HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-08-19; Parks & Recreation Commission; 891-11; Request for batting cage at Stagecoach ParkPARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION - AGENDA BILL MTG. fi|fl|qi DEPT. TITLE: REQUEST FOR BATTING CAGE AT STAGECOACH PARK (ACTION) RECOMMENDED ACTION: Deny the La Costa Youth Organization's request to construct a batting cage facility at Stagecoach Park. ITEM EXPLANATION; The Parks and Recreation staff have received and reviewed the request by the La Costa Youth Organization for the construction of a batting cage at Stagecoach Community Park (Exhibit 1). After extensive staff discussion and evaluation, staff feels this structure would not be an appropriate recreational amenity to be included at this public park site. The following considerations are cited for staffs opposition: 1. Staff believes there is insufficient room at the park site to accommodate this structure into the park design. The park, as designed, provides for maximum use in terms of recreational use and maintenance operations. The inclusion of any additional recreational amenities above those as originally designed and constructed would interrupt the current flow of recreation or maintenance activities. 2. The batting cage and recreational participation would create an activity of additional increased liability exposure to the City. 3. Current and longterm maintenance and operation of this facility would create an additional fiscal consideration in the annual Park Operation budget. 4. The proposed location and use of the- batting cage could conceivably aggravate an overburdened parking availability at the park site. 5. The development of the batting cage creates an amenity enhancement for a specific user group. Our primary goal in park programming is to provide amenities and activities for a multitude of the population and not to single out specific user groups. 6. The scheduling, supervision and maintenance of the batting cage would tax existing staff responsibilities. Staff did meet with Scott Pieratt, La Costa Youth representative in June to discuss the batting cage (Exhibit 2). The original request was for the structure to be located immediately east of the maintenance facility. That location was determined to be unfeasible due to future plans for expansion of the maintenance yard. Subsequent to review of that site, an alternative consideration was given for the possible location of the structure outside the center field fence at field #3 (Exhibit 3). Further review of this site (outside field #3) has been determined not practical. In addition, it would appear that construction in this area would encroach into the State Fish and Game wetlands area. — 38 PAGE 2, AB # If the La Costa Youth Organization strongly desires to continue with this alternative location and the Commission concurs, then approvals must be generated from Risk Management, State Fish and Game, Planning Commission, Building Department and ultimately the City Council. Staffs professional opinion is that there is not adequate space available at Stagecoach Park for a batting cage. EXHIBITS; 1. Letter from La Costa Youth Organization 3/15/91 2. Memo to Principal Recreation Supervisor 4/9/91 3. Amenity Location Map - Stagecoach Park LA COSTA YOUTH ORGANIZATION March 15,, 1990 City of Carlsbad ATTN: Ken Price Parks Dept. 3096 Harding Street Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Ken: Thanks so much for taking the time to meet with me the other day to discuss the possibility La Costa Youth Organization constructing a batting cage up by field #3. As you know there is a tremendous shortage of playing fields not only in the south quadrant of Carlsbad but all over San Diego county. As you mentioned the cage proposed is unlike anything you have seen before. It would blend into the area very well. There is a tremendous amount of interest by the members of LCYO to build such a facility. As discussed, I have a petition of about 500 signatures supporting the project. Because there are about 1300 children in the league with a total of 96 teams, we were able to get about 500 signatures in only one day of registration. It could easily be doubled if not tripled by having both spouse.s sign the request. I would like to propose that La costa Youth Organization build the Batting Cage as seen in the photos I provided you last week at no cost to the city. LCYO will build the facility by the shed at field 3. LCYO will build at their own cost and will have first rights of refusal for the use of the cages. Any unused time will be made available to Carlsbad City for their use at which time they will charge a user fee. Because the facility is an all weather facility, it will be available for nighttime use. THe cost of lighting and upkeep (of which should be minimal) will be offset by user fees by other leagues/and or organizatior EXHIBIT 1 on onv onnn . rarlcliarl PA From a liability standpoint, the league does carry year round coverage. The cages will not be used unless there is a coach present. Any and all leagues do carry year around coverages so liability should not be a factor. Ken, we will have available a set of blueprints when the time comes. I would like to get this project underway as soon as is possible. In the event you should have any further questions, please feel free to give me a call. Sincerely, Scott Pieratt President, LCYO 41 Citv of Carlsbad Parks & Recreation Department May 28, 1991 La Costa Youth Organization Scott Pieratt, President P.O. Box 9000 Carlsbad, CA 92009 STAGECOACH PARK - BATTING CAGES Dear Scott: Staff has had an opportunity to review the request from the La Costa Youth Organization to build a permanent batting cage at Stagecoach Community Park. As you know, our department is fully aware of the playing field situation, and can appreciate your need for a batting cage. There are several issues regarding the batting cage which are of concern to our department. The suggested location for the batting cage is already dedicated for planned expansion of the existing park maintenance yard. The department will be increasing the size of the maintenance yard in order to accommodate all the necessary equipment and supplies which are required to serve the South Carlsbad residents. A permanent structure of this magnitude would have a definite impact on parking. Existing parking spaces available at the east end of the park are often inadequate to meet the needs of the existing scheduled activities. The batting cage would place further burdens on the parking situation. Another concern that we have is that the batting cage could substantially increase the City's risk exposure if all users are not covered by liability insurance . Even though the La Costa Youth Organization is able to obtain liability insurance during your season, we are concerned about the time that you are not using the batting cage. When your league would not be using the cages, I would assume that it would be open for the general public's use. With the City being self-insured this would increase our exposure to liability. It was indicated that your organization would pay for the construction of the batting cage. We have concerns about who will be responsible for the yearly maintenance and yearly expenses of the cages. We do not see the cages as a profit making venture and could foresee that if the maintenance of this facility were not kept up, it would be an eyesore to everyone. EXHIBIT 2 3O96 Harding Street • Carlsbad. California 92OO8-232O • (619) 434-2833 La Costa Youth Organization May 28, 1991 . Page 2 We are aware that you are anxious to get this project underway, however, the proposed construction of a permanent structure of this magnitude would require approval of the Parks and Recreation Director and Commission, Building Department, Planning Commission, City Manager's Office, and ultimately the City Council. I suggest if you would like to pursue this matter that you give me a call and we'll discuss in further detail. KEN PRICE. Principal Recreation Supervisor KP:rc c: Parks & Recreation Director Parks Superintendent Recreation Supervisor - Dave Millikan COMMUNI ORIGINAL LOCATION REQUEST ALTERNATIVE BATTING CAGE LEGEND A. PARKING B. BALLFIELD / SOCCER C. BALLFIELD D. RESTROOM E. BASKETBALL F. PLAY AREA G. PICNIC AREA H. NATURE AREA I. RECIRCULATING STREAM J. TENNIS COURTS K. ADOBE RUINS " GYMNASIUM / COMMUNITY BLDG M. VOLLEYBALL N. RESTROOM / CONCESSION O. MAINTENANCE BUILDING EXHIBIT 3 ir"^^4^.^^^'^iSfe^i^.v^':-f^^c^irv--:^^^^^-^•••^