HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994-08-24; Municipal Water District; 0827.01; Review of Metropolitan's New Rate StructureCARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT - AGENDA BILL CITY MGR. ___ IEPT. m- tECOMMENDED ACTION: This is an informational item for discussion. No action is required at this time. lTEM EXPLANATION: A new rate structure has been developed by Metropolitan to provide for stable water rates while securing management incentives, and distributing costs in an equitable manner. This new rate structure was approved by the Metropolitan Board at its December, 1993 meeting. The new rate structure consists of the current nonintenuptiile water rate structure with seasonal storage service, a readiness-to-serve charge to collect fixed costs associated with debt service for capital facilities needed to meet reliability goals, a new demand charge, a treated water peaking charge, and a connection maintenance charge. The new demand charge will be implemented in fiscal year 1995 - 96. Member Agencies and Subagencies may establish mechanisms, including a connection fee, to collect funds to pay anticipated new demand charges outside of their water rates. Under California law, a nexus study relating the developer fee and the facilities supported by the fee is required for local agencies that intend to impose fees on new development. Although Metropolitan is not required by law to prepare such a study, the Metropolitan Board has directed staff to prepare the nexus study to provide documentation supporting the allocation and calculation of the new demand charge that Member Agencies and Subagencies may need in preparation of their own nexus studies supporting connection fees to be assessed on new development. The attached draft nexus report demonstrates the relationship between the charge, the method of collection, and the capital facilities to be funded from the revenues derived through the charge. Initially, the new demand charge is projected to be $1,000 per acre-foot (AF) which is lower than the full present value of the anticipated cost of the new capital facilities. The new demand charge is expected to increase over five years to more closely reflect the full cost of new capacity to serve new demands. As shown in the draft nexus report, with the current Intermediate Mix capital improvement program, the full cost is approximately $2,550 per AF. The charge will be calculated and reviewed annually to reflect any changes in the capital projects and programs designed to accommodate new demands. The new Demand Charge and the nexus study are designed to provide member agencies a wide range of flexiiility as they pass on the charge. In this manner the resulting impacts on the final consumer will reflect local requirements. But, Metropolitan is committed to working with our Member Agencies and to provide support as they determine the most appropriate way to implement this charge. A second draft of this report will be produced in September and will incorporate feedback from our Member Agencies and the experience Metropolitan acquires as Member Agencies begin to implement mechanisms to recover the charge. The third and final version of this first nexus report will be revised to reflect the Capital Improvement Program resulting from the next phase of the Integrated Resource Plan and is scheduled for completion in January 1995. This item will be reviewed and discussed at the Commission meeting. .. ‘I Section 1 Introduction I .I Purpose of Study Metropolitan has developed a new water rate structure that provides for more stable water rates while securing revenues, retaining operating flexibility and resource management incentives, and distributing costs in an equitable manner. Thts new rate structure consists of the following components: Water Rate using the current basic commodity charge (noninterruptible water rate structure with seasonal storage service and interim agricultural water); Readiness-to-Serve Charge to recover the debt service not paid from taxes necessary to meet reliability and quality needs of existing demands; New Demand Charge to recover the capital costs associated with accommodating new demands on Metropolitan’s system; Treated Water Peaking Charge to encourage agencies that meet their peak summer demands with Metropolitan’s treatment facilities to change their behavior or more equitably share in the cost of facilities to meet their needs; and a Connection Maintenunce Charge to recover a portion of the costs associated with maintaining Metropolitan service connections. These rates provide most of the revenue of Metropolitan. However, Metropolitan also receives revenue from the following sources: Ad valorem taxes, which Metropolitan collects on property withn the &strict for the purposes of carrying on the operations and paying the obligations of the district; and rn Hydropower safes, which Metropolitan generates during the operation of the water distribution system. Ths study addresses only the New Demand Charge. By recovering the costs associated with accommodating new demands on Metropolitan, the New Demand Charge in effect requires each agency responsible for increased demands to help pay the cost of facilities necessary to serve anticipated new demands. Member Agencies and their Subagencies may, at their option, establish mechanisms such as connection fees to collect the New Demand Charges outside of their water rates. 1-1 c Section 1 introduction This study is furnished to establish the nexus (connection) between the New Demand Charge and the costs for new facilities to service new demands on Metropolitan’s system. In doing so, this study documents the allocation of a portion of Metropolitan’s Capital Improvement Program costs to projections of new demands. Under California law, a local agency may impose a fee targeted at new development only if it first establishes the connection between the development and the facilities to be provided. The agency must also show that the amount of the fee does not exceed the cost of the proportionate amount of the facilities necessary to serve the new development. This connection usually is established through preparation of a nexus study. Metropolitan does not propose to directly levy a connection fee or other charge on new development. The purpose of this study is to provide the documentation about the New Demand Charge that Member Agencies and Subagencies may need in preparation of their nexus studies. This study will be reviewed annually and updated as required whenever there are significant changes in the facility programs and demand projections. 1.2 Organization of Study Section 1 of this study introduces the concept of the New Demand Charge and its purpose, and provides background information on Metropolitan, its Member Agencies, and availability of water supplies. Section 2 describes historic water use and methodology for forecasting future water use. Section 3 describes the Capital Improvement Program and lists costs allocated to the New Demand Charge. Section 4 describes how the New Demand Charge is calculated. 1.3 Overview of the New Demand Charge The New Demand Charge will be imposed as a per acrdot charge on increased n Metropolitan’s distribution system. The charge is intended to ’ recover the corresponding capital costs of the projects or portions of projects needed to service new demands. Fundamentally, the charge is equal to Metropolitan’s costs of meeting new demands divided by the projected regional increase in demand. The basic steps in determining the New Demand Charge are as follows: Determine the base water demands from which future increases in demands will be measured; - Estimate the increase in regional water demands, based on projections of long-term demographics from adopted regional growth management plans; 1-2 Section 7 lnfmducfion Determine whch projects or portions of projects in Metropolitan’s Capital Improvement Program are needed to serve the projected increases in water demand; Estimate the capital costs for the new facilities needed to serve the new demands; and Calculate the New Demand Charge as presented in Section 4 of this study. The New Demand Charge will be implemented in fiscal year 1995-96. This study evaluates the New Demand Charge over a 25-year period, from fiscal year 1995-1996 through 2019-2020. 