HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989-08-21; Parks & Recreation Commission; 889-3; Citizen Request/Carlsbad Swim ComplexPARK & RECREATION COMMISSION - AGENDA BILL AB#_TITLE; CITIZEN REQUEST/ CARLSBAD SWIM COMPLEX DEPT. HD.. CITY ATTY. CITY MGR. RECOMMENDED ACTION: If Commission concurs with staff report, accept and file report. ITEM EXPLANATION; At the July Commission meeting, Mr. Dodson addressed several concerns regarding the Carlsbad Swim Complex. Staff was directed to return to the Commission at the August meeting with a response to these issues. Attached is the staff report. The Aquatic Supervisor will give a verbal presentation regarding this issue. EXHIBIT; 1. Staff Report - Swim Complex Issues Zo HX) Zo I/) 5Ou 19 AUGUST 9, 1989 TO: PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION VIA: DAVID BRADSTREET, PARKS AND RECREATION DIRECTOR'T^? FROM: LYNN CHASE, RECREATION SUPERINTENDENT REPORT ON CITIZEN CONCERNS - MICHAEL DODSON Michael Dodson addressed the Commission on a number of issues at the July 17th meeting during the Public Open Forum. Staff was asked to respond with a written report on the concerns. Concern # 1: Masters program fee increase Staff Response: The Masters workout card fee was not increased; the fee was and is $30 for residents and $35 for non-residents for 24 workouts. However, the number of valid weeks for using the workout card was reduced from 7 weeks to 5 weeks. When this was brought to our attention by Mr. Dodson, the mistake was corrected. The card holders were notified and a letter was sent to Mr. Dodson on 7/17/89 (Attachment A). Concern # 2: Maximum utilization of the pool r Staff Response: In staff's opinion, we have maximized the use of the pool on a year round basis, consistent with the original design concepts and the Department's stated goals and objectives. Pool use has been reviewed and graphed showing the percentages of use for instruction, recreational swimming and competitive program use. Overhead projections of pool use by programs and unscheduled time slots will be available at the Commission meeting. Concern #3: Swim program cost comparisons Staff Response: A survey of coached Masters programs was conducted in February, 1987. It showed Carlsbad Masters fees as the second lowest program and offered flexibility of workouts. Staff updated the survey to compare Carlsbad Masters fees with others in San Diego County. The survey again shows the Carlsbad Masters fees as among the lowest in the county (Attachment B). Concern #4: Staff on duty and paid for doing non-city paperwork Staff Response: When aquatic staff is at the pool, they may be observed doing job related paperwork, including staff schedules, class records, performance evaluations, grading lifeguard written tests, etc. Carl Pope welcomes immediate input and questions from the public if it is believed that staff improprieties are observed. If such input is received immediately, he has the opportunity to correct any improprieties by staff and/or clear-up any misunderstanding of the type of paperwork observed by the public. 