HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-09-16; Parks & Recreation Commission; 991-6; Recreation Program SurveysPARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION - AGENDA BILL AB# tfQl'C, MTG. 9- /£><<?/ DEPT. ^££_ TITLE: RECREATION PROGRAM SURVEYS (ACTION) <^/xWV-x''J1 fl^,., ^ 45t*^tr \ ~~\Qt> /Uf.A.-*1 RECOMMENDED ACTION: Review information regarding the three (3) Recreation Program Surveys which have served as a guide for the Parks and Recreation Department staff when programming activities for the Carlsbad community. Take appropriate action if the Commission concurs that additional survey work is necessary. ITEM EXPLANATION; Commissioner Castner has requested staff to present information to the Commission regarding the types of Recreation Program Surveys that our department has initiated. During the past ten (10) years, three (3) surveys have been completed. In 1981, a Recreation Demand Survey was conducted by Iwanaga Associates and was part of the City of Carlsbad Parks and Recreation Element's and Macario (Veterans Memorial) Park Development Plan (Exhibit 1). The second survey was conducted by Recreation staff in the Summer of 1984 (Exhibit 2). The purpose of the survey was to 1) Identify present use and future preferences for recreation programs, 2) Provide information about plans for parks and recreation development in the next five years, 3) Determine participation in existing programs, and 4) Estimate future trends in recreation in Carlsbad. A third survey was initiated when the Commission directed staff in January 1990 to conduct a Recreation Program Study to analyze youth and teen recreational activities, their needs and also to determine what changes/additions were needed in the community and by the department. Staff coordinated community-wide meetings and notified interested groups and leaders to participate. Telephone and written surveys were also conducted as well as soliciting input from the junior high school students. The results of the survey concluded that there were many opportunities for the youth. However, there was a lack of education as to what was available. A Youth Recreation Directory was then designed and distributed to the Carlsbad schools, Boys and Girls Clubs, libraries, etc. as a way to inform the community of the many recreation opportunities. If the Commission concurs that additional survey work is necessary to establish what the recreational needs of the community are, the Commission may wish to form a subcommittee or to direct staff accordingly in an effort to create a new survey. FISCAL IMPACT; The 1981 Recreation Survey was done in connection with the 1982 Parks and Recreation Element. A cost for that survey cannot be singled out. However, the cost of the '82 Element was $35,000. The 1984 Recreation Survey was performed at a cost of $6,000. The cost of the Youth Recreation Survey (including Directory publication) was approximately $8,200. 54 PAGE 2, A8 #_ Depending upon the intensity of a new survey, and the method in which a survey is performed, the cost would vary accordingly. EXHIBITS; 1. Parks and Recreation Element Survey 1981 2. Recreation Program Survey 1984 3. Youth Recreation Survey 1990 o REVISED PARKS AND RECREATION ELEMENT for the GENERAL PLAN phase 1 and 2 report BACKGROUND DATA and ANALYSIS May 1981 r•\ •A IWANAGA ASSOCIATES Landscape Architecture Planning CITY of CARLSBAD CALIFORNIA ECONOMICS RESEARCH ASSOCIATES BANIELIAN and ASSOCIATES EXHIBIT 1 APPENDIX C recreation demand survey --•• 57 OVERVIEW This preliminary report deals with the results of the parks and rec- reation survey recently distributed. The analysis indicates general trends and attitudes while establishing basic and recognizable criteria for development of the Parks and Recreation Element and the Macario Park Development Plan. Because of the preliminary nature of this analysis, all possible al- ternatives and statistical combinations have not been addressed. These will be addressed in the final survey report. Many of the results of the survey may be surprising but they do re- present the attitudes and desires of the respondents. The survey and the results are a tool only to be utilized in preparation of the Element and Development Plan. Being a tool, the survey and the results should not be construed to be an absolute nor a mandate from the citizens of Carlsbad. Therefore, the consultant team will utilize the results as one factor in completing the entire study. 