HomeMy WebLinkAbout2018-11-27; Municipal Water District; ; Acceptance of bids and award of contract to Ferreira Coastal Construction Co. for an amount not to exceed $632,538 for construction of the Recycled Water Phase Ill, InstaCA Review f<K._ (i MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT Staff Report . Meeting Date: To: From: Staff Contact: Subject Nov. 27, 2018 President and Board Members Scott Chadwick, Executive Manager Cathy Nhothsavath, Assistant Engineer Cathy.Nhothsavath@carlsbadca.gov or 760-603-7305 Acceptance of bids and award of contract to Ferreira Coastal Construction Co. for an amount not to exceed $632,538 for construction of the Recycled Water Phase Ill, Installation of Recycled Water Services, Project No. 5205- B. Recommended Action Adopt a Resolution awarding a construction contract to Ferreira Construction Co ., Inc. dba Ferreira Coastal Construction Co. (Ferreira) for an amount not to exceed $632,538 for construction of the Recycled Water Phase Ill, Installation of Recycled Water Services, Project No. 5205-B (Project) and authorizing an additional appropriation of $332,000. Executive Summary The Project is part of the Carlsbad Municipal Water District's (CMWD) $37 million Phase Ill Recycled Water Program (RWP) and provides recycled water services to customers located adjacent to the existing recycled water distribution system that can directly connect to the system through a customer service lateral and that do not require expansion of the recycled water system. Carlsbad Municipal Code subsections 3.28.080(() and (G) require City Council approval to award public works contracts when the value exceeds $175,000. The lowest responsive and responsible bidder was Ferreira. Staff recommends accepting bids and awarding a contract to Ferreira for an amount not to exceed $632,538. Sufficient funds are not currently available in the Capital Improvement Program (CIP) to cover the total cost of the Project. Therefore, staff recommends authorization of an additional appropriation in the amount of $332,000 to the CIP. Discussion The Project is consistent with the CMWD's goal of maximizing use of recycled water for the conservation of all available water resources and is a part of Phase Ill of the RWP. CMWD started its RWP in 1990 with Phase I. The Carlsbad Water Recycling Facility (CWRF) was constructed beginning in 2002 as part of Phase II expansion. In 2008, at the completion of Phase II, recycled water production was approximately 4 million gallons per day (mgd). In 2012, Phase Ill began with preparation of a feasibility study, which recommended an expansion of the CWRF to 7 mgd, 18 miles of new pipeline, construction of a 1.5-million-gallon storage tank, and connection of potential customers located adjacent to the existing recycled water distribution November 27, 2018 Item #8 Page 1 of 26 system. Currently, only the storage tank, 6 miles of pipeline, and recycled water connections remain to be constructed. The Project will construct 19 new recycled water service connections for irrigation customers throughout the CMWD service area. The service connections will range in size from one to two inches in diameter for irrigation customers that are located adjacent to the existing recycled water distribution system and will utilize approximately 86 acre-feet-per-year of additional recycled water. All work will be within the public right-of-way. On May 22, 2018, through the adoption of Resolution 1595, the CMWD Board approved plans and specifications and authorized the secretary of the Board to advertise to receive bids for the Project. The original notice inviting bids for the Project was posted on the city's website on June 13, 2018. The bidding period was 30 calendar days. On July 13, 2018, staff received one bid from Piperin Corporation for $1,170,000, which was above the original engineer's project estimate of $593,400. The original Project scope included construction of 26 