HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990-04-16; Parks & Recreation Commission; 490-5; Roberti - Z' Berg-Harris Grant Application Sr CntrPARK & RECREATION COMMISSION - AGENDA BILL ABtf-l£j MTQ. ^ DEPT. FQ -5" ^.cjO TITLE: ROBERTI-Z' BERG-HARRIS GRANT APPLICATION - SENIOR CENTER (INFO) nPPT. HD. CITY ATTY CITY MGR. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Accept and file. ITEM EXPLANATION: Attached is the City Council agenda bill for approval of the grant application for a barbecue structure at the Senior Center. The agenda bill should appear before the Council at the April 17, 1990 meeting. EXHIBITS: 1. City Council Agenda Bill - Robert-Z'Berg-Harris Grant Application 021 CITY OF CARLSBAD - AGENDA BILL AB#_ MTG.. DEPT.. TITLE: ROBERTI-Z'BERG-HARRIS URBAN OPEN SPACE AND RECREATION GRANT PROGRAM DEPT. CITY ATTY. CITY MGR. RECOMMENDED ACTION: If Council concurs, adopt Resolution No. O 1 approving the application for grant funds from the Roberti-Z'Berg-Harris Urban Open Space and Recreation Grant Program for the development of a barbecue facility at the Senior Center. ITEM EXPLANATION: Grant funds in the amount of $21,416 are available to the City of Carlsbad for approved projects from the Roberti-Z'Berg-Harris program of the 1988 California State Park Bond Act. Under this particular grant, there is a required match of 70% State and 30% local funding. One-third (1/3) of the local match must come from private or non-State sources. The Parks and Recreation Commission discussed several of the projects with regard to the grant funding application including bandstand structures at community park sites, jogging tracks, basketball courts, barbecue structure at the Senior Center, and Carrillo Ranch structure stabilization. The Parks and Recreation Commission unanimously recommended to apply the funding towards a barbecue facility at the Senior Center. Subsequently, the issue was discussed at the Senior Commission and the recommendation also gained unanimous support. Prior to actual construction of the project, staff anticipates the need for architectural services to prepare plans, specifications, and renderings of the project for approval by the aforementioned Commissions and final approval by the City Council. Furthermore, staff envisions the scope of this barbecue structure will be conducive with and complimentary to the recently constructed Senior Center. If Council concurs, your action will be to adopt Resolution No. approving the application for funding and acknowledging the general provisions and criteria associated with the grant award. FISCAL IMPACT: The Roberti-Z'Berg-Harris Grant will provide 70% of the total project cost or $21,416. The additional 30% local match requirement or $9,178 will be made up of two parts. First, the private requirement of $3,024 was unanimously recommended by the Senior Commission to come from the Senior Trust account. The remaining requirement of $6,150 would become an obligation of the City. A breakdown is as follows: State Funds (RZH Grant) $21,416 Local Match A. Private/Senior Trust $ 3,024 B. City of Carlsbad $ 6.150 Total Project Cost $30,594 The Finance Director recommends that if the City Council wishes to indicate their intention to appropriate funds for that share of the local match not covered by a private source, that it be derived from the Council's Contingency Account. This decjsu>n makes the obligation a General Fund responsibility. - 022 EXHIBIT 1 PAGE 2, AB #_ Review of this project for approval by the State is anticipated before July 1, 1990. Staff will return to Council upon receipt of the grant approval for acceptance of the grant and official action on the funding of the matching requirement. EXHIBITS: 1. Resolution No. 2. Roberti-Z'Berg-Harris Grant Application and Assurances 023 RESOLUTION NO. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE APPLICATION FOR THE ROBERTI-Z'BERG-HARRIS GRANT FUNDS FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF A BARBECUE FACILITY AT THE SENIOR CENTER WHEREAS, the Legislature of the State of California has enacted the Roberti-Z'berg-Harris Urban Open Space and Recreation Program, which provides funds to certain political subdivisions of the State of California for acquiring lands and for developing facilities to meet urban recreation needs; and WHEREAS, said procedures established by the State Department of Parks and Recreation require the applicant to certify by resolution the approval of applications prior to submission of said applications to the State; and WHEREAS, said applications contain a certification that the applicant will comply with all Federal, State, and Local Environmental, Public Health, Relocation, Affirmative Action, and Clearinghouse requirements and all other appropriate codes, laws, and regulations prior to the expenditure of the grant funds; and WHEREAS, the Parks and Recreation and Senior Commissions have recommended to apply for grant funding for development of a barbecue facility at the Senior Center, NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, does hereby: 1. Approve the filing of an application for funding under the Roberti-Z'Berg-Harris Urban Open Space and Recreation Program; and, 2. Certify that said agency understands the general provisions of the agreement; and, 024 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 3. Certify that said agency has or will have sufficient funds to operate and maintain the project funded under this program; and, 4. Certify that said agency has or will have available, prior to commencement of any work on the project included in this application, the required match; and, 5. Certify that the project included in this application conforms to the recreation element of any applicable City or County General Plan; and, 6. Appoint the Director of Parks and Recreation as agent of the City to conduct all negotiations and execute and submit all documents including, but not limited to: applications, agreements, amendments, payment requests, and so on that may be necessary for the completion of the aforementioned projects; and, 7. Appoint the City Attorney as legal counsel for said agency with authorization to sign the certification on Page 1 of the application. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad held on the day of 1990, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: CLAUDE A. LEWIS, Mayor ATTEST: ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City Clerk (SEAL) 025 Slat* of California — Th« Rwourc« Agency OEPARTMENTOF PARKSANO RECREATION ROBERTI-Z'BERG-HARRIS URBAN OPEN-SPACE AND RECREATION PROGRAM APPLICATION FOR LOCAL ASSISTANCE GRANT CHECK ONE Block Grant 3 Need Basis Grant D .ojectName Barbecue Structure at Carlsbad Senior Center Applicant (Agency — address incl. zip code) City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Dr. Carlsbad, CA 92008 Amount of Grant Request S 21.416 Amount of Matching Funds S 9.178 Estimated Total Project Cost <s 30,594 Source of Matching Funds City of Carlsbad ($6.150) Carlsbad Senior f$3.Q28f Trust Account Applicants' Representative Authorized in Resolution David Bradstreet (Name) P S R Director (Title)(Phone) Person with day-to-day responsibility for project (if different from authorized representative) Senior Management Analyst (6l9)inu-7« (Title) (Phone) (type) Keith Beverly (Name)-182 tL Description of Project (Brief) The development of this barbecue structure will be constructed immediately adjacent to a patio courtyard in the Senior center. Construction will require architectural services for concrete, masonary and installation of a multi-facited outdoor barbecue facility with several cooking amenities. Land Tenure — Project:.3.31 acres (Please Check) (Please Check) i (Please Check) owned in fee simple by applicant Census tract number in which project is located: 180.00 Senate Dist. 38th Assembly Dist. 74th available under a. other interest (explain) . year lease (enclosed) Estimate start project July 1990 Date Complete project October 1991Date I certify that the information contained in this application, including required attachment!, is accurate and that I have read and understand the important information and assurances on the reverse of this form. Signed. Applicant's Authorized Representative as Shown in Resolution Date I hereby certify that the applicant has met. or will meet, all federal, sun and local environmental, public health, relocation, affirmative action, and clearinghouse requirement* and all other appropriate code*, laws, and regulations prior to the expenditure of the grant funds. (Public Resources Code 5656 (d). • I further certify that the applicant fully understands that the State Department of Parks and Recreation will not assume any responsibility to ensure complience with any applicable federal, state or local codes, laws or regulations, but that the Department may conduct an audit to enjure compliance. (Signed — Legal Counsel)Date IMPORTANT You may incur costs against the grant only after your project has been approved by the Legislature and the State has received your application signed by your attorney. All State requirements must be met and an agreement signed before any funds will be disbursed. - U26 •••»••••••.• A-1 EXHIBIT 2 GRANT APPLICATION To apply, suomit one copy each of the applicable documents listed below. 1. A completed application form signed by the person authorized in your resolution and by your attorney. 2 The resolution from your governing body authorizing the application. 3 Environmental Impact Report or Negative Declaration and a copy of the Notice of Determination showing the county clerk's stamps, or, if applicable, a copy of the Notice of Exemption if the project ij categorically exempt, or the reason why CEQA does not apply. Clearinghouse response is required if you have an EIR or Negative Declaration for the project. 4. A city or county street map showing the project location with sufficient detail to find the site. 5 If property to be developed is not owned in fee, evidence of adequate land tenure. (Copies of leases, joint powers agreements, permits, etc.) 6 A site plan for development projects. Map of the overall park showing location of project facilities, details of access, water, power and sanitation. 7.. Cost estimate. A detailed estimate of all projects costs. 3 Acquisition map and acquisition schedule listing number of parcels, size, approximate date of acquisition and cost (acquisition projects only). 9 Summary of comments made at a public hearing concerning any acquisition that impacts productive agricultural lands (acquisition projects only). 10 Local match certification form. 11 A list of all funds, over and above the grant requested, that will be used for the project. 12 Photos of the project site. 13 Copies of all permits, leases, agreements, etc., affecting project lands or operation and maintenance. 14 Requests for waiver of matching requirement. (If applicable) 15 Written narrative justifying project (needs-basis only). Assurances The aooiicant hereby gives assurances and certifies with respect to the grant that: It possesses legal authority to apply for the grant, and to finance, acquire and construct the proposed project; that a resolution, motion or similar action has been duly adopted or passed as an official act of the applicant's governing body, authorizing the filing of the application, including all understandings and assurances contained therein, and directing and authorizing the person identified as the official representative of the applicant to act in connection with the application and to provide such additional information as may be required. Applicant wili provide and maintain competent and adequate architectural engineering supervision and inspection at the construction site to insure that the completed work conforms with the approved plans and specifications; that it will furnish progress reports and such other information as the State may require. Applicant will give the State's authorized representative access to and the right to examine all records, books, papers, or document related to the grant. Applicant will cause work on the project to be commenced within a reasonable time after receipt of notification from the State that funds have been approved and that the project will be pursued to completion with reasonable diligence. Applicant will not dispose of or encumber its title or other intrests in the site and facilities without permission from the State Legislature. Applicant will comply where applicable with provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act and any other State, and/or local laws, rules and/or regulations. In cases involving leased property, it agrees to maintain and operate the property and/or facilities acquired or developed for an agreed to period commensurate with the type of project and the proportion of state grant funds and local funds allocated to the capital costs of the project. 027 t\--)