HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989-03-20; Parks & Recreation Commission; 389-2; Commission InquiriesPARK & RECREATION COMMISSION - AGENDA BILL AB* 389-2 MTG. 3-20-89 HPPT P & R TITLE: COMMISSION INQUIRIES DEPT. HD. CITY ATTY CITY MGR. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Review and file. ITEM EXPLANATION; The following will update the Commission on the items requested during the February 27, 1989 meeting. 1. PARKS AND RECREATION ELEMENT REVISION; The proposed 1989 Revision is currently in the Planning Department for review by the General Plan Review Committee. During this review process, all Elements of the City's General Plan are evaluated to ensure internal consistency. Recent City Council action will create an addition to the proposed Element as last reviewed by this Commission in October. The addition will include the recommendations of the Recreation Facility Financing Committee as presented to this Commission by John Strayer in February. The Parks and Recreation Element Revision is anticipated to come before the Planning Commission within the next few weeks. 2. CALAVERA HILLS COMMUNITY CENTER / GYMNASIUM VANDALISM; The Carlsbad Police Department has two suspects in this case. Both individuals will be prosecuted by the District Attorney later this month under charges of malicious mischief. 3. LEVANTE OPEN SPACE LOT SALE / GRAFFITI The Utility Maintenance Department is currently responsible for the City's real property division. All real property under City ownership is presently being inventoried and evaluated to better assess issues relating to conditions of sale of those properties. There are several conditions relative to the sale of the Levante lot which need to be addressed prior to presentation to the City Council for approval. The real property division is aware of the Commissions recommendation, however, this issue is of a lower priority than other pending projects. The graffiti on the block wall immediately adjacent to the open space wall has been painted over by the Parks Maintenance Division.in Iu 0 0008 CARLSBAD ANIMAL CLINIC H. C. Gregg, D.V.M. -y 2739 Slate StreetCarlsbad, California 92008 729-4431 <U<iW CQM wiusot? I Con<nc< f &cs -frd'+l Cw/* ft-d A fff Jd e-jccSem e/7/ nV pU<-c, On Jiv* to tot. CVA/' c o«»*rsJ •f**<eJ *k 6rJiTit.nct, lo .v &**? 0 0018 0 0019 EARTHSHINE 1987 by Dennis Davidson; 0 0020 J (I ''A -/ ' c. »^** ^, A' f^t^i^^a **l 04U >7~~^^t ~ 0&A/& • tZsfc £AJ? ^Sf-Kif&dscJ CSTrtS-^rt^SK^ <&te s<2syvtJC> jfb*&0f ^tc^sh <&# ^4&<zJi&> ^y^ s*bp J^>?* Ju*r? svue/Jti^j 'ZJ&XS s&4isv£> , , , f A.J L-*jj:- ' - - /-/•/_ /^ /tfa '^Ss^tt-W-*™ 0 0024 £•"<-' /r? &* "/" T7 ;. i<_\ 6i,«-«.H. X / / '5C\ /* 'fa* fttl>-)^frt- r/- V.V'- 0 0025 RECEIVED flAR - 9 802 Caminito Verde Carlsbad, CA 92009 March 8, 1989 Ms. Lynn Chase Recreation Superintendent Parks and Recreation Dept 1200 Elm Ave Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Ms. Chase: I moved to Carlsbad from San Diego three months ago and would be deeply perturbed if I couldn't take my dogs to the beach at all. I have two very small dogs, but I moved to Carlsbad to^be closer to the ocean and it ^^to~me~to"be~able~to~stroll~along~the beach with my dogs. In San Diego we have Fiesta. Island and Dog Beach for exercising dogs* I suggest designating a certain area *of the beach where we could let dogs run free. It doesn't have to be a large area and could be an area not used much my others. For example, the area just south of the Encino Power Plant is nearly always deserted as there is a sort of cliff to climb down to get to the beach, so a little more effort is needed to get down there. That would be perfect for dog owners. He wouldn't be annoying others, and we could exercise our dogs on land that was meant for all to use. Incidentally, the last few times I^have..been_to the Carlsbad beaches, I have been a people watcher, and the amount of trasb~that "humans" just throw on the ground, candy wrappers, soda cans, fast-food containers, is unbelievable. I have to state that humans, not animals are the culprits in dirtying our beautiful beaches. Please give careful thought to this and other comments before banning dogs altogether from the beaches. It's Just one more law, and one more right taken away from us, till eventually we will be able to