HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989-12-18; Parks & Recreation Commission; 1289-3; Establishment of Carrillo Ranch TrustPARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION - AGENDA BILL AB * 1289-3 MTG. 12-18-89 DEPT. PSR TITLE- ESTABLISHMENT OF CARR1LLU KANCH TRUST (ACTION) DEPT. HD. CITY ATTY CITY MGR. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Defer Mrs. Kindle's request for a promotable trust for the Carrillo Ranch until the master planning process for the site is complete. Consider the establishment of a Carrillo Ranch account to be initiated administratively. Direct curator to continue with the immediate acquisition of smaller size memorabilia such as photographs, autobiographical documentation, and other material that would not create an immediate demand for large storage facilities. ITEM EXPLANATION Mrs. Joan Kindle, the Volunteer Curator for the Carrillo Ranch, is requesting to establish a "Carrillo Ranch Trust." In a letter to (Exhibit 1) and subsequent conversation with the Parks and Recreation Director, Mrs. Kindle's objective is to establish a promotable trust in an effort to solicit the donation of funds and artifacts that would be used in the restoration of the ranch property. In addition, Mrs. Kindle is requesting to amend the Parks and Recreation Commission Ordinance #2.36.090 (Exhibit 2) to specifically acknowledge and create a "Carrillo Ranch Trust Fund." In staff review of this issue (Exhibit 3), it is acknowledged that Mrs. Kindle's efforts as curator are to be commended. However, the establishment of such a promotable trust at this time may be premature in that the ultimate use of the ranch property has not been determined, and solicitation for furnishings, artifacts, and memorabilia may prejudice the future use and planning of this site. The master planning process for the Carrillo Ranch is scheduled, in the current CIP Budget, to begin in fiscal year 1992-93. Until such time, Mrs. Kindle is encouraged to continue her efforts to identify and document the location of Carrillo Ranch memorabilia, should the approved master plan entail the establishment of a museum. Furthermore, if Mrs. Kindle's endeavors reveal significant opportunities that the City should be aware of, they should be handled on a case by case basis, with an appropriate recommendation to the Parks and Recreation Commission and City Council. With administrative approvals, staff currently has the ability to establish a Carrillo trust account similar to those previously established for the triathlon, seniors, and recreation special events. All monetary donations received for each respective account are deposited and expended specifically for functions associated with those activities. Should the Commission consider establishing a similar account for the Carrillo Ranch, each donation should be reviewed and recommended for acceptance by the City Manager (under $500) or City Council (over $500). EXHIBITS 1. Mrs. Kindle's letter Director, dated 11/09/89 2. Parks and Recreation Commission Ordinance #2.36.090 3. Memo from Parks and Recreation Director, dated 10/20/89 Memo from Assistant City Manager, dated 10/23/89 026 November 9, 1989 Mr. David L. Bradstreet Parks and Recreation Director City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008-1989 Dear Dave: You are already aware of my strong feeling that the City should establish a Carrillo Ranch Trust as a means of receiving gifts of cash, property or artifacts from individual donors, foundations and fund-raising groups. These contributors will want to know that such gifts will be used exclusively to benefit the Ranch and will accept the Trust as a safe and secure haven under the City's protection. My interest in establishing this Trust is to give the City assistance in augmenting its own funds to answer the needs of the Ranch into the future. The attached draft brochure expresses my feelings as to the general provisions of the Trust (subject, of course, to the City's further refinement) and reflects how it can be presented in a positive manner to the interested public. However, it seems particularly important to me that small gifts and disbursements - valued at $500 or less - should be administered by your Department. Larger amounts can be reviewed and approved by Council as it chooses. Some transactions will have to be handled very quickly and we will need a clear, concise means for doing so lest the opportunity be lost. It is my understanding the Trust can be created by an amendment to the Parks and Recreation Commission Ordinance #2.36.090. Frank Mannen and Ray Patchett have advised me that you would be the person to carry such a proposal to City Council. I hope that you will be agreeable to doing so at your earliest convenience and, as Carrillo Ranch Curator, I am available to assist in my limited way in the preparation of the enabling Agenda Bill. Please let me know what I can do on behalf of you and the Trust. Cordially, Joan E. Kindle 2622 El Aguila Lane Carlsbad, CA 92009 438-1666 I. 027 EXHIBIT 1 ed. - ID r+ (/> C/) O"8 s<" ~~ CD ty intendthroughation grand conupppmit arks•§as swill be partand recreatifuanttris tunts,ribrteblinicdoonsblinItbao restoreding by stapublic faciliutns frotheteitymesofnve waownily, acered fosite.ipal costandted by> Q>2<Dt/>:TC±tOHI W.