221 58 c PRELIMINARY ANALYSIS One thousand-four hundred and fifty nine (1,459) surveys were printed and distributed by hand utilizing volunteers. The survey was distributed to the following representative groups: Parks and Recreation Commission Senior Citizen Association MCC College Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce City of Carlsbad Employees Hughes Aircraft Anthony Pools Inc. St. Patrick's Church Christ United Presbyterian Church Kiwanis Optimists Rotary- Carlsbad Women's Club Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter Day Saints Carlsbad Boys Club Carlsbad Girls Club Carlsbad by the Sea Retirement Home La Coota Youth Organization Rancho Carlsbad St. Elizabeth Seton Church In addition the survey was distributed at various parks, at the Carlsbad State Beach, at recreation department instructional classes, various local schools, at local stores and markets and door-to-door in several locations around Carlsbad. Of the 1,225 surveys distributed, 557 surveys were returned; the rate of return is 45.46 per cent. A preliminary analysis of the survey responses indicates the following information: 1. Over 70% of the respondents are at least moderately aware that the City of Carlsbad has an organized recreation program. 2. Thirty per cent of the residents either do not know or barely are aware of the Carlsbad recreation programs. 3. Holiday Park, Laguna Riviera Park, Chase/Pine Fields and the Harding Community Center are the most intensively utilized recreation facilities. A. Approximately 85% of the respondents use the Carlsbad State Beaches. 222 -2- 5. Sixty-eight percent of the respondents utilized the parks at least once a month. 6. Almost 50% of the park usage occurs on weekends, primarily in the afternoons and evenings. 7. Respondents indicate they travel, for the most part (70%), two miles or less to reach the parks they use. 8. Of those traveling to visit a park, 70% did so by automobile. 9. Almost 56% of the respondents also use walking or bicycling as an alternate method to the automobile for reaching the parks. 10. Of those responding, 70% believe the parks and facilities serve those under nineteen years of age best. 11. Over 75% of the respondents rate the City of Carlsbad parks and recreation facilities as good or excellent. 12. Over 85% of the respondents have visited or would visit Holiday Park. 13. Of the parks or facilities in Carlsbad, over 60% of the respondents have not visited more than three of them. 14. Over 80% of the respondents visit private commercial recreation . facilities at least once a month. 15. Over 40% of respondents utilize commercial recreation facilities once a a week or more frequently. 16. Approximately 51% of the respondents do not believe that the City of Carlsbad should provide a public golf course. 17. Approximately 26% of the respondents would be willing to pay fees and/or additional taxes to support and utilize such a facility. 18. Over 90% of all respondents believe that improving the parks and recreation systems is important. 19. Fifty-seven percent of respondents would be willing to pay a fee (user fee) to use the Carlsbad park facilities and activities programs. 20. However, 57% of the respondents would not be willing to volunteer their time to help with programs or assist with park maintenance. 21. A very high percentage of residents are anxious to see more cultural activities such as concerts, plays, stage presentations, art showings, etc.. Included in the recreation programs. Response was 85.2%. 223. -3- 22. Over 68% of the respondents believe fees for boating in the lagoons should be increased to make the facilities self-supporting. 23. Nearly 45% of the respondents visit the Carlsbad State Beaches at least once a week. 24. Twenty-six percent of the respondents visit the beaches at least twice weekly. 25. Over 35% of the respondents would like to see the lagoons and wetlands in Carlsbad developed as a combination of wildlife habitat and public recrea- tion. 26. Thirty-nine percent of the respondents want to see the lagoons kept as they are and used only as a wildlife habitat. 27. Only six percent of respondents desire to see a marina constructed in the lagoon area. 28. Eleven percent of respondents indicated members of their household having a handicap or disability requiring special needs. 29. Seventy-four percent would appreciate having more programs or activities for the handicapped included in the recreation program. 30. Of the private/commercial recreation facilities visited in the Carlsbad area, the following received the greatest percentages of visits: Movie Theatre 79% Swimming Pools 30% Skating Facilities 30% Bowling Lanes 30% Boys/Girls Club 26% Racquetball/Handball 24% YMCA/YWCA 24% Concerts 23% 31. Of the activities that respondents participate in, the following received the highest percentage responses: Movies 67% Swimming 52% Jogging/Running 52% Picnicing 49% Bicycle Riding 49% Football/Soccer 31% Roller Skating 30% Fishing 30% Tennis 28% Basketball 25% n i Concerts 25Z UJ- 224 C -4- 32. In response to the question, which five (5) facilities/activities would the respondent like most to be included in the City of Carlsbad parks, the following received the greatest percentage response: (a) Swimming Pools/Facilities 42% (b) Lighted Play Fields 32% (c) Teen Center 29% (d) Gymnasium 28% (e) Outdoor Theatre 24% 33. In response to the same question, camping and bike trails both received 23% of the responses. 