HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989-01-16; Parks & Recreation Commission; 189-8; Car Shows at park FacilitiesPARK & RECREATION COMMISSION - AGENDA BILL AR« 189-8 MTO 1-16-89 OPPT P & R TITLE: CAR DHOWS AT PARK FACILITIES DEPT. HD. CITY ATTY CITY MGR. zo c/)en RECOMMENDED ACTION: Uphold previous Commission action of not allowing car shows in public parks and that appeals will be handled on a case by case basis with a fiscal impact statement that would require, if an appeal is granted; that the applicant would be required to pay full costs of any park damage. ITEM EXPLANATION; During the Commission discussion on Item 12-88-3, "Request to hold car show at Holiday Park", the Commission felt that their previous action on 5-16-88 established a ruling that if a car show was held in a City park the fee for such an activity would be five hundred dollars ($500) of which two hundred fifty dollars ($250) would be non-refundable. The Director of Parks and Recreation's analysis of the Commission action was that they adopted a policy of not allowing car shows on any park or turfed areas only. The Commission did not take any action on the four (4) proposed alternatives (Exhibit 1) . Therefore, any appeals to previous Commission actions should be reviewed on a case by case basis. In the case of the Sleeper Car Club appeal, backed by the Mayor, staff recommended approval, with a four hundred fifty dollar ($450) deposit with three hundred fifty dollars ($350) refundable because this particular car show was going to donate proceeds to charitable organizations. EXHIBITS: 1. Agenda Bill #588-1. 2. Minutes of the Meeting of 5-16-88. 0085 PARK 6 RECREATION COMMISSION - AGENDA BILL AR* 588-7 MTfi. 5/16/88 DFPT P & R TITLE: CAR SHOWS WITHIN PARK FACILITIES DEPT. HD. CITY ATTY CITY MGR. Z O u oo RECOMMENDED ACTION: Commission request staff to adopt a department policy of not allowing car shows on any park or turfed areas. ITEM EXPLANATION At the April Parks and Recreation commission meeting staff was requested to investigate the status of car shows at Holiday Park. It has been determined that car shows have taken place at Holiday Park for the past several years. The number of car exhibits has varied from 0 to 2 per year. The Parks Division recommends car shows not take place at Holiday or other turfed/picnic park sites for the following reasons: 1. The vehicles could take up a major portion of the park turf and limit other uses. 2. Vehicles driven over turf cause maintenance problem. A. Soil compaction B. Rutted turf C. Irrigation damage D. Oil spills 3. No other cities surveyed allow car shows in city parks A. Allowing car shows at Parks could create a large demand and set a precedent of usage. Alternatives 1. Allow car shows at Safety Center on D.G. parking area. 2. Allow car shows at library parking lot (with library permission) on Sundays. 3. Allow car shows at turfed parking area adjacent to pool (with school district approval). U Allwr only two car shows per year at Holiday Park specifically between the'Booths of May and October with a deposit of five hundred dollars ($500), of which two hundred fifty dollars ($250) shall be non- refundable. FISCAL IMPACTO If car shows are not allowed at park sites there will be no fiscal impact. Allowing car shows could have a maintenance impact of zero ($0) to tive hundred dollars ($500) per event depending on each situation. 0086 EXHIBIT 1 MINUTES PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION May 16, 1988 5 COMMISSIONERS Commission discussion on the parking included the suggestion that parking be allowed on the street, eliminating the bike lane, which is seldom used. The recommendation was made to refer the on-street parking proposal to the Traffic Safety Commission. Dave Bradstreet stated that when all the parks are in use, the heavy use of Stagecoach Park would probably taper off. 6. AB #588-6 - PRIVATIZATION FOR RECREATION FACILITIES. Dave Bradstreet reported that in 1982 privatization was discussed by the City, and this is a good idea when the City cannot afford to provide the infrastructure and needs private industry to come in and build the park areas. However, Carlsbad is different, and the idea now is to have the City build the park facilities and contract for people to operate those facilities. Chairman Lawson stated the sub-committee could deal with this and bring back recommendations or items for the Commissioners to discuss. Parks and Recreation Commission directed the sub- committee to discuss the matter of privatization and bring back recommendations to the Commission for discussion. 7. AB #5818-7 - CAR SHOWS WITHIN PARK FACILITIES. Dave Bradstreet Introduced this item and Doug Duncanson continued the report. Staff recommendation was to adopt a policy of not allowing car shows on any park or turfed areas. Parks and Recreation Commission accepted staff recommendation to adopt a department policy of not allowing car shows on any park or turfed areas. 8. AB #588-8 - TRAFFIC CIRCULATION REPORT (STAGECOACH PARK). This Item was taken out of order. (See page 3) COMMITTEE REPORTS: Parks and Recreation Element Revision Sub-committee Chairman Lawson reported the main concern of the committee is to continue working on goals and objectives of the Element. A report will be coming back to the Commission and will contain the Item of privatization. EXHIBIT 2 0087 Lawson Castner Dahlquist Donovan Morrison Popovich Lawson Castner Dahlquist Donovan Morrison Popovich 008 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X