20 REPORT ON CITIZEN CONCERN - MICHAEL DODSON AUGUST 9, 1989 PAGE 2 ADDITIONAL CONCERN IDENTIFIED In addition to the first four concerns voiced at the Commission meeting, a letter from Michael Dodson was received 8/7/89. He expressed an additional concern, asking "Why isn't your Department pushing for such facilities as a tennis and aquatic center ..." (Attachment E). A response is as follows: Concern #5: Future planning for tennis and aquatic center Staff Response: The Parks and Recreation Department is currently involved in planning for future facilities, including tennis and swim complexes in Carlsbad through the Capital Improvement Parks and Recreation Facilities Development Program and the Zone 5 Local Facilities Management Plan. The monthly Parks and Recreation Commission meetings are open to the public and the topics for discussion are posted on the lighted display panels outside City Council chambers. The Commission frequently receives updates on the future plans for parks and facilities development. Public input is welcomed, in addition, the City's planning process includes time for public review and input; such meeting dates, times, and locations are well publicized in the' local papers and again the public is encouraged to attend and give input. ATTACHMENTS A. Letter from Superintendent, dated 7/17/89 B. Masters swim programs survey, dated 8/89 C. Letter from M. Dodson, dated 7/27/89 C: Frank Mannen, Assistant City Manager Phil Carter, Assistant to the City Manager Ken Price, Principal Recreation Supervisor Carl Pope, Aquatic Supervisor 21 City of Carlsbad • H^VTCTVfVWlMVMVMrWMBraWW^rOTBBBVMWOTM^MWV JULY 17, 1989 Mike Dodson 3364 Lincoln Street Carlsbad, CA 92008 MASTERS WORKOUT CARD - CARLSBAD SWIM COMPLEX Carl Pope and I met today and reviewed the fees and charges for all programs at the Swim Complex, which were effective as of July 1, 1989. Let me assure you that we heard the Council voice their support of competitive swim programs and intended no increase in fees this year. We appreciate Council's support. When you and I talked, I was sure that we had not increased the fees for Masters. However, you are correct, Mike, that the Masters participants who bought a "workout card" July 1st or after, were getting less for their money. As you indicated, the new workout cards were issued for five (5) weeks instead of the seven (7) weeks they had previously purchased. I must ask you to excuse this oversight on our part and we appreciate you bringing it to my attention. r This reduction in the number of weeks was proposed, planned and worked out with the Masters Swim Coach, Jeff Pease, prior to the Fee Study going before the Council. Unfortunately, the workout cards were already "in the works" and didn't get replaced or changed back to the seven weeks of workout. This error has now been corrected. The twenty people who had purchased the five week cards will be using their workout card for seven weeks instead of the five. I wish the first person who purchased their card had brought the error to our attention. I find it interesting that there wasn't a single question on the workout card until you brought it to my attention. In the future, I would hope that you will feel free to contact me with a concern and then allow me time to find out the facts and respond. I would appreciate having you believe that I, too, am concerned and operate in a professional manner. Have