HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-01-29; Municipal Water District; 073; Acceptance & Approval - Potable Water Master Plan$MWD - AGENDA BILL -Y
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Adopt Resolution No. 672 accepting and approving the District's
new Potable Water Master Plan and setting a date for the Public Hearing to increase the Major Facilities Charge.
In July of 1989 the District contracted with MacDonald-Stephens Engineers, Inc. of San Diego to prepare a new potable water master plan for its service area.
The new plan incorporated data from the City's General Plan and land use classifications were also incorporated from the City's General Plan Map, as revised in November 1988. The aerial mapping used for the plan was obtained from the City. These aerial maps were flown in September and October of 1988. Existing percentages of development were taken from those aerials and the ultimate development was determined in accordance with the General Plan and the City's development on slope criteria.
Existing flows, peak demands and storage were obtained from District flow records. Ultimate flows, peak demands and storage requirements were then developed from this data.
With the existing and ultimate development data, existing and ultimate flow data and a review of existing facilities, the development of the facilities for buildout was determined. As a result, the costs -for the phases of the water system facilities required (both waterlines and storage facilities) were estimated. These cost estimates were the criteria used to arrive at the connection fees (major facilties charge) that need to be charged to construct water facilities needed to buildout.
One major change over the District's previous Master Plan is the addition of a major water transmission line that will run from an existing 6.0 million gallon reservoir westward through the Carrillo Ranch to El Camino Real. Through computer hydraulic analyses it was determined that this line was needed to continue to best serve the areas being developed in the southern portion of the District.
The Water Commissioners reviewed the drafts of the Master Plan, met with the consultant and staff and conducted a workshop at their meeting on June 20, 1990. As a result of the workshop the Commission formally recommended the Potable Water Master Plan be presented to the Board of Directors for their acceptance and approval.
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Agenda Bill on Potable Water Master Plan (continued)
Additionally, the Master Plan was reviewed and approved on December 19, 1990, by the City of Carlsbad Planning Commission for consistency with the City's General Plan.
The Potable Water Master Plan outlines and recommends the water facilities needed to be constructed to serve the ultimate population in the District. It also recommends the connection fee (major facilities charge) be increased to pay for those required improvements. The major facilities charge increase recommended amounts to $382.00 per EDU (equivalent dwelling unit). This results in a new total charge of $2,095.00 per EDU. This compares with the present charge per EDU of $1,713.00. A public hearing is required to accomplish this increase, and a February 19, 1991, date is scheduled. As noted in the Master Plan, the construction costs for the water facilities to buildout are estimated at $48,074,000. This cost reflects the cost of capital improvements due to future population increases and does not include costs for replacement. A fixed asset replacement fund is set up for that share of the projects.
Generally, the fiscal impact of the construction of the proposed facilities will be offset by the increase in the major facilities charge. However, there may be an alternate source of funding required at the time of construction of two of the major projects. Those two projects are the lining and covering of the existing 600 acre foot Maerkle Reservoir and the District's share in the construction of the Mt. Israel Reservoir. These projects and their estimated costs are included in the Master Plan and total approximately $23 million. These expenditures may require some financing due to the effect on the District's future cash flow situation.
Resolution No. 672.
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R,)~:SOLUTEOH NO e 672
‘WHEREAS, the Carlshad Municipal Water District contracted with MacDonald-Stephens Engineers, Inc. of San Diego in July of 1983 to prepare .a new Potable Water Master Plan, and
WHEREAS, the new Plan incorporates data from the City's General Plan, the City's General Plan Map amd the District's flow records, and
WHEREAS, the Water Commissioners have reviewed the draft of the new Potable Water Master Plan, conducted a workshop with the consultant and District staff at their meeting on June 20, 1990, and recommend acceptance and approval by the Board of Directors.
NOW, THEREFORE, the Board of Directors of the Carlsbad Municipal Water District hereby accepts and approves the District's new Potable Water Master Plan.
15 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a/G'&&? meeting of the
16 Carlsbad Municipal Water District held on the 29th day of
17 jl
January , 1991, by the following vote, to wit:
18 AYES: Board Members Lewis, Kulchin, Larson, Stanton and Nygaard
CMWD Project No. 89-105
prepared by
11770 Bernard0 Plaza Court, Suite 213
San Diego, CA 92128
(619) 487-7877
June 29, 1990
Table of Contents
Table of Contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
ListofTables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ., . . . . . . 3
ListofFigures................. 0 . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Summary of Findings and Recommendations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Water System Demands .......................... 12
General .............................. 12
Land Use Classifications ..................... 12
Demand Assumptions ........................ 12
Average Daily Demands ....................... 15
Peak Month Demands ........................ 16
PeakDayDemands ......................... 16
Peak Hour Demand ......................... 17
Sources of Water . . . . . . = . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Water Distribution System ........................ 27
Minimum Distribution Parameters .................. 27
Water Storage System .......................... 29
General .............................. 29
Minimum Storage Parameters .................... 30
Storage Requirements by Reservoir Service Area .......... 32
Review of Existing Facilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Review of Ultimate Facilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . 35
Cost Estimates ............................. 54
General .............................. 54
Calculation of Estimated Costs .................. 54
Summary of Estimated Costs .................... 56
Connection Fees .......................... 61
Phasing Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
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List of Tables
Table 1 - Input Land Use Demands . . . . . . . ............. 13
Table 2 - Actual Average Day Land Use Demands . ............. 14
Table 3 - Demand Input Data . . . . . . . . . . ............. 15
Table 4 - Monthly Water Purchases . . . . . . . ............. 16
Table 5 - Existing Demands . . . . . . . . . . ............. 18
Table 6 - Ultimate Demands . . . . . . . . . . ............. 19
Table 7 - Required Connection Flow Rates . . . ............. 25
Table 8 - Source Assumptions . , . . . . . . . ............. 26
Table 9 - Actual Reservoir Capacity . . . . . . ............. 29
Table 10 - Total Required Storage . . . . . . . 31
Table 11 - Existing Required Reservoir Capacity (mg)' : : : : : : : : : : 32
Table 12 - Ultimate Required Reservoir Capacity (mg) .......... 32
Table 13 - Fire Flow Analysis . . . . . . . . . .............. 45
Table 14 - Water Line Unit Prices . . . . . . . ............. 55
Table 15 - Water Facilities Cost Summary . . . ............. 57
Table 16 - Connection Fee Calculation . . . . . ............. 61
Table 17 - Projected Capital Improvement Income ............. 63
Table 18 - Proposed Phasing . . . . . . . . . . ............. 64
Figure 1 -
Figure 2 -
Figure 3 -
Figure 4 -
Figure 5 -
Figure 6 -
Figure 7 -
Figure 8 -
Figure 9 -
List of Figures
Peak Day Flow Rate ...................... 20
Peak Day Demand Curve .................... 21
Actual Demand Multiplication Factors ............. 22
Design Peak Day Demand Curve ................. 23
Service Range Elevations ................... 28
Extended Period - 255 Zone .................. 50
Extended Period - 318 and 330 Zones ............. 51
Extended Period - 384, 446 and 490 Zones ........... 52
Extended Period - 700 Zone .................. 53
Summary of Findings and Recommendations
The results of this analysis of the Carlsbad Municipal Water District water
distribution system, indicate new improvements totalling $80,600,000 will be
required for ultimate development of the District. Of this total amount,
$18,200,000 is shown to come from the District's General Fund, $6,300,000 from
the fund for Fixed Asset Replacement, and $56,100,000 from the Capital
Improvement Fund. With a current Capital Improvement Fund balance of $8,000,000
and an expected increase of approximately 23,000 EDU's, a new connection fee of
approximately $2,100 would be required to generate the funds necessary for the
required capital improvements. The cost estimates used to determine this
connection fee are based on the January, 1990 Engineerinp News Record
Construction Cost Index of 4,672. The recommended connection fee should be
adjusted annually to the then current Engineering News Record Construction Cost
Index. Proposed phasing for the required improvements are shown on Table No.
18. This phasing is based on estimates of when and where future development may
occur. Actual project scheduling will depend on the actual development trends
within the District. The project phasing should be reviewed annually and
adjusted to match the demands current and anticipated at that time.