1.4 Background The Metropolitan Water District of Southem California Metropolitan was created in 1928 to provide supplemental water to the cities and communities of Southern California. Metropolitan’s 5,153 square-mile service area includes most urbanized portions of Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino, San Diego, and Ventura counties. Nearly 16 million people-half the population of California-live in Metropolitan’s service area. Metropolitan provides about 60 percent of the water used in Southern California. Since its formation, Metropolitan has providedhimported w water to supplement the local supplies available to the people and economy of Southern California. Metropolitan relies on two sources of water supply: the State Water Project, which carries water from the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta; and Metropolitan’s Colorado River Aqueduct. Metropolitan’s mission is to continue to provide reliable water supplies to meet the water needs of the region at the lowest possible cost and in an environmentally responsible manner. In recent years, constraints on the amount of imported water available to Metropolitan combined with increasing costs of water resources development, more stringent water and wastewater quality requirements, and growing environmental concerns have led Metropolitan to assume a broader responsibility for sound water management across Southern California. .d !M& Metropolitan and its Member Agencies have assumed a leadership role in developing innovative approaches to the efficient management of water resources. An Integrated Resource Planning (IRP) effort has been developed to promote a cost-effective and responsible balance of local supply development, regional water supply projects, and facility improvements. As part of this resource planning effort, Metropolitan is increasing the available supply of imported water through large-scale expansions of its transmission, storage, and treatment facilities. 1-3 Section 1 Introduction 1 Member Agencies of Metropolitan ~ ~ I ’ , Metropolitan is composed of 27 Member Agencies-14 cities, 12 municipal water districts, and one county water authority. Metropolitan supplies its Member Agencies with treated and untreated water. The Member Agencies and Subagencies in turn combine it with local water resources for delivery to their customers. Member Agencies vary in their reliance on Metropolitan; some depend on Metropolitan for vimally all their water, while others use Metropolitan’s water only during peak periods (periods of high demand), for groundwater replenishment, and/or as a backup supply. ~ Availability of Water Supplies The Board of Directors subsequently adopted goals that define methods of accomplishing Metropolitan’s mission and achieving a reliable supply of hgh-quality ~ water. Southern California has a wide array of water supply resources available to meet the water needs of the region. These resources consist of both local and imported supplies. Local supplies include groundwater and surface water runoff, wastewater reclamation, groundwater and ocean desalination, groundwater conjunctive use programs, and’water conservation. Imported supplies include deliveries from the State Water Project, Colorado River Aqueduct, and water transfers. The Board of Directors expressed Metropolitan’s commitment to maintain a balance of fixed and variable revenue sources; adequately consider the environmental effects and appropriate mitigation of its activities; operate in a cost-effective manner; recruit and retain a qualified staff that reflects the diversity of the service area; maintain a safe and healthful working environment; vigorously protect Metropolitan’s legal 1 Virtually all of these resources appear worthwhile when considered individually. However, their full implementation would result in duplicated efforts, unnecessary costs, and unacceptable water rate increases. To prevent this, Metropolitan’s IEW process has evaluated the feasible combinations of resources in terms of water supply reliability, costs, risk, environmental and institutional concerns, and financing. Metropolitan’s proposed Capital Improvement Program reflects the facilities necessary to serve the schedule and magnitude of required imported water deliveries as determined through the IRP process. Metropolitan’s Mission Statement and Goals In 1992, Metropolitan’s Board of Directors adopted the following mission statement: The mission of the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California is to provide its service area with adequate and reliable supplies of high-quality water to meet present and future. needs in an environmentally and economically responsible way. 14 Section I lntmduction interests; and maintain adequate systems of internal controls, including an independent audit function. Reliability Goal To accomplish its mission statement with regard to water supply reliability, Metropolitan’s Board of Directors adopted the following goal: Metropolitan will provtde 100 percent of full service wholesale demands to its Member Agencies 90 percent of the time. During adverse hydrologic conditions, such as a repeat of the 1991 drought, Metropolitan will never provide less than 80 percent of full service demands to its Memk Agencies. This reliability goal expresses Metropolitan’s objective of achieving a measurable overall performance standard. Although specified as a standard for wholesale water supply, it fully accounts for local resource management alternatives that directly reduce the demands for Metropolitan’s imported water supplies. The reliability goal has guided the subsequent IRP and Capital Improvement Program activities at Metropolitan and has defined the minimum level of service upon which Member Agencies can rely in their own planning process. Metropolitan has pledged to develop, construct, and operate the facilities necessary to achieve its reliability goal in a cost-effective manner. The costs associated with achieving this reliability goal for new demands on Metropolitan’s system will be recovered through the New Demand Charge. Metropolitan is simultaneously confronted with the challenges of operating and maintaining an aging physical system. The current distribution system cannot reliably deliver the supplies required to serve existing demands under adverse hydrologic conditions. Therefore, a significant pan of the proposed Capital Improvement Program is designed to increase the supply reliability of the system to service existing demands. It is intended that these costs be recovered through the Readiness-to-Serve Charge. The separation of these two costs is documented in this repon. 1 -5 Section 2 Water Use 2.1 Historic Water Use Regional Water Use Metropolitan tracks total regional water use through its water saies records and through water use reports prepared by the Member Agencies at the end of each fiscal year. These combined data show that total regional water use in Metropolitan’s service area increased 32 percent during the 1980s-from 3.0 million acre-feet in 1980 to 4.0 million acre-feet in 1990. Most of this increase was due to growing urban demands, which increased 37 percent, while agricultural water use increased only 1 percent. With the onset of the economic recession in late 1990 an mandatory -...__ drought rationing in 1991, total regionalder&& rapidly declined. By 1992, total regional demands had decreased 18 percent from their 1990 level, to 3.2 million acre-feet. Slightly less than half of this reduction can be attributed to the recession, with the remainder attributable to extreme wet weather and continued drought conservation. In 1993, demands increased slightly as lingering drought conservation behavior began to diminish. Metropolitan Water Use Demand on Metropolitan is the total regional demand less local water produced from groundwater, surface water, reclaimed water, and water imported through the Los Angeles Aqueduct by the City of Los Angeles. As indicated by Metropolitan’s water sales records, demands on Metropolitan in- creased significantly during the 1980s. In 1980, Metropolitan supplied approximately 1.3 million acre-feet of the region’s total water demand. In 1990, Metropolitan’s deliveries had grown to a record high of 2.5 million acre-feet. In 1991, the sixth year of a severe drought, Metropolitan fell short of meeting demand by about 800,000 acre-feet. As with the total regional demands, the demands on Metropolitan have decreased in recent years from the 1990 level. Demands in fiscal year 1992 of about 1.8 million acre-feet are considered below normal due to below-average temperatures, above- average rainfall, and the continued effects of the economic recession and drought- related conservation. Demands on Metropolitan in 1993 rose slightly to about 