HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990-03-19; Parks & Recreation Commission; 390-6; Mayor's Town Hall Meeting: Commission ConcernsPARK S RECREATION COMMISSION - AGENDA BILL ARtf 3 MTQ. 3 ^O^fe ICJ fO*/^ Pi(2. TITLE: COMMISSION CONCERNS REGARDING MAYOR'S TOWN HALL MEETING (YOUTH FIELD ISSUES) (ACTION) /fv DEPT. HD. CITY ATTY CITY MGR. RECOMMENDED ACTION:J A It is staff's recommendation that no further action is required and that the Commission continue to support the Department's practice in scheduling the playing facilities and the future park development program as outlined the attached report. Direct staff to refine, improve, and implement communication procedures regarding scheduling practices and development philosophies to the community groups. ITEM EXPLANATION: During the February Commission meeting, staff was directed to investigate several issues identified after discussion of Parks and Recreation Commission Agenda Bill No. 290-5 (Mayor's Town Hall Meeting). Please refer to the attached report; staff will give a verbal update regarding those issues. EXHIBITS: 1. Report: Mayor's Town Hall Concerns, March 12, 1990 Meeting and Commission 063 March 12, 1990 TO: PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION FROM: Parks and Recreation Director MAYOR'S TOWN HALL AND COMMISSION CONCERNS (YOUTH FIELD ISSUES) At the February 26, 1990 Parks and Recreation Commission meeting the Commission requested staff provide the following information relating to the Mayor's January 1990 Town Hall meeting on the utilization of Pine and Chase Fields. I. Field scheduling for department and community use groups. II. The need for specialized fields for youth. In addition, the Commission requested that staff respond to the comments made by a representative from the American Little League regarding the following: III. Lack of baseball fields (including facilities with 90' base paths). IV. Moving adult teams off of Pine field. V. That Calavera Hills Community Park large multi-use playing field was to be designed for baseball with 90' foot base paths. DISCUSSION The following is submitted as it relates to the issues raised from the Town Hall meeting and at the February Parks and Recreation Commission meeting. ITEM I FIELD SCHEDULING PRACTICE FOR YOUTH AND ADULTS Guidelines: As per the adopted Facility Use Regulations the following groups have priority for the use of facilities scheduled by our department: A. Parks and Recreation Department activities; Co-sponsored activities; other Departments. B. Resident Youth Groups. C. Resident, Recreation or Educational groups. D. Resident Civic, social and service groups. E. Private/closed non-resident groups. F. Commercial groups. G. Religious and political groups. 064 EXHIBIT 1 In reference to the scheduling practice for resident youth sport leagues, it is the responsibility of the Recreation Division to insure that all youth user groups are given an equal opportunity for the use of the available fields under our control. By consensus, the user groups determine where and when their leagues will play rather than staff making that determination. Staff is currently scheduling 20 softbalI/baseball fields of which 18 fields have 60 foot base paths and two have 90' base paths. The Department's standards for softball/baseball fields is 1/4,000 population with 60' base paths. We currently have no standard for baseball fields with 90' base paths. Current Standard 1/4,000 (Softball/baseball 60' base paths) Required per Existing Population 16.8 Existing Softball/Baseball Fields 20 Surplus 3.2 ITEM II & III THE NEED FOR SPECIALIZED FIELDS FOR YOUTH THAT INCLUDE BASEBALL FIELDS WITH 90' BASE PATHS Guidelines: Under the current development philosophy, where possible, the playing fields will be multi-use with a maximum of 60' base paths, 300' outfields with a soccer/football field overlay. In analyzing the existing playing field situation, according to our Citywide facility inventory we exceed the number of fields for Softball/baseball with 60' base paths. However, there is a deficit of two fields for soccer play. The reason the existing fields appear to be over crowded is that the local resident youth organizations are not able to adjust their playing seasons which results in all the fields being used at the same time. In addition, with daylight restriction during the winter months, size of fields, lack of 90' base paths and adult size soccer fields, and a yearly increase in participation, the City's ability to satisfy everyone's needs at the same time is difficult at best. In reviewing the conceptual advanced park development planning, the following playing fields are on line: - 1. Valley Junior High upper playing field scheduled for Sept. 1990 (1) large soccer field 2. Larwin Community Park (22 acres) planning schedule 91-92, construction scheduled 92-96 (1) small softball/baseball field, 60' base paths (1) medium sized soccer field 065 3. Alga Norte Community Park (35 acres) planning scheduled for 91-92, construction in phases 91-99+ (1) softball/baseball field, 90' base path (2) softball/baseball field, 60' base path (1) adult size soccer field (2) medium size soccer fields (overlay) (1) football field (overlay) (1) 50 meter swim pool complex 4. Pacific Rim (AVIARA 22.5 acres) planning and development scheduled for 94-99+ (1) Softball/baseball field, 90' base paths (2) softball/baseball field, 60' base path (1) adult size soccer field (2) medium size soccer field (overlay) (1) football field (overlay) 5. Alta Mira (42 