The following is a summary of the improvements recommended for the District's
water distribution system for ultimate development of the District in accordance
with the current General Plan for the City of Carlsbad. Only improvements for
which the District is responsible are listed. Developer responsibility
improvements are shown on the base maps and are included in the computer runs.
However, it is assumed these improvements or similar improvements will be
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constructed in order to create the demands for which the District responsibility
-- improvements are required. Upon submittal of development plans for approval,
the distribution system should be analyzed to determine if the proposed
development has an effect on these recommendations for ultimate improvements or
if certain improvements are required prior to complete build-out of the proposed
development. The construction costs are estimated for the required improvements
and connection fee based on these costs is recommended. Improvements required
for current level of development within the District are listed separately. The
construction costs associated with these improvements and with developer
responsibility improvements are not included in the costs used to determine the
recommended connection fee.
New lines reauired for existing condition:
1) Replace the existing 10 inch 490 line in El Camino Real from
Chestnut to Elm with 16 inch.
2) Replace the existing 27 inch 490 line from Squires Reservoir to El
Camino Real with 33 inch.
New lines reauired for ultimate condition:
1) Construct a 12 inch 255 line in Jefferson Street from the existing
12 inch 255 line at Pica Drive to the existing 12 inch 255 line at
May Company.
2) Construct a 12 inch 446 line in Elm Avenue from the existing 10 inch
446 line at Celinda Drive to the existing 8 inch 446 line at Donna
3) Construct a 14 inch 330 line in future Marron Road from the existing
12 inch 330 line at Avenida de Anita to the Oceanside City Limit
with a pressure regulating station (446 to 330) at the proposed 14
inch 446 line from Village Q, a pressure regulating station (330 to
255) at Avenida de Anita, and an interconnect with the City of
Oceanside including metering station and plug valve.
4) Construct a 14 inch interconnect with the City of Oceanside from
the existing 446 and 580 lines in College including metering station
and plug valve.
5) Construct a 16 inch 490/446 line in College from proposed 18 inch
at Cannon to existing 446 line at Elm with pressure regulating sta-
tion (490 to 446).
6) Construct a 14 inch 318 line in future Cannon Road from Car Country
Drive to College Avenue with pressure regulating stations at Car
Country (318 to 255), El Camino Real (490 to 318), and College (490
to 318), 12" from College Avenue to Oceanside with pressure
regulating station at proposed 16" (700 to 490), and interconnect
to Oceanside with metering station and plug valve.
7) Construct 12 inch 430 line in Camino Hills from the existing 18 inch
550 line in Faraday Avenue to the existing 12 inch 430 line. Remove
temporary pressure regulating station in Camino Hills and construct
permanent pressure regulating station (550 to 430) at Faraday, close
valve west of Faraday to separate 430 and 384 zones.
8) When needed for water reclamation purposes, abandon Cannon Reservoir
and construct pressure regulating station to 392 zone at College and
Construct pressure sustaining station (680) at Cannon Road and
Oceanside and 16 inch 580 line to the existing 21 inch 580 Tri-
Agency Pipeline.
Construct a 16 inch 680 line from Squires Reservoir along the
Oceanside boundary to Cannon Road with pressure regulating station
(1019 to 680) at Squires.
Construct 18 inch 490 line in College Avenue from proposed 33 inch
490 line to Cannon Road.
Construct 14 inch 430 line in El Camino Real at College and pressure
regulating Station (550 to 490) in College at Faraday.
Construct a 16 inch 700 line from the existing 16 inch 700 line
north of Loker to the proposed 680 line at Squires Reservoir with
a pressure sustaining station from the proposed 16 inch to the 33
inch 490 line and connections for a temporary pump installation at
Squires Reservoir.
Construct a 12 inch 550 line in Faraday from El Fuerte to Orion Way
with pressure regulating station (700 to 550) at El Fuerte.
Construct a 12 inch 550 line at Palomar Airport north of Owens
Construct 24 inch 550 line in Carrillo Way from El Camino Real to
Black Rail Road, i.e. "D" reservoir. (Operates in parallel with
existing 18 inch 550 line).
Construct a 12 inch 550 line from the existing 12 inch 550 line in
Camino Vida Roble to the existing 18 inch 550 line at "D" reservoir.
18) Construct a 12 inch 384 line in future Carrillo from the existing
384 line at "D" Reservoir east to the existing 10 inch crossing
19) Relocate existing pressure regulating station (550 to 384) south of
the proposed 24 inch in Carrillo. Tie upstream side of station and
existing 10 inch 550 line to the proposed 18 inch 550 line in
Carrillo, and tie downstream side of station to proposed 12 inch
384 line in Carrillo.
20) Construct a 16 inch 550 line in El Camino Real from the end of the
existing 16 inch 550 line south of Camino Via Roble to the existing
16 inch 550 line with connections to the existing 18 inch line to
"D" reservoir .
21) Construct a 30 inch 700 line in Carrillo Way from El Fuerte to El
Camino Real with pressure regulating station (700 to 550) at El
Camino Real.
22) Construct a 24 inch 700 line in El Fuerte from Carrillo Way to
Palomar Airport Road.
23) Construct a 30 inch 700 line in El Fuerte from Alga to Carrillo Way
with a flow regulating station at Alga.
24) Construct a 12 inch 318 line in Poinsettia Lane from the existing
14 inch at Paseo De1 Norte and to the existing 10 inch in Carlsbad
25) Construct 12 inch 318 line in future Kelly Drive from the existing
16 inch 384 line at "E" Reservoir to the proposed 14 inch in Cannon
(318 zone) with pressure regulating station (384 to 318) at "E"
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Construct 12 inch 318 line in Faraday from the existing 12 inch 384
line in Faraday to the proposed 14 inch 384 line in Cannon Road,
with a pressure regulating station (384 to 318) at the connection
to the existing 12 inch 384 line.
Construct a 12 inch 255 line from the existing discharge line from
"E" reservoir west to Car Country Drive.
Construct a 10 inch 255 line in Carlsbad Boulevard at Manzano Drive
to Avenida Encinas.
Construct a 10 inch line in Carlsbad Boulevard south of Palomar
Airport Road to existing 10 inch 318 line with pressure regulating
station (318 to 255).
Construct a 16 inch 384 line from "E" Reservoir east to College
through the proposed subdivision. This line replaces the abandoned
crossover line and 16 inch to "E" Reservoir.
Construct a 12 inch 384 line in the future Kelly Drive right-of-way
from the existing 16 inch 384 line in Camino De Las Ondas to the
proposed 16 inch south of Palomar Airport Road, continuing with a
16 inch 384 line in Kelly to the "E" reservoir.
Construct an 18 inch in College Ave from the proposed 24 inch in
Poinsettia to the existing 16 inch in Palomar Airport Road with a
connection to the existing 12 inch crossover line to "El' reservoir
south of Palomar Airport Road. Close valve in the existing 12 inch
east of College to separate the 550 and 384 zones.
Construct a 16 inch 384 line from "D" reservoir to existing 16 inch
in Palomar Airport Road at Palomar Oaks.
34) Replace and relocate the existing 12 inch 550 line west of "D"
reservoir to the future Poinsettia right-of-way. Replace the line
with a 16 inch from the reservoir to College Boulevard and reduce
to 12 inch west of College.
35) Replace and relocate the existing 18 inch 384 line west of "D"
reservoir to the future Poinsettia right-of-way, replace the line
with 24 inch from the reservoir to future College Blvd, and reduce
to 18 inch west of College.
36) Construct 14, 12 and 8 inch 384 lines in the future College right-
of-way from the 14 inch 384 line in Alga south to the proposed 14
inch in Batiquitos with connections to the existing 384 lines at
Tulip Way and Daisy Avenue with two proposed pressure regulating
stations at Batiquitos Drive.
37) Construct a 14 inch 318 line in Batiquitos Drive from the esisting
14 inch west of Blackrail to the proposed 12 inch.
38) Construct a 12 inch 318 line south of Batiquitos Drive south to
Linden Lane, with a 16 inch crossing the freeway to Navigator Circle.
