HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-03-18; Parks & Recreation Commission; 391-6; Policy regarding the Naming of Park Sites\ *PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION - AGENDA BILL o< COCO oo MTG. DEPT. TITLE:POLICY REGARDING THE NAMING OF PARK SITES (ACTION) RECOMMENDED ACTION: Review and discuss the proposed policy regarding the naming of parks, facilities and amenities within parks and take appropriate action for City Council review. ITEM EXPLANATION; Staff will give a verbal report regarding the attached memorandum and present the proposed administrative policy for the Commission's consideration. EXHIBITS: 1. Memorandum to Parks and Recreation Director with Proposed Policy dated March 6, 1991. March 6, 1991 TO: PARKS AND RECREATION DIRECTOR FROM: Recreation Superintendent POLICY ON NAMING PARKS BACKGROUND: The City presently has no written policy nor procedure for naming parks and structures or equipment within parks. The Parks and Recreation Commission formed a subcommittee to work with staff in drafting a policy and procedure for review in the future so that the Commission may make their recommendations to City Council on this policy matter. The Subcommittee members, David Castner, Rjriloxia_rfirirnla and Cindy Ward, met with the Recreation Superintendent last November to discuss the various aspects of the issue and review the written policies and procedures of other cities. A draft copy of the proposed policy and procedure is attached for the Commission's review and recommendations (ATTACHMENT A). RECOMMENDATIONS: The subcommittee discussed and recommended the following: 1. The policy will apply to naming and renaming of parks as well as facilities and amenities within a park A. "Facilities" shall include, but are not limited to • community centers • athletic fields B. "Amenities" shall include, but are not limited to • Scoreboard • drinking fountain • benches/picnic tables • fitness trail 2. Park names should be kept short, simple to pronounce and should be reviewed every 25 years so that parks may be renamed, at the Council's discretion. 26 EXHIBIT 1 POLICY ON NAMING PARKS (continued) PAGE 2 3. Parks may be named after any one or combination of the following • Geographic location • Community significance • Historical significance • School name, when adjacent to school • Street frontage • Individual person • person shall have been deceased for at least one year • person shall have made a significant contribution to the City 4. The procedure for naming or re-naming a park, a facility or amenity within a park shall be : • Submit the name, in writing, to the Parks and Recreation Commission. • The item shall be scheduled for a future Commission meeting, allowing appropriate time to review and publicize the nomination, take public input, and then make a recommendation to the City Council. • City Council will determine the official name for parks, facilities, and amenities and may consider renaming parks every 25 years. DISCUSSION: The Commission Subcommittee reviewed and discussed the policies and procedures from Anaheim, Encinitas, Escondido, Irvine, Newport Beach, San Diego, San Marcos and Vista (Attachment B). The Subcommittee agreed that the significance of a park name may not be significant or appropriate after many years. They recommended a periodic review, such as every 25 years, to provide the Council with an opportunity to change the park name. LYNN CHASE ATTACHMENTS (2) CITY OF CARLSBAD PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT POLICY AND PROCEDURES FOR NAMING PARKS, FACILITIES AND AMENITIES IN PARKS PURPOSE: To establish a uniform policy and procedure for the naming and renaming of parks, as well as facilities and amenities within parks. POLICY: The Parks and Recreation Commission shall be responsible for recommending the name of parks, facilities .and amenities within parks and for considering the renaming of parks; the City Council will accept the Commission's recommendation and determine the official name. Park names shall be reviewed every 25 years and a park may be renamed, at the City Council's discretion. When considering proposals for the name of a park, facility or amenity within a park, or the renaming of a park, the Parks and Recreation Commission shall emphasize the following criteria for the name: • Geographic location , ; : • Community significance • Historical significance • School name, when adjacent to school • Individual person who shall have been deceased for at least one year and who shall have made a significant contribution to the City PROCEDURE: The procedure for naming a park, a facility or amenity within a park, or renaming a park shall be: • The proposed name shall be submitted in writing to the Parks and Recreation Commission with justification to aid the Commission and others in considering the proposal. • The proposal shall be placed on a future Commission agenda, allowing appropriate time to review, publicize, and to receive public input on the proposed name. • The Parks and Recreation Commission shall recommend approval or denial of the proposed name to the City Council. • The City Council shall determine the official name of all parks, facilities and amenities within parks. 