HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-08-19; Parks & Recreation Commission; 891-12; Naming of Park SitesPARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION - AGENDA BILL AB# /SflL-13- MTG.B] DEPT. . ftlqj P<vP> TITLE: NAMING OF PARK SITES (ACTION) ty#^ •$05 RECOMMENDED ACTION: Appoint a Commission Subcommittee to assist and review citizen input and Council policy relative to the naming of future park sites currently online. ITEM EXPLANATION; During the July Commission meeting, Commissioner Ward requested this issue be brought before the Commission for action at the August meeting. As you may recall, recent Council action adopted a Council policy statement (Exhibit 1) relating to the naming of parks. Under the procedure section of the policy statement, reference is made to the possible formation of a subcommittee to review this issue as necessary. Staff suggests the Commission appoint a subcommittee to address the naming of two (2) parks currently online, those being the Larwin and Alta Mira sites. Additionally, staff feels it appropriate for the subcommittee to discuss procedures related to the solicitation and review of public input and, ultimately, a recommendation for Commission consideration and Council action. FISCAL IMPACT: None. EXHIBITS; 1. City Council Agenda Bill No. 11,207/Council Policy Statement/Naming of Parks 48 y / rf /') *""7 MTG.6-/& -CV/ DEPT. P *• ft \st i i ^r v^^^nu^urM-' — «-»«t-iiL/r»- viwu. TITLE: POLICY FOR NAMING OF PARKS, FACILITIES AND AMENITIES WITHIN PARK OTTT?O ^^ ^M. DEPT. HP. HK\- CIJY ATTY^J/T) RECOMMENDED ACTION: If the Council concurs with the Parks and Recreation Commission's proposed policy < on naming parks, the recommended action is to approve by minute motion a policy / f-, and procedure for the naming of City parks. ^"^ ITEM EXPLANATION: / Several months ago, the Parks and Recreation Commission discussed the need to establish a policy and create guidelines to establish procedures for the naming of park sites, facilities and amenities within parks and the renaming of parks. Subsequent to the Commission's discussion, a subcommittee of Commission members was appointed to address this issue and recommend a policy for review by the Parks and Recreation Commission and for ultimate approval by the City Council. A subcommittee consisting of David Castner, Ramona Finilla and Cindy Ward was assisted by departmental staff member Mrs. Lynn Chase, Recreation Superintendent. In an effort to develop effective guidelines in instituting a policy on naming park sites and park amenities, the subcommittee met several times to review the existing policies of other cities. In addition to the policies of eight cities in San Diego and Orange Counties, the subcommittee also reviewed State and Federal publications relative to this issue made available through the California Parks and Recreation Society (CPRS) and the National Recreation and Park Association (NRPA). On March 18th, 1991 the subcommittee presented their report to the Commission. After considerable discussion, the Commission approved of the proposed policy. However, they requested the subcommittee to return with a revision to the policy which would delete reference to requirements associated with the use of a deceased individual's name. This request was made because the Commission felt it inferred that a park site could only be named after an individual is deceased. The procedure has been revised to state that a park site or facility may be named for an "individual person" who shall have made a significant contribution to the City. On May 18, 1991, the attached policy on the naming of parks (Exhibit 2) was presented, approved, and recommended for consideration and adoption by the City Council. The Parks and Recreation Commission believes the proposed policy and procedures provide a guideline for seeking public input and criteria for the Commission to consider when making a recommendation to the Council and for the Council to utilize when selecting the names of park sites and/or facilities. FISCAL IMPACT: The proposed policy has no fiscal impact. EXHIBIT 1 PAGE 2, AB # „ J C \ EXHIBITS: 1. Draft policy for naming of parks 50 a CITY OF CARLSBAD Policy No. COUNCIL POLICY STATEMENT Date Issued Effective Date General Subject: NAMING OF PARKS Cancellation Date, Supersedes No. Specific Subject: NAMING OF PARKS, FACILITIES AND AMENITIES IN PARKS AND RENAMING PARKS Copies to: City Council, City Manager, City Attorney, Department and Division Heads, Employee Bulletin Boards, Press, File PURPOSE To establish guidelines and procedures for the naming of parks, facilities and amenities within parks and the renaming of parks. STATEMENT OF POLICY The Parks and Recreation Commission shall be responsible for recommending the name of parks, facilities and amenities within parks and for considering the renaming of parks every 25 years. The Commission will recommend and the City Council will determine the official name of parks, facilities and amenities within parks. PROCEDURE At the appropriate time for naming a park or considering renaming a park, the Parks and Recreation Commission will solicit public input. The proposed names shall be submitted in writing to the Parks and Recreation Commission with justification to aid in considering the proposal. The proposed name shall be placed on the Commission agenda, allowing appropriate time for review by the Commission (and subcommittee, as necessary) and to publicize and receive input from the public at the Commission meeting. When considering proposals, the Commission shall emphasize the following criteria in making their recommendation to the City Council: Geographic location Community significance Historical significance School name, when adjacent to a school Individual person who shall have made a significant contribution to the City The Commission's recommendation will be forwarded to the City Council for their determination of the official name. 51 u- c •ly 30, 1991 TO: PARKS AND RECREATION DIRECTOR FROM: Parks Superintendent TAMARACK BEACH PARKING LOT Parks staff has researched the costs to provide annual maintenance to the State parking lot located at the foot of Tamarack Avenue. The following costs are submitted for your review. 1. Parking lot sweeping Alternative A. At 2 times/week as special call out (3 hr. min.) $1 50/time = $300/wk x 52 1 5,600 Alternative B. If added to regular downtown contact 3 x/week = $100/week 5,200 Alternative C. If added to bike lane sweeping ~~ at once/week at $70/month 850 2. Annual striping and reseal 5,000 based on resealing every 3 years 3. Litter Control - 7 days/week 5,300 1 hr/day @ $10/hr = $70 x 52 = 3,640 x 45% overhead 4. Contingency - storm damage, rip rap replacement, asphalt repair estimate 5,000/yr The cost to provide maintenance and operation expenses for the Tamarack Parking lot is estimated to be between $16,000 and $30,000 annually. The variation in cost is because of the different levels of sweeping available. Streets division staff feel that sweeping once per week would be an adeguate level of cleaning. Therefore, the figure of $1 6,000/year would provide an acceptable level of maintenance. DOUG DUNCANSON ~~Vks Superintendent dm