39) Construct a 12 inch 446 line across El Camino Real at Kelly Drive.
40) Construct a 30 inch 700 zone line in Palomar Airport Road From El
Camino Real to the future intersection of Melrose and 33 inch 700
'zone line in Palomar Airport Road from Melrose to the connection to
the Sante Fe II reservoir.
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--? Reservoir Imnrovements
1) Construct a total of 17 mg of reservoir capacity at "D" reservoir
in two 8.5 mg phases, replacing the two existing 1.25 mg reservoirs.
2) Line and cover the existing 600 acre-foot Squires Reservoir.
3) Construct connection facilities for temporary 2000 gpm pump at
proposed pressure sustaining station on feed secondary line to
Squires Reservoir for emergency supply to 700 zone.
4) Increase Squires I to Squires II pump station capacity to a total
of 15,000 gpm.
Water System Demands
General - The water system demands were determined by multiplying each different
land use area times a corresponding "input" demand per acre value for the
existing land use times the existing percent developed as shown on the aerial
photographs. The demand for each area was totaled and compared to the actual
water usage reported by the District. Multiplication factors were determined
to obtain existing average day, peak day and peak hour demands from the "input"
demands. Ultimate water system demands were then determined by multiplying each
land use area by the corresponding "input" demand per acre value for the
ultimate land use times the ultimate percent developed. These demands were then
totaled and multiplied by the factors determined from the existing demands to
obtain the ultimate average day, peak day and peak hour demands.
Land Use Classifications - The land use classifications shown on the latest City
of Carlsbad - General Plan Map as revised November 1988 were used for this
study. The aerials used for this report were obtained from the City of Carlsbad
and were flown in September and October 1988. Existing percent developed was
determined as shown on the aerials. Ultimate percent developed was determined
in accordance with the City's development on slope criteria.
Demand AssumDtions - The following table, Table 1 - Input Land Use Demands, is
a summary of the demand factors used to determine the flow rates for each node.
Demand multiplication factors of 0.652, 1.088 and 2.000 were determined to
obtain average day, peak day and peak hour demands.
Table 1 - Input Land Use Demands
CODE LAND USE zod/ac gDm/ac
2,000 1.4 2,100 1.5
2,350 1.6 2,900 2.0 4,200 2.9
1,000 0.7
1,440 1.0 1,440 1.0 1,440 1.0 3,000 2.1 1,440 1.0 1,440 1.0
1,800 1.3
1,900 1.3 2,200 1.5 2,200 1.5 1,900 1.3 1,440 1.0 3,000 2.1 1,440 1.0
1,440 1.0 0 0.0 2,230 1.5 0 0.0
2,230 1.5 4,320 3.0
Multiplying the "input" demand values by the average day multiplication factor
produces the following actual average day demands for each land use
Table 2 - Actual Average Day Land Use Demands
Land Avg Day Avg Day
Use Demands Demand
Code Land Use DeSCriDtiOn g;Dd/ac gpm/ac
1,304 0.9
1,369 1.0
1,532 1.1 1,891 1.3 2,738 1.9
652 0.5 939 0.7 939 0.7 939 0.7
1,956 1.4 939 0.7 939 0.7
1,174 0.8
The total area of each of the District's base maps is divided into sub-areas
.- _- and assigned to the individual nodes for use in the computer model of the
distribution system. These areas are delineated on the base maps. Attributes
for each sub-area containing the area, percent developed and land use
classification are stored in the AUTOCAD file for each base sheet. These values
are automatically extracted and totaled using a Symphony spreadsheet data file.
The following table represents the total "input" assigned to each pressure zone.
Table 3 - Demand Input Data
Zone Existing (porn) Ultimate (nnm)
700 1,415.7 3,124.0 580 380.2 1,087.2 550 2,649.5 3,662.0 490 602.4 1,556.l 446 1,586.8 1,778.8 430 237.4 1,126.8 384 555.4 2,729.2 330 1,320.8 1,718.5 La Costa 318 2,687.2 4,315.3 Evans Pt 318 771.3 1,144.8 255 North 2,269.l 2,562.6 255 South 1,103.4 1,333.5
Total 15,579.2 26,138.8
Average Dailv Demands - The actual average daily demand was obtained from actual
water purchase information provided by the District. The following table lists
the District's water purchases for the period of July 1988 through June 1989.
Table 4 - Monthly Water Purchases
_ .--
July '88 1,886.3 August '88 1,797.4 September '88 1,674.g October '88 1,517.3
November '88 1,003.4
December '88 893.5
January '89 897.7 February '89 847.9 March '89 1,140.8 April '89 1,409.8 May '89 1,651.2 June '89 1,667.5
Water Purchases (ac-ft)
From this information the existing average daily flow for the District is
computed to be 14.63 mgd (22.64 cfs).
Peak Month Demands - From the monthly purchase information the average flow rate
for the peak month, July 1988, was determined to be 19.83 mgd (30.68 cfs). This
value is 1.36 times the existing average daily flow. This value assumes 1) a
31 day month and 2) the reservoir levels at the beginning of the month were
approximately the same at the end of the month, i.e., no change in storage.
Peak Dav Demands - The District provided system inflow and reservoir level
information for the two week period of August 14 - 28 1989. During this period,
peak day demands occurred. Using the relationship;
Demand = Inflow - Change in Storage,
the daily demand was calculated for the two week period. A peak day demand of
.- -
24.4 mgd was found to occur on August 21, 1989. Figure 1 is a bar graph showing
the daily demands for the period analyzed. Dividing the peak day demand value,
24.4 mgd, by the average day demand 14.6 mgd results in a peak day demand
multiplication factor of 1.67.
Peak Day Demands = 1.67 x Average Day Demands
Peak Hour Demand - The change in storage was computed for each hour from 4 a.m.
August 21 to 10 a.m. August 22. This information was used to compute the system
demand each hour. Inflow rates were assumed constant over the period. Since
hourly changes in storage were not obtainable for the Squires Reservoir, the
following assumptions were used to estimate the change in storage:
1) Based on the data from the other reservoirs, the reservoirs have their
highest water surface levels between 3 and 6 a.m. and the lowest between
9 a.m. and 12 noon.
2) Two water surface level readings were made at 10 a.m.; 494.42 on the 21st
and 494.25 on the 22nd, these level readings were assumed lowest.
3) Highest water surface elevation assumed at 5 a.m..
4) No outflow occurs during the 19 hour period 10 a.m. to 5 a.m.
5) At 1 cfs inflow, the maximum rise in water surface elevation from 10 a.m.
to 5 a.m. would be 0.1 feet. Therefore, the water surface elevation at
5 a.m. on the 22nd would be 494.52 feet (494.42 + O.l),
6) Assuming the same 0.27 feet change in elevation from the 5 a.m. to 10 a.m.
on the 22nd occurs on the 21st, the water surface elevation at 5 a.m. on
the 21st would be 494.69 feet, (494.42 + 0.27).
These assumptions result in the demand curve shown in Figure 2. The values
_- -- shown on this figure are in million gallons per hour and represent the actual
peak day demands of the District on August 21, 1989. The total area of this
graph, 24.4 mgd, and represents the total peak day demand. Dividing the values
shown on this bar graph by the average peak day flow of 1.02 mg/hr results in
the actual demand multiplication factors shown in Figure 3. Thus, peak hour
demands are determined to be 1.84 times peak day demands.
Peak Hour Demands - 1.84 x Peak Day Demands; and thus,
Peak Hour Demands - 3.07 x Average Day Demands
Correlating the actual demand data to the total demands obtained from the land
use demand assumptions results in the following demand multiplication factors
to be used in the computer analysis.
Existing Average Day demand equals .652 times input data, i.e., 15,579.2 * 0.652 - 10,157 gpm - 14.63 mgd - 22.64 cfs
Existing Peak Month Average Day demand equals .884 times input data, i.e.,
15,579.2 * 0.884 - 13,768 gpm - 19.83 mgd - 30.68 cfs
Existing Peak day demand equals 1.088 times input data., i.e., 15,579.2 * 1.088 - 16,944 gpm - 24.4 mgd - 37.76 cfs
Existing Peak hour demand equals 1.84 times peak day demands which equals 2.00
times input data, i.e.; (1.84)(1.088) - 2.00
15,579.2 * 2.00 - 31,158 gpm = 44.9 mgd - 69.43 cfs
The following table summarizes the demand multiplication factors used to
multiply times the demand input data to obtain various flow conditions for the
existing condition.