1.9 million acre-feet. 2-1 Section 2 Water Use Base Average Metropolitan Water Use The New Demand Charge is based on the increase in water purchases above a base average. To minimize year-to-year variations due to drought conservation, water shortages, and economic conditions, water purchases will be determined by averag- ing the most current four years of water sales. The base average reflects the expected normal demands for each Member Agency. It is based on the higher of either (1) the four-year water sales average from 1989 through 1992, or (2) the three-year water sales average from 1989 through 1991. These years capture both high and low water sale years for Metropolitan. With the exception of two Member Agencies, the three-year water sales averages are greater than the four-year averages because they exclude the below-normal water sales that occurred during fiscal year 1992. Metropolitan considers water sales in fiscal year 1992 an aberration and believes optionally eliminating them more fairly represents the Member Agencies’s average use of Metropolitan water. Table 2-1 compares the four-year water sales average and the three-year average by Member Agency. The last column in Table 2-1 shows the higher of the two that will be used as the base in the New Demand Charge. The base average of 2.17 million acre-feet closely matches the expected demands on Metropolitan’s system, as predicted through statistical water demand forecasting for normal weather and economic conditions. This eve1 of deliveries through Metropolitan’s distribution system that would occur i current normal demands. e existing system were fully capable of reliably meeting tY 2.2 Projected Water Demands Methodology Planning for water supply reliability requires detailed knowledge of the region and the factors that influence its water use characteristics. Metropolitan projects water demands for the region by incorporating forecasts of population, housing, jobs, and income from the adopted regional growth management plans provided by the Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG) and the San Diego Associ- ation of Governments (SANDAG). Currently, Metropolitan references the Draft 1993 Regional Comprehensive Plan developed by SCAG and the Preliminary Series 8 forecasts issued by SANDAG. The demographic factors affecting water use include the following: Family Size. Increases in family size increases household water use. However, because a significant amount of household water use is fixed (such as land- scaping), water use per capita actually decreases as family size expands, and vice versa. 2-2 Table 2-1 New Demand Charge Base (acre-feet) Base Base Member Agency Four-Year Three-Year New Demand Sales"' Sales'" Charge Base City of Anaheim City of Beverly Hills City of Burbank Calleguas MWD Central Basin MWD Chino Basin MWD Coastal MWD City of Compton Eastern MWD Foothill MWD City of Fullerton City of Glendale Las Virgenes MWD City of Long Beach ' City of Los Angeles MWD of Orange County City of Pasadena San Diego County Water A City of San Fernando City of San Marino City of Santa Ana City of Santa Monica Three Valleys MWD City of Torrance ithority Upper San Gabriel Valley MWD West Basin MWD Western MWD of Riverside County Total 23,066 13,350 20,256 96,821 108,834 76,396 41,646 4,849 56,867 9,361 11,121 25,683 18,223 42,135 334,558 228,684 19,277 522,863 753 1,219 14,632 7,991 68,020 20,072 71,598 165,792 72,972 24,928 13,614 20,446 99,025 17 5,869 76,950 43,091 4,591 57,696 9,610 12,261 25,599 18,525 42,576 358,449 242,429 21,363 553 , 543 903 1,287 15,840 8,889 69,637 20,140 71,899 167,187 77,260 24,928 13,614 20,446 99,025 1 15,869 76,950 43,091 4,849 57,696 9,610 12,261 25,683 18,525 42,576 358,449 242,429 21,363 5 5 3,543 903 1,287 15,840 8,889 69,637 20,140 71,899 167,187 77,260 2,077,040 2,173,606 2.1 73.947 (1 1 (2) (3) Average of Fiscal Years 1989-90 through 1992-93. Average of Fiscal Years 1989-90 through 1991-92. Water taken under Metropolitan's one-time drought storage agreements has been subtracted from these water sales. Section 2 Water Use Housing Mix Single-family households typically use more water than multi- family households because of additional water using appliances and more outdoor water use per capita. Income. Increases in income tend to translate into additional water using appliances and greater outdoor water use, both of which increase per capita water use. Indushy Mix Increases in water-intensive industries (e.g., manufacturing that require washing or cooling) can increase per capita water use. Increases in industries such as finance decrease per capita water use. Inland Growth. Metropolitan’s service area spans coastal, inland, and desert climate zones. Much of the growth in housing and development is projected to be in the inland and desert zones (e+, Riverside and San Bernardino counties), which increases overall per capita water use. Other factors that influence water use include the following: rn Water Consmation. Long-term water conservation efforts decrease per capita water use. rn Price. Increases in water prices tend to decrease per capita water use. Metropolitan projects water demands for the enure region by incorporating these demographc factors into an econometric demand model known as MWD-MAIN (Municipal and Industrial Needs). This model was developed by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Institute for Water Resources, in the early 1970s for use throughout the United States. Consultants for Metropolitan calibrated it to match Southern California conditions. In addition, Metropolitan uses an Integrated Resource Planning Simulation Model (IRPSIM) to simulate the effects of different hydrologic and climatic conditions on future supply and demand. IRPSIM uses 70 years of climatic data to estimate the impact on projected agricultural, municipal, and industrial demands for the entire region, and impacts on local and imported water supplies. IRPSIM then determines the resultant water demands on Metropolitan. Demographic Trends Population Between 1980 and 1990 the population in Metropolitan’s service area increased 25 percent from 12.1 million to 15.1 million. During this period Metropolitan’s service area accounted for over 50 percent of the state’s population. The recent economic recession and an expected decrease in birth rates has slowed the annud average rate of population increase in the region from 2.4 percent during the 1980s to an expected rate of 1.5 percent between 1990 and 2010. Although the rate of population 2-3 Section 2 Water Use increase is expected to slow, over 233,000 people per year will be added to the region’s population between 1990 and 2010. At this rate, regional population will reach 17.6 million by year 2000, and 19.7 million by year 2010. Metropolitan’s planning horizon currently extends to year 2020 when population is expected to reach 21.7 million (Figure 2-1). In addition to slowing the rate of population increase, the recession has also had an impact on the components of population increase. The poor job market is the primary reason that net migration, which was the largest component of annual increase during the 1980s, has dropped off. Figure 2-2 illustrates hstoric and estimated annual rates of population increase between 1990 and 2020. Housing In Metropolitan’s service area, occupied households increased at an average annual rate of 80,000-from 4.3 million in 1980 to 5.1 million in 1990. During this same period the average family size increased from 2.79 persons per household to 2.96 persons per household. Multi-family housing grew at a faster rate than single-family housing in the 1980s, resulting in an increasing share of total households being made up of multi-family households. In 1980, multi-family households accounted for 42 percent of total households, increasing to 44 percent by 1990. In the short term, the recent recession has had a major impact on the housing market. Residential building permits in Southern California, a leading indicator of housing starts, have fallen 78 percent from an annual peak of 162,000 in 1988 to an estimated low of 35,000 in 1993. However, both the Construction Industry Research Board and the University of California Los Angeles Business Forecasting Project have forecast a modest recovery in residential building permits for 1994. In general, the trends in housing that were witnessed during the 1980s are projected to carry out through year 2010 as total households in Metropolitan’s service area increase 30 percent-from 5.1 million in 1990 to 6.6 million in