34. Of the respondents, 65.4% live in the "Encina" area of Carlsbad; 11.3% in the Rancho La Costa area; 15.7% in the Lake Calavera Hills area and 7.6% in the Palomar Airport area. 225 Question 30. Because this survey will be used to aid in the determination of the future direction of park and recreation facilities and activities in Carlsbad, what would you consider to be the three most important facilities, activities or areas the City of Carlsbad should continue or add? RESPONSES NUMBER Community Swimming/Diving Facilities 100 Gymnasium 74 Beach Improvements 69 Lighted Playing Fields 61 Teen Center with Teen Programs 56 Lighted Tennis Courts 53 Public Golf Course 42 Cultural, Music, Fine Arts Center 40 More Parks 37 Quality of Holiday Park 29 Wildlife Habitat 29 Retention of Lagoons 28 Outdoor Theater 27 Horseback Riding 21 More Bike Trails 21 Summer Activities Programs 20 Camping Areas 19 More Picnic Facilities 18 Miniature Golf Facility • 18 Marina 17 Skating Facilities 16 Additional Instructional Classes 15 More Tot Play Areas 14 Racquetball/Handball Courts 13 Larger Parks 12 Basketball Courts H Fjcpansion of Chase Field H Senior Citizen Center 1° Water Skiing 10 Museum 9 Programs for Handicapped ~ ~ 63 ^ Hiking Trails Pay Telephones 7 Meeting Rooms 7 Improvement of Harding St. Community Center 7 More Parking Areas 6 Surfing ' 5 Volleyball Courts 5 Boys Club/Girls Club 5 More Open Spaces 5 Better Park Lighting 5 Jogging Paths 4 Weight-Lifting Facilities 4 Cleaner Restrooms 4 Bowling 4 Development of Macario Canyon Park 4 Botanical Garden 4 Motocross Track 3 YMCA/YWCA 3 More Horseshoe Pits 3 Beach Boardwalks 2 More Adult Programs 2 Better Public Transportation 2 Beach Locker and Change Room Facilities 2 Convention Center 2 Library * Better Policing of Parks 1 Fishing - Fresh Water * Better Signs (from Freeways) 1 Swim Team 1 Public Boat Ramps on Lagoons 1 Snack Bars, in Parks and Beach 1 Hang Gliding 1 Skin/Scuba Diving l More Trash Receptacles *• Flea Market/Swap Meet l 227 64 Question 31. Are there any facilities, park locations or activities that the City of Carlsbad should discontinue or close? RESPONSE Stop using fields for Bobby Sox baseball, Close Fox's until a safe marina is built. Eliminate Holiday Park. Question 32.Do you have any additional comments you wi.sh to make? RESPONSES NUMBER Keep Lagoons Natural Develop a Summer Program for Teenagers Carlsbad Parks are Beautiful and Well Maintained More Publicity on the Parks and Programs Need Telephones at Holiday and Laguna Riviera Keep up the Good Work Swimming Pool Would be Appreciated "Save the Ducks" Existing Parks Are Well Maintained Need Finn Plans for Ocean Front More Attention to Adult Recreation Facilities Expand Holiday Park Horseshoe Pits to Four Parks Are Good Places for Family Outings Portable Tables for Large Groups Dogs are a Problem in Holiday Park Fix up Boys and Girls Club More Swings at Holiday Park Keep New Pool for Public not Used Exclusively by Organized Groups - Public First More Activities for Younger Kids Have a Card System to Check Out Equipment Get More Bathrooms Improve the Lagoon for Water Skiing More Dances Improve Public Transportation to Parks and Beaches More Activities in La Costa Area Include Fresh Water Lake for Fishing Slow Down on Building Industrial Spaces Stop Murdering the Wildlife ( 228 65 17 17 13 10 8 7 7 Have Bicycle Racing in Town Dredge Lagoons and Pump Sand to Coast Keep Recreation Programs Free Build a Mall Between Elm and Grand Put up Duck Crossing Signs on Jefferson Near Lagoon Improve the State Beaches City Shouldn't Have Waited so Long to Acquire Hosp. Grove 229 CITY OF CARLSBAD PARKS AND RECREATION SURVEY s su""'»y Is -to gather Information from Carlsbad residents regarding their views on city parks *ec. dtion facilities and programs which are existing and which are desired most. Your r -nse is confidential. Your cooperation in completing and returning this short questionnaire 1 be sincerely appreciated. Did you know that the City of Carlsbad has an organized recreation program for its residents? 50.2 Well aware 20.1 Moderately aware 15-7 Slightly aware ^-O Not aware Which of the recreation facilities have you visited or used? 19.0 Cannon Park 8.8 Levante Park 36.8 Harding Community Center 207T Magee House and Park 84TT Hoi iday Park 44T7" Chase/Pine Fields 9.7 La Costa Canyon Park 34.8 Laguna Riviera Park 84 . 9 State Beaches 2.5 None of the above How frequently do you visit or use one or more of the public parks in Carlsbad? 4 . 6 Daily 21.3 1-2 times per week j^3 3-k times per week 18 1 time per month 16.. 2 2 times per month 1772T 3-A times per year 14. F Other When do you generally use the public parks? 