Table 5 - Existing Demands
Condition Factor (mm) (mgd) (cfs)
Average day .652 10,159 14.63 22.64 Peak Month Average Day .884 13,772 19.83 30.68 Peak Day 1.088 16,944 24.40 37.76 Peak Hour 2.000 31,158 44.87 69.43
Using these factors times the total input demand for the ultimate condition,
(re: Table 3), results in the following ultimate demands:
Table 6 - Ultimate Demands
Condition Factor kpm) Cm&) (cfs)
Average day .652 17,042 24.54 37.97 Peak Month Average Day .884 23,107 33.27 51.49 Peak Day 1.088 28,439 40.95 63.37 Peak Hour 2.000 52,278 75.28 116.48
Figure 4 shows the demand multiplication factors recommended for use in the
extended period simulations. These values simplify the calculations involved
in performing the extended period simulation while providing the peak hour
demand multiplication factor of 2 times the input data and an average peak day
flow rate of 1.088 times the input data. In addition, this design demand curve
provides required storage volume slightly greater than the actual demand curve,
5.071 times the average flow rate verses 3.8 determined from the actual flow
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Sources of Water
The District currently has three sources of water:
1) Palomar Airport Road - Connection to the Second SDCWA Aqueduct
2) Connection to Tri-Agency Pipeline (College at Elm). This connection also
serves portions of the following agencies:
City of Oceanside Vista Irrigation District
3) South Aqueduct Connection. This connection also serves portions of the
following agencies:
Olivenhain Municipal Water District
San Marcos County Water District
From these connections the District currently receives a total of 34.3 cfs:
22.3 cfs from the Palomar Airport Road connection; a total of 7 cfs from the
Tri-Agency Pipeline (6 cfs to TAP reservoir and 1 cfs to Squires reservoir);
and 5 cfs from the South Aqueduct connection. The District indicates for the
ultimate condition the flow rate from the Tri-Agency pipeline can increase to
the required 23.41 cfs (6.69 to TAP reservoir and 16.72 to Squires reservoir);
the South Aqueduct connection increases to 13 cfs; and the Palomar Airport Road
connection increases to 27.55 cfs.
The following table shows the demands served by the various aqueduct connections
and the peak day flow rates required for both the existing and ultimate
Table 7 - Required Connection Flow Rates
Peak Day Peak Day
Existing Demands Ultimate Demands
(i5pd (cfs) (a@ (cfs)
Areas Served bv the TAP Connection 580 zone 413.7
446 zone 1,726.4
0.92 1,182.g 2.64
3.85 1,935.3 4.31
Sub-total 2,140.l 4.77 3,118.2 6.95
Areas Served bv the Sauires Connection 490 zone 655.4
330 zone 1,437.0 Evans Point 318 zone 839.2 255 North zone 2,468.8
1.46 1,693-O 3.77
3.20 1,869.7 4.17 1.87 1,245.5 2.78 5.50 2,788-l 6.21
Sub-total 5,400.4 12.03 7.596.4 16.93
Areas Served bv the Palomar Airport Rd and S. Aaueduct Connection 700 zone 1,540.3 3.43 3,398.g 7.57 550 zone 2,882.7 6.42 3,984.3 8.88 430 zone 258.3 0.58 1,226.0 2.73
384 zone 604.3 1.35 2,969.4 6.62
La Costa 318 zone 2,923.7 6.51 4,695.0 10.46
255 South zone 1,200.5 2.67 1,450.8 3.23
Sub-total 9,409.7 20.97 17,724.4 39.49
Total 16.950.2 37.77 28,439.0 63.37
The following table summarizes the source assumptions used in the computer
model. For the existing condition, the flow rates were provided by the District
and represent the actual flow occurring during the reported peak day event. For
the ultimate condition, the source flow rates were set equal to the required
peak day demand as shown in the previous table, with a maximum of 13.0 cfs
available at the South Aqueduct connection.
I- 1121
Table 8 - Source Assumptions
CB-13 Tap Reservoir 580-446 Zone 6 2,692.8 6.95 3,119.2
CB-49 Squires Reservoir 1 448.8 16.93 7,598.2
CB-33 Santa Fe 22 9,873.6 26.49 11,888.7
CB-45 La Costa 5 2.224.0 13 00 - 5.834.4
34 15,259.2 63.37 28,440.5
. .
I ’ ,
Water Distribution System
Minimum Distribution Parameters - Water lines are selected to maintain a minimum
dynamic pressure of 40 psi at all service connections during peak hour
conditions and a minimum dynamic pressure of 20 psi during peak day plus fire
flow conditions. Both of these conditions are calculated with the reservoir
water surface elevations and pressure regulating station settings at the bottom
of the tank. Lines are sized to maintain velocities less than 8 feet per
second. Line sizes are also selected to provide sufficient flow to the
reservoirs to ensure that they are filling during peak day demands.
Pressure Zones - The recommended service range elevation of a reservoir, pump
station, or pressure regulating station is based on maintaining a minimum static
pressure of 60 psi (138 feet) and a maximum static pressure of 150 psi (346
feet) for reservoirs, pump stations and pressure regulating stations. Based on
this criteria, Figure 5 shows the service range elevations for the District's
various pressure zones.
T>’ - : I . ’
562 I-- -co
z ,fi 542
ki -m m
5:” ; =,ga a Zai7j s: roa - i=R . u 1;T(D 5 . E r 1 t W
uJ > r
$00 N v CT z -I-- CJ Q LL
= I: F z I= 352
v,f 3 7 rl
INA 2 g 13
- - 2 E -a
229 234 0
-9 ; ?I
;I a
I 3nA zzz ZaE g foa - - 1 -“I VI b-u III
--I 237
Figure 5
Water Storage System
General - The District currently operates 11 reservoirs with capacities and
pressure zones as shown in the following table. The bottom elevation of the
reservoir is used as its pressure zone designation. The 10.0 mg reservoir under
construction at Squires Dam is considered existing and the two existing 1.25 mg
"D" reservoirs are planned to be replaced with two 8.5 mg reservoirs for the
ultimate condition. Cannon Reservoir is considered eliminated for the ultimate
condition. The 600 acre-feet Squires I reservoir is not considered usable until
it is lined and covered.
Table 9 - Actual Reservoir Capacity
Capacity (mg) Pressure
ExistinP Ultimate Zone
1) TAP 6.0 6.0 446
2) Ellery 5.0 5.0 329
3) Cannon ("C" Res) 1.5 0.0 349
4) Skyline 1.5 1.5 241
5) Squires II 10.0 10.0 490
6) "E" 1.5 1.5 264
7) "D" 2.5 17.0 384
7) Sante Fe II 9.0 9.0 700
8) La Costa - Hi 6.0 6.0 700
9) La Costa - Low 1.5 1.5 318
10) Elm 1.5 1.5 255
Sub-total 44.5 59.0
11) Squires I 0.0 195.5 490
Total 44.5 254.5
. ,
Minimum Storage Parameters - The San Diego Water Authority recommends
maintaining a total storage capacity equal to ten times the average day usage.
Using an average day demand of 14.63 mgd (re: Table 5) for the existing
condition and 24.54 mgd (re: Table 6) for the ultimate condition, total required
, storage is 146.3 mg and 245.4 mg, respectively. This total required storage is
the sum of what will be referred to as "daily" storage and "emergency" storage.
The daily storage capacity is calculated as the sum of operational requirements,
fire demands and a reserve capacity of one peak day usage. This storage is
contained in the various above ground reservoirs located throughout the
District. These reservoirs typically operate with an inflow rate equivalent to
the average daily demand of its service area and provide the additional flow
needed for peak hour and fire demands. The remaining portion of the recommended
total ten day storage is the emergency storage capacity. This storage is
contained in the Squires I reservoir. This storage is required in the event the
supply from the SDCWA aqueduct is unavailable for an extended period of time.
