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2020-05-13; Housing Element Advisory Committee; ; STATUS UPDATE ON HOUSING ELEMENT PROGRAMS
HOUSING ELEMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE Staff Report Meeting Date: May 13, 2020 To: Housing Element Advisory Committee Members From: Scott Donnell, Senior Planner Staff Contact: Scott Donnell, Senior Planner Scott.donnell@carlsbadca.gov, 760-602-4618 Subject: Agenda item 2 — Status Update on Housing Element Programs (Informational) Recommended Action Receive the report on the outcome of the current Housing Element Programs that are in place. Executive Summary State housing law (Government Code 65400(a)(2)j requires legislative bodies to provide "an annual report to the legislative body, the Office of Planning and Research, and the Department of Housing and Community Development." Providing progress updates on current programs helps identify strengths and weaknesses within each program as well as provides input to help formulate more successful programs in future Housing Element cycles. The City has prepared the 2019 Housing Element Annual Progress Report detailing the status of the City's progress towards meeting its regional housing production goals as well as implementing the programs of its Housing Element. Below is a list of select programs and policies that were identified in the 2019 Annual Progress Report as having made significant progress over the past year towards reaching Housing Element goals. We have also identified programs that have not made as much progress. Limited or no progress does not mean the program is a failure or unnecessary. As an example, the progress reported for Program 3.11, Housing for Persons with Disabilities, notes only one reasonable accommodation request was made. This may simply indicate a lack of demand for such requests in 2019. The entire annual progress report analyzing all programs is available on the city's website as part of the March 24, 2020, City Council agenda packet (agenda item 2). Progress Mixed Use (Program 2.3) -The City encourages mixed used development that includes a residential component. In recent years, the City has received and reviewed numerous development projects Housing Element Advisory Committee Agenda Item 2 May 13, 2020 Page 2 containing a mix of residential and commercial space. In 2019, the City reviewed 6 mixed -Use projects including four located in the Village area: o RP 15-16 4 Plus 1 Luxury Living; Four residential units and 1,105 square feet of commercial space. (Approved) o SOP 2019-0015 Jefferson Street Apartments; 15 residential units and 2,625 square feet of commercial space (Reviewed) o CT 2019-0003 Carlsbad Station; 79 residential units and 9,777 square feet of commercial space. (Reviewed) o CT 2018-0008 Grand Jefferson; Six residential units and 1,823 square feet of commercial space. (Approved) o EIR 2017-0001- Marja Acres; 248 town homes, 46 senior affordable apartments, and 10,000 sf of commercial space and community recreation uses. (Reviewed) o EIR 2018-0004 North County Plaza; 272 residential units and approx. 40,000 sf of commercial space. (Reviewed) Energy Conservation (Program 2.4) - The city has established requirements, programs, and actions to improve household energy efficiency, promote sustainability, and lower utility costs. The city shall enforce state requirements for energy conservation, including the latest green building standards, and promote and participate in regional water conservation and recycling programs. The city continues to implement its 2015-adopted Climate Action Plan (CAP). Recent strides in energy efficiency include: o In 2018, the California Building Standards Commission approved amendments to the California Energy Code requiring installation of photovoltaic systems in all new low-rise residential construction, beginning in January 2020. o In 2019, 1,279 building permits for photovoltaic panels on residential structures were completed. o In 2019, the city adopted the 2019 California Building Codes, which incorporates the latest energy efficiency standards as established by the CEC. Inclusionary Housing Ordinance (Program 3.1) — The City has continued to implement its Inclusionary Housing Ordinance which requires a minimum of 15 percent of all ownership and qualifying rental residential projects of seven or more units be restricted and affordable to lower income households. This program requires an agreement between all residential developers subject to this inclusionary requirement and the City which stipulates: o The number of required lower income inclusionary units; o The designated sites for the location of the units o A phasing schedule for production of the units; and o The term of affordability for the units Housing Element Advisory Committee Agenda Item 2 May 13, 2020 Page 3 For all ownership and qualifying rental projects of fewer than seven units, payment of a fee in lieu of inclusionary units is permitted. The fee is based on a detailed study that calculated the difference in cost to produce a market rate rental unit versus a lower income affordable unit. As of 2013, the in -lieu fee per market -rate dwelling unit was $4,515. The fee amount may be modified by the City Council from time to time and is collected at the time of building permit issuance for the market rate units. The City will continue to utilize inclusionary in -lieu fees collected to assist in the development of affordable units. The City will apply Inclusionary Housing Ordinance requirements to rental projects if the project developer agrees by contract to limit rent as a consideration for a "direct financial contribution" or other form of assistance specified in density bonus law, or if the project is at a density that exceeds applicable GMCP density, thus requiring the use of "excess dwelling units". On Dec. 17, 2019, the City Council introduced Ordinance No. CS-368 to restore the City's ability to apply inclusionary housing requirements to residential rental units. The City has continued to approve residential projects that have met inclusionary development standards. In 2019, the City issued permits for a total of 47 inclusionary dwelling units (seven projects). • Excess Dwelling Units (Program 3.2) - Pursuant to City Council Policy Statement 43, the