recycled water service connections and three wharf heads. The scope was later revised to reduce the number of recycled water service connections to the 19 potential users with the highest water demands, and to update the construction costs to better reflect the current bid environment. On Aug. 28, 2018, through the adoption of Resolution 1603, the CMWD Board rejected the bid, approved the revised plans and specifications and authorized the secretary to the Board to re- advertise for bids for the Project. On Oct. 3, 2018, five sealed bids were received for construction of this Project as shown in the following table: RECYCLED WATER PHASE Ill, INSTALLATION OF RECYCLED WATER SERVICES, PROJECT NO. 5205-B CONTRACTOR TOTAL BID 1. Ferreira Coastal Construction Co. $632,538.00 2. Burtech Pipeline Incorporated $645,000.00 3. Piperin Corporation $701,050.00 4. Creative Home Corporation DBA C.H.I. Construction $718,300.00 5. Trinity Grading Incorporated $1,353,280.11 Ferreira submitted the lowest bid in the amount of $632,538. The engineer's estimate of the construction cost of the Project was $661,100. The construction contract contains general performance standards, referenced technical specifications, sequencing requirements to minimize disruptions and includes a one-year warranty period. A five percent retention will be withheld from each progress payment until final acceptance of the Project. The construction contract also includes liquidated damages which may be assessed for each day in excess of the time specified for completion of the work November 27, 2018 Item #8 Page 2 of 26 and also for every 15-minute interval, or fraction thereof, past the time specified to open lane closures. Staff has completed review of the bid documents and has determined that Ferreira is the confirmed low bidder. Ferreira submitted a list of similar projects to show their capabilities and qualifications to perform the specified work. Staff recommends that Ferreira be awarded the contract. Fiscal Analysis The estimated construction cost of the Project is $632,538. The estimated total cost of the Project is $809,649 and includes the following: construction contract, contingency for change order management, construction management and inspection, engineering support for contractor shop drawings, requests for information and meetings, and community outreach. The Project will be funded by the Clean Water State Revolving Fund via Abandon Potable Water Services (New Recycled Services), CIP No. 5205. A summary of the available funds, additional appropriation needed, and estimated construction costs are shown in the table below: ABANDON POTABLE WATER SERVICES (NEW RECYCLED SERVICES}, CIP NO. 5205 Current Appropriation $560,000 Current Expenditures/Encumbrances $81,613 TOTAL AVAILABLE ABANDON POTABLE WATER SERVICES (NEW RECYCLED SERVICES), CIP NO. 5205 $478,387 RECYCLED WATER PHASE Ill, INSTALLATION OF RECYCLED WATER SERVICES, PROJECT NO. 5205-B Construction Contract (Ferreira Coastal Construction Co.) $632,538 Construction Contingency (estimated) $63,254 Construction management, inspection, and material testing (estimated) $63,254 Engineering support for contractor shop drawings, requests for information meetings, and community outreach (estimated) $50,603 TOTAL ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COSTS $809,649 REMAINING BALANCE AFTER PROJECT NO. 5205-B -$331,262 ADDITIONAL APPROPRIATION REQUIRED $332,000 Additional funds in the amount of $332,000 are being requested because the Project's estimated costs exceed the available CIP funds. This project was originally identified five years ago. Normal inflationary cost increases and greater project complexity account for the rise in project cost. Sufficient funds are available in the Water Replacement Fund for deposit into the Abandon Potable Water Services (New Recycled Services), CIP No. 5205. Next Steps Once contract documents are fully executed and a purchase order is