year 2010. By 2010, multi-family households will make up 46 percent of total housing. Family size is projected to peak in year 2000 at 3.01 persons per household and then gradually decline to 2.98 persons per household by year 2010. Even though the demographic trends of increasing multi-family share and increasing household size are working to slow the rate of increase in residential water use, forecasts of water demand reveal that residential water use will remain the largest component of urban water use in Metropolitan’s service area and will likely increase its share from current levels. Table 2-2 summarizes trends in housing in Metropolitan’s service area. 2-4 Section 2 Water Use Single-Family Households (millions) Multi-Family Households (millions) Total Households (millions) Family Sire (persons per household) Table 2-2 Regional Housing Trends 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 2.52 2.85 3.18 3.55 3.93 1.82 225 2.65 3.07 3.41 4.34 5.1 5.83 6.62 7.34 2.79 2.96 3.01 2.98 2.96 Jobs Total jobs in Metropolitan’s service area increased at an average annual rate of 2.7 percent-from 6.0 million in 1980 (56 percent of total jobs in the state) to 7.6 million by 1990 (55 percent of total jobs in the state). The fastest growing sectors of the economy during this period were services (7.9 percent annually) and construction (3.9 percent annually). Manufacturing jobs were one of the slowest growing sectors during the 1980’s, increasing an average of 0.1 percent a year. The severity and duration of the recent recession has had a tremendous impact on both the’ state’s job base and the job base in Metropolitan’s service area. Southern California has experienced job losses because of its traditionally volatile construction industry and the added impact of defense cutbacks on the large share of defense contractors and aerospace firms that are located in Southern California. These two unique factors, coupled with the recessionary pressures of down-sizing and increased competition, have reduced the job base in Metropolitan’s service area by an estimated 610,000 jobs since 1990. Job losses and the slow growth in housing caused by the recession have significantly reduced regional water use since 1990. Jobs are expected to begin to increase by 1995. By year 2010, total jobs are expected to increase. 30 percent-from 7.6 million in 1990 to 9.8 million. This growth reflects an average annual increase of 1.5 percent. Future job growth will be slower than that experienced during the 1980s’ with the fastest growing sectors being services (2.5 percent annually) and retail trade (2.0 percent annually). The manufacturing industry’s share of the job base is expected to continue to decline gradually after the recession through year 2010, decreasing 0.1 percent a year. Table 2-3 shows commercial and industrial jobs in Metropolitan’s service area. 2-5 . Commercial Jobs Section 2 Wafer Use 1980 1990 2010 4.58 6.17 8.45 Table 2-3 Regional Jobs Data Total Non-Farm Jobs 5.89 7.49 9.74 Industrial Jobs 1 1.31 1 1.32 I 1.29 I Demand Forecasts Based on the demographic trends and estimates of local water supplies provided by the Member Agencies, total regional water demands and demands on Metropolitan were projected through the year 2020. The total water use in Metropolitan’s service area is projected to increase from 4.0 million acre-feet in 1990 to 5.0 million acre- feet in 2020, assuming normal weather and full implementation of conservation practices. Under drier year conditions, which occur 10 percent of the time, regional demands are projected to be 6.5 million acre-feet in the year 2020. Local water supplies, includmg groundwater, reclamation, and groundwater recovery projects, are expected to increase from 1.50 million acre-feet in 1990 to about 2.20 million acrefeet by year 2020. Resulting demands for Metropolitan’s imported water are expected to increase from 2.50 million acre-feet in 1990 to 2.87 million acre-feet -y year 2020, assuming normal weather and hydrology. However, because 1990 represented an above-normal weather demand, a normalized base demand was used to estimate the growth in demand. The normalized base demand for Metropolitan is 2.17 million acre-feet. Therefore, the growth in demand for Metropolitan from current conditions to the future represents an increase of 695,000 acre-feet. Table 24 compares the normalized base demand to the projected normal demand in year 2020 for each Member Agency. Although normal year conditions were used in the calculation of the New Demand Charge, many of the facility improvements of Metropolitan’s proposed Capital Improvement Program are sized and timed to meet above-normal demand conditions. Projections at a drier year condition indicate demands on Metropolitan could reach 3.36 million acre-feet in the year 2020, a 17 percent increase. wJ(\pp/ 2-6 Table 2-4 Projected New Demands on Metropolitan (acre-feet) Projected Projected Charge Base Demand"' Demands Member Agency New Demand Year 2020 New City of Anaheim City of Beverly Hills City of Burbank Calleguas MWD Central Basin MWD Chino Basin MWD Coastal MWD City of Compton Eastern MWD Foothill MWD City of Fullerton City of Glendale Las Virgenes MWD City of Long Beach City of Los Angeles MWD of Orange County City of Pasadena San Diego County Water Authority City of San Fernando City of San Marino City of Santa Ana City of Santa Monica Three Valleys MWD City of Torrance Upper San Gabriel Valley MWD West Basin MWD Western MWD of Riverside Countv Total 24,928 1 3,614 20,446 99,025 11 5,869 76,950 43,09 1 4,849 57,696 9,610 12,261 25,683 18,525 42,576 3 58,449 242,429 21,363 553,543 903 1,287 15,840 8,889 69,637 20,140 71,899 167,187 77,260 45,302 15,407 24,473 148,215 80,563 120,471 63,693 6,111 1 25,549 1 9,280 13,083 24,903 28,576 44,67 1 380,607 325,349 32,564 81 2,139 1,549 1,377 23,239 11,161 106,958 24,014 67,68 1 109,483 21 2.624 20,373 1,793 4,027 49,190 0 43,52 1 23,602 1,262 67,853 9,670 822 0 10,051 2,095 22,158 82,920 11,201 258,596 646 90 7,399 2,272 37,321 3,874 0 0 135,364 2,173,947 2,869,039 695.092 11) Normal-year conditions. i- 1 3.2 Allocation to New Demand Charge I Section 3 Capital Improvement Program Each project in the CIP was evaluated to determine whether it replaces or rehabili- tates a facility, constructs new facilities to service new demands, or some combination of both. Costs of replacing or rehabilitating existing facilities were excluded from the New Demand Charge. I , 3.7 Purpose of Capital Improvement Program Metropolitan periodically updates a Capital Improvement Program (CIP) to guide its planning of new facility construction and rehabilitation of existing facilities. , This plan has two objectives: To improve reliability and to maintain existing delivery and support facilities; and To increase the ability to provide water. Part of Metropolitan's CIP is to maintain and improve the system and supply reliability for existing demands in conjunction with other water management programs. In a dry year, it is estimated Metropolitan can depend on approximately 1.5 million acre-feet of imported water supply (about 600,000 acre-feet from the Colorado River Aqueduct, 700,000 acre-feet from the State Water Project, and 200,000 acre-feet from existing storage). This supply is less than the current normal demand of 2.17 &on acre-feet, indicating an immediate need to increase reliable supplies for existing demands on the system. The other part of the CIP is to increase the supply reliability for future demands in conjunction with other water management programs. As described in Section 2, normal water demands on Metropolitan are expected to increase to 2.87 million acre-feet in a dry year. Some of the projects contained in Metropolitan's fiscal year 1994/95 CIP are listed in Table 3-1. Projects intended to improve existing system reliability and rehabilitate facilities are grouped at the heading "Total Reliability/Rehabilitation/ Administrative Services" and are not shown individually. Only projects expected to be completed in fiscal year 1995/96 or later are included. Table 3-1 also shows the escalated, estimated annual expenditures for the CIP from fiscal year 1995/96 to fiscal year 2019/20. Cost estimates were prepared by Metropolitan using standard construction cost estimating procedures. 