HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016-04-12; Municipal Water District; 832; Authorize Execution of uniform contract with San Diego County Water Authority for purchase of treated water and first amendment to reimbursement agreement for planning of flow control facilityCARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT-AGENDA BILL 12 AB# 832 AUTHORIZE EXECUTION OF THE UNIFORM CONTRACT WITH DEPT. Dl RECTOR (\J~:.'l; DATE 04-12-16 THE SAN DIEGO COUNTY WATER AUTHORITY FOR THE GEN. COUNSEL /fS PURCHASE OF TREATED WATER FROM THE CLAUDE "BUD" LEWIS CARLSBAD DESALINATION PROJECT, EXECUTION OF V:.:,/' THE FIRST AMENDMENT TO THE REIMBURSEMENT DEPT. PW-UTIL AGREEMENT FOR THE PLANNING AND DESIGN OF THE EXEC. DIRECTOR CARLSBAD 5 FLOW CONTROL FACILITY (PROJECT NO. 5038), AND APPROPRIATION OF FUNDS RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt a Resolution authorizing execution of the Uniform Contract between the San Diego County Water Authority and the Carlsbad Municipal Water District for the purchase of treated water from the Claude "Bud" Lewis Carlsbad Desalination Project. Adopt a Resolution authorizing the execution of the First Amendment to the Reimbursement Agreement between the Carlsbad Municipal Water District and the San Diego County Water Authority for the planning and design of the Carlsbad 5 Flow Control Facility and pressure reducing valve, and appropriating funds. ITEM EXPLANATION: On Sept. 11, 2011, the Carlsbad Municipal Water District (CMWD) Board approved an Agreement with the San Diego County Water Authority (SDCWA) memorializing certain understandings and establishing a framework for cooperation regarding the Carlsbad Seawater Desalination Project, Agenda Bill No. 20,684 and Resolution No. 1426. On Nov. 27, 2012, the CMWD Board approved the Resolution of Intent, CMWD Agenda Bill No. 761 and Resolution No. 1460, to purchase desalinated water from SDCWA so long as it remained adequately protected as a local source, as determined by the Board. In 2012, SDCWA and Poseidon entered into an Agreement to purchase a minimum annual quantity of 48,000 acre-feet of desalinated water for 30 years. SDCWA can purchase up to 56,000 acre-feet of desalinated water per year, depending on availability. SDCWA has offered its member agencies, including CMWD, an opportunity to contract with SDCWA for a commitment to purchase a portion of this desalinated water. This contract is referred to as the Uniform Member Agency Purchase Contract (Contract). DEPARTMENT CONTACT: Wendy Chambers 760-438-2722 x7107 wendy.chambers@carlsbadca.gov FOR SECRETARY USE. ~ BOARD ACTION: APPROVED CONTINUED TO DATE SPECIFIC D DENIED D CONTINUED TO DATE UNKNOWN D CONTINUED D RETURNED TO STAFF D WITHDRAWN D OTHER-SEE MINUTES D AMENDED D REPORT RECEIVED D Desai Project Apri/12, 2016 Page2 of12 Uniform Member Agency Purchase Contract: The Contract reflects the following: 1. CMWD commits to purchase a fixed annual amount of SDCWA owned desalinated water taken in 12 equal monthly purchases. 2. Member agency contracts are uniform, except as to quantity. 3. CMWD assumes the same risk profile as SDCWA does with Poseidon Resources. 4. The fixed contract is equal to SDCWA's term, which is 30 years. 5. If SDCWA acquires the Carlsbad Desalination Plant after 30 years, CMWD will have the option to extend the Contract for an additional 20 years. 6. CMWD must decide now whether to commit to purchase additional deliveries on a pro rata share basis, in the event that SDCWA purchases more than the minimum 48,000 acre-feet per year, up to a total of 56,000 acre-feet per year (calculated as CMWD's committed purchase amount divided by 48,000 acre-feet per year times the additional purchases). 7. CMWD must pay a management fee, or incentive payment, of $10.52 per acre-foot. 8. CMWD will pay a net transportation fee of $88.97 per acre-foot (adjusted annually) if CMWD does not construct a direct connection to the Carlsbad Desalination Pipeline, such as the Carlsbad 5 Flow Control Facility. Contract Quantity: CMWD's Contract quantity is 2,500 acre-feet per Contract year. This is categorized as a local water supply. Staff worked with SDCWA to clarify and amend the Contract language to ensure that the 2,500 acre-feet is designated as a local supply, and guaranteed as long as production quantities are sufficient. SDCWA may decrease the quantity only under conditions where less water is produced by the treatment plant than anticipated, or where the transmission infrastructure is incapable of delivery due to maintenance or repair. However, the Contract quantity may also increase under conditions where the treatment plant produces more than anticipated. In order for CMWD to take advantage of additional production quantities, CMWD must elect now to purchase additional water or waive their right to purchase additional water, under Section 5 of the Contract. If CMWD elects to purchase additional water, the maximum additional water currently estimated to be available for purchase is 416 acre-feet. This additional water would cost significantly less than the $2,434 per acre-foot shown in Table 1. See the Fiscal Impact section for more information. Furthermore, SDCWA currently offers an incentive for highly reliable member agency local supplies including this desalinated water. This incentive is currently set at 30 percent of a three-year rolling average of beneficial use from such reliable local supplies and becomes applicable if SDCWA invokes the Water Shortage and Drought Response Plan. As such, CMWD is currently eligible to receive an additional 750 acre-feet of SDCWA water in times of drought (30 percent of 2,500 acre-feet) based on SDCWA's supply allocation methodology. This incentive benefit may be eliminated or materially reduced by SDCWA. If this occurs, CMWD has the right to terminate the Contract. 2 Desai Project Apri/11, 2016 Page3 o/12 Water Portfolio: Desalinated water represents a new source of locally produced water that is highly reliable and drought proof. According to the SDCWA Business Plan, seawater desalination from the Carlsbad Desalination Project will account for 7 percent of the region's water supply portfolio by 2020, which is about one-third of the water generated in the county. Regional and local water portfolio management is prudent to mitigate the risks associated with reliance on imported water. Legal, environmental, water quality, or climatic factors can create regional supply inconsistency. Bay-Delta issues affecting SDCWA's supply of imported water and the propensity for drought in this region increase the rislk of supply inconsistency. If the Board elects to enter into the Contract, CMWD will diversify its water resources, reduce the demands for imported water, and provide a drought proof supply. These benefits increase CMWD's supply reliability which supports its mission to provide a safe, reliable water supply to support Carlsbad residents and the city's $15 billion local economy for generations to come. With the potential to directly purchase desalinated water, the projection for further supply diversification, as illustrated in Charts 1 through 3 below, shows a reduction in reliance on imported supplies (from 100 percent in 1990 to a projected 59 percent by 2020). Chart 1: 1990 Water Supply Portfolio • SDCWA 1. Represents water purchases prior to the implementation of-the Recycled Water program. Does not account for SDCWA supply diversification (e.g. CMWD also receives local groundwater from SOCWA). 3 Desai Pra]ect Apri/12, 2016 Page4 o/12 Chart 2: 2016 Water Supply Po rtfolio (estimated) 13% 22% • SDCWA • Recycled Seawater Desalination ~ 1. Water demand for 2016 iS based on CMWD's two-year average water sales (CY 2014 and 2015) and assumes a full year of desalinated water is used (i.e. 2,.500 AF). Does not account for SOCWA supply diversificatiOn (e.g. CMWD also receives blended desalinated water from SDCWA). Chart 3: 2020 Water Supply Po rtfolio (projected) 12% 29% • SDCWA • Recycled • Seawater Desalination L Assumes completion of the Recycled Water Phase Ill program and sales to fun production capacity of 7,235 AFY, potable water demand as projected in the draft 201.5 Urban Water Management Plan net with the increase in recycled water from 201.5 sales levels to production capacity and net w•th assumed seawater desalination capacity of 2,916 AF. Does not account for SDCWA supply diversification (e.g. CMWD also receives blended desalinated water from SDCWA). Effect of State Emergency Water Conservation Regulations: While the purchased desalination water is considered a local supply for the purposes of the Contract, it is important to note that the state's initial emergency water con servation regulations did not give CMWD conservation credit for this local supply. In February 2016, the State Water Resources Control Board adopted revised regulations, allowing conservation credit in consideration of factors that influence water use in different parts of the state. Some of these factors include hotter-than-average climate, population growth, and significant investments in new local drought 4 Desai Project Apri/12, 2016 Page 5 of 12 resilient water sources, such as wastewater reuse and desalination, but cap an agency's conservation credit at 8 percent. An 8 percent credit would adjust CMWD's conservation target from a 28 percent reduction to a 20 percent reduction from 2013 water use. CMWD anticipates it will already receive the maximum 8 percent credit from SDCWA's regional investment in desalination. While this is a first step towards recognizing the benefits of local investment in drought resilient supplies, the state's current regulatory framework does not recognize the full amount of investment in desalination, because desalinated water will represent approximately 13 percent of CMWD's estimated calendar year 2016 water portfolio if the Contract is executed. Additionally, the current regulations do not recognize CMWD's investments in recycled water (which also reduces reliance on imported water), investments in locally developed supplies prior to 2013, or regional differences (e.g. the fact that San Diego County has water due to regional storage investments, etc., whereas Imperial Valley does not). SDCWA has indicated the state will reassess its conservation regulations in April/May 2016 as the state continues assessing the water conditions throughout the spring season and adapts the requirements, as appropriate, based on water supply conditions. However, SDCWA will continue pursuing the following issues: • To have all investment in local supplies recognized • To have the regional differences recognized • To develop a comprehensive state-wide drought management plan, and • To have the long-term drought and conservation issues moved back to the Department of Water Resources Even though the state's current regulations would not give additional conservation credit to CMWD based on the additional desalinated water purchased through the Contract, the purchase of this desalinated water is in CMWD's best interest because of the local supply portfolio diversification and guaranteed local supply benefits. Furthermore, state regulations are likely to change over the 30 year term ofthe Contract in ways that cannot be anticipated at this time. Direct Connection I Carlsbad 5 Flow Control Facility: The Carlsbad 5 Flow Control Facility and pressure reducing valve would allow for direct delivery of desalinated water to Carlsbad. CMWD's 2012 Water Master Plan recommended the construction of Carlsbad 5 Flow Control Facility based on the Poseidon Water Purchase Agreement, which assumed CMWD would take more water than currently provided for in the Contract (satisfying up to 100 percent of its potable water needs). The recommendation also assumed SDCWA was not involved in the project. The project has since changed direction. SDCWA is now the project sponsor and CMWD will only acquire approximately 13 percent of its estimated calendar year 2016 water if the Board approves the Contract. Despite the change in project direction, constructing the Carlsbad 5 Flow Control Facility still affords several benefits. First, a direct connection means CMWD is not reliant upon SDCWA's system reliability. For example, an earthquake affecting the SDCWA first or second aqueduct wouldn't 5 Desai Project Apri/12, 2016 Page 6 of 12 affect CMWD's direct desalination connection. Second, constructing the direct connection eliminates the net transportation charge shown in Table 1 of the Fiscal Impact section (see Fiscal Impact section for more information). Lastly, a direct connection affords the possibility of additional uses in the future. For example, hydro-electric generation and the direct sale of desalinated quality water to specialized users (e.g. bio-tech) has been discussed in conjunction with a desalinated water direct connection. While the feasibility of these possibilities has not been explored, they are not an option without a direct connection. SDCWA will perform the services required to plan, design, and construct the flow control facility. The project requirements include property acquisition, environmental assessment and potential mitigation, securing the required permits and obtaining site access. The proposed flow control facility and pressure reducing valve will include the installation of new piping, isolation, pressure reducing and control components, instrumentation, metering and construction of structures to house the mechanical and electrical equipment. In order to proceed with the design and ultimate construction ofthe flow control facility, the Board must enter into an Amendment to the original Agreement for a planning study. The Amendment is required for additional planning and design work due to a change in location for the flow control facility, the addition of a pressure reducing valve, and other design work associated with the project. The Amendment also revises the title of the Agreement and facility name to "Reimbursement Agreement between the Carlsbad Municipal Water District and the San Diego County Water Authority for the Planning and Design of the Carlsbad 5 Flow Control Facility and Pressure Reducing Valve" (Reimbursement Agreement Amendment). Based on design timeline estimates from SDCWA, staff anticipates returning to the Board in approximately 12 to 18 months for Board consideration of the Amendment necessary to allow SDCWA to construct the flow control facility. Recommendation: Staff believes the Contract is consistent with the Resolution of Intent. The Board may authorize execution of the Contract without authorizing execution of the Reimbursement Agreement Amendment. Staff, however, recommends the purchase of desalinated water, the purchase of additional water as available from SDCWA, and the Reimbursement Agreement Amendment to complete the design of the Carlsbad 5 Flow Control Facility for the following reasons: • The desalinated water is designated as a new guaranteed local water source. • The purchase of desalinated water will assist in meeting demands under drought conditions. • The purchase of desalinated water will further diversify CMWD's water portfolio and will enhance supply reliability. • Membrane technology has improved in recent years, leading to more efficient plant production. Therefore, under conditions where the plant produces more than anticipated, CMWD will have the ability to purchase more than the 2,500 acre-feet per year Contract quantity. Under the Contract, purchasing more than the 2,500 acre-feet per year will allow for lower purchase rates to CMWD. 6 Desai Project Apri/12, 2016 Page 7of12 • The construction of the Carlsbad 5 Flow Control Facility and pressure reducing valve increases supply reliability, eliminates the net transportation charge which creates ongoing benefits, and affords the possibility of additional uses in the future. The final Contract is presented and attached for Board approval (see Exhibit 1, Attachment A). The Reimbursement Agreement Amendment is presented and attached for Board approval (see Exhibit 2, Attachment A). FISCAL IMPACT: Table 1 provides a breakdown of the costs associated with the Contract. Each ofthese costs include fixed and variable components. 