
• PHA will continue to administer the Family Self-Sufficiency Program
• PHA representative will continue to meet quarterly with local support services agencies
• PHA will continue collaborative relationships with local non-profit and support services
agencies that assist the elderly and/or disabled individuals
• PHA will continue collaborative relationships with local non-profit and support services
agencies that assist homeless veterans, homeless veterans with families, and the
chronic homeless population
5. Ensure equal opportunity and affirmatively further fair housing --Objectives:
• Undertake affirmative measures to ensure access to assisted housing regardless of race,
color, religion, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, familial status, and disability
o PHA will provide educational information about equal opportunity and fair housing
at all Section 8 Program Briefings and Move Briefings
o PHA will provide reasonable accommodation(s) for persons with disabilities and
for frail elderly
o PHA will contract with the Center for Social Advocacy (CSA), a non-profit agency
that provides advocacy on fair housing and tenant/landlord mediation issues
o HNS contracted with CMH consulting to conduct testing at 10 different sites to
ascertain the potential barriers to fair housing in Carlsbad
Page 3 of9 form HUD-50075 (4/2008)
6.0 PHA Plan Update
(a) Identify all PHA Plan eleme11ts tJ,at /,ave bee11 revised by tl,e PHA since its last A1mual Plan submission:
2. Financial Resources:
Statement of Financial Resources: Planned Sources and Uses
[24 CFR Part 903.12 (b), 903.7 (c)]
Source: Federal Grants
Annual Contributions for HCV Program -Housing Assistance Payments (HAP),
CY 2014
Annual Contributions for HCV Program -Administrative Fees for Program
Operations, CY 2014
Community Development Block Grant {CDBG) -Public Services, Fair Housing,
Affordable Housing, Public Facility Improvements, FY 2014
Total Resources
3. Rent Determination:
Payment Standards
Describe the voucher payment standards and policies.
$ 6,230,943.
What is the PHA's payment standard? (select the category that best describes your standard)
~ Above 100% but at or below 110% of FM R
If the payment standard is higher than FMR, why has the PHA chosen this level? (select all that
~ FMRs are not adequate to ensure success among assisted families in the PHA's segment
of the FMR area
~ Reflects market or submarket
~ To increase housing options for families
~ Other (list below)
• Higher payment standards in accordance with the San Diego Apartment Association
Rent Survey
• Higher standards in accordance with the affordable rents based on Area Median
Income (AMI)
4. Operation and Management:
Integrated Pest Manaaement Policy (1PM)
When bed bugs are reported:
1. Housing representative will inquire what the provisions are in the lease or rental agreement
in regards to pest management/extermination. If the· lease does not state who is
responsible, the violation will be assigned to the owner.
2. PHA must receive written documentation by a licensed pest control company that all bed
bugs have been exterminated and unit is cleared from any hazard of bed bugs. This
documentation must be received by the re-inspection date.
Page 4 of9 form HUD-50075 ( 4/2008)
3. Abatement/termination will be processed if adequate documentation is not received timely.
A proactive owner extension may be granted if documentation is received from a licensed
pest control company stating that the extermination is taking place but additional
treatments are required. Units that are not treated and cleared of the bed bug infestation
will be added to the noncompliant unit list.
When bed bugs are discovered after entering an assisted unit:
1. At the inspection, an inquiry will be made by the PHA inspector as to whether there have
been any issues with the unit in general; including any issues with infestation. If the PHA
inspector is already in a unit and the family reports there are bed bugs or live bed bugs are
evident, the inspector will immediately exit the unit and explain to the family that the PHA
does not allow inspectors to enter units with a known bed bug infestation. After exiting the
unit, PHA staff will explain the bed bug policy to the family and advise them if they have any
questions to contact the Housing Program Manager.
2. The policy listed above under "When bed bugs are reported" will be followed.
3. Once the PHA has received confirmation from a licensed pest control company that the bed
bugs have been eliminated, the inspection will be rescheduled.
