HomeMy WebLinkAbout2012-11-27; Municipal Water District; 761; Approve Intent Carlsbad Desalination Project17 CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT - AGENDA BILL AB# 761 APPROVE RESOLUTION OF INTENT TO PURCHASE DESALINATED WATER FROM THE SAN DIEGO COUNTY WATER AUTHORITY - CARLSBAD DESALINATION PROJECT DEPT. DIRECTOR /f^f^^fl^ MTG. 11/27/2012 APPROVE RESOLUTION OF INTENT TO PURCHASE DESALINATED WATER FROM THE SAN DIEGO COUNTY WATER AUTHORITY - CARLSBAD DESALINATION PROJECT CITY ATTORNEY f(^i^ DEPT. UTIL APPROVE RESOLUTION OF INTENT TO PURCHASE DESALINATED WATER FROM THE SAN DIEGO COUNTY WATER AUTHORITY - CARLSBAD DESALINATION PROJECT CITY MANAGER RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt CMWD Resolution No. 1460 approving a Resolution of Intent to Purchase Desalinated Water from the San Diego County Water Authority - Carlsbad Desalination Project. ITEM EXPLANATION: The San Diego County Water Authority (SDCWA) is considering entering into a Water Purchase Agreement (WPA) with Poseidon Resources for the purchase of desalinated water ranging between 48,000 acre-feet per year (AFY) up to 56,000 AFY for 30 years. On September 27, 2012 a draft WPA was released for public review. The SDCWA Board is scheduled to vote on the WPA on November 29, 2012. If the SDCWA Board votes to approve the WPA, the SDCWA will then meld the cost of the desalinated water supply with the cost of their other water sources, and then sell the desalinated water as part of their mix of water supply sources to its 24 member agencies. As an option to their water supply mix, the SDCWA is offering its member agencies a one-time opportunity to contract with SDCWA for a commitment to purchase desalinated water directly from the Carlsbad Desalination Project through a Uniform Member Agency Purchase Contract (UMAPC). The SDCWA Board approved the form of the UMAPC at their October 25, 2012 meeting. The UMAPC provides CMWD the option to purchase between 1,000 AFY to 10,000 AFY of desalinated water directly on a take-or-pay basis. The total amount of desalinated water contracted to member agencies cannot exceed 49 percent of the 48,000 AFY of SDCWA's take-or-pay water purchase with Poseidon Resources. The Carlsbad Municipal Water District (CMWD) Board has until November 29th to adopt a "Resolution of Intent" with the SDCWA regarding the CMWD's desire to participate In a direct purchase of desalinated water through the UMAPC. The draft UMAPC (see Exhibit 1) reflects the following: 1. The CMWD commits to a fixed annual purchase amount of SDCWA-owned desalinated water taken in twelve equal monthly purchases; 2. Member agency contracts are uniform, except as to quantity; 3. The CMWD assumes the same risk profile as SDCWA does with Poseidon Resources; 4. The fixed contract is equal to SDCWA's term which is 30 years; 5. If the SDCWA purchases deliveries In addition to the 48,000 AFY take-or-pay amount, currently estimated at an additional 8,000 AFY for a total 56,000 AFY deliveries, the CMWD must also purchase additional deliveries on a pro rata share basis which is the CMWD's committed purchase amount divided by 48,000 AFY times the additional purchases; 6. The purchased amount is considered a local supply for water shortage and drought response plans; 7. The CMWD must pay a Management Fee or incentive Payment of $10 per AF. DEPARTMENT CONTACT: William Plummer 760-602-2768 bill.plummer@carlsbadca.qov FOR CITY CLERKS USE ONLY BOARD ACTION: APPROVED DENIED • CONTINUED TO DATE SPECIFIC CONTINUED TO DATE UNKNOWN • • CONTINUED • RETURNED TO STAFF • WITHDRAWN OTHER - SEE MINUTES • AMENDED Page 2 The recently adopted CMWD 2012 Water Master Plan Included an analysis of various annual desalinated water purchases to determine the impacts to the operation of CMWD's water distribution system from desalinated water. The water master plan also included CMWD's groundwater supply option, and the proposed Phase III Project recycled water distribution system supply option. Staff has been working with Gordon Hess and Associates, Inc. and Water Resources Consultants, Inc. to estimate the long-term costs of a commitment to purchase desalinated water. Based on the information above the following has been concluded: Direct Connection Expense - To receive desalinated water directly requires a connection to the SDCWA's proposed transmission main from the Carlsbad Desalination Project. The recommended location for a direct connection is at the intersection of Business Park Drive and Lionshead Avenue. At this location a SDCWA meter & vault would need to be constructed by CMWD and a pipeline extended approximately 1,100 feet south to CMWD's transmission main in Palomar Airport Road. The 2012 Water Master Plan Included these improvements and estimated the capital cost at $1,446,000. Pipeline cost information, based on various purchase amounts, is provided in Exhibit 2. The cost of the improvements is paid from Water Connection fees, and will result in savings to the ratepayer because no wheeling charges will be incurred on water delivered to the city from this location. Operational Innpacts - A direct supply of desalinated water in combination with the imported water supply at CMWD's four existing connections to the SDCWA aqueduct was analyzed in the 2012 Water Master Plan. During the winter months, water operations would be negatively impacted at desalinated water purchases exceeding 6,200 AFY, because of minimum flow rate requirements; and therefore, no purchases above that amount are recommended. Phase III Recycled Water Project - The desalinated water purchase assumed full operation of the Phase I and Phase II recycled water system. Future expansion of the recycled water system under a Phase III project would greatly assist In reducing the potable water demand, especially at peak demand periods in the summer months. If the recycled water system is not expanded, then imported water would be required to supplement the supply under all desalinated water supply purchase options. Although potable water revenues would decrease as a result of the customers switching to recycled water, much of that decrease Is offset directly by the reduced cost of purchased water to the CMWD. In addition, lost revenues for operating and maintenance costs would be made up through the recycled water sales. Potable Water Reliability - A direct supply of desalinated water is considered by the SDCWA as a local resource for water shortage and drought response plans, and is thereby not subject to Metropolitan Water District of Southern California (MWD) or SDCWA for imported water cutbacks. Using the projected potable water demand for year 2020 of 20,529 AFY, and a desalinated water supply of 2,500 AFY, the CMWD's potable water supply reliability would increase to the percentage shown in Table 1. Exhibit 2 provides information on reliability using other purchase amounts. Percent Re Table 1 lability in Water Supply Under Average Day Demand Conditions Desalinated Water Supply (AFY) Percent of CMWD's Annual Potable Water Demand, Year 2020 Imported Water Supplies "Cutback" Desalinated Water Supply (AFY) Percent of CMWD's Annual Potable Water Demand, Year 2020 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 2,500 12.5% 100% 95% 85% 76% 67% 58% Net CMWD Supply Reliability Page 3 Unit Cost of Desalinated Water - The purchase cost of desalinated water is estimated by the SDCWA to range between $2,288/AF to $2,358/AF. The purchase of desalinated water delivered directly to the SDCWA In excess of the 48,000 AFY is estimated at $533/AF, this is a lower unit cost because it includes only the variable costs of desalinated water. (Refer to Exhibit 3 for additional detail on the unit cost determination of desalinated water). Wheeling Rate Impacts - The direct purchase of desalinated water avoids the SDCWA's wheeling rate which Is currently $93/AF, and is projected to be $125/AF in 2016, which is the planned date for initial operation of Poseidon Resources' Carlsbad Desalination Project. It would add about a dollar to the monthly water cost at the 2,500 AFY level. Pay Back Period - Based on purchasing 2,500 AFY the payback period is approximately 3.5 years. The resulting payback period for other purchases is shown on Table 2 of Exhibit 2. Staff Recommendation - Based on the operational impacts, cost of the desalinated water and Its associated impacts to CMWD's potable water rate, and reliability parameters staff recommends obtaining 2,500 AFY from the SDCWA's desalinated water source. The CMWD Board could detemiine a different amount to purchase from the SDCWA, as outlined in Exhibit 2, depending on the level of reliability sought, associated long term cost, and operational constraints. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT: Pursuant to Public Resources Code section 21065, this action does not constitute a "project" within the meaning of CEQA in that it has no potential to cause either a direct physical change in the environment, or a reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment, and therefore does not require environmental review. FISCAL IMPACT: Regional WPA The increased costs related to the SDCWA Board approving the WPA are estimated to be approximately $8 per month for the average single family residence using 12 units of water starting with the first desalinated water deliveries In 2016. This cost is approximately a 13 percent Increase In CMWD's current rate, or about $5 million In the first year. Local SUPPIV ~ 2500 AF If the CMWD were to execute a UMAPC for 2,500 AFY, the estimated additional impact to the CMWD is about $2.2 million in the first year, and for an average single family residence this represents an Increase of $3.50 per month in 2016, or an additional Increase of about 5%. The total combined increases for both the regional supply plus the 2500 AF recommended local supply would increase the cost of water by about $7 million or more in the first year, and would increase the average homeowner water bill by about $11.40 per month, an Increase of about 19%. Local SUPPIV - 5000 AF If the CMWD were to execute a UMAPC for 5,000 AFY, the estimated additional impact to the CMWD is about $4.4 million in the first year, and for an average single family residence this represents an increase of $7.00 per month in 2016, or an additional Increase of about 10%. The total combined increases for both the regional supply plus the 5000 AF local supply would increase the cost of water by about $9.3 million or more in the first year, and would increase the average homeowner water bill by about $14.90 per month, an increase of about 25%. Page 4 The following table shows the impacts of these options to a single family rate payer: Monthly Water Bill - Single Family Homeowner 12 Units of Water per IVIonth CURRENTf*) OAF 2500 AF 5000 AF Fixed Charge $ 21.38 $ 21.38 $ 21.38 $ 21.38 12 Units Water $ 38.40 $ 38.40 $ 38.40 $ 38.40 Regional Desal $ -$ 7.88 $ 7.88 $ 7.88 Local Desal $ -$ 3.51 $ 7.02 Total Montly Bill $ 59.78 $ 67.66 $ 71.17 $ 74.68 Dollar Increase $ 7.88 $ 11.39 $ 14.90 Percent Increase 13% 19% 25% (*) Assumes proposed rates for Jan. 1, 2103 were approved on 11/27/2012 Desal Cost - Long Term Forecast Estimates have been made on the future rate increases for imported water compared to desalinated water. One projection shown below estimates the cost for imported water may exceed desalinated water in 2026. If this occurred then the unit cost of desalinated water would diminish and result in a lower rate of increase in CMWD's potable water rate for the remaining 20 years of the UMAPC. Cost Per Acre Foot [$/AF] $6,000 $5,000 $4,000 $3,000 $2,000 $1,000 $- •SDCWA •Desal ooooooooooooooo o o o o (Nrvir\ir\irvjrNr>JrNir>jrsif\irNlrvirvirvirvir\ir\irvir\i(NrvirvirNirvlrvlfsl(Nr\ir^ u Page 5 EXHIBITS: 1. Uniform Contract for Member Agency Purchase of Treated Water From the San Diego County Water Authority - Carlsbad Desalination Project 2. Impacts from Annual Purchases of Desalinated Water 3. Unit Cost Estimate of Desalinated Water 4. Resolution No. 1460 expressing intention to enter into Uniform Contract for Member Agency Purchase of Treated Water from the San Diego County Water Authority - Carlsbad Desalination Project EXHIBIT 1 - DRAFT Uniform Contract for Member Agency Purchase of Treated Water From the San Diego County Water Authority - Carlsbad Desalination Project ATTACmVIENT UNIFORM CONTRACT FOR MEMBER AGENCY PURCHASE OF TREATED WATER FROM THE SAN DIEGO COUNTY WATER AUTHORITY - CARLSBAD DESALINATION PROJECT 1. Purpose and Intent. The San Diego County Water Authority ('Water Authority") has entered into an agreement titled "Carlsbad Seawater Desalination Project Water Purchase Agreement between the San Diego Coimty Water Authority and Poseidon Resources (Channelside) LP dated as of , 2012" ("Poseidon WPA"). The Water Authority also has entered into an agreement titled "Design Build Agreement for Product Water Pipeline Improvements Relating to the Carlsbad Seawater Desalination Project between the San Diego County Water Authority and Poseidon Resources (Channelside) LP dated as of , 2012" ("Poseidon DBA"). Together the Poseidon WPA and tiie Poseidon DBA will provide new facihties for the production and provision of desalinated water to the Water Authority and for the purposes of this contract constitute and are referred to as the "Carlsbad Desalination Project." The Water Authority has entered into long term financing agreements in conjunction with the Carlsbad Desalination Project. It also has undertaken improvements and modifications to its aqueduct system and the Twin Oaks Valley Water Treatment Plant for purposes of taking dehvery of and incorporating desalinated water into its treated water supply system. Under the Poseidon WPA the Water Authority has made a Minimum Annual Demand Commitment, as defined in the Poseidon WPA, of48,000 acre-feet (pro-rated for years of less than 365 days) and is required to take dehvery of, purchase, and pay for that amount of desalinated water to the extent it is produced and made available for dehvery according to the terms of tiiat agreement. In June 2011 the Water Authority board of directors adopted guiding principles for the Water Authority to make available to its member agencies up to 49 percent of the Minimum Annual Demand Commitment and provide the opportunity for member agencies to enter into unifonn contracts to make firm commitments to individually purchase fi^om the Water Authority treated water in designated amounts that represent a portion of the Mmimum Annual Demand Commitment. In addition, the Water Authority has the option to take Additional Product Water Dehveries under the Poseidon WPA and has provided the member agencies the opportunity to acquire a portion of the additional water as it is acquired by the Water Authority up to a total quantity for all participating member agencies of 49 percent of the additional water. Pursuant to the guiding principles, the Water Authority working in cooperation with its member agencies has developed this and the other unifonn contracts for member agency purchase of treated water in connection with the Carlsbad Desalination Project. The parties intend that the purchase and payment obligations ofthe member agencies under the uniform contracts reasonably match the purchase and payment obhgations of the Water Authority under the Poseidon WPA. Thus, for example, the parties intend that a contracting member agency will be responsible for payment if a member agency fails to take delivery of all or a portion of its Contract Quantity because of a reason other than a condition of its facihties that would come within the definition of an Excused Demand Shortfall under the Poseidon WPA in a maimer similar to the Water Authority's obhgations for such payments. Similarly, 1 17 Item 1 n contractmg member agencies will share the benefit of Drought Shortfall Payments, if any, made by the Project Company under the Poseidon WPA should it fail to make dehveries in times of a water siq)ply shortage. However, the parties acknowledge that the water provided by the Water Authority under the uniform contracts will be treated water fi:om any source determined by the Water Authority at its sole discretion, and may be a blend of desalinated water and other treated water of the Water Authority, other tr^ted water of the Water Authority without blending with desalinated water or, in some limited cases, direct dehvery of desalinated water, and that such water will deemed to be delivered in equal monthly amounts. 