city will continue to utilize "excess dwelling units," described in Section 10.3 (Resources Available), for the purpose of enabling density transfers, density increases/bonuses and General Plan amendments to increase allowed density. Through its continued implementation of the Growth Management Plan, the city tracks development and the Excess Dwelling Unit Bank in its monthly Development Monitoring Report. As of December 2019, the excess unit balance was 533 dwelling units inside the Village and 425 units outside of the Village. These units are available for qualifying projects, which include affordable housing and density bonuses. Density Bonus (Program 3.3) - Consistent with state law (Government Code sections 65913.4 and 65915), the City continues to offer residential density bonuses as a means of encouraging affordable housing development. In exchange for setting aside a portion of a proposed residential development as affordable to lower and moderate income households, the city will grant a density bonus over the otherwise allowed maximum density, and up to three financial incentives or regulatory concessions. The City has continued to encourage housing affordability in new residential development projects with several large projects being reviewed in the last year. In 2019, the City reviewed six State Density Bonus Law (SDBL) applications. Projects included: o Marja Acres o Romeria Pointe Apartments; o North County Plaza; Housing Element Advisory Committee Agenda Item 2 May 13, 2020 Page 4 o Resort View Apartments; o Carlsbad Station; and o Jefferson Street Apartments Section 8 Housing Vouchers (Program 3.8)- The Carlsbad Housing Authority has continued to administer the City's Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher program to provide rental assistance to very low income households. In 2019, the Carlsbad Housing Authority assisted approximately 600 households through the $6.5 million federally funded program. Senior Housing (Program 3.10)- The city will continue to encourage a wide variety of senior housing opportunities, especially for lower -income seniors with special needs, through the provision of financial assistance and regulatory incentives as specified in the city's Housing for Senior Citizens Ordinance (Municipal Code Chapter 21.84). In 2019, progress was made that included the following housing projects: o Casa Aldea/Cannon Road Senior Housing (MP 02-03(H)/ SOP 15-19). The project consists of 98- unit senior apartments, of which 20 units will be restricted to low income residents. This project is under construction. o Portola Senior Apartments. The project includes 101 units with a mix of one- and two -bedroom units. The project is restricted to 70 percent of AMI and is now open and fully leased. o Marja Acres. The city reviewed an application for EIR 2017-0001 which proposes 46 senior affordable apartments as part of a mixed use project. Limited or No Progress Rehabilitation of Owner -Occupied Housing (Program 1.4) - As the housing stock ages, the need for rehabilitation assistance may increase. The city will provide assistance to homeowners to rehabilitate deteriorating housing. The city has implemented a Minor Home Repair Grant Program for low-income owner -occupied properties that provides loans of up to $5,000, which are forgiven after five years. In 2019, the city assisted one household. City -Initiated Development (Program 3.4) - The City did not report any housing -related projects in the 2019 Annual Progress Report that were identified as City -Initiated Development. The City will work to continue to provide information and work with developments to assist them in creating additional housing opportunities for lower income households. • Land Banking (Program 3.6) - In 2019, no offers to donate land for affordable housing were received. The City continues to implement a land banking program to acquire land suitable for development of housing affordable to lower and moderate income households. Housing Element Advisory Committee Agenda Item 2 May 13, 2020 Page 5 • Housing Trust Fund (Program 3.7)- In 2019, the city did not approve any requests for Housing Trust Fund money for affordable housing projects. The city will continue to maintain the Housing Trust Fund for the fiduciary administration of monies dedicated to the development, preservation and rehabilitation of affordable housing in Carlsbad. Housing for Persons with Disabilities (Program 3.11) - One reasonable accommodation request was received in 2019.The city will continue to consider requests for "reasonable accommodation' in land use. zoning and building regulations on a case by case basis. Military and Student Referrals (Program 3.16) - No progress was reported in this area of housing for 2019. The city will continue to assure that information on the availability of assisted or below -market housing is provided to all lower -income and special needs groups. Public Notification This item was noticed in accordance with the Ralph M. Brown Act and was available for viewing at least 72 hours prior to the meeting date. This table is auto-poputafed once you enter yourjuriadiciien name and current year data. Past Jurisdiction Carfsbad ANNUAL ELEMENT PROGRESS REPORT year informalloncomes from prevlousAPRs_ Reporting Year 2019 {Jan 1- Dec. 31) Housing Element Implementation Please contact HC D if your data Is different than the material supplied here (CCR Tille 25 §6202) Table 6 Regional Housing Needs Allocation Progress _ Permitted Units Issued by Affordability 1 2 3 4 Income Leval R HNA Allocation 4y Income Level 2013 20t4 2016 2016 2017 21116 2019 2020 2027 To, IUrlHato bate (all years) TMAlernakn g RKNA bytMome �y.l Very Low Deed Restricted 912 35 7 44 168 Non -Deed Restricted 2 Low Dead Restricted 683 27 a 9 163 8 4 47 2'i 2 4z+ Non -peed Restricted 2 1 2 1 2 Moderate Deed Restricted 1062 56 316 746 Non -Deed Resuicted 104 13 20 18 18 28 59 Above Moderate 2332 1136 235 200 439 624 210 212 3056 a Total RHINA 4099 Total Linos 1304 1 285 1 229 1 683 662 243 322 36" 203s Nole: units serving extremely Ipw4ncome households are included in the very low-income permitted units lotals Calls in grey COnlaln aut0talculabDn formufes March 24, 2020 Item #2 Page 11 of 33 ANNUAL ELEMENT PROGRESS REPORT Housing Element Implementation (CCR Title 25 46202) Jurisdiction Carlsbad --Reporting Year 2019 Jan. 1 - Oec. 31 Table O Program Implementation Status pursuant to GC Section 65583 Housing Programs Progress Report Describe progress of all programs including local efforts to remove governmental constraints to the maintenance. improvement, and development of housing as identified in the housing element- 1 3 4 Name of Program Otsj Timeframe in H.E status of Program Implementation The city will continue to discourage and/or restrict condominium conversions when such conversions would reduce the number of low or 1.1 - Condominium moderate income housing units available throughout the city. All The city considers condominium conversions on a case by case basis- In 2019. there Conversion condominium conversions are subject to the city's Inclusionary Housing D were no condominium conversions approved, Ordinance; the in -lieu fees or actual affordable units required by the ordinance would be used to mitigate the loss of affordable rental units from the city's housing stock. The city will continue to implement the city's Residential Mobile !-Some 1-2 - Mobile I lome Park zoning ordinance (Municipal Code Chapter 21.37) that sets d The city continues to implement the mobile home zoning ordinance. No applications for Park Preservation conditions on changes of use or conversions of mobile home parks, change in use or conversion of a mobile home park were received in 2019- consistent with Government Code Section 66427-5- The city will also assist lower income tenants of mobile home parks to research the financial feasibility of purchasing their mobile home parks so as to maintain the rents at levels affordable to its tenants. 1.3 - Acquisition) The city will continue to provide assistance on a case -by -case basis to Requests for acquisition/rehabilitation of rental properties are considered on a case by Rehabilitation of preserve the existing stock of lower and moderate income rental O case basis - Rental I Lousing housing, including: - PrDvIde loans, grants, and/or rebates to owners of rental In Spring of 2019, the City Council approved the CDBG Annual Action Plan to authorize properties to make needed repairs and rehabilitation- the purchase of existing affordable (lousing units in Carlsbad. In 2019, the city purchased three units with these funds in the Mulberry community of Bressi Ranch. As financially feasible, acquire and rehabilitate rental housing that is substandard, deteriorating or in danger of being demolished. Set -aside at least 20 percent of the rehabilitated units for extremely- and/or Very low income households. March 24, 2020 Item #2 Page 13 of 33 Name of Program Objective Timeffame in KE Status of Program Impiementation As appropriate and determined by City Council, provide deferral or subsidy of planning and building fees, and priority processing. Priority will be given to repair and rehabilitation of housing identified by the city's Building Division as being substandard or deteriorating, and which houses lower income and in some cases moderate income households. As the housing stock ages, the reed for rehabilitation assistance may increase. The city will provide assistance to homeowners to rehabilitate deteriorating housing. Eligible activities under this program include 1.4 - Rehabilitation of such things as repairing Faulty plumbing and electrical systems. The city has implemented a Minor Home Repair Grant Program for low-income owner - owner -occupied replacing broken windows. repairing termite and dry -rot damage, and 0 occupied properties that provides loans of up to $5,000. which are forgiven after five Housing installing home weatherixation improvements. Assistance may include years. In 2019, the city assisted one household. financial incentives in the form of low interest and deferred payment loans. and rebates. Households targeted for assistance include lower - income and special needs (disabled, large, and senior) households One project within the city —Santa Fe Ranch Apartments —may be considered as at risk if the owner pays off bonds early. While this is unlikely since the current income at affordable levels is not substantially 1.5 - Preservation of lower than the potential income at market rates. the city will nonetheless In 2016. the property owners of the Santa Fe Ranch Apartments paid off the bonds. At -Risk Housing monitor its status. Through monitoring, the city will ensure tenants C removing the affordability provisions. Given that there are no more 'at risk" housing receive proper notification of any changes. The city will also contact units in the city, this program is considered to be completed. nonprofit housing developers to solicit interest in acquiring and managing the property in the event this or any similar project becomes at risk of converting to market rate. The city will continue to monitor the absorption of residential acreage in The city reviews residential development applications for compliance with meeting the 2.1 - Adequate Sites all densities and, if needed. recommend the creation of additional minimum densities on which the city relies to meet its share of regional housing needs. to Accommodate the residential acreage at densities sufficient to meet the city's housing o Consistent with state law and the City's land use policies. the city shall not approve RHNA need for current and future residents. Any such actions shall be applications below the minimum densities established in the Housing Element unless it undertaken only where consistent with the Growth Management Plan. makes the following findings: March 24, 2020 Item #2 Page 14 of 33 Name of Program Objective Timeframe in KE Status of Program implementation The analysis in Section 10.3 (Resources Available) identifies examples a. The reduction is consistent with the adopted general plan. Including the housing of how housing has been built on very small sites, such as in the Village element. and Barrio. However, to expand opportunities for additional affordable housing, the city will encourage the consolidation of small parcels in b. The remaining sites identified in the housing element are adequate to order to facilitate larger -scale developments that are compatible with accommodate the city's share of the regional housing need pursuant