HomeMy WebLinkAbout1995-05-02; Municipal Water District; 278; Water Authority Emergency Storage Projectp TITLE: UPDATE ON COUNTY WATER AUTHORITY EMERGENCY STORAGE PROJECT AND THE AUTHORITY'S 1995-96 BUDGET RECOMMENDED ACTION: This is an informational item regarding the San Diego County Water Authority and no recommendation is needed. ITEM EXPLANATION: EMERGENCY STORAGE PROJECT(ESP) The San Diego County Water Authority will be deciding on the preferred alternative site for their emergency storage project in June. Water Authority staff initially reviewed 57 sites where water could be stored, either above ground or below ground. In April of 1994, Authority staff narrowed the alternatives to four for a final environmental review. These four alternatives vary in cost, environmental impacts and locations but each would provide 90,100 acre feet of emergency water storage capacity. The four alternatives are: 1. Moosa Canyon plus re-operation of Lake Hodges 2. Olivenhain Storage Project (formerly Mt. Israel) plus re-operation of Lake Hodges plus an expanded San Vincente 3. Expand San Vincente 4. Expanded and re-operation of San Vincente A brief presentation and explanation of each alternative will be made by staff this meeting. COUNTY WATER AUTHORITY 1995 - '96 BUDGET The San Diego County Water Authority will be conducting special budget committee meetings to review the 1995-'96 operating budget and the 1995-l 96 Capital Improvement Program budget. These meetings are tentatively set for May 22, 23 and 24 beginning at 1:00 p.m. each day. The budget review will involve finance, administration, administrative support, human resources and EBE program on the first day. The second day's budget review will include water reclamation, water resources planning, emergency project, general counsel and public affairs. The third day's budget review will finish up with operations and maintenance, right-of- way I engineering, and the meeting will then open up for discussions. Page 2 of Agenda Bill No. CT98 The Board of Director's goal for this year is to keep the 199% '96 budget with the 1994-'95 budget with allowances for inflation. The draft budget proposes a $16,980,234 budget for 1995-'96 compared to a 1994-' 95 budget amount of $16,126,742. The increase of $853,492 represents a 5% increase which includes inflation and a new Department level program This new program involves creation of an Imported Water Resources Deptment consisting of three individuals that would work with the Water Authority's Metropolitan representatives on all issues concerning Metropolitan Water District and the County Water Authority. FISCAL IMPACT: This is an information item and there is no fiscal impact at this time. c) 4) 0-r 0 :::::::::::::::i ;: i ::::p.:::::::::::::: :;;:$$=;:: 2:~:.,~,:.:.;.... a Q a a I c1I wn L a E d) 0 n w > c co cn cl9 t =a QQ Q) z 5 Q 0 I crx OQ) 0 cb L Q) E Q) 0 v) s e c a & S m > S m v) Ib 0 )r S m 0 ‘0 S cu Q x w a en 0 0 5 c m Q x v) a 1cr) ‘0 0 a I s 0 IL lu - I a S 0 )r S ca c) m cn 0 0 > + 5 IL a 8 0, 00 CD a a .W > 0 k - - .m 3 S 0 >)r S cu c) aQ) SF O8 >cr cn l LL a 8 : Q) m 2 0 cn co 5 l- @ Ej m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : u ::z:::c:::: w:;:::;:;:, .,‘:>$::$;y::, ::::<.:::~:~:~:~~~ l!Eil :.:.:.:.:.:.:.> . . . . a S 0 )r S ca 0 ta cn 0 0 > + Lo c Qo )r ‘i5 g QO .- cg tii 0 c 0 BE E m :i:;:;*:;$>%, u :;::::::::::::::.x. I::::::::~:~~::~;.:.. q :+:.:.:.>:.:.:.l. .:‘:::::~:::~:::;~ :::>:.:.:.-,:.:.:. 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S Q) g a E 0 > Q) a )r 0 e E W 2 .m ca z a 0 z s n 5 S 0 .m w a S m .m m Q E ca 0 CJ) S .m cn I- = Q) > w a April 25, 1995 TO: FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT DIRECTOR FROM: GENERAL MANAGER SDCWA “DRAFT” BUDGET FOR 1995 - ‘ 96 I went to the Water Authority’s budget presentation last Thursday, April 20 and received the attached handouts. I am sending these to you for your review and at the Mayor’s request. He wants some comments as to the Authority’s proposed budget and if there is anything that appears out of line. Now for some of the explanations on the “operating” budget. 