18^9 weekdays 4£^ weekends 4<5 mornings 21.5 afternoons 8.3 evenings 30-3 anytime About how far do you travel to use the Carlsbad parks and/or recreation facilities? than a mile 37.3 1-2 miles 263-5 n,nes 8-4 6+ miles low do you get to the park(s) you use?34_.j. walk 21-5 bicycle ^£ motorcycle 60'7 car J& bus O friend drives car 1.4 other Are the parks easy to find and get to? 85.0 yes 15.0 no If no, which of the following Is needed? 42^0 better signs IJ)^ more walkways/sidewalks 1L.O public transit IjZJJ b Ikeways 23_.2 more parking In your opinion, which of the following age groups do Carlsbad parks and recreation facilities serve best? _. 0 " 90 n : 15 422J. 0_5 years 55.7 6_12 years 34.8 U_18 years 28.0 ^_^ years o^» 31_50 years 13.3 51-65 years ITT? 65 and over What is the approximate age of the person answering this questionnaire? 11.6 0-12 years 22.4 13-19 years 6-7 20-25 years 29-A 26-l»0 years 1J'3 M-55 years 16.6 over 55 years Overall, how would you rate Carlsbad parks and recreation facilities you have visited? 23. 5 excel lent 53.0 good 20.3fair 3 . 2 poor Which of the following parks/recreation facilities in Carlsbad will you not visit or use? (More than one may be checked) 3_7_.^-Cannon Park 33.6 Magee House and Park 22.6 Harding Community Center 20. ,hase/Ptne Fields lOTT Holiday Park 28.4 Tennis Courts La Costa Canyon Park 26TT Laguna Riviera Park 45T£ Levante Park Why will you not use the park(s)/recre«tlon facilities you checked above? Otore than one may be checked) 40_.0too far to travel _ g^ ill. to° "Pensive *•' not attractive 21.7not have what looking for " 2-3 safety }^L other ^—i . ... . . ' — i t_ ___ .. t~t _.« inn T~T not ooen when want to go Which of the following private/commercial recreation facilities have you or members of your household visited in the Carlsbad area during the last 12 months? 23J YMCA/YWCA 24.1 racquetbal1/handbal 1 26.0 boy's club/girl's club 3_0_.3~ swimming - 21.5 health club 7.7 horseback/equestrian 2^ Dennis club 29.8 skating 29.6 bowl ing lanes *1.5 9o1f course 21.7 miniature golf 13.5 boating 79.4 movies 23.3 concerts 15.A other How many times do you visit these private recreation facilities? 20. 6 once a week 19.6 more than once a week 39. 9 monthly 14 . 2 twice a year 5.7 yearly What activities have you and/or other persons in your home participated in the last 12 months in the Carlsbad area? 51.5 Jogging/running 16.9 vo] leybal 1 22.6 surf jng 52.1 swimming 24T3 basketball 2T79 racquet bal 1 16.5 boating 30.5 footbal I/soccer 3.9 snuff leboard 48.7 picnicing . 28.2 tennis 10.2 tot play 22. 1 9°1 f 9.0 horseback riding 66.6 movies 22Ji hiking 18.9 skateboarding 29.6 fishing 8. 6 horseshoes 9.7 bird watching 18.0 nature walks 30.2 rol ler skating . 16.7 pi ays/ lectures 24.8 concerts 48.7bicycle riding 11.7water skiing 7.0 skin/scuba diving 9.3 other _ \ Of the following facilities/activities, which five (5) would you like to see Included the most In the City of Carlsbad parks? ''I., ighted play fields 23_._7 outdoor theatre 14. 9wet lands/ lagoons 3.9movies 23. 2 camp ing 20. 1 horseback/equestrian 12. 7 boat Ing/marina ll.lvol ley ball 9.5waterski ing 16. 5 ska ting 9 .Osunbathing 19.7minlature golf 4j2j_2 swimming pools 11 .3 botanical garden 16.0 handball /racquet bal 1 15.3museum/art gallery/studio 17.2picnicing 23.2bike trails 17. A tenni s _ camping 28.0 gymnasium 29.1 teen center 12. 6 community meeting room 19.0handicap facilities/programs 8.3other _ __ Should a public golf course be included In the Cfty of Carlsbad? 48.5 yes 51.5 no If yes, would you be willing to pay a fee or additional taxes to support It? 54.1 yes45.9 no Compared to other city services (excluding Police/Fire protection) how important do you think improving the parks/recreation facilities systems Is? 48_._5very important 42.9 somewhat Important 7-°not very important \^_ not Important at all Would you be willing to pay a fee to use the Carlsbad park facilities and activities programs? 57_._7yes 42.3 no Would you be willing to volunteer your time In helping with the recreation programs or park maintenance? 42.9 yes 57.1 no Would you like to see more cultural activities; such as, concerts, plays, dance, etc. In the rec itlon program? 85.2 yes 14»8 no Bating In the lagoons Is now subsidized by the City of Carlsbad. Should fees be Increased to make this activity pay for Itself? 68.7 yes 31.3 no _^ How of ten do you visit the Carlsbad State Beach? J^f dally 1^£ twice weekly 19'° weekly 15.2monthly 33.2 several times yearly 7.2 never HbW would you like to see the lagooons and wetlands In Carlsbad used? 20JB keep as they are 19^ use only for wildlife habitat 17.9 uSe for boating, water skiing,; swimming, etc. £^ develop a marina 35.6 develop as combination of wildlife habitat and public recreation , DW many persons of each of the following ages live In your home? 0-5 years18-8 6-12 years 19-* 13-19 years 19-2 20-35 years 25.7 36-55 years "O over 55 (OPTIONAL) Which of the following best describes your ethnic or racial background? 2_913 Hispanic _K6 Black J^SWhite 2^5 Asian 4.1 Other Do you or members of your household have any handicap or disability requiring special needs? 