03/06/91 DRAFT ATTACHMENT A -- 28 POLICY ON NAMING PARKS SURVEY SUMMARY EXHIBIT NO./AGENCY POLICY SUMMARY 1. Anaheim 2. Encinitas 3. Escondido 4. Irvine Next to school, named after school; prominent plant, bush, or tree; or at Director's option, named after geographic area, etc.; Not named after individual unless so designated by City Council. Historical relevance, geographic location; not named after individual, living or deceased, except by special circumstances. Persons no longer living; street frontages, geographical or topographical elements of the area; historical aspects of area or city in general. Area in which they exist; geographical or historical places and events; may honor an individual by naming a ball field within a park for that person. lewport Beach Streets/schools bordering park; topography, theme, renowned citizens (6 months from death or grant of gift); dedication of trees with bronze placque for recognition of community leaders. 6. San Diego 7. San Marcos 8. Vista Name of community area, nearby geographic features, adjacent schools and street names are given first consideration; individuals, living or dead, who are of historical significance or who have made major financial contributions. Identifiable geographic location or feature; name provides link with municipal heritage; facility within park can be named for individual or organization that contribute to quality of Life in San Marcos or contribute substantial donations. Deceased resident who contributed significantly to quality of life in Vista; individual or representative of who gave substantial donation toward park, can be still living; organization that provides substantial donation toward building or maintenance of park; geographic feature or location; name with link to city's heritage; names using combination of above. Ob/ 28/90 LC:kk ATTACHMENT B P.O..' . c., : . SENT BY: I tLt<_L<r . Lr ! 8-22-90 ; 8:50AM I 24070;:; 2 " Anaheim Porks, ItereaHoo and CommunirY S«rvlc»i POLICY/ PROCEDURE No.A-033 Data February 17. 19' subject: NAMING PARKS 1.0 PURPOSE This Policy sets the parameters for naming parks in the City of Anaheim, 2.0 POLICY 2.1 2.2 2.3 It is the policy of the Anaheim Parks, Recreation and Community Services Department that parks will'be named as follows: a. If the park is the park will b. If the park is not adjacent to a school site, c. The Director, at his qg|f|g!> may propose to name the park facility after a prominent form of topography, geographical area, historical precedent or other item applicable to the situation. Parks will not be named after individuals unless so designated by the City Council. All park names selected shall be concurred in by the Parks and Recreation Commission who will recommend approval of the park name and submit it for City Council consideration and approval. Approved Authority: Approved by Executive Staff February, 17, 1988 JS/rm 2717M 30 EXHIBIT 1 err* OF COMMUKITY SERVICES DEPARTHEUT POLICY AND PROCEDURE 3.05.10 SUBJECT: Naming and Renaming Parks, Beaches, and Facilities PURPOSE: To establish a uniform policy and procedure for the naming and renaming of parks, beaches and facilities. POLICY; The Parks and Recreation Commission is responsible for the selection of park, beach and facility names; subject to the approval of the City Council. The Commission will consider proposals for naming and renaming parks, beaches, and facilities under the following conditions: 1) An existing park, beach, or facility haa undergone extensive remodeling, rehabilitation, or expansion. 