HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-02-25; Parks & Recreation Commission; 291-7; P & R Commission Workshop ResultsPARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION - AGENDA BILL 8 MTG.2 DEPT. TiTLE: PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION WORKSHOP RESULTS (ACTION) RECOMMENDED ACTION: Review and accept the Commission Workshop results. ITEM EXPLANATION; Attached (Exhibit 1) is a letter of appreciation sent to Michelle Moomaugh, the facilitator at this year's Parks and Recreation Annual Commission Workshop. Also attached are the results of the Workshop as arrived at in consensus by this Commission. The action items and the goals which the Commission arrived at during the Workshop are outlined on page 6 and 7, respectively. During the course of the year, the Commission may wish to deal with these issues as agenda items during future Commission meetings. EXHIBITS; 1. Letter to Michelle Moomaugh dated February 5, 1991 48 City of Carlsbad Parks & Recreation Department February 5, 1991 Michele Moomaugh 18238 Verano Drive Rancho Bernardo, CA 92128 Dear Michele: On behalf of the Carlsbad Parks and Recreation Commission, I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for facilitating the Commission Workshop held January 26, 1991. Your endeavors to orchestrate the workshop discussions in order to produce the positive results which our Commission has achieved over the years are very much appreciated. On a personal note, your efforts have improved the effective working relationship between myself and the Commission which has ultimately established an extremely efficient board. Thank you once again for the time you have spent with us, and we look forward to working with you in the future. Sincerely, DAVID BRADSTREET Parks and Recreation Director c: Assistant City Manager Parks & Recreation Commission 49 12OO Carlsbad Village Drive • Carlsbad, California 92OO8-1989 • (619) 434-2824 Parks and Recreation Commission Workshop Jan. 26, 1991 50 AGENDA I. Introductions and expectations, goals, roles, "housekeeping," and overview of workshop. II. Review Summary of 1990 Workshop. III. Review Council Handbook. IV. "State of the Department" Presentation (Slide Presentation and Update by Director). V. Commissioners' Discussion Items. VI. Outline 1991 Commission Goals. VII. Wrap-Up. 51 2 I.EXPECTATIONS FOR WORKSHOP Name Years on Commission + Expectation Cindy Anna David Kim Tony Ramona Dave Keith 1.5+ 2+ 3+ 3+ 4.5 + new 12 15 Get to know each other better. Reinforce meeting skills. Review our goals to stay on focus. Solicit feedback to be better chairman of Commission. All the above, and work efficiently and effectively as a team. To learn. Clarify improvements needed and where. Come together collectively and understand each other's point of view. B.WORKSHOP GOALS Get to know each other better. Do annual review. Address issues and concerns expressed by each commission member. Outline goals and objectives for 1991. II. 1990 WORKSHOP SUMMARY A. APPLAUD OUR SUCCESS Commission briefings were initiated and are very helpful. Chairperson conducted meetings an outstanding way: was well-prepared and kept group on focus. We don't let personalities get in the way of our task. Staff have adjusted and assisted commission effectively. No complaints from citizens. Have gained better understanding of City activities, business, and are better informed. Reduced repetition ("ditto") Excellent participation at subcommittee level. Percentage of 7-0 votes may indicate the Commission listens to each other more, are better informed, and are more harmonious, etc. More "pro-active" (ex: new youth directive) rather than "reactive." New commissioners get "up to speed" more quickly than before. B. RECOGNIZE DISAPPOINTMENTS Funding and time restraints prevented doing more. * • Working better together but haven't mastered fundamentals of running effective meetings. Inconsistencies in meetings sometimes. * • Attendance by commissioners . . . * • Would have liked more requests for information rather than commission go elsewhere (e.g. go to Parks and Recreation staff first). Continued 53 4 Tendency to "blame" staff for long meetings. At hearings, don't always get professional/expert opinion of staff; it's inconsistent. * = Areas needing further attention. III. REVIEW OF COUNCIL HANDBOOK A. HIGHLIGHT GENERAL GUIDELINES 1. We recommend/advise to City Council. B. REITERATE P & R RESPONSIBILITIES AND GUIDELINES 2. Remember to allow future consideration and discussion of P & R ordinances (for clarification and updating) in Municipal Code. V. COMMISSIONERS' DISCUSSION ITEMS A. PLACEMENT OF ITEMS/TOPICS ON AGENDA 1. How? Who can? 2. Why? Justification? Need to be on Agenda? 3. When? Urgency? Staff preparation time? 4. Where? Consent Calendar/Departmental report? 5. What? Personal needs/public significance? 6. Be specific about intent. 7. Proposal of steps/measures for rectifying concern. * Follow City Council procedure for placing items on agenda. Continued 54 5 B. LENGTH OF COMMISSION MEETINGS. Are they too long? 1. Causes: repeated repetition: written material, historical info., etc. failure to follow meeting procedures, protocol unclear on direction/action to take nature or selection of agenda items 2. Suggested controls: C. RELATIONSHIP OF MOTION FOR ACTION TO ACTION ITEMS 1. Brown Act: legality of depth and breadth of motion as it relates to agenda description ("substance of the matter"). 2. Way(s) to stay legal. have clear understanding of intent of agenda bill, derived from item explanation. "recommended action" should reflect commissioners "contemplated action" D. COMMISSION MEETING PROCEDURES 1. Scribe report: review: intent, format, composition, length 2. Assessment of administration of presiding Chair (how well are meetings being run?): critique job, not person suggestions for improvements Continued 5b 6 VII. A. WRAP-UP AGREEMENTS/DECISIONS Commission briefing will be held at 10:00 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. All Commission recommendations should go to City Council via City Manager. It's "okay" to carry items forward for future consideration. Chair will continue to introduce agenda items and monitor both completeness and brevity of information. Commission wants staff to exercise their authority as to selection of agenda items. Scribe report's inclusion of dissenting vote is optional, and it does contain action items and report of info. B.ACTION ITEMS WHAT WHO WHEN Research and report back to Commission on attendance policy for P & R Commission, and, then, set any appropriate guidelines for annual report. Staff & Chair In a "timely fashion" Draft Commission criteria for putting items on agenda. Anna & Ramona In next Commission packet C.CRITIQUE OF WORKSHOP Be clear next year regarding time frame and commitment. Have staff sit with Commission. Felt rushed. Have less agenda items or more time to devote to them: annually? bi-annually? Outstanding - better than last time; we've grown. Organized agenda. 8 3. Sequence of Discussion on Agenda Item: reminder: hold commission comments until after receiving input from public and formally closing public comment period. 4. Discussion of Issues outside our jurisdiction or beyond our expertise: Consider restricting comments/opinions to realm of P & R (do not presume to tell others how to do their job: other Commissioners, other Departments, etc.). E. STAFF 1. How can this Commission help staff and department as a whole? 2. Workload 3. Comments VI. 1991 COMMISSION GOALS 1. Continue to build a positive working relationship among members of the Commission? 2. Discuss future revision of P & R ordinance sections of municipal code to develop a clearer, updated document. 3. Develop an agenda item worksheet. 4. Monitor operational procedures of Commission on an ongoing basis. 57