HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010-12-14; Municipal Water District; 726; RMC AGREEMENT FEDERAL TITLE XVI GRANTCARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT - AGENDA AB# ?26 MTG. 12/14/10 DEPT. UTIL APPROVE RATIFICATION OF AGREEMENT WITH RMC, AND AUTHORIZE APPLICATION FOR STATE PROPOSITION 84 GRANT AND FEDERAL TITLE XVI GRANT FOR RECYCLED WATER MASTER PLAN AND PHASE III FEASIBILTY STUDY REPORTS PROJECT NO. 5022 DEPT. DIRECTOR ^^V^ CITY ATTORNEY ^^ CITY MANAGER , u> — - RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. 1408 , approving the ratification of an agreement to retain engineering consultant RMC for the North County Recycled Water Project II; adopt Resolution No. 1409 , authorizing a grant application to obtain a Proposition 84 Grant to be used for the Phase III Recycled Water Project; and, adopt Resolution No. 1410 , authorizing a grant application to the U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation for FY 2011 Title XVI funds for the Recycled Water Master Plan and Feasibility Study Reports, Project 5022. ITEM EXPLANATION: RMC AGREEMENT - The District has a five phase recycled water program of which Phase I and Phase II projects have been completed. In July 2009, the Board approved an engineering services agreement with Carollo Engineers to prepare an update to the Recycled Water Master Plan, and also prepare a Phase III Recycled Water Project Feasibility Study. As part of developing funding opportunities for the Phase III Recycled Water project, staff has been in discussions with ten north San Diego County agencies (listed below), which are also pursuing further development of their respective recycled water systems. Olivenhain Municipal Water District City of Vista/Buena Sanitation District Leucadia Waste Water District San Elijo Joint Powers Authority City of Escondido Vallecitos Water District City of Oceanside Vista Irrigation District Santa Fe Irrigation District Rincon Del Diablo Municipal Water District Staff of all eleven agencies have been working on developing a Recycled Water Facilities Plan which is intended to assist the north San Diego County water and wastewater agencies in identifying the benefits of regionalization of existing and planned reclamation systems to further maximize the use of recycled water, and for use in pursuing federal and state grants and loans. Through an agreement executed by the Director of Utilities in June 2010, the eleven agencies contracted with an engineering consultant, RMC, to consolidate the numerous recycled water projects being developed by each of the eleven agencies into a single comprehensive recycled water project titled "North San Diego County Regional Recycled Water Project" (NSDCRRWP). The agreement authorized RMC to also submit initial funding requests on behalf of the NSDCRRWP. Staff is recommending that the Board ratify the agreement to retain the engineering consultant, RMC, which obligates the District to participate in a equal prorata cost share amount not to exceed $16,390. DEPARTMENT CONTACT: William Plummer, (760) 602-2768, bill.Dlummer@carlsbadca.gov FOR CITY CLERKS USE ONLY BOARD ACTION: APPROVED DENIED CONTINUED WITHDRAWN AMENDED D D D CONTINUED TO DATE SPECIFIC D CONTINUED TO DATE UNKNOWN D RETURNED TO STAFF D OTHER - SEE MINUTES D Page 2 PROPOSITION 84 GRANT - In October 2010, on behalf of the eleven agencies, RMC submitted a state Proposition 84 grant application to develop the regional Recycled Water Facilities Plan. The eleven agencies were subsequently notified that the San Diego Integrated Regional Water Management (IRWM) "Project Selection Workgroup" will include the eleven agencies project under the title "San Diego North Regional Recycled Water Project (#212)" as part of the upcoming Proposition 84-Round 1 implementation grant package. The "Project Selection Workgroup" recommended a project cost of $2,000,000 with a 75 percent share Proposition 84 matching grant amount of $1,500,000. The recommendation was subsequently approved by the IRWM Regional Advisory Committee. To receive the grant, a "Round 1 Implementation Grant proposal" must be submitted. This grant would pay for planning, engineering, environmental, and design efforts. Staff is recommending that the Board authorize the Proposition 84 grant application. BUREC GRANT - On October 18, 2010 the BUREC announced a new Title XVI Water Recycling and Reuse project share grant for development of "Title XVI Feasibility Studies". The District is required to submit a Title XVI Feasibility Study to the BUREC prior to seeking Congressional authorization for construction of a new Title XVI grant funded project for the Phase III Recycled Water project. The grant for the Title XVI Feasibility Studies would be a maximum of 50 percent of the cost for the development of a Title XVI Feasibility Study. The cost to prepare the study will be less than $100,000 and the grant would be used to provide a 50 percent reimbursement cost share to the District. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT: The application for grant funding does not qualify as a "project" under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) per State CEQA Guidelines Section 15378, as it does not result in a direct or reasonable foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment. The Phase III Recycled Water project will be subject to CEQA upon final design, and all applicable CEQA documents will be processed and filed prior to adoption of the project's plan and advertisement for construction. FISCAL IMPACT: Funding in the amount of $672,468 has been appropriated from the Water Replacement Fund to prepare the Recycled Water Master Plan Update and the Phase III Recycled Water Feasibility Report. The appropriation included a $170,500 grant from San Diego County Water Authority's Local Investigations and Studies Assistance (LISA) Program, which is a reimbursement to the District. As of November 30, 2010 we have received a reimbursement from the LISA grant in the amount of $105,817. Sufficient funds are available for the completion of the Recycled Water Master Plan Update, the Phase III Feasibility Study Report, and the District's share of the cost for the consultant agreement with RMC in the amount not to exceed $16,390. TABLE 1 - CURRENT EXPENDITURES FOR RECYCLED WATER MASTER PLAN, PROJECT NO. 5022 TASK DESCRIPTION Environmental Studies/Reports - Consultants Studies and Reports -staff TOTAL CURRENT YEAR APPROPRIATION $100,000 517,468 55,000 $672,468 CURRENT FISCAL YEAR EXPENDITURES/ ENCUMBRANCES $0 234,190 55,110 $289,300 REMAINING BALANCES $100,000 283,278 (110) $383,168 s Page3 The Proposition 84 grant is a 75 percent cost share grant which can be used for planning, engineering, environmental, and design efforts. However, the Proposition 84 grant cannot be used to reimburse the District for expenses occurring before the expected grant application date of June 2011 which would include expenses associated with the RMC agreement. The BUREC Title XVI Feasibility Studies grant will require administrative costs for staff to prepare the application. This grant would be used to provide up to a 50 percent cost share of a budget amount of less than $100,000 for preparation of a Title XVI Feasibility Study report for a proposed District Phase III recycled water project. EXHIBITS: 1. Figure 1-1 Water Agencies in North San Diego County Regional Recycled Water Project. 2. Figure 1-2 Wastewater Agencies in North San Diego County Regional Recycled Water Project. 3. Resolution No. 1408 Approving the Ratification of Agreement to Retain Engineering Consultant, RMC, for the North County Recycled Water Project II. 4. Agreement to Retain an Engineering Consultant for the North County Recycled Water Project II. 5. Resolution No. 1409 to approve and authorize submittal of an application to obtain a Proposition 84 grant for the planning, engineering, environmental, and design efforts for the Phase III Recycled Water Project No. 5022. 6. Resolution No. 1410 to approve and authorize submittal of an application to the U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation for FY 2011 Title XVI Feasibility Study Grant Funding for the Recycled Water Master Plan and Feasibility Study Reports, Project No. 5022. 3 O (Jaco ax oOo coz 35 O C/313ID'o Rincon del Diablo MWD Figure 1-1 Water Agencies Water Agency Service Area Carlsbad Municipal WD City of Escondido City of Oceanside Olivehain MWD Rincon Del Diablo MWD Santa Fe ID Vallecitos WD Vista ID Other Features Major Roads Waterways _ j City Boundaries Study Area Water Body PMC Miles J City of Oceanside Buena Sanitation District .«„ HadMcta S^i* Vallecitos Water District City of EscondidoCity of Carlsbad WMV^""IW '„Leucadia Wastewater District"* ' s/ I City of Encinitas Figure 1-2 Wastewater Agencies Wastewater Service Areas City of Carlsbad City of Encinitas City of Oceanside City of Escondido Buena Sanitation District Leucadia Wastewater District San Elijo JPA Vallecitos Water District Other Features Major Roads Waterways Study Area | City Boundaries Water Body 1 2 3 4 5 WHEREAS, On July 7, 2009, through adoption of Resolution No. 1363, the Board 6 approved a professional engineering services agreement with Carollo Engineers for preparation of 7 8 Water Feasibility Study reports, Project No. 5022; and 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 RESOLUTION NO. 1408 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE RATIFICATION OF AGREEMENT TO RETAIN ENGINEERING CONSULTANT, RMC, FOR THE NORTH COUNTY RECYCLED WATER PROJECT II Carlsbad Municipal Water District's recycled water master plan update, and Phase III Recycled WHEREAS, the Carlsbad Municipal Water District, Olivenhain Municipal Water District, Vallecitos Water District, Santa Fe Irrigation District, Vista Irrigation District, City of Oceanside, Leucadia Wastewater District, City of Vista/Buena Sanitation District, San Elijo Joint Powers Authority, City of Escondido, and Rincon Del Diablo Municipal Water District are developing a joint recycled water project for North San Diego County generally referred to as the North County 9 10 11 12 13 ii Recycled Water Project II (NCRWP II); and WHEREAS, effective June 24, 2010, the District entered into an agreement with the ten 15 other water and wastewater agencies developing the NCRWP II, to retain the engineering 16 consultant, RMC, to develop a comprehensive report maximizing the use of recycled water for the NCRWP II, and authorized RMC to submit applications for various grant funding opportunities on 18 behalf of the water and wastewater agencies; and WHEREAS, the total cost for the RMC agreement is $147,450, which is to be paid by each agency as an equal pro rata share not to exceed $16,390; and WHEREAS, there is sufficient water replacement funding currently available in the Project No. 5022 to pay Carlsbad Municipal Water District's pro rata share of the NCRWP II agreement. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of the Carlsbad Municipal Water District, California, as follows: 26 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 27 28 1 2. That the Ratification of the NCRWP II Agreement for recycled water system 2 development is hereby approved, and the Utilities Director is hereby authorized to execute said 3 agreement. 4 5 /// 6 /// 7 /// 8 /// 9 /// 10 /// 11 /// 12 /// 13 /// 14 /// 15 /// 16 /// 17 /// 18 /// 19 /// 20 /// 21 /// 22 /// 23 /// 24 /// 25 /// 26 27 28 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Special Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Carlsbad Municipal Water District of the City of Carlsbad on the 14th day of December, 2010, by the following vote to wit: 4 5 AYES: Board Members Hall, Kulchin, Blackfetirrf, Dougfe»an# Packard. 6 NOES: None. 7 ABSENT: None.8 9 10 MATT HALL, President 12 ATTEST:13 14 15 16 (SEAL) 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 LORRAINE M. WOOD, Secretary AGREEMENT TO RETAIN AN ENGINEERING CONSULTANT FOR THE NORTH COUNTY RECYCLED WATER PROJECT II BETWEEN OLIVENHAIN MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT, CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT, VALLECITOS WATER DISTRICT, SANTA FE IRRIGATION DISTRICT, VISTA IRRIGATION DISTRICT, CITY OF OCEANSIDE, LEUCADIA WASTEWATER DISTRICT, CITY OF VISTA/BUENA SANITATION DISTRICT, AND SAN ELIJO JOINT POWERS AUTHORITY WHEREAS, Olivenhain Municipal Water District (OMWD), the Carlsbad Municipal Water District (CMWD), Vallecitos Water District (VWD), Santa Fe Irrigation District (SFID), Vista Irrigation District (VID), City of Oceanside (City of O), Leucadia Wastewater District (LWD), City of Vista/Buena Sanitation District (City of V) and San Elijo Joint Powers Authority (SEJPA) are developing a joint recycled water project for north San Diego County generally known as the North County Recycled Water Project II (NCRWP II); WHEREAS, NCRWP II is a project amongst the aforementioned agencies that would interconnect and maximize recycled water use in north San Diego County to the benefit of all of the agencies' respective customers; and WHEREAS, NCRWP II would connect recycled water sources and markets irrespective of agency boundaries and would maximize the use of current recycled plants and facilities of all the agency partners; and WHEREAS, the parties desire to retain an engineering consultant, RMC, who shall analyze all of the individual facilities and projects of each agency and cause a comprehensive report to be created which studies the ability to interconnect, maximize recycled treatment facilities and use of recycled water, and study any potential water quality or physical issues with the comprehensive NCRWP II projects; and WHEREAS, the parties will utilize the engineering report created by the engineering consultant retained under this contract in order to seek federal funding, Proposition 84 funding via the San Diego County Water Authority, and Metropolitan Water District Local Resource Program grant funding (MWD LRP); and WHEREAS, it is the intent and purpose of this Agreement to set forth the terms for selection of an engineering consultant and the payment terms thereof. NOW, THEREFORE, the parties hereto agree as follows: 1. Term The foregoing recitals are true and correct. The term of this agreement shall be for six months commencing June 24, 2010. 2. Engineering Committee Each party has designated one person from their agency who served on an Engineering Committee. The purpose of the Engineering Committee was to select a preferred engineering consultant who shall analyze all of the individual facilities and projects of each agency and cause a comprehensive report to be created which studies the 1 ability to interconnect, maximize recycled treatment facilities and use of recycled water, and study any potential water quality or physical issues with the comprehensive NCRWP II projects. The Engineering Committee met and agreed to the terms of an RFP which was sent out to engineering consultants in the recycled water business. The Engineering Committee met, reviewed the proposals, and selected RMC as the preferred consultant to conduct the work for completion of a comprehensive report for the NCRWP II. 3. Engineering Committee Voting Each Engineering Committee designee shall be entitled to one vote for approval of change orders, or any other matters put to the Committee for decision during the course of this contract. A majority vote of the agencies participating on the Committee shall be needed for approval. The goal is to have an initial complete report to present to federal representatives not later than October 1, 2010. 