1. The Board set a target of $15,865,000 as a baseline (not including inflation). The new proposed budget totals $16,980,234. This is an increase of 5%. (see bottom of pp. 1 and table on pp.5.) Again this does not include the CIP budget. 2. At the top of pp. 1 the $16,100,000 represents current year 0 & M, the <- $1,100,000~ represents the ultra-low toilet program and shows it being capitalized over a long-term debt. The third line shows CIP labor shift. There is some engineering dedicated to 0 & M, so they are shifting $300,000 out of the capital program into the operating budget. 3. The $450,000 in labor and benefits category includes salary adjustments that are tied to the CPI and some additional benefits. The $115,000 for inflation on other materials assumes a 3% inflation factor. 4. The $150,000 for adjustment finance system is for the 2nd year of a 2 year program to update the finance system through the purchase of off-the-shelf finance software. 5. The above figures, therefore, result in an adiusted baseline target of $16,015,000. 6. The net baseline budget request totals $15,941,000 and includes all of the above adjustments. j can’texplain why this number is different from the adjusted target of $16,015,000. Page 2 7. The decision to be made by the Board through the various committees are listed on the left under “Plus; Decision Packages”. a. b. C. d. 8. MWD activities - This is probably the most controversial. It involves setting up a new department tentatively called “Imported Water Resources Department”. Presently higher level staff from the different departments in the CWA spend time up at Met. They get involved in issues such as Met’s “Integrated Resources Plan” (IRP), Met’s pipeline 6 project and various other Met issues that involve CWA. This situation takes staff away from their day-today duties. At the request of the CWA directors that also serve as CWA representatives on the Met board this item was put in this year’s budget for a decision by the full board. The monies budgeted will cover three staff people, one at the department head level that lives in Los Angeles and works in an L.A. office, possibly in the Met office building. The budget also includes setting up this office and travel expenses for the other two staff people who will probably be from the San Diego area. The department head level employee will act as a liaison and have contact with CWA’s 6 Met representatives. The proposed budget for this line item is shown in the first table on pp. 3 as $637,000. The present budget that utilizes existing staff is $310,000. The increase is represented on pp. 1 and shown as $527,000. Therefore, the new total is $837,000 which equates to the #‘s on pp. 3. The mobile science van is shown as a $55,000 increase to the budget. This is supposed to be “seed money” to purchase a van and tie-into the county’s public affairs program through the county’s office of education. This will be an ongoing program. The public affairs specialist line shows a $61,000 budget increase. This will go toward the addition of a 4th person in CWA’s public affairs department that will act as a governmental liaison and public relations person throughout the county. The advertising campaign line, showing $365,000 is meant to augment current programs and activities. (If these programs are related to specific capital projects, I think it should be budgeted out of the CIP budget.) The total decision package totals $1,03&000 and the Board will have to decide on any, all or none of the specific items. . Page 3 This was a meeting to present the budget to the committee and the only questions allowed at this time was to clarify what the numbers meant and how they added up. Questions leading to decisions on specific line items were deferred to the specific