4. The participant will be advised that any future suspected issues with bed bug infestation
should be reported immediately to the property owner or their agent. If the property owner
or agent is not responsive in an appropriate timeframe, the participant needs to contact the
housing agency immediately.
11. Fiscal Year Audit:
Year ended June 30, 2014 -The single audit report on expenditures of federal awards
disclosed no audit findings required by the auditors to be reported under paragraph .Sl0{a)
of 0MB Circular A-133.
13. Violence Against Women Act (VAWA):
The PHA complies with VAWA and has advised staff of outside resources available to child
or adult victims of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault or stalking. Staff has
been directed to provide referrals to outside agencies that provide such services, such as
the Women's Resource Center, which is located in Oceanside and provides domestic
violence services in the PHA service area.
In addition, a brochure titled: Violence Against Women Act-What Applicants, Tenants,
Owners and Landlords Need to Know is available in the lobby of the housing department
and is included in the Briefing Packets. Brochure is also available in Spanish.
Page 5 of9. fonn HUD-50075 ( 4/2008)
6.0 PHA Plan Update -continued
(a) Identify tlie specific /ocation(s) where the public may obtain copies of tl,e 5-Year and Annual
PHA Plan: (For a complete list of PHA Plan elements, see Section 6.0 of the instructions.)
Main administrative office of the PHA:
• City of Carlsbad
Housing & Neighborhood Services
1200 Carlsbad Village Drive
Carlsbad, CA 92008
Main administrative office of the local, county or State government:
• City of Carlsbad -City Hall
City Clerk
1200 Carlsbad Village Drive
Carlsbad, CA 92008
Public libraries:
• City of Carlsbad
Main Library
1775 Dove Lane
Carlsbad, CA 92011
• City of Carlsbad
Georgina Cole Library
1250 Carlsbad Village Drive
Carlsbad, CA 92008
• City of Carlsbad
Senior Center
799 Pine A venue
Carlsbad, CA 92008
PHA Plan Supporting Documents are available for inspection at:
Main business office of the PHA:
• City of Carlsbad
Housing & Neighborhood Services
1200 Carlsbad Village Drive
Carlsbad, CA 92008
Page 6 of9 fonn HUD-50075 ( 4/2008)
Hope VI, Mixed Finance Modernization or Development, Demolition and/or Disposition, Conversion of Public
N/A Housing, Homeownership Programs, and Project-based Vouchers. Include statements related to these programs
as applicable.
8.0 Capital Improvements. Please complete Parts 8. I through 8.3, as applicable. N/A
8.1 Capital Fund Program Annual Statement/Performance and Evaluation Report. As part ofthe PHA 5-Year and
N/A Annual Plan, annually complete and submit the Capital Fund Program Annual Statement/Performance and
Evaluation Report, form HUD-50075. I, for each current and open CFP grant and CFFP financing.
8.2 Capital Fund Program Five-Year Action Plan. As part of the submission of the Annual Plan, PHAs must
N/A complete and submit the Capital Fund Program Five-Year Action Plan, form HUD-50075.2, and subsequent annual
updates (on a rolling basis, e.g., drop current year, and add latest year for a five year period). Large capital items
must be included in the Five-Year Action Plan.
8.3 Capital Fund Financing Program (CFFP).
N/A D Check if the PHA proposes to use any portion of its Capital Fund Program (CFP)/Replacement Housing Factor
(RHF) to repay debt incurred to finance capital improvements.
Page 7 of9 fonn HUD-50075 ( 4/2008)
9.0 Housin g Needs. Based on information provided by the applicable Consolidated Plan, information provided by HUD,
and other generally available data, make a reasonable effort to identi fy the housing needs of the low-income, very
low-income, and extremely low-income families who reside in the jurisdiction served by the PHA, including elderly
families, families with disabil ities, and households of various races and ethnic groups, and other families who are on
the public housing and Section 8 tenant-based assistance waiting lists. The identification of housing needs must
address issues of affordabi lity, supply, quality, accessibility, size of units, and location.