2) Upon the development of a previously undeveloped park or beach site. 3) Upon the acquisition of a new park or beach site. s—4) Under special circumstances as deemed appropriate by a najority of the Commission. When considering proposals for the naming or renaming of a park, beach or facility, the Commission will emphasize the following factors: Historical Relevance Geographical Location Geological Features Community Identity - Degree of Community Support Generally, parks and beaches will not be named after individuals, living or deceased, except by special circumstances as deemed appropriate by the Parks and Recreation Commission'. Typically, such circumstances will mean _ a significant financial, contribution toward the acquisition and/or development of a park, beach, or facility. PRQCEDURff; When th« Commission is conaidaring the naming or renaming of a park, beach or facility, the Community Services Staff will advertise the dat«, time, and location of Commission meeting during which the Commission will hear proposals for new names. n all other cases, members of the Community may simply attend regularly scheduled Parka and Recreation Commission maeting and ask to address the Commission with their proposal. Community Services Director Effective D^/l?o EXHIBIT 2 oP Carte bo- CITY OF ESCONDIDO 201N. Broadway Escondido, CA 92025 (619) 741-4699 (FAX) PAJRK NAMING POLICY - Purpose - The purpose of this policy is to establish a method for naming future city parks and open space areas. De- signating open space areas in the community with names, allows the citizens to identify a site not only by its location but also by its name. Policy - Parks and open space may be named by action of the City Council. Recommendations' of the Parks, Recreation and Be.autification Commission v;ill be considered by the Council. In roconune-nding names for parks and open space areas the « Commission will consider the following guidelines, among others that it-fray feel appropriate: A. Persons no longer living. B» Street frontages and geographical or topographical elements of the site or area. C, Historical aspects of the specific area or the city in general. Action ~ The Commission will develop recommendations either before or during the master planning process. This timing will allow the park to be named as the master plan is completed and adopted by the City Council. •_ Apri1?- 198° - -*.; EXHIBIT 3 ^ RECEIVED AU6 2 COMMUNITY SERVICES POLICY PROCEDURE SECTION; PAGE 4.1 10f 1 6-13-75 R'VISEDi APPROVED.- SUBJECT: PURPOSE: POLICY: DISCUSSION: (CSC Policy No. 1) NAMING OF PUBLIC PARKS With the development of Irvine' s Community Parks Program will come the request to name each individual park area. To date, Irvine has no policy relating to the naming of public facilities. Public parks developed to date have taken on the name of the area (or developer) in which they are located. In staff's opinion, seme of the existing parks could have reached a more descriptive and appropriate name. It shall be the policy of the City of Irvine to name parks after the area in which they exist or geographical or historical places and events. Although there are many individuals both living and dead who have made substantial contributions to the development of the City of Irvine, it is the policy of the Community Services Commission not to name parks in honor of individual persons. In the future, there will be cause to name the ccrrrminity level parks. For example: the need to name "Central Irvine High School Conmonity Park" will be before us. It has already been suggested that this facility be named "Heritage Park" or some other name which ties in with our Nation's Bicentennial. Approved by CSC 6-18-75 Approved by C.C.7-22-75 EXHIBIT 4 1-22 NAMING OF CITY PARKS The City of Newport Beach has a comprehensive program to provide park and open apace to serve the leisure and recreation needs of residents. It is desirable that appropriate names be selected for future parks and public recreational facilities. The following guidelines shall serve as policy on this matter. 1. Suggestions for naming new parks shall be reviewed by the Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission with a recommendation being .transmitted to the City Council for approval. 2. New park names can be chosen from, but not limited to, the following categories: a. Streets or schools bordering park b. Topography c. Theme d. Renowned citizens of the community 3. The tree lined walkway at Oasis Passive Park beginning at 5th Avenue and Marguerite in Corona del Mar should be identified ae an area where the trees can be dedicated by bronze plaques as community leader recognition locations. 4. New or existing community centers, buildings, rooms or site amenities may be dedicated In honor of persons who have served their community in an exceptional and distinguished manner. 