do nothing enjoyable. Sincerely, Elizabeth^ Fltzpatrick 0 0026 ANIMAL HEALTH CENTER (WEST BLUFF PLAZA) 6986-1 El Camino Real Carlsbad, CA 92009 DANNA GALE OLSON, D.V.M. (619) 438-7766 March 8,1989 Lynn Chase, Superintendent Parks and Recreation Department City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Ave, Carlsbad, Ca. 92008 Dear Superintendent Chase, This is to register my_ yery_ strong "protest td the City of Carlsbad *'s 'propos.ed*'action to prohibit all dogs from all Carlsbad parks and beaches as of June 1, 1989. Since an- cient times dogs. were important partners in maintaining safe and healthful human lives, This is true as well for modern America where there is strong evidence to show that pets are beneficial to human health. In September, 1.987, the National Institutes of Health held a 3-day Tech- nology Assessment Workshop on the "Health Benefits of Pets". Walk ing, running and playing with a dog is healthful for both human and canine. More and more, dogs are being excluded from public places and private housing due in large part to careless actions of irresponsible dog owners. Responsible pet owners who care about their animal* s health and manners are penalized along with. the uncaringjones. ThisJLsjiot^fair to humans or dogs. I~support~rthe*"priviledge"'of pet owners to exercise their pets-T-irpublicrplacesTprovided they are not allowed to soil the surroundings nor to harrass other people and pets. I oppose both the intentr of the City Council's action and the • manner- in which it has been done, ie; making the ordinance aut omat i cally in force unless they "decide otherwise" I also feel that scheduling of hearings at 5pm, when most interested parties are still at work, is a deliberate attempt to dampen any probable input from pet owners. For Shame I I believe a compromise solution can be worked out where both those who own and love dogs and those who do not can be accommodated. The council should go back to work and come up with a better ordinance. Sincerely, Danna Gale Olson D.V.M. 0 0027 RECEIVED MAP. • 7 1989 7 f. .7f 0 0028 -7* ' y X^« >C^ / ^•*cv •asLg^*. c/*^"— &~*~yc.t+*<<a~J /£e-.t*-.r /7 /^ 0 0029 0 0030 RECEWEO !-.:.". - 3 0 0031 0 0032 rz> RECEIVED MAR - 9 1339 D1 x3 /t /5* iT /b /T>/C /^ X- 7>t_ 0 0033 / 'bo 7>whot V<TO fa 7>,S Of 0 0034 SAN DIEGO COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ANIMAL CONTROL "Protecting People and Animals" NORTH COUNTY 2481 PALOMAR AIRPORT CARLSBAD, CA 92008 438-2312 - 746-7307 REMARKS: n CENTRAL COUNTY 5480 GAINES ST. SAM DIEGO, CA 92110 236-4250 SOUTH COUNTY 5821 SWEETWATER RD. BON1TA. CA 92002 263-7741 D OFFICER 1C DATE SAN DIEGO COUNTY CODE Sec.62.620. LICENSE REQUIRED. All dog owners shall apply for and obtain a separate dog license for each dog they own after it is four months old. All dog owners must possess such license at the time the dog is five months of old or thirty (30) days after obtaining or bringing any dog over four months of age into an area in which the Department provides licensing or animal control services. Dog owners shall renew the dog license before it becomes delinquent. Sec.62.669. RESTRAINT OF DOGS BY OWNER. Dog owners shall at all times prevent their dogs from being at lame and from being in violation of other sections of this code. Any person who violates any provision of this section is guilty of a misdemeanor. SAN DIEGO MUNICIPAL CODE Sec.63.20.12 (Dogs Prohibited) (a) Notwithstanding any other provisions of this Code, no person shall take any dog, whether leashed or unleashed, upon any public beach or any public park adjacent thereto, or any sidewalk adjacent to any public beach, in the City of San Diego between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. After 6:00 p.m. and until 9:00 a.m. the provisions of Section 62.669 as adopted by Section 44.0300 of this Code shall apply. (c) The provisions of this section shall not apply to Fiesta Island in Mission Bay Park or to the beach area at the west end of the San Diego River Floodway, also known as the Ocean Beach Flood Control Channel. 