issued, staff will schedule a pre-construction meeting with Ferreira and a Notice-to-Proceed will be issued. The duration of the construction contract is 70 working days, exclusive of change orders that may extend the November 27, 2018 Item #8 Page 3 of 26 contract duration. Upon successful completion of the Project, staff will record a Notice of Completion to release bonds. Environmental Evaluation (CEQA) On Nov. 27, 2012, CMWD adopted Resolution No. 1455 approving a Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) and Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (MMRP) for the Phase Ill Recycled Water Project (EIA 12-02). This Project is a sub-component of the Phase Ill Recycled Water Project and is subject to the Mitigation Measures (MM) that are identified in the MMRP. The Project is within the scope of the prior environmental documents and no further environmental documentation is required per CEQA Guidelines Section 15162. All applicable mitigation measures contained in the prior environmental document have been incorporated into the construction documents. Public Notification This item was noticed in accordance with the Ralph M. Brown Act and was available for public viewing and review at least 72 hours prior to the scheduled meeting date. Prior to the start of construction, the public will be notified of the construction activities using media methods such as signage, email, website and other city communication channels. The construction contractor will also be required to notify the public of construction activities via changeable message signs, door hangers, letters to property owners, and/or "NO PARKING" signs, as applicable. Exhibits 1. CMWD Board Resolution. 2. List of Recycled Water Services and Location Maps. November 27, 2018 Item #8 Page 4 of 26 RESOLUTION NO. 1608 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CARLSBAD, MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT BOARD (CMWD), ACCEPTING BIDS AND AWARDING A CONTRACT TO FERREIRA CONSTRUCTION CO., DBA FERREIRA COASTAL CONSTRUCTION CO. FOR AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $632,538 FOR CONSTRUCTION OF THE RECYCLED WATER PHASE Ill, INSTALLATION OF RECYCLED WATER SERVICES, PROJECT NO. 5205-B, AND AUTHORIZING AN ADDITIONAL APPROPRIATION OF $332,000. EXHIBIT 1 WHEREAS, the Carlsbad Municipal Water District (CMWD) Board of Directors (Board) of the City of Carlsbad, California has determined it necessary, desirable, and in the public interest to construct recycled water services at locations adjacent to the existing recycled water distribution system throughout the CMWD service area; and WHEREAS, on Nov. 27, 2012, CMWD Board Resolution No. 1455 approved an environmental impact assessment that was conducted for the Phase Ill Recycled Water Program, and a Mitigated Negative Declaration and Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program. The Project is within the scope of these environmental documents and there are no substantial changes to the Project or circumstances under which it is being undertaken, and no new information of substantial importance that would require major revisions to these environmental documents; and WHEREAS, on May 22, 2018, CMWD Board Resolution No. 1595, approved the original plans and specifications, and authorizing the secretary to the Board to advertise and receive bids for the Recycled Water Phase Ill, Installation of Recycled Water Services, Project No. 5205-B (Project); and WHEREAS, on July 13, 2018, one sealed bid was received by CMWD for construction of the Project; and WHEREAS, the lowest responsible and responsive bid was submitted by Piperin Corporation in the amount of $1,170,000 and exceeded the engineer's estimate for the Project; and WHEREAS, on Aug. 28, 2018, CMWD Board Resolution No. 1603, rejected the bid received, approving revised plans and specifications and authorizing the secretary to the Board to re-advertise to receive bids for the