HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988-06-20; Parks & Recreation Commission; 688-7; Request for additional plant at Calavera HillPARK & RECREATION COMMISSION - AGENDA BILL AB« 688-7 MTG. 6-20-88 DEPT P & R TITLE: REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL PLANT MATERIAL AT CALAVERA HILLS PARK AND ADJACENT PROPERTY DEPT. HD. filTY ATTY CITY MGR. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Direct staff to proceed with the planting of additional trees and shrubs at Calavera Hills Park site and adjacent property in an effort to further mitigate noise and lighting impacts on neighboring residents. ITEM EXPLANATION: On May 2, 1988, Parks and Recreation Staff attended a Calavera Hills Homeowners Association Board meeting to address concerns by residents concerning the noise and light generated through activities at the park site. A wide variety of suggestions were made by area residents as to how the impact of noise and light might be mitigated. Some suggestions were: 1. Close the park to night use. 2. Construct a solid wall around the park site. 3. Limit hours of night activity. 4. Plant additional trees and shrubs to provide a buffer. 5. Instigate legal action against the City to force closure or restrict activities in the park. At staff's suggestion, a committee of five (5) homeowners met with Parks and Recreation representatives to evaluate and develop a solution to resident concerns. After considering various options, the committee has decided the most realistic and feasible approach to further reduce the light and noise impact would be the additional planting of trees and shrubs. The Homeowners Committee, working independently, has prepared a plant list showing types, sizes and quantities of plant materials they feel are needed to decrease noise and light levels. In addition, they have requested the City install redwood slats into ^ the existing chain link fence that surrounds the common area and association pool. The chain link fence was installed by the City prior to the park opening, at the request of the Homeowners Association to restrict park users from the pool site and common area. The attached map roughly depicts a planting schematic and fencing improvements. Ou 031 Page 2 of Commission AB # 688.7 The committee has expressed that the specific plant types should be subject to approval by the Parks Department and that plant material quantities are estimates only. In an effort to mitigate the Homeowner concerns prior to the formation of this committee, staff initiated and has completed the following action: 1. Re-aimed and shielded the existing light fixtures resulting in substantial reduction of light glare and spill over. 2. Restricted Saturday and Sunday night light use and imposed a weekday cxirfew of 10:00 p.m. 3. Planted forty eight (48) trees surrounding the park site. o/a>~*l FISCAL IMPACT: 55 - Melalucla Trees - $2,750 (15 gal. @ $50. ea.) 12 - Podocarpus Trees - 108 (5 gal. @ $9.00 ea.) 75 - Piracantha shrubs - 225 (1 gal. @ $3.00 ea.) 1,000 - Wooden slats $ 234 ($11.75 per bundle) TOTAL: $3,317 Funds are available in the Calavera Hills Community Park Construction Fund. EXHIBITS: 1. Letter - Mark Steyaert 2. Planting Plan 032 June 9, 1988 Mr. Mark Stayer Dept. of Parks and Recreation City of Carlsbad Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Mar k: The committee appointed by the board of directors of The Cape Homeowners Association has concluded its' study concerning the offer made by Dave Bradstreet. We believe that the planting of trees and Gushes on the park and the common grounds of The Cape will help very much to ameliorate the light and sound pollution tnat presently emanates from the Calavera Hills Park. I- addition, we believe that wooden slats installed in The Cape wire fence on Glasgow, would decrease the sound problem. Concerning Dave's offer of planting trees and bushes on private grounds of The Cape, it seems that only two homeowners would like to take advantage of it. Following is what we believe are the minimum numbers of trees, bushes, and wooden slats necessary in order to achieve the desired objective: 1. 55 Melalucas trees (each 10 feet in height); 2. 12 Protocorpus trees (each 3 feet in height); .3. 75 Piracantha bushes (each 1 foot in height), and 4. 1000 wooden slats (each approximately *t feet in height). Of these roughly 15 Melalucas and 50 Piracantha would have to be planted on the park side of Glasgow, with the remainder on The Cape property. The execution of this offer by the Department of Parks and recreation will make many residents of The Cape very pleased. Although I must tell you that there are some remaining homeowners that are investigating a potential suit on the City. , For your help and time, I thank you very much. Sincerely, ,arlos A. Salvado 2955 Cape Cod Circle 729-0387 noo Copy: C. Prescott UUO EXHIBIT 1