acres) planning and development scheduled for 91-99+ (1) softball/baseball field, 90' base paths (2) softball/baseball field, 60' base paths (1) adult size soccer field (2) medium size soccer fields (overlay) (1) football field (overlay) (1) enclosed soccer facility (1) tennis center (12-19 courts) 6. School sites: (Facilities that will be available have not been determined at this time.) 7. Northwest quadrant parkland enhancement. (Facilities that may be available have not been determined at this time.) ITEM IV MOVING ADULT TEAMS OFF PINE FIELD Pine field is scheduled like any other ballfield within the City. If more than one group wants to use the field during the same period of time, staff will then meet with the organizations' representatives, and collectively they will by consensus, establish a use schedule which will hopefully benefit all. Currently, Pine field is being shared by the high school freshman baseball team and the American/National junior and senior leagues. In order to accommodate the youth leagues' need for more practice time on the field, the Recreation Division agreed to postpone their men's softball season until April and also to start their games at 9:30 p.m. Considering that this starting time for the adult games is so late in the evening, it was mutually agreed upon by the youth representatives and staff that there would,be little or no impact on the youth baseball program, and it would also satisfy the department's need for use of Pine field. 066 ITEM V CALAVERA HILLS COMMUNITY PARK LARGE PLAYING FIELD It has been stated that the large multi-use playing field at Calavera Hills Community park was to be designed for baseball capabilities with 90' paths. That is not the case. It was always planned to be for Softball/baseball with a 60' base path with a medium size soccer field overlay in the outfield. There have also been several requests that this subject field be modified to accommodate the baseball need for 90' base paths. In investigating this retrofit request, staff has determined that the existing field is not large enough to make this change, and it would affect the playing condition of the soccer field. There is also the question of the liability issues of baseballs going into the two major streets (Elm and Tamarack). The cost to make the field modification has been estimated to range from $30,000 to $50,000. SUMMARY In review of each of the issues that were brought out at the Mayor's Town Hall Meeting and at the February Parks and Recreation Commission meeting, it is apparent that the City is doing everything within its power and resources to accommodate all the user groups' needs. The department is acutely aware of the substantial growth in the junior and senior baseball league programs as well as the need for adult size soccer fields. It appears that the future facility development programs will meet those needs but not as soon as all the user groups would like. It is staff's recommendation that no further action is required and that the Commission continue to support the Department's practice in scheduling the playing facilities and the future park development program as outlined in this report. Further, it is apparent that we need to communicate these scheduling practices and development philosophies to the community user groups. DAVID BRADSTREET Exhibits: 1. Memo to City Manager from Assistant City Manager, Feb. 2, 1990 2. Memo to City Manager from Assistant City Manager, Feb. 28, 1990 dm Assistant City Manager Recreation and Parks Superintendent Principal Recreation Supervisor 067 PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION - AGENDA BILL AB * 2flC)~^> MTG. ^'Zt^C DEPT. P4 £ TITLE: MAYOR'S TOWN HALL MEETING/ T k 1 r r\ \( INrUj DEPT. HD. CITY ATTY CITY MGR. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Review, accept, and file a memo summarizing the issues discussed January 31, 1990, at the Mayor's Town Hall Meeting. ITEM EXPLANATION: On Wednesday, January 31st, 1990, Mayor Lewis held a town hall meeting at which approximately 75 residents, primarily from the northwest quadrant, were in attendance. The attached exhibit summarizes the discussions held during the meeting. The issues relevant to Parks and Recreation are currently being investigated by City staff. If necessary, upon conclusion of staff investigation, these issues will be brought before the Commission for further review and recommendation. EXHIBITS: 1. Memo to City Manager from Assistant City Manager, Feb. 2, 1990 068 February 2, 1990 TO: CITY MANAGER FROM: Assistant City Manager MAYOR'S TOWN HALL MEETING On Wednesday, January 31, 1990, Mayor Lewis held a town hall meeting at 7:00 pm in the City Council Chambers. Approximately 75 residents were in attendance. The majority of those present seemed to be involved with youth sports leagues that play at Chase and Pine fields. After a brief introduction by the Mayor, Police Chief Vales discussed recent crime incidents in the neighborhood and described the police response to those incidents. The Police Chief also described the Department's plans for intensified enforcement activity in the area through the use of overtime officers. After presentation by Chief Vales, the Mayor opened up the discussion for comments from the audience, A number of residents spoke regarding safety in the area and their concern, specifically about the safety of youth who use the sports facilities. Another area of concern was expressed regarding the scheduling practices of the Parks and Recreation Department and the need for specialized fields for the use of Little League and Pony League players. .fter the meeting, the Mayor and I prepared a list of items to be investigated by City Staff. Representatives of the various affected city departments were present, and departments should follow up on the following items. Police Department 1. Describe ways of increasing police visibility and presence in the area of Chase and Pine field and discuss a long-range policing plan involving such issues as foot patrols and police substation. 