HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992-01-20; Parks & Recreation Commission; 192-7; Sister City Art WorkPARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION - AGENDA BILL ^ SISTER CITY ART WORK (INFO) f~> n I,. siā€”DEPT: RECOMMENDED ACTION: Accept and file the attached memo from the Arts Manager including minutes from the Ad Hoc Committee on Sister Cities art work. ITEM EXPLANATION: Connie Beardsley, Arts Manager, has specifically requested this informational item be presented to the Parks and Recreation Commission relative to recommendations made by the Ad Hoc Committee on Sister Cities art work. Commissioners Lawson and Knox were representative of the Parks and Recreation Commission and may provide any additional information pertaining to the recommendations. FISCAL IMPACT: None at this time. EXHIBITS: 1. Memo from Arts Manager, December 3, 1991 \\ IB December 3, 1991 TO: CITY MANAGER ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER LIBRARY DIRECTOR FROM: Manager, Arts Office SISTER CITY ARTWORK » This Committee, with representatives from the Sister City Committee, the Arts Commission and the Parks and Recreation Commission, met for a second time to discuss ideas for a commemorative piece for Carlsbad's Sister Cities. Discussion focussed on location and the Committee voted on four possibilities that it is recommending to Council. Representatives were sent copies of the minutes and were to report back to their commissions. The Committee was very careful not to suggest a particular idea or artwork because once that idea is implanted in one's mind, it is hard to change or go in another direction. Suggestions Banged from clocks, bell towers, overlooks and parks to realistic statues.r The cost was more difficult for the Committee to determine. If Council wishes to proceed, it could set a maximum expenditure. An alternative would be to ask for proposals with a budget and then decicto if any of the proposals were of interest. The Committee did not want to recommend a cost until it received further direction from City Council. Please advise if I should draft an agenda bill to report or how you wish me to proceed. CONNIE BEARDSLEY saf Attachment AD HOC COMMITTEE ON SISTER CITIES ARTWORK MINUTES November 1, 1991 Carlsbad Arts Office 3:30 pm 2955 Elmwood Present: Commissioners Tony Lawson, Anna Knox, Zona Deckelman, Patra Straub Absent: Laurie Batter Staff: Connie Beardsley, Ken Price The meeting was called to order at 3:35 p.m. After review of the minutes of the past meeting, the Committee endorsed its recommendations as follows: 1. The theme of the artwork should be international understanding. 2. The theme should include Carlsbad, Futtsu and Karlovy Vary. 3. The artist should be American. Discussion followed on recommendations for possible sites. After the Committee reviewed all possible sites, it narrowed its recommendation to four possible sites as follows: 1. Maxton Brown Extension - this has a nice overlook and good visibility as you enter Carlsbad. It does have a parking problem. 2. The new park planned at Hosp Grove. This would also have a nice overlook of the lagoon and will have parking included. 3. Carlsbad Boulevard south of the power plant where plans are to straighten Palomar Airport Rd. This has a nice view and will be accessible to the public, but won't be done for some time. 4. The parking lot on the corner of Roosevelt and Carlsbad Village Drive. This site is accessible to pedestrian traffic and will be seen by many visitors. If City Council wishes to go forward with any of these recommendations, the Committee felt that there should be a competition or at least several artists should be selected to develop proposals and two or three should be paid to make models for Committee review. Discussion followed regarding cost of the project. Bronze was considered desirable but it is expensive. The Committee questioned whether it would hold up well close to the ocean. The Committee preferred to wait for further direction from Council before discussing cost. The meeting was adjourned at 4:40pm. Respectfully submitted: CONNIE BEARDSLEY w _ Manager, Arts Office (Revised 12/4/91) May 24, 1991 TO: SISTER CITY COMMITTEE FROM: Mayor Lewis SISTER CITY RECOGNITION It has been suggested by Council Member Stanton, and I concur, that the Sister City Committee in concert with the Arts Commission, Parks and Recreation Commission, and any other affected commission, develop a recommendation on how Carlsbad might incorporate its Sister Cities' names/flowers/seals into a structure/sculpture planned for future inclusion in a City park or facility. During the recent trip to Futtsu, Mayor Pro Tern Kulchin and Council Member Stanton viewed a Sister City Monument in a public park commemorating Futtsu's sister cities. Apparently it was a lovely monument surrounded by flowers in which the names of Carlsbad and Futtsu's other sister city were inscribed. Since the Council and I believe this is an extremely respectful tribute regarding sister city relationships, I am recommending that we explore the alternatives for the development of something similar in Carlsbad. Enclosed for your Information is a photograph of the monument, and I would appreciate it if the Sister City Committee would, in cooperation with other affected commissions, develop two or three alternatives with appropriate cost estimates for City Council consideration. mhs Attachment c: Council Members City Manager City Attorney Library Director Arts Commission Parks and Recreation Commission Arts Office Manager 1 Q 20