4. Retention of Consultant and Billing On behalf of all of the parties to this agreement, OMWD shall retain the engineering consultant to conduct the scope of work attached as Exhibit A. The cost of this work shall be $147,450. OMWD shall bill each party an equal pro rata share of the consultant billings as they are received from the engineering consultant. All parties agree to pay their pro rata share of the Engineering Consultant billings within 30 days of receipt. Agencies may pay a deposit up front in their sole discretion. Based on the total cost of the work in Exhibit A, each party shall contribute $16,390 over the course of the project. 5. Change Orders Any change orders shall be reviewed and approved by a majority of the Engineering Committee Designees. Change orders approved by all parties will be shared by all parties equally. 7. Meetings The Engineering Committee shall meet throughout the work process as needed in order to facilitate the timely completion of the work. The final work product shall be used by the parties to this agreement in order to apply for federal and state grant funding, MWD LRP funding, and to secure Bureau of Reclamation feasibility approval for the authorization under Title XVI. 8. Administrator of Contract The OMWD shall act as the administrator for the contract at no charge to the parties, provided that the OWMD shall have no obligation to advance funds to the engineering consultant on behalf of the other parties if funds are not paid in a timely manner with the OWMD. The OMWD will administer the contract as a convenience only and assumes no other responsibility under said contract on behalf of the other parties. 9. Reports by Consultant All reports and documents created by the engineering consultant shall be shared and owned equally amongst all parties to this agreement. 10. Records OWMD shall provide copies of all invoices, payments, and fund requests upon request to the OWMD Finance Manager. All parties shall have the right to comment on these records and request corrections thereto if necessary. 11. Miscellaneous Costs Any party's out of pocket costs for travel, meetings, or supplemental work that are incurred by the staff, individual consultants or 2 Board members of individual agencies shall be born by each agency as their own costs in support of this Agreement and shall not be subject to reimbursement by other parties to this Agreement. 12. Ability to Terminate Agency Participation In the event that any party to this Agreement notifies all other parties in writing 30 days in advance of its intent to terminate participation in this joint agreement, no refunds of any monies already paid will be reimbursed and the party will have no further interest or right in this Agreement nor the work product created after the date that the party terminates its participation. The remaining parties agree to adjust their future cost sharing on an equal basis among the remaining parties. 13. Ability to Add Partners The parties to this agreement hereby acknowledge that the potential exists to add other agency partners to this agreement. The parties acknowledge that Rincon Del Diablo Water District (Rincon) and City of Escondido (Escondido) are considering joining this agreement. The deadline for signing on as an agency partner to this agreement shall be July 1, 2010. Rincon and Escondido may become partners by their signature and the signature of one other party to this agreement by July 1, 2010. If either or both Rincon or Escondido become partners by July 1, 2010, the pro rata share of all the partners shall be reduced accordingly. It is estimated that if one additional agency joins, the pro rata share shall be $14,745 and if two additional agencies join, it shall be $13,405. Any other agencies that wish to join, must also sign by July 1, 2010 and must have the approval of all the partners to join. 14. Grant Funding for this Agreement It is understood by the parties that the San Diego County Water Authority may contribute grant funding for this study and that the State Board may also contribute grant funding. Any grant funding received shall be credited pro rata to each agency equally so that the benefit is shared equally by all parties that have joined as of July 1, 2010. 