0 0035 RECEIVED MAR - 8 1989 NICOLE DAUM 1192 LACUNA DR. CARLSBAD, CA 92008 March 7, 1989 Dog Ordinance Committee Lynn Chase 1200 Elm Street Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Ms. Chase, As a conscientious courteous dog owner I find the thought of not being able to take my dogs with me for a walk on the beach or through the parks of Carlsbad an alarming one. Banning dogs from these places is a rather drastic move, since to my knowledge the city of Carlsbad has not tried either leash or clean up laws in the past. One more suggestion might be certain hours that are less likely to be high traffic times at these places. It would seem to me that there are a few less stringent avenues that may be taken before dog banning becomes commonplace. Sincerely, Nicole Y. Damn 0 0036 <•,' RECEIVED HAH - 7 r * j. _^ r \ JL . XVTA-J« 0 0037 c>« • ^^n j» ^ « ^ ,Sj^i v 1 •*• !«i ^^^+ ^ X/ ^ x ^? $ ^^R ^ ^ I'••*»W' ^ 11fSi*>i^ ^ %< RECEIVED I !tt ; a be . juld be ctical needs" .ner than a touch a i.nering dust over our at Arts Manager Connie •eardsley pointed out that the .uney, tt'uiii , H'tino) can or. artwork. Ruth Sherwood said sin- concerned that the work conUi l>r dangerous: One of the buttcill'i might fall and hurt someono, > r ;> senior who has difficulty wjilhm; could become.disoriented by tlu- work and fall. See SCULPTURE/Png" A2 9:5 « * \o^i »s .. k_0-rX, l?t*-rf.i tv-sdS<v:d^ ^^»^ Jler the ^IV ^oleave Meetings scheduled for input on dog ordinance k •-^ M C U ^> ^*^kR MI.M^ » *X^ik 5^\ ;s op. in / ith Iv-'. 'n- , he; to - nd >. * x . By Terry Snoeyenbos Staff Writer A Parks and Recreation Commission subcommittee will hold two public meetings next week to get recommendations on ways to control dogs at city parks and beaches. Meetings will be held from 5 to 6 p.m. March 8 at Calavera Hills Park community center, and from 5 to 6:30 p.m. March 9 at Stage- coach Park community center. Recreation Superintendent Lynn Chase said written comments are also welcome, but must be received by March 9. Written comments should be addressed in care of Chase, Parks and Recreation Department, 1200 Elm Ave., Carlsbad 92008. After gathering comments, the subcommittee, consisting of commissioners Kim Welshons, Shirley. Dahlquist and Marjorie Morrison, will make recommen- dations to the full commission, which is scheduled to decide at its March 20 meeting what it will recommend to the City Council. Unless the commission and the City Council decide otherwise, dogs will be banned from all Carlsbad parks and beach areas beginning June 1. Dogs now are not allowed on stretches of state-owned beach in Carlsbad that are under the 0 0038 jurisdiction of the state Dc.-p:iit- ment of Parks and Recital ion. Carlsbad ordinances have allowed dogs at some parks and on stuff- owned beach not under the department's jurisdiction — basi- cally between Pine Avenue ami Buena Vista Lagoon — only if they are on a leash. Complaints from residentr, about dogs relieving themselves and running unsupervised on the beach prompted the City Council last month to enact the ban. I kit council members delayed its effec- tive date until June 1 to give doj.' owners and the Parks and Recrea- tion Commission a chance to work out a compromise. Dog owners had gathered 90 signatures on petitions urging the council not to enact the ban. They recommended instead a "responsi- ble dog owners' ordinance" — dubbed a "pooper-scooper law" — requiring pet owners to clean up after their animals. One of the petition's circulators, Nancy Kqontz, will also meet with the parks and recreation subcommittee. Other compromises that have been suggested are to restrict dogs to certain areas of the beach, and to limit their presence to times of the day and times of the year when beaches are less crowded. RECEIVED m.n •• 8 f „ -0 0 0039 TireFog*) Andy TownMnd5065 Lot Robin Dr. CirtibM, CA 9200* .Hrw*t"vj-N. QTV 1 i y J7 vx 4 ^J 0 0040 -<\-\ \ 01 March 1989 Dog Ordinance Committee c/o Ms. Lynn Chase 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 Subject: Public Meeting Notice Carlsbad Dog Ordinance Dear Dog Ordinance Committee: As the human population has grown in Carlsbad, the quality of life has steadily deteriorated. There are now very few places one can find open land and even fewer with open land and water to use and enjoy. Dogs have been an integral part of human life since before recorded history. They have proven their worth over an over throughout history by protecting their masters and others, helping the blind have mobility, providing companionship for the elderly and lonely and giving their lives whe^i necessary to save their human family members, etc. 