10.9 yes 89J.no If yes, what kind? Would you like to see more programs/activities for the handicapped included In the parks and recreation program? 74.4 yes 25.6 no If yes, what kind? What area of the City of Carlsbad do you live In? 15.7 A 65.4 B 7.6 c H-3 D * Because this survey will be used to aid in the determination of the future direction of park and recreation facilities and activities in Carlsbad, what would you consider to be the three most Important facilities, activities or areas the City of Carlsbad should continue or add? 1. • 2. ; 3. Are ~ ere any facilities, park locations or activities that the City of Carlsbad should dis- >ntinue or close? Do you have any additional comments you wish to make? PLEASE RETURN THIS QUESTIONNAIRE IMMEDIATELY. THANK YOU FOR YOUR COOPERATION AND SUPPORT 232- 69 t—Carlsbad Parks & Recreation Department Recreation Programs Survey Carlsbad Parks and Recreation Department is Conducting a one year study to leam what types of recreation programs the residents participate in now and what they would like to have offered in the future. The following section of the Fall, 1984 brochure is designed to: A. alert residents about the study B. provide general information about development plans for the next five years C. sample residents to determine participation in existing re- sources and programs D. identify recreation interest trends for future development We are asking you to spend a few minutes reading the information about future parks, look at the exisiting facilities (see page 29), and then fill out the survey form. Please return the survey and have your vote count A. Detach, fold and seal the survey. B. Drop it into a United States Mail Box Postage will be paid by the Parks and Recreation Department —OR— C. Bring it to one of the following locations: CARLSBAD CITY HALL at 1200 Elm Avenue HARDING COMMUNITY CENTER at 3096 Harding Street PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT at 1166 Elm Ave. CARLSBAD LIBRARY at 1250 Elm Avenue CARLSBAD BRANCH LIBRARY at 7750-M El Camino Real, South Carlsbad Survey must be received no later than OCTOBER 5,1984 to be counted. D. Future Parks Development This is a very exciting time for the City of Carlsbad Over the next five years, the Parks and Recreation Department will be building several new parks and will be making improvements to already existing facilities. The ultimate goal of the City is to provide optimum recrea- tional opportunities to all residents of Carlsbad. 1. Community Parks are parks with 20-50 acres and include a multitude of recreational services and programs. . 2. Special-Use Areas consist of one to five acres and provide a specific recreational facility for the community. An example of this is a swimming pool or tennis court 3. Special Resource Areas are locations of 100 acres or more, or a facility with a unique character which is, not found in a commun- ity park. Existing small neighborhood parks will continue to be main- tained, however, only the three types of facilities listed above will be developed. Five Year Development Plan The Parks and Recreation Department will be renovating existing park sites this year. At Holiday Park, paved parking will be added to the east side of the property, along Eureka. At Chase Field, fencing will be replaced, the restrooms will be reconstructed, and additional landscaping will be added to the surroundings. The City is also exploring the feasibility of work on two school sites. It is proposed to skin the infield and add fencing at Valley Junior High. and to develop the lower field at Buena Vista Elementary School for Softball and soccer. In September of 1985, Fuerte Park will be open to the public. It will be located next to La Costa Meadows School on El Fuerte and Corintia Streets. This project is being built in conjunction with the San Marcos School District It will have three youth baseball fields and one softball and soccer field During 1986, the first phase of Calavera Hills Community Park will be completed This will include an 8.5 acre facility with three lighted ballfields, one lighted practice soccer field, a hard-court a tot lot parking, picnic areas, a snack bar and restrooms. The City may acquire an additional 8 acres to expand the facility and build a community center. Another community park scheduled for development within 5 years is Stagecoach, in South Carlsbad. Located near the comer of La Costa Avenue and Rancho Santa Fe Road this 28 acre park will be a multi-use athletic complex with picnic areas and a passive green belt The City Council recently directed staff to trade land to accel- erate development of the site. The City needs a community center with a gymnasium. Staff was directed to investigate building on land owned by the City. Under consideration, is a plan to build a multi-use community center next to Cannon Lake. The small rectangular site is on Cannon Road, between 1-5 freeway and Carlsbad