committee work sessions tentatively scheduled for May 22, 23 and 24. questions on the CIP budget and the meeting adjourned. RJG:MG cc: City Manager / Special Budget Committee April 20,1995 Baseline Budget Calculation: Current Year O&M and Operating Equipment ULFT CIP Labor Shift Subtotal S 16,100 <-l,lOO> 300 $ 15,300 Labor % Benefits Per MOU $ 450 Inflation on Other Materials & Supplies 115 Total Inflation $ 565 Baseline Budget Target $ 15,865 Budget Subcommittee Target Adjustment Finance System Adjusted Baseline Target $ 15,865 150 $ 18,015 < FY 1995-96 Operating Budget Request Net Baseline Budget Request $ 15,941 Plus: Decision Packages MWD Activities Mobile Science Van Public Affairs Specialist Advertising Campaign Engineering - Clerical Assistant Total Decision Packages $ 527 55 61 385 Total W 1995-98 Budget Requested $ 18,980 . . FY 1995-96 Budget Projection FY Budgei 1994-95 GM - Operating GM - Equipment Purchases $ 300,000 83,000 General Counsel 90,ooo Total Unspent Contingency Funds $ 473,000 Unspent Contingency Funds Less: FY 1994-95 Projected Actual Total Unspent Budget Labor and Benefits Outside Services Misc. Total Department Public Affairs Administration Reclamation Right of Way Planning Planning Total $ l&126,742 <473.000> $ 15‘653,742 s 14.493.939 s 1.159.803 7.40% Major Expense Categories Under Spent $ 241,795 1.50% 553,164 3.50% 130.228 0.80% $ 925,687 5.80% Causes For Under Spent Outside Services Amount Description d 73,000 Advertising Services 25,000 Office Space Study 20,000 Financial Assistance Program 47,000 Outside Repair, Scanning Document Senrice 321,000 Conservation Program 42.000 Environmental Program $ 528,000 > < MWD Activity Program perations & Maintenance Estimate 1994-95 Staff Months 15 10 2 12 8 3 83 Budget 1995-95 Staff Months 38 6 2 8 4 : Fiscal Year 1995-96 Budget MWD Activity Labor and BenefW Financial Analysis Legal Reviews Office and Equipment Rental Other Expenses Office Furniture/ Computers TOM 3 551,000 75,000 18,000 75,ooo 33,000 13,ooG 72.499 jl 837,000 3 San Diego County Water Authority Total FY Budget M Budget Actual 1995-96 $ 8,766,22S $10,235,674 3,528,989 3,880,907 113,863 125,600 607,120 538,805 515,342 572,720 229,593 264,570 806,817 1,276,242 905,990 1,100,716 (980,000; (1,035,000) $14,493,939 $16,980,234 Variance (291,246) 14,055 (40,916) (5430) 25,930 38,697 92,678 (55,000~ $ 853,492 Percent 11% -8% 1 11% -8% -9% 9% 2 3% 8% 3 5% SK 1. UlJT (1 ,OOO,OOO), Advertising Campaign $365,000, MWD Activity $100,000 2. Office and Equipment Rentals - MWD Activity $25,000 3. Finance System $150,000, Office/Computers MWD Activity $50,000 Public Affairs CIPOvehead Totals Budget 1994-95 Compared to Budget 1995-96 Division and Accounts M Budget 1994-9s $ 842,943 313,700 FY 1994-96 Actual S 807,000 3,600 348,650 400 709,650 106,000 (115,000~ $ 2,209,943 282,650 w 2,000 242,900 w 397,950 6,000 (115,000; S 1,623,SOO FY Budget M 1994-9s 1994-9s Actual $ 696,998 S 677,000 371,948 298,444 100 s 26,750 41,369 1,600 1,152 5,800 4,785 41,365 34,508 3,500 m (35,000] (35,000~ $ 1,113,281 S 1,022,258 FY Budget FY 1994-9s 1994-9s Actual $ 1,301,502 S 1,208,433 380,531 383,100 w a 139,080 134,778 950 1,900 18,300 17,800 124,725 106,836 473,838 511,524 (250,000~ (250,000] 5 2,188,926 S 2,114,371 FY Budget 1995-96 S 1,103,824 389,700 s 3.600 288,650 25,400 732,900 155,749 (115.000~ S 2.564.823 W Budget 1995-96 $ 833,961 752,716 100 25,850 1,500 5,250 40,610 4,500 (90,000] s 1,574,507 FY Budget 199586 $ 1,448,160 494,246 a 105,110 1,650 25,800 129,650 523,387 Variance Budgot to Budget S 260,881 76,000 - w W,OW s 23,250 49,749 v S 374,880 Remarks ~~~ PerrM 1 20% 0% 0% -21% 0% 3% 32% I MWD activity, 3 staff positiw Total 527 Variance I s* t0 13udgca Percent Remarks S 136,983 16% 380,768 51% Public Affairs Specialist 61 m 0% Advertising Program 38! (9001 -3% Mobile Science Van g (3001 -20% Total 501 wol -10% (775) -2% 1,000 22% (55,000) 61% S 481,226 29% Maintenance Contracts 5 Variance 