'Dog* certainly deserve to nofbe totally excluded' from beaches and parks just because a few careless humans have stepped in dog feces. Regarding sanitation, the real danger comes from the exploding human growth which dumps more and more sewage into the ocean all the time. Its time human beings learned they are just one of a large number of animal species living on this planet, and other species have rights too. The only hope for continued survival of life on earth is for humans to learn to control their population and live in harmony with nature instead of consuming everything they can find and destroying the environment with innumerable kinds of pollution. Instead of banning dogs from beaches and parks we can res~trl'C't--tlve~sreas— where~dogs-are allowed . This works well in Cardiff and Del Mar. Each city park can have a designated area for dogs and allow them access to the beach from Cannon Road, south to the city beach limit and from the beach access steps at the north end of Ocean Street to .the Oceanside city beach limit. Sincerely , William Thomson 1775 Valley Place Carlsbad, CA 92008 0 0041 :-?£. c. •<__- RECEIVED MAR- 61389 AS ^ 01 March 1989 Dog Ordinance Committee c/o Ms. Lynn Chase 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 Subject: Public Meeting Notice Carlsbad Dog Ordinance Dear Dog Ordinance Committee: As the human population has grown in Carlsbad, the quality of life has steadily deteriorated. There are now very few places one can find open land and even fewer with open land and water to use and enjoy. Dogs have been an integral part of human life since before recorded history. They have proven their worth over an over throughout history by protecting their masters and others, helping the blind have mobility, providing companionship for the elderly and lonely and giving their lives when necessary to save their human family members, etc. Dogs certainly deserve to not be totally excluded from beaches and parks just because a few careless humans have stepped in dog feces. Regarding sanitation, the real danger comes from the exploding human growth which dumps more and more sewage into the ocean all the time. Its time human beings learned they are just one of a large number of animal species living on this planet, and other species have rights too. The only hope for continued survival of life on earth is for humans to learn to control their population and live in harmony with nature instead of consuming everything they can find and destroying the environment with innumerable kinds of pollution. Instead of banning dogs from beaches and parks we can restrict the areas where dogs are allowed. This works well in Cardiff and Del Mar. Each city park can have a designated area for dogs and allow them access to the beach from Cannon Road, south to the city beach limit and from the beach access steps at the north end of Ocean Street to the Oceanside city beach limit. Sincerely , William Thomson 1775 Valley Place Carlsbad, CA 92008 0 0042 «EW*ftcr ^tfpyvRersiWfPiK ' ^t^R:H^|^^^»'^!I; ,',"• I'am a paralyzed veteran residing.here' '',f •juinOceanside.! Because of -my; injury ;'vi*''!*y^^ *!'' . _ _ 1 _ • _**.'» * - _'? 1 ' '_'»• J A_*_J L _ _t _t_ _^ — -if*' ', . recently had the opportunity'to* (roll) over to the South Oceanside Elemen-.-r4 r;/.tary School lih order to pickup my young-^. *! v&^^In front of me was a lady.walking her •• A• ,^-S dog. A common occyrance; however; this" "x -;..',|^ %lady was allowing her'pet.dpg to leave itsv ;?.*^^^fecal^ignature onthe sidewalk?To make a:.j^felong and>smeJplystior^:ahpr^hAdrtQ spend ^ .^...^ pl5.20inmutesclefuw^jiK!1^i^^>iBisun?f' '• "•' | ^tisfactory^4^S^''l^^^:^^ \^.dn'il In i Tlnl mi i iiln •in* n**** 1 als to : -" 0 0043 $ Stop the dog pollution v •'{ .EDITOR:" /• ^''<vA1 'v: '-•'!,.•;.'' • ••' f: I'm writing this letter in anger, I really.' ^ ;care about.my family's healthand weIi .> JO'Vi ^.«',', \i ' '. .. . ^ 'T ' ' . ^ . 'I donot wish-to cause the City of ~- ^r?:'^ i Carlsbad any financial hardship but allow .i i them a means to supplement city income.'^, i" If the council would only pass an prdi-: '••*: '•nance to fine; persons that allow their dogs-V ; to defecate and not clean up — a healthy .':'' fine of at least $50 to $100 fonfirst offense ^f .'; then $500 thereafterrr> thousands could be ',, •'•'• .collected daily.