to existing neighborhoods. Specifically, the city will continue to make Government Code Section 65584. available an inventory of vacant and underutilized properties to interested developers. market infill and redevelopment opportunities The city continues to make available an inventory of vacant and underutilized throughout the city, including the Village and Barrio, and meet with properties and works with interested developers on infill and redevelopment developers to identify and discuss potential project sites. opportunities. The Planning Division, in its review of development applications, may recommend waiving or modifying certain development standards, or propose changes to the Municipal Code to encourage the development 2.2 - Flexibility in Development of low and moderate income housing. The city offers offsets to assist in the development of affordable housing citywide. Offsets include D The city considers density increases. waivers and modifications to development Standards concessions or assistance including. but not limited to, direct financial standards to assist in the development of affordable housing on a case by case basis. assistance, density increases, standards modifications, or any other financial, land use. or regulatory concession that would result in an Identifiable cost reduction. In 2019, the following projects were reviewed or approved and Included density increases and/or modifications to development standards. The city is currently reviewing the EIR 2018-0001 — Aviara Apartments, which is proposing a density increase of 105 units above the General Plan allocation of 224 units, for a total of 329 units. The project is currently proposing 82 affordable units, which exceeds the requirements of the Inclusionary Housing ordinance. The Aviara Apartments project proposal includes a request for a modification to the following development standards: building height, fencelwall height, parking ratios, side yard setback for carport structures, and parking lot perimeter landscape buffer requirements. The city will encourage mixed -use developments that include a 2.3 Mixed Use residential component. Major commercial centers should incorpora;e, The city considers mixed use developments on a case by case basis. where appropriate, mixed commerciallresidential uses. The following mixed -use projects were under review or approved in the Village area in 2019 RP 15-16 4 Plus 1 Luxury Living was approved, which includes four residential units and 1.105 square feet of commercial space. March 24, 2020 Item 42 Page 15 of 33 Name of Program Objective Timeframe in KE status of Program Implementation SUP 2019-0015 Jefferson Street Apartments was under review, which proposes 15 residential units and 2,625 square feet of commercial space. - CT 2019-0003 Carlsbad Station was under review, which proposes 79 residential units and 9,777 square feel of commercial space. - CT 2018-0008 Grand Jefferson was under review, the city reviewed CT 2018-0008 Grand Jefferson, which proposes six residential units and 1,823 square feet of commercial space. Outside of the Village area, the following mixed -use projects were under review or approved in 2019- - FIR 2017-0001 — Marja Acres was under review, which proposes 248 townhomes, 46 senior affordable apartments, and 10,000 sf of commercial space and community recreation uses- - El 2018-0004 North County Plaza was under review. +which proposes to redevelop an existing shopping center by demolishing a portion of the center (approx. 40.000 sf of commercial space) and adding 272 apartment units. resulting in a mixed use site. The city has established requirements, programs, and actions to improve household energy efficiency. promote sustainability, and lower The city continues to implement its 2015-adopted Climate Action Plan (CAP)- In 2019, 2A - Energy utility costs. The city shall enforce state requirements For energy G the City Council adopted ordinances identified in the CAP to promote energy efficiency Conservation conservation, including the latest green building standards, and and renewable energy use in new residential construction and in existing development promote and participate in regional water Conservation and recycling undergoing major upgrades- The ordinances became fully enforceable on Jan- 1, 2020. programs. - Create a coordinated energy conservation strategy, including strategies for residential uses. as part of a citywide Climate Action Plan. In the Village, encourage energy conservation and higher density In 2018, the California Building Standards Commission approved amendments to the development by the modification of development standards (e-g. California Energy Code requiring installation of photovoltaic systems in all new low-rise parking standards, building setbacks, height, and increased density) residential construction, beginning in January 2020- Carlsbad is enforcing this new as necessary to: Energy Code requirement as of Jan. 1, 2020. - Enable developments to qualify for silver level or higher LEE© (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) Certification, or a comparable green building rating, and to In 1,279 building permits for photovoltaic panels on residential structures were maintain the financial feasibility of the development with such mplet completed. certification. March 24, 2020 Item 42 Page 16 of 33 Name of Program Objective - Achieve densities at or above the minimum required if the applicant can provide acceptable evidence that application of the development standards precludes development at such densities. Facilitate resource conservation for all households by making available, through a competitive process. CDBG funds to non-profit organizations that could use such funds to replace windows. plumbing fixtures. and other physical improvements in lower -income neighborhoods, shelters, and transitional housing- - Encourage infill development in urbanized areas, particularly in the Village and Barrio, through implementation of the Village Master Plan and Design Manual and the allowed density ranges in the Barn The city will continue to implement its Inclusionary Housing Ordinance. which requires a minimum of 15 percent of all ownership and qualifying 3-1 - Inclusionary rental residential projects of seven or more units be restricted and Housing Ordinance affordable to lower income households. This program requires an agreement between all residential developers subject to this inclusionary requirement and the city which stipulates. The number of required lower income inclusionary units; The designated sites for the location of the units; A phasing schedule for production of the units; and The term of affordability for the units. Timeframe in H.E Status of Program Implementation In 2019. the city adopted the 2019 California Building Codes, which incorporates the latest energy efficiency standards as established by the CEC- In 2019, the city reviewed and approved several infll projects in the Village and Barrio areas (see comments in Programs 2.1 through 2.3 above.) On Dec.. 17. 