HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-10-21; Parks & Recreation Commission; 1091-6; Batting CagesPARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION - AGENDA BILL AB* \CP\\-tc MTG. \o-a\-qi DEPT. TITLE: BATTING CAGES (ACTION) RECOMMENDED ACTION: Wl Receive staff report and take appropriate action regarding efforts to locate an appropriate site for the possible installation of batting cages as per the request of the La Costa Youth Organization (LCYO). Q^ t* ^J&U ~ti fl^> ^ I <-*— ^—^ (. v/V\ tfLfr*~~s*~ A.«H (MfrflAsiflJuxfi A x/.^.^.Jtv ITEM EXPLANATION: ^nJ^ £.^ During the August Commission meeting, a request was presented by the La Costa Youth Organization (LCYO) to construct a batting cage facility at Stagecoach Park. At that time, the staff recommendation was to deny their request. After Commission discussion, staff was directed to aggressively pursue the location of an alternative site for installation of a batting cage facility at another location within the southeast quadrant park district. The attached report (Exhibit 1) will address staff's efforts to locate an alternative site and will also provide a recommendation regarding a site for the batting cage. In essence, staff has been unable to facilitate that action and, accordingly, based on the Commission's action to aggressively pursue an alternative location in an effort to meet the immediate needs of a batting cage facility for LCYO, staff is recommending to reevaluate the consideration for the Stagecoach Community Park site to facilitate LCYO's request. FISCAL IMPACT: Refer to attached staff report. EXHIBITS: 1. Memo to Parks and Recreation Director, October 15, 1991 28 October 15, 1991 TO: PARKS AND RECREATION DIRECTOR FROM: Recreation Superintendent BATTING CAGE AT STAGECOACH PARK BACKGROUND At the August Parks and Recreation Commission meeting, the La Costa Youth Organization (LCYO) requested the construction of a batting cage facility at Stagecoach Park. Although the Parks and Recreation Commission denied the request, they instructed staff to aggressively pursue an alternate location for the batting cage and return to the Commission with a recommendation. The LCYO specifically requested the batting cage be located in the southeast quadrant. Staff extensively researched potential sites in that area. RECOMMENDATION Considering both the lack of an available or suitable site in the southeast quadrant for a batting cage facility and the LCYO's immediate need for the facility, it is staff's recommendation that the only available site at this time is Stagecoach Park. After further review and evaluation of this park site, staff has determined that a batting cage facility could be located at Stagecoach Park in the general vicinity of the maintenance yard without compromising the future expansion of the maintenance facility. Contingent upon review by your office, it is staff's recommendation for our department to recommend for the Commission's approval: 1. Develop a maintenance and use agreement with the LCYO. This agreement would identify financial obligations, hours of operation, and priority use, including use by the public. 2. Require liability insurance of the LCYO for use of the batting cage. 3. Initiate a report from Traffic Engineering to analyze potential parking problems and traffic flow. DISCUSSION With assistance from the La Costa Youth Organization, recreation staff has had an opportunity to spend a considerable amount of time contacting various businesses, school district personnel, private property owners, and City staff in search of an alternate site. The following sites and contacts were researched by staff with comments and concerns identified for each. 2y EXHIBIT 1 SITE Private property east of ballfield #3 CONCERNS/RESTRICTIONS Owner has liability concerns. Property is for sale (but very expensive). Aviara Junior High School site Would not fit in with school design or activities. 2 years down the line. School officials feel a high school site would be more appropriate. Fuerte Park Cadencia Hillman Properties Fieldstone Union Pacific (Knoll Co.) San Dieguito School District (new high school near Stagecoach) Olivenhain Water District Potential noise problems with neighbors. Size of cage would interfere with existing sports programs. According to school principal, batting cage would pose a problem because of elementary school children, i.e. playing around and on top of cage. Potential noise problems with neighbors. Increases parking problems in the neighborhood. They do not have anything available at this time, maybe at a later date. Nothing available at this time, maybe in 2-3 years. Their law office does not permit these types of things any longer. District cannot consider putting cage at school until site is graded. Minimum of 18-months before anything can be installed. Nothing available at this time. 30 After extensive review, it is apparent that there are negative factors which would prohibit the construction of a batting cage facility at any of these locations. The majority of non- City-owned options are restricted by time delays, liability concerns, and financial restraints. The City-owned property has potential noise problems with neighbors, parking concerns, as well as an increased liability exposure for the City. FISCAL IMPACT Pending the approval of the Parks and Recreation Commission, it would be the financial responsibility of the La Costa Youth Organization to bear any and all costs. This includes construction, maintenance, and future vandalism expenses. If the cages were lighted, there would be an annual, minimal utility cost to the City. Staff would be responsible for scheduling use of the batting cage facility. The cost for this could be absorbed in the existing operating budget. CONCLUSION Staff has attempted to provide an alternate site for the batting cage facility. Considering the immediate need of the La Costa Youth Organization and in review of all options available, staff feels Stagecoach Park is the most practical site. If the Commission concurs, further direction to proceed would be required by the City Council with additional approvals required by the Building Department, the Planning Commission, the Risk Manager. KEN PRICE c: Parks Superintendent Stagecoach Recreation Supervisor, Dave Millikan Attachment 31 C O fVI M U IM I T Y PARK PROPOSED BATTING CAGE LEGEND A. PARKING B. BALLFIELD / SOCCER C. BALLFIELD D. RESTROOM E. BASKETBALL F. PLAY AREA G. PICNIC AREA H. NATURE AREA I. RECIRCULATING STREAM J. TENNIS COURTS K. ADOBE RUINS L C ^NASIUM / COMMUNITY BLDG, M. VOLLEYBALL N. RESTROOM / CONCESSION O. MAINTENANCE BUILDING