a good summer, Mike. LYNN CHASE, RECREATION SUPERINTENDENT C: Frank Mannen, Assistant City Manager David Bradstreet, Parks and Recreation Director Carl Pope, Aquatic Supervisor ATTACHMENT A 120O Carlsbad Village Drive • Carlsbad. California 92OO8-1989 • (619) 434-2824 MASTER SWIM PROGRAM FEES SUMMARY OF AUGUST 1989 SURVEY Masters Swim programs provide coached workouts to adults interested in fitness, skill improvement, and competition. Including Carlsbad's program, there are thirteen (13) comparable programs in the county. Of these thirteen programs, Carlsbad ranks second in the number of workouts and hours offered, and has the lowest cost per workout. The cost per workout is figured using an average of twelve (12) workouts per month, as the majority of Masters swimmers swim three times per week. Including Carlsbad, only five (5) programs offer the option of paying on a per- workout basis. The cost to pay per-workout are: Chula Vista and La Jolla J.C.C. = $5, U.C.S.D. = $4, San Diego-Allied Gardens = $3, and Carlsbad = $2.25 for residents and $2.75 for non-residents. Non-member rates were used to rank cost per workout and membership cost per year is shown. CTP:dm 8/17/89 23 ATTACHMENT B Facility/Program Name Cost/Month Cost/Workout (12/mo) Rank Comments Carlsbad Masters $17.16-R/$20-NR 1.47-R/1.67-NR 13 Seven week/24 workout card Chula Vista Masters $30 2.50 National City Swim Club $25 2.08 12 San Diego-Allied Gardens Different Strokes $30 2.50 College Area Jewish Community Center $25-M/$35-NM 2.92 Membership is $290/yr. La Jolla Jewish Community Center $25-M/$40-NM 3.33 Membership is $330/yr. Grossmont Pool Heartland Masters $35 2.92 Valley Jr. High Heartland Masters $30 2.50 North Coast Y.M.C.A. $20-M/$30-NM 3.75 Membership $183/yr Only 2 workouts per week available John Davis Y.M.C.A. $10-M/$30-NM 2.50 10 Membership $235/yr Program not year round Mission Beach Plunge Fitness Advantage Masters $30-M/$35-[2.92 - U.C.S.D.$40 3.33 Must purchase quarterly "rec.card" Mt. Carmel Masters $27 242.25 11 411 aaoi in ^ •J- i. 0 1-0) "0 .. _ •2° M •"Q-o raJS e| |i ^ 1. ^{Jl O "5 J! JS *o •= w3 °- 5 gti •- oT < 1 > 'E J^"1 rara c i: o "3~z ra »™ :; rs ;:J 0) oo ™ =r ; *--C -i o S t- (JU m 1 Is 1U O u> <J oJ S S on X "5 C"0 i"*^ O ^ i^ """("i CL -Q [sj ^J^^ ^j — * 5 • 15JO C QUJ C 1 >•» Sg-B re S x 2z 0 ™ S -c £" 5 <« S.— o ._ oU U us O aoo. oM ("II/} m a i) c _ •o £ S^tD *?^ ^ rt •Q u. wJ2 m (4. r~ -^ ( ) ^^ ^** ^^ u. ^ -S 0 is £^ra <^ >• c ra« o oo u u •>. u ^DC Dl/l ^ P 10 a:m S Different Strokes -Athletes-in-MotionE 'it/> in "L01 inra ra in ra "3 -° UU i o 3 U E 'i UI u NationalSeacatsE i/l in 0) inra T3 g IA ^~- 01 ra EUQ.Self supportingra JO 3 U "o u "• •oC J3ro 3 •M*"T e *^ .«•_ sra in 0 X reQ >4- 150 C Oz •aranin i.ra(J 'o 4-f U oo L.01 o in 3 m 0) T3 Ol 01 O in 3 in01 "a 0) >- < > 00 L. 01 oi ~a oX Z J_ <ll> •Q re oo in •"I0) T3 O XZ r-»y» inOl inOl > in01 0) o 13cg> in «01> ^^ininq qj g. S 8 °-r.. ^ C To S'q v... ili-? Ol ra E S a!EinL. Oin 0a.1/1 c +^ '**i y v. ^ *- -n•M y 2Sg IrSO < 3 Liability waiOl >4- O 3=0in >C * i- 3 - « in 3 — S . ra si?ra T3 •-ti 0) TlS -C C° U 01w in in *inV. £ in •=1=^- re ""* o ET1 i 1- c ^^^-— -, I/Iin u p- in in r— ^~ (0 ro o orn ro r*. 