HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994-10-26; Municipal Water District; 1026.01; Pilot Cogeneration Desalination Facilities\B # 1026.3 TITLE: PRESENTATION ON PROPOSAL FOR "PILOT IIITG. IEPT. CMWD- 10/26/94 COGENERATION DESALINATION FACILITIES" BY SUPERSYSTEMS, INC. ?ECOMMENDED ACTION: DEPT. HD. CITY MGR. -, CITY 'ATTY Staff is requesting the Commission discuss the potential for District involvement in a pilot cogeneration desalination facilities subsequent to a presentation by Mr. Sam Tadros, President of Supersystems, Inc. ITEM EXPLANA TION: Staff has had recent occasion to be present at a meeting with Mr. Sam Tadros of Supersystems, Inc. and Mr. Rick Graff, General Manager of Encina Wastewater Authority. Mr. Tadros wants to construct a pilot cogeneration desalination facilities in a cooperative effort with the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation. Mr. Tadros will be at the meeting to give presentation on this project in hopes that the District will express an interest in participating in the pilot project. Some information on this topic is attached. SUPERSYSTEMS, INC, ~ 17581 TEACHERSAW. FAX (714) 733-3430 =LEX 710 11 1 5328 ' SUPER SYSTEMS IRVINE. CA 92714 (714) 786-71 17 ENGINEERS DEVELOPERS June 15,1994 Mr. Bill Plummer District Engineer City of Carlsbad 2075 Las Palmas Drive Carlsbad, CA 92009 CC: Mr. Bob Greany: Water District Manager Subject: DesaIInation-Cogeneration Plant RoJect Dear Mr. Plummr, is currently conducting a feasibility study under contract to the U.S. Department of Interior, Bureau of Reclamation for the location of a coastal desalinationcogeneration plant in Southern California. Following compktion of the study by this June, we will be prepared to initiate Phase II of the program which consists of the design and installation of a pilot plant to verify performance and cost effectiveness of the plant system at the selected site. Supersystems Inc. (SSI) SSI jointly with the Bureau of Reclamation will finance, design, and install the pilot desalinationcogeneration plant at no capital cost to the city. The city would purchase the high quality product water at a negotiated price competitive with your current rates. The praduct water will be a high quality water which can be blended with other high salinity sources'of water to improve the city's overall water quality. The purpose of this fetter is to determine your potential interest in locating this pilot plant within your area of jurisdiction. SSI would li to schedule a meeting with you to discuss the findings from the feasibility study ahd the details of the second phase of the project. SI has adequate information from our feasibility study to present: site requirements, plant size, fuel needs, and product water quality. SSI and its principle have 25 years of experience in the design and construction of desalination-cogeneration plants with facilities in the Middle Wt, the Virgin Tstands, and other countries around the world. We look forward to meeting with you to discuss our experience and the potential benefits of thig project for your community. Sincerely, FILE: 194/MS/ClTY STICC COGENERATION SMALL POWER DESALXNATION HEATXNC & COOLING 9 ENVIRONMENTAt STUDIES DESIGN CONSTRUCTION SUPERVISION FINANCE 4 TURNKEY PROJECr - O€P€€€LPIL'oN 131 3NI SW31SAS2l3dnS SUPERSYSTEMS, INC. 17581 TEEICHERS AVE. PAX (714) 733-3430 SUPER SYSTEMS IRWNE, CA 927 I4 TELEX 710 11 1 5328 e----- ENGINEERS * DEVELOPERS (7141 786-71 17 (M882461 Sept. 19, 1994 Mr. Richard Graff, P.E. ................................................................ Via Fax General Manager Encina Wastewater Authority (EWA) 6200 Avenida Encinas Carlsbad, CA 92009-0171 CC: Mr. Bob Gmney, P.E. .................................................. Vi Fax General Manager City of Carlsbad Subject : 1- U.S. Bum Cogeneration Desalination plant Feasibility Study 2- Design and Construction of Pllot Cogen/Dessl Facility Dear Mr. Graff : We greatly appreciated the opportunity to meet with you and Mr. Greaney to discuss the subject study. This letter, with the enclosed information, is sent to you pursuant to our discussion in your office on September 8, 1994 with yourself and Bob Greaney, Carlsbad Municipal Water