- ^•... -;l .'.••'••'. '•• -• X 'r ' ^..f I've been an'animal lover all my life, ^ • '*'' however I never imposed on anyone by.- 5 • allowing any- of tny animals tend to nature's- "7 call on or near anyone's lawn, yard, ••'*?u driveway or wheEBV"-'"7"""V ' j ~j^t» ?f*Xl'J-•my ownyaxa.tt*W,v;'Calaveras Park-site area has a '^problem, flies 'are'almost unbearable;'v ^-tT*: ? ^•People come-OQ'foot and in cars from dawn '^until after dark bringing their dogs to ^ke^'' ,care,ot'natvire's caUiin>hdalong toe*v^\ I can'tblame'anyone for not wan-: -i-ting this stinking, fly festering, health^ ^hazard in their "own back yard but what" makeithem'think that all of kus living in ^ '' area want it in;pura?<:-»' ^ > ;;-v : crowning blow of disgust came this,' oon while in my backyard an ' 'i'\ .^ceanside Policei car parked on Glasgow '';;*^and the patrolman suramonftnus German caif-to.takeNcare ot.,t'-..-»..' rr*;-* 5':-.-:.'IV;. '- ''-':••.-•-'• vier»^_ V-B^&'?v\^•*"'J. -' :-." »* ?(* *' '\JtWe*- were •VUi*. 0 0044 0 0045 0 0046 P C; » .-1 K C A-7 A -e ^ t •» T c/i r ^ t ^ 0 0047 3916 MARKRIOQE ROAD LA CRESCENTA, CALIFORNIA 91214 . , •• n' ' ' 0 0048 RECEIVED MAR 1 31989 *^*JLJ I S. £j..<&i^^*M--^ •*-*• 0 0049 -<- .fct*s- AU^jIteSXvW^tjjC:-\ 5 0 0050 F.mGord.. * RECEIVED MAR 1 5 PO Box 3048 tftW.Carlsbad CA ^ffTT 92009 m 7947 Calle Cozumel Carlsbad, CA 92009 March 13, 1989 Dog Ordinance Committee c/o Lynn Chase 1200 Elm Ave. Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Ms. Chase: I wish to express my opinion on the proposed ban on dogs at all Carlsbad beaches. I am not sure of parks, although I know the one in downtown Carlsbad does not allow dogs. I do not know if the total ban applies to all the parks. I have not taken my dog walking in any of the parks because I don't wish to arrive only to find my dog is not welcome. I am a tax payer in Carlsbad and a RESPONSIBLE dog owner. When I walk my dog I carry a plastic bag and lots of paper towels so I can clean up any mess she might make. I agree with the "pooper scooper" ordinance, and I go along with the leash laws, since I would not like to have a strange dog accost me and my pet, any more than I want my dog bothering strangers. However, as I walk along with my dog, I see all sorts of human detritis which is much more offensive than an occasional dog fece and not biodegradable. I find pop bottles, some whole, some broken; beer and soda cans; food wrappers, plastic and styrofoam; chicken bones; cigarette butts, and other litter which people won't bother to throw away even when trash containers are close at hand. Maybe babies should be banned from parks because irresponsible parents do not properly dispose of soiled diapers. (I have personally seen them on occasion) I would like to see areas of the public parks made accessible to dogs on leashes, and I would like to see some areas of the beach available also. If it must be limited to winter months, so be it, but an outright ban to all public facilities is offensive to me as a dog owner and taxpayer. I think there should be some personnel around to see that the litter ordinances are being obeyed, for dogs and for humans. It is sad that because 4ft some irresponsible dog owners do not clean up after their pets, we must all suffer. By the way, what about cats? They roam free and often make fecal messes too. What does the City Council propose to do about them — shoot them? I hope your Committee will rethink this carefully before you take away more of our privileges. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Very truly yours, Fern L. Gordon 0 0051 RECEIVER MAR 1 '» 1909 Chase Parks and Rec. 1200 Elm Ave. Carlsbad, Calif 92008 Dear Sirs, I have been wanting to write a letter like this for a number of years and finally am glad to see a request In the local newspaper. It Is nightly unsanitary for animals to be allowed to use the beach for a place to relieve themselves of body wastes. I own property by the Army Navy School and in Terramar and since It Is my taxes that pay the salaries of the beach patrol and any work that Is done on the beach I feel I should have an Input In to this discussion....:! have seen dogs relieve themselves just as a child