2. Parties. The parties to this contract are the Water Authority and ("Member Agency"). 3. Initial Term and Option to Extend. (a) This contract is effective on the date it is fully executed and wiU continue for an Initial Term until the earlier of either (a) 30 years following Commercial Operation as defined in the Poseidon WPA or the Expiration Date of the Poseidon WPA as defined tiierem, whichever is later, or (b) the date of early termination of this contract pursuant to section 10. (b) If the Water Authority chooses to exercise its option to acquire the Carlsbad Desalination Plant pursuant to the provisions ofthe Poseidon WPA for transfer upon expiration of the term of that agreement, the Water Authority will offer to each Member Agency that has an unexpired contract on that date a new uniform contract for the Contract Quantity. It is the intent of the parties that the new contract will have a term of twenty years and provide price and water supply benefits to participating member agencies in recognition of their proportional contribution to the financing of the Plant during the Initial Term. 4. Condition Precedent. Attainment of the Commercial Operation Date under the Poseidon WPA is a condition precedent to the obhgations ofthe parties under this contract. 5. Contract Quantity. (a) The Member Agency's Contract Quantity is acre feet of treated water per Contract Year, subject to paragraph (d) of this section and adjustment pursuant to paragraph (d) of section 6. In the event of an adjustment pursuant to section 6, Contract Quantity means the Adjusted Contract Quantity for the duration of the adjustment. As used in this contract. Contract Year has the same meaning as in the Poseidon WPA. (b) The Total Contracted Quantity of water subject to uniform contracts, including this contract, is per Contract Year. If a member agency having executed a uniform contract subsequentiy chooses to early terminate its contract pursuant to section 10 or a member 18 Itemi agency contract is termmated as a consequence of breach by the member agency, the Total Contracted Quantity will be reduced m die amount of that member agency's Contract Quantity. (c) The Member Agency's Contract Quantity and die Total Contracted Quantity are part of die Mhumum Annual Demand Commitment of die Water Audiority under die Poseidon WPA. In addition, under die Poseidon WPA die Water Audiority has die option to take Additional Product WatCT Dehveries. Widi respect to Additional Product Water Deliveries, die Member Agency: will purchase Additional Product Water made available by die Water Audiority accoidmg to the provisions of section 9: YES / NO ; waives any participation m die purchase of Additional Product Wato*: YES / NO (d) Under the Poseidon WPA, die Water Audiority has a right to make an elective decrease in the Minimum Annual Demand Commitment based on the performance testmg prior to Commercial Operation of die desalination plant If die Water Audiority elects to reduce die Minimum Annual Demand Commitment pursuant to the Poseidon WPA, tiie Total Contracted Quantity will be reduced so diat the reduced Total Contracted Quantity bears die same ratio to the reduced Minunum Aimual Demand Commitment as die amount specified in subparagraph (b) of tiiis section bears to 48.000 acre-feet, and die Contract Quantity of each member agency having a uniform contract wiU be reduced to maintain the ratios of their respective Contract Quantities and the Total Contracted Quantity. The Water Autiiority will give notice to each member agency of die reductions, and once given, die reduced quantities will be used for all purposes of this c(Hitract and die other unifonn contracts. 6. Purchase and Delivery. (a) The Member Agency will purchase and die Water Autiiority will deUv^ the Contract Quantity as monthly deliveries of treated water equal to one-twelfdi of the Contract Quantity. (b) Purchase and dehvery of the Contract Quantity will commence on the first day of the calendar month following Commercial Operation of the Carisbad Desalination Plan pursuant to die Poseidon WPA. F6r die first Contract Year of Commercial Operation die Contract Quantity will be one-twelfdi of the Contract Quantity tunes the number of fiiU months following Commercial Operation remaimng in the Contract Year. (c) Daily water orders will be subject to the Water Authority's rules and regulations generally apphcable to die ordering and dehvery of treated water. (d) If at any time the Water Audiority reasonably determines that it will receive desalinated water pursuant to the Poseidon WPA in an amount less than the Minimum Annual Demand Commitment for a Contract Year based on the existence of an Uncontrollable Circumstance, Event of Default, breach, or otiier failure of perfonnance of die Project Company under die Poseidon WPA, die Member Agency will purchase from the Water Authority and die Water Authority will dehvery to the Member Agency an Adjusted Contract Quantity for diat year m an amount determined by the following formula: x = ^ x [- x c] ; where a is the Member Agency's Contract Quantity, b is die Total Contracted Quantity, c is the amount of 3 19 Item 1 1 desahnated water the Water Authority reasonably expects to actually receive pursuant to the Poseidon WPA in that Contract Year, d is tiie Mmimum Annual Demand Commitment and x is the Adjusted Contract Quantity. The purchase and dehvery will be in monthly dehveries of treated water equal to one-twelflh of the Adjusted Contract Quantity, tf an adjustment is made after the commencement of a Contract Year, the Adjusted Contract Quantity for the remainder of the Contract Year wiU take effect at the beginning ofthe next month following the Water Authority's notice to the Member Agency of the adjustment under this paragraph. (e) tf at any time the Water Authority reasonably determines that it will receive less than the Total Contract Quantity or fhe sum of the Adjusted Contract Quantities m a Contract Year under the Poseidon WPA because the Project Company is reheved firom performance due to the existence of an Uncontrollable Circumstance, or because of a Project Company default, breach, or other failure of performance under the Poseidon WPA, the Water Authority's obhgation to dehver water will be reduced until deliveries to the Water Authority under the Poseidon WPA resume and the Water Authority reasonably determines that the basis for suspension no longer exists. To the extent water is dehvered to it, the Water Authority will deliver and the Member Agency will purchase a reduced monthly quantity determined by the Water Authority based on the amount of desalinated water it receives and the proportion that the Member Agency's Contract Quantity bears to the Total Contract Quantity or ttie sum of the Adjusted Contract Quantities. (f) tf the Water Authority is unable to dehver treated water to the Member Agency due to scheduled shut-dovm of Water Authority facilities, the Water Authority is excused from performance of its dehvery obhgations for the duration of the shut down. However, the Water Authority will provide make-up water during the Contract Year, or a later period as agreed between the Water Authority and the Member Agency, proportionate to the number of days of fhe shut-down. (g) The Water Authority's obhgation to dehver water wiU be reheved and the Member Agency's obhgation to purchase will be suspended for the duration of a Product Water Purchase Rehef Event as defined in the Poseidon WPA. (h) The Member Agency's obhgation to purchase water will be reheved and the Water Authority's obhgation to deliver water to the Member Agency will be suspended during the period of a Member Agency Water Purchase Rehef Event, which for the purposes of this contract means the formal declaration by the Member Agency's board of directors based upon the existence of a sudden, uipredictable event resulting in a condition closing all or a portion of the Member Agency's treated water facihty system and preventing the Member Agency from taking all or a portion of the Contract Quantity. 