HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990-05-21; Parks & Recreation Commission; 590-2; David Hogan/San Diego Biodiversity ProjectPARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION - AGENDA BILL AB *£<?&-£. MTG. ^'ZI-^O DEPT. tt £- TITLE: LETTER - DAVID HOGAN/SAN DIEGO RTnnTVFDSTTV DDmCPT MKim\D1UU1 VC.KM 1 T rKUJtll UNrUj DEPT. HD. CITY ATTY CITY MGR. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Accept and file letter regarding citizen concerns relating to development of Mt. Israel park. ITEM EXPLANATION; The Director of Carlsbad Parks and Recreation Department received the attached letter on behalf of the San Diego Biodiversity project. Staff has responded to further clarify what the intent of the Commission's action was regarding Mt. Israel Park during the April Commission meeting. EXHIBITS; 1. Letter from David Hogan dated May 3, 1990 2. Staff response letter dated May 14, 1990 Oil "EIVED HAY - 71990 May 3,. 1990 Director' Carlsbed' Department of Parka- and llecreation To whom it may concern, Greetings on behalf of the San Diep;o Iliodivers ity 1'rojoct. As you may be aware,- we formed' as a group to watchdog any project in the county that affects; sensitive species; or habitats.. We are also involved ill1 creating preserve- proposals for sensitive areas; of the county as well as alternative mitigation proposals; for projects' with inadequate mitigation.. An article in the Blade- Citizen alerted us to your intentions to begin pressuring1-the Olivenhain Munincipal Water District to open up more land' near the- future Mt. Israel Reservoir for high impact recreational use. THE ONLY way the- biodiversity, project could approve of such an idea is if many more acres were' to be added to the- existing acrage owned by the water- district. This area,, in> the- next ten,years; is going to be subjected to severe development pressure.. High impact recreational use of the remaining apen space areas cannot and' will not be tolerated'.. The Biodiversity Project recently took a firm stand against the' proposed reservoir due to the fact that the water district proposed' meager- mitigation measures. We have created an alternative mitigation proposal and will approve of the- project if our proposal is accepted. So, basicaly,. this is a letter letting you folks know wlmt is going to be expected of you1 if and when you decide to follow through with your project. We- are planning to go to the press- with the same information we have given you'. The Biological community will no longer stand for projects that drive rare species; and habitats- closer to extinction. So, hopeto-.hear from you folks soon. * * jUncerly,. David llogan San Diego Tliodiversity1 Project P.O. Box 1944 Jul'ian' CA. 92036' 012 EXHIBIT 1 May 16, 1990 David Hogan San Diego Biodiversity Project P. 0. Box 1944 Julian, California 92036 Dear Mr. Hogan: On behalf of the Carlsbad Parks and Recreation Department, I am writing in response to your letter of May 3, 1990. As you may recall, your letter was written with regards to Mt. Israel Park and a newspaper article appearing in the Blade Citizen. Your letter stated the article "Alerted us [San Diego Biodiversity Project] to your [Parks and Recreation Department] intent to begin pressuring the Olivenhain Municipal Water District to open up more land near the future Mt. Israel Reservoir for high impact recreation use." Your letter also referred to your organizations opposition to the above mentioned statement. While the Carlsbad Parks and Recreation Department was previously unaware of your organization and its goals and objectives, we certainty*do not question its integrity. However, in all honesty, although we -were' unaware of the aforementioned Blade-Citizen article, we are definitely in disagreement with the .reference the article may have alluded to concerning the Parks and Recreation Commission's action on April 16, 1990. The Parks and Recreation Commission requested an informational update regarding the current development of Mt. Israel Park. After hearing a presentation by a representative of the Olivenhain Municipal Water District, the Commission's action was to appoint a member of the Commission to act as an informational liaison with Olivenhain Municipal Water District regarding any future development plans for Mt. Israel Park. I can assure you that the intent of their action was not to apply pressure to the District to revise their park development plans, but rather, to avail themselves in a cooperative effort should any future development of the park become available in the years to come. If you would care to address the Carlsbad Parks and Recreation Commission regarding this issue, the Commission regularly meets the third Monday of each month, 5:00 p.m. at the Carlsbad City Council Chambers, 1200 Elm Avenue. Sincerely, KEITH BEVERLY Senior Management Analyst 013 Attachment c: Frank Mannen, Assistant City Manager David Bradstreet, Parks and Recreation Director EXHIBIT 2 -1QHQ • (film A 3'l-2824