CARLSBAD HOUSING AGENCY: Section 8 Waiting List, Demographic Summary Report
Housing Needs of Families on the Section 8 Waitin2 List
Number of Families Percentage of Total
Waiting List Total 522
Extremely Low Income ( <=30% AMI) 301 78.6 percent
Very Low Income(>30% but <=50% AMI) 74 19.3 percent
Low Income (>50% but <80% AMI) 4 1.0 percent
Families with Children* 44 11.5 percent
Elderly Families 139 3.8 percent
Families with Disa bilities* 106 27. 7 percent
* Note: Some families may be disabled families AND families with children.
Black 75 19.6 percent
White 280 73.1 percent
Hispanic 58 15.1 percent
American Indian 8 2.1 percent
Asian 10 2.6 percent
Note: Individuals may self-identify more than one race and/or ethnicity.
A_qe by Gender
0-5 6 1 5 0 0
6-12 30 17 13 0 0
13-17 18 10 8 0 0
18 9 7 2 0 0
19-29 33 16 15 0 2
30-39 51 5 23 3 20
40-49 37 7 13 5 12
50-54 39 6 11 7 8
55-61 30 6 10 5 9
62-65 7 1 4 0 2
Over 65 56 10 21 9 16
Sex not defined 420
Age not defined 9
TOTAL 745 86 125 29 69
Page 8 of9 form HUD-50075 (4/2008)
Average Annual Income
Average Family Size = 1.21 Average Annual Income per Family= $12,248
1 10,858
2 21,131
3 24,241
4 24,495
5 31,278
Earned Income
56 10 percent
Strategy for Addressing Housing Needs. Provide a brief description of the PHA 's strategy for addressing the housing needs of
families in the jurisdiction and on the waiting list in the upcoming year. ote: Small, Section 8 only, and High Performing PHAs complete
only for Annual Plan submission with the 5-Year Plan.
Utilize available funding to assist the gre atest number of households that are on the Section 8
Waiting List. In addition, the PHA will apply for any additional funding that is available.
Additional Information. Describe the following, as well as any additional inforniation HUD has requested.
(a) Progress in Meeting Mission and Goals. Provide a brief statement of the PHA 's progress in meeting the mission
and goals described in the 5-Year Plan.
(b) Significant Amendment and Substantial Deviation/Modification. Provide the PHA 's definition of "significant
amendment" and "substantial deviation/modification"
PHA Definition of (fsignificant amendment" and usubstantial deviation/modification": Any
change that will substantially negatively impact a majority of Section 8 participants and/or
Section 8 Waiting List applicants, unless that change is required or mandated as a result of
funding constraints and/or regulatory changes.
Required Submission for HUD Field Office Review. In addition to the PHA Plan template (HUD-50075), PHAs must submit the following
documents. Items (a) through (g) may be submitted with signature by mail or electronically with scanned signatures, but electronic submission is
encouraged. Items (h) through (i) must be attached electronically with the PHA Plan. Note: the Field Office will not accept faxed copies of these
(a) Fonn HUD-50077, PHA Cer1ifica1ions of Compliance with 1he PHA Plans and Related Reg11/a1ions (which includes all certifications
relating to Civil Rights)
(b) Fonn HUD-50070, Cerrifica1ionfor a Drug-Free Workplace (PHAs receiving CFP grants only) NOT APPLICABLE
(c) Forni HUD-50071, Certification of Paymems to Influence Federal Transac/ions (PHAs receiving CFP grants only) 'OT APPLICABLE
(d) Fonn SF-LLL, Disclosure of l obbying Activities (PHAs receiving CFP grants only) NOT APPLICABLE
(e) Forni SF-LLL-A, Disclosure of lobbying Acrivilies Conlinuarion Sheer (PHAs receiving CFP grants only) NOT APPLICABLE
(f) Resident Advisory Board (RAB) comments. Comments received from the RAB must be submitted by the PHA as an attachment to the PHA
Plan. PH As must also include a narrative describing their analysis of the recommendations and the decisions made on these
(g) Challenged Elements
(h) Fonn HUD-50075.1, Capital Fund Program Annual Sraremenr/Perjormance and Evaluation Report (PHAs receiving CFP grants only) NOT
(i) Fonn HUD-50075.2, Capital Fund Program Five-Year Action Plan (PHAs receiving CFP grants only) NOT APPLICABLE
Page 9 of9 fonn HUD-50075 (4/2008)
PHA Goal: Expand the supply of assisted housing
Objective: 1) Leverage private or other public funds to create additional housing opportunities; and
2) Collaborate with private developers and non-profit agencies.