Required operational storage is that amount of water used at flow rates greater
than the average peak day rate. Figure 2 shows the District's actual peak day
demand curve, as determined from actual inflow rates and reservoir level
information. Total operational storage is represented by that area above the
average demand line, 3.86 mg for the existing condition and 6.5 mg for the
ultimate condition.
Existing storage requirements are based on a combined fire flow of 10,000 gpm
for 10 hours, for a total of 6.0 mg. Ultimate fire storage requirements are
based on a combined fire flow of 12,000 gpm for 10 hrs for a total of 7.2 mg.
Reserve storage requirements equivalent to one peak day demand are included in
the event the reservoir temporarily loses its supply from the upstream system.
Based on information provided by the District, total peak day demands were
calculated to be 24.4 mgd for the existing condition and 41.0 for the ultimate
condition (re: Tables 5 & 6).
The following table summarizes the "daily" and "emergency" portions of the
total storage required for the District.
Table 10 - Total Storage Needed
Existing (mg) Ultimate (mg)
3.9 6.5
6.0 7.2
24.4 41.0
34.3 54.7
Emergency 112.0 190.7
Total 146.3 245.4
With the current storage at Squires unusable, the District does meet the minimum
storage criteria as recommended by the San Diego County Water Authority. It is
recommended the Squires I reservoir be lined and covered to provide a minimum
capacity of 192.9 mg (592 acre-feet). Assuming the aqueduct is lost during a
peak day event, after the operational storage has been depleted, a total storage
of 251.9 mg should be provided. Subtracting the total ultimate reservoir
capacity, 59 mg, results in the 192.9 mg recommended capacity for Squires I
. ’
I .
_- Storage Reouirements bv Reservoir Service Area - The service area of the
District is divided into various distinct pressure zones. These zones and their
service range elevations are shown graphically in Figure 5. The peak day
demands associated with each zone are shown in Table 7. Splitting the total
operational, fire and reserve storage requirements, as discussed in the previous
section, among the reservoirs based on service area demands, results in the
following minimum capacity requirements for the various reservoirs.
Table 11 - Existing Required Reservoir Capacity (mg)
Reservoir/System Operational Fire Reserve
Tap and 580 zone 0.49 0.76 3.08
Ellery 0.33 0.51 2.07
Skyline and Elm 0.57 0.87 3.56
Squires 0.34 0.53 2.15
E" 0.28 0.42 1.73
D" 0.14 0.21 0.87
Sante Fe II & La Costa "Hi" 1.08 1.66 6.74
La Costa nLoW 0.67 1.03 4.21
Total 3.90 6.00 24.41
Table 12 - Ultimate Required Reservoir Capacity (mg)
Reservoir/System Operational Fire Reserve
Tap and 580 zone 0.71 0.79 4.49
Ellery 0.43 0.47 2.69
Skyline and Elm 0.64 0.71 4.01
Squires 0.67 0.74 4.23
" E " 0.33 0.37 2.09
"D" 0.68 0.75 4.28
Sante Fe II & La Costa "Hi" 1.97 2.18 12.40
La Costa 11Lo" 1.08 1.19 6.76
Total 6.51 7.20 40.95
-. r .
, .
Typically, the reservoirs supply the additional flows needed for peak hour
P- - _ demands or fire flows for their service areas. However, through the use of
L .I pressure regulating connections to the upstream systems, peak hour demands can
be transferred to the upstream system. In comparing the required reservoir
capacities of Tables 11 and 12 with the actual reservoir capacities shown in
Table 9, it appears the 255 Zone, the La Costa 318 Zone and the 700 Zone
-. reservoirs lack sufficient capacity. It is recommended that source demands for
"E" reservoir and portions of the 430 Zone be transferred to the 384 zone to
resolve this deficiency. The shortages of the 255 North Zone will be supplied
through pressure regulating station connections with the 330 and 490 Zones.
II: i. I . L
I .
Review of Existing Facilities
The existing system was modeled using the University of Kentucky Pipe Network
Analysis Program (Kypipe) Version 3.3 - 1600 pipes. Computer runs were made
for peak day demands, peak hour demands, and peak day demands plus fire flow.
The results of the runs indicated the existing 10 inch line in El Camino Real
should be increased to 16 inch to provide adequate fire protection to the May
Company area. The results also indicated the existing 27 inch line from Squires
Reservoir to El Camino Real is not sufficient for the existing flow rates. It
is recommended that the 27 inch 490 line be replaced with the 33 inch
distribution line required for the ultimate condition. Portions of the 27 inch
could possibly be utilized as a distribution line for the 700 zone as described
in the section concerning emergency events.
Review of Ultimate Facilities
The ultimate system was modeled using the existing model, increasing the node
demands to their ultimate values, increasing the source flow rates to the values
shown in Table 8, and adding the pipes needed for ultimate build-out of the
District. Computer runs were made for peak day, peak hour, peak day plus fire,
emergency event and peak day extended period reservoir analysis.
Peak dav - This run was used primarily to determine the pressure sustaining
settings to obtain the proper inflow rates to reservoirs for the peak hour and
extended period simulations. The inflow rate for each reservoir was set such
that the net flow to the reservoir would be zero at peak day demands with the
reservoirs three-quarters full.
Peak hour - The peak hour condition represents the maximum flow rates for the
major lines. This run was used to select line sizes for pipes 18 inch and
larger. The problems encountered when increasing the demands from existing to
ultimate were 1) flow from the South aqueduct connection and the La Costa "Hi"
reservoir was unable to get around the La Costa "Lo" system; 2) the 27 inch line
from the aqueduct connection in Palomar Airport Road limited the maximum flow
available at this connection, and 3) the required resewoir capacity for the 700
zone exceeded the capacity of the existing reservoirs. These problems were
resolved by adding major transmission mains through the 700 zone around the La
Costa llLo" area, balancing the inflow rates between the three aqueduct con-
nections, and adding the required additional reservoir capacity at the "D"
reservoir site and associated distribution system improvements. These solutions
7.. *.i _ .i. Y. . j
_a depend on the ability of the District to increase the source flow rate at
Squires Reservoir to the 17 cfs level. Thus, allowing the Palomar Airport Road
connection to stay below 28 cfs.
-. The following is a detailed discussion of the problems and recommendations
- .
associated with the reservoir capacity and primary supply and distribution lines
for each system beginning with the lowest pressure zone and continuing to the
highest. The discussion is divided between those reservoirs and systems served
by the Palomar Airport Road and South Aqueduct connections and those served by
the Tri-Agency Pipeline Connection.
Palomar Airport Road 6 South Aaueduct Service Area - In summary, the
deficiencies in the reservoir capacity for the 255 North Zone and La Costa 318
Zone are supplied by the proposed "D" reservoir. Source requirements for most
of the 430 Zone was transferred from the 700 zone to the 384 Zone, which is
supplied by the 'ID" reservoirs.
"E" reservoir (255 south zone) - The 2.4 and 2.8 mg capacity required for the
existing and ultimate conditions exceed the existing 1.5 mg reservoir. Addi-
tional capacity requirements of 0.9 and 1.3 are transferred to the "D" reservoir
(384 Zone) for the existing and ultimate conditions through the PRV (384 zone)
in Palomar Airport Road. Certain pipeline improvements, the 10 inch in Palomar
Airport Road, the 12 inch to Car Country, and the 10 inch in Carlsbad Blvd are
required to maintain higher pressures at the PRV in Cannon Road (Evans Point 318
zone) and the PRVs in Carlsbad Boulevard (proposed) and Avenida Encinas (La
Costa 318 zone). These PRVs are set at a pressure that will provide no flow
I ’ 1 ’
under normal conditions but will provide an emergency source of water, if needed
(stand-by mode).