3- 1 F B e I Table 3-2 I ! !obi San Mepa Rpeline No.6 19% 81% I West Valley Area Study 27% 73% West Valley Project 27% ~ 73% Total West Valley 27% 73% Pknning Division Cost Allocation Summary (Bored on IntermOQate * IIWettmont Mix - 6/94) Without Contingencies Perris/Sanlacinto Area Study Perris Filtrahon Plant Perris Filtration Plant Expansion Desalinabon Demonstration Prolect Total Penis Rltrcrtion Plant Total Desalination TOTAL UP floor Nexus Study) I otal Reti&lHy/RehaWAdmln. Service I 100% 0% 0% j 100% 0% j 100% 0%' 100% 0% 100% 0%' 100% OX ?DO% 54.2% 45.8% Total Domenlgonl Rerewdr 62% 38% /Total lnkmd Feeder 24% 76% Section 3 Capital lmprovement Program As noted above, some projects that rehabilitate existing facilities also increase the ability to service new demands. For example, due to more stringent water quality regulations, the amount of water flow that can be processed by the Jensen Filtration Plant decreased to 540 cubic feet per second (cfs). However, existing peak demands are 850 cfs. Expansion No. 1 will add 620 ds of capacity, with half of that expansion (310 cfs) allowing the plant to meet existing demands and half for future demands. The allocation between existing demand and new demand is shown in Table 3-2. That portion of the project costs found to service new demands is allocated to the New Demand Charge. Table 3-3 shows these costs by year for each project. 3.3 Project Descriptions Each project in the CIP was evaluated to determine whether it serves existing demands or serves new demands. Projects intended to rehabilitate existing facilities or provide adrmnistrative services for the Metropolitan system were excluded from the New Demand Charge, because they are required whether or not any additional demands are met from the Metropolitan system. Other major projects in the CIP are described below. Treated Water Distribution Projects The following two projects extend the treated water distribution system. Allen-McColloch Pipeline Purchase The Allen-McColloch Pipeline is a treated water line constructed by Municipal Water District of Orange County that is being purchased by Metropolitan as an extension of regional water delivery capacity to consumers in Orange County. Allocation of this project is 100 percent for existing demand because the line currently conveys Metropolitan water to existing demand. South Orange County Pipeline - Joint Participation The South Orange County Pipeline is a treated water line constructed by Municipal Water District of Orange County that is being purchased by Metropolitan as an extension of regional water delivery capacity to consumers in Orange County. Allocation of ths project is 100 percent for existing demand because the line currently conveys Metropolitan water to existing demand. Water Quality and Treatment Projects ,- The following projects rehabilitate existing filtration plants, meet the requirements of various treatment regulations, and/or increase the ability to service new demands. 3-2 . Section 3 Capital lmpmwement Ptugram I Metropolitan operates five regional filtration plants. Water demands on these treatment plants will generally be higher in the summer and in dry years. Seasonal and dry year peak demands are used for allocating water quality and treatment projects because those projects are sized to meet these peak demands. ~ Some of the filtration plants cannot puri;fy as much water as they have in the past because of more stringent water quality regulations. These regulations and new demands have required Metropolitan to rehabilitate and expand some of the existing filtration plants. In the following water quality and treatment projects, those projects or portions of projects required to bring the plants back up to its historic peak capacity (before the more stringent water quality regulations became effective) are allocated to existing demands. Projects associated with filtration capacity beyond historic peak demands are allocated to future demands. Historic peak demands on existing plants are utilized rather than plant design capacity because at times historic peak flows have exceeded the designed plant capacity. Using hstoric peak demands instead of historic average demands results in a smaller percentage of the project's cost being allocated to the New Demand Charge. All Facilities - Discharge Elimination This project identifies and implements discharge systems to comply with regulations. All filtration plants are affected by these new rules. To allocate this filtration plant project, Metropolitan first determined the current demand on the filtration plants. This demand was then compared to filtration plant capacity.' Dividing existing demands (in cfs of filtration capacity) by filtration plant capacity shows the percentage portion of the project to be utilized for current requirements. The remaining portion of the project is the portion allocated to serve anticipated new demand. Q?-b In equation form, the allocation is as follows: Jensen Plant: Existing Peak Demand = 850 cfs Capacity with Expansion #1 = 1,160 cfs Existing Peak Demand = 690 cfs Capacity = 800 cfs Existing Peak Demand = 800 cfs Capacity = 800 cfs Existing Peak Demand = 160 cfs Capacity with Expansion #2 = 500 cfs Existing Peak Demand = 600 cfs Capacity with Expansion #3 = 800 cfs Weymouth Plant: Diemer Plant: Mills Plant: Skinner Plant: 3-3 Section 3 Capital Improvement Program A. Allocation to Existing Demand: = = = 75 percent (Sum of Existing Peak Demands) 4 (Sum of Capacities) (850 + 690 + 800 + 160 + 600) Cfs i (1,160 + 800 + 800 + 500 + 800) cfs B. Allomion to New Demand = 25 percent All Filtration Plants 6 Distribution System - Chemical Spill Containment This project minimizes the chance of contamination in the event of a chemical spill. Allocation of this project, as all projects common to all fdtration plants, is 75 percent to existing demand and 25 percent to new demand. All Filtration Plants - Oxidation Retrofit Program This project evaluates the use of ozone as a disinfectant to reduce disinfection byproducts in Metropolitan’s system. Allocation of this project, as all projects common to all filtration plants, is 75 percent to existing demand and 25 percent to new demand. Diemer and Weymouth Filtration Plants - Install Emergency Generators This project ensures that the plants continue to operate during extended power outages. To allocate this filtration plant project, Metropolitan first determined the current demand on the filtration plants. This demand was then compared to filtration plant capacity. Dividing existing demands (in cfs of filtration capacity) by filtration plant capacity shows the percentage portion of the project to be utilized for current requirements. The remaining portion of the project is the portion allocated to serve anticipated new demand. In equation form, the allocation is as follows: Diemer Plant: Existing Peak Demand = 800 cfs Capacity = 800 cfs Existing Peak Demand = 690 cfs Capacity - 800 cfs Weymouth Plant: A. Allocation to Existing Demand: = (Sum of Existing Peak Demands) i (Sum of Capacities) = (800 + 690) cfs i (800 + 800) cfs = 93 percent .- a. Section 3 Capital Improvement Progmm B. Allocation to New Demand = 7 percent Diemer Filtration Plant - Miscellaneous Site Improvements Several Capital Improvement Projects to maintain and modify existing equipment are planned for the Diemer plant. To allocate this filtration plant project, Metropolitan first determined the current demand on the filtration plant. This demand was then compared to filtration plant capacity. Because the Diemer plant is already fully utilized by existing demands, allocation of these projects is 100 percent to existing demand. Diemer, Weymouth & Jensen Filtration Plants - Sludge Handling Study This project investigates mechanical sludge dewatering procedures for the Diemer, Weymouth & Jensen Plants. To allocate this filtration plant project, Metropolitan first determined the current demand on the filtration plants. This demand was then compared to filtration plant capacity. Dividing existing demands (in cfs of filtration capacity) by fdtration plant capacity shows the percentage portion of the project to be utilized for current requirements. The remaining portion of the project is the portion allocated to serve anticipated new demand. In equation form, the allocation is as follows: Diemer Plant: Existing Peak Demand = 800 cfs Capacity = 800 cfs Existing Peak Demand = 690 cfs Capacity = 800 cfs Existing Peak Demand = 850 cfs Capacity with Expansion #1 = 1,160 cfs Weymouth Plant: Jensen Plant: A. Allocation to Existing Demand: = (Sum of Existing Peak Demands) + (Sum of Capacities) = 85 percent = (800 + 690 + 850) cfs + (800 + 800 + 1,160) cfs B. Allocation to New Demand = 15 percent Filter Plants, Distribution System, and Colorado River Aqueduct - BacMow Prevention Assemblies This project minimizes the opportunity for crosstonnections with contaminants that may be present in the plant. It is required to comply with water quality regulations. Allocation of this project is 100 percent to existing demand. 