15. The effective date of this Agreement is June 24, 2010_ DATED: Lr/*er/ fV OLIVENHA1N MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT '/(OMWD) By: ' ftfmberly THpfner, General Manager I/ DATED:CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT (CMWD) By: Glen Pruim, Utilities Director DATED:VALLECITOS WATER DISTRICT (VWD) Dennis Lamb, General Managef DATED: 4 - *• V ' 2MU SANTA FE IRRIGATION DISTRICT (SFID) By: Mike Bardin, General Manager DATED:VISTA IRRIGATION DISTRICT (VID) By: Roy Coox, General Manager DATED:CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT (CMWD) By: Glen Pruim. Utilities Director DATED:VALLECITOS WATER DISTRICT (VWD) By: Dennis Lamb, General Manager DATED:SANTA FE IRRIGATION DISTRICT (SFID) By: Mike Bardin, General Manager DATED:VISTA IRRIGATION DISTRICT (VID) By: Roy Coox, General Manager DATED: (el 1^123 (O CITY OF OCEANSIDE (CITY) Cari Dale, Water Utilities Director DATED:LEUCADIA WASTEWATER DISTRICT (LWD) By: Paul Bushee, General Manager DATED:SAN ELIJO JPA (SEJPA) By: Mike Thornton, General Manager DATED:CITY OF VISTA/BUENA SANITATION DISTRICT By:_ Rita Geldert, District Manager DATED:CITY OF OCEANSIDE (CITY) By: Can Dale, Water Utilities Director DATED:LEUCAD1A WASTEWATER DISTRICT (LWD) By:n }\ /\L "?C^/-^ Paul Bushed GenerarManager DATED:SAN ELIJO JPA (SEJPA) By: Mike Thornton, General Manager DATED:CITY OF VISTA/BUENA SANITATION DISTRICT By:. Rita Geldert, District Manager b DATED:CITY OF OCEANSIDE (CITY) By: Cari Dale, Water Utilities Director DATED:LEUCADIA WASTEWATER DISTRICT (LWD) By: Paul Bushee, General Manager DATED: (^Y2_M/J_p SAN ELIJO JPA (SEJPA) By: Mike Thornton, General Manager DATED:CITY OF VISTA/BUENA SANITATION DISTRICT By:_ Rita Geldert, District Manager DATED:CITY OF OCEANSIDE (CITY) By: Cari Dale, Water Utilities Director DATED:LEUCADIA WASTEWATER DISTRICT (LWD) By: Paul Bushee, General Manager DATED:SAN ELIJO JPA (SEJPA) By: Mike Thornton, General Manager DATED: '^>/2-4/16 CITY OF VISTA/BUENA SANITATION DISTRICT By: V~ W it-a OalrJort ("Voti-ir*! Mononar /7 DATED:CITY OF ESCONDIDO (ESC) By: ± LorA/ereker, Director of Utilities DATED:RINCON DEL DIABLO MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT (RINCON) EXHIBIT A SCOPE AND FEE NORTH SAN DIEGO COUNTY RECYCLED WATER PROJECT - PHASE II SCOPE OF SERVICES RMC Water and Environment May 24, 2010 BACKGROUND In 1998, four agencies, Olivenhain Municipal Water District, Carlsbad Municipal Water District, San Elijo Joint Powers Authority and the Leucadia Wastewater District applied to the US Bureau of Reclamation for Title XVI grant funds for the construction of various recycled water facilities within each of the North County agencies. That effort was the first phase of a regional North San Diego County project. The facilities that were included in that Phase I project have been constructed and are in service. As a result of these previous successes, a larger group consisting often North County Agencies (Group) has been formed to investigate expanded use of recycled water within North San Diego County. The intent of this study will be to identify regional recycled water projects that create the best opportunity for Federal, State and local funding. SCOPE OF SERVICES The Scope of Services for this Phase II planning effort is to analyze existing and proposed recycled water facilities and evaluate each agency's ability to interconnect and maximize the use of recycled water within their combined service areas. The following describes the specific tasks to be performed as part of this Recycled Water Facility Plan. Task 1 - Review Previous Studies A. Collect relevant reports from participating agencies. B. Request and review memorandums from participating agencies of proposed project concepts that are currently in formulation stages. C. Review and validate proposed project information and compile into a master project list. D. Request any missing data/information from agencies. E. Minimum information needed includes: i. Project name ii. Supply sources a. Name of Facility b. Location c. Type d. Design Capacity and Head e. Current Capacity f. Status of Facility North San Diego County RW Project -Phase II 1 2010-May-24 RMC Revised Scope of Work iii. Demands or Connection Points. a. Name b. Location c. Type of use d. Recycled Water quality requirements e. Recycled Water usage, peak, demand (peak day and seasonal) iv. New or Future Demands or Connection Points. v. Total Flow (peak day and seasonal), vi. New or upgraded facilities. a. Treatment plants b. Pipelines c. Pump stations d. Reservoirs or other storage options e. Fail Safe Pipelines vii. Cost opinion. viii. Environmental documentation completed to date or known needs. ix. GIS data of supplies, demands, and facilities. Task 2 - Review regulatory/water quality considerations A. Ensure all projects meet Title 22 requirements. B. Review and summarize Discharge Permits for each existing recycled water treatment facility. Identify whether the treatment facility can meet all basin plan objectives to deliver recycled water within the participating agency's groundwater basins. C. Identify any user-specific water quality requirements for landscape irrigation, agricultural, cooling tower, industrial process, and restroom uses. Identify age of water and potential blending options related to water quality. D. Review local San Diego Regional Water Quality Control Board reuse requirements, including any specific Basin Plan Objectives to ensure salt limits or other requirements are met by proposed projects. Specific attention shall be directed to meeting iron, manganese, and boron objectives. E. Provide summary on salt management plan activities by San Diego County Water Authority and participating agency activities in revising ground water