La Costa "Lo" (La Costa 318 zone1 - The 5.9 mg (existing) and 9.0 mg (ultimate)
required capacities for this zone exceed the existing 1.5 mg La Costa "Lo"
reservoir. Additional capacity requirements are provided by the upstream "D"
reservoir (384 zone) through the three existing pressure regulating stations:
De Las Ondas, Poinsettia, and Blackrail Road and two proposed pressure regu-
lating stations in Batiquitos Drive. Stand by sources to the La Costa 318 zone
are available from the 700 zone at the existing pressure regulating stations in
Alicante Road and Bolero Street. The existing pressure regulating station from
the 550 zone in El Camino Real currently provides an active source but should
be adjusted to a stand-by mode upon buildout of the 700 zone. Certain pipeline
improvements are required to improve flow in the La Costa 318 zone and complete
loop within the system. These improvements consist of completing the 14 inch
loop in Batiquitos Drive, the 16 inch loop from Batiquitos Drive across the
freeway to Navigation Circle, and tying the 12 inch in Poinsettia to 12 inch
Carlsbad Boulevard.
430 zone - The 430 zone is currently supplied by three pressure regulating
stations from the 550 zone and a temporary pressure regulating station from the
490 zone. After relocating the temporary pressure regulating station to the 550
line in Faraday, all flows for this zone would be supplied by the 700 zone
reservoirs. The required reservoir capacity for this zone is 0.5 mg for the
existing condition and 2.4 mg for the ultimate condition. Once the 8.5 mg "D"
reservoir and 384 lines to Palomar Airport Road are completed, it is recommended
: s ’
. -
a portion of the 430 zone reservoir demand be diverted to the 384 service area.
Natural ground elevations in the 430 zone are well within the service range of
the "D" reservoirs. By closing the valve at Camino Hills Drive and EL Camino
Real, relocating the temporary pressure regulating station to Faraday and Camino
Hills Drive, closing a valve in Faraday west of Camino Hills Drive, connecting
the 430 line in Camino Hills Drive with the 430 line in College, the service
area of the 430 zone is reduced to that portion northeast of Faraday. This
transfers approximately half of the required reservoir capacity to the 384 zone.
The reservoir demand for the new 430 zone is 0.2 mg for the existing condition
and 1.2 mg for the ultimate condition. The remaining portion of the 430 zone
is converted to 384 zone by opening the valves currently closed between the two
zones, bypassing the pressure regulating station in Palomar Airport Road west
of Palomar Oaks, and adjusting the pressure settings on the existing pressure
regulating stations at Palomar Airport Road and Camino Vida Roble and College
west of Palomar Oaks.
"D" reservoir (384 zone) - In addition to the reservoir capacity required for
the 384 zone (1.2 mg - existing, 5.7 mg - ultimate), the "D" reservoir also
provides the additional reservoir capacity for the 255 South zone (0.9 mg -
existing, 1.1 mg - ultimate), the La Costa 318 zone (4.4 mg - existing, 7.5 mg
- ultimate), and the portion of 430 zone converted to 384 zone (0.3 - existing,
1.2 ultimate). A total reservoir capacity of 6.5 mg for existing condition and
15.5 mg for the ultimate condition is required. Allowing for 10 percent
increase due to zone changes and unforeseen demands, a total capacity of 17 mg
is required. Since portions of the 384 zone are supplied from 550 zone pressure
regulating stations, the existing reservoirs are probably sufficient for the
*t . ’ : *
- i. *
existing demands. However, any substantial development in the "D" reservoir
service area would exceed the capacity of the existing reservoirs. It is
recommended that design and construction of the first 8.5 mg phase reservoir
improvement be initiated if development in this area is expected to continue.
The service area supplied by the "D" reservoir (255 South, La Costa 318 and 384
and 430 zones) has a peak day demand of 9841 gpm less 1557 gpm supplied to the
La Costa 318 zone from the 700 zone, for a total peak day demand of 8284 gpm.
Distribution lines supplying the "D" reservoir should be sized to provide the
ultimate peak day flow rates. Assuming half this inflow is required to supply
the first 8.5 mg phase reservoir, construction of the following improvements are
recommended: a) the 12 inch tie from the existing 12 line in Camino Vida Roble
south to the existing 18 inch "D" reservoir supply line, b) the 16 inch line
in El Camino Real from Camino Via Roble to the existing 16 inch in El Camino
Real, and c) completion of the 12 inch 550 loop at the Palomar Airport property
north of Owens Avenue.
To provide adequate source flow for completion of the second 8.5 mg phase
construction of the following proposed improvements is recommended: a) the 24
inch in Carrillo (operates in parallel with the existing 18 inch), b) the 30
inch in Carrillo (El Fuerte to El Camino Real), c) the 24 inch in El Fuerte
(Palomar Airport Road to Carrillo), d) the 30 inch in El Fuerte (La Costa to
Carrillo), and e) the pressure regulating station at El Camino Real and
. 1 ’
_- -. ’
7. L
Other pipeline improvements required for ultimate development of the 384 zone
consist of the following:
1) To provide a source of supply to the 318 zone and provide a loop to the
subdivision south of Poinsettia a 12 inch line from the existing 384 line
in Alga Rd to the proposed 318 line in Batiquitos Drive with two pressure
regulating stations and ties to the existing 384 lines in Tulip and Daisy
Avenue is proposed.
2) To provide 384 source to "E" reservoir, replace the existing 12 inch
crossover line south of Palomar Airport Road and convert portions of the
430 zone to 384 the following lines are required: a) a 12 inch in the
future Kelly Drive from Camino de Las Ondas to "E" reservoir, b) a 24 inch
in College Drive from Poinsettia to Palomar Airport Road, and c) a 16 inch
from the existing 384 zone 18 inch in Poinsettia to the existing 12 inch
in Palomar Oaks.
3) To relocate the existing 12 inch crossover line north of Palomar Airport
Road and the existing 16 inch "E" reservoir supply line from the existing
430 zone pressure regulating station, construction of an 18 inch from the
existing 16 inch line in College to "E" reservoir is required.
4) To provide a second source to the 384 lines east of "D" reservoir,
construction of a 12 inch 384 line in Carrillo Way from the "D" reservoir
to the existing 10 inch 384 line, relocation of the temporary pressure
regulating station north of Carrillo, west of El Camino Real to a point
on the 10 inch south of Carrillo Way. The relocated pressure regulating
station can then be adjusted to operate in a stand-by mode.
7 < ’ .- 1’. -
.j Santa Fe II & La Costa "Hi" (700. 550. & 430 zones1 - These reservoirs have a
: .A-
.: . ,
- i.-=
total required capacity of 9.5 mg for the existing condition and 16.6 mg for
the ultimate condition. Transferring a portion of the 430 zone capacity
requirements to the 384 zone reduces required capacity to 9.2 mg and 15.4 mg.
The amount in excess of the actual capacity does not warrant construction of
additional reservoir facilities in the 700 zone.
Tri-Azencv Pioeline Service Area - In summary, the District's current reservoir
capacity, plus the 10 mg reservoir under construction at Squires Reservoir,
appears sufficient for the expected "daily" demands. However, the Squires I
Reservoir should be lined and covered to provide the required "emergency"
Skvline and Elm Reservoirs (255 North Zone1 - The 255 North zone has a required
reservoir capacity of 5.0 mg for the existing condition and 5.4 mg for the
ultimate condition and a total existing reservoir capacity of 3.0 mg. The
additional 2.4 mg required reservoir capacity is available from Ellery and
Squires reservoirs delivered through pressure regulating stations off the 490
zone line in El Camino Real and the 330 zone at Pine and McKinley. Construction
of a 12 inch line in Jefferson St from Pica Drive to May Company is necessary
to provide a second source of water to the area south of Buena Vista Lagoon.
Evans Point 318 zone - The reservoir capacity for the Evans Point 318 zone is
included in the Squires service area. Primary sources for this zone consist of
the pressure regulating stations from the 490 zone at College Avenue and Cannon
Drive and El Camino Real and Cannon Drive. Distribution lines from the 490 zone
. .m
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- .
are sized for the peak flow rates in lieu of constructing excess reservoir
capacity. Secondary sources are pressure regulating stations from the 384 zone
in Kelly at the "E" reservoir site and in Faraday Avenue. This zone can provide
stand-by service to the 255 south zone through a proposed pressure regulating
station in Cannon Drive at Car Country. Distribution main improvements for this
zone consist of: a) a 14 inch line in Cannon Drive from College Avenue to Car
Country, and b) 12 inch lines in Faraday and Kelly.