3-5 Section 3 Capital lrnprovement Program Jensen filtration Plant Expansion No. 7 This project expands the capacity of the Jensen plant to compensate for the loss of filtration capacity resulting from implementation of more stringent water quality regulations. To allocate this filtration plant project, Metropolitan first determined the filtration capacity that was lost due to the regulations. This loss was then compared to the capacity of the filtration plant expansion project. Dividing the loss of plant capacity by the capacity of the expansion project shows the percentage portion of the project to be utilized for current requirements. The remaining portion of the project is the portion allocated to serve anticipated new demand. In equation form, the allocation is as follows: Historic Capacity = 850 cfs Current Capacity = 540 cfs Lost Capacity due to regulations I: (H~storic Capacity) - (Current Capacity) = 850 CfS - 540 Cfs = 310ds Total Capacity of Jensen Filtration Plant with Expansion #1 = 1,160 Capacity of the Jensen Filtration Plant Expansion #1 - (Capacity with Expansion) - (Current Capacity) - 620 cfs 1,160 CfS - 540 ds A. Allocation to Existing Demand = (Lost Capacity) i (Capacity of Expansion #1) = 310 cfs + 620 cfs - 50 percent B. Allocation to New Demand = 50 percent Jensen Filtration Plant - Replace Filter Media This project replaces the filter media. To allocate this filtration plant project, Metropolitan first determined the current demand on the filtration plant. This demand was then compared to filtration plant capacity. Since the plant has operated at its capacity, allocation of ths project is 100 percent to existing demand. Lake Penis Pumpback Expansion No. 3 This project would expand the existing pump station that pumps Colorado River Aqueduct water to Lake Perris. The expansion would be entirely for future demand. Allocation of ths project to future demand is 100 percent. 3-6 . Section 3 Capital Improvement Program Mills Filtration Plant - Expansion No. 2 This project expands the capacity of the Mills plant to compensate for the loss of filtration capacity resulting from implementation of more stringent water quality regulations. To allocate this filtration plant project, Metropolitan first determined the filtration capacity that was lost due to the regulations. Ths loss was then compared to the capacity of the filtration plant expansion project. Dividing the loss of plant capacity by the capacity of the expansion project shows the percentage portion of the project to be utilized for current requirements. The remaining portion of the project is the portion allocated to serve anticipated new demand. In equation form, the allocation is as follows: Historic Capacity = 240 cfs Current Capacity = 170 cfs Lost Capacity due to Regulations = (H~storic Capacity) - (Current Capacity) = 70 cf~ = 240 CfS - 170 CfS Total Capacity of Mills Filtration Plant with Expansion #2 5 500 Capacity of the Mills Filtration Plant Expansion 12 = (Capacity with Expansion) - (Current Capacity) F 500 CfS - 170 cfs = 330 Cfs A. Allocation to Existing Demand = (Lost Capacity) i (Capacity of Expansion #2) = 70 cfs i 330 cfs = 20 percent B. Allocation to New Demand = 80 percent Mills Filtration Plant - Landfill This project evaluates sizes, sites, and constructs a landfill for sludge from the Mills Plant. To allocate this filtration plant project, Metropolitan first determined the current demand on the filtration plant. This demand was then compared to filtration plant capacity. Dividing existing demands (in cfs of filtration capacity) by filtration plant capacity shows the percentage portion of the project to be utilized for current requirements. The remaining portion of the project is the portion allocated to serve anticipated new demand. In equation form, the allocation is as follows: 3-7 Section 3 Capital lmprovement Program . i Existing Peak Demand = 160 cfs Capacity with Expansion #2 = 500 cfs ' A. Allocation to Existing Demand = (Existing Peak Demand) i (Capacity with Expansion #2) - 160 cfs i 500 cfs = 33 percent I B. Allocation to New Demand - 67 percent San Joaguin Reservoir Improvement Project This project covers the existing reservoir as required to meet the Safe Drirdung Water Act. Allocation of this project is 100 percent to existing demand. Skinner Filtration Plant - Miscellaneous Site Improvements Several Capital Improvement Projects to maintain and modify existing equipment are planned for the Skinner plant. To allocate this filtration plant project, Metropolitan first determined the current demand on the fdtration plant. This demand was then compared to filtration plant capacity. Dividing existing demands (in cfs of filtration capacity) by filtration plant capacity shows the percentage portion of the project to be utilized for current requirements. The remaining portion of the project is the portion allocated to serve anticipated new demand. In equation form, the allocation is as follows: Existing Peak Demand - 600 cfs Capacity = 800 cfs A. Allocation to Existing Demand = Existing Peak Demand i Capacity - 600 cfs i 800 cfs = 75 percent B. Allocation to New Demand = 25 percent Skinner filtration Plant - Emergency Power Generating System This project installs an emergency power generating system at the Skinner plant. Allocations are the same as those described under the previous Skinner Filtration Plant project. 3-8 r Section 3 Capital Improvement Program Skinner Filtration Plant - install Effluent Adjustable Weir Slide Gates This project installs adjustable effluent weir slide gates to improve filter cleaning. Allocations are the same as those described under the previous Shnner Filtration Plant project. Skinner Filtration Plant - Landfill This project designs and constructs a landfill for sludge from the Skinner Filtration Plant. Allocations are the same as described under the previous Skinner Filtration Plant project. Skinner Fiffrafion Plant - Module 7-3, Electrical Conduit and Wireways Replacement The project replaces the electrical conduit and wireways in 54 filters on Modules 1-3 at the Skinner Plant. Allocations are the same as described under the previous Skinner Filtration Plant project. Skinner Filtration Plant - Modules 4, 5, & 6 Sedimentation Basins The project designs and constructs sedimentation basins at the Skinner plant to comply with anticipated water quality regulations. Allocations are the same as described under the previous Skinner Filtration Plant project. Warehouse & Storage Building at Mills Filtration Plant This project designs and constructs a warehouse and storage building at the Mills plant to accommodate the increase number of personnel resulting from consolidation of facilities. Allocations are the same as described under the previous Mills Filtration Plant project. Water Quality - Demonstration Scale Testing This study evaluates the use of ozone as a disinfectant to reduce disinfection byproducts in Metropolitan’s system. Allocation of this project, as all projects common to all filtration plants, is 75 percent to existing demand and 25 percent to new demand. 