7. Characterization of Contract Quantity as Local Supply. (a) The Contract Quantity will be considered as a source and supply of water independently owned and managed by the Member Agency in the apphcation of all Water Authority ordinances, plans, programs, rules, and regulations. 4 20 Item 1 )0 (b) The Contract Quantity will be treated as a "local siq)ply" pursuant to the Water Authority's Water Shortage and Drought Response Plan and will be ehgible for the Local Projects Development Adjustment under tiie Water Authority's Si^ly Allocation Methodology, as either may be amended from time-to-time. (c) For purposes of administering the ordinances, plans, programs, rules, and regulations described in paragraphs (a) or (b) of this section, to the extent that a Member Agency receives less than its Contract Quantity in an ^hcable yearly accounting period because of an authorized suspension of dehveries by the Water Authority under this contract, the Water Authority will apply the same considerations as for other local supplies that would be produced by other Member Agency projects, programs, or rights. (d) Nothing in this subdivision is intended to limit the abihty of the Water Authority to amend, replace, repeal, adopt, or re-adopt either the Plan or the Methodology, or another plan or methodology to allocate supplies in time of shortage or otherwise, provided that the Water Authority complies with paragraph (a) of this section, tf the Water Authority amends, replaces, or repeals the Plan or the Metiiodology to eliminate or materially reduce the local si5)ply benefit, the Member Agency may terminate this Contract as provided in paragraph (b) of section 10. 8. Price and Payment for the Contract Quantity. (a) The price for the Member Agency Contract Quantity will be the sum of the (1) Carlsbad Desalination Project Costs and (2) the Aqueduct Costs determmed as foUows: (1) Unless the circumstance described in paragraph (b) of this section has occurred, the portion of the unit price attributable to Carlsbad Desalination Project Costs will be determined and apportioned by the Water Autiiority on a per-acre foot unit price basis: (A) For each acre-foot of the Contract Quantity delivered in a month the Member Agency wiU pay the Fixed Unit Price and the Variable Unit Price determined for that month pursuant to Article 17 of the Poseidon WPA. For each Unexcused Demand ShortfaU Unit attributed to the Member Agency the Member Agency wiU pay the Fixed Unit Price determined for that month pursuant to Article 17 of tiie Poseidon WPA. As used m this contract, an Unexcused Demand ShortfaU Unit attributed to the Member Agency means any failure to take treated water equal to one-twelfth the Member Agency's Contract Quantity unless the failure is due to a Member Agency Water Purchase Rehef Event as defined in paragraph (g) of section 6. (B) For each acre-foot of the Contract Quantity dehvered in a month and for each Unexcused Demand Shortfall Unit attributed to the Member Agency the Member Agency wiU pay a unit price equal to (a) the monthly debt service payment amounts and amounts set aside in reserves pursuant to agreements made by the Water Authority for financing ofthe obhgations of the Water Autiiority under tiie Poseidon DBA, mcluding refinancmg agreements, apportioned on a per acre foot basis over the Minimum Annual Demand Commitment imder the Poseidon WPA; plus (b) the budgeted operation and maintenance costs (including without limitation reasonable reserves for repair or replacement) for the facihties that are the subject of the Poseidon DBA detemiined according to the Water Authority's adopted budget for the fiscal 5 21 Item 1 year in which the price is to be paid apportioned on a per acre foot basis over the Minimum Annual Demand Commitment under the Poseidon WPA. (C) For each acre-foot of the Contract Quantity dehvered m a month and for each Unexcused Demand ShortfaU Unit attributed to the Member Agency the Member Agency wiU pay the Twin Oaks VaUey Water Treatment Charge determined [methodology to be developed]. (2) For each acre-foot of the Contract Quantity dehvered m a month the Member Agency wiU pay a unit price for Aqueduct Costs determined by the Water Authority based on the Transportation Charge estabhshed by tiie Water Autiiority under its rate structure m existence on fhe date of this contract or a similar charge under any other fiiture rate structure adopted by the Water Autiiority for use of its water dehvery facihties, which Transportation Charge wiU be adjusted to provide impropriate credit for amounts determined under paragraphs (1)(A) and (B) and paid by the Member Agency and other member agencies having umform contracts as part of the price attributable to Carlsbad Desalination Project Costs. (b) tf the Water Autiiority acqmres the Carlsbad Desahnation Plant in accordance witii the Poseidon WPA, the portion ofthe Carlsbad Desalination Project Costs that are determined under paragraph (1)(A) of subsection (a) wUl be redetermined by the Water Authority board of dhectors based upon the fuU cost (including without lunitation, capital, debt service, acquisition, operation, mamtenance, administrative overhead, depreciation, reserves) of the Water Authority's ownership, operation, and maintenance of the plant. (c) In addition to the unit price determined according to subsections (a), (b), and (c), the Member Agency wiU pay an annual Administration Charge of [charge amount to be developed]. The Administrative Charge wiU be adjusted each Contract Year after the first fiiU Contract Year foUowing satisfaction of the condition precedent under paragraph 4 [adjustment factor to be developed]. (d) The Water Authority wiU rebate to the Member Agency a share of any Drought Shortfell Payments received by the Water Authority pursuant to the Poseidon WPA based on the ratio ofthe Member Agency's Contract Quantity to the Mmimum Aimual Demand Commitment. (e) tf the amount of water received by tiie Water Authority pursuant to the Poseidon WPA is less than its Minimum Monthly Demand Commitment under that agreement, then the Member Agency's Contract Quantity deemed dehvered in that month wiU be reduced to reflect the ratio ofthe Member Agency's Contract Quantity to the Minimum Annual Demand Commitment times the amount of desalinated water delivered to the Water Authority in that month. (f) The [unit price] [administrative charge] may mclude additional charges to recover additional costs paid by the Water Authority for Base Product Water Dehveries pursuant to the Poseidon WPA for the prior fiscal year that were not recovered in the cumulative payments of the unit price for that prior year, or credits to aUocate the benefit of payments received by the Water Authority pursuant to the Poseidon WPA for the prior fiscal year. 6 22 Item 1 (g) Nothing in this contract precludes the Water Autiiority from estabhshing or excuses the Member Agency from paying any other non-discriminatory fee or charge generaUy apphcable to Water Authority member agencies, except tiiat the Contract Quantity wiU not be used to calculate the Member Agency's customer service or storage charges under the Water Authority rate stmcture in existence on the date of this contract or any simUar fiiture rate stmcture ofthe Water Authority. (h) The unit price upon