Boulevard. One alternative is to construct a multi-use gymnasium, with adjacent public meeting rooms and offices for the Parks and Recreation Department Mo completion date can be set during this preliminary planning stage. Macario Canyon Park is a special resource area of approximately 400 acres that will be developed in phases in the the future. A portion of the site is now leased for agricultural purposes and a tree planting program has begun in other areas. General use plans call for a wide variety of development to include public boat launching, botanical center, an interpretive center, hiking trails, an athletic center, fields for soccer, baseball and softball, an artisan village and restaurants, large picnic areas, agriculture preserve, a conference center and many other facilities. Some development may begin within 5 years. The City of Carlsbad and the Parks & Recreation Department look forward to meeting the needs of our residents. We welcome your input during this time of planning for future development Complete and return the Recreation Program Survey. Attend Park and Recrea- tion Commission meetings, held the 3rd Monday of each month at City Council Chambers or various locations in the city. GET INVOLVED. 70 EXHIBIT 2 Recreation Programs Survey # 1 Recreation Programs Survey Please complete this survey by checking the blanks (Q yes, or Q no) and fill in the general location of your place of residence as shown below. Write in your opinions, on blank lines. Detach from this brochure, complete the survey, fold and seal, return by OCTOBER 5th in person, or by U.S. Mail. Please refer to survey instructions. 1 . Person responding to this survey YES MO 1 . owns or rents a residence in Carlsbad O O 2. is a seasonal resident (or is vacationing) in Carlsbad O D 3. owns or operates a business in Carlsbad O O 4. receives mail delivery at home or business in Carlsbad Q D 5. receives mail delivery through a post office box O O 6. residence is located in which area (refer to map& check area) *1 O *2 0*30*40 For survey purposes, the City is designated into quarters, divided east/west by El Camino Real and north/ south by Palomar Airport Road AREA*1: north west section AREA*2: north east section AREA*3: south west section AREA*4: south east section 2. Respondent is YES MO 1 . a single adult (no spouse, no children) O O 2. a family member (husband or wife) O O .please write in the total number including your- self in your family; 3. a single parent O O please write in the total number including your- self in your family; 3. During the past 6 months, respondent and/or family has partici- pated in organized programs offered or conducted by one or more of the following groups. Please check all applicable or write-in. YES MO 1. Carlsbad Parks & Recreation O O 2. Carlsbad Library O O 3. Y.M.CA O O 4. Boys' and/or Girls' Clubs O O 5. Camp Pendteton, Spec. Services O O 6. Little League, Sr. League O O 7. BobbySox Q Q 8. Pop Warner O O 9. La Costa Youth Organization O O 10. La Costa Adult Organization O O 11. Boys and/or Girl Scouts O O 12. Carlsbad Youth Soccer Association O O 13. Jazzercise . O O 14. Leucadia Soccer Club O O 15. Carlsbad Senior Citizen Association O O 16. Mira Costa College O O 17. Leisure Services, Oceanside O O 18. Parks & Recreation vista O O 1 9. Othenj: please list narrows) of group/organization ;UQ nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn-a s =?you use other recreation resources, please check the types you id/or your immediate family have particpated in during the •riod of April thru September. 1964. ArtShow O Concert Drama O Music Center, LA Laguna Art Festival Q 1984 Olympics (spectator) Museums Q Library (reading) Lecture Series O Family Picnics Community Swim Pool Q Levante Park Laguna Riviera Park O Magee Park La Costa Canyon Park O Cultural Arts Auditorium Mira Costa Rec. Classes O Holiday Park Senior Citizens Association Q Off-road Vehicles Camping O Motion Pictures Beach O Balboa Park Water Skiing O Day trip/excursions Boating O Square Dance Club Board Sailing O Social Dancing Surfing O Go* Fishing O Equestrian Jet Skiing Q CycBng Racquetball O Running Soccer, adult O Bowling (indoors) Football, adult Q Lawn Bowling Softball/Baseball, adult O Handball Basketball, adult D Soccer, youth Tennis O Football, youth Paddle tennis O Softball/Baseball, youth Gymnasium O Basketball, youth fHERS: pl«aa« list 5. Do you or any members of your immediate family YES MO have any special needs or handicap that require • adaptation of recreation programs or facilities? O O If yes, please explain. If you wish to be contacted by our staft please give your name and phone number 6. D< N< D. Ifi \ D you feel there are activities or programs that are DT offered by Carlsbad Parks and Recreation epartment that should be? O O ^*, pleas* «p*rtfy 7. Please list what existing facilities need to be increased: 8. Please te» us what type of additional facilities you would like to see in Carlsbad that would make it possible to expand or increase your recreation opportunities: Thank you for taking time to fiO out this survey. Please contact the Paries and Recreation Department at 438-5572 if you wish to be called by staff to discuss the survey or recreation opportunities in Carlsbad. CARLSBAD 17 7i Parks 6 Recreation Map 1. CTTYHALL 2. HARDING COMMUNfTY CENTER 3. HOLIDAY PARK 4. PINE FIELD 5. CHASE FIELD 6. JEFFERSOM ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 7. MAGEE PARK/HERITAGE HALL COMMUNITY SWIM COMPLEX & TENNIS COURTS 9. LACUNA RMERA PARK & TENNIS COURTS Itt GAMMON PARK 11. LEVANTE COMMUNITY CENTER 12. LA COSTA CANYON PARK & TENNIS COURTS 13. CADENCIAPARK 16 CARLSBAD •3*.