HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994-06-14; Municipal Water District; 249; Construction of Twin D Reservoir ImprovementsCARLSBAD I-- YNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT ‘IGENDA BILL AB# #-i9 TITLE: TO REJECT CONTRACT BIDS & MTG. 6/i 4194 AUTHORlZATlON TO RE-ADVERTISE FOR BIDS FOR CONSTRUCTlON OF TWIN ‘D’ RESERVOIR DEPT. CMWD IMPROVEMENTS, CMWD PROJECT NO. 84-l 11 RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. $315 to reject contract bids and authorization to re-advertise for bids for the construction of Twin ‘D’ Reservoir Improvements Project, CMWD Project No. 84-l 11, Contract No. 3376. ITEM EXPLANATION: On February 8, 1994, the Board of Directors authorized the advertisement of bids for construction of Twin ‘D’ Reservoir Improvements Project, Five (5) sealed bids were received May 5, 1994, as follows: 1. T.C. Construction Co., Inc., Santee, CA 2. Trusco Tank Inc., San Luis Obispo, CA 3. Mingus Constructors, Inc., Cottonwood, CA 4. Pitt-Des Moines, Inc., Sacramento, CA 5. Cass Construction, Inc., El Cajon, CA $2,221,740.55 $2,226,053.00 $2,267,626.00 $2,349,000.00 $2,569,501.73 Plans and specifications for the construction of the Twin ‘D’ Reservoir Improvements were prepared by the District engineering staff and are available for review at the District offices. In accordance with Section 3.28.120 of the Municipal Code, an Invitation to Bid was published. Five responses were received, opened, witnessed and recorded on May 5, 1994. The Project Manager and Purchasing staff have reviewed the complete bid documents and recommend that the bids be rejected. A verbal statement was made at the pre- bid meeting which was contrary to provisions within the contract documents and the Standard Provisions for Public Works Construction. Since a written addendum was not issued to substantiate the verbal statement, all bids should be rejected in the best interest of the public and the District. Public Contract Code Section 22938 gives the District the authority to do this. Further, the project shall be re-advertised to receive bids. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: The City of Carlsbad had conducted an environmental review of the project pursuant to the Guidelines for Implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act and the Environmental Protection Ordinance of the City of Carlsbad. As a result of said review, a Negative Declaration (declaration that the project will not have a significant impact of the environment) was issued for the subject project, Case No. EIA 91-15, and is on file with supportiue documents at the Planning Department, 2075 Las Palmas, Carlsbad. The California Coastal Commission has issued a permit authorizing the District to proceed with construction of this project, permit number 6-93-91, ” I B FISCAL IMPACT: 3 Funds in the amount of $4,900,000, have been appropriated in the 1993-94 Budget as part of the Capital E Improvements Program. As of December 31, 1993, $4.4 million is available. The total remaining cost estimated for this project is !$3,550,099. Therefore, there are sufficient funds available for this project. 