commencement of this contract and for the initial fiscal year (July 1 - June 30) foUowing tiie Commercial Operation Date under tiie Poseidon WPA is estimated to be $ for the Carlsbad Desalination Project Costs and $ for the Aqueduct Costs. The Water Authority wiU determme and give notice to the Member Agency ofthe actual unit price for the Contract Year ofthe Commercial Operation Date and tiie fhst Contract Year thereafter on . Thereafter the Water Authority wiU determine and give notice to the Member Agency of the unit price for a Contract Year on or before July 1 of each year. The notice will be given in writing and include a brief description ofthe basis determination consistent with subdivision (a). (i) The unit price for water deemed dehvered in a calendar month is due on the 15*** day ofthe following month in accordance with tiie Water Authority's bUling practices ^plicable to water dehvery generally. The Administrative Charge is payable in twelve equal monthly installments due on the 15*^ day of each montii. Dehnquent payments are subject to the same pohcies, including provisions or payment of interest and penalties, estabhshed by the Water Authority for billing and coUection of fees, rates, and ch^ges generally 9. Additional Product Water. Additional Product Water wiU be made available to each member agency that has agreed to participate in the purchase of Additional Product Water according to paragraph (c) of section 5 if and when the Water Authority determines to take Additional Product Water pursuant to tiie Poseidon WPA. As it is received, the Additional Product Water wiU be dehvered to each participating member agency as treated water at the same price paid by the Water Authority for tiiat water under the Poseidon WPA; in addition tiie Member Agency will pay tiie Aqueduct Cost pursuant to paragraph (a)(2) of section 8 for each acre-foot of water dehvered. Additional Product Water made available to the Member Agency wiU be treated as a local supply as provided in section 7. 10. Early Termination. (a) If the Water Autiiiority acquires the Carlsbad Desalination Plant pursuant to the Poseidon WPA, other than pursuant to the provisions for transfer upon expiration of the term of that agreement, tiie Member Agency wiU have 90 days after tiie date of such acquisition to terminate tiiis contract by giving written notice to the Water Authority. The Member Agency wiU be deemed to have waived the provisions of this section if it does not dehver the written notice to the Water Authority within 90 after the date of acquisition. 23 Item 1 13 (b) tf the Water Authority amends, replaces, or repeals the Water Shortage and Drought Response Plan or Supply Allocation Methodology to eliminate or materiaUy reduce the local supply benefit, the Member Agency wiU have 90 days after notice ofthe amendment, replacement, or repeal to temiinate this contract by giving written notice to the Water Authority. The Member Agency wiU be deemed to have waived the provisions of this section if it does not dehver the written notice to the Water Authority within 90 days. 11. Entire Agreement. This contract constitutes the entire understanding among ttie parties with respect to the matters set forth herein, and supersedes aU prior or contemporaneous understandings or agreements among the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof, whether oral or written. 12. Non-severability. The covenants and obhgations of each paity constitute consideration for the covenants and obligations of the other parties and that the provisions of this contract cannot be severed one fix)m the other without affecting the respective and mutual benefits to be obtained by the parties fiom enforcement of the contract as a whole. 13. Amendment. Neither this contract nor any of its provisions may be waived, modified, amended, discharged, or terminated except by an instrument in writing signed by the party against which the enforcement of such waiver, modification, amendment, discharge or termination is sought, and then only to the extent set forth in such writing. However, for purposes of this contract, the Poseidon WPA, the Poseidon DBA, and any agreements relatmg to tiie financing, construction, reconstmction, operation, or maintenance of the Carlsbad Desalination Project includes any amendments to those agreements approved and executed by the Water Authority, and no amendment of any of those agreements wiU be considered an amendment to this or any ofthe uniform contracts. 14. Construction. This contract constimtes a fuUy-negotiated agreement among commerciaUy sophisticated parties, each assisted by legal counsel, and the terms of this contract shaU not be constmed or interpreted for or against any party hereto because that party or its legal representative drafted or prepared such provision. Headings, titles and captions are for convenience only and shaU not be used for the inteipretation of the provisions of this contract. 15. Controlling Law. This contract shaU be govemed by, and constmed and interpreted in accordance with, the laws ofthe State of Cahfomia, without giving effect to any choice-of-law or conflicts-of-laws rule or principle that would result in the apphcation of any other laws. 8 24 Item 1 U 16. Notices. Any notice, E^roval, consent, waiver or other communication required or permitted to be given or to be served upon any party in connection with this contract shaU be in writing. Such notice shall be personally serve4 sent by facsimUe, sent prepaid by regista-ed or certified mail with retum receipt requested, or sent by reputable ovemi^t dehvery service, such as Federal Express, and shall be deemed given: (a) if personaUy served, when dehvered to the Party to whom such notice is addressed; (b) if given by facsimile, when sent, provided tiiat the confirmation sheet from the sending fax machine confirms that the total number of pages were successfiiUy transmitted; (c) if given by prepaid or certified mad with retum receipt requested, on the date of execution ofthe retum receipt; or (d) if sent by reputable overnight delivery service, such as Federal Express, when received. Such notices shaU be addressed to the party to whom such notice is to be given at the address specified below or as such party shaU otherwise direct in writing to the other parties delivered or sent in accordance with this paragraph. The "copy to" notice to be given as set forth below is a courtesy copy only; a notice given to such person is not sufhcient to effect giving a notice to the principal party, and a faUure to give such a courtesy copy of a notice does not constitute a faUure to give notice to the principal party. To the Water Autiiority: San Diego County Water Authority 4677 Overland Avenue San Diego, CA 92123 ATTN: General Manager With a copy to: San Diego County Water Authority 4677 Overland Avenue San Diego, CA 92123 ATTN: General Counsel To the Member Agency: With a copy to: 17. Cumulative Rights; Waiver. The rights created under this contract, or by law or equity, shaU be cumulative and may be exercised at any time and from time to time. Except as otherwise expressly provided in this contract or except passage of time specified by statute for limitation of actions, a failure, delay, or omission by any party in exercising any ri^t, shaU not be constmed or deemed to be, or operate as a waiver of that right, and no single or partial exercise by any party of a right preclude any other or future exercise thereof or the exercise of any other right. No party may waive any ri^t and no non-defaulting party may waive any breach by the defaulting party of any provision of this contract unless the waiver is in writing, and any waiver by any non-defaulting party of any breach by a defaulting party of any provision of this contract shall not operate as or be 9 25 Item 1 constmed to be a waiver of any other breach of that provision or of any breach of any other provision of this contract. The faUure of any party to insist upon strict adherence to any term of this contract on one or more occasions shaU not be considered a waiver of any provision or any breach of any provision of this contract or deprive that party of the right thereafter to insist upon strict adherence to that provision or any other provision of this contract. 