HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-12-16; Parks & Recreation Commission; 1291-3; Citizen Request-Time Lock GatePARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION - AGENDA BILL DEPT. TITLE- CITIZEN REQUEST FOR TIME IAH/ lea LOCK GATE AT THE OCEAN Miu. lUflMl _ AVENUE BEACH ACCESS WAY (ACTION) RECOMMENDED ACTION: Direct staff to present this request to the City Council with a recommendation to apply for a Coastal Development Permit for the installation of a time lock gate at the Ocean Avenue beach accessway. ITEM EXPLANATION: During the November Parks and Recreation Commission meeting, this issue was presented for Commisison action (Exhibit 1). After Commission discussion, the recommended action as stated above resulted in a deadlock 3-3 vote. Subsequent to that vote, it was recommended to return this item to the Commission during the month of December for further action. FISCAL IMPACT: Refer to attached Exhibit 1. EXHIBITS: 1. Parks and Recreation Commission Agenda Bill 2. City Council Agenda Bill 11,394 22 PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION - AGENDA BILL DEPT. AB # TITLE- CITIZEN REQUEST FOR TIME MTr LOCK GATE AT THE OCEAN MI u. AVENUE BEACH ACCESS WAY (ACTION) RECOMMENDED ACTION: Direct staff to present this request to the City Council with a recommendation to apply for a Coastal Development Permit for the installation of a time lock gate at the Ocean Avenue beach accessway. ITEM EXPLANATION: During the September Parks and Recreation Commission meeting, staff was directed to submit to the City Council a favorable recommendation from the Commission for the installation of time lock gates at the Beech Street and Grand Avenue coastal accessway. Subsequently, during the public input portion after staff's report to the Council, Mr. Lawrence M. Whittington of 2375 Rue des Chateaux (immediately adjacent to the Ocean Avenue beach accessway) requested that the City Council also consider approval of a time lock gate at Ocean Avenue. Although the City Council directed staff to apply for a Coastal Development Permit to provide time lock gates at Beech Street and Grand Avenue, they requested that Mr. Whittington process his request through the Parks and Recreation Commission before they could take action. Based upon the Commission's previous action and subsequent Council action, staff is recommending that the Parks and Recreation Commission direct staff to proceed to the City Council with a recommendation to apply for a Coastal Development Permit for a time lock gate at Ocean Avenue. As in the previous time lock gate request, staff would also submit that the cost of the installation be born by the adjacent residents. FISCAL IMPACT: The cost of the gate installation is anticipated to be approximately $10,000. The only cost to the City would be staff time for processing permits and coordinating development if the permits are approved. EXHIBITS: 1. Letter to David Bradstreet from Lawrence Whittington, October 18, 1991 2. City Council Agenda Bill 11,394 EXHIBIT 1 LAWRENCE M. WHITTINGTON 2375 RUE DES CHATEAUX CARLSBAD, CA. 92008 October 18, 1991 Mr. Dave Bradstreet Parks and Recreation Director City of Carlsbad 1166 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92009 Dear Mr. Bradstreet: This is to hereby request that an electronically activated time lock gate(s) be installed at the coastal beach accessway between the 2300 block of Rue Des Chateaux and the 2400 block of Ocean Street in Carlsbad. I live at 2375 Rue Des Chateaux in Carlsbad, adjacent to the above accessway on the north side. I appeared before the City Council on October 15, 1991, in support of the request for the installation of 2 sets of time lock gates at the Beech Street and Grand Avenue beach accessways. I had read in the Monday edition of the Blade Citizen Newspaper that the request was scheduled on the Tuesday night City Council agenda. Knowing of my own experiences the gross inconvenience that late-night beachgoers cause the people living along Ocean Street, I felt compelled to voluntarily speak in favor of the gates. At the council meeting there were four persons who spoke in favor of the gates and each one described many of the same unpleasant instances caused by late-night gatherings that I have also experienced. At the conclusion of my presentation, I indicated to the Council that a beach gate was also needed at the beach accessway that is adjacent to my home. The members of the Council advised me that they could not include the additional accessway gate as part of that hearing, but they suggested that I should apply to your department to commence the process for a time lock gate adjacent to my home. For your information, I will reiterate a few of the things that I have experienced and that I mentioned at the October 15 Council meeting. They are as follows: 1. I have endured loud and rowdy parties at all hours of the night. 2. Cursing and obscenities also echo through my home at all hours of the night. 3. Smoke from campfires on the beach comes into my home. 4. Graffiti is written on the accessway walls and stairs. 24 Mr. Dave Bradstreet October 18, 1991 5. The smell of marijuana also comes into my house. 6. Beer cans and other alcoholic containers litter the beach, the accessway, Ocean Street, and my immediate yard on many mornings. 