came to the same area to swim,, stepped In the mess and others coming In on surfboards to confront this same messy situation.I have seen dogs urinate and mess up Infront of plcnleers and their owners look the other way* or laugh. Love me love my dog Is the attitude.some seem to have* Many times I have been at th» area In front of the power plant at dusk and cars, trucks and vans stop, let their dogs out to run and relieve themselves on that beacht while the owners stay on the bluff In their vehicles. . I have seen dogs chase seals, sea gulls and other beach creatures with mean and viselous barks. You never know In what mess you are walking or if dogs are going to attack you or jump on you if you are" stretched out on a beach towel 1, asleep or with a book over yow^yes... if there Is a law, and a long overdue one at that tWMl* 11 should be abided by, enforced and penalities given....not looked the other way and thus weakened. Let us protect our ocean water, our beaches and make this a strong law. Thankyou for this opportunity Pete Davis 0 0052 M"n 1 f. Responsible Doa Owner's Ordinance We, the undersigned, are Carlsbad residents opposed to the currently proposed ordinance banning dogs from the City beach and parks. We are in favor of a "Responsible Dog Owner's Ordinance" that would require dog owners to cleanup after their animals, but not ban them from the public's beach or parks. 6. 7. LJU Wf - V V I <• C- 0 0053 William C. Mann March 10, 1989 ^70 n 1 Ocean Street Carlsbad Doa Ordinance Committee c/o Lvnn Chase 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Ms, Chase: I am writina about the "Doo-Ban" on Carlsbad Beach. We have a residence at 2701 Ocean Street, which is two blocks North of Elm Street. We feel that the Citv Council is wav out of line in exaaaeratina any problems reaardina this situation. We've only observed people enioyina their doas alona with their own walking exercise on this Beach. And we feel that by eliminatina this opportunity, it is -just another cancellation of what people eniov doinq, and a feelina of freedom. Do you have records of incidents when harm has come to anyone by allowina doas on this beach. I have read many newspaper articles that I have seen in the local papers, but do not recall reading any about harmful incidents. However, if you do deem it necessary to take action, then we do hope you will not totally disreaard the people who don't aaree with you. This beach is not at all busy except in the summer time, so leavina it the wav it was for September thru Mid-June would seem to be the appropriate action. We would also like to point out that the Citv Council is ianorina the truly serious problems on this particular beach. First, what is the City Council doina about keepina this beach clean. Every mornina we awake at our home there, the first thina we have to do before we attempt to eniov the oceanview is to ao down on the seawall and the sand and fill up a larae litter baa of assorted trash left by the humans (not the doas). And besides, the normal description of trash, we also have to remove (humans') underwear. Secondly, I am sure the Carlsbad Police are as tired of me havina to call them as I am of havina to do it. It is the humans not the doas that are raisina noisy hell down there well after midniaht and keepina us awake and subiectina my wife and children havina to see people smokina dope, etc... So. as lona as you have pin-pointed what you seem to think is a problem. I only feel it is riant that a resident and taxpayer in the area you're talkina about, should ask vou what you are aoina to do about the true existina problems. Yours truly, William C. Mann 0 0054 LARRY MURPHY P.O. Bo x 1819 Carlsbad, CA 92OOB <619) 720-9735 March 15, 1989 Ms. Stacey Nickerson Carlsbad Journal P.O. Box 2^8 Carlsbad, CA 92OO8 Dear Ms. Nickerson: Enclosed are pictures of my Saturday stroll on the new walkway by the beach. As you can see, a picture is worth a thousand poops. Noticed in Howard Owens article of March lOth that Lt. Jim Hawks of the Carlsbad Police Department onl.v had about six complaints last summer, regarding dogs on the beach. You can bet your flea collar that Lt. Hawks will have more than six calls this summer because we now have both a seawall and walkway area to protect from dog droppings. Carlsbad will remain North