District, regarding the subject project being conducted by Supersystems, Inc. (SS?) for the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation (BUREC). We greatly appreciated the opportunity to meet with you and Bob Greaney to discuss the subject study. As stated in our meeting, the results of the study confirm the potential merits of the novel power generation and sea water desalination technology. The next phase in the program will be to design, construct, and operate the first demonstration plant of this type in the United States on the Southern California Coastline. Demonstration plant performance data and operational economic options, according to this production of electricity and quality of processed water, could be used for implementation in larger facility designs at ocher potential sites in Southern or Northern California. Funding for design and construction of the demonstration plant would be provided jointly by SSI and the U.S. BUREC. It would be necessary for the site host owner to cover some expenses required during the design,' construction, and operation of the plants. Potential areas of need would involve site preparation, lay down area, equipment installation, interfacing of plant instrumentation and controls, environmental monitoring, operation and maintenance, fuel supply, process water distribution, and reject water-brine outfall to the ocean. ' COGENERATION SMALL POWER DESA1.INATION HEATING & COOLING ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES DESIGN CON.mUCTION SUPERVISION FINANCE TURNKEY PROjECr In the event that during the next few months you decide to "recook" at your existing cogeneration plant upgrading options, we would be happy to submit a propod to provide a cogeneration-desalination plant at your facility that wouId outperform existing cogeneration units, reduce your electricity costs, and provide p~ocessed water. Utilizing gas turbine with digestor gas is normally easier to permit from the AQMD when they apply their BACT.. PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT: The following represent our preliminary estimates regarding the economics of the two potential alternatives shown below, assuming the facility in each case will be installed inside the Encina Waste Water plant and that the Bureau of Reclamation will contribute 20 96 of plant capital cost: 0 ALTERNATIVE I: Cogeddesalination facility firing digestor gas at no wst. 1100 KW/150,000 Grrllons per day distilledldrinking water quality 0 ALTERNATIVE 2: Cogenldesalination firing natural gas at $2.6 /MMBTU 1100 KW/lSO,OO Galloas per day distilled/dhkhg water quality Please note that the product water from the desal plant can be increased by approximately 80% of the above, if we include a supplementary firing system with the cogen plant. Also the size of both power and water can be reduced to approximatety 50 96 of the above by utilizing a smaller system size. In general, The cogen facility will be designed to tire digestor gas, natural gas, or a combination of both at any ratio. - 3NI SW31SASd3dfiS OTHER ADVANTAGES FOR THE DESAL PLANT: 1- As stated in our meeting, the desalination facility will pduce water at 3-15 ppm, TDS. By blending this pure water with other sourea of brackish water in the area, an improvement in the total quality of water will be achieved. 2- This pure water can also be added to the relatively high waste water salinity presently discharged to the ocean which will lower this stream TDS to an acceptable level and therefore enable the facility to meet state and federal regulations. 3- The combined simultaneous production of electricity and water will enable us to sell the Encino facility and/or the City electricity at a reduced rate compared to SDG&E's current or future rates (we will guarantee this saving during the contract term). 4- The high punty distilled water can be pumped and sold to the adjacent SDG&E Encino power plant to be used as a boiler make up water (cunently this high purity distilled water is costing SDG&E approximately $ 18/1OOO gallon to produce). 5- If you allow us to utilize a gas turbine bad cogen, this distilled water would also be used to reduce NOx emission from 145 ppm to approximately 25-30 ppm which could be approved by the air quality as representing the BACT (no additional pollution control equipment would be required). 