01I Ito oo u. c E CL^^ - L. ° i <u T' i£ "S'S g" E g" ra " rao ° -Q\, c^J 01 OJ UD *° B] 4) u-*: xgi ra re _QS </l 5 re D ^. !§oi .- fi.yVI k. 4-> tnis: t X 0 Cs < , 1_ !« ?Allied-25yds x 25 mtrYes, Coronado - 50 r•a01in u 3 Lomas Verde Pool/OlympiCity has 2 pools, only 1for Master's program.E HN INrM X Eoin"-» oO 01Q. U in oraE X "re "E0. 0 in •31 XV "a ou E••• E Jl mr*4 (Q ^ ro u-) CJ S r«« "5Oa 0) 01N C 'v\ 0 ~v cB res- _ 0) §0£5 None. Potluck once amonth. No additionalo O) 'Era 1- £O) oi DlC C ra QJ H 2jo £ '(5 D) > •5 * S in M3 NoneWorkingGymnasi.f»\ -r •^^^^^ v^ ^"V^ WJ0) J So iZ Z L. V£ 0 r~.E 3 'inraCg • • X« o «»S.E Additional bWeight trainX in 100% walk-in, cash orcheck. $30/month.Treasurer keeps tracYes by 1 of 5 coache130 Participants•~~ O) n 100% walk-in, cash or ch$30/month. $5/day or prtrated for partial month.Yes, by coach via rosterf. 0)•MI/I 01 P Jl **" ro >» > re s; £ Z u °-'o 6 £ t! -E »a!in "JM « 0<* >• n in01 f "OC '« O O)ZCK t/) (A 5-> >•*> > </!(/> 33 U°S S% % u>, S * -° 3° i <rt- VV > eo£ r.. m £ 5s 101 O) .0 0 How do memAttendanceOlin First Aid/CPR/Adv LFirst Aid/CPR/Adv Lfsg.I/O Olin j >•a a:a.u T> in _^ ilS >'.in> Tl *a:a.u aT•g'(5 +•inL. il o inC alificatioch(s)?3 re°-8 £.»<0 V. -2ra in£ ra raU O 4-* 01 * moen — ^ ™— in— 0) "o '5 u 01£ *-l Currently looking for an<Master's coach.ui4-1 I8i_ 01 4-*O certifications.25 s ii1 125 !H 5^ < g <IJ3 :S 0 S 0 «,I toU 5 U ?-> i « 30 _ -> CTI J3 5 College Area JewishCommunity Center (JCC)Contact: Fauad SawayaCoach4079 S4th StSD, CA 92105>. til>of D</)MASTER'S PROGRAM1989| ' ' $> 0 V^ J v^U-,r' ' r • "o P i JCC Master's ProgramCollege Area JewishCommunity CenterTeam Name:Sponsorship:•+-« -(3 3* 00 L. O1>o U)•M V ~O> < "u £ o oz z >. L.rotn Open to general publiAny restrictions?UMS card required?Liability waiver neces4i •43 vii Av'pj — t*SJU"^r^^ ti -— V)in i- £X §i e ira £ 0 O° -z. t~- C -5 U. 7i 5^Workout schedule:Any restrictions?~$. J3 X 1\. O ^J 1 in01 JO r- X •a inni §i Pool name/size:More than one pool?-r > -ft ¥ 0 in0)>- i/i in0) 01 >•> ^>-i_ 01si+*O r-»E 3 'inroc Additional benefits:Weight training, Gymi. 2 SfJ*> to- v-|«i C*5 5i£a*>r?\r>•100% Walk-in check /cashNo chargeHow do members pay?1.5 1 0(^ t 1^ iH Yes, by coach via roster.6 participants*»•• os:s >~CQ Attendance logged?J f \TsA First Aide/CPR/Adv Lfsv/Lfgd Training & WSI.o in What are qualificationMaster's coach(s)?C. >--.^-C^a* cT°v> ^*'-£ I iH J-Other comments:>• Oor1 (0*«\ 26 1 uin .cOI x _^ 8L- ^3 15u. 8s:u £ OI X 15 'c4)01£ c u UJ El Cajon Heartland-Cajoncr*El Cajon Heartland-Grossrm1 High SchoolUJ>ct3I/) ?MASTER'S PROGR1989t) • w£5s * 0 S 4) t _^ S oCO — L- J^ <U J — J^ <£. fW) ^ i -11-^ :;u,— . re _- C UJ O— U • 1U to c im 1/1 ^m 0^» w s i— u in in01Io 10 41 reQ I/I 01 . 41 ~ >.C IN <a ° m X 4> «( U (N . O3 =* ri °°r r- a 10jj r. Ul oo il s00 Su o --. _o XL. ^1 4)Effl —v XO 01z .* 01 n'C OiQ. C O 'Q_ Q.