1. Costs were provided by SDCWA in the Dec. 28, 2015 letter titled Notice of Fiscal Year 2016 Unit Prices for Delivery of Local Water from the Carlsbad Desalination Project. Rounding may occur. This letter is attached as Exhibit 3. 2. The Carlsbad 5 Flow Control Facility and Pressure Reducing Valve Project provides for a direct desalinated water connection. Therefore, if that project is approved and constructed, the requirement for CMWD to pay the transportation charge will be eliminated. The calendar year 2016 approved water rates have taken into account the full cost of desalinated water shown in Table 1. The final costs shown in Table 1 are approximately $57 per acre-foot lower than the estimates. This difference will help hedge against future desalination water rate increases or be used to decrease rates. How the difference will be used depends on the projected rate increase and funded level of reserves. 7 Desai Project Apri/12, 2016 Page 8 of 12 Additional Water Deliveries: If the Board elects to enter into the Contract and also elects to purchase additional desalinated water quantities as they become available, the estimated acre-foot cost of the water decreases because additional purchases do not include the capital charges, fixed operating charges, fixed electricity charges, pipeline costs, capital oversight costs, and administrative charges shown in Table 1. These SDCWA costs are fully covered with CMWD's purchase of the 2,500 acre-feet. CMWD is only entitled to receive 5.21 percent of any additional desalination water produced as that is CMWD's pro rata share of the initial 48,000 acre-feet. Previous estimates indicate there may be an additional 8,000 acre-feet of production capacity. If 8,000 additional acre-feet are produced, CMWD would be entitled to 416 acre-feet, or 5.21 percent, of that additional quantity. Consultant Gordon Hess and Associates, Inc. (Gordon Hess) developed an analysis to demonstrate the decrease in per-acre-foot rate as additional desalination water was purchased. Purchasing an additional 208-acre-feet of water, or 2,708 acre-feet in total, reduces the cost to approximately $2,305 per acre-foot. Purchasing an additional 416-acre-feet of water, or 2,916 acre-feet in total, reduces the cost to approximately $2,195 per acre-foot. As noted previously, staff recommends purchasing the additional water as available. Long Term Forecasts: Staff requested that Gordon Hess update some of the 2012 projections, which were included in Agenda Bill No. 761 regarding the Resolution of Intent and the report titled 2012 Desalination Water Rate Analysis for the Carlsbad Municipal Water District. The following data was updated: • Only the 2012 "no-stress" cases were updated. The no-stress cases were the baseline projections which used cost and inflator assumptions based on the Carlsbad Seawater Desalination Project Water Purchase Agreement between SDCWA and Poseidon Resources LP, and deemed to be most likely. • The 2012 estimated desalinated water costs were updated to those shown in Table 1. • The 2012 estimated SDCWA rates and charges were updated to calendar year 2016 rates and charges. • The growth rate assumptions from 2012 were used in the updated projections. • The update includes the net transportation charge in an additional analysis. 8 Desai Project Apr/112, 2016 Page9ofl2 Chart 4 below is an update of the chart shown in Agenda Bill No. 761 which projected a crossover point where the cost of SDCWA supply exceeds the cost of the Contract desalinated water in 2026. Similar to the chart in Agenda Bill No. 761, Chart 4 assumes the Carlsbad 5 Flow Control Facility is constructed, thereby eliminating the net transport-ation charge. In Chart 4, the cost of water purchased from SDCWA is projected to exceed the cost of desalinated water under the Contract in 2029. The crossover point changed primarily because of lower than projected SDCWA rates and charges. The difference in estimated desalinated water costs between the projected and actual created no material impact to the crossover point. If the crossover point occurs in 2029, the cost of desalinated water would be lower than the SDCWA cost of water for the remaining 17 years of the Contract. $6,000 $5,000 $4,000 $3,000 $2,000 I I $1,000 $- -+-SDCWA Chart 4: Cost Per Acre Foot [$/AF] (Without Net Transportation Charge) ......._Desai. ---------- ' ' ' ' ' I l ~~oomOMNM~~~~OOmOM~M~~~~OOmOMNM~~ M M rl rl N N N N N N N N N N M M m M M M M M M M ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o o o o o o o o o · o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o l NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN Chart 5 on the following page is the same as Chart 4, except that it includes the net transportation charge based on the assumption that the Carlsbad 5 Flow Control Facility Is not constructed. The addition ofthe net transportation charge moves the crossover point out to 2035. Thus, the cost of desalinated water would only be lower than the SDCWA cost of water for the remaining 11 years of the Contract. 9 Desai Project Apri/12, 2016 Page 10of12 $6,000 $5,000 $4,000 $3,000 $2,000 $1,000 $-L \D "' rl rl 00 N N -+-SDCWA com 0 ..... N ..... ..... N N N 0 0 0 0 0 N N N N N Chart 5: Cost Per Acre Foot ($/AF] (With Net Transportation Charge) ~------------------- ---Desai. ('() """ 1./) \D "' 00 ()) 0 ..... N ('() """ 1.1)\D "' 00 ()) 0 rl N ('() <:t 1./) N N N N N N N ('() ('() ('() ~ ('() m m m m m """ """ """ """ g """ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 ~ 00 0 0 0 N N N N N N N N N N f'l N N N N N N N N N N N These charts represent the crossover points under a "tno-stress" case. Should the future mirror the variables of the "stress" and "extra-stress" cases from 2012, the crossover point would be much later. The stress case decreased the escalation of the SDCWA transportation and supply rate throughout the 30 year project period. The extra-stress case included the stress case adjustments and also increased the cost of desalinated water (non-power costs) 0.88 percent per year (compounded) throughout the 30 year project. Furthermore1 changes in any of the underlying assumptions (e.g. SDCWA rates and charges growth rate, electricity growth rate, etc.) has the ability to change the crossover point. Direct Connection I Carlsbad 5 Flow Control Facility: The Carlsbad 5 Flow Control Facility and pressure reducing valve would allow for direct delivery of desalinated water to Carlsbad. Constructing the Carlsbad 5 Flow Control Facility eliminates the net transportation charge shown in Table 1. lfthe flow control facility is constructed, CMWD's per acre- foot rate would be $2,344.91, a savings of $88.97 per acre-foot. The cost of directly connecting to the desalination facility translates to approximately $51 per acre- foot. This estimate assumes it will cost approximately $2.8 million dollars to design and construct the flow control facility and pressure reducing valve, a capital recovery factor based on 2.12 percent interest over 30 years, and 2,500 acre-feet of water is consumed. The 2.12 percent interest is the average expected return on the Treasurer's portfolio over the next 10 years. 10 Desai Project April 12, 2016 Page 11 af12 The average growth rate in the SDCWA transportation charge over the past three years was 4.13 percent. Further1 the high-rate scenario forecast in the SDCWA long-Range Financing Plan for the compounded growth in the all-in rate, of which the transportation charge is a component, is 4.70 percent. Gordon Hess assumed an average increase of 4. 75 percent. Assuming the desalination transportation charge were to grow at four percent peryear, the payback period for constructing the Flow Control Facility is approximately 16 years. A more aggressive grc;>wth rate would decrease the payback period. The industry standard useful life for a Flow Control Facility is 50 years. This estimate mirrors real world conditions. For example, Carlsbad 1 Flow Control Facility was constructed in 1959. The Carlsbad 6 Flow Control Facility is being constructed in 2016 to replace Carlsbad 1 Flow Control Facility. Therefore, Carlsbad 1 Flow Control Faci lity experienced a 58 year useful life. Assuming that the desalinated water direct connection has a 50 year useful life, which coincides with the 30 year Contract term, plus potential 20 years extension, and the discount rate is 2.12 percent, the present value (PV} of 35 years of positive cumulative cash flows is $11.6 million. Further, the internal rate of return (IRR) is 8.65 percent over the 50 year investment life. Alternatively, assuming the desalinated water direct connection is only used for 30 years, which coincides with the 30 year Contract with no extension, and the discount rate is 2.12 percent, the PVof 15 years of pos~tive cumulative cash flows is $3.7 million. The IRR in this case is 6.69 percent over the 30 year investment life. In either scenario, the initial investment is paid back within 16 years and CMWD realizes additional benefits in the form of avoided net transportation costs over the remaining life. Chart 6 below summarizes this information. Chart 6: Carlsbad 5 Flow Control Facility Break,.£ven Point 25,000,000 2.0,000,000 PV: $11.6 million 15,000,000 IRR:8.65% 10,000,000 5,000,000 -.-cumulative cash Flows (Cash Investment Less Net Savings) 11 Desai Project Apri/12, 2016 Page 12 of 12 Changes in any of the underlying assumptions (e.g. construction cost, capital recovery factor, discount rate, etc.) has the ability to affect the break-even point and the present value of any savings. Staff estimates the planning and design work, environmental, and land acquisition will cost approximately $1,014,300 of the estimated $2.8 million project. Staff is requesting the Board appropriate $1,014,300 from the Water Connection Fee Fund for the design of Carlsbad 5 Flow Control Facility and Pressure Reducing Valve Project (Project No. 5038). Sufficient funds are available for the request. Staff anticipates returning to the Board in 12 to 18 months for consideration of another Amendment to the Reimbursement Agreement necessary to authorize construction of the Carlsbad 5 Flow Control Facility. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT: A Final Environmental Impact Report (FEIR 03-05 SCH No. 2004041081) was prepared for the Desalination Plant Project and certified by the City Council at its June 13, 2006 meeting in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines Section 15090. Since that time, a third Addendum to the FEIR was adopted by the Planning Commission (Resolution No. 7018) at its Nov.6, 2013 meeting. The purchase of treated water from SDCWA is within the scope ofthe FEIR (03-05(B)) and no further environmental review is required. PUBLIC NOTIFICATION: None required. EXHIBITS: 1. Resolution authorizing execution of the Uniform Contract with the San Diego County Water Authority for the purchase of treated water from the Claude "Bud" Lewis Carlsbad Desalination Project. 2. Resolution authorizing execution of the First Amendment to the Reimbursement Agreement between the Carlsbad Municipal Water District and the San Diego County Water Authority for the Planning and Design of the Carlsbad 5 Flow Control Facility and Pressure Reducing Valve and appropriating funds. 3. Location Map. 4. Notice of Fiscal Year 2016 Unit Prices for Delivery of Local Water from the Carlsbad Desalination Project. 5. Resolution No. 1460 expressing intention to enter into Uniform Contract for purchase of treated water from the San Diego County Water Authority-Carlsba{] Desalination Project. 6. Reimbursement Agreement between the Carlsbad Municipal Water District and the San Diego County Water Authority for the Carlsbad 5 Service Connection Facility Planning Study (May 12, 2014). 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 1547 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF THE UNIFORM CONTRACT WITH THE SAN DIEGO COUNTY WATER AUTHORITY FOR THE PURCHASE OF TREATED WATER FROM THE CLAUDE "BUD" LEWIS CARLSBAD DESALINATION PROJECT EXHIBIT 1 WHEREAS, on Nov. 27, 2012, the Carlsbad Municipal Water District (CMWD) Board adopted Resolution No. 1460, a Resolution of Intention to purchase 2,500-acre feet per year of desalinated water from SDCWA, "so long as it remains adequately protected as a local source as determined by the Board"; and WHEREAS, the CMWD Board finds that the Uniform Contract between the San Diego County Water Authority and the Carlsbad Municipal Water District for the purchase of treated water from the Claude "Bud" Lewis Carlsbad Desalination Project (Contract) adequately protects the desalinated water purchased under that Contract as a local source; and WHEREAS, the San Diego County Water Authority desires to enter into the Contract. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the CMWD Board of Directors of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows that: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct and incorporated herein. 2. That the CMWD President is authorized and directed to execute the Contract attached hereto as Attachment A. 3. That CMWD elects to commit to purchase additional product water made available by the Water Authority according to Sections 9 and S(c) of the Contract. II II 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Special Meeting of the Carlsbad Municipal Water District Board of the City of Carlsbad on the 12th day of April, 2016, by the following vote, to wit: AVES: Board Members Hall, Wood, Schumacher, Blackburn, Packard. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. ATIEST: BARBARA ENGLESO ; SECRETARY (SEAL) ATIACHMENT A (to Exhibit 1) UNIFORM CONTRACT BETWEEN THE SAN DIEGO COUNTY WATER AUTHORITY AND THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT FOR THE PURCHASE OF TREATED WATER FROM THE CLAUDE "BUD" LEWIS CARLSBAD DESALINATION PROJECT 1. Purpose and Intent The San Diego County Water Authority (Water Authority) has entered into an agreement titled "Carlsbad Seawater Desalination Project Water Purchase Agreement between the San Diego County Water Authority and Poseidon Resources (Channelside) LP dated December 20, 2012" (Poseidon WPA). The Water Authority also has entered into an agreement titled "Design Build Agreement for Product Water Pipeline Improvements Relating to the Carlsbad Seawater Desalination Project between the San Diego County Water Authority and Poseidon Resources (Channelside) LP dated December 20, 2012" (Poseidon DBA). Together the Poseidon WPA and the Poseidon DBA will provide new facilities for the production and conveyance of desalinated water to the Water Authority and for the purposes of this contract constitute and are referred to as the "Carlsbad Desalination Project." The Water Authority has entered into long term financing agreements in conjunction with the Carlsbad Desalination Project, and it also has undertaken improvements and modifications to its aqueduct system and the Twin Oaks Valley Water Treatment Plant for purposes of taking delivery of and incorporating desalinated water into its treated water supply system. Under the Poseidon WPA the Water Authority has made a Minimum Annual Demand Commitment, as defined in the Poseidon WPA, of 48,000 acre-feet and is required to take delivery of, purchase, and pay for that amount of desalinated water to the extent it is produced and made available for delivery according to the terms of that agreement. In June 2011, the Water Authority board of directors adopted guiding principles for the Water Authority to make available to its member agencies up to 49 percent of the Minimum Annual Demand Commitment and provide the opportunity for member agencies to enter into uniform contracts to make firm commitments to individually purchase from the Water Authority treated water in designated amounts that represent a portion of the Minimum Annual Demand Commitment. In addition, the Water Authority has the option to take Additional Product Water Deliveries under the Poseidon WPA and has provided the member agencies the opportunity to acquire a portion of the additional water as it is acquired by the Water Authority up to a total quantity for all participating member agencies of 49 percent of the additional water. Pursuant to the guiding principles, the Water Authority working in cooperation with its member agencies has developed this and the other uniform contracts for member agency purchase of treated water in connection with the Carlsbad Desalination Project. The parties intend that the purchase and payment obligations of the member agencies under the uniform contracts reasonably match the purchase and payment obligations of the Water Authority under the Poseidon WPA. Thus, for example, the parties intend that a contracting member agency will be responsible for payment if a member agency fails to take delivery of all or a portion of its Contract Quantity because of a reason other than a condition of its facilities 1 that would come within the definition of an Excused Demand Shortfall under the Poseidon WPA in a manner similar to the Water Authority's obligations for such payments. Similarly, contracting member agencies will share the benefit of Drought Shortfall Payments, if any, made under the Poseidon WPA should a failure to make deliveries occur in times of a water supply shortage. The parties acknowledge that the water provided by the Water Authority under the uniform contracts will be treated water from any source determined by the Water Authority at its sole discretion, and may be a blend of desalinated water and other treated water of the Water Authority, other treated water of the Water Authority without blending with desalinated water or, in some limited cases, direct delivery of desalinated water, and that such water will deemed to be delivered in equal monthly amounts. 2. Parties The parties to this contract are the Water Authority and The Carlsbad Municipal Water District ("Member Agency"). The Member Agency and the Water Authority may enter into an agreement for the design, construction and operation of new facilities that will allow for the direct delivery of desalinated water to the Member Agency. 3. Initial Term and Option to Extend (a) This contract is effective on the date it is fully executed and will continue for an Initial Term until the earlier of either (a) 30 years following Commercial Operation as defined in the Poseidon WP A or the Expiration Date of the Poseidon WPA as defined therein, whichever is later, or (b) the date of early termination of this contract pursuant to section 10. (b) If the Water Authority chooses to exercise its option to acquire the Carlsbad Desalination Plant pursuant to the provisions of the Poseidon WP A for transfer upon expiration of the term of that agreement, the Water Authority will offer to each Member Agency that has an unexpired contract on that date a new uniform contract for the Contract Quantity. It is the intent of the parties that the new contract will have a term of twenty years and provide price and water supply benefits to participating member agencies in recognition of their proportional contribution to the financing of the Plant during the Initial Term. 4. Condition Precedent Attainment of the Commercial Operation Date under the Poseidon WP A is a condition precedent to the obligations of the parties under this contract. 5. Contract Quantity (a) The Member Agency's Contract Quantity is 2,500 acre feet of treated water per Contract Year, subject to paragraph (d) of this section and adjustment pursuant to paragraph (d) of section 6. In the event of an adjustment pursuant to section 6, Contract Quantity means the Adjusted Contract Quantity for the duration of the adjustment. As used in this contract, Contract Year has the same meaning as in the Poseidon WP A. (b) The Total Contracted Quantity of water subject to uniform contracts, including this contract, is 6,000 acre-feet of treated water per Contract Year. If a member agency having executed a uniform contract subsequently chooses to early terminate its contract pursuant to section 10 or a member agency contract is terminated as a consequence of breach by the member agency, the Total Contracted Quantity will be reduced in the amount of that member agency's 2 Contract Quantity after making the contracted amount available in part or in whole, at the Water Authority's sole discretion, to any other member agency having executed a uniform contract. The Total Contracted Quantity will be reduced in the amount of that member agency's Contract Quantity less the amount committed to other contracted member(s) pursuant to this section. (c) The Member Agency's Contract Quantity and the Total Contracted Quantity are part of the Minimum Annual Demand Commitment of the Water Authority under the Poseidon WPA. In addition, under the Poseidon WPA the Water Authority has the option to take Additional Product Water Deliveries. With respect to Additional Product Water Deliveries, the Member Agency: will purchase Additional Product Water made available by the Water Authority according to the provisions of section 9: YES __ I NO __ ; waives any participation in the purchase of Additional Product Water: YES __ I NO __ . (d) Under the Poseidon WPA, the Water Authority has a right to make an elective decrease in the Minimum Annual Demand Commitment based on the performance testing prior to Commercial Operation of the desalination plant. If the Water Authority elects to reduce the Minimum Annual Demand Commitment pursuant to the Poseidon WPA, the Total Contracted Quantity will be reduced so that the reduced Total Contracted Quantity bears the same ratio to the reduced Minimum Annual Demand Commitment as the amount specified in subparagraph (b) of this section bears to 48,000 acre-feet, and the Contract Quantity of each member agency having a uniform contract will be reduced to maintain the ratios of their respective Contract Quantities and the Total Contracted Quantity. The Water Authority will give notice to each member agency of the reductions, and once given, the reduced quantities will be used for all purposes of this contract and the other uniform contracts. 6. Purchase and Delivery (a) The Member Agency will purchase and the Water Authority will deliver the Contract Quantity as monthly deliveries of treated water equal to one-twelfth of the Contract Quantity. (b) Purchase and delivery of the Contract Quantity will commence on the first day of the calendar month following execution of the Uniform Agreement. For the first Contract Year of Commercial Operation the Contract Quantity will be one-twelfth of the Contract Quantity times the number of full months following Commercial Operation remaining in the Contract Year. (c) Daily water orders will be subject to the Water Authority's rules and regulations generally applicable to the ordering and delivery of treated water. (d) If at any time the Water Authority reasonably determines that it will receive desalinated water pursuant to the Poseidon WP A in an amount less than the Minimum Annual Demand Commitment for a Contract Year based on the existence of an Uncontrollable Circumstance, Event of Default, breach, or other failure of performance under the Poseidon WP A, the Member Agency will purchase from the Water Authority and the Water Authority will delivery to the Member Agency an Adjusted Contract Quantity for that year in an amount determined by the following formula: x = ~ x [~ X c]; where a is the Member Agency's Contract Quantity, b is the Total Contracted Quantity, cis the amount of desalinated water the Water Authority reasonably expects to actually receive pursuant to the Poseidon WPA in that 3 Contract Year, dis the Minimum Annual Demand Commitment and xis the Adjusted Contract Quantity. The purchase and delivery will be in monthly deliveries of treated water equal to one- twelfth of the Adjusted Contract Quantity. If an adjustment is made after the commencement of a Contract Year, the Adjusted Contract Quantity for the remainder of the Contract Year will take effect at the beginning of the next month following the Water Authority's notice to the Member Agency of the adjustment under this paragraph. (e) If at any time the Water Authority reasonably determines that it will receive less than the Total Contract Quantity or the sum of the Adjusted Contract Quantities in a Contract Year under the Poseidon WP A because a relief from performance due to the existence of an Uncontrollable Circumstance, or because of a default, breach, or other failure of performance under the Poseidon WPA, the Water Authority's obligation to deliver water will be reduced until deliveries to the Water Authority under the Poseidon WPA resume and the Water Authority reasonably determines that the basis for suspension no longer exists. To the extent water is delivered to it, the Water Authority will deliver and the Member Agency will purchase a reduced monthly quantity determined by the Water Authority based on the amount of desalinated water it receives and the proportion that the Member Agency's Contract Quantity bears to the Total Contract Quantity or the sum of the Adjusted Contract Quantities. (f) The Member Agency and the Water Authority may enter into a separate agreement for the design, construction, and operation of new connection facilities to the pipeline described in the Poseidon DBA that will allow for the direct delivery of desalinated water to the Member Agency. If the Water Authority is unable to directly deliver desalinated water to the Member Agency due to a shutdown of Water Authority facilities, the Water Authority is excused from performance of its delivery obligations for the duration of the shutdown; however, the Water Authority will provide make-up water during the Contract Year, or at a later period as agreed between the Water Authority and the Member Agency, in amounts equal to the quantity of desalinated water that would have been delivered had the shutdown not occurred. Also, the Water Authority, at its discretion, may deliver treated water through other connections to the Member Agency in lieu of interrupting delivery of desalinated water, which treated water deliveries will be deemed to be deliveries of desalinated water for all purposes under this agreement and for which payment will be made in the same manner as for direct delivery. Further, if desalinated water is available but the Member Agency is unable to accept direct delivery of desalinated water through the new facilities, it will accept delivery of treated water by the Water Authority through other connections to the Member Agency in lieu of direct delivery of desalinated water; in addition to payment of the amount applicable to direct delivery of desalinated water, such delivery will be subject to payment of the Transportation Charge, or an equivalent charge, under the Water Authority rate structure in effect at the time of the delivery subject to the adjustments described in Section 8, paragraph (a)(2) and Exhibit B. (g) The Water Authority's obligation to deliver water will be relieved and the Memlber Agency's obligation to purchase will be suspended for the duration of a Product Water Purchase Relief Event as defined in the Poseidon WP A. (h) The Member Agency's obligation to purchase water will be relieved and the Water Authority's obligation to deliver water to the Member Agency will be suspended during the period of a Member Agency Water Purchase Relief Event, which for the purposes of this contract means the formal declaration by the Member Agency's board of directors based upon the existence of a sudden, unpredictable event resulting in a condition closing all or a portion of 4 the Member Agency's treated water facility system and preventing the Member Agency from taking all or a portion of the Contract Quantity. 