revised plans of the Project; and WHEREAS, on Oct. 3, 2018, five sealed bids were received by CMWD after re-advertising to receive bids for construction of the Project; and November 27, 2018 Item #8 Page 5 of 26 EXHIBIT 1 WHEREAS, the lowest responsive and responsible bid was submitted by Ferreira Coastal Construction Co., in the amount of $632,538; and WHEREAS, an additional appropriation of $332,000 is requested from the Water Replacement Fund into the Abandon Potable Water Services (New Recycled Services), Capital Improvement Program (CIP) No. 5205; and WHEREAS, Carlsbad Municipal Code subsection 3.28.040(C)(5) authorizes the executive manager to approve change orders in the amount equal to the contingency set at the time of the project award. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the CMWD Board of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the bid amount of $632,538 submitted by Ferreira Coastal Construction Co. for construction of the Recycled Water Phase Ill, Installation of Recycled Water Services, Project No. 5205- B, is accepted and the president of the Board is hereby authorized to execute a contract with Ferreira Coastal Construction Co. 3. That the administrative services director is hereby authorized to appropriate an additional $332,000 from the Water Replacement Fund for the Abandon Potable Services (New Recycled Services) CIP. 4. That the executive manager or designee is hereby authorized to approve construction change orders up to $63,254. 5. That the award of this contract is contingent upon the bidder submitting the lowest responsible bid, executing the required contract and submitting the required bonds and insurance policies, as described in the contract, within 20 days of adoption of this Resolution. The executive manager may grant reasonable extensions of time. November 27, 2018 Item #8 Page 6 of 26 EXHIBIT 1 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Special Meeting of the Carlsbad Municipal Water District of the City of Carlsbad, California on the 27th day of November, 2018, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: M. Hall, K. Blackburn, M. Schumacher, C. Schumacher, M. Packard. None. None. MATT HALL, PRESIDENT , SECRETARY (SEAL) November 27, 2018 Item #8 Page 7 of 26 RECYCLED WATER PHASE Ill INSTALLATION OF NEW RECYCLED WATER SERVICES CONTRACT NO. 5205-B EXHIBIT INDEX AND LIST OF NEW RECYCLED WATER SERVICES AUGUST 2018 EXHIBIT INDEX TABLE 1: NEW RECYCLED WATER SERVICE LIST Schedule of New Services EXHIBIT NO. 1A 1B 1 1.1 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1J0 1.11 1~ 1J3 1J4 1J7 1J8 1j9 1~ TITLE/ DESCRIPTION EXHIBIT INDEX/IND LIST OF NEW RECYCLED WATER SERVICES GENERAL NOTES RECYCLED WATER NOTES/IND CARLSBAD NOTES INDEX MAP FOR LOCATIONS OF ALL NEW RECYCLED WATER SERVICES LO CAT ION MAP FOR NEW RECYCLED WATER SERVICE NUMBERS 1 LO CAT ION MAP FOR NEW RECYCLED WATER SERVICE NUMBER 5 LOCATION MAP FOR NEW RECYCLED WATER SERVICE NUMBER 6 /IND 7 LOCATION MAP FOR NEW RECYCLED WATER SERVICE NUMBER 8 /IND 9 LOCATION MAP FOR NEW RECYCLED WATER SERVICE NUMBER 10 LOCATION MAP FOR NEW RECYCLED WATER SERVICE NUMBER 11 LOCATION MAP FOR NEW RECYCLED WATER SERVICE NUMBER 13 LOCATION MAP FOR NEW RECYCLED WATER SERVICE NUMBER 15 LOCATION MAP FOR NEW RECYCLED WATER SERVICE NUMBER 16/IND 17 LOCATION MAP FOR NEW RECYCLED WATER SERVICE NUMBER 18 LOCATION MAP FOR NEW RECYCLED WATER SERVICE NUMBER 19 LO CAT ION MAP FOR NEW RECYCLED WATER SERVICE NUMBER 22 LO CAT ION MAP FOR NEW RECYCLED WATER SERVICE NUMBER 23 LOCATION MAP FOR NEW RECYCLED WATER SERVICE NUMBER 25 /IND 26 LOCATION MAP FOR NEW RECYCLED WATER SERVICE NUMBER 27 Carlsbad Municipal water District, GIP Project No. 5205-B Service No.on Exhibit Existing Exhibit No. Account No. Existing AccountType Proposed Account Type 1 1.1 5006105 Potable Water Irrigation Rec)'Oled water Irrigation 5 1.4 5010800 Potable Water Commercial Rec)'Oled Water Irrigation 6 1.5 5010930 Potable Water