*'ra 4i 41 £ J*re tE ° 2 ™ 41 'M *TT M ra £ C QD 8 Heartland Cajon Master'sSwimmingHeartland Master's41 raZ Ere41H •4- </l * X o4-» * 41 2 V4_ •• re •• x"5£§_ ^jL. asi I/I™ -*- o •> 01 4_> f >o TJ (0 00 *~ •*•* in 34) TJ O o> < Z Z "5o Self-supporting. Contracithrough Heartland swimmiifor use of pool. Heartlandcontracts w/sch dist for pGen Pub. 18 and overCard mandatory!No because of UMS CardA 3 Independently run. Rentspool space fr. sch. distthrough Heartland Swim ClSponsorship:T3 reU i/) 4l ||s i|«j 4)- T) .ain 3 i_4) TJ re oX U Z ^•« L. ?! ™u in» inJ3 01^ t u Open to general piAny restrictions?UMS card requiredLiability waiver neEre i 0T!in rei/l1 41C Co os z I*J M-F 5:30-7 am. Desiresadditional time in evening.Not able to obtain at thisinL. .C in re i0ro in 4)U. C1 O5 Z Workout schedule:Any restrictions?u in ? Q_ 1/1X ^8i.n ~a ou- Z £ 41 II .!* O X SS 41r Grossmont HS Pool/25 ydsNo 10 lair-Pool name/size:More than one poolin41 re4*..c 0z o o"z z o o ozz oz o o*z z 41 £ O E' 3 'inrec Additional benefitsWeight training, Gc i To5 0o 100% walk-in MC/VISA-No100% walk-in MC/VISA-NO*xreQ. inL.41n 1 O•o u(Q •-».s ^ u 1 $30/mo. 30 Participants.o o in CreQ. 'o u o«• O r~.E -C5 >* CQ Attendance logged'*j CO >-u -S J2 ^ "to ^ (Ji <u o> •— 3 c c E"- ct o 3 E |•- -^ re 0.2" - « 3! 01m 3 OI 1- m £4^ C 4) n £S2« i^^41 •— u U •=,>*- S-cog™ .9"S; fI- c u a x -S; u T3 • 41 S .« cC "re 41 ^" O *^ •n in 3re "> >-* 35 - a.> "~ 2 L. <j —41 o "5 C y i^ dl £ .—-c ET<BI~'C'Q (/) ? x First Aide/CPR/Adv Lfsv/One coachDave stated that the UMScard allows for a 30 daygrace period for participaito try-out program liabilitwise.01.EC —First Aide/CPR/Adv Lfsv/WSI, American Swim CoachAssoc/United States SwimmCoaches Safety CertificatiolSee reverse of of individucreport. Chuck had somecomments.o inCo 15 -is 1no 5: §-§ E°u E £.» 8 "fe*- ti 41to w £x: re 4->S S 0 27 raco re Ct0.a. ra oa. L.Clairmont Mesa-Center foSports Medicine.Mission Beach Plunge>•Ul ^OL3 LO 1 MASTER'S PROCR1989gi^u>1en00 en U5 0 u 11C 00JT *—en to IN !< 0 l/l ^ I-. O Ol 01 •~? toC1 O _ N — co i/> Q- «• - 2Q. 13 2 0) S (N £ -" ^ =<x So ?o - . o" So"7 SS1 ..3 °s o» 2 cra^ _ ra £ en mi/1 <55 1 O1. 01 ra O SiJ3ra D 01 ra 'Caoi. ra _JJ ra o4-1 01 J3ra D 1'C 01 U),4-> ain ^0)4-1C01o Ul 1 Mission Beach Mastero> 10Z 1t- ^ ^ura C u 0> •2 a 01c 'a 01 *-' ^Ul *^ra Cou Olo "L 01 Ulra r £• —!c4-« O Olc a2? j L. 0)i. Ul _c*• t«-o 0)c |o 01 >J ^ « c 01o 01 re 'Ca.Fitness Advantage -Sponsorship:*,1 Organizationc3O Yes, general publicMember /Non-Member discYesc 8 Ul '•S Yes, general publicMember /Non-Member iNo but encouragedYes, Sign once.*>-L. U Ul — UlJ3 01-1 1— U Open to general piAny restrictions?UMS card requiredLiability waiver neIU1 1-C. ea. u> •acra Era u. u01E | | ^ c °p £ Q- ' E E o ™ ™ <"» 01 o - J3 •• T «ir- o « U. C in 5 tn >•Workout schedule:Any restrictions?O)c 'y Ol Ul i CO . & l|8 O Q- O 101 Ol ^ . £ >• m IN £0 x .2 -a Ul >-UlsS f"Pool name/size:More than one poolL.YesYes, No, Sauna, Towels,Jacuzzi and various otheamenities.o o o-z. -z. r-- 01 £6 f*E 'inraC Additional benefitsWeight training, CBilled, unknown mail-inor walk-in. No MC/VISAWould not devulge fees.Yes, by coach.^u01 t £-- u -C 2 ra '. 8 0 aeo •r~ . a = 2 8•- 10 . 01k>,1^^1- |g|8i- m Z >- E'ox:5 CD *>.ra How do members p;Attendance logged?Did not want to answer.Ul J> . "*•* 4J *^^^ Sfo ^,7> J 0 « ^li |l< 1^ S<S« 0.3- tt- •>- ItTu 3 >- a^ 5r 8 ^ 11? *1*^ "- 0) ^ut •? 