7. These groups not only gather on the beach late at night, but often they congregate along the accessway itself. On numerous occassions I have called the police department and they promptly responded. However, the police are limited in their effectiveness because they cannot constantly monitor the beach. For example, this summer there was a party on the beach late at night and a huge bonfire was built. I called the police and they responded. They cleared the beach and put out the fire, but within thirty minutes after the police had left, the fire was restarted and the party continued. Many of the people who come to the beach late at night are intimidating to decent people. They use crude language and boisterous behavior, often a result of too much alcohol. Any assistance from your department in processing this request will be appreciated. If you need any additional information from me, please advise me accordingly. Sincerely, Lawrence M. Whittington (619-729-1931) LMW:bm CITY OF CARLSBAD - AGENDA BILL 9 ) TJILE; CITIZENS' REQUEST TO INSTALL TIME LOCK GATES AT THE BEECH STREET AND GRAND AVENUE BEACH ACCESSWAY DEPT. HD CITY MQR. RECOMMENDED ACTION: If the City Council concurs with the Parks and Recreation Commission's recommendation to allow for the installation of time lock gates at the Beech Street and Grand Avenue accessways, your action would be to adopt Resolution No. 9/- 3HI authorizing City staff to prepare the appropriate documents necessary to obtain a coastal development permit for the installation of time lock gates from the Coastal Commission. ITEM EXPLANATION; During the August Parks and Recreation Commission meeting, a citizens' request to install a time lock gate at the Beech Street coastal accessway was addressed (Exhibit 2). After Commission discussion, their action was to defer any recommendation on this issue until additional citizen input from area property owners could be considered, and information relative to enforcement issues could be provided from the Police Department. This subject was once again presented to the Parks and Recreation Commission during their September meeting. At that time, an additional request from property owners adjacent to the Grand Avenue coastal accessway was also presented for Commission consideration. Although the initial motion to deny the request for time lock gates was defeated by a vote of 3-2, a secondary motion was made to approve the installation of time lock gates if the installation were funded by the adjacent property owners. That . motion was approved by the Commission by a vote of 3-2. Accordingly, staff was directed to present this issue for City Council consideration and to proceed with a development permit through the Coastal Commission, if Council concurs. The principal reason the installation of time lock gates was presented for the Commission consideration was to alleviate concerns by area residents related primarily to unruly behavior which was occurring during late night and early morning hours on the beach and within the stairways themselves. Council may recall that several years ago, a request to provide for a time lock gate at the Christiansen Way beach access was presented for consideration. The request was made by area residents for many of the same reasons this request for gates at Beech Street and Grand Avenue are also being made. Council's action at that time was to allow for the installation of the gates at the expense of the adjacent property owner. Because the accessway was owned by the City of Carlsbad, a development permit approved by the Coastal Commission under the City's name was necessary prior to installation. Both the Grand Avenue and Beech Street accessways are owned and maintained by the City of Carlsbad, and any subsequent approval for installation of gates at these sites must also follow the same processing conditions. Although staffs initial recommendation to the Parks and Recreation Commission was to deny this request (Exhibit 2), if Council concurs with the installation of time lock gates ~ . o.—„ —i r:™r,H A,,*>nnf> rnnstnl accesswavs, staff will prepare the PAGE 2, AB FISCAL IMPACT; It is estimated the cost to install time lock gates (at the top and bottom of each accessway) would be in excess of $10,000. It is recommended that whatever the cost of installation, that it be absorbed by the adjoining property owners. The annual maintenance and operation cost of the gates (other than electric) would be minimal excluding any vandalism which may occur. EXHIBITS; 1. Resolution No. CI\-.]L\\ 2. Parks and Recreation Commission Agenda Bill #891-9 3. Citizen request, September 19, 1991, Kurt Gunter, The Mooring Apts. Inc. 1 RESOLUTION NO. 91--U1 2 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE APPLICATION FOR A DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 4 FROM THE COASTAL COMMISSION FOR THE INSTALLATION OF TIME LOCK GATES AT THE 5 BEECH STREET AND GRAND AVENUE COASTAL ACCESSWAYS6 7 WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad is the property owner of the Beech Street 8- and Grand Avenue beach accessways, and 9 WHEREAS, a recommendation from the Parks and Recreation Commission has been considered by the City Council to allow for the installation of time lock 12 gates at Beech Street and Grand Avenue at the expense of the adjacent property owners, and 14 WHEREAS, the City Council feels that the installation of the time lock 15. gates are in the best interests of the citizens of Carlsbad, and 16 WHEREAS, the City Council does hereby approve of the installation of the •jo time lock gates, 19 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of 20 Carlsbad as follows: 21 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 22 23 2424 25 26 //// 37 "" 28 28 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2. The City Council does hereby authorize the application for a development permit for the installation of time lock gates at Beech Street and Grand Avenue coastal accessways for Coastal Commission consideration. PASSED AND APPROVED at a regular meeting of the City Council of Carlsbad on the 15th of October of 1991, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Larson and Stanton NOES: None ABSENT: Council Members Kulchin and Nygaard , Mayor ATTEST: ^ /. ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City Clerk CC RESO NO. 91-341 -2-