3-9 Section 3 Capital Improvement Program Water Qualify - Laboratory Expansion This project enlarges the water quality laboratory. Allocation of this project, as all projects common to all filtration plants, is 75 percent to existing demand and 25 percent to new demand. Weymouth Filtmtion Plant - Miscellaneous Site lrnprovernents Several Capital Improvement Projects to maintain and modify existing equipment are planned for the Weymouth plant. To allocate this filtration plant project, Metropolitan first determined the current demand on the filtration plant. This demand was then compared to filtration plant capacity. Dividing existing demands (in cfs of filtration capacity) by filtration plant capacity shows the percentage portion of the project to be utilized for current requirements. The remaining portion of the project is the portion allocated to serve anticipated new demand. In equation form, the allocation is as follows: Existing Peak Demand = 690 cfs Capacity = 800 cfs A. Allocation to Existing Demand = (Existing Peak Demand) i (Capacity) = 690 cfs t 800 cfs = 86 percent B. Allocation to New Demand = 14 percent Weymouth, Dierner, Skinner Filtration Ptants - Ferric Chloride Retrofit This project installs ferric chloride chemical feed systems at the Weymouth, Diemer, and Skinner plants. The new chemical feed systems will allow for more efficient coagulation of different water qualities. To allocate this filtration plant project, Metropolitan first determined the current demand on the filtration plants. This demand was then compared to filtration plant capacity. Dividing existing demands (in cfs of filtration capacity) by filtration plant capacity shows the percentage portion of the project to be utilized for current requirements. The remaining portion of the project is the portion allocated to serve anticipated new demand. In equation form, the allocation is as follows: 3-1 0 Section 3 Capital Improvement Program Weymouth Plant: Existing Peak Demand- 690 cfs Capacity = 800 cfs Existing Peak Demand = 800 cfs Diemer Plant: Capacity - 800 cfs Existing Peak Demand = 600 cfs Capacity with Expansion #3 = 800 cfs Skinner Plant: A. Allocation to Existing Demand: = (Sum of Existing Peak Demands) + (Sum of Capacities) = (690 + 800 + 600) + (800 + 800 + 800) = 87 percent B. Allocation to New Demand = 13 percent Dornenigoni Valley Reservoir This water supply storage project provides seasonal, drought carryover, and emergency storage. It meets a portion of the water storage needs for Metropolitan. Emergency storage requirements assume imported water systems would be unable to deliver water for six months, but local supplies would continue at full production. Emergency storage is sized to supplement local supplies for six months assuming that water demands are 75 percent of normal water demands. Carryover storage allows Metropolitan to meet its reliability goal during drought or other periods of water shortage. It was calculated using statistical analysis of 70 years of hydrologic data. Withdrawals from storage for those hydrologic scenarios was used to determine carryover storage requirements. Seasonal shift storage allows Metropolitan to meet peak summertime water demands with water from capacity. It was demand. To allocate this reservoir project between new and existing demands, Metropolitan first calculated current requirements for emergency, drought carryover, and seasonal storage in the reservoir. Ths total was then compared to projected storage requirements (including emergency, drought carryover, and seasonal storage) in the year 2020. Dividing current storage requirements (in acre-feet of storage capacity) by year 2020 storage requirements shows the percentage portion of the portion allocated to serve new demands. In equation form, the allocation is as follows: Current storage requirements - Emergency + Drought Carryover + Seasonal = 293,000 + 200,000 + 0 3-1 1 . Section 3 Capital lmpruvement Program Year 2020 storage requirements = 430,000 + 275,000 + 95,000 A. Allocation to Existing Demand = (Current Storage Requirements) + (Year 2020 Storage Requirements) = 493,000 i 800,000 = 62 percent B. Allocation to New Demand .I 38 percent inland Feeder This water supply conveyance project delivers water from the east branch of the State Water Project to the Colorado River Aqueduct. To allocate this feeder project between new and existing demands, Metropolitan first calculated expected annual delivery requirements. This requirement was then compared to actual delivery capacity. The amount of delivery capacity available beyond the delivery needs is available to improve the service reliability, Dividing the reliability capacity (in acrefeet per year) by the delivery capacity shows the percentage portion of the ponion allocated to serve existing demands. In equation form, the allocation is as follows: Maximum annual delivery capacity - 725,000 acre-feet Expected average annual deliveries = 550,000 acre-feet Available annual reliability capacity for existing demand = Delivery Capacity - Expected Deliveries = (725,000 - 550,000) - 175,000 acre-feet A. Allocation to Existing Demand = (Reliability Capacity) i (Delivery Capacity) = (175,000) + (725,000) = 24 percent B. Allocation to New Demand = 76 percent San Diego Pipeline No. 6 This pipeline constructs a new pipeline to increase flows from Metropolitan to San Diego County. To allocate this feeder project between new and existing demands, Metropolitan first calculated expected annual delivery requirements. Ths requirement was then compared to actual delivery capacity. The amount of delivery capacity available beyond the delivery needs is available to improve the service reliability. Dividing the reliability capacity (in acre-feet per year) by the delivery capacity shows the percentage portion of the portion allocated to serve existing demands. 3-12 .- Section 3 Capital lmpmvernent Program In equation form, the allocation is as follows: Maximum annual delivery capacity - 360,000 acre-feet Expected average annual deliveries = 290,000 acre-feet Available annual reliability capacity for existing demand = Delivery Capacity - Expected Deliveries = (360,000 - 290,000) = 70,000 acre-feet A, Allocation to Existing Demand (Reliability Capacity) i (Delivery Capacity) = (70,000) + (360,000) = 19 percent B. Allocation to New Demand = 81 percent West Valley Project This project installs a new pipeline to increase flows from Metropolitan to western Los Angeles and southern Ventura counties. To allocate this feeder project between new and existing demands, Metropolitan first calculated expected annual delivery requirements. This requirement was then compared to actual delivery capacity. The amount of delivery capacity available beyond the delivery needs is available to improve the service reliability. Dividing the reliability capacity (in acre-feet per year) by the delivery capacity shows the percentage portion of the portion allocated to serve existing demands. In equation form, the allocation is as follows: Maximum annual delivery capacity = 220,000 acre-feet Expected average annual deliveries = 160,000 acre-feet per year Available reliability capacity for existing demand = Delivery capacity - Expected Deliveries = (220,000 - 160,000) = 60,000 acre-feet per year A. Allocation to Existing Demand = (Reliability Capacity) t (Delivery Capacity) = 27 percent = (60,000) t (220,000) B. Allocation to New Demand = 73 percent Central Pool Augmentation These projects install a new pipeline, tunnels, and water filtration plant to increase the flows from Metropolitan to Orange and western Riverside counties. 3-1 3 Section 3 Capita/ lrnprovement Program Central Pool Augmentation Filtration Plant - Site Acquisition This project identifies and acquires critically needed lands for the Central Pool Augmentation Filtration Plant. Allocation of this project to new demand is 100 percent. Central Pool Augmentation Filtration Plant The Central Pool Augmentation Study has currently identified the need for additional treated water capacity and is evaluating alternative sites for the Central Pool Augmentation Filtration Plant. Allocation of this project to new demand is 100 percent. Central Pool A ugmen tafion Plant Expansion The Integrated Resources Planning Study has identified the future need for enlarging the Central Pool Augmentation Filtration Plant. Allocation of this project to new demand is 100 percent. Central Pool Augmentation Tunnel and Pipeline Ths project installs a new pipeline and tunnel which, in conjunction with the Central Pool Augmentation Filtration Plant, will increase flows from Metropolitan to Orange County. To allocate this feeder project between new and existing demands, Metropolitan first calculated expected annual delivery requirements. Ths requirement was then compared to amd delivery capacity. The amount of delivery capacity available beyond the delivery needs is available to improve the service reliability. Dividing the reliability capacity (in acre-feet per year) by the delivery capacity shows the percentage portion of the portion allocated to serve existing demands. In equation form, the allocation is as follows: AMU~ delivery capacity = 580,000 acre-feet Expected annual deliveries = 480,000 acre-feet Available annual reliability capacity for existing demand = Delivery Capacity - Expected Deliveries = (580,000 - 480,000) = 100,000 acre-feet A. Allocation to Existing Demand = (Reliability Capacity) + (Delivery Capacity) = (100,000) i (580,000) = 17 percent B. Allocation to New Demand - 83 percent 3-14 Section 3 Capital Improvement Program Groundwater Storage The following projects provide groundwater storage to help meet the water delivery reliability goals of Metropolitan during droughts or other periods of water supply shortage. Chino Basin Groundwater