5. Prior to the dedication or naming of a park or public recreational facility for a person, there should be a passage of six months from death or grant of gift before the Parks» Beaches and Recreation Commission acts upon the request and makes a recommendation to the City Council, Adopted - September 12, 1988 34 EXHIBIT 5 THE CITY OF SAN DIEGO CITY ADMINISTRATION BUILDING 202 C Strcrt San Diego, California 92101 Telephone: (619)236-6643 FJX (619)216-6219 GEORGE I. LOVELAND Park and Recreation Director RECEIVED AU6 2 41990' G 2 No. 100 PARK AND RECREATION BOARD POLICY SUBJECT: Naming of Parks and Recreation Facilities BACKGROUND: The public sometimes suggests that parks and recreation facilities be named'after persons, living or dead. PURPOSE: To provide a systematic procedure for the naming of parks and recreation facilities which will assist in their loca- tion by the citizenry, and to develop a method for the retention of names of historical or fiscal significance. POLICY: As a general policy,. parks and recreation facilities should be named to identify their locations. The name of the community area, the names of nearby geographic features, the names of adjacent schools and street names should be given first consideration. However, they may also be named for individuals, living or dead, who are of historical significance to the local area or who have made major financial contributions in the opinion of the appropriate recreation councils and/or other advisory bodies, Board committees and the full Board. SUBSTANTiATION: Park and Recreation Board Minutes of 6/16/83 (page 2^6°) 35 EXHIBIT 6 CITY OF SAN MARCOS, CALIFORNIA CITY COUNCIL POLICY SUBJECT: PURPOSE: BACKGROUND: POLICY; Naming of Municipal Facilities To provide guidelines for the selection of names for all municipal facilities, including parks, recreational facilities, amenities within those facilities and other structural and land areas owned by the City of San Marcos. The City is frequently approached to consider recognizing various achievements by individuals or groups. Most of these achievements can and should be accomplished by written or verbal recognition» Within our parks and recreational facilities, as well as significant municipal structural facilities^ ••< occasional permanent recognition may be appropriate. It is the policy of the City Council that applications may be submitted to the Community Services Department to be acted upon and forwarded to the City Council with a recommendation by the Community Services Commission for final Council action and approval for the naming of municipal facilities within the City of San Marcos. Some of the criteria to be considered for naming facilities may be as follows: A) Specific Amenities Within Parks and Facilities: 1. A name of an individual may be used if that individual has: a) Contributed significantly to the quality of life in San Marcos and has been a San Marcos resident. * b) Provided a substantial donation toward the cost of construction of a park facility or maintenance of said facility. 2. An organization name may be used if the organization provides a substantial donation towards construction or maintenance of the park or facility. B. Parks 1. An identifiable geographic location or feature. 2. A name that provides a link with our municipal heritage. Documents Relating to this Policy 1. Resolution No. 90- . 3b FYHTRTT 7 AU6 3 9 1990 PARKS AND RECREATION ADMINISTRATIVE POLICY Section: No. : Date: Commission 1 January 9, 1986 TITLE: Naming of City Parks PURPOSE: To provide guidelines for selecting names for new city parks and recreation facilities. POLICY: When selecting names for a city park or recreation facility, the name must meet one of the following criteria. 1. The name of an individual may be used, however, that individual must have contributed signifi- cantly to the quality of life for Vistans. He/she must have been identified as a Vista resident, he/she must be deceased, i.e., Cleo Morgan Park, etc. 2. The name of an individual may also be used if that individual, or representatives of that individual, provide a substantial donation toward the cost of providing a city park or recreation facility, i.e., Joselyn Center, Brengle Terrace Park, Thibodo Park, etc. 3. The name of an organization may be used if the organization provides a substantial donation toward the construction or ongoing maintenance of the park or recreation facility, i.e., Rotary Lane, Soroptimist Park, Exchange Parkette, etc. 4. An identifiable geographic location or feature, i.e., Breeze Hill Park, Live Oak Park, etc. 5. A name that provides a link to the city's heri- tage, more specifically its Hispanic heritage, i.e., Rancho Buena Vista, etc. 6. Names using combinations of the above. Espe- cially names that provide a link to the city's Spanish heritage which are of identifiable geographic features, i.e., Buena Vista Creek Park, Rancho Guajome Park, etc. Adopted by City Council, 1/28/86 3V EXHIBIT 8