HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992-07-28; Municipal Water District; 177; Water Commission Appointment* @ 0 c, e 2 24 cd ho F1 -4 +J F1 -ti 0 .a L) 3 a- 42 co 4. b@ rd 4 50 wz $4 -d 4 a0 a,m ua a, UQ 0 ma @ “g 2: 22 g+J -4 $a $4 5@ c,o -4 F4 ala, ss HE-l 2 $2 1-1 coF--( eo? barn n E Q 0 m -HI ILJUHU IVL Iuit-HL VYPP I L~I uta I nib I ULlYWP4 DILL ,/, ( DEPT. HI CITY AT1 lYL CITY WIG 1 TITLE: MTG.- WATER COMMISSION APPOINTMENT DEPT. RECOMMENDED ACTION: ?-As--c/& Adopt Resolution No. 8[9 S representing Division 4. ITEM EXPLANATION: Mr. Roger Greer, who recently passed away, was a member of the Water Comm representing Division 4. Notice of the unexpecteld vacancy has been post accordance with the provisions of the Government Code. Attached for the Board’s review are copies of applications on file from indiv who live in Division 4. The appointee will complete the term to its expiratio of the first regular Commission meeting in January, 1994. *NOTE: Water Commissioners are subject to the requirements of the Political I Act and must file Conflict of Interest statements. FISCAL IMPACT: Commissioners earn $100 per meeting, not to exceed $200 per month. EXHIBITS : 1. Resolution No. 80 5 Water Commission. 2. Map depicting Division boundaries. 3. ? appointing a member to the Water Comm 3 appointing a member representing Division 4 ‘ Copies of applications from individuals residing in Division 4. 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 I2 I.z I.3 14 15 l6 I'7 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 e e RESOLUTION NO. 805 - A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT, CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPOINTING A MEMBER TO THE WATER COMMISSION REPRESENTING DIVISION 4. WHEREAS, Roger Greer passed away; and WHEREAS, the position on the Water Commission representing Divis is currently vacant. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Directors 01 Carlsbad Municipal Water District, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the following person is hereby appointed to the unex term to serve as a member of the Water Commission representing Division 4 fo term which is to expire on the date of the first regular meeting in Jan 1994; JACK KUBOTA PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the Carlsbad Municipal Water Dis Board of Directors at a special meeting held on 11th day of AUGUST 1992, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, Larson, Stanton, Nygaard NOES: None ABSENT: None ATTEST: ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, Secretary (SEAL) 0 W CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRII DIVISIUN MAP 198hi L, .1 >< APPLICATION FOR APPOt" E - 3- 1- - BOARDCSI AND/OR COMMISSION(R - - (Please print OT type.) -. NAME(S) OF BOARD(S) AND/OR COMMISSION(S) IN WHICI-I INTERESTED: ' 1 ; ' WATER COMMISSION 113' . 1- - 3- -J id NAME: JACK Y. KUBOTA 1) I L/. 4 ADDRESS: 3808 Skyline Road CllY: Carlsbad, CA UP CODE: 92008 HOME PHONE: (619) 729 3185 - PRESENT OCCUPATION: BUSINESS NAME: Barrett Consultihq Group BUSINESS ADDRESS: 2585 Pi0 Pic0 Drive., Carlsbad, CA 92008 WORK PHONE: (619) 729-1194 ci Vi 1 Eng i neer U. S. Citizenship (r~*m to, all -*-) - x Yes No Resident of Carlsbad - giw io mi-) .x yes No Registered voter in Carlsbad (nquh.d for SWM -) x Yes No I am familiar wllh tho responribilittes assigned to the Board($) or Commkrfon(8) a which I wbh to som; I am willing to !!lo fhancial dkclosure