HomeMy WebLinkAbout2019-11-14; Housing Commission; ; FISCAL YEARS 2020-2025 CONSOLIDATED PLANMeeting Date:
Staff Contact:
November 14, 2019
Housing Commissioners
David de Cordova, Principal Plann er
Nancy Melander, Program Manager
nancy.melander@carlsbadca.gov, 760-434-2812
Fiscal Years 2020-2025 Consolidated Plan -Request to receive
information and provide comments on the Fisca l Years 2020-2025
Consolidated Plan.
Recommended Action
That the Housing Commission receive information and provide comments on the Fiscal Years
2020-2025 Consolidated Plan.
Executive Summary
The United States Department of Housing and Urban Development requires local jurisdictions
to prepare a Consolidated Plan in order to receive Community Development Block Grant
The City of Ca rlsbad Consolidated Plan is updated every five years and must be submitted to
HUD for review and approval no later than May 15, 2019. The city is currently developing its
Plan in consultation with residents intended to be the primary beneficiaries of t he CDBG
program, the community-at-large, non-profit and for-profit organizations, fait h-based
community service providers, and other agencies.
The goals and objectives established in the Consolidated Plan will direct the allocation of funds
for the FY 2020 -FY 2021 Annual Action Plan which represents the first year of the city's
Co nsolidated Plan for the FY 2020 -2025.
On May 5, 2015, the City Council held a public hearing and approved the FY 2015-2020 Five
Year Consolidated Plan. The Plan est ablished priorities for the use of CDBG funds over the five-
year period, ending June 30, 2020, to benefit low-income residents and neighborhoods in the
City of Carlsbad.
As defined by the Carlsbad FY 2015-2020 Co nsolidated Plan, the highest priorities are to:
• Increase the supply of affordable housing units
• Provide support services for the homeless, lower-income residents, and
persons with special needs
• Improve and provide facilities to serve lower income persons
• Provide fair housing services to residents
• Plan and administer the CDBG program
The primary objective of the CDBG program is the development of viable urban communities
through the provision of improved living environments, expansion of economic opportunity and
decent housing. Grant funds are intended to serve persons of low and moderate income.
The main purposes of the Consolidated Plan are to:
CDBG Funds
1. Identify the city's housing and community development needs;
2. Identify other federal, state, county, loca l, and private sources of funding that
may be utilized in order to leverage the CDBG resources; and
3. Arrive at the Annual Action Plan the city will follow annually in order to
address needs, priorities, and goals while considering the availability of other
resources and mechanisms.
All CDBG activities must meet a national objective of benefitting low-income persons or
eliminating blight. At least 70% of the CDBG funds must be used for activities that benefit low-
income persons (those earning less than 80 percent of the area median income). In addition to
meeting a national objective, the activity itse lf must be designated as eligible. CDBG eligible
activities may include a variety of community development activities, including acquisition of
real property, rehabilitation of residential and non-residential structures, construction of public
facilities and improvements, and public services.
Summary of Estimated Funds Available for FY 2020-2021
Activity Proposed Allocation
Administration & Fair Housing
(20% annual grant) $113,721
Public Services $85,290 (15% annual grant)
Facility Improvements $184,797
City of Carlsbad, Affordable Housing $184,798
Total Available Funds $568,606
The city will receive approximately $568,606 in CDBG entitlement funds for FY 2020-2021. No
more than 20 percent may be expended for administrative activities, and no more than 15
percent of the entitlement funds may be used for public services activities. There is no limit to
the percentage that maybe expended for facility improvements or affordable housing activities.
Depending on the final al location amount, funding for individual activities may need to be
adjusted according to the recommendation of the CDBG Advisory Committee and final approval
of the City Council.
Consolidated Planning Process
In May, the city engaged the services of LeSar Development Consultants to assist with the
development of the FY 2020 -FY 2025 Consolidated Plan and the formulation of the
recommended Consolidated Plan goals and priorities. Throughout the months of October and
November 2019, LDC, in conjunction with City staff, have been engaged in an extensive
community outreach program to solicit input from the public and direct beneficiaries of the
CDBG program, as well as the agencies that utilize HUD funds.
Two workshops are planned for November 13 from 3:30-5:00 p.m. at City Council Chamber and
November 18 from 6:00-7:30 p.m. at the Carlsbad Senior Center. A survey has been published
and is available on the city's website for participation in the Consolidated Planning Process and
will close at the end of the month. Comments and survey results will guide the assessment of
community needs, goal setting, and strategy development to address priorities and objectives.
Next Steps
Staff will make availab le for public review and comment the proposed priorities for FY 2020-
2025 Consolidated Plan and the Funding Plan for FY 2020-2021 Annual Action Plan. The CDBG
Advisory Committee will be requested to start the review of applications for the FY 2020-2021
funding cycle and complete the process of making funding recommendations to the City
Counci l. Staff will present the CDBG Advisory Committee's recommendation to the City Cou_ncil
for final consideration and approval of the Five-Year Consol idated Plan and Annual Action Plan
in May.