- i FOLD HERE •• II NO POSTAGE NECESSARY IF MAILED IN THE UNITED STATES BUSINESS REPLY MAIL FIRST CLASS PERMIT NO. 116 CARLSBAD, USA POSTAGE WILL BE RAID BY ADDRESSEE CARLSBAD PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT ATTN: KEN PRICE 1200 ELM AVENUE CARLSBAD, CA 92008-1989 October 2, 1984 PRESS RELEASE FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Ken Price Recreation Supervisor 438-5575 The Carlsbad Parks and Recreation Department is conducting a Recreation Program Survey. This survey is designed to find out what types of recreation programs Carlsbad residents participate in now and what they would like to have offered in the future. Surveys may be obtained through the Carlsbad Parks and Recreation Brochure (page 17) which was mailed to all Carlsbad residents or may be picked up at any of the following locations: Carlsbad City Hall, 1200 Elm Avenue Harding Community Center, 3096 Harding Street Parks & Recreation Main Office, 1166 Elm Avenue i Carlsbad Library, 1250 Elm Avenue Carlsbad Branch Library, 7750-M El Camino Real (La Costa area) Surveys must be received no later than October 15, 1984. For more information, please contact Ken Price at 438-5575. RECREATION PROGRAMS SURVEY Introduction A recreation programs survey was conducted in the Summer of 1984. Survey forms were printed in the Summer edition of the Parks and Recreation Brochure. Of the 23,000 brochures printed, 18,500 were mailed to Carlsbad residents. The purpose of the survey was to: 1. Inform residents of a study of present use and future preferences for recreation programs. 2. Provide information about plans for parks and recreation develop- ment in the next five years. 3. Determine participation in existing resources and programs. 4. Estimate future trends in recreation in Carlsbad. The resp'onse rate of the 23,000 surveys printed was six-tenths of one percent (N = 137). The response rate was seven-tenths of one percent when only the 18,500 mailed surveys were considered. It is assumed that each respondent in the survey represented a different household. Response rates were based upon occupied units rather than total population figures. Table A shows the number of occupied units for each of the four areas in Carlsbad, the number of respondents to the Parks and Recreation Survey and response rates for the four areas and Carlsbad in general. Table A: Response Rates for Four Geographic Areas in Carlsbad Total 17,029 137 .8% 1984 Occupied Units Survey Responses Response Rates Northwest 7,543 49 .7% Areas Northeast Southwest 2,247 2,172 21 34 .9% 1.6% Southeast 5,067 33 .17, While results for this survey provide the Parks and Recreation Depart- ment with some information about Carlsbad residents' recreation habits and preferences, a number of limitations in this study indicate that results should be viewed with great caution. Limitations A major benefit of the sample survey is the ability to make statements about the general population from which the sample was drawn. When the sample of respondents is selected with a random procedure, known limits of error in the results can be specified. If random sampling is not done, it cannot be assumed that the respondents in the sample truly represent the group from which the sample was drawn. Nor can one estimate the degree of difference between the sample and general population. Simple random sampling requires that each person in the general population have an equal chance of being selected in the sample. In the Parks and Recreation Survey, respondents were self-selected, and it cannot be assumed that they represent the general population of Carlsbad. Survey Results In order to evaluate the respondents' responses to the questionnaire, the survey was broken down into the following tables and graphs: Table 1 Residence characteristics of respondents Table 2 Family characteristics of respondents Table 3 Respondents' participation in programs Table 4 Respondents' participation in recreation resources Graph A Which recreation facilities should be increased Graph B What facilities should be added by the city in order to expand recreational opportunities 76 -2- Recommendations 1. Employ a simple random sampling procedure for selecting respondents. A method for ensuring that proportionate number of males and females as well as all adult age groups represented in the general population should also be used. 2. Select a random sample of Carlsbad residents of adequate size for the whole city as well as for the four geographic area subgroups. 