7. Characterization of Contract Quantity as Local Supply (a) The Contract Quantity will be considered as a source and supply of water independently owned and managed by the Member Agency in the application of all Water Authority ordinances, plans, programs, rules, and regulations. Except as specified in this contract, the parties shall not modify the Contract Quantity. (b) The Contract Quantity will be treated as a "local supply" pursuant to the Water Authority's Water Shortage and Drought Response Plan and will be eligible for the Local Projects Development Adjustment under the Water Authority's Supply Allocation Methodology, as either may be amended from time-to-time. (c) For purposes of administering the ordinances, plans, programs, rules, and regulations described in paragraphs (a) or (b) of this section, to the extent that a Member Agency receives less than its Contract Quantity in an applicable yearly accounting period because of an authorized suspension of deliveries by the Water Authority under this contract, the Water Authority will apply the same considerations as for other local supplies that would be produced by other Member Agency projects, programs, or rights. (d) Nothing in this subdivision is intended to limit the ability of the Water Authority to amend, replace, repeal, adopt, or re-adopt either the Plan or the Methodology, or another plan or methodology to allocate Water Authority supplies in time of shortage or otherwise, provided that the Water Authority complies with paragraph (a) ofthis section. If the Water Authority amends, replaces, or repeals the Plan or the Methodology to eliminate or materially reduce the local supply benefit (i.e., which is a positive adjustment for highly reliable member agency local supplies and currently is set at 30% of a rolling three-year average of beneficial use from such reliable local supplies), the Member Agency may terminate this Contract as provided in paragraph (b) of section 10. 8. Price and Payment for the Contract Quantity (a) The price for the Member Agency Contract Quantity will be the sum of the Desalination Project Costs described in paragraph (1) (A) and (B). When payment of an adjusted Transportation Charge is required under paragraph (f) of section 6, the adjustments to Transportation Charge will be made as described in paragraph (2). ( 1) Unless the circumstance described in paragraph (b) of this section has occurred, the portion of the unit price attributable to Desalination Project Costs will be determined and apportioned by the Water Authority on a per-acre foot unit price basis: (A) For each acre-foot of the Contract Quantity delivered in a month the Member Agency will pay the Fixed Unit Price and the Variable Unit Price, plus any Direct Payments, determined for that month pursuant to Article 17 of the Poseidon WP A. For each Unexcused Demand Shortfall Unit attributed to the Member Agency the Member Agency will pay the Fixed Unit Price determined for that month pursuant to Article 17 of the Poseidon WP A. As used in this contract, an Unexcused Demand Shortfall Unit attributed to the Member Agency means any failure to take treated water equal to one-twelfth the Member Agency's Contract 5 Quantity unless the failure is due to a Member Agency Water Purchase Relief Event as defined in paragraph (g) of section 6. (B) For each acre-foot of the Contract Quantity delivered in a month and for each Unexcused Demand Shortfall Unit attributed to the Member Agency the Member Agency will pay a unit price equal to (a) the monthly debt service payment amounts and amounts set aside in reserves pursuant to agreements made by the Water Authority for financing of the obligations of the Water Authority under the Poseidon DBA, including refinancing agreements, apportioned on a per acre foot basis over the Minimum Annual Demand Commitment under the Poseidon WPA; plus (b) the operation and maintenance costs (including without limitation reasonable reserves for repair or replacement) for the facilities that are the subject of the Poseidon DBA determined according to the Water Authority's adopted budget for the fiscal year in which the price is to be paid apportioned on a per acre foot basis over the Minimum Annual Demand Commitment under the Poseidon WP A. (C) For each acre-foot of the Contract Quantity delivered in a month and for each Unexcused Demand Shortfall Unit attributed to the Member Agency the Member Agency will pay for the reimbursement of its proportionate share of the Water Authority's project oversight costs during the design, construction and commissioning of the Carlsbad Desalination Project prior to the date of Commercial Operation as described in Exhibit A. (D) The components of the unit price for the Desalination Project Costs and for the Water Authority capital and operating costs related to the Carlsbad Desalination Project are shown on Exhibit A. (2) When the Member Agency is required to pay transportation costs for treated water delivered in lieu of direct delivery of desalinated water pursuant to paragraph (f) of section 6, then in addition to the charges paid under paragraph (a)( I), for each acre-foot of the Contract Quantity delivered in a month the Member Agency will pay a unit price determined by the Water Authority based on an adjusted Transportation Charge, or an equivalent charge, under the Water Authority rate structure in effect at the time of the delivery, which will be calculated in such a manner to reflect only the proportion of costs of the desalinated water conveyance pipeline attributable to the Water Authority's proportion of desalinated water deliveries after subtracting the amounts determined under paragraph (l)(B) paid by the all member agencies having uniform contracts as part of the unit price attributable to Desalination Project Costs. The adjustments will include an appropriate additional reduction to the account for the Member Agency's payments under paragraph (1) (B) and an increase to account for chemical injection at the Twin Oaks Valley Water Treatment Plant to boost chloramines residual. The components of the adjustments to the Transportation Charge are shown on Exhibit B. Because the Member Agency pays the Desalination Project Costs in connection with treated water deliveries in lieu of direct deliveries of desalinated water, the Water Authority will not charge any other supply or treatment costs for those supplies. (b) If the Water Authority acquires the Carlsbad Desalination Plant in accordance with [he Poseidon WPA, the portion of the Carlsbad Desalination Project Costs that are determined under paragraph (1 )(A) of paragraph (a) will be redetermined by the Water Authority board of directors based upon the full cost (including without limitation, capital, debt service, acquisition, operation, maintenance, administrative overhead, depreciation, reserves) of the Water Authority's ownership, operation, and maintenance of the plant. 6 (c) In addition to the unit price determined according to subsections l(A), (B), and (C), the Member Agency will pay an annual Administration Charge calculated in the Initial Contract Year. The Administrative Charge components are described in Exhibit A. The Administrative Charge will be Index Linked as defined in Article 1 of the Poseidon WPA and will be adjusted each Contract Year after the first full Contract Year. The Administration Charge will be apportioned and collected as an additional unit charge for each acre-foot of the Contract Quantity delivered in a month and for each Unexcused Demand Shortfall Unit attributed to the Member Agency. (d) The Water Authority will rebate to the Member Agency a share of any Drought Shortfall Payments received by the Water Authority pursuant to the Poseidon WPA based on the ratio of the Member Agency's Contract Quantity to the Minimum Annual Demand Commitment. (e) If the amount of water received by the Water Authority pursuant to the Poseidon WPA is less than its Minimum Monthly Demand Commitment under that agreement, then the Member Agency's Contract Quantity deemed delivered in that month will be reduced to reflect the ratio of the Member Agency's Contract Quantity to the Minimum Annual Demand Commitment times the amount of desalinated water delivered to the Water Authority in that month. (f) The administrative charge may include additional charges to recover additional costs paid by the Water Authority for Base Product Water Deliveries pursuant to the Poseidon WP A for the prior fiscal year that were not recovered in the cumulative payment<; of the unit price for that prior year, or credits to allocate the benefit of payments received by the Water Authority pursuant to the Poseidon WPA for the prior fiscal year. (g) Nothing in this contract precludes the Water Authority from establishing or excuses the Member Agency from paying any other non-discriminatory fee or charge generally applicable to Water Authority member agencies, except that the Contract Quantity will not be used to calculate the Member Agency's customer service or storage charges under the Water Authority rate structure in existence on the date of this contract or any similar future rate structure of the Water Authority. (h) The Water Authority will determine and give written notice to the Member Agency of the actual unit price for the Contract Year of the Commercial Operation Date as soon as reasonably feasible after the Water Authority determines the prices in accordance with paragraphs (a) and (c) of this section. At the time of the written notice, the Water Authority will provide the Member Agency with a written description of the basis of the determination, including budget data and information. Within fifteen days thereafter, the Member Agency may dispute the determination by giving written notice to the Water Authority of the grounds for the dispute. The Water Authority and the Member Agency will meet in good faith to resolve the dispute within thirty days. The Member Agency will pay the price determined by the Water Authority until the dispute is resolved, and if a different price is mutually agreed as a result of the dispute process, the Member Agency may claim a refund. For each Contract Year following the Initial Contract Year, the Water Authority will determine and give notice to the Member Agency of the unit price for a Contract Year on or before September 1 of each year. The notice will be given in writing and include a brief description of the basis of determination consistent with paragraphs (a) and (c). 7 (i) The unit price for water deemed delivered in a calendar month is due on the 15th day of the following month in accordance with the Water Authority's billing practices applicable to water delivery generally. The Administrative Charge is payable in twelve equal monthly installments due on the 15th day of each month. Delinquent payments are subject to the same policies, including provisions or payment of interest and penalties, established by the Water Authority for billing and collection of fees, rates, and charges generally (j) If the Water Authority received grants or other incentive payments from any federal, state, or local government agency to defray all or any portion of the Desalination Project Costs, the Water Authority will rebate to the Member Agency a share of any such grant or incentive payments based on the ratio of the Member Agency's Contract Quantity to the Minimum Annual Demand Commitment." 9. Additional Product Water Additional Product Water will be made available to each member agency that has agreed to participate in the purchase of Additional Product Water according to paragraph (c) of section 5 if and when the Water Authority determines to take Additional Product Water pursuant to tbe Poseidon WP A. As it is received, the Additional Product Water will be delivered to each participating member agency as treated water at the same price paid by the Water Authority for that water under the Poseidon WPA; in addition the Member Agency will pay the Aqueduct Cost pursuant to paragraph (a) (2) of section 8 for each acre-foot of water delivered. Additional Product Water made available to the Member Agency will be treated as a local supply as provided in section 7. I 0. Early Termination (a) If the Water Authority acquires the Carlsbad Desalination Plant pursuant to the Poseidon WP A, other than pursuant to the provisions for transfer upon expiration of the term of that agreement, the Member Agency will have 90 days after the date of such acquisition to terminate this contract by giving written notice to the Water Authority. The Member Agency will be deemed to have waived the provisions of this section if it does not deliver the written notice to the Water Authority within 90 after the date of acquisition. (b) If the Water Authority amends, replaces, or repeals the Water Shortage and Drought Response Plan or Supply Allocation Methodology to eliminate or materially reduce the local supply benefit (i.e., which is a positive adjustment for highly reliable member agency local supplies and currently is set at 30% of a rolling three-year average of beneficial use from such reliable local supplies), the Member Agency will have 90 days after notice of the amendment, replacement, or repeal to terminate this contract by giving written notice to the Water Authority. The Member Agency will be deemed to have waived the provisions of this section if it does not deliver the written notice to the Water Authority within 90 days. 8 11. Entire Agreement This contract constitutes the entire understanding among the parties with respect to the matters set forth herein, and supersedes all prior or contemporaneous understandings or agreements among the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof, whether oral or written. 