<P g g a ? 5 ig ^l^i^rycl®or. Tmdiirtually alls sold toers by Mcritically igiven tor designThe old hplementaing on thisa full-timetho te ormera number of. Carrillo andportant 10.5the City ofation as anacienda andary buildingsis final parcel ,e caretaker.ThordhisRanch, originally compriseeral thousand acres, was oncehome and working rancho oflywood star Leo Carrillo. It lieth of Palomar Airport Road anof El Camino Real and ied by expert preservationisstorically significant."sdistsd of>DO OC o> 3D2 i— Of oI o 9'g.g-p o O S ?? ^ Q. Q>CD ~ to S c «>O. -jto CD _ So-S c to-*&! CO <.=:• -2 -:{/>3 •J —Dco > 03oCH H Im H33 C Q) 2. 3 CD £-8 3§8Q.$003 —• £? -*• 5* =t D C O' CD' § gT •< 91 D O. 3 ™ to- w 5 co b 3 1 3 i § 3 B-=JCDOCDCOCDCDCD CDCOto CD O IlilPllI? 11^1 8 to i < n o> 3-3-aiH =^ CD =>' CO jS-tQ O ^s 2-o"SS3 So-a o-,^*a«8ls!§^f£ yilll'lrffo S 6" ® D o -D 3 co -•too3too5^- = ^w ^ 3 ~o P± Q>•^ • "^ m sr: CD decision.CTCD COnoCD "D»-t> CD O. cr»< Q> Q.q— J 5' W~™* i-f103r-» < CD O ^fto CO C CD Q. CO •— *CD"toto«— >• COZ3 <«Ol O oCOu the general public.of the City, its citizens, theprovisions. This isf ortheQ.-O 2 S o—ico ZJ Q. *-»•CD O 6'u elect to accept, modify or iCDCD"a CO 0ZJ part of the process and Oo 33g 3CO*<limitations imposed by the**^ Q.o mUJ•^CD a 0) CQ pt > CD< CD O-** CDW —i O*— t- or)CO -n authority for approving a<Do CD •Q 5)3n CD When the value is known$500, City Council is5£Q c? K? < — CDCD S° >oom 3>2Om OTl O T|requestedCT»< r-* CD contributor.q or- + CD— t 3CD CO 3to CO s agreeable too —X Gifts will beQ.CD D ^»CD' CLcr*< 5?cp T3 CO X3 CCD augmentpossessiofel R (D— ^ZJ CO OCO— n 6" — *.CO3 •<"curator. TCDCO CD OC Q. toCD CD •-»• O C •D0 30o33 CD Q. COr-*o' ZJ a i-^-^ CD Ranch era,3 Qius**f^^ rt^ilsobewelcomCD Q.nevertheletoto — ^CD T)resentative of tIT CD it becomesproper diUnauthentr>w CD D. r5-" CD 3y> §rr o'3- r\^»-M•nCO •ST?5T °3 to^ to sl^-t-^o ZTT3 CD C ft ^^T- 0F. D O ^' 3' CO 1ciT CO D O. to CDO § TJ CO 0 CD Ca £2".MaterialauthenticaCD COP-o < 0< o.— • rn >, appropriatiII be stored by tIT <£. CD *< Q. 3 O. 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The park and recreation commission shall have the power to equip, operate, supervise and maintain playgrounds, athletic fields, swimming pools, swimming centers, indoor recreation cen- ters, auditoriums, or other park or recreational facilities on or in any public grounds or buildings in or about the city, which the commission may from time to time acquire, provide, authorize and designate for such use, subject to the approval of the city council. The commission shall further have the power to adopt rules and regulations pertaining to the cutting, trimming, pruning, planting, removal or interference with any tree, shrub or plant upon any street, park, pleasure ground, boulevard, alley or public place of the city. (Ord. 1025 § 9) 236.090 Funds—Disposition of moneys. (a) Funds generally. The park and recreation commission is authorized to and may receive donations, gifts, legacies, endowments or bequests made to the city or to the commission for or in behalf of the city for the acquisition of park and recreation facilities and the construc- tion, maintenance and operation of any of the foregoing faculties, subject to the approval of the city council. (b) Gifts paid to treasurer. All donations, gifts, legacies, endowments or bequests so received by the commission shall be turned over to the city treasurer, and shall be kept in a special fund to be designated as the park and recreation fund. (c) Park and recreation fund. The city council shall establish a fund to be known as the "park and recreation fund." There shall be deposited to and expended from this fund all fees or moneys received by the commission, including the pro- ceeds from all gifts, legacies or bequests as set forth in subsection (b) and including the pro- ceeds of other sources managed or controlled by the commission and derived by it in connection with the operation of the public recreational activities and facilities under its jurisdiction. All moneys in the fund shall be used for the promo- tion, supervision and operation of public recrea- tion, and not otherwise, and if not used during any current year shall accumulate in the park and recreation fund. (Ord. 1025 § 10) 236.100 Budget. The park and recreation commission