lrrtgation Rec)'Oled Water Irrigation 7 1.5 5010970 Potable Water Commercial Rec)'Oled Water Irrigation 8 1.6 5011000 Potable Water Commercial Rec)'Oled Water Irrigation 9 1.6 5011400 Potable Water Commercial Rec)'Oled water Irrigation 10 1.7 5011800 Potable Water Irrigation Rec)'Oled Water Irrigation 11 1.8 5011805 Potable Water Commercial Rec)'Oled water Irrigation 13 1.10 7800000 Potable Water Irrigation Rec)'Oled water Irrigation 15 1.11 8300008 Potable Water Irrigation Rec)'Oled water Irrigation 16 1.12 8305800 Potable Water Irrigation Rec)'Oled water Irrigation 17 1.12 8307010 Potable Waler Irrigation Rec)'Oled Water Irrigation 18 1.13 8517100 Potable Water Irrigation Rec)'Oled Water Irrigation 19 1.14 8517390 Potable Water Irrigation Rec)'Oled Water Irrigation 22 1.17 New Potable Water Irrigation Rec)'Oled water Irrigation 23 1.18 New Potable Water Irrigation Rec)'Oled water Irrigation 25 1.19 New Potable Waler Irrigation Rec)'Oled Water Irrigation 26 1.19 New Potable Water Irrigation Rec)'Oled water Irrigation 27 1.20 5054180 Potable Water Irrigation Rec)'; led water Irrigation Total New Service Installations 19 Existing Service Size In 2 2 2 2 2 2 1-1/2 2 1 2 2 2 2 1 None None 2 2 2 EXHIBIT 2 Proposed Recycled Service Water Main Size Size & Material Address In No, street 2 24-inch steel 1001 Cannon Road 2 12-inch PvC 751 Raintree Drive 2 12-inchPvC 755 Raintree Drive 2 12-inchPvC 750 Raintree Drive 2 12-inch PvC 751 Macadamia Drive 2 12-inch PvC 760 Macadamia Drive 2 12-inch PvC 6860 Avenida Encinas 2 8-inch PvC 6830 Avenida Encinas 1 18-inch DI 1748 A~ara Parkway 2 12-inch ACP 5721 College Bl 82+85 2 12-inchACP 6000 College Bl 23+50 2 12-inchACP 6100 College Bl 36+50 2 20-inchPvC 6451 El Camino Real Lot3 1 8-inch PvC 5820 El Camino Real 2 24-inch CLMC On Poinseffia Lane near Sage Court 2 12-inch PvC On Camino De Las Ondas near Briarwood Drive 2 6-inch PvC On Harbor Point Rd and Camino De Las Ondas 2 6-inch PvC On Camino Del Prado and Camino De Las Ondas 2 6-inch PvC 295 V\lndrose Circle 8/10/2018 10:21:26 AM November 27, 2018 Item #8 Page 8 of 26 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. EXHIBIT 2 RECYCLED WATER PHASE Ill INSTALLATION OF NEW RECYCLED WATER SERVICES CONTRACT NO. 5205-B EXHIBIT 1.A: GENERAL NOTES A RIGHT-OF-WAY PERMIT FROM THE CITY ENGINEER WILL ARRIVAL, DEPARTURE OR OPERATION OF TRUCKS, LOCATIONS. ALL SERVICES SHALL BE KEPT ACTIVE BE REQUIRED FOR ANY WORK IN THE PUBLIC RIGHT OF EARTHMOVING EQUIPMENT, CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT UNLESS REQUIRED FOR CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES. WAY. PRIOR TO PERMIT ISSUANCE, A CERTIFICATE OF AND ANY OTHER ASSOCIATED GRADING EQUIPMENT SCHEDULED SERVICE INTERRUPTIONS SHALL BE INSURANCE MUST BE FILED NAMING THE CITY OF SHALL BE LIMITED TO THE WORK HOURS IMPOSED FOR COORDINATED WITH THE CITY REPRESENTATIVE PRIOR CARLSBAD AS AN ADDITIONAL INSURED ON THE CERTAIN LOCATIONS OF THE WORK, AS SHOWN IN TABLE TO SERVICE INTERRUPTION. SERVICES DAMAGED DURING PERMITTEE'S POLICY IN THE MINIMUM AMOUNT OF 1: NEW RECYCLED WATER SERVICE LIST UNDER TRAFFIC CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE REPLACED TO THEIR ORIGINAL $1,000,000.00 FOR EACH OCCURRENCE OF LIABILITY. THE CONSTRAINTS. ADDITIONALLY, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL WORKING CONDITION AND TESTED PER CITY INSURANCE COMPANY IN WRITING THE POLICY MUST-COMPLY WITH ANY WORK HOUR RESTRICTIONS IMPOSED REQUIREMENTS IN ACCORDANCE WITH CITY OF HAVE A RATING OF "A-" OR BETTER AND A SIZE BY PERMITS. CARLSBAD ENGINEERING STANDARDS AT THE EXPENSE CATEGORY OF CLASS V OR BETTER AS EXTABLISHED BY OF THE CONTRACTOR. "BESTS" KEY RATING GUIDE. 