San Diego County's best kept secret because tourist will get dog tired of jumping around the canine defecation. Remember, if the dogs continue to do their business at the beach, the tourists will do their business elsewhere! I strongly and seriously support the new ordinance banning dogs from the Carlsbad Beach and walkways because enforcement of an alternative ordinance would not only be difficult to police but wouldn't be obeyed by all dog owners. Barking Mad, ^/CU^VY r*\ -cc/v^x-^Vf^ Larry Murphy LM:mm Enclosures cc: Mayor JBud Lewis *Mrs. Lynn"Chase Ms. Shirley Dahlquist Mr. Dan Jackson ~ HOSS Lt Jim Hawks, Carlsbad Police Department U UUUU Mr. Lee Bowman, Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce Carlsbad City Council Complaints hound ban ordinance By Howard Owens Staff Writer Support for a new ordinance banning dogs from Carlsbad beaches was conspicuously absent from testimony given to a parks and recreation task force Wednesday.. The ordinance, approved by the City Council in December, is scheduled to become law June 1 unless a satisfactory compromise ordinance can be devised by the task force. The task force was formed after two dog owners circulated a peti- tion protesting the new ordinance. The petition suggested that an alternative ordinance might include a "pooper-scooper law," but the task force discovered Wednesday that such an ordi- nance is already on the books in Carlsbad. Task force chairwoman Shirley Dahlquist said the group's find- ings will be presented at the March 20 Parks and Recreation Department meeting. Seven dog owners were present at Wednesday's meeting, held at , the Calavera Hills Community Center, and they unanimously • opposed the dog-banning ordi- nance. Task force member Don Jackson, whose complaints to Councilwoman Ann Kulchin about dogs defecating on the beach led to the ordinance, was V the sole defender of the new law at" the meeting. . : •' V'r; • Several dog owners drew atten- • tion to the fact that no other supporters of the law.were' present, and to a remark by Lt. Jim Hawks of the Carlsbad Police Department that he could recall only six complaints about dogs on the beach last summer. .-, -.' "You have only one supporter here and six complaints," said Duke Kebow passionately. "You don't have a big problem, and (the City Council) basically passed a law without having a problem." . Kebow said he agreed there is a problem with dog droppings on See ORDINANCE/Page A3 ORDINANCE Continued from Page Ai the beach, but added that no law is going to solve the problem. "This is not a factual issue," he said. "This is an emotional issue." All the dog owners professed ignorance of the pooper-scooper law, but many said they eith2r cleaned up after their dogs or made sure their pets defecated before leaving their house. Some of the owners admitted to being a little less careful than others, though. "I'm as guilty as anyone else." said Kay Bishop. "I didn't know there was an ordinance. Maybe if we're all given a little time we can clean up our own act." . Georgia Schramm said walking ; her dog on the beach has been an important part of her life since she moved to Carlsbad l'/j years ago and she would hate to lose thatprivilege. "I would support strict enforce- ment (of the pooper-scooper law), if it would allow those of us who do regularly clean up after our dogs to continue to use the beach," shesaid. But strict enforcement might be a difficult problem, said Hawks, because the city has no lifeguards to enforce the law and responding to complaints about dogs on the beach would be a low priority for the police department. •".: : "In the summer season we often go from call to call," Hawks said. . "So what we would do is log the ; call. If the officer is free, we might . send him'jOiit there. But parking . on Ocean Street and walking ,down the public access trail would . take him 'out of service for an extended period of time." The_task,force also received ' eight letters about the new ordi- nance, and only one of the letters supporteiil the" law. .: Jackson, who described himself as ."either [the culprit or hero" of the new ordinance, didn't respond . during the meeting to the claims • by the dog owners that the ordi- nance lacked support in the community. ' " ' 0 0056 0 0057 0 0058 RECEIVED MAR 1 31989 / &; . u^^ 0 0060