Storage Program This groundwater storage project is located in San Bernardino County. To allocate this conjunctive use project between new and existing demands, Metropolitan first calculated its current requirements for drought carryover storage. This total was then compared to projected drought carryover storage requirements in the year 2020. Dividing current storage requirements (in acre-feet of storage capacity) by year 2020 storage requirements shows the percentage portion of the portion allocated to serve new demands. In equation form, the allocation is as follows: Existing carryover storage requirements = 200,000 acre-feet Year 2020 carryover storage requirements = 300,000 acre-feet A. Allocation to Existing Demand = (Existing Carryover Storage Requirements) i (Year 2020 Carryover Storage Requirements) = 67 percent ' = 200,000 i 300,000 €3. Allocation to New Demand = 33 percent Main San Gabriel Basin Groundwater Storage Program Ths groundwater storage project is located in Los Angeles County. To allocate this conjunctive use project between new and existing demands, Metropolitan first calculated its current requirements for drought carryover storage. This total was then compared to projected drought carryover storage requirements in the year 2020. Dividing current storage requirements (in acre-feet of storage capacity) by year 2020 storage requirements shows the percentage portion of the portion allocated to serve new demands. In equation form, the allocation is as follows: Current carryover storage requirements = 200,000 acre-feet Year 2020 carryover storage requirements = 300,000 acre-feet A. Allocation to Existing Demand 3-1 5 Section 3 Capital Improvement Program = Current carryover storage requirements + Year 2020 carryover storage requirements = 200,000 + 300,000 - 67 percent B. Allocation to New Demand = 33 percent Perris Filtration Plant This project installs a new filtration plant to increase the flows from Metropolitan to Riverside County. PerristSan Jacinto Area Study This project evaluates alternative sites for the Perris Filtration Plant, which would be constructed to meet new demand. Allocation of this project is 100 percent to new demand. Penis Filtration Plant The Perris and San Jacinto Area Study has currently identified the need for additional treated water capacity and is evaluating alternative sites for the Perris Filtration Plant. Allocation of thts project to new demand is 100 percent. Desalination Demonstration Project This project designs and constructs a state-of-the-art 5 million gallon per day seawater desalination demonstration plant to provide a proven design and operating hstory to undertake a full-scale 50/100 million gallon per day seawater desalination project. 3-1 6 -. Section 4 New Demand Charge The New Demand Charge is based on water sales above a historic base. As explained in Section 2, the new demand charge base is based on sales to each Member Agency in recent fiscal years, averaged to even out hgh and low demands. The three or four-year average listed as the New Demand Charge Base for each Member Agency on Table 2-1 has been adjusted to subtract from the base water use water taken under the onetime drought storage agreements (OTDS) because such sales do not reflect normal demands. Each fiscal year the average of each Member Agency's most recent four years of water purchases from Metropolitan will be compared to the base to determine whether a New Demand Charge has been incurred. This rolling four-year average (in which a new year's sales are added and the oldest year's information is dropped when the annual charge is calculated) has also been selected to even out highs and lows resulting from climatic, hydrologic, economic and other factors in each year. This average will also be adjusted to factor out sales for long-term storage purposes to more accurately reflect normal demands on Metropolitan. The historic rolling four-year average would be adjusted as follows: (1) Water taken under the Cooperative Storage Program (COOP) will be subtracted through April 12, 1994. (2) Water taken under long-term seasonal storage service (LTSSS), cyclic storage, and the 1993 Demonstration Storage Program (DEMO) will be subtracted from the water sales calculations through fiscal year 1993-94. (3) Contractual LTSSS and COOP (starting April 13, 1994) deliveries will be subtracted from the New Demand Charge calculation during the year of delivery but will be added in the year of use. The adjusted rolling four-year average will be compared to the base amount and the volume of water above the base amount will result in an onetime New Demand Charge. When a Member Agency exceeds its base amount, the new rolling four-year average will become its base, allowing water use to vary within that new rolling average without any additional charges. For example, if a Member Agency's New Demand Charge Base is 100,000 acre-feet (AF) and its rolling four year-average of historic water sales (adjusted as described above) is 90,000 AF, it will incur no New Demand Charge. If its rolling four-year average of historic water purchases is 105,000 AF, it will incur a New Demand Charge in an amount equal to the amount of new demand (5,000 AF) multiplied by the per-acre-foot amount of the New Demand Charge for that fiscal year (discussed below). At that point, its New Demand Charge base will be reset at 105,000 AF and no further New Demand 4-1 c. 1 1 Through purchases of water supplied by Metropolitan, new users will pay a portion of the costs of financing Metropolitan’s capital facilities (including facilities to serve new demand) because some debt service costs are included in the basic water rate. To avoid double payment by these users of the same capital costs, the present value of annual expenditures for facilities for new demand ($2.11 billion) must be offset by a credit equal to the present value of the new users’s share of capital costs included in the water rate. To determine this amount, Metropolitan’s projected average water rates (Column 4) are calculated for the planning period. The new demand capital portion included in the water rate (Column 5) is then determined, based on the proportion of the new demand debt service to the total water revenue requirement each year. Section 4 New Demand Charge The new demand capital portion of the water rate is multiplied by the projected annual acre-feet of new demand water sales (Column 6) to determine the annual new demand capital contribution (Column 7). Column 8 shows the present value of Column 7, determined using the same discount factor shown in Column 2. The present value of the total capital credit to the new demand charges totals $310 million. The present value of the projected facilities cost is reduced by the present value of the credit for future capital contributions, for a revised present value cost of 4-2 I- The New Demand Charge will be implemented in fiscal year 1995-96. The initial New Demand Charge is expected to be $1,000 per acre-foot of new demand. For the first four years, &IS charge is projected to be set lower than the total present value cost of new facilities to service new demands to minimize the financial impact and Demand Charge is expected to increase over five years to the unit New Demand Charge calculated on Table 4-1 and explained above. Ths is the amount determined to represent the reasonable cost (per acre-foot of projected new demands) of facilities necessary to serve new demands. The New Demand Charge will be calculated and reviewed annually to reflect any changes in the capital projects and programs designed to accommodate new demands, and will be established each year by the Board, based on these calculations. Once incurred by a Member Agency, the New Demand Charge may be collected over a 15-year period, which corresponds to the average weighted life of Metropolitan's outstanding long-term debt. The amount collected each year will be adjusted to include carrying costs calculated at Metropolitan's weighted average cost of capital. ~ I allow the Member Agencies time to adjust to the new charge. The actual New i , ' ' 1 b Section 4 New Demand Charge $1.8 billion. This new cost is divided by the amount of projected new system capacity to be provided to serve new demands by the future facilities, measured in acre-feet per year (see Table 2-4). New capacity in the year 2020 is estimated to be 695,092 acre-feet per year. As a result, the present value cost of providing new facilities necessary for projected new demands is projected to equal $2,550 per acre- foot. 4-3 i -1 i6 I