Ellerv (330 zone)_ - The 5.0 mg reservoir at Ellery exceeds the 2.9 mg required
for existing and the 3.9 mg required for ultimate conditions. The 1.1 mg
additional capacity is available for the 255 North zone through the pressure
regulating station at Pine and McKinley. Distribution improvements required
for ultimate development of this zone consist of: a) providing a secondary
supply to the 330 zone and the 255 zone by constructing a 14 inch line in Marron
Road from the existing 330 line in Avenida de Anita east to the proposed 446
zone line with a pressure regulating station to the existing 255 line and a
pressure regulating station from the 446 line.
TAP 446 and 580 zones - The 6.0 mg ultimate requirement for this service area
matches the existing TAP reservoir capacity. Thus, no reservoir improvements
are required. Since the peak hour flow rates for the 580 zone are provided by
the Tri-Agency Pipeline and not the reservoir, the pressure regulating station
in Elm east of Santa Clara should be set such that no flow from the Tri-Agency
Pipeline goes to the 490 zone. The peak day flow provided by the 446 zone to
the 330 zone at Ellery reservoir and the pressure regulating station south of
Elm Reservoir is provided from the 490 zone through pressure regulating stations
1 * . +
_ .
-- .
at the intersection of El Camino Real and Chestnut and the intersection of El
Camino Real and the 12 inch south of Tamarack. The pressure regulating station
at the intersection of El Camino Real and Elm should be set to operate in a
stand-by mode.
When receiving the proposed 6.95 cfs (3119 gpm) from the Tri-Agency Pipeline,
fire demands in excess of 1935 gpm during peak day demands would need to be
pumped from the TAP reservoir. The 1183 gpm peak day demand of the 580 zone
leaves 1935 gpm excess flow available from the Tri-Agency Pipeline.
Sauires Reservoir (Evans Pt 318. 392 & 490 zones). - The Squires reservoir
service area requires an ultimate capacity of 5.7 mg. Adding the additional 1.1
mg required for the 255 North zone increases this requirement to 7.0 mg.
Additional capacity is available for peak flow to the 446 zone when required.
Improvements necessary for the 490 zone consist of extending a line up the
future College Avenue and Cannon Drive to provide primary service to the 490
zone service area east of College, the Cannon reservoir 392 service area, Evans
Point 318 service area and secondary supply for the 446 zone. Construction of
this line will reduce the demand on the 490 line in El Camino Real. The Cannon
reservoir requirements will ultimately be met by the Squires reservoir. As the
area around the existing Cannon reservoir develops, Cannon reservoir can be
abandoned and used for water reclamation purposes. pressure regulating stations
off the 490 zone lines will provide service to the 392 zone. Specific
improvements consist of: a) an 18 inch line from the 33 inch in College Ave to
Cannon Drive, b) pressure regulating station to the 392 zone, c) 14 inch in
. . .
, . - *
Cannon Drive to a normally closed connection at the proposed interconnect with
the City of Oceanside, d) a 16 inch in College from Cannon Drive to the
existing 446 line in College at Elm, and e) a pressure regulating station from
490 to 446 zone located on the proposed 16 inch in College.
A small portion of the area west of Squires reservoir will require a 680 HGL
service zone. Construction of a 16 inch line from the Squires reservoir supply
line and a pressure regulating station (1019 to 680) is recommended. This line
can also connect to the proposed interconnect with Oceanside in Cannon Drive and
continue north from a proposed pressure regulating station (680 to 580) to the
Tri-Agency Pipeline, thus providing a secondary source for the 580 zone.
Fire Flow Analvsis - The peak day plus fire computer run verifies the ability
of the distribution system to provide fire flows in various locations through-
out the District. Fire demand locations were selected in each major pressure
zone where minimum residual pressures were expected to occur. The fire flows
were modeled during the peak day condition in two separate runs. The first run
included all fire flows except the 5000 gpm fire flow placed in the vicinity of
the May Company. The second run included only the 5000 gpm fire demand. The
following table summarizes the results of the analysis of both the existing and
ultimate systems.
-F a .; ’
.d . .
, .
-7 Table 13 Fire Flow Analysis
- .L_
- --
330 1886 CB- 5 1500 18.4 22.7
255 1994 CB- 1 5000 69.2 71.8
318 156 CB-55 1500 29.5 29.4
384 655 CB-47 1500 42.9 65.2
550 883 CB-36 1500 65.4 60.9
550 630 CB-47 1500 114.4 113.4
580 1561 CB-11 1500 61.8 64.5
446 1891 CB- 5 1500 22.9 50.2
700 1014 CB-25 3000 36.5 56.7
The fire flow in the
vicinity of
Residual Pressure
Exist Ultimate
Elm reservoir (Node #1886) resulted in the
lowest residual pressure for both the existing and ultimate conditions. The
location selected is high point in Elm Avenue. The houses in the vicinity are
served from a dead end 8 inch 446 zone line in Donna Drive. Residual pressures
slightly below 40 psi were experienced in the 330 zone in this vicinity. It is
recommended that a 12 inch line be extended in Elm Avenue from the existing 10
inch at Celinda Drive to the existing 8 inch at Donna Drive.
Emernencv Event - This run verifies the adequacy of the distribution system
during periods of no source flows. During the event of total loss of supply
from the three aqueduct connections, the District would be totally dependent on
its current water storage volume at the time of the disaster. Assuming the
public would be notified and demands reduced to average day, the District would
have sufficient reservoir capacity for at least 10 days with the exception of .
the 700 zone. The pressure regulating stations from the 700 zone to the 580
zone and the La Costa 318 zone should be closed. The total ultimate average day
demand in the 700 zone is 3.34 mgd. The Santa Fe II and La Costa "Hi" total
reservoir capacity of 15.0 mg would last approximately 4.5 days at average day
demands. Approximately 1300 gpm would need to be continuously pumped from the
Squires reservoir to the 700 zone. This may be done with a temporary pump
located at the proposed pressure sustaining station on the secondary feed to
The remainder of the District would also be supplied from the Squires I
reservoir. Water would be pumped from Squires I to Squires II. Total expected
average day demand for the District at ultimate build-out is 17,042 gpm.
Deducting the 700 zone demand of 2320 gpm results in a required pump rate of
14,722 gpm. The distribution lines in El Camino Real south of the connection
of the main line from Squires reservoir would be utilized to deliver water to
the southern half of the District. The 550 zone would be reduced to the
pressures available from the 490 zone. The computer analysis of this event
indicated the pressures in the 580 zone were all above 20 psi. The proposed
ultimate reservoir capacities and distribution systems are capable of providing
average day demands for 10 consecutive days with no source flows.
For this analysis, the following changes were made to ultimate condition
computer model:
1) The Demand Multiplication Factor was set at 0.652 to convert the input
data to average day demands.
2) Flow to the reservoirs was assumed at rate equal to the reservoir capacity
times 85 percent divided by ten days. The reservoirs are assumed 85
percent full at the beginning of the emergency event. This assumption
required a flow rate of 1000 gpm to "D" reservoir. At this flow rate, the
available pressure at the reservoir was barely adequate. Any additional
flow would begin to cause pressure problems.
3) Flow from the 700 zone to the 550 zone is eliminated. This is accom-
plished by closing valves at the intersections of Palomar Airport Road and
El Camino Real, Carrillo Way and El Camino Real, El Fuerte and Faraday.
The 700 zone does not have enough reservoir capacity to last 10 days at
average day demands without supplemental flows from Squires reservoir.
This storage deficiency plus the average flow rate to the La Costa "Lo"
reservoir was pumped from the 490 zone.
4) The proposed pump station at Squires reservoir provides source flows for
580 zone.
5) The setting of the pressure regulating station at El Camino Real and the
14 inch south of Tamarack was adjusted from an HGL of 455 feet to a HGL
of 481 feet to provide the source flow for the 446 zone.