6- The existence of the ocean oiitfdl and its current length will have positive effects on reducing the cost of produced water and on desalination plant permitting. In generat, the Encino site is very favorable for the installation of desalination plant. 7- Combining the cogen with desalination will ensure that the facility will operate as a Qualified Cogen Facility since the desal plant will act as a heat sink. This concept will entitte the facility to all the advantages of cogeneration regulations including having the utility power on stand by. All the existing electrical and heating systems will remain intact and ready to serve the facility at any time. The cogen can also provide Encino with the heating requirement for the sludge operations and therefore minidze the current OkM cost. 8- Mr. Greaney indicated the need for water specially if it is of high punty, we will provide provisions in plant design for the addition of more ded units, or the addition of one or more combined cogen desal units, if so desired in the future. 9- The results from this pilot demonstration facility could be applied toward a full scale power desalination of much larger capacity, that for example, could make the city of Carlsbad and the surrounding areas self sufficient in drinking water supplies and electricity, as it is the case in all of the Virgin Islands. 3 N I s w 3 1 s A s a 3 d n s PLANT FINANCING ARRANGEMENT: We ate confident that ptant finance an be arranged if the sale of electricity and water are secured through a long term agreement. In addition to the Bureau's fmancial contribution, a plant financing arrangement has been discussed and approved by my company, and by our partner which is a large size company, in case a much larger size is required. We do not expect any difficulty to finance the facility. If these outlines are acceptable to you, I would reeommead that we start a detailed technical and economical feasibility study ASAP so that you can also benefit from the participation of the Bureau of Reclamation In this project. COCEN PLANT ENCINEERINC & PERMlTIWG SERVICES: SSI would also be pleased to provide engineering/design servia, permitting services, construction supervision, and start up services for the planned cogen system of the gas engine type. We have bum engineering and permitting such facilities since 1983. I would be pleased to arrange a tour for some of our operating gas fued cogen facilities in Southern California. In the Santa Monica area, we have several operating cogen systems that could prove to be more cost effective for the Encina plant. PRESENTATION ON DESAUCOGEN: If you are interested in a general stide and overhead presentation on cogen and desalination, their design features, and the economics of various technologies, 1 would be glad to arrange for such a presentation at your convenience. I am looking forward to a long term and mutually beneficial relationship between our organization. If you have any questions or desire additional information, please calf Frank Ducey or Sam Tadros at (714) 786-7117. Very Truly Yours, SSI (Sam Tadros, P.E., MSME) CC: Mr. Roben Greaney, P.B. Mr. Frank Ducey, P.E. Fils: 941develop92094 ST/PP Electric Power and Desalinated Seawater, Sam Tadros, RE. In view of mpidly risingjbl costs, cogenemtion plants have acquired a new significance. Recent studies and applications have shoun results relevant to the design and economy of cogenemtion plants for the production of electric power and desalinated seawaim Part 1 is included hew to be fibwed in the l~ext issue sf Cogeneration World ttrith the conclusion. The mater ddindon cycle rekatd for detaikd compariscm m this dudy is the well-knawn mubage flash evaporator (MSF). which uses brine rreLrulation and acid or polyphosphete for rak proledion. Interesi in a dual-purpose pht4r cogeneration d eledric pcwr and steam- SIC~ Gom its inherent thermodynamic efliciency. Fossil-fuel-find central SLStions COIIWI( one-third of enew input to ekdlicity but dows the remaining two-thirds to escape in the form ofthvmal discharges. By using the rejeded heat cogeneretion-or