12. Non-severability The covenants and obligations of each party constitute consideration for the covenants and obligations of the other parties and that the provisions of this contract cannot be severed one from the other without affecting the respective and mutual benefits to be obtained by the parties from enforcement of the contract as a whole. 13. Amendment Neither this contract nor any of its provisions may be waived, modified, amended, discharged, or terminated except by an instrument in writing signed by the party against which the enforcement of such waiver, modification, amendment, discharge or termination is sought, and then only to the extent set forth in such writing. However, for purposes of this contract, the Poseidon WP A, the Poseidon DBA, and any agreements relating to the financing, construction, reconstruction, operation, or maintenance of the Carlsbad Desalination Project includes any amendments to those agreements approved and executed by the Water Authority, and no amendment of any of those agreements will be considered an amendment to this or any of the uniform contracts. 14. Construction This contract constitutes a fully-negotiated agreement among commercially sophisticated parties, each assisted by legal counsel, and the terms of this contract shall not be construed or interpreted for or against any party hereto because that party or its legal representative drafted or prepared such provision. Headings, titles and captions are for convenience only and shall not be used for the interpretation of the provisions of this contract. 15. Controlling Law This contract shall be governed by, and construed and interpreted in accordance with, the laws of the State of California, without giving effect to any choice-of-law or conflicts-of-laws rule or principle that would result in the application of any other laws. 16. Notices Any notice, approval, consent, waiver or other communication required or permitted to be given or to be served upon any party in connection with this contract shall be in writing. Such notice shall be personally served, sent by facsimile, sent prepaid by registered or certified mail with return receipt requested, or sent by reputable overnight delivery service, such as Federal Express, and shall be deemed given: (a) if personally served, when delivered to the Party to whom such notice is addressed; (b) if given by facsimile, when sent, provided that the confirmation sheet from the sending fax machine confirms that the total number of pages were successfully transmitted; (c) if given by prepaid or certified mail with return receipt requested, 9 on the date of execution of the return receipt; or (d) if sent by reputable overnight delivery service, such as Federal Express, when received. Such notices shall be addressed to the party to whom such notice is to be given at the address specified below or as such party shall otherwise direct in writing to the other parties delivered or sent in accordance with this paragraph. The "copy to" notice to be given as set forth below is a courtesy copy only; a notice given to such person is not sufficient to effect giving a notice to the principal party, and a failure to give such a courtesy copy of a notice does not constitute a failure to give notice to the principal party. To the Water Authority: With a copy to: To the Member Agency: With a copy to: 17. Cumulative Rights Waiver San Diego County Water Authority 4677 Overland A venue San Diego, CA 92123 ATTN: General Manager San Diego County Water Authority 4677 Overland A venue San Diego, CA 92123 ATTN: General Counsel Carlsbad Municipal Water District 5950 El Camino Real Carlsbad, CA 92008 ATTN: Executive Director City of Carlsbad Carlsbad Municipal Water District 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 A TIN: General Counsel The rights created under this contract, or by law or equity, shall be cumulative and may be exercised at any time and from time to time. Except as otherwise expressly provided in this contract or except passage of time specified by statute for limitation of actions, a failure, delay, or omission by any party in exercising any right, shall not be construed or deemed to be, or operate as a waiver of that right, and no single or partial exercise by any party of a right preclude any other or future exercise thereof or the exercise of any other right. No party may waive any right and no non-defaulting party may waive any breach by the defaulting party of any provision of this contract unless the waiver is in writing, and any waiver by any non-defaulting party of any breach by a defaulting party of any provision of this contract shall not operate as or be construed to be a waiver of any other breach of that provision or of any breach of any other provision of this contract. The failure of any party to insist upon strict adherence to any term of this contract on one or more occasions shall not be considered a waiver of any provision or any breach of any provision of this contract or deprive that party of the right thereafter to insist upon strict adherence to that provision or any other provision of this contract. 10 18. No Third Party Beneficiaries This contract does not create, and shall not be construed to create, any rights enforceable by any person, partnership, corporation, joint venture, limited liability company or other form of organization or association of any kind that is not a party to this contract. Nothing in this contract shall be construed to make the Member Agency a third party beneficiary of the Poseidon WPA. 19. Execution in Counterparts; Facsimile Signatures This contract may be executed in counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original, but all of which together shall constitute one and the same instrument. The signature page of any counterpart may be detached therefrom without impairing the legal effect of the signature(s) thereon, provided such signature page is attached to any other counterpart identical thereto except for having an additional signature page executed by the other party. Each party agrees that the other parties may rely upon the facsimile signature of a party on this contract as constituting a duly authorized, irrevocable, actual, current delivery of this contract as fully as if this contract contained the original ink signature of the party supplying a facsimile signature. 20. Time of the Essence Time is of the essence of each and every provision of this contract. 21. Proof of Authority Each party shall deliver to the other party copies of such resolutions, certificates or written assurances evidencing authorization to execute, deliver, and perform this contract. 22. Number, Gender Where a word or phrase is defined in this contract, its other grammatical forms have a corresponding meaning. As used herein, and as the circumstances require, the plural term shall include the singular, the singular shall include the plural, the neuter term shall include the masculine and feminine genders, the masculine term shall include the neuter and the feminine genders, and the feminine term shall include the neuter and the masculine genders. 23. Relationship Nothing in this contract shall be deemed to constitute either party a partner, agent or legal representative of the other party. No liability or benefits, such as workers' compensation, pension rights or liabilities, other provisions or liabilities arising out of or related to a contract for hire or employer/employee relationship, shall arise or accrue to any party's agent or employee as a result of this contract or its performance. Each party is responsible for own acts and omissions, and the acts or omissions of its respective officers, employees and agents. 24. Defense The parties agree to cooperate to defend this contract by any person or entity that is not a party to this contract, provided, however, that each party shall bear its own attorneys' fees and costs, unless the parties otherwise agree. 11 25. Assignment Neither the Member Agency nor the Water Authority will assign any of its rights, interests, or obligations under this contract, except that upon a governmental reorganization the obligations of a party under this contract will be transferred to the successor agency. 26. Limitation of Liability The Water Authority shall not be liable to the Member Agency for any monetary damages of any kind or nature whatsoever, whether based on contract, warranty, tort (including negligence or strict liability), or otherwise, resulting from the failure to deliver the Contract Quantity. The Member Agency's exclusive remedy for the Water Authority's breach of this contract is a reduction in the payment of the unit price to the extent of the shortfall in delivery of the Contract Quantity. 27. Force Majeure The performance of the Water Authority's obligation to deliver and the Member Agency's obligation to purchase the Contract Quantity is excused to the extent and for the duration that the performance is prevented by: acts or failure to act by any government agency or authority (other than the Water Authority or the Member Agency); natural disaster such as earthquake, fire, or flood; war; labor strike or lockout; riots, insurrection, rebellion, acts of the public enemy, acts of terrorism and sabotage; or other cause beyond the control of the party claiming the prevention of performance. A reduction of the Member Agency's treated water demand due to weather, consumer consumption, availability of alternate supplies, or similar reason will not be grounds for relief under this section. In the event the performance of a party is prevented under this section, the performance of both parties will be excused until the performance is no longer prevented. The parties will reasonably cooperate to seek a restoration of the performance, however, neither party is obliged to expend resources to restore, repair, or replace facilities or services of the other party the damage or interruption of which is the cause of the prevention of performance. This section does not apply to circumstances within the scope of relief under section 6 of this contract. 28. Execution and Effective Date This contract is effective as of the last date of execution by the parties as shown below: Water Authority By: ___ -=---f--J.r-~~~~-­ Maureen A. Staple APPROVED AS TO FORM: syGvxuon~, ~<Wj General C sel Carlsbad Municipal Water District By: ________ _ Matt Hall, President 12 Date: 3 -{ ~ -{ G, Date:----------- ATTEST: By: ________ _ Barbara Engleson, Secretary APPROVED AS TO FORM: By: ________ _ Celia A. Brewer, General Counsel 13 EXHffiiT A Basis and Method for Carlsbad Desalination Project Costs Plant Costs [Section 8, paragraph {a)(l)(A)] WP A Article 17.4 Capital Charges (Debt Service Charge+ Equity Retum Charge) WP A Article 17.5 Operating Charge (Fixed Operating Charge+ Variable Operating Charge) WPA Article 17.6 Electricity Charge (Fixed Electricity Charge+ Variable Electricity Charge) WPA Article 8.14 Poseidon Management Fee (Annual Management Fee) Pipeline Costs [Section 8, paragraph (a)(l)(B)] WPA Article 9.11 Pipeline Debt Payment (Annual Contracted Shortfall Payment WPA Appendix 10 Table 1.3) Pipeline Operation and Maintenance (Approved Water Authority Operating budget attributable to Desalinated Water Conveyance Pipeline maintenance) Capital Oversight Costs [Section 8, paragraph (a)(l)(C)] Amortized capital cost of Water Authority construction management and design review related to WPA Article 7 Appendix 3, 4 and 5 and the Pipeline Design Build Agreement divided by 48,000 acre feet. (Annual cost spread over total WPA minimum annual commitment Article 9.4 (a).) Administrative Charge [Section 8, paragraph (c)] Total cost attributable to WP A administration and member agency purchase contract administration according to the approved Water Authority budget, divided by 48,000 acre feet. 14 EXHffiiTB Calculation of Aqueduct Cost Transportation Charge Adjustment [Section 8, paragraph (a)(2)] Credit for Payment of WPA Article 9.11 Debt Payment: (Annual Desalinated Conveyance Pipeline Debt Service Divided by Projected Total Member Agency Deliveries) Credit for Payment of Water Authority Capital Oversight (Annual amortized cost divided by Total Member Agency Deliveries) Credit for Payment of Pipeline Maintenance Charge (Annual O&M Budget attributed to Desalinated Water Conveyance Pipeline Divided by Total Member Agency Deliveries) Cost for Chemical Injection to Boost Chloramines Residual (Annual operating cost divided by 56,000 Acre Feet maximum annual desalinated water production) NOTES ($/AF) ($/AF) ($/AF) $/AF I "Projected Total Member Agency Deliveries" means the total deliveries of Water Authority water to all Water Authority member agencies, except deliveries to member agencies through direct connections to MWD owned pipelines. 2 Amounts shown in parenthesis ($/ AF) are credits against the Transportation Charge Amounts shown without parenthesis are additions to the Transportation Charge 15 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 1548 ------ A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF THE FIRST AMENDMENT TO THE REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT AND THE SAN DIEGO COUNTY WATER AUTHORITY FOR THE PLANNING AND DESIGN OF THE CARLSBAD 5 FLOW CONTROL FACILITY (PROJECT 5038} AND PRESSURE REDUCING VALVE. EXHIBIT 2 WHEREAS, in May 2014, Carlsbad Municipal Water District (CMWD) entered into a Reimbursement Agreement with the San Diego County Water Authority (SDCWA) for the Carlsbad 5 Flow Control Facility titled "Reimbursement Agreement between the Carlsbad Municipal Water District and the San Diego County Water Authority for the Carlsbad 5 Service Connection Facility Planning Study;" and WHEREAS, in order to complete the design of the Carlsbad 5 Flow Control Facility, SDCWA desires to execute the First Amendment to the Reimbursement Agreement between the Carlsbad Municipal Water District and the San Diego County Water Authority for the planning and design of the Carlsbad 5 Flow Control Facility and pressure reducing valve (Reimbursement Agreement Amendment); and WHEREAS, staff estimates the planning and design work, environmental, and land acquisition will cost approximately $1,014,300 of the estimated $2.8 million project; and WHEREAS, staff anticipates returning to the Board in 12 to 18 months for consideration of another Amendment to the Reimbursement Agreement necessary to authorize construction of the Carlsbad 5 Flow Control Facility. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the CMWD Board of Directors of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows that: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct and incorporated herein. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2. That the CMWD President is authorized and directed to execute the Reimbursement Agreement Amendment attached hereto as Attachment A. 3. That the Administrative Services Director is authorized to appropriate $1,014,300 from the Water Connection Fee Fund for the Carlsbad 5 Flow Control Facility and Pressure Reducing Valve project (Project No. 5038). II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Special Meeting of the Carlsbad Municipal Water District Board of the City of Carlsbad on the 12th day of April, 2016, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Board Members Hall, Wood, Schumacher, Blackburn, Packard. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. ATTEST: First Amendment to Agreement The Reimbursement Agreement Between the Carlsbad Municipal Water District and the San Diego County Water Authority for the Carlsbad 5 Service Connection Facility Planning Study, which was executed on May 12,2014 (Agreement), is amended effective ~H.NV B ~dOL~ , 2016. Purpose of Amendment: Carlsbad has requested an addition to the scope of work, namely that the design of the Carlsbad 5 Flow Control Facility and Pressure Reducing Valve (Project) be added to the original scope of work. This amendment addresses the addition to the scope of work and the increased reimbursement for the work. The Agreement is amended as follows: 1. Revise the title of the Agreement to add design and revise the facility name as follows: Reimbursement Agreement between the Carlsbad Municipal Water District and the San Diego County Water Authority for the Planning and Design of the Carlsbad 5 Flow Control Facility and Pressure Reducing Valve 2. Section I, Description of Partnering Agencies, is amended to change the name of the agreement pursuant to which desalinated water will be sold to the District and bought from the Water Authority from "Member Agency Purchase Contract" to "Uniform Contract Between the San Diego County Water Authority and City of Carlsbad for the Purchase of Treated Water from the Carlsbad Desalination Project." 3. Section IV, Cost Reimbursement is amended as follows: 1. Paragraph A: The District shall reimburse the Water Authority for its actual cost to complete the work described in Attachment A -Scope of Work and within this Agreement. The estimated cost for the planning study and the design of the Project, including all environmental permitting and property acquisition, is approximately $1,014,300. If the construction of the Project is delayed for an extensive period of time, the final design may need to be updated to meet current codes and requirements. The District will pay the costs to modify the final design. 11. Add Paragraphs C, D, and E, as follows: C. If District desires the Water Authority to terminate work at any time during design, District will reimburse the Water Authority for all costs incurred through the date of notification. D. Deposit Schedule: Estimated costs for planning and design of the Project are shown in Exhibit C-1. District will deposit with the Water Authority $1 ,014,300 within thirty (30) calendar days of the execution of this Agreement. 1 P:\K0307-Carlsbad 5 SC\000-General Finance\002-Agreements\Carlsbad 5 FCF\First Amendment-Carlsbad 5 FCF-Final.docx E. Project Cost Accounting: The Project cost accounting will be performed by the Water Authority at the following milestones: 1. Phase 1: Completion of the Planning Study, Final Design, Environmental Review and Property Acquisition for the Project. 2. Upon completion of Phase I, the Water Authority will provide an accounting report to District detailing the costs. 2.1 If District's share of actual costs is more than the deposits, District will, within thirty (30) calendar days of its receipt of an invoice representing the results of the cost accounting, make full payment to the Water Authority of all undisputed amounts. Any payment not made will be subject to a delinquency charge of two (2) percent of the delinquent payment for each month, or portion thereof, after said thirty (30) calendar days that the payment remains delinquent; provided that disputed amounts shall not be considered due until District and the Water Authority agree on the amount actually due. If the delinquency does not exceed five (5) business days, the charge shall be equal to one ( 1) percent of the delinquent amount; or 2.2 If the District's share of actual costs is less than deposits, the excess amount, without interest, will be refunded by the Water Authority to the District within 40 calendar days of the Water Authority providing final accounting to the District. 3. Water Authority will retain detailed records from which costs are calculated for a period of three (3) years from the date of the final invoice, and will be available for verification by District. If District determines an audit is necessary, it will be completed at District's expense during the three (3) year period. If any adjustments are recommended by the audit, payment shall be made to the party, in accordance with such recommendations. Payment shall be made within thirty (30) calendar days of receipt an invoice resulting from the audit. 4. Amend Section V, Roles and Responsibilities of the Parties 1. Paragraph A is amended as follows: A. Water Authority agrees to provide all labor and services necessary to complete the planning study and design as described in Attachment A-Scope of Work and as described below. 11. Add Paragraphs C and D as follows: C. District will perform the following: 1. Review and provide written comments on plans, specifications, studies, reports, and other documents provided by the Water Authority for the Project within twenty (20) 2 P:\K0307-Carlsbad 5 SC\000-General Finance\002-Agreements\Carlsbad 5 FCF\First Amendment-Carlsbad 5 FCF-Final.docx working days of receipt. District's review shall not be unreasonably delayed or withheld. If the District does not respond within the time stated herein, it will be understood by the Parties that no District comment is forthcoming and the Water Authority will proceed. 2. Assign a Project Manager to the Project to be the Water Authority's single point of contact during planning and design of the Project. D. The Water Authority will perform the following: 1. Provide all labor and services necessary to complete the planning study and design of the Project. 2. Carlsbad 5 Flow Control Facility will be designed to Water Authority's standards and the Pressure Reducing Valve will be designed to the District's standards. 3. Assign a Project Manager to be the District's single point of contact during the planning and design of the Project. 4. Provide ten ( 1 0) calendar days' notice of meetings and other project related occurrences. 5. Develop Request for Proposals, Notice of Inviting Bids, and select contractors to provide the planning study, preliminary design, and final design services for the Project. 6. Water Authority is the lead agency for the preparation and finalization the environmental document(s) required by the Project. 7. Provide to the District, for review and comment, two (2) hard copies and one (1) electronic copy of the design report, construction drawings and specifications, and construction cost estimates. 8. Acquire any temporary construction easements and all other fee property for the Project prior to the completion of design. 9. For the outlet piping, a buried monolithic insulating joint with butt straps will be designed on the property line at the easterly limits of the Water Authority property for change in ownership. 5. Add the following new Section VI, Facilities and Access Right of Way as follows and renumber the consecutive sections. VI. Facilities and Access Right of Way A. The Carlsbad 5 Flow Control Facility will be located on property on the north side of Lionshead A venue just west of Business Park Way in the City of Carlsbad as shown on Exhibits A-1 and B-1 attached hereto and made a part of this Agreement. This property is 3 P:\K0307-Carlsbad 5 SC\000-General Finance\002-Agreements\Carlsbad 5 FCF\First Amendment-Carlsbad 5 FCF-Final.docx currently privately owned. The Water Authority will purchase the property in fee, pursuant to the terms of this Agreement. Facility access will be from adjacent public streets. The Water Authority will retain ownership of the property. B. The Pressure Reducing Valve will be located on property immediately adjacent to the Carlsbad 5 Flow Control Facility as shown on Exhibits A-1 and B-1. This property is currently privately owned but will be purchased in fee by the Water Authority, pursuant to the terms of this Agreement and quitclaimed to the District upon completion of the Project. The District will then own the property in fee. Facility access will be from adjacent public streets. C. Any landscaping required by the District outside of the Water Authority's property line of the Carlsbad 5 Flow Control Facility shall be installed, owned and maintained by the District. All landscaping shall be approved by the Water Authority and shall not impact the integrity, security, operation, and maintenance of the Carlsbad 5 Flow Control Facility. 6. Delete Paragraph VII, Term in its entirety and revise the numbering of the consecutive sections. 7. Amend Section IX, Notice as follows: 1. Notice is amended to revise the Parties for the Water Authority and the District as follows: With a copy to: San Diego County Water Authority 4677 Overland A venue San Diego, CA 92123 Attention: Director of Engineering Carlsbad Municipal Water District 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 Attention: Director of Engineering City of Carlsbad Carlsbad Municipal Water District 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Attention: General Counsel All other terms, covenants, and conditions of the Agreement, as amended, shall remain in full force and effect and shall be applicable to this First Amendment. 4 P:\K0307-Carlsbad 5 SC\000-General Finance\002-Agreements\Carlsbad 5 FCF\First Amendment-Carlsbad 5 FCF-Final.docx IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed the First Amendment to Agreement as of the date written above. San Diego County Water Authority Approved as to form: Rosann Gallien Bepaty Oenetal Couftsd ~-----By: ____ ~--------------------- Hat tam Counsel 5 Carlsbad Municipal Water District By: Attest: Matt Hall President By.~~ Secretary Approved as to form: Heather L. Stroud Deputy General Counsel P:\K0307-Carlsbad 5 SC\000-General Finance\002-Agreements\Carlsbad 5 FCF\First Amendment-Carlsbad 5 FCF-Final.docx "0 ~ w 0 -...J ~ cr" 15.. V> "' ~ g 0 (1> "' (1> ~ J1 "' "' "' ("") 6 0 '" ~ ~ @ ~ cr" 15..0\ V> ?1 ~ fa ~ (1> "' c.. 3 (1> ~ n ~ cr" "' c.. V> ?1 71 J1 "' 1:0. 0.. 0 ("") >< ? ~ Sill :f ·~ Oceanside V15LIWoy !.\~10tllld -,. ~ ~ d' §) ' .fi'" ~~ .. ..~> \ c.Mstn<l1 ;;;b. 9 _.., '2 '!! " " % .~ 0 ~ ~ .. , 4 ~ G .. ,. ~ ca.#' ..,,, ~ ';. Pacific v 0 Ocean ~ ,., fa ' ....... ~81vd '<.o,~CIO,. \.1-\"a~~ r ~I'll. co. ~0' --~~~,0< ~ oJ' ~ ... q. ~ l't. i- 1)1 .. 4 ' ~ r lA~ "& ...... § <J <l'',rd'¥> Carlsbad Carlsbad 5 Flow Control Facility ' < ~ ~ .a' @D ~" •,,,l?o~f!CJJ "' McClellan-Palomat + Airport Sll {!.)~··~· f,.,~ . L---""'\. ..--....J ~ ~ (.,.~ .. d • ..: "' Patomar Airporr Road c. ..... .., F<d , • fEJ} .,. '- ...~ ,. Pt'M~·-·~\\,.. ~ .. ~ ~\~ .J.'' -."' v•s••qd~ " \ <>o ~ '!!. .\\'~\.-{\ ¢<:-'' ~"' ~· ,. :!. ".,.. ... Ofn.o S\ qt. ... " v; .!: .. J ¢ PROJECT: « "~~•v"'•.;~ ~ T,o\•Y(" Vista ... .. ~ @!) fa ~ l .,~ !-~ ~~ ~ .. l)t qct"' --4'",. .~ ,., ~ S? ~ .~\lOr £,~.,.~ G.~~ ... ~ .... i ,? N \~ ,/ C:·,., .,., ·~.,. ~ WA<Y~ ~ t. ~ ~ t.:c~t ,. San Marcos r.:::'1 1' ~ ~' .... atc.os 6\"0 ~t~Sa"'" 1, ¢ .., ~ LakeSan . s..v, ~ CARLSBAD 5 1:. ;;; > .. Ct.t,.., Prt '-.. GENERAL AREA MAP SCALE (feet) FLOW CONTROL FACILITY [' 0 2,000 4,000 8.000 EXHIBIT A ~ 'JJ.~ ~= ~~ ~e= a:::3 >> '"C, ,.... -o ~ 0 w 0 _, ~ a" ~ V> (/) ~ ~ ::s " ~ ::!1 ::s "' ::s n 6 0 t-> )> ~ ~ ::s ~ ~ g-._) Q. V> ?5 ~ ~ )> 3 " ::s Q. ~ ~ n ~ a" ~ V> ?5 71 ::!1 ::s eo. Q. 0 n >< SCALE (feet) 0 ~ ~ 100 @ Son Di•go Coonty Wo"' Authority CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM CARLSBAD 5 GENERAL LOCATION MAP FLOW CONTROL FACILITY EXHIBIT B ~ 0~ n~ >= ~~ ~~ o~ z~ ~~ >"""'" ~ Planning Design Environmental Land Acquisition EXIllBIT C-1 ESTIMATED PROJECT COSTS Estimated Total for Planning and Design: 8 P:\K0307-Carlsbad 5 SC\000-General Finance\002-Agreements\Carlsbad 5 FCF\First Amendment-Carlsbad 5 FCF-Final.docx Cost $161,300 $450,000 $205,000 $198,000 $1,014,300 NOT TO SCALE NAME: LOCATION MAP DESALINATED WATER FLOW CONTROL FACILITY AND PRESSURE REDUCING STATION PLOTTED BY: SCOTT EVANS PLOT DATE:B/27/15 PATH:D: \UTILITIES DEPARTMENT\DESIGN 0/V/S/ON\SAMI\DESAL SERVICE.DWG hi \VUY I PROJECT NUMBER 50381 EXHIBIT 3 fv\unic1on! Munidpo\ Cotmly EXHIBIT 4 December 28, 2015 Wendy Chambers General Manager Carlsbad Municipal Water District 5950 El Camino Real Carlsbad, CA 92008 c;,y RE: Notice of fiscal year 2016 Unit Prices for Delivery of Local Water from the Carlsbad Desalination Project Dear Wendy, In anticipation of Carlsbad's execution of, and in compliance with the Uniform Contract for Member Agency Purchase of treated water from the San Diego County Water Authority-Carlsbad Desalination Project" (Uniform Contract), I am sending you this letter coinciding with the startup of Commercial Operations. Under the Uniform Contract, Carlsbad will purchase its annual Contract Quantity of 2,500 acre-feet from the Water Authority for the 30-year term of the agreement. Carlsbad's Contract Quantity is part of the Water Authority's Minimum Annual Demand Commitment under the Poseidon-Water Authority Water Purchase Agreement (Poseidon WPA). As provided in Section 8 Subsection 2 (h) of the proposed Uniform Contract, the Water Authority will provide written notice to Carlsbad of the: "actual unit price for the Contract Year of the Commercial Operation Date as soon as reasonably feasible after the Water Authority determines the prices in accordance with paragraphs (a) and (c) of this section. At the time of the written notice, the Water Authority will provide the Member Agency with a written description