The results of this analysis indicated the distribution system could provide
adequate pressure during this emergency event. Additional facilities needed
for this condition consist of: a) covering and lining of the Squires I reser-
voir, b) construction of connection facilities for a temporary pump at Squires
reservoir, c) increasing the capacity of the Squires I to Squires II pump
station to a total of 15,000 gpm, and d) construction of a 16 inch line from
the existing 16 inch north of Loker Avenue to the temporary pump facilities at
Squires reservoir. A portion of the existing 27 inch could be utilized for the
required 16 inch, if the pipe class is sufficient.
A second emergency event was considered assuming a source was made available at
the South Aqueduct connection. The above conditions were repeated with the
following exceptions: 1) flow from the 700 zone to the 550 zone was not
restricted, 2) a temporary pump for the 580 zone was not required, and 3) flow
to the 490 zone was divided between the PR Station in El Camino and the 16 inch
north of Loker. The results of this analysis indicated: 1) a 30 inch line is
required in El Fuerte from La Costa Ave to Carrillo, 2) the 16 inch line north
of Loker to the 33 inch line from Squires would be adequate, and 3) a pressure
sustaining station is required between the 16 inch 700 line and the 33 inch 490
line to regulate the flow to the 490 zone. The results also indicate the 700
zone could provide emergency service to the Squires service area at average day
EmerPencv Interconnections - The District currently maintains one interconnect
with the City of Oceanside in El Camino Real. The HGL elevation at this
connection is 255 for Carlsbad and 320 for Oceanside. Emergency interconnects
with the City of Oceanside are recommended at three additional locations: a)
future Marron Road, b) College Ave, and c) Cannon Road. Costs for a metering
station were included for each interconnect.
The HGL elevations at the Marron interconnect are 511 for Oceanside and 330 for
Carlsbad. Pressure at this interconnect could be regulated manually with a plug
valve. Construction of a portion of 14 inch 330 line in Marron Road is required
for this interconnect.
The HGL elevations at the College Avenue interconnect are 511 for Oceanside and
either 446 or 580 for Carlsbad. The interconnect could be designed to flow in
either direction with pressure regulated manually with a plug valve. Con-
struction of a portion of 12 inch line in College Avenue is required for this
The HGL elevations at the Cannon Road interconnect are 627 for Oceanside and
either 680 or 580 for Carlsbad. This interconnect could also be designed for
flow in either direction with pressure regulated manually with a plug valve.
Extensive development in the Navigation Circle area, prior to construction of
the proposed loop across the freeway, could require an interconnect with
Olivenhain Water District for additional flows for fire protection. This
connection should include a metering station and utilize a pressure regulating
station, set to operate in a stand-by mode.
Extended Period Simulation - This run demonstrates the expected reservoir
activity during a peak day event. The demand multiplication factors shown in
Figure 4 - Design Peak Day Demand Curve were used for this simulation. Flow
rates to the reservoirs were controlled using pressure sustaining valves at the
reservoirs. Pressure settings were established in the peak day run to provide
a zero net flow with the reservoirs at three-quarters full. Figures 6 through
9 graphically represent the results of this analysis. The results indicate each
reservoir fills during the peak day event.
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Cost Estimates
General - Cost estimates for the required existing and ultimate improvements
are calculated using estimated unit prices per linear foot of pipe and estimated
lump sum prices for special appurtenances such as pump stations and pressure
regulating stations. The construction cost for the grading, covering and lining
of Squires I reservoir was estimated at 12 cents per gallon.
The costs included represent total construction costs, and do not include
engineering fees or contingencies. Engineering fees and contingencies are added
at a lump sum of 25% of the total construction cost. The costs are represented
in today's dollars and correspond to the January 1990 Engineering News Record
Construction Cost Index of 4,672. The connection fees recommended in this
report should be adjusted to the current ENR Cost Index on an annual basis.
Calculation of Estimated Costs - The estimated unit price used for the
construction of water line improvements are shown in the following table. The
construction costs associated with these unit prices include all excavation,
materials, labor, backfill, testing, street repair and appurtenances necessary
for installation of the complete water line project. Since all water lines are
to be constructed in either existing or future rights-of-way, no costs are
included for land acquisition.
Table 14 - Water Line Unit Prices
12 115
14 130
16 150
24 200
30 215
33 230
36 250
42 285
The lump sum cost used for pressure regulating stations is based on the cost of
recent projects completed for neighboring cities. The estimated construction
cost of $250,000 includes construction of a concrete vault located within the
right-of-way, pressure regulating valve, all necessary piping and appurtenances,
telemetry, electrical, landscaping and site grading. Since the stations are
assumed to be located within the street rights-of-way, no additional cost was
assumed for land acquisition.
The construction cost for the expansion of the existing pump station at Squires
reservoir was estimated at $300 per gpm of additional required capacity. This
cost includes all construction costs necessary for a complete operating pump
station. Since the existing pump station is located at the Squires reservoir
on District property, no additional cost was assumed for land acquisition. The
expansion of this pump station assumes an existing capacity of 10,000 gpm and
a required additional capacity of 5000 gpm. Construction cost for connection
facilities for a temporary pump at the Squires secondary feed are included in
the cost of the pressure regulating station.
Summarv of Estimated Costs - The following table summarizes the estimated cost
for the improvements the District needs to construct for the existing and
ultimate conditions. Item numbers shown in this table correspond to the items
listed in the Summary of Findings and Recommendations. Costs for Developer
improvements are not shown.
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Connection Fees - Recommended connection fees are calculated by dividing the
total cost of the water facilities required for the ultimate condition by the
expected increase in demand. The following table summarizes the values used to
determine the recommended connection fee.
Table 16 - Connection Fee Calculation
Existing Average Day Flow 10,159 gpm Ultimate Average Day Flow 17,042 gpm
Total Cost for Ultimate Facilities $49,980,423 Flow Increase from Existing to Ultimate 6,883 gpm
Ultimate Cost per Average Day Flow $7,261 per gpm
Assuming a typical household would use approximately 0.5 acre feet of water on
an annual basis, the average daily demand for one equivalent dwelling unit (EDU)
would equal 0.3 gpm. The cost of the proposed improvements per EDU could be
determined by multiplying 0.3 gpm per EDU times ultimate cost per average day
flow of $5,430 per gpm. Thus, the recommended connection fee is determined to
be $2,178 per EDU.
62 Revised
Phasing Considerations
The proposed capital improvement projects were prioritized based on the order
of development as indicated by the District. Complete build out of the District
is assumed to occur in 20 years. This would project a build out rate of
approximately 1100 EDU connection per year. Based on this build out rate and
the recommended connection fee, Table 17 shows the projected cumulative income
available for capital improvements. Table 18 shows the prioritized list of
improvements and their cumulative costs. The scheduled completion dates shown
on Table 18 are based on the availability of funds as indicated in Table 17.
This phasing is an estimate based on anticipated development and should be
updated periodically. The actual development within the District should be added
to the distribution system model on an annual bases. Project phasing should
also be review on an annual bases using the updated model and revised development
63 Revised
Table 17 - Projected Capital Improvement Income
Beginning Ending
Year Year
Year Balance Income Balance _----_-----____---__---------------------------- --m-w- -----m
1,989 1,990
1,993 1,994
1,997 1,998 1,999 2,000
2,003 2,004 2,005 2,006
2,009 2,010
8,000,OOO 2,500,OOO 10,500,000
10,500,000 2,500,OOO 13,000,000
13,000,000 2,500,OOO 15,500,000
15,500,000 2,500,OOO 18,000,OOO
18,000,OOO 2,500,OOO 20,500,OOO
20,500,OOO 2,500,OOO 23,000,OOO
23,000,OOO 2,500,OOO 25,500,OOO
25,500,OOO 2,500,OOO 28,000,OOO
28,000,OOO 2,500,OOO 30,500,000
30,500,000 2,500,OOO 33,000,000
33,000,000 2,500,OOO 35,500,000
35,500,000 2,500,OOO 38,000,OOO
38,000,OOO 2,500,OOO 40,500,000
40,500,000 2,500,OOO 43,000,000
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55,500,000 2,480,424 57,980,424
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