dualpurpose phs-can rhim a thermal e&ciency as high as 80%. This is the reason for rcant widespread use of cogenemtion dual-purposc plants and is $so emibuted to the fad that the energy share of the produd water cost is high. In the United States in 1954. heal COSI in the d production co~l of sehd stcam consuming industties nas 4.14% for the beer sugar indw, 2.95% Cor paper pulp mills and 5.62% for the chlorine industn. In 1972. the enew share of pduci Mer cog was up to 35%. and in 1984 the energ? ShaR of produci Mater cost was higher than 50%. Extraction TurbinelMSF Scheme Rcnbilit! and Daw F~rues In this cogeneration scheme the steam isd from the bine a a s~tabk point and passcs to the brine healer d the desahahn plant aher being desuperhcsrd. .s shun in Fw 1. The remainder is completely arpanded in a kw pnssure turbine and ahausted to a ltsndard condenser. slcam is nWmany curaued a about 30 psig for an rid dcsalinetion plan^ with a maximum brine heater tempermum of 250° E and at a ~IF!SSWV of5 psig for a poljphosph treatment Won plant with 195O F maximum brine heater temperature sulphate scak especially in the brine heater tubes it is prdid halthe stcam temperatm m the brine heer em (afier being cksuperheated), not amd 262O F for dd dnsing and 212O F for PollPhosp~e dosing, during Ph operation. Charaderizcd by Ksy good flaibility. Nal Howc~z in order to mid calcium The exmaion turbinedeme is only can the water to pcwr ratio (gallkwh or rngdhW) be varied hm wry low dues to values ready as &h as hose for the back prrssure qvk but this scheme aL0 permits the operetion to produce water only or puwer only. In caw of Wine breakdom the scheme pmvides for a bypass circui~ hugh which high prwu~ steam hm the boikr is supplied dirrclly to the desalination plant via, a pnssurc Rducing station and a desuperheater. Powr quid for ph opekon could be pmkkd from a -up diesel genemr ~e(. by appropdc modifii d the *am h. A control \9hr W on the turbine is arranged to msi& the Oon- of rlc~m through the h pressure tidon SO thm he attraction *am ma be msintained through the bw pmsurc stages. eKn a maximum actrabion rmes to pmnt overheating of he turbine bladea This minimum tlou. cormponds IO about 10 to 15% ofhe med capacity ofhe lm prrssurc &on. At this minimum lbw condition. he atradon scheme will haw its maximum water produdon capecity. This maximum water production could be obtained continuously and independently of the power load. U we amumed a turbine hde condition of 900° F and 850 psig. this scheme could have a mter ID pmwr do about 11.6 galkU'h or I mgd for every 3.7MU. The cogeneration index, apressed in kUh gemmed per million Btu absorbed by chc brine heater. would be about 104 kUhllO* Btu for an add dosing plant m a performance ratio "R" equal io 10 pounds of distillate per 1.OOO Btu. Howwc the water to powr ratio varies with the performance do a the same cogenemtion index. For R in the range of 7 to 15 lbfl.OO0 Btu. the wter to per ratio for his scheme would vary from 8.1 gal.kWh to 27.3 gaLkW'h. 900" FB50 psig thmak conditiom lOMw/mgd power to w do and 10 R @eriormMcc do) for an mid dosing desalination plant, the madmum au~n flow m the low prec~lrt turbine (ii, when the plant is in the power+ mode) will bc about 1.5 tines the c*eamfbw 1 full bad conditions of the dual pup= Iryrtem. AI a powr IO waer ratio of 3.7MWmyd, this steam flow ratio in the law pressurr redion oftheturbinewouMbetqpr&d) ' 12. To dow for this condition in plarl deciign would nwlt m a considenbie increase in boh capital and opuaring ape~ch Every dolt should be mede not to mrsizc the cogenemtion pbnt. A careful malysis should be made d& hepr and ekmical loads to ensm th maximum ulie is made of diKrsity fedonr The nad for this eRort is shictly economic The kr the equipment aiae is to the adusl demands, the hq$er the capecity f&or will be 'lk capital cost of the planc is a funmon d the size or capacity of the plant, but the mnue earned by the pht is a fwrrion ofthe size Continued on pg. 27 A change in pomr demand is met For cogeneration syseenr~ oparting a~ - 20 Cogeneration World, SepemberKktober 1984 .. .' Desalinated Seawater Continued {rum pg. 20 of the load. Load cycling on the elecuical side or