statement8 as required by tho State'$ or cw Contact ol Interest codes; I am wllllng to k intorvtewwl regarding my qualiflwdom for appointment by commIttao designatod by the City Council or at the requost of an IndMdr DATE: 44JjL- ,/ (Continwd on - sidc) 1200 Carlsbad Village Onve - Carlsbad. California 92008-1 989 (61 9) 434-21 today. of the Water Commission sphere of involvement. We now are interested in focusing our activities at the level I a w JACK Y. KUBOTA 3808 SKYLINE ROAD CARLSBAD, CA 92008 April 15, 1992 City Clerk's Office - City Hall City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Subject: Application for Appointment - Water Commission Attached herewith is the subject application. We understand thi: document will be active for a one-year period so we request consideration for an appointment when appropriate. Very truly yours, LTY P 2Kubo @d t a Attch. /yyszJ (IF""' ' c L APPUCATION FOR APPOrIUTMWT BOARD61 AND/OR COMMISSION(S1 3 i- d: r: -_ - __, - -- b, (Please print or type.) - .. NAME(S) OF BOARD(S) AND/OR COMMISSION(S) IN WHICH INTERESTED. . - -.J -.-. -7, i-- :- Q __ 51 -:- gg: , r-, -- 8 777 h - j)LL L-4 J i -'dl 3.3 & . --i- -i. F 1728 Zalzvo 2t. NAME: ADDRESS: CITY: Zarlsbad ZIP CODE: ?2W8 HOME PHONE: 7'n-z5~c Y5X: ?!?-is is a new rxmber. PRESENT OCCCPATION: :ietired BUSINESS NAME: - BUSINESS ADDRESS: - WORK PHONE: U. S. Citizenship (required for a// appointments) Resident Of Carlsbad (preference given to residents) Registered voter in Carlsbad (required for some commissions) I am familiar with the responsibilities assigned to the Board@) or Commission(s) on which I wi8h to serve; I am willing to file financial disclosure statements as requirod by the State's or City's Conflict of Interest codes; I am willing to be interviewed regarding my qualificatiorils for appointment by a committee designated by the City Council or at the request of an individual Council Member. - No No No li Yes X Yes -( Yes -- -- -- Jan 8, 1992 SIGNATURBem4 'k? & - DATE: (Continued on reverse side) 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, California 92008-1 989 (61 9) 434-2808 w w - 1 EDUCATION Cver 2 yczrs zC c>Il?;z, i~25ii;2te of T.3 Lc?zz:ry Lex( - U~S~~O'JS 2rcfessioral Fer.ir,firs. if2ttrns T ixi52d ?eac'ri.n_< ';reci.erit - .. '1 _wc yezrs c: Adul$ _+~cz.tion ;;; ;.r; At s,-'.ool. 7ertiTie2 ,'ea:e Sf: - \- EXPERIENCE CJver L? yezrs cf m-micipl v government. T;Jenty nir.5 ysars oc 211 levels of ?ire :e>a%l.ient -4dzinistraticn iccluding wzter su7;ly system. ?epresented tke 2ity cf Carlsbad ?or 4% years on tkree water related committees tF-5 :ity belonged at tkat tine. Also reprasented the city on seven ctb-er ccmnittees iiontinuea t~ attend R':;Xi cocmittee meetings for several years aftf I left the city couxcil. - COMMUNI~ ACT~V~T~ES ,*our ar-d one hslf years City Zouncilmember 2lW"x?\: 5 y?ars, C'arlsbad rJr,rislmas 3ureau; 5 years ,5393 ( S'GO; Littering Cur 3ays and 3eaches); 3+ years Boys and Sirls L'lxb; 3 ysars 2z.rl.skci (C-bzxbzr of Conmerce, P"yor'~ Kitcr-er, :abinet. Sussrvisor Jokn i:ac20cddfs F-ceering Cormittee. 275sident of ?he ;,an 3iegc 21. s zire ?hie=" :Lsscsiztior. Yery activn ir, all lo electiozs. er of 3ig 32ng zcmmittee since ~ts ince;ticn. .f -7- ADDITIONAL INFORMATION OR COMMENTS xater is the lifeblood of of tke fire de2artment. The I.S.C. (Insurance Lervices Cffice) evaluates cities for fire ins-rrance rates. %;e firs depa xeLt and! water departments 2re ccnsidereci as of equal importance +,?