2019. the City Council introduced Ordinance No- CS-368 to restore the city's ability to apply inclusionary housing requirements to residential rental units. Prior to f] passage of AB 1505 in 2017, cities and counties were barred from imposing affordable housing requirements to rental projects, as a result of the appellate court decision in Palm erlSixth 5t Properties. L.P v. City oft_os Angeles - AB 1505 revoked the Palmer decision by allowing cities to impose affordability restriction to new rental housing again. The city continues to implement its Inclusionary Housing Ordinance. In 2019, building permits were issued for 47 dwelling units that were required to be affordable through Inclusionary requirements for the following projects: Yada Farm — one low income ADD Uptown Bressi Ranch — 17 low income condominiums Poinsettia 61 — five low income ADUs March 24, 2020 Item 42 Page 17 of 33 Name of Program Objective Timeframe in KE Status of Program Implementation For all ownership and qualifying rental projects of fewer than seven units, payment of a fee in lieu of inclusionary units is permitted. The fee is based on a detailed study that calculated the difference in cost to produce a market rate rental unil versus alower-income affordable unit. Magnolia Brady — one low income ADU As of 2013, the in -lieu fee per market- rate dwelling unit was $4.515. Miles Buena Vista — one low income ADU The fee amount may be modified by the City Council from time4o-time Casa Aldea — 20 low income senior apartments and is collected at the time of building permit issuance for the market Seachwalk at Roosevelt —two law income condominiums rate units. The city will continue to utilize inclusionary in -lieu fees collected to assist in the development of affordable units. The city will apply Inclusionary Housing Ordinance requirements to rentai projects if the project developer agrees by contract to limit rent as Work was on completed significant affordable housing p 9 g projects that began construction consideration for a -direct financial contribution" or other form of in 2016, assistance specified in density bonus law, or if the project is at a density that exceeds the applicable GMCP density, thus requiring the use of Construction was completed for the 101 unit law income senior apartments {Portals "excess dwelling units." as described in Section 10.3 (Resources Senior Apartments) and 56 moderate income apartments (Montecito Apartments) in Available). Robertson Ranch West Village Master Plan. In 2019. building permits were issued for the following projects that were required to purchase Inclusionary Housing credits at existing affordable apartments: EIR 15-03 Poinsettia 61 — four credits CT 2018-0001 Walnut Beach Homes — two credits CY 2017-0002 Tyler Street Residences — one Credit In 2019, the in -lieu fee per market rate dwelling unit remained at $4,515, which has not changed since 1996. Pursuant to City Council Policy Statement 43, the city will continue to Through its continued implementation of the Growth Management Plan, the city tracks 3.2 -Excess dwelling utilize "excess dwelling units." described in Section 10.3 (Resources development and the Excess Dwelling Unit Sank in its monthly Development Monitoring Units Available), for the purpose of enabling density transfers. density 0 Report. As of December 2019. the excess unit balance was 533 dwelling units inside increaseslbonuses and General Plan amendments to increase allowed the Village and 425 units outside of the Village. These units are available for qualifying density. projects, which include affordable housing and density bonuses. Based on analysis conducted in Section 10.4 (Constraints and Mitigating Opportunities), the city can accommodate its 2010-2020 RHNA without the need to utilize excess dwelling units to accommodate the RHNA at each household income level. March 24, 2020 Item 42 Page 18 of 33 Name of Program Objective Consistent with sate law (Government Code sections 65913-4 and 65915). the city continues to offer residential density bonuses as a means of encouraging affordable housing development- In exchange for setting aside a portion of the development as units affordable to 3-3 - Density Bonus lower and moderate income households, the city will grant a density bonus over the otherwise allowed maximum density, and up to three financial incentives or regulatory concessions. These units must remain affordable for a period of no less than 30 years and each project must enter into an agreement with the city to he monitored by the Housing and Neighborhood Services Division for compliance- e density bonus increases with the proportion of affordable units set ide and the depth of affordability (e.g. very low income versus low :ome, or moderate income). The maximum density bonus a veioper can receive is 35 percent when a project provides 11 percent the units for very low income households, 20 percent for low income useholds. or 40 percent for moderate income households. mcial incentives and regulatory concessions may include but are r ed to: fee waivers. reduction or waiver of development standards, infrastructure improvements. an additional density bonus above requirement, mixed use development, or other financial city is currently amending its density bonus regulations (Municipal a Chapter 21,86) to ensure consistency with recent changes to density bonus law. Timeframe in H.E OIC Status of Program Implementation city continues to make available density bonuses in compliance with state density is law (SDBL). In 2019, six SD8L applications were either received or under review: E I R 2017-0001 Marla Acres, which proposes 248 townhomes. 