shall submit a budget for required funds to the city council on or before the thirtieth day of June of each year. (Ord. 1025 § 11) 236.110 Powers delegated to commission to be advisory. Nothing in this chapter shall be construed as restricting or curtailing any of the powers of the city council, or as a delegation to the park and recreation commission of any of the authority or discretionary powers vested and imposed by law in the city council. The city council declares that the public interest, convenience and welfare require the appointment of a park and recreation commission to act in a purely advisory capacity to the city council for the purposes enumerated. Any power herein delegated to the commission to adopt rules and regulations shall not be con- strued as a delegation of legislative authority but purely a delegation of administrative authority. (Ord. 1025 § 12) 59 030 EXHIBIT 2 -Li tliil 'J /. October 20, 1989 TO: ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER FROM: Parks and Recreation Di CARRILLO RANCH TEMPORARY CURATOR POSITION - MRS. JOAN KINDLE Because of Joan Kindle's enthusiastic interest in the Carrillo Ranch, Mayor Lewis referred her to the Parks and Recreation Department. The Parks and Recreation Director recommended that the Commission appoint Mrs. Kindle to a voluntary curator position. The Commission, on August 21, 1989, appointed Mrs. Kindle to a temporary position as curator to assist the City in collecting and identifying the location of Carrillo Ranch memorabilia. Staff met with Mrs. Kindle October 19, 1989, to clarify and establish guidelines for her roll as curator. Staff reiterated to Mrs. Kindle that because the Carrillo Ranch currently has no approved master plan, the collection of certain (large) Carrillo artifacts may be premature at this time. However, efforts to identify and document the location of Carrillo memorabilia would be important should the approved master plan for Carrillo Ranch Park entail the establishment of a museum. Staff feels the immediate acquisition of smaller size memorabilia such as photographs, autobiographical documentation, and other material that would not create a demand for large storage facilities may be appropriate at this time. Mrs. Kindle has expressed the desire to revise an existing ordinance in order to establish a "promotable Carrillo Ranch Trust Fund." Her objective with this issue is to actively promote and solicit donations for financial support and/or the attainment of memorabilia for the Carrillo Ranch from private citizens, service organizations, foundations, and corporate entities. Staff informed Mrs. Kindle that the City currently has the ability, under Municipal Code 2.36.90, to establish a separate Carrillo Ranch Trust account pending administrative approval. However, to solicit large financial donations which may include special conditions or attract large material contributions is premature at this time. Staff believes that should Mrs. Kindle's efforts reveal significant opportunities that the City should be aware of, they should be handled on a case by case basis, with an appropriate recommendation to the Parks and Recreation Commission and City Council. Although funding for the master planning and ultimate development of the 10-18 acre Carrillo site is not scheduled to begin until 1993-94 in the CIP budget, staff feels that Mrs. Kindle's endeavors can provide a valuable asset to the City. Staff will continue to work with her under the guidelines and scope of her temporary volunteer curator position as outlined in this memo. DAVID BRADSTREET s» EXHIBIT 3 r••*".' ED r!l-'r ? '•• October 23, 1989 TO: CITY MANAGER FROM: Assistant City Manager CARRILLO RANCH The Parks and Recreation Director and I met with Mrs. Joan Kindle today to discuss her efforts in regards to Carrillo Ranch. Mrs. Kindle is attempting to develop a program that would solicit the donation of funds and artifacts that would be used in the restoration of the Ranch property. I explained to Mrs. Kindle that the City has had a long-standing objective to preserve and restore the Ranch property and the development of a restoration plan for the property is currently underway. However, the solicitation and acceptance of artifacts may be premature at this time in that the ultimate use of the Ranch property has not been determined. The soliciting of furnishings, artifacts and memorabilia may prejudice the future use and planning of the property and prior to initiating such a program, Mrs. Kindle should present her ideas to the City Council. Mrs. Kindle was asked to send a letter outlining her objectives and it was indicated that this letter would be referred to the City Council for information and direction. FRANK MANNEN saf c: Mayor Council Members City Attorney , Parks and Recreation Director i/ 032