the w%er side can o+- be achieved PI he apcnv of bwer lhermodynamic a1cienq. Scheme Econom? For the same stem and feedwater conditions as for regeneratiw cycle this xkmc win he a variable heat rate and dincy depending on the proportion of steam extracted for the consumption of he desalination plant. When the extraction steam to desalination ,plant is zem the turbine heat me will be essentially the same as for the regenerative cycle (neglecting the small pmsw drop acm the extraction control de). When the madmum steam is extracted. i.e. at a maximum water IO power ratio of abou~ 0.27 mgd per MIL &superheated and supplied to an acid dosing desalination plant. ?stem thermal ctTicienq jumps to appruximately 76%. as shown on F~re 2 whew 1 kQ.h was taken equivalent to one unit. Bd on one unit of eiectririp output. 5.04 units are heat input in the form of fuel and 2.82 units in the form of steam would be supplied IO the brine heater. The economic features am bawd on the fhct that he heat in the steam supplied IO the dcsalinaion plant can be included as a positiw \slue in the system's dliriency equation. ALsa the tempratwe of boiler kcduatcr uas assumed qual to the brine heater condensate kmperattulc Hownrr. for both condensing and berkprrssurr wheme~. low Mw-cr temperaturv rmghc caw a thermal shock IO the boiler urd set up undcsirabk 9resse~. The re~uming condensate might also be contaminated b? dissolved eases through the makeup water or through brine leakage in the brine heater. For these reasons the inclusion of the feedwater heaters and deaemor and polishing sgrms will be required. plant when using the condensing scheme will be a system heat rate of about 4.600 BtukNI. Approximately 69% of the he* &mise waed in this scheme is rrca~red in he form of steam supplied IO the desalination plant. This heat recovery muhs in a ratio of recavered heat IO ekdricity of appruximately 2.8 to 1.0. using In tern of primary mcr~ resources, each don kWh produced by chis scheme as compared IO separate ph producing the same mount of power and water and using the same fuel can saw appmximately 29.000 gallons of oil (or 157 tons of coal of a heat value of 12.000 Btuhb). The combined power/desalination the condensing scheme To asses the annual dollar saving. the follming ssumptjons M made: 1. lOOMU' mgenedon *ern the condensingatradon scheme 2. Water to power &o of 0.27 +NW. 3. Pomr-onl) pP.1 thermal e&cjency of plant performance ntio d 4. Ikdumon .. 36%. 10. 5. Operation d90% apacity bor for 11 months every year. At 83' per gallon dhrl dGs type d cagenerdon wwld MVC $17.8 d6on each y~r in the lbnn offuel oil QIllLumption or a sawing equivalenr IO 0.5 dion hmb d oil mdy. ff0 be contimd) SAM TADROS .. . . , , . . . . , .- ~ .. . 5401 Business puk South - Suite 210 - Bakersfield, California 93309 2833 N. 3rd Street phoenix, Arizona 85004 6021265-2791 602/265-1259 Telex 165017 - 8051322-2234 Cogeneration World, SeptemberlOctober 1984 27 .* ' - _. .. Continwd from pqr 25 power and water and using the same fuel, can have a net annual saving of approximately 40,000 gallons of oil. In terms of net annual dollar savings, if a cogeneration system of this type having a capacity of 100 MU' and a water to power ratio of 0.15 mgd/MW is compared to a separate gas turbine unit of thermal efficiency 27% and a separate seawater desalination plant of 10 performance ratio (assuming that this cogeneration system will be operating at 90% capacity factor for 11 months every year), at 83 cents per gallon of oil. this cogeneration scheme would save approximately $26 million each year in the form of fuel oil. Dieeel Enpm ' elMSF Sch erne Design Feature19 The concept of diesel engine scheme is shown in Figure 2. The diesel eee drives an electric generator. Process steam for the desalting plants is made in the heat recovery boiler that uses the engine exhaust and jacket cooling as heat sources. The back-pressure exhaust will res& in a shght decrease in the electric power generation from this set. Diesels currently are using under way far a dual-fuel system that can ust both liquid and &aseous fuels such as propane and methane. Research hasalso started on the use of ly expand the cogeneration schemes petr0km-W