• Affordable Housing Construction Assistance -Carlsbad's affordable housing program allows the City to
assist in the development of new affordable housing units; resulting in an increase of the availability of
affordable rental housing that is decent and safe.
PUA 5-YEAR PLAN GOALS AND 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Total Units
OBJECTIVES 2010-2014
Assist in construction of new affordable 11 0 47 101 92 251 housing. units units units units
-· ·---
Roosevelt Gardens 11 Partnership with Habitat for Humanity
Vista Terrace 47 Partnership with Solutions for Change
Tavarua Affordable Senior Apartments 50
Costa Pointe 9
Carol and Harding Duplex Project;
initially purchased and rehabilitated 25
duplexes (50 units) and restricted rent
to low-income households. Currently 50 processing an application to allow for
demolition of the existing duplex units
and constructing 120 affordable
apartment units on the same site.
Harding Street Property Acquisition;
$3.1 million of CDBG & housing trust
funds to purchase a 16 unit complex for 16 graduates of Solutions for Change
serving homeless families -100%
affordable to low-income households.
Robertson Ranch -West Village is being graded and builder is working on obtaining building permits to build
single-family homes and apartment homes. Under the city's affordable housing ordinance, the developer is
required to provide 101 rent restricted low-income apartments for seniors and 56 apartment units restricted
to moderate income households (under 90% of the area median income).
pg. 1
PHA Goal: Improve the quality of assisted housing
Objective: Improve voucher management (SEMAP score).
• Designated by HUD as a high-performer for FY 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 and 2014.
• Maintained and utilized HAP costs within the HUD funding allocation.
• Maintained a 98% or higher PIC reporting rate.
• Continually seeking ways to streamline processing functions.
• Requesting a budget enhancement to convert current Section 8 software to a paper-less/web-based
PHA Goal: Increase assisted housing choices
• Continue to reach out to owners to increase awareness of the benefits of renting through the rental
assistance program. In addition, contact owners monthly to document any current or upcoming
vacancies. Participate in community events and provide information about the Section 8 Program and
other affordable housing options in Carlsbad.
• Continue to maintain payment standards above 100%, not to exceed 110%, to allow for a broader
range of rental opportunities in Carlsbad.
• Worked with non-profit agencies and developers to coll aboratively provide affordable housing options,
as outlined in the above table.
PHA Goal: Promote self-sufficiency and asset development of families and individuals
• PHA continues to administer the Family Self-Sufficiency (FSS) Program for the clients who port in as an
FSS participant.
• PHA staff meet with non-profit organizations and support services agencies to obtain information
about programs and benefits that will promote self-sufficiency for participant families. In addition,
information is made available in the lobby for the community and others seeking resources.
• Staff has developed a Community Resource Directory that breaks down services by su bject matter,
gives a brief description of services for each organization, and provides contact information.