8. THE EXISTENCE AND LOCATION OF UTILITY STRUCTURES AND FACILITIES SHOWN ON THE EXHIBITS WERE 12. CONSTRUCTION STAGING SHALL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY NO WORK SHALL BE COMMENCED UNTIL ALL PERMITS OBTAINED BY A SEARCH OF THE AVAILABLE RECORDS. OF THE CONTRACTOR. CONTRACTOR SHALL NOT USE HAVE BEEN OBTAINED FROM THE CITY AND OTHER ATTENTION IS CALLED TO THE POSSIBLE EXISTENCE OF ANY PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY FOR STOCKPILING OR APPROPRIATE AGENCIES. OTHER UTILITY FACILITIES OR STRUCTURES NOT SHOWN STAGING OF WORK WITHOUT WRITTEN APPROVAL BY THE OR IN A LOCATION DIFFERENT FROM THAT SHOWN ON CITY OF CARLSBAD. ACCESS FOR FIRE AND OTHER EMERGENCY VEHICLES THE PLANS. IT SHALL BE THE CONTRACTOR'S SOLE SHALL BE MAINTAINED THROUGH THE PROJECT SITES AT RESPONSIBILITY TO VERIFY ALL EXISTING UTILITIES BY 13. CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL TRAFFIC ALL TIMES DURING CONSTRUCTION. CONTACTING UTILITY AGENCIES, AND TO EXERCISE CONTROL. CONTRACTOR SHALL BE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE EXTREME CARE TO AVOID DAMAGING EXISTING UTILITIES FOR OBTAINING ANY REQUIRED CITY APPROVALS FOR ALL INSPECTION REQUESTS SHALL BE MADE BY CALLING DURING EXCAVATION. THE CONTRACTOR IS REQUIRED TO TRAFFIC CONTROL AND PERMITTING, INCLUDING THE ENGINEERING 24-HOUR INSPECTION REQUEST LINE TAKE DUE PRECAUTIONARY MEASURES TO PROTECT THE PREPARATION OF APPROVED TRAFFIC CONTROL PLANS. AT (760) 438-3891. INSPECTION REQUESTS MUST BE UTILITIES SHOWN ON THE PLANS AND ANY OTHER RECEIVED PRIOR TO 2:00 P.M. ON THE DAY BEFORE THE EXISTING FACILITIES OR STRUCTURES NOT SHOWN. 14. TRENCH RESURFACING FOR ASPHALT CONCRETE INSPECTION IS NEEDED. INSPECTIONS WILL BE MADE THE PAVEMENT FOR TRENCH SHALL BE PER CITY NEXT WORK DAY UNLESS YOU REQUEST OTHERWISE. 9. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL POTHOLE THE TOP AND SUPPLEMENTAL STANDARDS. STRIPING DAMAGED REQUESTS MADE AFTER 2:00 P.M. WILL BE SCHEDULED BOTTOM OF ALL UTILITIES, INCLUDING CONCRETE DURING CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE REPLACED BY THE FOR TWO FULL WORK DAYS LATER. ENCASEMENTS, AND SURVEY THE UTILITY LOCATION AT CONTRACTOR AT NO ADDITIONAL COST TO THE CITY OF LEAST 4 WEEKS IN ADVANCE OF ANY MOBILIZATION AND CARLSBAD OR CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL DESIGN, CONSTRUCT AND INSTALLATION OF A SERVICE LINE. UTILITIES THAT ARE MAINTAIN ALL SAFETY DEVICES INCLUDING SHORING, FOUND TO BE IN CONFLICT WITH THE PROPOSED WORK 15. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL REPLACE IN KIND AND IN AND SHALL BE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR CONFORMING MAY REQUIRE RELOCATION OF SERVICES. ACCORDANCE WITH ALL CITY OF CARLSBAD STANDARDS TO ALL LOCAL, STATE AND FEDERAL SAFETY AND HEALTH ALL EXISTING IMPROVEMENTS INCLUDING BUT NOT STANDARDS, LAWS AND REGULATIONS. 10. VERTICAL ELEVATIONS OF UTILITIES ARE UNKNOWN. LIMITED TO PAVEMENT, SIDEWALKS, CURBS AND CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL GUTTERS, MEDIAN IMPROVEMENTS, BERMS, PAVED AND IF ANY ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESOURCES ARE DISCOVERED LOCATIONS AND BEARING AND INCLINATIONS DIRT ROADS, DRAINAGE DITCHES, CULVERTS, DRAIN WITHIN ANY WORK ZONE DURING CONSTRUCTION SUFFICIENTLY AHEAD OF SCHEDULE TO ALLOW TIME FOR PIPES, SEWER LATERALS, WATER SERVICES, OPERATIONS WILL CEASE IMMEDIATELY, AND THE DESIGN REVISIONS. IF NECESSARY PROVIDE A MINIMUM LANDSCAPING, HARDSCAPE IRRIGATION FACILITIES, CONTRACTOR WILL NOTIFY THE CITY ENGINEER. OF 12 INCHES OF VERTICAL SEPARATION BETWEEN TRAFFIC CONTROL LOOPS, LIGHTING AND ELECTRICAL, OPERATIONS WILL NOT RESTART UNTIL THE UTILITY CROSSINGS, UNLESS OTHERWISE APPROVED BY ABOVE AND BELOW GROUND, DAMAGED DURING CONTRACTOR HAS RECEIVED WRITTEN AUTHORITY FROM THE ENGINEER. LESS THAN 12 INCHES OF VERTICAL CONSTRUCTION OF THE PROJECT. THE CITY ENGINEER TO DO SO. SEPARATION SHALL REQUIRE A "SAND CUSHION". 