fuels. Restarch is bk. These significant- through died applications. Diesels are currently available up to 25 MW. Basic thermal efficiencies range hm 30 to 35%. ratio for the diesel engine is much lower than that for gas turbines. Therefore, the diesel engine has the lowest steam to power ratio and conse- quently the hest water to power ratio. Diesel engine cogeneration cycle is recommended for smd viIlages located on the sea, and where the water demand is not relatively high or where the demand on electrid power is signi6candy high. The excess air or the airhel Table 2 Thermal Efficiency and Performance Values for Died EnainemSF Scheme Watedpower ratio (gal/kWh)* Heat recovered (waste heat) 2.2 to 4.6 System thermal efiiciency 57% Cogeneration index (kWhllO6Btu) 390 38 % Scheme Economy If we assume, as previously mentioned, that the exhaust steam from the heat recovery boiler win be supplied to the brine heater where it would be condensed at inlet brine heater saturation pressure and returned as boiler feedwater at that tempemture, the system efficiency jumps from 35 to 57% approximately, as shown in Table 2. If we assume 1 kwh power output from the generator or one unit output, then the fuel requid for this combined cycle will be equivalent to 2.97 units. procesS heat supplied to desalination plant is 0.75 unit with system heat rate of 5800 Btukwh. Refer to Figure 2. The cogeneration index for this cogcieration system woukl reach $15 million per year when compared to the diesel generator set and desalination working separately, wing he me fuel and having the same capady. GmchMiom (1) The extraction turbinelMsF scheme heat rate and the4 efficiency are highly sensitive to the spread been throttle and exhaust conditions, in both ideal and mal cycles. This scheme is the most flexible regarding load cycling, but has the disadvantage of datively high cost. (2) The backpressure turbine/MSF scheme has the highest water to power ratio, highes~ thermal efficiency and lowest cogemtion index. This scheme has a limited response to load CY&K -- To Ataoepkre Boikr Fw.2 Diesel GeneratorlhISF II~EJC~ 1 I~YI Scheme FaL* because the MSF needs sdcknt time scheme is around 390 kwhMBtu heat to the proass for an acid dosing dednation plant. The diesel engine cogeneration system provides the highest elechicity to water ratio, or ksst water production per kWh. In the above figure, the waterEpomr ratio is approximately 3.1 gallonskwh or 13.3 MW per mgd water production. In this scheme, approximately 38% of the heat othenvise wasted is recovered in the form of steam supplied to the desalination plant. AssumingalOOMWl8mgd combined cycle, with a dcsahtion capacity factor of 90% and availability of 92%. the net annual saving of fuel consumption of this (otherwise wasted) plant performance ratio of 10, plant Table 1 Thermal Efficiency and Performance Values for Gas Turbinewaste Heat Boiler/MSF Scheme Water/power ratio (gal/kWh)* System thermal efficiency 69% Cogeneration index (kWhllOLBtu) 196 4.3 to 9.2 Heat recovered (waste heat) 57% Cogeneration R'orld NovemberIDecember 1984 to respond to change in its autput. (3) The gas aubine/MSF scheme has the bwest instalkd costs and the highest rate of return. Only when gas or distilkd fuel is unavailabk can other schemes be justi6ed on an economic besis. (4) The diesel engine./MSF &me has hitationonunitsizeandsmaller amount ofncoverable heat has cogeneration 6eld. (5) In light of rapidly rising fuel costs, the optimum performance ratio is expected to inuease for any cogenem- tion scheme. The design of muhistage flesh evaporators should be mimed m view of the requirements of more stages, more heat der ana and higher pumping costs. New de protection additives which are eflective at higher maximum brine temperatures are needed to enhanct the economical the highest power to water ratio. Its restricted a applications in the aspecrsofthisprocess.. 27 .,. tends to reserve the simpk gas 1 0 filectric rower ana €3 e salinate d 1 1. 