HomeMy WebLinkAbout2020-01-06; Housing Element Advisory Committee; ; Agenda item 6b - Overview of the Housing Element, the Housing Element Update workplan and the Housing Element Advisory Committee charter
Meeting Date:
Jan. 16, 2020
To: Housing Element Advisory Committee Members
From: Scott Donnell, Senior Planner
Staff Contact: Scott Donnell, Senior Planner
Scott.donnell@carlsbadca.gov, 760-602-4618
Subject: Agenda item 6.b. - Overview of the Housing Element, the Housing Element
Update workplan and the Housing Element Advisory Committee charter
Recommended Action
Receive a report overviewing the housing element, the workplan for the Housing Element Update, and
the charter for the Housing Element Advisory Committee.
Executive Summary
This is an informational presentation to overview the housing element, the workplan to update the
element for the 2021-2029 housing cycle, and the charter for the advisory committee. The City Council
approved both the workplan and charter at its meeting of Sept. 10, 2019. Attached are the staff report
prepared for that meeting, including the approved workplan and charter, and the relevant excerpt of the
meeting minutes. Also provided is the city’s currently adopted housing element for the advisory
committee’s information.
Public Notification
This item was noticed in accordance with the Ralph M. Brown Act and was available for viewing at least
72 hours prior to the meeting date.
1. Sept. 10, 2019, City Council staff report
2. Excerpt of Sept. 10, 2019, City Council minutes
3. Adopted Housing Element for the 2017-2021 housing cycle (available online at
https://www.carlsbadca.gov/services/depts/planning/general.asp and distributed to advisory
committee members at the January 16 meeting)
Staff Report
Agenda item 6.b. - Exhibit 1
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Sept. 10, 2019 Carlsbad City Council Meeting Page 7
Item No. 11 was heard before the Consent Calendar.
Receive a presentation from the San Diego Association of Governments (SAN DAG) regarding
the Buena Vista Lagoon Enhancement Project. (Staff contact: Hossein Ajideh, Public Works)
City Manager's Recommendation: Receive the presentation.
12.GENERAL PLAN HOUSING ELEMENT UPDATE PROJECT-Adoption of Resolution No. 2019-170
approving (1) a Work Plan for the General Plan Housing Element update, (2) a charter for a
Housing Element Citizen Advisory Committee, and (3) a carry-over of $335,000 from Fiscal
Year 2018-19 General Fund budget surplus for Housing Element update costs. (Staff contact:
David de Cordova and Scott Donnell, Community & Economic Development)
City Manager's Recommendation: Adopt the Resolution.
Senior Planner Scott Donnell and Principal Planner David de Cordova presented the report
and reviewed a PowerPoint presentation (on file in the Office of the City Clerk).
John Nguyen-Cleary spoke regarding the composition of the Committee.
Council concurred to amend the Charter comprising the Housing Element Citizen Advisory
Committee to include the following members: one member per Quadrant; one at-large
member; one member each from the Planning Commission, Housing Commission and Traffic
Safety Commission of which the individual Commissions will choose the member. The
Commission representatives are to have at least 18 months left on their terms.
Motion by Council Member Schumacher, seconded by Council Member Blackburn, to adopt
Resolution No. 2019-170 and the amendment to the Charter. Motion carried unanimously,
COMMUNITIES -Adoption of Resolution No. 2019-171 authorizing the submittal of a letter
of commitment to support the application for membership in the AARP Network of Age
Friendly States and Communities. (Staff contact: David Graham, City Manager Department
and Mike Pacheco, Parks & Recreation Department)
City Manager's Recommendation: Adopt the Resolution.
Chief Innovation Officer David Graham, Recreation Services Manager Mike Pacheco, and
Recreation Area Manager Margaret Hamer presented the report and reviewed a PowerPoint
presentation (on file in the Office of the City Clerk).
Bob Prath from AARP and Peggy Pico of the San Diego Foundation spoke in support of the
Letter of Commitment.
Motion by Mayor Pro Tern Bhat-Patel, seconded by Council Member Blackburn, to adopt
Resolution No. 2019-171. Motion carried unanimously, 5/0.
Agenda item 6.b. - Exhibit 2