of the basis of the determination, including budget data and information. " The following remaining conditions under the Poseidon Water Purchase Agreement (WPA) and the proposed Uniform Contract have been satisfied and allow for notification to Carlsbad of an Initial Contract Year Price: A • approval of the Water Authority's fiscal year 2016 operating budget • publication of the San Diego CPI for the first six months of 2015 e identification of the commercial operations date • finalization by the Water Authority and Poseidon of the Annual Demand Commitment for the initial contract year water to the San Wendy Chambers December 28, 2015 Page 2 Carlsbad Contract Quantity and Delivery Schedule Under the Poseidon WPA, a Contract Year begins July 1 and ends June 30. Since the Commercial Operations Date has been established as December 23, 2015 at 1200 hours the Initial Contract Year will result in a reduction in the Water Authority's Minimum Annual Demand Commitment for the period from the date of Commercial Operations through June 30, 2016. The Water Authority's Minimum Annual Demand Commitment for the Initial Contract Year is 24,983.6 acre-feet. Based on Section 6(b) of the proposed Uniform Contract, Carlsbad's Contract Quantity for the Initial Contract Year is 1,250 acre-feet. 6(b) Purchase and delivery of the Contract Quantity will commence on the first day of the calendar month following Commercial Operation of the Carlsbad Desalination Plant pursuant to the Poseidon WPA. For the first Contract Year of Commercial Operation the Contract Quantity will be one-twelfth of the Contract Quantity times the number of full months following Commercial Operation remaining in the Contract Year Under the proposed Uniform Contract Section 6 (a), Carlsbad's Contract Quantity is delivered in 12 equal monthly amounts. For the upcoming partial Initial Contract Year consistent with the Uniform Contract, one-sixth of Carlsbad's Initial Contract Year Contract Quantity of 1,250 acre-feet will be delivered monthly from January 2016 through June 2016. The schedule of monthly deliveries to the Water Authority and Carlsbad's share of these deliveries is provided below in Table 1. Table 1 Delivery Water Authority Carlsbad Deliveries Month Monthly Minimum (AF) Dec-15 841.3 N/A Jan-16 3,068.3 208.3 Feb-16 2,534.7 208.3 Mar-16 4,151.5 208.3 Apr-16 4,648.8 208.3 May-16 4,949.5 208.3 Jun-16 4,789.5 208.3 Total 24,983.6 1,250.0 Price & Payment for Contract Quantity Section 8 of the proposed Uniform Contract provides the detailed terms and conditions related to the price to Carlsbad for local water from the Carlsbad Desalination Project. The following is a breakdown of the unit prices of desalinated water purchased from the Water Authority as local supply. The cost to Carlsbad includes production and conveyance from the Carlsbad Desalination Plant to Carlsbad 5 Flow Control Facility Wendy Chambers December 28, 2015 Page 3 (FCF). Credits and costs related to the Water Authority's Transportation Charge are also included in the event Carlsbad is unable to take delivery at Carlsbad 5 and desalinated water is conveyed through the Water Authority's Aqueduct system to a Carlsbad FCF. As required under the proposed Uniform Contract, administration charges are included for costs related to the Poseidon WPA and the Uniform Contract. Unit prices are organized as they are described in Exhibits A and B of the proposed Uniform Contract. Plant Cost'i [Section 8, paragraph (a) (1) (A)] Reference Charge $/AF WP A Article 17.4 Capital (Debt Service Charge+ $552.44 + $342.86 = Charges Equity Return Charge) $895.30 WP A Article 17.5 Operating (Fixed Operating Charge+ $426.64 + $110.43 = Charge Variable Operating Charge) $537.07 WPA Article 17.6 (Fixed Electricity Charge + $ 112.16 + $546.07 = Electricity Charge Variable Electricity Charge) $658.23 1 WP A Article 8.14 Poseidon (Annual Management Fee) $10.52 Management Fee Total Plant Related Unit Cost $2,101.12 .. ElectriCity Charge provided IS an estimated weighted average based on proJeCtions for water productiOn, time of use, seawater influent salinity and temperature. (CEC FY2016 Water Unit Price Projection- ll/30/2015) Actual monthly charges will vary with actual conditions and will comply with Appendix 9 of the Poseidon WP A. Pipeline Costs [Section 8, paragraph (a) (1) (B)] Reference Charge $/AF WPA Article 9.11 (Annual Contracted Shortfall Payment $209.64 Pipeline Debt Payment WPA Appendix 10 Table 1.3) Pipeline Operation and (Approved Water Authority Operating $4.38 Maintenance budget attributable to Desalinated Water Conveyance Pipeline maintenance) Total Conveyance Unit Price $214.02 Total WPA Unit Price $2,315.14 Wendy Chambers December 28, 2015 Page4 Capital Oversight Costs [Section 8, paragraph (a) (1) (C)] Reference Charge WP A Article 7 Appendix Budget for K0302 3, 4 and 5 Amortized capital cost of Water Authority Expenditures divided by 48,000 acre-feet Water Authority Budget for K0303 construction management Amortized capital cost of and design review per divided by 48,000 acre-feet Pipeline Design Build Agreement Total Capital Oversight Costs Administrative Charge [Section 8, paragraph (c)] Approved Water Authority Total cost attributable to 2016 Operating Budget WPA and member agency purchase contract administration divided by 48,000 acre-feet Total Unit Cost $/AF $5.61 $15.06 $20.67 $9.10 $2,344.91 Should Carlsbad decide to take delivery of desalinated water through the existing Aqueduct System, rather than a new connection to the Desalinated Water Conveyance Pipeline, the following is a breakdown of credits to the Water Authority's Transportation Charge that Carlsbad would receive due to the payments you will be making related to the full cost recovery purchase of desalinated water from the Water Authority. Credit $/AF $/AF FY 2016 FY 2017 Credit for Payment of WP A Article 9.11 Debt Payment: ($17.19) ($21.40) Credit for Payment of Water Authority Capital Oversight ($1.34) ($1.35) Credit for Payment of PiQ_eline Maintenance Charge ($0.44) ($0.46) Total Transportation Charge Credit ($18.97) ($23.21) Desalinated water deliveries through the existing Aqueduct system are subject to an additional charge for chemical injection costs. This charge reflects the unit cost of maintaining an adequate chloramine residual through the Water Authority's distribution system and delivery to a member agency turnout. Wendy Chambers December 28, 2015 Page 5 ! Charge I Cost for Chemical Injection to Boost I Chloramines Residual I Net Transportation Charge Credit Monthly Billing for Desalinated Water FY 2016 Cost FY 2017 Cost $2.95/AF $2.95/AF ($16.02) ($20.26) As described in the Uniform Contract Section 8 (i), the Water Authority will bill Carlsbad monthly for local supply from the Carlsbad Desalination Project. The charges and, if appropriate, credits will appear on the Water Authority's Monthly Water Bill to Carlsbad along with all other rates and charges for delivery of Water Authority supplies. Because the Water Authority will be conducting a detailed reconciliation of its monthly invoice for desalinated water deliveries by Poseidon, charges for that month will appear on Carlsbad's Water Bill on the following month. For example, January deliveries of desalinated water to Carlsbad will appear on Carlsbad's February Monthly Water Bill from the Water Authority along with other charges for February Water Authority deliveries. This delay in billing is necessary to ensure accuracy of Poseidon's billing to the Water Authority and compliance with the Poseidon WP A. Attachment A provides a summary of the charges described in this letter. Please review the schedule of deliveries, unit prices, and credit information provided. We recognize that Carlsbad has not signed the Uniform Contract. If you or your staff have any questions or would like to meet with Water Authority staff regarding the Uniform Contract or for a more detailed explanation of the information provided in this letter, please call me at (858) 522-6741 and we can schedule a meeting to discuss. Robert R. Yama , P.E. Director of Water Resources cc: Jeremy Crutchfield, SDCW A Lisa Celaya, SDCW A Rod Greek SDCW A Tim Bombardier, SDCW A Stu Williams, SDCW A Attachment A Summary of Initial Contract Year Carlsbad Desalination Project Charges Under the Uniform Contract Poseidon Water Water Authority Water Total Water WPA Authority Desalinated Authority WP A Authority Related Capital Water Administration Charges Charges Costs Conveyance Charge Recovery Pipeline Charge Maintenance Charge $2,310.76/AF $20.67/AF $4.38/AF $9.10/AF $2,344.91/ AF Initial Contract Year Water Authority Transportation Charges Under the Uniform Contract Transp. Net Credit Net Water Charge For Authority CY 2016 Charges Transp. Paid under Charge Uniform FY2016 Contract FY 2016 $105/AF ($16.02/ AF) $88.97/AF 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 EXHIBIT 5 RESOLUTION NO. 1460 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT (CMWD), EXPRESSING INTENTION TO ENTER INTO UNIFORM CONTRACT FOR PURCHASE OF TREATED WATER FROM THE SAN DIEGO COUNTY WATER AUTHORITY - CARLSBAD DESALINATION PROJECT. WHEREAS, the San Diego County Water Authority (SDCWA) is considering entering into an agreement titled "Carlsbad Seawater Desalination Project Water Purchase Agreement" 8 between the San Diego County Water Authority and Poseidon Resources (Channelside) LP 9 10 dated as of __________ , 2012 ("Poseidon WPA"); and 11 WHEREAS, under the Poseidon WPA the SDCWA intends to purchase at least 48,000 acre-feet annually of highly reliable, high quality desalinated water to the extent it is produced 12 and made available for delivery according to the terms of that agreement, as well as additional 13 product water; and 14 15 WHEREAS, in June 2011 the SDCWA Board of Directors adopted guiding principles for the SDCWA to make available to its member agencies under uniform contracts desalinated 16 17 water in an amount up to a total of 49 percent of the desalinated water purchased by the SDCWA 18 under the Poseidon WPA; and 19 WHEREAS, the SDCWA has provided the Carlsbad Municipal Water District (CMWD) 20 with the proposed Poseidon WPA; and 21 WHEREAS, the SDCWA has provided the Carlsbad Municipal Water District with a 22 uniform contract pursuant to the guiding principles. 23 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Carlsbad Municipal Water District 24 Board of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 25 26 1. 2. That the above recitations are true and correct. The Carlsbad Municipal Water District Board supports the approval of the 27 Carlsbad Desalination Project Water Purchase Agreement. 28 1 3. The Carlsbad Municipal Water District intends to enter into a uniform contract to 2 purchase 2,500 acre feet per year of desalinated water as a local water supply so long as it 3 remains adequately protected as a local source as determined by the Board. 4 4. The Carlsbad Municipal Water District recognizes that the unit cost amount 5 specified in paragraph 1 of the WPA may be reduced if the SDCWA receives statements of 6 intention to purchase water in an amount that totals more than 48,000 acre-feet annually. 7 5. A copy of this resolution shall be provided to the Clerk of the Board of the San 8 Diego County Water Authority. 9 Ill 10 Ill 11 Ill 12 Ill 13 Ill 14 Ill 15 Ill 16 Ill 17 Ill 18 Ill 19 Ill 20 Iff 21 Ill 22 Ill 23 Ill 24 Ill 25 Iff 26 Ill 27 Ill 28 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Special Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Carlsbad Municipal Water District of the City of Carlsbad on the 27th day of November, 2012, by the following vote to wit: AYES: Board Members Hall, Kulchin, Blackburn, Douglas, Packard NOES: None ABSENT: None M~ ATIEST: ~~ LOR~ M. D Sec ry EXHIBIT 6 Reimbursement Agreement between the Carlsbad Municipal Water District and the San Diego County Water Authority for the Carlsbad 5 Service Connection Facility Planning Study MA::f This Agreement is made this ~day of~ 2014, by and between the Carlsbad Municipal Water District (District) and the San Diego County Water Authority (Water Authority) regarding payment by the District to the Water Authority for cost of services to prepare a facility planning study defining project requirements for the Carlsbad 5 Service Connection that will be used to deliver product water from Carlsbad Desalination Project directly to the District. I. Description of Partnering Agencies A. Under this Agreement, District is defined as the Water 'Authority member agency providing retail water service to the City of Carlsbad and the recipient of product water from the Carlsbad Desalination Project delivered in accordance with a future Member Agency Purchase Contract. B. Under this Agreement, Water Authority is defined as the entity providing product water from the Carlsbad Desalination Project to the District in accordance with a future Member Agency Purchase Contract, the owner and operator of the facilities required to deliver such product water, and the lead agency for preparation of the facility planning study described herein. II. Purpose for Agreement District agrees to pay for the services performed by the Water Authority to prepare a Facility Planning Study for the future Carlsbad 5 Service Connection. Water Authority agrees to perform the services described in Attachment A-Scope of Work. Ill. Recitals A. On September 13, 2011 the City of Carlsbad, District, and Water Authority executed the "Agreement Memorializing Certain Understandings and Establishing a Framework for Cooperation Regarding a Desalination Project Located in the City of Carlsbad" (Framework Agreement). Among other terms, the Framework Agreement obligated the Water Authority to construct a tee and blind flange connection to the Carlsbad Desalination Project Product Water Conveyance Pipeline for the purposes of serving a future service connection. B. On November 27, 2012, the District approved a resolution of intent to purchase 2,500 acre-feet annually of desalinated product water from the Water Authority. The purchase price and other terms for the delivery of desalinated product water to the District will be pursuant to a future Member Agency Purchase Contract between the District and the Water Authority. Reimbursement Agreement between the Carlsbad Municipal Water District and the San Diego County Water Authority for the Carlsbad 5 Service Connection Facility Planning Study