3. ?1 5! « ? €u. so a: o UlCos~ 15 a Is I°o e S « 8"fc*-• *S o) ? !2 -c-C ra 4-*S S 0 28 re<no>S JS us .2^reO C 0 Peninsula YMCA-Point Loma?North Coach Young Men'sChristian Associaiton (YMC,LJJ ^ee,3to S a. 2 V) Ul in S *.»Q_ 0)10 c3 re 'S J3S o R • * U) i u 5 §32U U us Contact: Chris VeldkampDirector/4390 ValetaSan Diego, CA619 226-8888Contact: Maurey Allaire-Aquatics DirectorPO Box 907Encinitas, CA 92024619 942-96223 5(U rgJ Ul <u•*-*Uljj <u 2>- Ea OlOL.0. in "i.01 inre Magdalena Ecke's YMCAMaster's Swim Program01 reZ Ere01 U in ^(0Q C O Point Loma Peninsula YMCAMagdalena Ecke's YMCAponsorship:in in0) 'CQ. o E £l 3 =0°t.o "***2 *-QJc .aoi E • ina oi o 4)o s z >• -<Program offered to membersparticipants as part of YMCNo.Yes by memberscOl General Public or MembersDiscount for members of YNoNo, however Y members si'>•• L.7; rou m — VIJ3 01-1 f U pen to general piny restrictions?MS card requiredlability waiver neO < 3 _1 } ,_^ inL. in C E Q. 0m oo1 ^ 4)U. C1 O 5 Z Olc *•• Z 01ao a c 0) «L|3 M *^ .C 1 •K "^ '°.* o! S > 01 flz orkout schedule:ny restrictions??i < rein0) 3i u S •5 > V* Q C ll Peninsula YMCA/OlympicOne onlyin•o in Is 3°•S. ~c> O DO! name/size:ore than one poolQ- 5 . in 01C01XI L. 01 4^o oc 0 0z z YesYes, No, offered as part ofY programs available tomembers.in 01 rj= r0) 'n 01 4-*Oi o oz z 01 £O E 'inrec dditional benefitseight training, G< & in >• il1 2^ in</l o^ in u — o> reU 13 •;SF *nC yi 0) Jj £ •- c E o c Enj x™« •5 O O JO 1 100% Walk-in MC/VISA-YesMembers $30/mo $40/mo nonmembers.Yes, by front office.in in "* "* C WL>• ui _ o ll'H|Pr. E c .^ v» <U O in &S z S>- 1 £ ^*CQ >.ra ^.ow do members pttendance logged;i < >vi >-o ^a: Q. U 7)T3 < 4-» .in _.b wu. S First Aide/CPR/Adv Lfsv/WSI. Member of:First Aide/CPR/Adv Lfsv/and WSI.n o inCo hat are qualificataster's coach(s)?3=5 ^y*^^^^s. \j\ ro (N)w> ,^T -X ^^ — i* 1 >National Federation ofCoaches Association. Add'lcourses also.o ureou 01 E H | re §1U U ther comments:o co Major Traithletes took overprog, and this was the reasit was dropped.sj I ,1 §in U —o in oi ^ "§i >-in £ "O J2 ^r rxlo fe i; lu 1ra w oa: 5 u coin ra> uc 3 o *! ^ ra • . *i ^" ^Q roo Ecn .. t Q ^ f* c cra o uii/) u a. Qai<u a cra niI/I u ^ ™0 oS i- 3•~ "1 £ M° 5 |s c §23 Uu>UCSD - La JollaContact: Ron "Sickie"Marcikic. 619 482-2494^,LU > C£ 3 I/) 1 MASTER'S PROGR1989oin fli IN 0> L. < ID 300 5 7 v O 9) c* J g1 w ra £ to o *•_ in ro in"' o in U < u oI. 01 •" -d y ^* ony. ffl ** t~ ^ 0) t/) ^: B </> .ra U Q D< O10 o Coach: Sickie MarcikicUniversity Calif#2005, San Dieg92093-0905U0> V)ra "5 L.raU 4-» S 0101 T3 OI Q .2in _^41 in ^ Ol Q-^ g1^01 in £ i.CL oiC £ 8= « ~ ^ =r (fl *"~rj Dloo^^ C ^•- 1" ™ ^ O u in name.3 " oz UCSD Master's Program0) ra Era<u1- £uin I *™ 'o »2•w t. oi .2a: -a Era J2i CD ain 3 4^a University Recreation DeSponsorship:0)>o •a ra cn "~ 01in C in in01 O 4) 0) > Z >- >- -^" S C01 V. 3o oc in E atra c i1!l- 3a. £ o U- C • fj„ E is t:Q 3 ra raU)^ Q. 3 niO **5 l/> £ "O *^ U <Ugj C » !? " u' " t 3 - Z I/) to > L.YesAdults 19 6 overYes for liability reasonsYes, signed each quarte*>-u*** raU tn« in_Q 01 Open to general piAny restrictions?UMS card requiredLiability waiver ne£Q. in „ in EQ.CN '~ O £1. S -' Z in fJum in , •— Era inST f~ C 5 ^5</> 110.0. ra O. u.i Workout schedule:Any restrictions?enoL.Q. in oil *• ra *SIE - i"£ 3 C -13. vi m«-> o> m5 >- 3 inTJ >s incs ^ Q. l_ 01 A 8.0UI Z Canyonview (outdoor)Yes, Natatorom (indoor)^.Pool name/size:More than one poolo o o"z z o oz z NoneYes, Yes, Discounts onRecreation Classes.u01 £ 0 ^E3 'inrac E Additional benefitsWeight training, CE . £ — at —ra i_3 ra . TVI i 0) C ID o o> *N **- — -. 