3udgd to Budge! S 80,785 34,300 - 2,275 m 1,500 (8,550; s Human Resources N Budget 1995-96 s 458,539 148,800 s 9,225 e 1,500 88,850 s (155,000] $ 545,714 Actual S 425,000 113,875 2,100 4,750 150 858 91,500 s Percent 13% Remarks 112,300 s 8,950 m 23% Increase Authority Wide 0% Training 35 25% 0% 100% -8% 0% 0% 17% I - i FY Budget 1 Variance FY Budget FY 1994-95 1994-9s Actual S 191,599 s 194,840 48,150 42,850 s w 81,700 74,800 s s 28,700 32,700 8,950 5,450 s . B s 357.099 I S 350,440 FY Budget 1994-95 S 142,251 5,474 w 1,700 - w 37,950 m FY 1994-9s Actual $ 159,300 3,373 s 1,481 s s 30,099 m 1995-96 S 207,250 49,350 . 79,850 B 31,000 9,850 w Percent 8% Remarks SW to Bud@ S 15,851 3,200 8% 0% -3% 0% 7% 7% WW 2,300 0% ---I 0% 5% I s 378.900 I S 19.801 [EBE FY Budget 1995i6 s 180,092 Variance Budget to Bud@ s 17,641 1,528 w 2,000 w 22% 0% 54% 0% 0% 11% 0% 0% 78% 42,450 4,500 (180,OOC) (180,000) (180,000) w S 7,375 $ 14,253 S 33,242 $ 25,887 CIP Overhead Totals 6 FY Budget FY 1994-9s 1994-9s Actual $ 509,831 s 484,700 710,550 892,135 225 12 1,850 1,800 1,000 1,000 w 800 23,250 17,700 . m s s S 1,248,508 S 1,197,747 - FY Budget FY 1994-95 1994-G Actual S 918,417 s 910,451 1,675,884 - 7,210 810 82,055 7,100 e S 2,671,478 $ 2,252,533 S 1,892,740 FY Budget 1994-9s s - 1,150 m 7,395 420 s 17,480 w S 28,425 1,275,858 w 18,025 801 210 45,122 2,488 Actual S 4,569 3,590 s 4,592 657 374 8,541 w S 22.323 FY Budget 1995-96 s 555,385 899,300 1,800 1,000 I 23,850 400 S 1,280,915 S 34,409 FYBudget 1995-96 S 887,485 711,750 13,210 700 51,815 28,000 FY Budget 1996-96 s - 3,890 s 4,255 240 15,425 18,200 w 41.810 Variance Budget to Budget S 45,534 (11,250) (225) (50) s Percent 8% -2% 0% -3% 0% 0% 2% 0% 0% 3% Outside Printing Variance I I Budget t0 B* Percent Remarks S (30,952) -3% (984,134) -135% Planning Eton Analysis 5C - 0% 4x4 Truck 24 8,000 45% ULTF to CIP gJg (110) -18% Total -92e s (10,440) -Ekl 20.900 75% w 0% $ (978,738) -58% Variance s~dpt t0 B* Percent Remarks s - ,O% 2,540 89% M 0% (3,140) -74% (180) -75% w 0% (2,035) -13% 18,200 100% Upgrade GIS Computer II M 0% S 15,385 37% 7 ,. - c FY Budget M 1994-9s 1994-9s Actual S 189,272 S 330,054 18,830 20,890 w 22 12,785 12,700 1,200 950 10,400 5,700 48,190 35,800 21,900 21,900 s 300,;57 s s 428,016 N Budget Variance 1995-99 BudgettoB~ $ 453,141 s 263,869 35,180 18,350 B m 12,640 (125) 1,020 (180) 5,900 (4,500) 56,435 8,245 31,380 9,480 s 595.s96 s . 295,139 Remarks Percent 58% 52% 0% -1% -18% -76% 15% 30% Clerical Assistant 11 CIP Labor Shill 25c Total 261 I 0% I 50% FY Budget FY 1994-95 Variance 1 FY Budget 1995-96 S 559,893 77,750 e 7,500 3,000 2,000 13,522 6,000 199~is Actual S 532,441 $ 483,000 Budget to Budget Percent S 27,452 5% Remarks 87,500 w 10,050 3,000 1,200 9,300 37,000 (9,7W -13% . 0% (2,550) -34% e 0% 800 40% 4,222 31% (31,000: -517% 40,000 7 9,000 3,200 s 15,ow 2,000 M S 552,207 Clbbverhead Totals s S 680,491 . FYBudqett PY 1994-9s FY Budget Variance Actual 1995-96 SW to Bud@ S 2,750,OW S 3,214,870 S 145,467 Percent 5% Remarks 16% 4 TN&S, new Vehicles 11% (2 replace, 2 new) -3% 2 Pool Cars 2% Telephone -3% 50 KW Generator 25% 6 Yard Dump TNCA -7% Total 0% SD Maintenance Transfer 357,063 404,175 63,839 111,722 125,500 14,280 301,312 270,915 (8,855: 262,725 274,510 5,760 166,768 187,720 (6,120: 12,096 53,280 13,320 362,100 333,500 (24,200: 340,336 111,220 279,770 268,750 193,840 39,960 357,700 (70,wq s 4,590,779 mww (70,000) - $ 4,253,786 S 4.794.270 S 203,491 4% 1 from Planning to 0aM . . General Counsel Labor and Beneffls Services Automotives Supplies Utilities leases/Rent Other Expenses Equipment Clb bvemead Totals FY Budget 1 ssr-ss $ 321,789 109,800 w 1,100 SW s 21,270 1,000 Actual S 332,078 FY 1994-95 15,361 I - 713 I 107 a ~ 6,215 FY Budget 1995-96 S 355,274 109,450 s 1,550 250 w 20,205 (175,WO~ s 311,729 Variance I ski+tt to Budget Percent S 33,485 9% (350) 0% m 0% 450 29% (250) -100% w 0% (1,065) -5% (1,000) 0% s 1 0% S 31.270 1 10% Remarks