HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988-08-15; Parks & Recreation Commission; 888-1; Director's ReportPARK RECREATION COMMISSION - AGENDA BILL AB# RRR-1 MTG. 8-1 5-88 DEPTP f, R TITLE: DIRECTOR'S REPORT DEPT. HD. r.lTY ATTY niTY MGH. 2 O H- U 2 O i/ito Ou RECOMMENDED ACTION: Review, Accept and File. ITEM EXPLANATION: Refer to attached Director's Reports. (June - July, July - August, 1988). 1. Director's Report 013 July 13, 1988 TO: DAVID BRADSTREET. PARKS AND RECREATION DIRECTOR FROM: KEITH BEVERLY. MANAGEMENT ANALYST MONTHLY REPORT FOR JUNE / JULY 1988 Once again, the Annual Carlsbad Triathlon was a notable success with 869 participants engaging in the grueling run, swim, and bike competition. International entrants came from as far as Brazil with a multitude of nationwide participants from throughout the United States. The Triathlon Federation has rated the Carlsbad event within the top 40 Triathlons world-wide and seventh (7th) within the State. CONGRATULATIONS to Sara Drapkin, Ken Price, and many City staff members who have worked hard over the past years to stage such an event as to gain world-wide recognition. Sincerest gratitude is also extended to the many community volunteers and merchants who have contributed so much to the Triathlon's success - it gets better every year! ; Staff has assisted a Council Subcommittee to evaluate alternative financing mechanisms in an effort to provide for a golf course and tennis complex development. On July 12, 1988, the City Council unanimously recommended to place a special T.O.T. Tax Increase on the ballot in the November election. If passed, the increase is anticipated to finance a six to ten ($6 to $10) million golf and tennis facility for the City of Carlsbad. Parks staff have recently been working with Growth Management, Planning Department, and the Engineering Department regarding the Pacific Rim Park Site. Although still in the early stages of environmental review, Hillman Properties: the new owners of the Pacific Rim Development, have prepared conceptual development ideas for a twenty-four (24.25) acre community park. As part of the growth management requirements, Hillman Properties must develop fifteen (15) acres of their required twenty-four (24.25) acre park site. Once preliminary staff review is completed, actual development plans will be determined after the public review process is completed. The Youth Summer Volleyball Camp at Stagecoach Park was recently completed with over 30 individuals enjoying a week of skill training with the United States Olympic NMKB'S Volleyball Team. Each participating individual was presented with an eXCiting meaento - an official Olympic practice jersey. The plans and specifications for the Pine Street Senior Center were approved by the City Council July 12, 1988. The bidding process is scheduled to end August 24th and construction is anticipated to begin by late September 1988. KB/es c: Ray Patchett, City Manager Frank Mannen, Assistant City Manager 0**EXHIBIT 1 014 August 10. 1988 TO: DAVID BRADSTREET, PARKS AND RECREATION DIRECTOR FROM: KEITH BEVERLY. MANAGEMENT ANALYST)^? J»]STHLY REPORT FOR JULY / AUGUST 1988 Phase II construction of Calavera Hills Community Park is progressing on schedule. The Community Center/gymnasium is approximately 70% complete and has incorporated several changes over the Stagecoach Center. Although not a dramatic change in design, the modifications will benefit the overall operation of the facility. Completion of the Phase II Development is still slated for the early months of 1989. Plans and specifications for the rehabilitation of Chase Field have been completed and approved by Council. Funding of one hundred thirty thousand dollars ($130,000) for the project was made available through the Redevelopment Agency and the Community Block Grant Program. Design plans include additional landscaping, paving, irrigation, bleachers, picnic facilities, barbecues, and bicycle racks. Ninety-six (96) youngsters recently participated in the youth tennis daycamp sponsored by the Recreation Division. Community youth, ages 8-14, improved their tennis skills during the week long event held at the Carlsbad High School tennis courts. A record number of adult Softball teams signed up recently for the Carlsbad winter league. A total of one hundred twenty four (124) men, women and coed teams registered for play which begins the day after Labor Day weekend. The Annual Carlsbad body surfing championships held August 5-6 hosted one hundred ninety (190) entrants ranging in age from 12-50+. The winners received Boogie Boards, swim fins and sportswear donated by Moray Boogie Boards, Churchhill fins and Spankers Sportswear. Although the waves were small the weather conditions were perfect. Ground breaking ceremonies for the new Senior facility is scheduled for September 16th. A barbecue is planned for the festivities and current members of the Carlsbad Senior Association will dine for free. A two dollar fee will be charged for others who wish to partake. The ceremonies will begin at 4:00 p.m. at the Pine Street location. EXHIBIT 2 015