46 affordable senior apartments and 10,000 sf of commercial space, SOP 2018.0004 Rorneria Pointe Apartments, which proposes 3 very low units and 20 market rate units. - EIR 2018-0004 North County Plaza- which proposes to redevelop an existing shopping center by demolishing a portion of the center (approx. 40,000 sf of commercial space) and adding 272 apartment units, resulting in a mixed use site. SDP 2018-0022 Resort View Apartments, which proposes 4 low income units and 22 market rate units. CT 2019-0003 Carlsbad Station, which proposes 12 low income units and 67 market rate units. SDP 2019.0015 Jefferson Street Apartments which proposes 3 low income and 15 market rate units. city also otters density increases through its inclusionary housing program as ided for in Municipal Code Chapter 21.85, see Program 2.2 — Flexibility in alopment Standards. March 24, 2020 Item #2 Page 19 of 33 Name of Program Objective Timeframe in H.E Status of Program Implementation The city's density bonus regulations ^nicipal Code Chapter 21.86] have been amended consistent with stale law through 2019- These amendments had their first reading on 12/17/19 and were approved by the city council 1128120- Additional revisions are being prepared for consistency with state law changes through 2020. The city, through the Housing and Neighborhood Services Division, will ' 3.4 - City -Initiated continue to work with private developers (both for -profit and non-profit) The city continues to provide information and work with developers to assist them in Development to create housing opportunities for low, very low and extremely low creating additional housing opportunities for lower income households - income households- 15 - Affordable The city will consider using Housing Trust Funds on a case -by -case basis to offer a number of incentives to facilitate affordable housing O The city continues to offer incentives to Facilitate affordable housing. including those Housing Incentives development. Incentives may include - listed in Program 2.2 above and Program 3.5- Payment of public facility fees; In -kind infrastructure improvements, including but not limited to street improvements, sewer improvements, other infrastructure improvements as needed; Priority processing, including accelerated plan -check process, for projects that do riot require extensive engineering or environmental review; and Discretionary consideration of density increases above the maximum permitted by the General Plan through review and approval of a site development plan (SDP) - The city will continue to implement a land banking program to acquire land suitable For development of housing affordable to lower and moderate income households. The land bank may accept contributions The city continues to implement a land banking program to acquire land suitable For 3-6 - Land Banking of land in -lieu of housing production required under an inclusionary requirement, Surplus land from the city or other public entities. and land p development of housing affordable to lower and moderate income households. In 2019, otherwise acquired by the city for its housing programs, This land there were no offers to donate land for affordable housing. would be used to reduce the land costs of producing lower and moderate income housing by the city or other parties - March 24, 2020 Item #2 Page 20 of 33 Name of Program Objective Timeframe in H.E Status of Program Implementation The city has identified a list of nonprofit developers active in the region. When a city -owned or acquired property is available. the city will solicit the participation of these nonprofits to develop affordable housing. Affordable housing funds will be made available to facilitate development and the city will assist in the entitlement process. The city will continue to maintain the Housing Trust Fund for the fiduciary administration of monies dedicated to the development, The city continues to maintain the Housing Trust Fund, which had a total balance of 3.7 - Housing Trust preservation and rehabilitation of affordable housing in Carlsbad. The Housing Trust Fund will be the repository of all collected in -lieu fees. O approximately $17.8 million as of December 31, 2019- However, the available valance Fund impact fees, housing credits, loan repayments, and related revenues is approximately $13.6 million as the city had committed $4.25 million for the affordable targeted for proposed housing as well as other local. state and federal Oak Veterans Housing and Harding Veterans Housing projects in 2017. funds. The city will explore additional revenue opportunities to contribute to the Housing Trust Fund. particularly. the feasibility of a housing impact fee In 2019, the city did not approve any requests for Housing Trust Fund money for to generate affordable rental units when affordable units are not affordable housing projects. included in a rental development. 3.8 - Section 8 The Carlsbad Housing Authority will continue to administer the city's The Housing Authority continues to operate Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Housing Choice Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher program to provide rental 0 Program. The $6.5 million federally funded program assisted approximately 600 Vouchers assistance to very low income households. households in 2019. The city participates in the San Diego Regional Mortgage Credit Certificate (MCC) Program, By obtaining a MCC during escrow, a 3.9 - Mortgage Credit qualified homebuyer can qualify for an increased loan amount. The Certificates MCC entitles the homebuyer to take a federal Income tax credit of 20 C The city no longer participates in the MCC Program. percent of the annual interest paid on the mortgage. This credit reduces the federal income taxes of the buyer, resulting in an increase in the buyer's net earnings. The city will continue to encourage a wide variety of senior housing opportunities, especially for lower -income seniors with special needs, through the provision of financial assistance and regulatory incentives The city continues to encourage senior housing opportunities through financial 3 10 - Senior Housing as specified