8 EXHIBITS: 1. Location Map. g 2. Resolution No . -to reject contract bids and authorization to re-advertise for bids for construction b 3 5 cj of Twin ‘D’ Reservoir Improvements, CMWD Project No. &--I 11, Contract 3376. c E 3 CMWD 84-111 \ C LOCATION MAP PROJECT NAME: TWIN ‘0’ F%ERV~R IMW~VEMENTS PROJECT No. 84-111. , EXtWlT NO. 1 - 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTlON NO 875 '- A RESOLUllON OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, TO REJECT CONTRACT BIDS AND \ AUTHORlZATlON TO RE-ADVERTISE FOR BIDS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF TWlN ‘D’ RESERVOIR IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT, CMWD PROJECT 84-111, CONTRACT NO. 3376 WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of the Carlsbad Municipal Water District has previously \ advertisement for bids for the construction of Twin ‘D’ Reservoir Improvements, CMWD , Contract No. 3376; and, REAS, five (5) sealed bids were received, opened, witnessed and recorded on May 5, 1994, for said p ocuments received from all bidders have been reviewed in detail and the Board of Directors do mend that the bids received be rejected due to a verbal statement made at the pre-bid s contrary to provisions within the contract documents and the Standard Provisions for Publi onstruction, and since a written addendum was not issued to substantiate the verbal statement, re-advertised to receive bids. I 22938; and /II I// I// /I/ ill fJJ /iI ct all bids under Public Contract Code § WHEREAS, it is in the best interest ofb public and the District to reject all bids. 1. That the above recitations are true an 2. That the bids received not be accepted. 3. That the project shall be re-advertised to - 4. 4. That funds appropriated in the 199394 Budget for the Capital Improvement That funds appropriated in the 199394 Budget for the Capital Improvement Program in the amount of $4,900,090 are available. Program in the amount of $4,900,090 are available. \ \ PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a special meeting of the Carlsbad Municipal PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a special meeting of the Carlsbad Municipal , , 1994, by the following vote to wit: 1994, by the following vote to wit: g ATTEST: g ATTEST: 10 10 11 11 12 12 (SEW (SEW 13 13 14 14 CMWD 84-l 11 CMWD 84-l 11 15 15 16 16 17 17 18 18 19 19 20 20 21 21 22 22 23 23 24 24 25 25 26 26 27 27 28 28 CLAUDE A. LEWIS, President CLAUDE A. LEWIS, President , , . . . / .,). :... ,A- __‘._..C. j> :.c: ..r ,,., I.:,., >_ - %i^ ., v ZJ - p;.- v y;~,.~-~~~~.~r = if.i’:?r:r.::i:::: ‘3fi tilt: s!J$l)& ()f a;j \llC ;jstccf Sf~i-)C(i)liraL‘f()r~~ :I:< v>‘l’t (.)f iI;r s~~!~(j i>;f’ _. -- .)_. 5 - d,,-l sul;:;?.&on. .~~~~~~~~>~~~~ pr;gcs ~3~1 r-\c ;!ta&d, it -,..,;-+,- i. ‘L’W . . . . . i -. y-y?:: gf’ s:11::: C;;rjs&G &.:;e&,?; ‘;*:sivcjys - _.. :-. ” ~,\.‘?~;;...*’ :;:.iy= . . . ..~C_ 1 ,‘c‘=Fsc s: No. 7 :‘(yy;c ._ ,. V(). * f!&hhAm.hJ.ti --L)? hy c-lo,0 53AUt4 94s I.U. T-ha- --- -- - - -_._.___.. -I_ -- -- - . . ..- --_- _- _.._- -_. /mount of Bid ($ ()T gv) X;cmM a.O,b,ob.r\n lQLJm.on - ?b;pm m . I i3,yn.m ciso , boa - _: I *i ,;“.y;;>*L’:\ ;-t:‘= ry::Ct...,k:Ilr,z ;I!‘!“” m”. . . ..li‘ 1:’ X(, \J;iljG fiC:::y, jn&catt: “!y’;)AqE.” . ‘v’aiid liccxwz mus; i,,, :)i>:;~i;!l,~ ;,; it>;- I(> s::i,r~!issj(>rl of :;i,rrbt-rT ~n~~!c~.aC!s, 2 .