16. No Third Party Beneficiaries. This contract does not create, and shaU not be constmed to create, any rights enforceable by any person, partnership, corporation, joint venture, limited habihty company or other form of organization or association of any kind that is not a party to this contract. Nothing m this contract shall be constmed to madce the Member Agency a thhd party beneficiary ofthe Poseidon WPA. 17. Execution in Counterparts; Facsimile Signatures. This contract may be executed in counterparts, each of which shaU be deemed an original, but aU of which together shaU constitute one and the same instrument. The signature page of any counterpart may be detached therefix)m without impairing the legal effect ofthe signature(s) thereon, provided such signature page is attached to any other counterpart identical thereto except for having an additional signature page executed by the other party. Each party agrees that ttie other parties may rely upon the facsimUe signature of a party on tiiis contract as constituting a duly authorized, irrevocable, actual, current delivery of this contract as fiiUy as if this contract contained the original ink signature of the party supplying a facsimUe signature. 18. Time of the Essence. Time is of the essence of each and every provision of this contract. 19. Proof of Authority. Each party shaU dehver to the other party copies of such resolutions, certificates or written assurances evidencing authorization to execute, deliver, and perform this contract. 20. Number, Gender. Where a word or phrase is defined in this contract, its other grammatical forms have a conesponding meaning. As used herein, and as the circumstances require, the plural term shaU include the singular, the singular shaU include the plural, the neuter term shaU include the masculine and feminine genders, the masculine term shaU include the neuter and the feminine genders, and the feminine term shaU include the neuter and the masculine genders. 21. Relationsh^. Nothing in this contract shaU be deemed to constitute either party a partner, agent or legal representative of the other party. No hability or benefits, such as workers' compensation, 10 26 Item 1 pension rights or habihties, other provisions or habUities arising out of or related to a contract for hire or en[q)loyer/employee relationship, shall arise or accme to any party's agent or employee as a result of tiiis contract or its performance. Each party is responsible for own acts and omissions, and the acts or omissions of its respective officers, employees and agents. 22. Defense. The parties agree to cooperate to defend this contract by any person or entity that is not a party to this contract, provided, however, that each party shaU bear its own attomeys' fees and costs, unless the parties otherwise agree. 23. Assignment. Neither the Member Agency nor the Water Authority wiU assign any of its rights, interests, or obhgations under this contract, except that upon a govemmental reorganization the obhgations of a party under this contract wiU be transfened to the successor agency. 24. Limitation of Liability. The Water Authority shaU not be hable to the Member Agency for any monetary damages of any kind or nature whatsoever, whether based on contract, wananty, tort (including ne^gence or strict liabUity), or otiierwise, resultmg frnm tiie faUure to dehver the Contract Quantity. The Member Agency's exclusive remedy for the Water Authority's breach of this contract is a reduction in the payment of the unit price to the extent of the shortfall in delivery of the Contract Quantity. 25. Force Majeure The performance ofthe Water Authority's obhgation to dehver and tiie Member Agency's obhgation to purchase the Contract Quantity is excused to the extent and for the duration that the perfonnance is prevented by: acts or faUure to act by any govemment agency or authority (otiier than tiie Water Autiiority or tiie Member Agency); natural disaster such as earthquake, fire, or flood; war; labor strike or lockout; riots, msunection, rebeUion, acts ofthe public enemy, acts of tenorism and sabotage; or otiier cause beyond the control of the party claiming the prevention of performance. A reduction of the Member Agency's treated water demand due to weather, consumer consumption, avaUabihty of altemate supphes, or similar reason wiU not be grounds for relief under this section. In tiie event the performance of a party is prevented under this section, the performance of both parties wiU be excused until the performance is no longer prevented. The parties wUl reasonably cooperate to seek a restoration of the performance, however, neither party is obhged to expend resources to restore, repair, or replace facUities or services of the other party the damage or intermption of which is the cause of the prevention of performance. This section does not apply to circumstances v^rithin the scope of rehef imder section 6 of this contract. 11 27 Item 1 n 26. Execution and Effective Date. This contract is effective as of the last date of execution by the parties as shown below: Water Authority By: Date: Member Agency By: Date: 12 28 Item 1 EXHIBIT 2 - Impacts from Annual Purchases of Desalinated Water Table 1 Percent Reliability in Water Supply Under Average Day Demand Conditions Desalinated Percent of CMWD's Annual Potable Water Demand from Desalinated Seawater Supply Imported Water Supplies "Cutback" Water Supply (AFY) Percent of CMWD's Annual Potable Water Demand from Desalinated Seawater Supply 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% >» a 10,000 50% 100% 95% 90% 85% 80% 75% CMWD Si Reliabilit 5,000 25% 100% 93% 85% 78% 70% 63% CMWD Si Reliabilit 3,500 17.5% 100% 92% 84% 75% 67% 59% CMWD Si Reliabilit 2,500 12.5% 100% 95% 85% 76% 67% 58% Net 1,000 5% 100% 90% 81% 72% 62% 53% Table 2 Pay Back Period Desalinated Water Supply Payback-Period 10,000 AFY 1.25 years 5,000 AFY 2.0 years 3,500 AFY 2.75 years 2,500 AFY 3.5 years 1,000 AFY 6.5 years Table 3 Pipeline Cost for Direct Connection to Desalinated Water Supply Desalinated Water Supply Size Project Cost 10,000 AFY 24" $660,000 5,000 AFY 18" $462,000 3,500 AFY 16" $402,000 2,500 AFY 12" $292,000 1,000 AFY 8" $220,000 EXHIBIT 3 - Unit Cost Determination of Desalinated Water Table 4 Unit Cost of Desalinated Water 2013 Cost 48,000 AFY Minimum Annual Commitment 8,000 AFY Additional Desalinated Water Debt Service Charge $551/AF $0 Equity Return Charge $280/AF $0 Pipeline Installment Payments $238/AF $0 Fixed Non-electricity O&M $400/AF $0 Fixed Electricity O&M $73/AF $0 Variable Non-electricity O&M $101/AF $101/AF Variable Electricity O&M $442/AF $442/AF Annual Management Fee $10/AF $10/AF Total $2,095/AF $553/AF Other SDCWA Costs $193/AF $0 Direct Purchase Price $2,288/AF $553/AF 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 1460 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT (CMWD), EXPRESSING INTENTION TO ENTER INTO UNIFORM CONTRACT FOR PURCHASE OF TREATED WATER FROM THE SAN DIEGO COUNTY WATER AUTHORITY - CARLSBAD DESALINATION PROJECT. WHEREAS, the San Diego County Water Authority (SDCWA) is considering entering into an agreement titled "Carlsbad Seawater Desalination Project Water Purchase Agreement" between the San Diego County Water Authority and Poseidon Resources (Channelside) LP dated as of , 2012 ("Poseidon WPA"); and WHEREAS, under the Poseidon WPA the SDCWA intends to purchase at least 48,000 acre-feet annually of highly reliable, high quality desalinated water to the extent it is produced and made available for delivery according to the terms of that agreement, as well as additional product water; and WHEREAS, in June 2011 the SDCWA Board of Directors adopted guiding principles for the SDCWA to make available to its member agencies under uniform contracts desalinated water in an amount up to a total of 49 percent of the desalinated water purchased by the SDCWA under the Poseidon WPA; and WHEREAS, the SDCWA has provided the Carlsbad Municipal Water District (CMWD) with the proposed Poseidon WPA; and WHEREAS, the SDCWA has provided the Cartsbad Municipal Water District with a uniform contract pursuant to the guiding principles. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Cartsbad Municipal Water District Board ofthe City of Cartsbad, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. The Carlsbad Municipal Water District Board supports the approval of the Cartsbad Desalination Project Water Purchase Agreement. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 3. The Carlsbad Municipal Water District intends to enter into a uniform contract to purchase 2,500 acre feet per year of desalinated water as a local water supply so long as it remains adequately protected as a local source as determined by the Board. 4. The Carlsbad Municipal Water District recognizes that the unit cost amount specified in paragraph 1 of the WPA may be reduced if the SDCWA receives statements of intention to purchase water in an amount that totals more than 48,000 acre-feet annually. 5. A copy of this resolution shall be provided to the Clerk of the Board of the San Diego County Water Authority. /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Special Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Cartsbad Municipal Water Distnct of the City of Cartsbad on the 27th day of November, 2012, by the following vote to wit: AYES: Board Members Hall, Kulchin, Blackburn, Douglas, Packard NOES: None ABSENT: None ATTEST: (SEAL) Karen R. Kundtz, Assistant Secretary S:o5 -Z <J0;o - «A'. . G ' V CARLSBAD Municipal Water District Memorandum November 27, 2012 AU Receive-Agenda Item #. For the Information of the: CITYCOL^CIL / Asst.CM. CA ^jeic Y DateJ It. f M C> ty Manager. To: From: Re: Cynthia Haas, Deputy City Manager Wendy Chambers, Acting General Manager Revised Desal Resolution for November 27, 2012 City Council Meeting Attached is the revised resolution modifying the current resolution to include a statement of support as requested by CMWD Board member, Farrah Douglas, per approval by General Counsel Ron Ball. Thank you. Date:. Distribution: City Clerk Asst. City Clerk Deputy Clerk Book Carlsbad Municipal Water District 5950 El Camino Real I Carlsbad, CA 92008 I 760-438-2722 I 760-431-1601 fax I www.carlsbadca.gov 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT (CMWD), EXPRESSING INTENTION TO ENTER INTO UNIFORM CONTRACT FOR PURCHASE OF TREATED WATER FROM THE SAN DIEGO COUNTY WATER AUTHORITY - CARLSBAD DESALINATION PROJECT. WHEREAS, the San Diego County Water Authority (SDCWA) is considering entering into an agreement titled "Carlsbad Seawater Desalination Project Water Purchase Agreement between the San Diego County Water Authority and Poseidon Resources (Channelside) LP dated as of , 2012 ("Poseidon WPA"); and WHEREAS, under the Poseidon WPA the SDCWA intends to purchase at least 48,000 acre-feet annually of highly reliable, high quality desalinated water to the extent it is produced and made available for delivery according to the terms of that agreement, as well as additional product water; and WHEREAS, in June 2011 the SDCWA Board of Directors adopted guiding principles for the SDCWA to make available to its member agencies under uniform contracts desalinated water in an amount up to a total of 49 percent of the desalinated water purchased by the SDCWA under the Poseidon WPA; and WHEREAS, the SDCWA has provided the Carlsbad Municipal Water District (CMWD) with the proposed Poseidon WPA; and WHEREAS, the SDCWA has provided the Carlsbad Municipal Water District with a uniform contract pursuant to the guiding principles. NOW; tHEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Carlsbad Municipal Water District Board of the .City Qf Carlsbad-, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. The Carlsbad Municipal Water District Board supports the approval of the Carlsbad Desalination Project Water Purchase Agreement. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 3. The Carlsbad Municipal Water District intends to enter into a uniform contract to purchase 2,500 acre feet per year of desalinated water as a local water supply. 4. The Carisbad Municipal Water District recognizes that the unit cost amount specified in paragraph 1 of the WPA may be reduced if the SDCWA receives statements of intention to purchase water in an amount that totals more than 48,000 acre-feet annually. 5. A copy of this resolution shall be provided to the Clerk of the Board of the San Diego County Water Authority. /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Special Meeting of the Carlsbad Municipal Water District of the City of Carlsbad on the day of , 2012 by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: MATT HALL, President ATTEST: LORRAINE M. WOOD, Secretary (SEAL) ^^^^^ jU^;^ (ARLSBAD Q<d^\ CHAMBER OF COMMERCE ^ ,A s November 27, 2012 Mayor Matt Hall City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Dr. Carlsbad, CA 92008 RE; Reaffirm Support for the Carlsbad Desalination Plant Water Purchase Agreement Dear Mayor Hall and City Council Members: The Carlsbad Desalination Project is widely supported by the members of the Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce and by business organizations through the County because of the universal desire to develop new local water resources that enhance supply reliability. Water supply reliability is one ofthe most important Issues for the business community and the challenges associated with importing water Into San Diego County are well documented. The future availability of imported supplies Is an Issue that San Diego must confront head on. The Chamber has been following the San Diego Water Authority Board's lengthy deliberations on the proposed water purchase agreement and found the comprehensive and transparent analysis of the costs of the Carlsbad Desalination Project and the costs associated with other alternative local supplies to be acceptable. On July 18, 2012, the Board of Directors of the Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce met to discuss the San Diego Water Authority's analysis that the integration of desalinated water from the Carlsbad plant Into the San Diego Water Authority's supply mix. Specifically, the Board discussed the San Diego Water Authority staff's estimate that the availability of this new supply in 2016 would result in a one-time increase to the Authority's melded treated water rate of 5% to 10%; and that within 15 years, the incremental cost of the desalinated water over that of the less reliable imported water would be reduced to zero. In Its deliberations, the Board noted that the members Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce consistently rank the risk of future water supply shortages as one ofthe most significant challenges to attracting and retaining businesses to the region. It Is well documented that the Carlsbad Desalination Project would improve regional water supply reliability, and would provide a meaningful hedge against future shortages of Imported water. 