PHA Goal: Ensure equa l opportunity and affirmatively further fair housing
• Fair housing and equal opportunity information is provided in program and move briefing packet s
• Maintained a contract with Center for Social Advocacy; sponsored 5 fair housing workshops for staff,
tenants, and owners
• Contracted with CMH consu lting to conduct testing in Carlsbad for potential barriers to fair housing
• Staff participated in fair housing training with the National Fair Housing Alliance
• Participated in fair housing workshops with San Diego Alliance for Fair Housing
Resident Advisory Board (Housing Commission) members:
• Emelda Bradwell
• Susanlgoe
• Bobbie Smith
pg. 2
Housing Commission meeting held on March 12, 2015 -no challenges and one comment: housing
agency was commended for achieving SEMAP High Performer consecutively for past seven years.
Public Hearing conducted on April 7, 2015 -no challenges or comments from the public. Item
approved by the Public Housing Agency Board of Commissioners (Community Development
PHA Certifications of Compliance
with PHA Plans and Related
U,S, Department of Housing and Urban Development
Office of Public and Indian Housing
Expires 4/30/2011
PHA Certifications of Compliance with the PHA Plans and Related Regulations:
Board Resolution to Accompany the PHA s .. Year and Annual PHA Plan
Acting on behalf of the Board o/Commlulone1·s of the P11blic Ho11sing Agency (PHIi) listed belmv, as Its Chairman or other
a11thorl=ed PllA official If there Is no Board of Commissioners, I approve the s11bmisslon of the MS-Year and/or lfK. Annual PHA
Plan/or the PHAjiscal year beginning J11lv I. 201 S. herelnqfter referred to as" the Plan". oflvhlch this document Is a part and make
the /ol/mv/ng certtflcatlons and agreements 1,lth lhe Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) In connection with the
s11bmlsslon of the Plan and Implementation thereof: ·
I. The Plan is consistent with the applicable comprehensive housing affordabi.lity strategy (or any plan incorporating such
strategy) for the jurisdiction in which the PHA is located.
2. The Plan contains a certification by the appropriate State or local officials that the Plan is consistent with the applicable
Consolidated Plan, which Includes a certification that requires the preparation of an Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing
Choice, for the PHA's jurisdiction and a description of the manner in which the PHA Plan Is consistent with the applicable
Consolidated Plan.
3. The PHA certifies that there has been no chang~ significant or otherwise, to the Capital Fund Program (and Capital Fund
Program/Replacement Housing Factor) Annual Statement(s), since submission ofits last approved Annual Plan. The Capital
Fund Program Annual Statement/Annual Statement/Performance and Evaluation Report must be submitted annually even if
there is no change.
4. The PHA has established a Resident Advisory Board or Boards, the membership of which represents the residents assisted by
the PHA, consulted with this Board or Boards In developing the Plan, and considered the recommendations of the Board or
Boards (24 CFR 903.13). The PHA has included in the Plan submission a copy of the recommendations made by the
Resident Advisory Board or Boards and a description of the manner in which the Plan addresses these recommendations.
S. The PHA made the proposed Plan and all information relevant to the public hearing available for public inspection at least 4S
days before the hearing; published a notice that a hearing would be held and conducted a hearing to discuss the Plan and
invited public comment.
6. The PHA certifies that it will carry out the Plan in conformity with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Fair Housing
Act, section S04 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of I 990.
7. The PHA will affirmatively further fair housing by examining their programs or proposed programs, identify any
impediments to fair housing choice within those programs, address those impediments in a reasonable fashion in view of the
resources available and work with local jurisdictions to implement any of the Jurisdiction's initiatives to affirmatively further
fair housing that require the PHA's involvement and maintain records reflecting these analyses and actions.
8. For PHA Plan that includes a policy for site based wailing lists:
• The PHA regularly submits required data to HlJD's S00S8 PICJJMS Module in an accurate, complete and timely manner
(as specified in PIH Notice 2006-24);
• The system of site-based waiting lists provides for full disclosure to each applicant in the selection of the development in
which to reside, Including basic information about available sites; and an estimate of the period of time the applicant
would likely have to wait to be admitted to units of different sizes and types at each site;
• Adoption of site•based waiting list would not violate any court order or settlement agreement or be inconsistent with a
pending complaint brought by HUD;
• The PHA shall take reasonable measures to assure that such wailing list is consistent with affinnatively furthering fair
• The PHA provides for review ofits site-based waiting list policy to determine if it is consistent with civil rights laws and
certifications, as specified in 24 CPR part 903. 7( c)( I).