-- -\.----- An!:)ur!r 01 Su:Y~~,n:;acIl,rs is&!!.4 -\ 3! : ,tLi it cv. ::y~~yy.- . . . . ;,:c;‘:,,.F k,_;,f ..,.: AZ,.,& ++ . ..! ‘~~(.,,n’-~.r.t,\r- 3 -_. __.L( .ilL 0-U L?‘.L \.,- _ :--- *: _, ” . . . . ..-c...,;.,-5 :is:ee wiil se uses 5.x the work for Whid! p.\, hi,? r,llc, i:;i?jcc; tL;, :i;c :iy>r>veI f~f :kc cij;:+: z~ginsgr, 325 in acc(;rdagce y:jth appiic&~;c . . -\r:>...::. ‘.,c;:s f*!: r br= Snr”.::‘:,.atic~r-u ai”: $.!-.*ii&q LifJ!J et S’0 w.-.ir . ..4 uy. of the Pubiic corlirac:s Code - ,,... LT.!;: ..t,:.,;, Q!7.,? _.. = CIIlj S!&&,;g.r!.ctQ p-‘a.Gr ~~;p.:i(.~s &-ta” Ko chges my SC mde fr, :hese * ~,‘l:.~/\“‘..‘l/“‘,‘S P\,cc:n! :“‘(!i: t:lc ?3rirJr BQDrQVai fJf t;le .l.i.l...\.. w.. - _ ‘i’ :a. - District Engirxzr of :he Carls’:xi -. ” , ;,; . . . ...’ t:.,-.,‘+’ ..I. .:..i,..’ ~ L_,~.~ >iS”ji‘( - L. _. . 11” T’: p ~~~iic?wi~:g’in’;ormalioI? is required for each s~&sontractor. * ,!.::.;,, ,,., ‘i ,\,!,.d*; c ‘i^LlL, _s. .-I ..L_--- C’:!R 1)‘: a:;&--;& if r;>r_:U:‘^“’ 1 -1°C. .’ . . . . ,.:. . . . .x . _ --..LL--- rpq;?;.<:e ‘~d&$S ph()nc 30. I-. i”‘, ” $7, )“y!>;.. ::v “.:;::I:. . . . . yJi!!l z;y C<,(jC wir!: Arca Code -^ .- .- a.,\ ; “,A - .’ ,P. ‘_ *’ ; _-- -. ._ 1-. -/ ., -5 - \.. I -‘<: ;‘- .- .’ I;’ ’ i: L\ .:;q , ..C -v L. ,~.. k _- ~ j -L ;j. ‘L h I’ r~<.--.-+* F. I,? 2 : ‘-. -i; ; i !A. A . , 6 .- f ‘--.-,;--.r p- “y-./-.’ :p i r,: -___..- h---‘-i-- I --- --.---- ..---- ---.- . . 3 9 9 . . .’ : .? .’ The Bidder is to provide ‘the following infokuation~ on ‘the sub-bids of RU the listed . &contractors as part of the scaled bid submission. Additionat pages cm be attachcd,~.if required. ,’ fill Conmanv Nme R<H. ‘, . ?j’pS Qf St&B Contracting License & No. - . &xotmt of Bid *Licenses are rmewabk ammlly. If no valid licemq.indicWe “NONE.” Valid license must .be obtained prior to submission of signed contracts. AiniNlnt of Sudoontractors’ Bfds . 3mRtv. ZO6 *xvd QMZN av=s?siv3 *M lNv &Z:-ct PB '24 T '9 0 Additional pages can be attached if required: DESIGNATION OF SUBCONTRACTORS . (TO ACCOMPANY PROPOSAL) The Contractor ceties he/she has used the sub-bids of the following listed Contractors in making up his/her bid and that the sub-contractors listed will be used for the work for which they bid, subject to the approval of the District Engineer, and in accordance with applicable provisions of the Specifications and Section 4100 et seq. of the Public Contracts Code - “Subletting and Subcontracting Fair Practices Act.” No changes may be made in these subcontractors except upon the prior approval of the District Engineer of the Carlsbad Municipal Water District. The following information is required for each sub-contractor. Items of Work Complete Address FuIl Comnanv Name With-Zin Code Phone. No. With Area Code cll=f 32J.-r2 777 Designation of subcontractors 3nt94 Rev. .-. , ___ ,__.. .._ .- _ ___.__ _- _.- __I ‘_. - _ . . . -.e.*-.-..- . ..-. -. : _ _ _,_ __ . 3 ./ -\ I : -r r LI 3 C 2 1 PRE-BID MEETING CONSTRUCTION OF lVVlN “D” RESERVOIR IMPROVEMENTS APRIL 19, 1994 NAME /Eas 3 / /CLtm- piw-/ ~./kPh dhy dRL?M &- Ddwm &a, 64~ /k . COMPANY P, M, /A/c. TELEPHONE pr&346-6Gz3 /“‘/ //- m?! w3- Pm* c _ . . : .