3. Ensure an adequate response rate. Telephone interviews have become increasingly popular because of their considerably higher response rate and lower cost. 4. Use research methods other than sample survey to obtain information about resources in the community and other crucial information needed by Parks and Recreation staff in their planning for the next five years; i.e., contacting youth services, womens' organiza- tions, seniors, schools, military and disabled services in North County. 77 -3- Tablt 1 •S RESIDENCE CHARACTERISTICS OF RESPONDENTS Number of Responses to Survey Own or Rent in Carlsbad Seasonal Resident Owns or Operates Business In Carlsbad Mailing Address at Home or Business Mail Through P. 0. Box NW NE SW SE TOTAL 49 21 34 ' 33 137 48 21 34 33 136 1000 1 12 2 3 7 24 46 18 33 29 126 8 1 1 1 11 KP:vf 2/7/85 78 Table 2 FAMILY CHARACTERISTICS OF RESPONDENTS Single Adult Husband or Wife Average Number of Family Members for 2-Parent Families Single Parent Average Number of Family Members for Single Families NW 10 38 3.2 2 NE 5 14 2.6 4 SW 9 23 2.4 3 SE 6 25 3.4 3 TOTAL 30 100 3.0 12 2.0 2.0 2.3 2.1 KP:vf 2/7/85 Table 3 RESPONDENTS PARTICIPATION IN PROGRAMS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. C.P.&.R.D. Carlsbad Library Y.M.C.A. Boys & Girls Club Camp Pendleton Little League Bobby Sox Pop Warner L.C.Y.O L.C. Adult Organization Boy/Girl Scouts Carlsbad Youth Soccer Jazzercize Leaucadla Soccer Carlsbad Senior Citizens Mira Costa Oceans Id* P&R Vista P&R Others NW 31 33 4 3 2 4 1 1 0 1 6 8 8 2 8 14 0 2 5 NE 10 10 2 4 3 2 0 1 0 0 2 1 3 0 2 4 0 1 3 sw 14 20 5 2 5 2 0 0 4 0 4 1 5 0 7 8 1 1 2 SE 15 24 15 9 2 2 0 0 7 1 5 0 6 8 4 4 0 0 5 TOTAL 70 87 26 18 12 10 1 2 11 2 17 10 22 10 21 30 1 4 15 KPrvf 2/7/85 80 Table 4 RESPONDENTS PARTICIPATION IN RECREATION RESOURCES Cultural Art Show Concert Cultural Arts Auditorium Drama Laguna Art Festival Motion Pictures Museums Music Center LA Parks Balboa Park Family Picnics Holiday Park Magee Park La Costa Canyon Park Laguna Riviera Park Levante Park Adult/Youth Sports Basketball/ Adult Basketball/ Youth Bowling/Indoors Football/Adult Football/Youth Golf Handball NW 13 21 12 6 4 22 16 1 18 24 29 8 1 8 5 1 2 3 0 1 12 1 NE 3 6 2 4 3 9 8 1 9 12 12 0 1 4 0 0 1 3 0 1 4 0 SW 7 12 3 9 3 15 11 11 18 13 8 1 8 3 4 5 1 2 2 0 11 1 81 SE 5 10 2 5 2 16 14 1 15 17 5 3 20 1 18 2 1 3 2 0 9 0 TOTAL 28 49 19 24 12 62 49 14 60 66 54 12 30 16 27 8 5 11 4 2 36 2 20.4Z 35.5Z 13.91 17.5% 8.7Z 45.3Z 35.5Z 10.2Z 43.81 48.2Z 39.4Z 8.8Z 21.9Z 11.7Z 19.7Z 5.8Z 3.6Z 8.0Z 2.9Z 1.5Z 26.3Z 1.5Z Table 4 Page 2 Paddle Tennis Racquetball Soccer/Adult Soccer/Youth Softball- Baaeball/Adult Softball- Baseball/Youth Tennis Outdoor Recreation Beach Boating Board Sailing Camping Equestrian Fishing Jet Skiing Lawn Bowling Off-Road Vehicles Running Surfing Water Skiing Others Lecture Seriift Community - Swim Pool Mira Costa Rec Classes Senior Citizen Association Gymnasium 1984 Olympics " (Spectator) Library (reading) Day Trip Excursions Square Dance Club **- _ .» _ ^ TX _ .J _ , _ NW 2 5 6 10 4 6 14 42 13 2 12 2 11 1 0 3 12 14 3 8 23 0 7 6 11 33 16 0 i NE 1 2 0 2 2 2 3 16 3 1 8 3 5 0 0 1 4 0 0 1 6 3 3 2 7 13 8 1 L sw 1 6 1 0 4 3 9 22 2 1 8 1 4 0 0 2 6 6 1 6 6 2 5 2 14 19 S2 " 1 SE 0 1 1 7 5 4 7 24 7 0 10 5 5 0 0 2 . 9 3 3 1 4 1 3 4 11 20 10 1 0 TOTAL 4 14 8 19 15 15 33 104 25 4 38 11 25 1 0 8 31 23 7 16 39 6 18 14 43 85 49 3 8 Z 2.9Z 10. 2Z 5.8Z 13. 9Z 10. 9Z 10. 9Z 24. 1Z 75. 9Z 18. 2% 2.9Z 27. 7Z 8.0Z 18. 2Z .7Z 0 5.8Z 22. 6Z 16.81 5.1Z 11. 7Z 28. 5Z 4.4Z 13. 1Z 10. 2Z 31. 4Z 62. OZ 35. 5Z 2.2Z 5.8Z NUMBER OF PEOPLE O HJ -b. CD 03 Q [^ru ruon CD o ro cnt-tzzm-i cnmxo>rntn cnz^M^cn en m M 33 > a oj n r~ m-izxmr-~ -ni-ocn hH -j- rn ISSSSS^* _ 33 S m ^•m^gj g > •< n f]•••••* o O I , 9 Z^y6 m-H 3^53^^^.J 0 ? nm.—.•^^^^^~ m 1 | >-, f J^r.-i-nBMi^Btf -n 3 I— I I— I cni-M>33-i mcnc zoooi>r 1 mj -10^S .» HZ C"Ja""""* m n m 1>5-S cncnnn — ' s|o,Sn cnS. X<CO ^ P^CD^ F^^, b a fr *^ 1 n^ ' ir^ n 3D .m enma NUMBER OF PEOPLE c ffj Z *H 3C 3C KH X Ul arn— <zmn zrnrrn cnm:rc»maj ^ru-^cnaDofuSc • 1 ••••••••Bv 1 ^^^^^^^^*i ~—ai-tajcoo cnnzzrn-i |£^•••••J 5 tnarrriM-n ownmr-x-ii- 1 5 >•••••» n LHM^ ga1 H OJX— I>T3 GJZM^W03 cn-mmnzoo mc/ic zooci>-r" ^^•^•^••••v —5s ••• m> M C/}-( 5 i i_jt 2• — * 84 ^ ^ ru run oo o ru 1 I i1 — 1 Z1S 0>XI— 1am-ri XI>n — IHHor~i_- —Ir^nm-H r-)X i i *• •*rn i i~D m xii> en rn — i21 o -<ri^J -fc ••• ^ •» sxtN acnxi pQ j |M i S XIO>Ospjc-ini» o m— i S XJOO ^• m z (— J 2? J> CD ]]>« — imcnT]•g i_i c: j=*=!g.a>xi ' 2 ~Z. O <C U J ^p> I J I I I 1 IIf~mx; ^> a dT3DD"Q^COXI -H -HIEcm nn— ini i __ir~i 1m-<CO City of Carlsbad YOUTH RECREATION DIRECTORY L 85 EXHIBIT 3