0 00 c z £- viT . «• oi^ v J- *^ 5 1 | 0 8 l£ja£ s S.25 | ?'< 5E E — E.Q T > ra «-^- £L o ra U o tnZSSZ-BilledMail-in 80%Walk-in 20% MC/VISA-NoYes, by coach300 Participants.*. g ^i >» ra How do members pAttendance logged:enin>*- >•o S CLu 01-Q < 4-«inu \L **~ Olin — J > TJ <ide/CPR/-aining.<t- «s,.h^1 UL _l Member US Swim Coache:Certified by US Swiml>_o in o What are qualificatMaster's coach(s)?o ara 01 ra in01 •£ au xCD 4) S V, 5^- 52 U U tf) "^4) — j! ofjn ra ra 'ol U ffl 01 L.3in o a 8 4-tin013 STQZ Other comments:j f 30 f'.ichao! li. Oodsot' '• /^f*YV~/l/r r364Lincoln.St.net • ' ' ••"••'.',!K ,, 7 ,n "OarlsbLd, CA 92008 . «'•";) (019)434-1 b02 July 27, 1989 Lynn Chase Recreation Superintendent Parks and Recreation Department 1200 Elm Street Carlsbad, CA 92008 RE:. Master Swimming Charges & Community Involvement With Aquatic Facilities Dear Lynn: Thank you for your prompt response to my complaint and in correcting your Department's "oversight" of increasing the Work Out Card rates for the City of Carlsbad Parks and Recreation's Master Swimming Program to such an extreme. Such attention is greatly appreciated. In your letter to me, you stated that you were surprised that only one out of the twenty master card purchasers complained about the increase. I found that statement really inappropriate. I would think you would be happy that you had only to deal with one complaint. In reality, the way the increase was concealed on the work-out card, one would not expect the average individual to even realize that a change had occurred until the new five week card expired and they had to renew their card some two weeks earlier than normal. You expressed that staff all were aware that there was not to be any fee increase for competitive swim programs, including Master's. I am surprised. Although I was not at the Council Meeting, since I was competing in the U.S. Master's Nationals in Boca Raton, Florida, I have spoken with a number individuals who were at that meeting. They have all held the opinion that we had agreed that the North Coast Masters were to have a reasonable fee increase, and that the Council was in favor of it. My complaint - supported by the all the master swimmers I was able to contact - was that the 40% plus increase was not appropriate, and of far more importance, the manner in which the fee increase was implemented was totally inappropriate. This was especially upsetting to us, since we have offered on a number of occasions to set up a community support and advisory committee to work with your staff on just,such efforts. I am further concerned with your Department and it's coniinued stance that the pool schedule is maximized. As near as I have been able to ascertain, there has been no dialogue set up between the High School District and the City of Carlsbad to explore the possibility of sharing the many hundreds of hours, during the winter that the High School reserves the pool, but does not utilize or pay lor the facility, while the citizens of Carlsbad pay for two staff members (including the Pool Superintendent) to be on duty for an empty pool that could be well utilized. I