in the city's Housing for Senior Citizens Ordinance O assistance and regulatory incentives. (Municipal Code Chapter 21.84). Projects assisted with these incentives will be subjected to the monitoring and reporting requirements to assure compliance with approved project conditions. March 24, 2020 Item #2 Page 21 of 33 Name of Program Necthre Timeframe in WE Status of Program Implementation In addition. the city has sought and been granted California Constitution Article 34 authority by its voters to produce up to 200 senior -only. low- income restricted housing urnits. The city would need to access its In 2019, progress was made on the following senior housing projects: Article 34 authority only when it provides financial assistance and regulates more than 51 percent of the development. Casa AldealCannon Road Senior Housing (MP 02-03(H)I SDP 15-19) - the city issued building permits in 2019 and the project is currently under construction- The project consists of 98 unit senior apartments, of which 20 units will be restricted to low income residents - As part of the inclusionary requirement for the Robertson Ranch West Village Master Plan, construction was completed for the 101 unit Portola Senior Apartments - The project includes one and two bedroom units that are restricted to 70 percent of AM], and is now open and completely leased up- The city reviewed an application for EIR 2017-0001 — Marja Acres, which proposes 46 senior affordable apartments as part of a mixed use project. The city has an adopted ordinance to provide individuals with 3.11 - Housing for disabilities "reasonable accommodation" in land use. zoning and building regulations. This ordinance seeks to provide equal opportunity The city continues to consider requests for 'reasonable accommodation" in land use. Persons with in the development and use of housing for people with disabilities D zoning and building regulations on a case by case basis. One reasonable Disabilities through flexibility in regulations and the waiver of certain requirements accommodation request was received in 2019. in order to eliminate barriers to fulfilling this objective. The city wilt continue to evaluate the success of this measure and adjust the ordinance as needed to ensure that it is effective- Moreover, the city will seek to increase the availability of housing and supportive services to the most vulnerable population groups. including people with disabilities through state and federal funding sources, such as HUD's Section 811 program and CDBG funding. In those developments that are required to include 10 or more units 3-12 - Housing for affordable to Iower-income households, at least 10 percent of the Iower The city continues to implement this program as part of its inclusionary housing Large Families income units should have three or more bedrooms- This requirement ordinance- In 2019. 13 permits were issued for three -bedroom affordable units - does not pertain to lower -income senior housing projects. Carlsbad will continue to facilitate and assist with the acquisition. for - Solutions for Change continues to operate a 16-unit apartment complex that provides 3.13 - Housing for the lease or sale, and development of suitable sites for emergency shelters permanent affordable housing opportunities for homeless families who have graduated Homeless and transitional housing for the homeless population. This facilitation from the Solutions University. In 2015, the property was acquired [with financial help and assistance will include: from the city] and families began moving into the property - Catholic Charities continues to operate the La Posada de Guadalupe emergency shelter, of which a portion of the facility (50 beds) is devoted to serving homeless men - March 24, 2020 Item #2 Page 22 of 33 Name of Program Objective Timeframe In H.E Status of Program Implementation Participating in a regional or sub -regional summit(s) including The city continues to implement the Homeless Response Plan. which has established decision -makers from north San Diego County jurisdictions and SANDAG for the purposes of coordinating efforts and resources to key principles and system responses that the city employs to address the community address homelessness; impacts of homelessness. The plan provides strategies to. 1. Prevent, reduce and manage homelessness in Carlsbad; Assisting local nonprofits and charitable organizations in securing 2. Support and build capacity within the city and community to address state and federal funding for the acquisition, construction and homelessness: management of shelters; and 3- Encourage collaboration within the city, community partnerships and residents; and 4. Retain, protect and increase the supply of housing. - Continuing to provide funding for local and sub -regional homeless service providers that operate temporary and emergency shelters. - In 2018. a Housing Set -Aside pilot program was launched at the city -owned Tyler Court senior affordable apartment community whereby ten (10) units were set -aside specifically for formerly homeless seniors. Staff identified and transitioned six (6) individuals into permanent housing. The pilot program was discontinued in summer 2019- As of Dec- 31. 2019, five of those residents were still successfully housed at Tyler Court- 3.14 - Supportive The city will continue to provide CDSG funds to community. social Services for welfare, non-profit and other charitable groups that provide services for During the 2019-2020 CDSG program year, the city allocated ?74,872in funding Homeless and those with special needs in the north San Diego County area. Furthermore, the city will work with agencies and organizations that O assistance to five social service providers in North County which provide shelters and Special >+f receive CDSG funds to offer a city referral service for homeless shelter support services far the homeless community - Groups and other supportive services - The city continues to implement the Second Dwelling Unit Ordinance and consider alternative types of housing. In 2019, building permits were issued for 33 accessory dwelling units. The city will continue to implement its Second Dwelling Unit Ordinance The city is currently in process preparing zoning code amendments to address changes 3.15 - Alternative (Section 21.10,015 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code) and will continue to O in state laws pertaining to accessary dwelling units that were signed into law in 2019 and Housing support alternative types of housing, such as hotels and managed living became effective January 1. 