objectives. Task 3 - Compare Supply and Demand A. Provide a table(s) listing potential customers grouped by type (HOA, industrial, schools, golf courses, civic, agriculture, etc.) and their estimated demand and show their location on maps using distinguishable identifiers. B. Review recycled water supply availability and demand needs of potential projects. C. Confirm adequacy of supplies to meet daily and seasonal peak demands for each project. D. Identify shortages and examine solutions such as additional supply sources, raw/potable water supplement, and storage. North San Diego County RW Project - Phase I! 2 2010-May-24 RMC Revised Scope of Work Deliverable: Draft Technical Memo summarizing: potential projects or project options identified in existing Master Plans or studies; summary table of projects and GIS-based figure(s); general regulatory requirements and any demand or area specific requirements; summary table of current discharge requirements for existing recycling facilities compared to basin plan objectives; available recycled water supplies and non-potable demands. Consultant will distribute Draft Technical Memo to Group members via e-mail. Task 4 - Develop Alternative Projects A. Under Group direction, identify potential projects based on previous studies B. Under Group direction, identify additional projects to maximize reuse: i. Identify additional available recycled water supply sources, ii. Identify remaining non-potable demands that could be served with recycled water, iii. Consider potential feasible projects pairing these supplies and demands C. Under Group direction, identify project options: x. Supplies that could serve multiple areas, xi. Demands that could be served from multiple sources. Deliverable: Draft Technical Memo summarizing potential projects and including a summary- level GIS-based map of potential projects. This deliverable can be used by the agencies to explore funding options with state and federal agencies. Consultant will distribute Draft Technical Memo to Group members via e-mail. Task 5 - Evaluate Alternative Projects A. Conduct conceptual-level engineering evaluation of projects and any project options to identify necessary facilities: i. Treatment plant upgrades and expansions ii. Hydraulics a. Peak flow (peak day and seasonal) b. Pressure Considerations • At treatment plants • User requirements • Existing reuse system pressures (if connecting to them) c. Storage • Available existing that can be used • Additional storage needs for projects and criteria for volume determination d. Pipelines • Available capacity in existing pipelines • Identify any existing non-potable water pipelines that could be converted to convey recycled water to potential users and transmission main applications. • What new facilities are needed • Sizing North San Diego County RW Project - Phase II 3 2010-May-24 RMC Revised Scope of Work • Interconnection points • Pipeline route options iii. Pumping stations a. Potential locations b. Sizes (flow rates, pressures, horsepower) iv. Pipeline route options - Develop and describe recycled water service area boundaries for each participating agency. B. Evaluate project options: If necessary, some project options may need to be evaluated such that only one is carried forward as a final recommendation C. Identify required environmental documentation of projects D. Develop conceptual-level cost estimate of projects and any remaining project options Deliverable: Draft Technical Memo that discuss formulation of projects (and project options), methodology, evaluation results, environmental documentation requirements, and estimated costs. More detailed GIS-based maps will be developed for each project as needed. Consultant will distribute Draft Technical Memo to Group members via e-mail. Task 6 - Summarize Funding Options A. Identify potential grants and loans available for the proposed project(s). Identify funding requirements, including necessary environmental document. B. Incorporate requirements into the Recycled Water Facilities Plan. C. Potential funding sources to be explored include: i. USBR Title XVI Grant Program ii. SWRCB Water Recycling Funding Program Planning/Construction Grants iii. SWRCB State Revolving Fund Loan Program iv. DWR Proposition 84 Integrated Regional Water Management (IRWM) Program v. SDCWA Recycled Water Program Funds vi. MWD Local Resource Project Funds (LRP) Deliverables: Draft and Final Funding Evaluation Technical Memorandum that outlines the potential funding sources, requirements, process for acquiring funds, and the current funding status or availability of funds. Consultant will distribute Draft Technical Memo to Group members via e-mail. Task 7 - Prepare Recycled Water Facilities Plan A. Incorporate any comments received from Group on draft Technical Memos delivered under previous tasks. B. Prepare draft Recycled Water Facilities Plan to summarize results of Tasks 1 through 5. C. Discuss and resolve major comments on draft Facilities Plan with Group. D. Incorporate pertinent comments from draft Facilities Plan and prepare Final Facilities. North San Diego County RW Project - Phase II 4 2010-May-24 RMC Revised Scope of Work Deliverables: Draft and Final Plans. Provide twenty hard copies, two for each member agency, and ten digital copies, one for each member agency, of the draft Facility Plan for review. Provide 40 hard copies, 4 for each member agency, and ten digital copies of the final Facility Plan report. Task 8 - Project Meetings A. Attend and conduct monthly progress meetings with the Group. i. Progress Meetings (up to 6): During course of study, these meetings will be to review data collected to date, discuss and decide on potential project options, collect and discuss comments on draft material, and finalize any key decisions. ii. Management Briefings (up to 2): Briefing of project status and deliverables to agency general managers, as requested by the Group. Deliverables: Meeting notices, agenda, and meeting summaries Task 9 - Project Management A. Project administration: i. Update project schedule. ii. Upkeep of project filing and controls, iii. Provide QA/QC of deliverables. iv. Tracking and follow-up on consultant and client action items. B. Provide communications with the Group: i. Monthly status reports, ii. Progress meeting notices, agenda, and summaries. C. Arrange for Group meetings to discuss and review projects with specific agencies. Provide notices, agenda, and summaries. North San Diego County RW Project -Phase II 5 2010-May-24 RMC Revised Scope of Work PMC Water antiEnvironmen Fee Estimate Olivenhain MWD North San Diego County Recycled Water Project - Phase II Task Description 1 - Review Previous Studies 2 - Review regulatory/water quality considerations 3 - Compare supply and demand 4 - Develop Alternative Projects 5 - Evaluation Alternative Projects 6 - Summarize Funding Options 7 - Prepare Recycled Water Facilities Plan B- Attend Project Meetings Monthly Progress Meetings (6) Management BriefmgsJ2j 9 • Project Management MTi?-! fft'fiBfrH1 •tfliarifly PIC -HiflWafes PM $235 $215 t-IJFl-JH! ViiGi' PE S210 '&mi':. tjiritbrsti' :i5idmffi PE i:n-i;-<v 'lHatliN- -avari' PE $195 I $185 ayjKB! 'jiFlfiW* •'3nir.fi PE S18S -ii-ii. qifiiRW-"' UM'.'k PE S150 •"elifuV..-^•Unrii ' Graphics and Support Team S115 SBS I 4 4 4 16 36 B 16 4 4 4 a I Be ! 12 Ba 16 4 12 56 16 16 16 4 44 B I 12 8 I 36"~m. .i . -T I ..?'.. 4 . _ 60 40 40 30 60 30 | 60 i; ; : 40 . MI 1 "V- 40 ".;i. ' iniEliijjijiiM 48 2B 52 102 152 32 218 104 16 52 •"i'.i •ffl'qii-dSS •c-.ytM.' S7.560 S5.B20 $8,340 S1B.900 $26.700 $6.320 $32.730 $22.660 $3.600 $11.500>'•..; "L-f, •SI $500 $2,000 $400 $100 ••^f'^J. jr.)SUi]jie.- fci1 $550 $0 $0so $0so $2.200 $440 $110 SO ._-^-,lll TWrll'5* $8.110 $5,620 $8.340 $18,900 $26.700 $6.320 $34,930 $23.120 $3,710 $11,500 •-•M i.J'. 1. The individual hourly rales include salary, overhead and profit. 2. Sub consultants will be bitted at actual cost plus 10H. 3. Project Technology and Communication Charge (3% of labor cost) mdudcs telecommunication, computer hardware and software, and standard reproduction costs. 4. Olrwr direct costs (OOCs) such as reproducljon. delivery, milaage (rales will be those aflowed by current IRS guidelines), and travel expenses, wdl be biled al actual cost pms 1 5. RMC reserves tho right to adjust its hourly rale structure. PTC charges, and ODC markup at the beginning of the calendar year For all ongoing contracts A ID jTask Name 1 Notice to Proceed 2 Review Previous Studies 3 Review Regulatory/Water Quality Consi 4 Compare Supply and Demand 5 Draft TM 1 6 Group Comments on TM 1 ~ 7 Develop Projects 8 Identify Projects 9 Draft TM 2 10 Group Comments on TM 2 1 1 Evaluate Potential Projects and Optic 12 ! Evaluation 13 i Draft TM 3 14 | Group Comments on TM 3 15 jFundlng Options ~16 1 Identify Potential Grant and Loans 17 i DraftTM4 18 i Group Comments on TM 4 19 Review/Compile Comments on TM ~~20 Final TM 4 22 Prepare Plan 23 Draft Plan 24 j Group Comments on Plan 25 Review/Compile Comments 26 Final Plan 27 Project Meetings/Workshops Ta Project: RMC Proposed Schedule for N - Date: 5/24/10 °p Pn Duration North San Diego County Recycled Water Project - Phase II Start 1 day 6/24/10 10 days 6/25/10 derations 10 days 7/2/10 15 days 7/9/10 5 days 7/30/10 10 days 8/6/10 25 days 8/20/10 15 days 8/20/10 Odays 9/9/10 10 days 9/10/10 ns 20 days 9/10/10 10 days 9/10/10 Odays 9/23/10 todays 9/24/10 25 days 9/24/10 10days 9/24/10 Odays 10/7/10 10 days 10/8/10 4 5 days 10/22/10 Odays 10/28/10 45 days 10/29/10 20 days 10/29/10 Odays 11/25/10 15 days 11/26/10 10days 12/17/10 Odays 12/30/10 108 days 6/30/10 une11 Uulvl July 21 August 11 | September I September I October 11 November 1 1 November 2 1 December 1 ! January 1 >/136/20l6/27l7/4 i7/1li7/18l7/25lB/1 !8/8 B/1 58/22 8/29! 9/5 5/129/19&/26I10/3I071 |0/1 10/2 10/3 11/71 1/1 i 1/2 i 1/2 112/51 2/1 12/1 1 2/2 1 1/2 1 1/9 ! ?"l =3=) £=.~~i'.___;.-.