-e - .S.3. iiating Schedrrle, Zonsequently one of the first t'nines I did as tke city's fire chief was to review tne standards of the four water agencies then serving t3e city. I persuaded then to :: form as near as practical to the dnerican ',v'ater Yorks Standards a or thp I.S.C. h'ater Standards. T'.lese standards @over: water st( -ydrsr?,ts, valves, Ijressure zones, water mzins, :rid systems, etc, There are also requirements for up-to-date records of rnaps and sc vices performe4 of the above. C rlsbad noh has an excellent well xaintained operatins water sy: T '3,s &/ ce e&dD * r E L E 3 q 0 1200 ELM AVENUE CAALSBAO. CALIFORNIA 92008 619, 336 21 1 Olfm of rho cjiy Clod situ of aarltibab 1 Is.lmU2 -- 2 (Please print or type.) 2- 7-7 - " HAnE(S) OF W(S) AND/OR COMISSIW(S) IN WICH IHTERESTUD: .I - Carlsbad MuniciDal Water Cow SlOn NAME : Jayne M. Akamine P\u. Li CITY: Carlsbad, California ZIP COOE: 92008 4637 Park Drive, +9 AOORESS : HOME PHONE: (619) 729-0205 PRESENT OCCUPATION: Sales Clerk / Clerk at Postal Sub-station BUSINESS NAME: La Costa Pharmacy BUSINESS AOORESS: 7682 El Camino Real, Carlsbad, California 92009 WORK PHONE: (619) 436-0141 U.S. Cl tlzenshlp (required for all appointments) x yes - Resident of Carl sbad (preference given to residents) x yes - Reg1 sterad voter in Carl sbad (required for sow codsttons) X Yes - I am faralllar with tho responsibilities assigned to the Boalrd(s) or Cmission(s) on I wish to som; I am willing to provldo required statements if appointed to a bard or Conmission SL to financial dlrcloruro; I am willing to bo Intervlepod regarding my qurltflcattonr for appolntnwnt by a corm designated by the City Council or at tho requott of an Individual Council Member, I DATE: co [A\ (9( w 1 Lamarr Kiqh School, Colorado, Relocation Car:? sethany Hos;2ital, School of Ncrsinc;, Kansas City, Kansas Cniversity of Redlands, California - B.A. Desree EWCAfIOll ~PERIEWE After raisinG C children: i. Orange County EosTital ( now UC Irvine School of Piedicine Crisis Center & Suicide Prevention Counselor 2. Orange County Department of Health Nurse/Counselor, Department of Alcohol & Drug Abuse 3. Orange County Departnent of Mental Health Nurse/Counselor, S2ecialty-Gerontology 4. Orange County Department of Mental Health Department Head, Pro Tem, Adult Out-Patient 5. Administrator/Manacjer, Ja2anese Cultural Center - Eoard of Directors, Japanese Cultural Center 3oard of Directors, Vista Buddhist Temgle President, Women's Federation of Vista Buddhist Temple Served of Futtsu Sister City organizational committee, S, volu as a translator €or Futtsu Sister City functions as neede >resident of Bristol Anchorage Homeowners Association Member of League of Women's Voters 1 1. I have been attending Si-monthly commission meetings sinc 2. I am very concerned about the drought & conservation of ; water. 3. I am very su?portive of reclamation efforts 4. I am in favor of ex21oring all alternative water sources August 17, 1992 Mr. Ja bot; 3808 P1 yline Road Carl ad, CA 92008 RE: WATER COMMISSION It is my pleasure to inform you that the Carlsbad City Council, at its meeting of August 11, 1992, appointed you as a member of the City of Carlsbad Water Commission for a term expiring in January, 1994. May I extend my best wishes for an interesting and productive term of off ice. && President CAL: ijp 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive - Carlsbad, California 92008-1 989 - (61 9) 434-283