2020 (SIB 13, AS 68, AB 881. AB 670. AB 587 and AB units to accommodate extremely -low income households. 671). A one-year seniors home share matching program was launched in 2019. Seven residents were matched to a home provider during the year. March 24, 2020 Item #2 Page 23 of 33 Name of Program Objective Timeframe in H.E Status of Program Implementation The city will assure that information on the availability of assisted or 3-16 - Military and below -market housing is provided to all lower -income and special needs groups. The Housing and Neighborhood Services Division will provide 0 The city provides information on assisted and below market housing to individuals and Student Referrals information to local military and student housing offices of the groups needing that information. availability of low-income housing in Carlsbad. As a function of the building permit process. the City will monitor and record Coastal Zone housing data including, but not limited to. the following: 1. In 2019, building permits were issued for 77 dwelling units in the Coastal Zone: 1. The number of housing units approved for construction. Four units in 2-4 unit structures conversion or demolition within the coastal zone after January 1, 16 accessary dwelling units 1982 Eight single family attached dwellings 49 single family detached dwellings 2. The number of housing units for persons and families of low or 2 In 2019, building permits were issued for five accessory dwelling units that were a moderate income, as defined in Section 50093 of the Health and required to be affordable at the low income level through the Inclusionary Housing Safety Code. required be provided in new housing developments Ordinance {as a part of the EIR 15-03 Poinsettia 61 project}, within the coastal zone. 3.17 - Coastal 0 Housing Monitoring 3. The number of existing residential dwelling units occupied by persons and families of low or moderate income that are authorized 3 None. to be demolished or converled in the coastal zone pursuant to Section 65590 of the Government Code. 4. The number of residential dwelling units occupied by persons and families of low or moderate income, as defined in Section 50093 of the health and Safety Code that are required for replacement or authorized to be converted or demolished as 4 None. identified above. The location of the replacement units, either ansite, elsewhere within the city's coastal zone, or within three miles of the coastal zone in the city, shall be designated in the review. First. to retain the Housing Flement as a viable policy document, the Planning Division will review the Housing Element annually and schedule an amendment if necessary. As required by state law, city The city will continue its annual reporting. staff will prepare and submit annual progress reports to the City Council. SANDAG. and California Cepartmenl of Housing and Community Development (HCD). March 24, 2020 Item #2 Page 24 of 33 N ofPrr V= oweeme Timeframe in H.E Status of Program Implementation Second. Senate Bill 575 requires that a jurisdiction revise its housing element every four years. unless it meets both of the following criteria: (1) the jurisdiction adopted the fourth revision of the element no later than March 31, 2010: and (2) the jurisdiction completed any rezoning The mid -planning period (2017-2021) Housing Element update was completed in 2017- contained in the elernent by June 30, 2010. While implementation of On December 20, 2016. HCD issued a letter stating that the update meets the statutory 3-18 - Housing the cry s 2005-2010 Housing Element satisfied the first criterion, it did requirements of State housing element law, and the Housing Element update was Element Annual not meet the second. Although rezoning was completed before the end adopted by the City Council in March 2017- Progress Report and of the extended Housing Element period (April 30. 2013) to satisfy the Mid -Planning Period adequate sites program, it was not completed in time to meet the SB C Housing Element 575 requirement. Update The city will build on the annual review process to develop a mid The city has selected a consultant for the 2021-2029 Housing Element update and kick - planning period {four-year) Housing Element update that includes the off meetings are scheduled for February 2020- following: Review program implementation and revision of programs and policies, as needed; Analysis of progress in meeting the RHNA and updates to the sites inventory as needed: Outcomes from a study session that will be heid with the Planning Commission to discuss mid -period accomplishments and take public comment on the progress of implementation. The city will invite service providers and housing developers to participate - With assistance from outside fair housing agencies, the city will continue to offer fair housing services to its residents and property owners. Services include: Distributing educational materials to property owners, apartment managers, and tenants: With the assistance of a CDBG grant, the city contracts with the Legal Aid Society of Making public announcements via different media (e-g. newspaper San Diego (t.ASSD), a non-profit organization dedicated to serving the needs of our 4.1 - Fair Housing ads and public service announcements at local radio and television community, to provide their services to Carlsbad residents and property owners. LASSD Services channels), ❑ serves as advocates for fair housing and mediating tenanVlandlord issues. Through the Fair Housing Initiatives Program, LASSD assists clients with potential discrimination Conducting public presentations with different community groups: claims and will provide guidance on fair housing laws- Annually, residents are invited to call LASSD at no charge and receive assistance. Monitoring and responding to complaints of discrimination tLe. intaking, investigation of complaints, and resolution); and Referring services to appropriate agencies. March 24, 2020 Item #2 Page 25 of 33