am also concerned that the Aquatics Staff has not begun to explore the possibility of operating the pool for longer hours on weekends, especially during the summers. I have requested that staff also explore increasing and adding hours to the schedule on Friday evenings year round, as well as being open on more holidays. A number of Master swimmers, myself included, have also agreed that the pool could feasibly use an additional full-time staff member to help actualize maximum pool usage and fiscal returns. However, I have seen no indication that staff is pursuing information to determine this feasibility. Instead, I see staff members, including Lisa, the pool manager doing their personal homework, lounging in the sun, while on duty (I've asked to make sure they weren't on breaks). You have asked me to support staff and staff's efforts on the pool complex's behalf. You have claimed to be professional and operate in a highly professional manner«j>jtlie administration and daily operation ATTACHMENT C Pago Two Lynn Chase July 27. 1989 of the Swim Complex facility without the benefit of a community advicory committee;, f must, very frankly, tell you that I do not agree with your assessment of the Department's current "-.bi; ty to fully accomplish or maximize this Community's aquatic goals or potentials without the active involvement of knowledgeable and interested citizens. I want you to know that I fully intend to continue to work with both the aquatic staff and the planning bodies of Carlsbad to promote and further the recreational and competitive swimming facilities and opportunities of our Community. It is my expressed goal to someday see an Aquatic Complex, much like the four pool complex at Mission Bay, Boca Raton, Florida, or the three pool park and tennis facility In the City of Irvine developed in Carlsbad. I know that Boca Raton does not have the fiscal soundness of Carlsbad, or the vicinity population base Carlsbad has to support their facility - yet they have the facility, and more importantly, the national and international competition with their investment dollars coming to their community to support the facility. Why isn't your Department pushing for such facilities as an tennis and aquatic center in areas such as the Southwest Quadrant for, perhaps, a replacement for the Sammis University we will, obviously, never see? (Obviously, the decisions regarding this, Is beyond your department's scope, however, the professional ability and obligation to offer such alternatives to major decision makers should be a prerequisite of your position, and a major goal of your Department.) I am looking forward to working with the Carlsbad Parks and Recreation Department Staff and Commission in the future to further the Communities' goals and obligations for a varied and complete recreation program. I hope that your staff is able to become more communicative and involved with the concerned citizens, both swimmers, parents of swimmers and the population-at-large in the future to further these aquatic goals. Sincerely, Michael Dodson cc: Carlsbad Parks and Recreation Commission Carlsbad City Council David Bradstreet, Director City of Carlsbad Parks and Recreation Department Carl T. Pope III, Aquatic Supervisor 32