16. ENGINEER TO CONFIRM ALL FINAL NEW SERVICE ALL OPERATIONS CONDUCTED ON THE SITE OR 11. WATER SERVICES, RECYCLED WATER SERVICES AND LOCATIONS IN FIELD DURING CONSTRUCTION. ADJACENT THERETO, INCLUDING WARMING UP, REPAIR, SEWER LATERALS ARE SHOWN IN THEIR APPROXIMATE 8/10/2018 10:21:28 AM November 27, 2018 Item #8 Page 9 of 26 RECYCLED WATER PHASE Ill INSTALLATION OF NEW RECYCLED WATER SERVICES CONTRACT NO. 5205-B RECYCLED WATER NOTES 1. RECYCLED WATER SERVICES SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE "CITY OF CARLSBAD ENGINEERING STANDARDS" (LATEST EDITION) VOLUMES 2 & 3 AND SAN DIEGO COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH REQUIREMENTS. 2. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL OBTAIN AN EXCAVATION PERMIT FROM THE DIVISION OF INDUSTRIAL SAFETY BEFORE ANY EXCAVATION AND SHALL PROVIDE PROOF OF OSHA NOTIFICATION AND SHALL ADHERE TO ALL PROVISIONS OF THE STATE CONSTRUCTION SAFETY ORDERS. 3. NO TREES SHALL BE REMOVED AS PART OF WORK-ANY EXCEPTIONS SHALL REQUIRE WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM THE CITY ENGINEER. 4. ALL BURIED COPPER PIPING AND APPURTENANCES SHALL BE PROTECTED BY MEANS OF CATHODIC PROTECTION. 5. MINIMUM SPACING BETWEEN RECYCLED WATER LATERALS, POTABLE WATER SERVICES AND SEWER SERVICES SHALL BE 10 FEET. A MINIMUM 4-FOOT SEPARATION MAY BE CONSIDERED AT THE DISCRETION OFTHECMWD. 6. THE TOP OF WATER METER BOXES SHALL BE FLUSH WITH THE FINISHED SURFACE GRADE. 7. PROVIDE 12" VERTICAL SEPARATION BETWEEN POTABLE/RECYCLED/WATER/SEWER. INSTALL SEWER BELOW RECYCLED WATER AND RECYCLED WATER BELOW POTABLE WATER. 8. EXACT LOCATION OF RECYCLED WATER SERVICES AND APPURTENANCES SHALL BE DETERMINED IN THE FIELD BY THE CONTRACTOR AND APPROVED BY THE CITY INSPECTOR. 9. ALL RECYCLED WATER VALVE BOXES SHALL BE 10" BINGHAM & TAYLOR MARK V WITH LOCKING LID. BLOW OFF AND MAR CANS SHALL BE ALHAMBRA A-1244-C/R. EXHIBIT 1.B: RECYCLED WATER NOTES AND CARLSBAD NOTES CARLSBAD NOTES 1. ALL EQUIPMENT USED DURING CONSTRUCTION SHALL HAVE RUBBER TIES OR RUBBER TRACKS. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL REPAIRS THAT ARE REQUIRED TO THE EXISTING PAVEMENT TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE CITY INSPECTOR AND AT NO ADDITIONAL COST TO THE CMWD. 2. CONSTRUCTION STAGING OR STORAGE WITHIN THE PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY IS PROHIBITED. OFF-SITE STAGING AND STORAGE AREAS SHALL BE THE CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY AND SHALL BE APPROVED BY THE CITY ENGINEER. SEE GENERAL NOTE 12. EXHIBIT 2 8/10/2018 10:21:33 AM November 27, 2018 Item #8 Page 10 of 26 . { Cicyof Carlsb·ad Memorandum No\lember 27, 2018 To: FtAh'\: Via, Re:, Honorable Ma'{or' Hall ahd Members ofthe City Cou.ncil Cathy Nhothsavc!th, Assistant Engineer Paz Gomez, Pubiic Works Director Addit.ional Material/Information 8¢garding Staff Rep.ort ltern#S All Receive -Agenda Item # ~ For the Information of the: CITY COUNCIL V Ac1 M·CAJ/_cc Date II 'l'.: 1-ilCM U COO ,./ This memorandum is to pr9v1de additional materials/i'nformaticm for Item #8 (Acceptance of bids and award of contracttq Ferreira Cqastal Constructio.n co .. fo:r an a:mount not to exte.ed $632,538 for constrUctioil of the Recycled Water Phase HI, lnstall~tion i'.>fRecyclM Water Services'; Project No, 5205- B). OnlYthe service numbers listed on page 8 are included in the scope of work, Service number24 Wii!S not listed oh page 8 because itis not incltJded in the scope of wo.rk. However, it\Nc1s incorrectly shown on the location. map on page 24. We have removed service number 24 from the location map a,ncf noted on page $that blilythe n.umberslisted are includ.ed in the scope of work (see Attachments 1 arid 2). Service number 22 was inadvertently left ofhhe lnde~ Map on page 11. We have added it to the map (see Attathrnent.3,). Attai:tirnents: 1. Revised Rage 8 of26 2.. Revised Page 24 c:if26 J. Revised Page l1 of26 cc: Stott Chadwick; City Man!lger c.elia Brewer; City Attorney G:ary Barberio; Assistant City Manager Elaine LtJl~ey, Chief Opi:!rations Officer Ron Kenip;_AssistailtCityAttdrney Paz Gomez, Pul;>licWorks Director vkki Quiram; Utilities Director Terry Smith, Engineering Manager Sheila Cobian, City ClerkServites