5934 Priestly Drive • Carlsbad, California 92008 Phone: (760) 931-8400 • Fax: (760) 931-9153 • E-mail: chamber@carlsbad.org • Web: www.carlsbad.org ACCREDITED Pg.2 For these reasons and many others, that the Carlsbad Chamber Board of Directors determined that the expected increase In wholesale water rates is warranted and acceptable, and hereby reaffirms its support for the Carlsbad Desalination Project. The Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors encourages you to support the Water Purchase Agreement. Thank you for your time and consideration on this important issue to provide Carlsbad with a reliable water supply in the future. Sincerely, Ted Owen, President and CEO cc: City Council - Carlsbad Mayor Pro Tem Ann Kulchin Council Member - Keith Blackburn Council Member - Farrah Douglas Council Member - Mark Packard 4 *Jr*i> CITYOF V CARLSBAD Office of the City Clerk www.carlsbadca.goN November 30, 2012 Doria Lore Clerk ofthe Board San Diego County Water Authority 4677 Overland Avenue San Diego, CA 92123 Dear Doria, Re: Carlsbad Municipal Water District Resolution Please find attached certified copy ofCarlsbad Municipal Water District Resolution No. 1460, expressing intention to enter into Uniform Contract for purchase of treated water from the San Diego County Water Authority-Carlsbad Desalination Project. If you require anything further, please contact us. Sincerely, DONNA HERATY Deputy City Clerk. Records Management 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008-1949 T 760-434 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO ) ss. I, Karen R. Kundtz, Assistant Secretary of the Carlsbad Municipal Water » District, City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, hereby certify that I have compared the foregoing copy with the original RESOLUTION NO. 1460, RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT. WHICH EXPRESSES INTENTION TO ENTER INTO A UNIFORM CONTRACT FOR PURCHASE OF TREATED WATER FROM THE SAN DIEGO COUNTY WATER AUTHORITY - CARLSBAD DESALINATION PROJECT, with the original now on file in the Office of the Carlsbad Municipal Water District Secretary; that the same contains a full, true and correct transcript therefrom and of the whole thereof. Witness my hand and the. seal of said Carlsbad Municipal Water District, this 28th day of November, 2012. RCJPFN Assistant Secretary (SEAL) p 1. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 1460 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT (CMWD), EXPRESSING INTENTION TO ENTER INTO UNIFORM CONTRACT FOR PURCHASE OF TREATED WATER FROM THE SAN DIEGO COUNTY WATER AUTHORITY - CARLSBAD DESALINATION PROJECT. WHEREAS, the San Diego County Water Authority (SDCWA) is considering entering into an agreement titled "Carlsbad Seawater Desalination Project Water Purchase Agreement" between the San Diego County Water Authority and Poseidon Resources (Channelside) LP dated as of , 2012 ("Poseidon WPA"); and WHEREAS, under the Poseidon WPA the SDCWA intends to purchase at least 48,000 acre-feet annually of highly reliable, high quality desalinated water to the extent it is produced and made available for delivery according to the terms of that agreement, as well as additional product water; and WHEREAS, in June 2011 the SDCWA Board of Directors adopted guiding principles for the SDCWA to make available to its member agencies under uniform contracts desalinated water in an amount up to a total of 49 percent of the desalinated water purchased by the SDCWA under the Poseidon WPA; and WHEREAS, the SDCWA has provided the Carlsbad Municipal Water District (CMWD) with the proposed Poseidon WPA; and WHEREAS, the SDCWA has provided the Carlsbad Municipal Water District with a uniform contract pursuant to the guiding principles. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Carlsbad Municipal Water District Board ofthe City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. The Carlsbad Municipal Water District Board supports the approval of the Carlsbad Desalination Project Water Purchase Agreement. 1 3. The Carlsbad Municipal Water District intends to enter into a uniform contract to 2 purchase 2,500 acre feet per year of desalinated water as a local water supply so long as it 3 remains adequately protected as a local source as determined by the Board. 4 4. The Carlsbad Municipal Water District recognizes that the unit cost amount 5 specified in paragraph 1 of the WPA may be reduced if the SDCWA receives statements of 6 intention to purchase water in an amount that totals more than 48,000 acre-feet annually. 7 5. A copy of this resolution shall be provided to the Clerk of the Board of the San 8 Diego County Water Authority. 9 /// 10 /// 11 /// 12 /// 13 /// 14 /// 15 /// 16 17 /// 18 /// 19 20 21 22 /// /// /// /// 23 /// 24 /// 25 /// 26 /// 27 /// 28 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Special Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Carlsbad Municipal Water District of the City of Carlsbad on the 27th day of November, 2012, by the following vote to wit: AYES: Board Members Hall, Kulchin, Blackburn, Douglas, Packard NOES: None ABSENT: None ATTEST: (SEAL) Karen R. Kundtz, Assistant Secretary Notice of Intent to Purchase Desalinated Water November 27, 2012 1 2 Carlsbad Desalination Project Poseidon Resources 50 MGD = 56,000 AFY Desal Conveyance Pipeline 10-miles of new 54-inch pipe Pipeline 3 Relining (27,100 feet) TOVWTP Improvements Desalination Plant Aqueduct ConnectionFacilities Desalinated Water - Local Supply •Option to purchase: 1,000 – 10,000 AF •Take -or-pay agreement •One time opportunity •Resolution of Intent to SDCWA by Nov. 29th 5 Local Desalinated Water Purchase Agreement 1.CMWD must commit to a fixed annual purchase amount (taken in 12 equal monthly purchases) 2.CMWD assumes the same risk profile as SDCWA 3.Agreement is fixed at 30 years 4.Purchase deliveries above 48,000 AFY requires CMWD to purchase additional deliveries on a pro rata share basis 5.The purchased amount is considered a “local supply “ for water shortage and drought response plans 6.The CMWD must pay a $10/AF Management Fee 6 Benefits & Risk 7 Benefits of Desal as Local Supply 8 •Purchased amount considered a “local supply” –For Water Shortage and Drought Response Plans –Not subject to MWD or SDCWA cutbacks •Participate in low cost water in excess of 48,000 AFY (take or pay) –Pay variable costs only - $553 per AF •Roll off SDCWA’s Customer Service and Storage Charges •Avoid wheeling charge for direct purchase $125/AF Local Supply = Reliability Example: 20% Mandatory Cutback Assumed Annual delivery: 20,000 AFY (100%) Delivery with 20% Cutback: 16,000 AFY (80%) Desal Purchase at 2,500 AFY: 17,100 AFY (86%) Desal Purchase at 5,000 AFY: 18,200 AFY (91%) 9 Risks •Long-term commitment – 30 years •Take -or-pay –12 equal monthly amounts –1st deliveries considered Desalinated Water •Cost Allocation from CWA unknown •Local Supply designation can be changed 10 Financial Impact of Local Supply Purchase 11 Base Assumptions - Water Cost Comparison •Demands - Urban Water Management Plan •Local Desalinated Water costs –Fixed cost with 2.5% annual adjustment –Variable costs inflated by CPI •Melded Supply Costs (2 to 6 percent per year) –Adjusted for Bay Delta costs –Adjusted for SDCWA Pipe relining costs –Adjusted for regional desalinated water costs 12 Desalinated Water Cost Comparison 13 2026 What if desal costs are higher? 14 CMWD Single Family Home – Year 1 15 $- $10.00 $20.00 $30.00 $40.00 $50.00 $60.00 $70.00 $80.00 Current Zero 2500 AF 5000 AF Local Reliability Desal/Regional CWA/MWD Resolution of Intent 16 •CMWD commits to fixed annual purchase of 2,500 AFY in 12 equal monthly purchases •Purchased amount considered a local supply •The Unit Cost amount in Water Purchase Agreement may be reduced if SDCWA is able to purchase more than 48,000 AFY Recommendation •Adopt CMWD Resolution No. 1460 approving a Resolution of Intent to Purchase Desalinated Water from the San Diego County Water Authority in the amount of 2,500 AF 17 Questions ? 18 ADDITIONAL SLIDES 19 Resolution of Intent 20 •CMWD commits to fixed annual purchase of 2,500 AFY in 12 equal monthly purchases •Purchased amount considered a local supply •The Unit Cost amount in Water Purchase Agreement may be reduced if SDCWA is able to purchase more than 48,000 AFY Calculation of deliveries with 20% cutback and 5000 AF local supply •Annual Deliveries 20,000 AF (100%) •Less: Guaranteed (5,000) AF •Plus: 5,000 x 30% 1,500 AF •Subject to cutback 16,500 AF •Cutback x 20% (3,300) AF •Imported Water 13,200 AF •Plus Local 5,000 AF •TOTAL DELIVERIES 18,200 AF 21