1 Seawater - by Sam Tadms, RE. A new significance has been acquired by cogeneration plants in the production of electric power and desalinated seawater. Included is the conclusion of a two part series on the design and economy of cogeneration plants on desalinated seawater. Gar Tarbine/MSF Scheme Flexibility and Design Features In today’s gas turbine application, the exhaust heat of gas turbine combus- tion of the type frequently used for utilities possesses features that can be used effectively in cogeneration (dud purpose installation) for the produc- tion of power and desalinated water, by adding a heat recovery boiler for generating the steam required for desalting plant operation. Conventional boilers arranged for the latter are essentially to accept the exhaust gases. However, the net heat rate improved with an increase in the amount of refiring. The discussion and figures presented in this paper will be limited to u&ed heat recovery boilers. heat recovery would vary with gas tur- bine ekctrical output, additional source of steam is needed to enable the desalination plant output to be maintained at times of low electrical load or when the gas turbine is shut down in case this system was design- ed to operate at its maximum water to power ratio. The gas turbine desalination plant scheme has a water to power ratio of around 6.2 galkwh or ap proximarely 1.50 mgd per 10 MW at R- 10. As .R varies between 7 and 15, the power to water ratio varies between 4.3 and 9.2 gaVkWh. This ratio is influenced by the exhaust gas from the heat recovery boiler. This, in Since the steam available from turn, h controlled by the sulphur con- tent of the fuel, as coohg below the dew point must not take place to avoid corrosion. Currently, the ma- hum size available for a gas turbine is 130 MW. Although the reliabiity of the gas turbine is mot as high as that of steam turbines, one main advantage is the capability for quick start and quick delivery of power and process heat. components of a combined gas turbineldesalination plant. This arrangement enables the gas turbine to operate while the desalination plant is shut down. The supplemental fuel to the waste heat boiler, if added, will enable the gas turbine and the desalination plant to operate separate- ly while one is shut down and also to operate at various water to power ratios. However, at low values of the water to power ratio, supplemental fir- ing for the heat recovery boiler may not be required for the full-load pro- duction of water, provided the water plant heat demand is within the limit of the cogeneration index. Scheme Economy plants operate at thermal efficiencies well below 30%. The heat rate is 12,000 to 14,000 BtulkWh. A short time is needed for it to reach full load conditions. This combination of factors Figure 1 demonstrates the main Current gas turbine power turbine cycle for gas pe&g and standby use. Future development of the gas turbine will reduce the heat rate, probably to 10,OOO BtulkWh or even lower. Also, research is under way to enable the gas turbine to use other types of fuels. In a dual purpose cogeneration system, advantage is taken of the hot exhaust gas to provide stcam for the desalination plant. In Fv 1 for each 3.6 he1 units’ heat input in the gas turbine combustion system, 1.5 units are saved from the exhaust gas stream and are absorbed by the brine recycle stream in the brine heater. Approximately 57% of the heat other- wise wasted through the exhaust system is recovered in the form of steam supplied to the brine heater. The recoverable heat rate of the scheme shown in Figure 4 k approx- imately 4950 BtukWh. efficiency is now approximately 69% or a system heat rate of 5000 BtukWh when operating at design full load conditions, for an acid dosing desalination plant with SOo F maximum brine temperature. The cogeneration index for this scheme under the above conditions would be 1% kWhllWBtu as shown in Table 1. In general, the ideal, most economic situation for any cogenera- tion system is to have steady year-round demands for both electrici- ty and water so that both demands can be met from a correctly sized dual purpose system operating at the highest @le system thermal efficiency. In terms of primq energy resources, each don kwh produced by this scheme, as compared to separate gas turbine and desalination plant producing the same amount of The combined overall system Gndnuedon~27 Cogeneration World NovemberlDecember 1984 25