Manager EXHIBIT INIJEX l:XHIBIJ .NO, · TITLE/l;)ESCfll/'TIClN · RECYCLED WATER PHASE lll INSTALLATIONOFNEW RECYCLED WATER SERVICES CONTRACT NO. 5205-B EXHIBIT INDEX AND. LIST-QF NEW RECYCLED WATER.SERVICES AUGUS"f 2018 TAal.E 1: NEWRJ:CYCU:PWATl;RSERVIGI; UST .Schedule-of NewSer:vices Carlsbad MurilcipalWaler Dist~ci, .CIP Project No. 5205'B · EXHIBIT INDEJ(AND LIST OF NEW.RECYCLED WATER SER\IIOES GEN~NOT:ES Servipe .El<i•ling Proposed 1,e._ tB 1 1..1 1:4 ·1.5 1.6 tJ 1.li 1.10 1:~1 1.12 l13 1.j·4 1.17 U.8 "1:19 1.20 . RECYCLED WATE_RNQTES.J)NQ C/>RLS.BPD NQIES. INDEX MAP FOR LOCAT.IONS OF PLl.'NEWRECYCLED-WATEll SEIWlCES LO CAT ION MAPFORNEW.RECYCLEDWATER·SERVICE NUMBERS 1 LOCATION MAP FOR NEW RECYCLED WATER.SERVICE NUMBERS · LOCATION M/IP FOR NEW RECYCLED VVAT.ERSER~CE NUMBE_R~ AND 7 .J_OCAT 19N MAP FQ.RllEWRECYCtEDWAt~R,5ERVI.CE·NUMBER-8 AND 9 LO CAT IONM.WFOR NEW RECYGlED WATER 'SERVIC.ENUMBER 10 LOCAt IONMPJ,-FOR:NEW 8ECYC(IDWATER SERVICE NUMBER 11 LOCAT·IONMM> FOR:NEW.RECYCtED'WATER SERVICE NUMBER 1:i LOCAT IO_N M,'!PFOR NEW RECYCLED WATER SERVICE NUMBER 15 LO CAT ION_ M.M' FOR NEWRECYC_LED WATER SERVICE NUMSER.16·AND 17 LOCAT.ION MAP FOR NEWRECYCLED WATER SERVI.C.ENUMBER 18· LOCATION.MAP FOR NEW RECYCLED WATER SERVICE NUMBER19 LOCATION MAP FOR NEW RECYCLED WATER SERli1CE NUM~ER.22 LOCATION MAPFOR NEW RECYC~EDWATER SERVIC_E NUMBEFl,23 LOCATION MAP FOR'NEWRECYCLED WATER.SER\IICE NUM.SER2[/>ND··25 LOCATION MAP FOR NE\IVRECYCLED WATER SERVICE NUMBER 27 N.o.on. · E,cl,lbit ·1 5· 6 7 8 9 10 11 13 15 16 17 18 19 22· ?3 25 :zs 2Z E>hibil .No. 1;1 ·:t4·· 1,5. 1,5 1Jl 1.6 . 1.7' 1.8 1:10 · 1:11 1.12 . 1.12 J.1l 1-.14 Ur 1.18- 1.1~ 1.1~ · 1.20 -_. 'NOTE: ONLY THE·SERVICE NUMBERS LISTED ARE INCLUDED IN THE-SCOPE.OF WORK. .E'l!i•ling . Accouni•No~ 5006105 · 501.0800 . 5010_93Q ' . ,5010970 ~01J0.00 . 5011400 5011800 5011805 . · 780.0000 8300008 8305800 . 8307010 8517100 85.17390 New New !l•W· .New "5054)60' SE!rvice S_11rvic~ :ExistingAC:i;:oµnflype. P.rop"o$~d ~co!Jnt.Ti,,pe· Slza •.Size ·1n In .Polable-Waler lnigalion Rec)<led.Wale(lnig~lion. ·2 2 P.otalMWaler Commercial· Rec)<ledWaterlnigalion ·2 2 Potable Wa~r ltrigaijon, Rec)<led Willerlnjgalion. 2 2· Pota!>le Wa!tlr Comll)ercial Rec)<led Walerlnigalion 2 2 P.olable Waler Commel):ia!. Rec)<led Waler lnig~tion . 2 2 Potable Waler Commercial . Rec)<lad Walerlnigalioo. 2 ·2 · PolobleWaierlriigalion Rec)<led Walerlnigalion ·1-112 2- · Polil!lleWaler Com.mer~ial-Rec)<led Waler,ll!igajio_n 2 2 P_otabje W.at,ir.luioa!on. Rec1<led WalerliJigation 1 1 "Polable WaterJuigalion Rec)<led Walerlnigalion · 2 2 ·Potable Water luigaUon Rec)<ledWalerlnigalion 2 2 Polable Waler lrrigatio_n · Rec)1:led. W;,ler l_nigatio_n ·2 2 Potable Waler lrrigati_oij Rec)1:l;dwatir1ni_gation 2. 2 .. "Potable Waler Irrigation Rec)<led Waterhrigation 1 1 PolobleWalerl,iigafion Rec)<led Waler.lnig•tion ·None·. 2- Potable Waler lnigation Rec)1:l_ed.W~lerlnjgalio~ }'lone . 2 Potable Waler lniga6on Recycled Walerlnigation 2 .. 2 Polable Waler lnigation Rec)<led Waterlnigation 2 -2 Polabla Waler lnigation Rec)<ledWalerlnigation. ·2 -2 ·Total NewS~erYice ln·stallations 19 EXHIBIT2 Recy,cled : WatarM.1in ·size-&'.M.i.terial Address No. St~1t 24inch sleel-1001 Cannon.Road '12-inchPVC 751 Rainfree·on.., 12-i~c~PVC . 755 . Raintree.Driw 12-inch_PVC: 750. · Rain~•• Dtive 12-i.nch PVC 751 · M•."'ld'!ITliaP.ri\e . 12-inch PVC'. 760 MacadamiaDrlw· ·12-inch" PVC' 6860-A~nida Encinas 8-inch PVC 6830 e,-..ofd~Enc_inas 18-irich"DJ· 17,W A~era Paiky,ay 12-inchACP 5721 · College B(82-tjl5· 12-inchACP. 6000. · Collegelll 23-+50 · 1_2-in~h ACP .. 6100 College-Bl 3~0 . :2Jlflichl"lC 6451 · ELC;,m_i~o. Re.al Lol3 8:inch:PVc 5620-. El Camino Re•I 24-inchCLMC On PoinseWaLane ne.ar.Sage-.Court 12-inc~PVC On Camino'Oe Las Ondasnear Bnaiwood.Dril.e :6,inc~PVc· On HiuboiPoinlRQ ~nfCamjno De LasOnd~i; 6'i~ch:f'\/C On Camino.D~I.Prado:and·Camino-De.Las.Ondas · · 6,inchPYC 295 Windrose .Circle 11/27/2.0.18 8:36:16 AM