• ~~^ ~~~ i 1 . i ^10/7 £.11/25 ^12/30 lit ,.., Sunimary V '9 External Milestone . Pagel 1 RESOLUTION NO. 1409 2 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF 3 CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT, CALIFORNIA, TO APPROVE AND AUTHORIZE SUBMITTAL OF APPLICATION 4 FOR PROPOSITION 84 GRANT FOR THE PHASE RECYCLED WATER PROJECT NO. 5022 5 6 WHEREAS, On July 7, 2009, through adoption of Resolution No. 1363, the Board 7 approved a professional engineering services agreement with Carollo Engineers for preparation of 8 recycled water master plan update, and Phase III Recycled Water Feasibility Study reports, g Project No. 5022; and WHEREAS, in June 2010, the District entered into an agreement with ten other water and wastewater agencies to retain the engineering consultant, RMC, to develop a comprehensive report to maximize the use of recycled water referred to as the North San Diego County Recycled 12 Water Project II; and 13 WHEREAS, the District's Phase III Recycled Water Project No. 5022 is proposed to be 14 included in the San Diego North Regional Recycled Water Project (#212) as part of the upcoming California Proposition 84-Round 1 implementation grant package; and 16 WHEREAS, up to a 75 percent total cost share grant is available from the State of 17 California Proposition 84 program for planning, engineering, environmental, and design efforts for 18 the Phase III Recycled Water Project No. 5022; and WHEREAS, the Board has approved funding in the amount of $672,468 for the recycled water master plan and Phase III Feasibility Study reports, Project No. 5022, which includes a $170,500 Local Investigations and Studies Assistance grant, and is available to provide for a matching total cost share for the reports; and 22 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of the Carlsbad Municipal Water 23 District, California, as follows: 24 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 25 2. That the Director of Utilities is hereby authorized to apply for State of California Proposition 84 grant for planning, engineering, environmental, and design efforts 27 for the Phase III Recycled Water Project, Project No. 5022. 28 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Special Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Carlsbad Municipal Water District of the City of Carlsbad on the 14th day of December, 2010, by the following vote to wit: AYES: Board Members Hall, Kulchin, Blackburn, Douglas and Packard. NOES: None. ABSENT: None ///o. MATT HALL, President ATTEST: LORRAINE M. WOOD, Secretary (SEAL) <f&\ • :o» - 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 21 22 23 24 25 26 RESOLUTION NO. 1410 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT, CALIFORNIA, TO APPROVE AND AUTHORIZE SUBMITTAL OF APPLICATION TO THE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, BUREAU OF RECLAMATION FOR FY 2011 TITLE XVI GRANT FOR THE RECYCLED WATER MASTER PLAN AND FEASIBILITY STUDY REPORTS, PROJECT NO. 5022 WHEREAS, On July 7, 2009, through adoption of Resolution No. 1363, the Board approved a professional engineering services agreement with Carollo Engineers for preparation of a recycled water master plan update, and Phase III Feasibility Study reports, Project No. 5022; and WHEREAS, up to a 50 percent total project cost grant is available from the U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation (BUREC) for allocation to local agencies in Fiscal Year 2011 to prepare "Title XVI Feasibility Study" reports to seek Congressional authorization for construction of a new Title XVI project for Water Recycling and Reuse; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the above described program, an application may be submitted to obtain a "Title XVI Feasibility Study" report grant for recycled water system development, IO Project No. 5022; and16 WHEREAS, the Board has approved funding in the amount of $672,468 for the recycled 17 water master plan and Phase III Feasibility Study report, Project No. 5022, which is available to 18 provide for a matching total project cost share for the reports; and 19 WHEREAS, the BUREC requires agencies to submit a Board Resolution authorizing 20 submittal of a project application, and the Carlsbad Municipal Water District will work with the (BUREC) to meet established deadlines for entering into a cooperative agreement, and supports the application. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of the Carlsbad Municipal Water District, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the Director of Utilities is hereby authorized to apply for U.S. Department of 27 the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation (BUREC) funding from the Department's Title 28 1 XVI Water Recycling and Reuse Program for recycled water master plan update 2 and Phase III Feasibility Study reports, Project No. 5022. 3 '" 4 '" 5 6 8 /// 9 /// 10 /// 11 /// 12 /// 13 /// 14 "' III15 16 17 18 /// 19 /// 20 /// 21 /// 22 /// 23 /// 24 '" 25 III 26 27 28 1 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Special Meeting of the Board of 2 Directors of the Carlsbad Municipal Water District of the City of Carlsbad on the 14th day of December, 2010, by the following vote to wit: 4 5 AYES: Board Members Hall, Kulchin, Blackburn, Douglas and Packard. 6 NOES: None. 7 ABSENT: None.8 9 10 11 MATT HALL, President 12 13 ATTEST: 14 15 16 LORRAINE M. WOOD, Secretary (SEAL) 17 18 19 20 22 23 24 25 26 27 28