9. The PHA will comply with the prohibitions against discrimination on the basis of age pursuant to the Age Discrimination Act
of 1975.
1 O. The PHA will comply with the Architectural Barriers Act of 1968 and 24 CPR Part 4 I, Policies and Procedures for the
Enforcement of Standards and Requirements for Accessibility by the Physically Handicapped.
11. The PHA will comply with the requirements of section 3 of the Housing and Urban Development Act of 1968, Employment
Opportunities for Low--or Very-Low Income Persons, and with its implementing regulation at 24 CFR Part 13S.
Previous version is obsolete Page 1 of2 . form HUD-60077 (412008)
12. The PHA will comply with acquisition and relocation requirements of the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property
Acquisition Policies Act of 1970 and implementing regulations at 49 CFR Part 24 as applicable.
13. The PHA will take appropriate affirmative action to award contracts to minority and women's business enterprises under 24
CFR S.10S(a).
14. The PHA will provide the responsible entity or HUD any documentation that the responsible entity or HUD needs to carry
out its review under the National Environmental Policy Act and other related authorities in accordance with 24 CFR Part 58
or Part SO, respectively.
15. With respect to public housing the PHA will comply with Davis-Bacon or HUD determined wage rate requirements under
Section 12 of the United .States Housing Act of 1937 and the Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Act.
16. The PHA will keep records in accordance with 24 CFR 8S.20 and facilitate an effective audit to determine compliance with
program requirements.
17. The PHA will comply with the Lead-Based Paint Poisoning Prevention Act, the Residential Lead-Based Paint Hazard
Reduction Act of 1992, and 24 CFR Part 3S.
18. The PHA will comply with the policies, guidelines, and requirements ofOMB Circutar No. A-87 (Cost Principles for State,
Local and Indian Tribal Oovemments), 2 CFR Part 22S, and 24 CFR Part 8S (Administrative Requirements for Grants and
Cooperative Agreements to State, Local and Federally Recognized Indian Tribal Governments).
19. The PHA will undertake only activities and programs covered by the Plan in a manner consistent with its Plan and will utilize
covered grant funds only for activities that are approvable under the regulations and included in its Plan.
20. All attachments to the Plan have been .and will continue to be available at all times and all locations that the PHA Plan is
· available for public inspection. All required supporting documents have been made available for public inspection along with
the Plan and additional requirements at the primary business office of the PHA and at all other times and locations identified
by the PHA in its PHA Plan and will continue to bo made available at least at the primary business office of the PHA.
21. The PHA provides assurance as part of this certification that:
(i) The Resident Advisory Board had an opportunity to review and comment on the changes to the policies and programs
before implementation by the PHA;
(ii) The changes were duly approved by the PHA Board of Directors (or similar governing body); and
(iii) The revised policies and programs are available for review and inspection, at the principal office of the PHA during
normal business hours.
22. The PHA certifies that it is in compliance with all applicable Federal statutory and regulatory requirements.
Carlsbad Housing Agency
PHA Name
XX 5-Year PHA Plan for Fiscal Years 2015-2019
XX Annual PHA Plan for Fiscal Years 2015-2016
~ PHA Number/HA Code
I hereby ccttify thal all the Information stated hcn:ln. as won as any infonnation provided in the accompaniment herewith. is true and accurate. \Yandag: HUD will
prpsecuJc r41seelajmund statements Conyicrion may resulf fncrfmlpal and{orcjvil pcnplties, (18 u sc. 1001 1010 1012· 31 usC. 3729 3802}
Numc of Authorized Official Title
MATT HALL CHAIR, Community Development Commission
Da~ ... _
April 7, 2015
Previous version is obsolete Page2of2 form HUD-50077 (4/2008)