C. On October 28, 2013, the District and Water Authority executed the "Letter Agreement for the Reimbursement of Costs by the Carlsbad Municipal Water District to the San Diego County Water Authority for Design and Construction for a New Turnout to the Carlsbad Desalination Project Product Water Conveyance Pipeline" (Letter Agreement). This Letter Agreement memorializes District's request to relocate the new turnout and defines the terms for District to reimburse the Water Authority for costs to construct additional facilities beyond the obligations of the Water Authority as defined in the Framework Agreement. The facilities to be constructed under the Letter Agreement shall be collectively referred to herein as the Carlsbad Desalination Turnout Structure. D. The District has requested the Water Authority prepare a facility planning study to define the project requirements to meter and control flow from the Carlsbad Desalination Turnout Structure up to and including the future Carlsbad 5 Service Connection. These project requirements generally include new piping, isolation and control valving, metering, instrumentation and controls, structures to house all mechanical and electrical equipment, property acquisition needs, site access, environmental assessment and permitting. E. The scope of this Agreement covers the Planning Study. The term of the Agreement concludes with acceptance of the final Planning Study by the District and Water Authority. Any future design and construction as a result of the final Planning Study will be addressed under a new agreement between the District and Water Authority. The Recitals are incorporated herein and the parties agree as follows: IV. Cost Reimbursement A. The District shall reimburse the Water Authority for its actual cost of services to complete the work described in Attachment A-Scope of Work. The estimated cost to perform these services is an amount not to exceed $95,000. The District shall, within thirty (30) calendar days of receipt of an invoice for work performed, pay this amount to the Water Authority. B. If at any time the Water Authority anticipates that its actual cost will exceed the estimated cost, the Water Authority shall notify the District in writing. This written notification shall include a new cost estimate and the basis for the cost increase. Within thirty (30) calendar days of receipt of a request for additional funds, the parties will prepare a written amendment indicating the new cost estimate. No other compensation for the services provided by the Water Authority will be allowed, except for items covered by subsequent amendments to this Agreement. Any amounts not paid within thirty (30) calendar days of receipt of invoice for work performed shall be considered delinquent, and the Water Authority, at its sole discretion, may stop work. Reimbursement Agreement between the Carlsbad Municipal Water District and the San Diego County Water Authority for the Carlsbad 5 Service Connection Facility Planning Study V. Roles and Responsibilities A. Water Authority agrees to provide all labor and services necessary to complete the Planning Study as described in Attachment A-Scope of Work. B. At its own cost and discretion, District agrees to participate in project team meetings, participate in consultant selection by Water Authority and provide deliverable reviews during execution of the Planning Study. Water Authority will provide notice of meetings, consultant selection, and other related events to District. Deliverable reviews shall be within a reasonable timeframe as established by the parties. VI. Indemnification District will defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the Water Authority, its officers, agents and employees from and against any and all claims, demands, liability for any damages, costs (including reasonable attorneys' fees) and expenses arising out of the Water Authority's performance under this Agreement. The District's duty to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless shall not include any claims or liabilities arising out of the active negligence, sole negligence, or willful misconduct of the Water Authority, its officers, agents or employees. VII. Term The Agreement is effective when signed by the last party and shall terminate on December 31, 2015. The Agreement may be extended by written agreement executed by both parties. VIII. Early Termination Either party may terminate this agreement by giving the other party 30 days written notice. All services provided by the Water Authority up to the date of notice of termination shall be paid for by District. IX. Notice Any notice, payment, credit or instrument required or permitted to be given hereunder will be deemed received upon personal delivery or 24 hours after deposit in any United States mail depository, first class postage prepaid, and addressed to the party for whom intended as follows: Reimbursement Agreement between the Carlsbad Municipal Water District and the San Diego County Water Authority for the Carlsbad 5 Service Connection Facility Planning Study If to the WATER AUTHORITY: If to DISTRICT: San Diego County Water Authority 4677 Overland Avenue San Diego, CA 92123 Attn: Steve Simon Carlsbad Municipal Water District 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 Attn: David Ahles Either party may change such address by notice given to the other party as provided herein. X. AMENDMENTS The Agreement may be amended by written agreement executed by both parties. XI. ASSIGNMENT Neither party shall assign, sublet or transfer this Agreement or any rights under or interest in this Agreement without written consent of the other party. XII. SEVERABILITY The partial or total invalidity of one or more parts of this Agreement will not affect the intent or validity of this Agreement. XIII. GOVERNING LAW This Agreement shall be deemed a contract under the laws of the State of California and any action regarding this Agreement shall be brought in federal or state court in San Diego County. Reimbursement Agreement between the Carlsbad Municipal Water District and the San Diego County Water Authority for the Carlsbad 5 Service Connection Facility Planning Study XIV. SIGNATURES The individuals executing this Agreement represent and warrant that they have the legal capacity and authority to do so on behalf of their respective legal entities. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement as of MAilk-1 10 '*' . Carlslbad Municipal Water District By:_..:.~-~:::.:::..-:::....""".,------ Approved as to form: By,A&U at Ronald Kemp, Assistant General Counsel San !Diego County Water Authority General Manager Approved as to form: sv,Ckv!l.Nl-~,Vep~ Daniel S. Hents e, General Counsel Reimbursement Agreement between the Carlsbad Municipal Water District and the San Diego County Water Authority for the Carlsbad 5 Service Connection Facility Planning Study ATIACHMENT A-SCOPE OF WORK The Carlsbad 5 Service Connection Facility Planning Study {Planning Study) consists of the analysis of the design, environmental compliance and permitting, land acquisition and construction requirements to implement new facilities to deliver product water from the Carlsbad Desalination Conveyance Pipeline Turnout Structure {Turnout Structure) to the future Carlsbad 5 Service Connection {CR 5). In general, the work to be completed under this Scope of Work consists of: • Identifying design and operational requirements • Siting of the flow control facility • Evaluating pipeline alignment from the Turnout Structure to the service connection • Identifying right of way acquisition needs • Preparing an assessment of geotechnical concerns related to open trench construction of pipeline and construction of new flow control facility structure • Preparing conceptual plan and profile drawings of connection to the Turnout Structure, pipeline alignment, and flow control facility • Preparing opinions of total project costs and schedule estimates for project implementation The project location is shown in Exhibit A. The results and conclusions of the Planning Study shall be provided in a Final Report. The Planning Study will be used to support the CEQA process; however, the services to be provided in this Scope of Work do not extend beyond preparation of the Final Report. 1.1 FIELD RECONNAISSANCE, DATA COLLECTION, AND UTILITY SEARCH 1.1.1 Perform a site visit to become familiar with the proposed project area specifically looking to identify any apparent features that may impact the design, access, and constructability of the project. 1.1.2 Review the most current detailed design drawings for the Carlsbad Desalination Project Product Water Conveyance Pipeline. Reimbursement Agreement between the Carlsbad Municipal Water District and the San Diego County Water Authority for the Carlsbad 5 Service Connection Facility Planning Study 1.1.3 District shall provide and Water Authority will review existing aerial surveying and mapping data to develop topography for preliminary drawings and hydraulic analysis. 1.1.4 Collect utility maps and easement information regarding .abandoned, existing, and proposed utilities within the project area. Review utility maps to determine potential conflicts with proposed alignments. Coordinate utility search and conflict resolutions with the appropriate agencies. Identify locations of utilities having a critical relationship to the project. 1.1.5 Identify jurisdictional boundaries, property ownership, and easements of public agencies and utilities within the project area. 1.1.6 Based on aerial survey data and site reconnaissance, identify areas with distinct topographic features or existing natural features that could affect permitting or constructability ofthe proposed facilities. 1.2 DESIGN AND OPERATIONAL REQUIREMENTS 1.2.1 Review terms of the Board-Adopted Uniform Member Agency Purchase Contract as it relates to delivery requirements for District's annual purchase of water. Develop minimum and maximum flow range for CR 5 operation that meets the anticipated terms of the final Member Agency Purchase Contract and Water Authority and District operational needs. 1.2.2 Based on flow ranges determined from task 1.2.1 and the expected differential pressure through the project facilities, develop recommend sizing, type, and material for pipe, valves, meters, and other appurtenant equipment. 1.2.3 Develop operations and maintenance access needs to the facility and serviceable equipment. 1.2.4 Identify remote monitoring and controiQeeds for all mechanical equipment. 1.3 PLANNING-LEVEL ASSESSMENTS 1.3.1 CR 5 Facility Configuration: Based on design and operational needs determined from task 1.2, develop a schematic representation of the mechanical equipment requirements for CR 5. 1.3.2 CR 5 Preliminary Design: Develop facility layout incorporating all mechanical equipment requirements. Facility must also incorporate adequate maintenance Reimbursement Agreement between the Carlsbad Municipal Water District and the San Diego County Water Authority for the Carlsbad 5 Service Connection Facility Planning Study access to perform routine servicing and equipment removal and replacement consistent with Water Authority standards. 1.3.3 Right of Way Evaluation and Acquisition: Identify temporary and permanent easement and fee acquisitions required for construction and ongoing operation and maintenance for pipeline and flow control facility, including access roads for construction and maintenance. Public and private entities such as counties, cities, utilities, land owners, and developers in the project area. These entities shall be contacted to identify existing and planned land uses, compatibility of publicly owned lands with project use, areas under development or proposed for development, and any restrictions on land use. 1.3.4 Geotechnical Investigation: Through historical records search and non-invasive site reconnaissance, identify any critical surface or subsurface information that could impact design and construction costs. 1.3.5 Environmental and Permitting Issues: Assess potential biological, cultural resources, and community related impacts associated with the construction and operation of the proposed project. 1.4 CONCEPTUAL DESIGN 1.4.1 Preparation of Plan and Profile Drawings: Based on the findings of previous tasks, prepare a scaled set of preliminary plan and profile drawings for the pipeline and flow control facility 1.4.2 Hydraulic Analysis: Prepare a steady state hydraulic analysis under minimum and maximum flow range to confirm adequate sizing of all piping and mechanical equipment. Identify requirements and criteria for drain and fill operations. Analyze and recommend areas where air and vacuum valves are required. 1.4.3 Surge Analysis: Identify possible transient conditions and any surge control facilities or equipment required to mitigate the transient condition. 1.5 COST ESTIMATES AND IMPLEMENTATION SCHEDULES 1.5.1 Preliminary Cost Estimate: Prepare preliminary construction cost opinion. Provide documentation to support the basis for costs, exclusions, allowances, contingencies, assumptions, and any other relevant cost items. The cost estimates shall be prepared following the Association for the Advancement of Cost Engineering International (AACEI) Recommended Practices Reimbursement Agreement between the Carlsbad Municipal Water District and the San Diego County Water Authority for the Carlsbad 5 Service Connection Facility Planning Study No. 17R, Cost Estimate Classification System -As Applied in Engineering, Procurement, and Construction for the Process Industry. The cost estimate sha II be prepared at the Class 4 estimate level. The pertinent sections of the Water Authority's Draft Cost Estimating Guidelines, which follows the AACEI guidelines, shall be provided to contractor. 1.5.2 Prepare a project implementation schedule incorporating time estimates for environmental compliance and permitting, detailed engineering, construction and start-up. 1.6 FINAL REPORT 1.6.1 Develop a draft, draft final, and final report summarizing the findings of all tasks presented in this scope. Submit each report for project team and review and provide all necessary revisions following project team review. Reimbursement Agreement between the Carlsbad Municipal Water District and the San Diego County Water Authority for the Carlsbad S Service Connection Facifity Planning Study EXHIBIT A-PROJECT lOCATION * ProJect Lotatlon ... / r l)