2. Describe ways of establishing a neighborhood watch program in the area. 3. Discuss the possibility of establishing a Little League Watch program that would enlist the aid of parents of children participating in youth sports activities. Utilities/Maintenance Department 1. Present program to increase lighting levels in the area of Chase and Pine field. ' Parks and Recreation Department 1. Review assignment and scheduling practices for youth sports activities. 2. Review the need for specialized fields for the use of youth sports leagues. 069 EXHIBIT 1 February 2, 1990 Mayor's Town Hall Meeting Page 2 Engineering Department 1. Investigate the possibility of providing diagonal parking on Chestnut Street to increase the parking availability in the vicinity of Chase and Pine field. Community Development 1. Review code enforcement practices to ensure that appropriate code enforcement action is being taken in this area consistent with the citywide program. Another issue that was raised at the meeting concerned the appointment of a representative from youth sports leagues on the Parks and Recreation Commission. The Mayor indicated that he would take that issue under advisement. FRANK MANNEN Assistant City Manager Mayor City Council Community Development Director Police Chief Utilities/Maintenance Director Parks & Recreation Director City Engineer ) I 070 February 28, 1990 TO: CITY MANAGER FROM: Assistant City Manager FOLLOW-UP TO MAYOR'S TOWN HALL MEETING As a result of the Mayor's Town Hall Meeting held January 31, 1990 to discuss safety concerns in the vicinity of Chase and Pine fields, various City departments were requested to respond to certain issues. The following is a summary ,of the activities or actions that departments anticipate taking: Police Department The Police Department anticipates holding a neighborhood workshop in early April to discuss safety and crime concerns in the neighborhood and to attempt to establish a neighborhood watch program. The Department will be working through the Pine and Jefferson schools to distribute notices of the meeting to all parents. They will also attempt to notify parents of youth league participants who use Chase and Pine fields. With the start of Little League practice the Department will be scheduling more overtime patrols and will make an attempt to contact parents and coaches at various times in order to encourage communications and hear any concerns that they may have. The Police Chief does not recommend the establishment of a walking beat or a sub-station in the area at this time. The Chief feels that the problems in the area are not the kind which are amenable to suppression by a footbeat. The Chief emphasizes however, that patrol officers will be getting out of their patrol cars and be talking to parents and participants of sports activities in the area in order to maintain a close liaison with them. The Chief further indicates that a sub-station while psychologically comforting has little real deterrent on crime after it's initial opening. 071 City Manager 2 (Follow-up to Mayor's Town Hall Meeting) Utilities & Maintenance Department The Utilities & Maintenance Department has prepared an Agenda Bill that will call for increasing street lighting levels in the Chase and Pine field areas. It is proposed that street lights in this neighborhood be increased from 100 watts to 200 watts which would significantly increase the lighting level. The Department will also be looking at a possibility of providing night lights on the Chase field area and lights in the parking area next to Pine field at the Pine Street school. Parks & Recreation Department The Parks & Recreation Commission will consider an item at it's February 26, 1990 meeting regarding the assignment and scheduling of youth sports activities and also the need for specialized fields. Recreation Staff will provide further information in order for the Commission to consider these issues more fully at it's March meeting. Engineering Department The Traffic Engineer will be referring the question of providing diagonal parking on Chestnut Street to the Traffic Safety Commission for consideration at it's March meeting. Community Development The City's Code Enforcement Officer has conducted surveys in this area to determine the nature and extent of Code Enforcement problems. The Code Enforcement Office has had an operating policy of only responding to complaints in residential areas unless definite health & safety violations are noticed then proactive enforcement activities take place. 072 City Manager 3 (Follow-up to Mayor's Town Hall Meeting) During the last year, a number of enforcement actions have been taken in the Pine and Chase field area and some of those Code Enforcement activities continue. The Code Enforcement Officer will continue to monitor the area and more intensive Code Enforcement activities will be considered if appropriate. FRANK MANMEN FM/ma c: Mayor City Council Community Development Director Police Chief U&M Director City Engineer 073